Individual activity in sensitive moments. Planning advice for educators. Another weighty argument in favor of the regime

Development of a cyclogram of activities

in accordance with GEF DO

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (namely, the requirements for the structure of the main general education program), the organization model has changed dramatically educational process. The educational model was replaced by a complex-thematic model (started with the introduction of FGT), through age-appropriate forms and types of children's activities. The solution of upbringing and educational tasks in this model occurs in the joint activity of children and adults and the independent activity of children.

Many of these narratives focus on experiences in school and youth groups where teenagers received powerful messages from teachers, peers, Nazi officials and parents about the right way to act and think. The activities suggested in this lesson encourage students to recognize how factors such as pride, fear, obedience, and peer pressure influenced how German youth reacted to messages spread by the Nazis. Analyzing how German youth respond to messages about the right way to think and act can help students reflect their own responses to such messages in their lives.

Educational activities (includes directly educational activities, educational activities in regime moments and independent activity children)

Solving educational problems within the framework joint activities of adults and children- carried out as directly educational activities(not associated with the simultaneous performance by teachers of the functions of looking after and caring for children), and in the form educational activities carried out during regime moments(the solution of educational problems is associated with the simultaneous performance of the functions of looking after and caring for children - the morning reception of children, a walk, preparing for bed, catering, etc.).

In particular, the material in this lesson enables students to consider the messages they receive in school about their responsibilities as citizens, and to evaluate the role of civic education in a democracy. In Lesson 11, the students explored the influence of Nazi propaganda on the attitudes and actions of the German public. One of the critical audiences for this propaganda was the youth of Germany. Again and again Hitler spoke of the importance of educating German youth in Nazi ideals. Which youth, according to the Nazis, would best support their plans for Germany?

Educational activities in sensitive moments - educational activities carried out in the form of joint activities of a teacher with children in sensitive moments

Regime time - a certain time required for the implementation of specific regime moments.

The problem arose for the teacher to plan as clearly as possible the time allotted for the implementation of the tasks set in the daily routine, not to miss the main points, to systematize, differentiate, individualize the work. With the educational model of the organization of the educational process, in addition to classes, work was also planned during the day. In every preschool was created cyclogram of educational activity educator, but the training block and the regime time block were not connected by a single thread.

At this point, Hitler was very specific. In the next speech, he described the ideal German youth. A fiercely active, dominant, fearless, violent young man - that's what I need. Youth should be everything. He must be indifferent to pain. There should be no weakness or tenderness in it. I will not have intellectual training. Knowledge destroys my young people.

As soon as the Nazis came to power, they set in motion the process of permeating the lives of German youth with Nazi propaganda. One of the critical spaces where the Nazis hoped to impress German youth was in the schools. Recalling his experience as a student in Nazi Germany, Alfons Heck shares.

Cyclogram of educational activities - scheme used to record various types and forms of educational activities with cyclicity

During the transition to the complex-thematic principle of constructing the educational process, it became necessary to transform the cyclogram of activities used earlier, to indicate the forms of organization of the educational process, the forms of organization of children's activities, the approximate length of time spent, as well as the integration educational areas the content of which is being implemented, determine the content of the mandatory part of the program, the part formed by the participants in the educational process (HF), determine the place of circle activities, indicate the periods in which the project activity, research activities, etc., as well as linking all activities to a single topic.

From the very first year of Volksschule or elementary school, we received daily doses of Nazism. This we swallowed as naturally as our morning milk. We never asked what our teachers said. We just believed in what was overflowing with us. And not for a moment did we doubt how lucky we were to live in a country with such a promising future.

Hack's memory illustrates how the Nazis redesigned the school curriculum for students not to think, but to accept unconditionally. They changed the curriculum in other ways as well. The teaching of racial science in all subjects was made compulsory, and physical education was emphasized. In addition, girls and boys were offered different courses, usually in separate schools. While the boys were studying military history and science, the girls studied in cooking and parenting.


Joint activities of children and adults

physical development:

  • complexes of hardening procedures (health walks, washing hands with cool water before each meal, rinsing your mouth after eating, air baths, walking barefoot along ribbed paths after sleep)
  • morning exercise,
  • exercises and outdoor games in the second noon;


In studying this history, it is important to focus not only on what the Nazis did, but also on how the Germans reacted to their actions. In order for Hitler's plans to work, teachers needed to complete the Nazi curriculum in the classroom. According to Holocaust scholars Richard Rubenstein and John Roth, the teachers were among Hitler's staunchest supporters.

Vice versa; the teaching profession proved to be one of the most reliable segments of the population in the area of ​​National Socialism. Throughout the Weimar era, Germany's educational institution, which continued its long tradition of authoritarianism, remained intransigent towards democracy and nationalism. Once in power, the Nazis seized dissenting instructors, but they were few in number. On the other hand, at least two leading Nazis, rabid anti-Semites, Heinrich Himmler and Julius Streicher, were former teachers. Over time, more than 30% of the top leadership of the Nazi Party came from this point of view.

  • situational conversations during regime moments, emphasizing their benefits;
  • development of labor skills through assignments and assignments, shifts, self-service skills;
  • help for adults
  • participation of children in the arrangement and cleaning of inventory and equipment for classes, in the construction of structures for outdoor games and exercises (from soft blocks, sports equipment);
  • formation of skills of safe behavior during regime moments;


teachers, especially primary schools, were by far the largest professional group represented in the party. In total, almost 97% of them belonged to the Nazi Teachers' Association, and more than 30% of this number were members of the Nazi Party itself. From such instructors, German boys and girls learned what the Nazis wanted them to know. Jew-hatred was central to this curriculum.

As Rubenstein and Roth note, the Nazis had the right to remove all teachers who did not support their agenda. Thus, in understanding why teachers agree to changes in instruction, it is important to recognize that many factors, including opportunism, fear, conformity, national pride, and anti-Semitism, may have been at play.

  • creation of a speech developing environment;
  • free dialogues with children in games, observations, when perceiving pictures, illustrations, cartoons;
  • situational conversations with children;
  • naming work activities and hygiene procedures, encouraging the speech activity of children;
  • discussions (the benefits of hardening, physical education, hygiene procedures);


Schools were not the only place where German youth received Nazi propaganda. Hitler's youth groups started at the age of six. And they will never be free again, not in their entire lives. Parents can be punished if their children do not attend meetings regularly.

German youth spent most of their time in school or in youth groups, but even when they weren't involved in these activities, the Nazis found ways to ensure they were still surrounded by propaganda. Julius Streicher, as director of the Propaganda Ministry, published books, films, posters and comics written exclusively for young viewers. This press was full of messages expressing the superiority of the "Aryan" race and the inferiority of the Jews and other undesirable people.

  • the use of music in Everyday life children, in the game, in leisure activities, on a walk, in visual activity during morning exercises,
  • attracting the attention of children to a variety of sounds in the world around them, to the design of the room, the attractiveness of the equipment, the beauty and cleanliness of the surrounding rooms, objects, toys.

Independent activity of children

He glorified Hitler and portrayed images of ideal German girls and boys as fiercely loyal to the Nazi Party. The Nazis also created holidays where Germans, especially German youth, could celebrate Hitler and the party. The days set aside for party rallies in Nuremberg were also holidays. It was known as the Day of the Martyrs of the Movement. Alfons Heck, a senior member of the Hitler Youth, recalls one impressive moment at the Hitler Youth Day rally.

Never forget that one day you will rule the world. Accordingly, the Nazis used schools, youth groups and the media to surround German youth with messages about the correct way to think and act in this new German totalitarian state. Erica Mann, a German who opposed the Nazis, wrote a book called A School for Barbarians in which she described how Nazi propaganda permeated the lives of young Germans. She referred to "Blockwart," the swastika, the signs reading "No Jews," as part of "an atmosphere that is torture, poisonous poison for the free born man."

in the areas of child development:

physical development:

  • independent mobile games,
  • outdoor games,
  • sports games and activities (sledding, skiing, cycling, etc.);

social personal development:

  • individual games,
  • joint games,
  • all types of independent activities involving communication with peers;

cognitive speech development:

Preparing for Quiet Time and Getting Up

She continues: The German child breathes this air. After his son contradicts him in front of the leader of the Hitler Youth, the father realizes that in this context he cannot trust his son. Of course, this is exactly what Hitler wanted; he hoped that the German state would be more important to the children than their parents, their church, or their friends.

Like Erika Mann, not all German adults or young people embraced Nazi ideas. And some parents from Germany left Germany in order not to put their children in a position of following Hitler's instructions. Of course, many German youths were motivated by fear - fear of losing their jobs, fear of being sent to prison, fear of being isolated by their peers. As Erika Mann mentioned in the above statement, the Nazis were spying on the neighborhood and the kids even knew they were reporting on their parents.

  • independent reading of short poems by children,
  • independent games based on works of art,
  • independent work in the corner of the book, in the corner of the theater, role-playing games, looking at books and pictures;
  • self-coloring "smart coloring",
  • educational board games,
  • walking games,
  • autodidactic games (educational puzzles, insert frames, paired pictures);

artistic and aesthetic development:

In Nazi Germany, it was clear that anyone who did not act or think in a particular way was ostracized. In Lesson 2, students looked at how peer pressure influenced middle school students to alienate one of their classmates. The material in this lesson also demonstrates how a person should belong and "fit" into the behavior of forms. Finally, Nazi propaganda emphasized feelings of national pride; holidays and parades were meant to make Germans feel special and powerful.

  • giving children the opportunity to independently draw, sculpt, construct (mainly in the afternoon),
  • look at reproductions of paintings, illustrations, play music (singing, dancing),
  • play for children musical instruments(tambourine, drum, bell, etc.)
  • listen to music

Reception of children

During the morning reception, create a good mood for the child (affectionately, kindly meet the children).

Eleanor Ayer, author of numerous books on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, including Parallel Journeys, describes how Nazi propaganda made it an amazing time to be young in Germany. If you were a healthy teenager, if you were a patriotic German, if you came from an Aryan family, the glorious future was yours. This message of superiority, belonging, success and progress has understandably appealed to many German teenagers, including Alfons Heck.

The experience of the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany is a massive case of child abuse. From millions of innocent children, Hitler and his regime managed to create potential monsters. Children are like empty vessels: you can fill them with good, you can fill them with evil; you can fill them with compassion.

Emphasize on appearance children, so that the children who come do not forget to say hello, to educate the children in a culture of communication: speak quietly, do not shout.

Ensure all children find interesting activity, did not go idle, did not interfere with others. If it is difficult for a child to choose an activity, help him: offer a toy, connect to playing children, clarify with whom he would like to play, give the child an assignment (indicate which one).

Like their German counterparts, young people today are exposed to messages - messages from films, music, advertisements, school programs, religious institutions, family members, friends - about how they should think and act. If German teenagers chose not to support the messages articulated by Nazi propaganda, they would not only be ostracized by their peers, but they could be expelled from school or lose their jobs. Even families of rebellious teenagers can be punished. their child's lack of adherence to the ideology of the Nazis.

Create conditions for varied and interesting activities for children.

Game activity.

Labor activity.

Individual work with individual children

The plan must specifically define the activity that you will conduct, indicating the name and purpose of the activity. Defining individual work with children, you must specify the topic and purpose.

To what extent are they filled with good things? With tolerance and compassion? These are important questions for educators to consider when preparing young people for their roles as democratic citizens and members of the global community. Related readings in the Holocaust and human behavior.

A suggestion on how to implement this lesson over two class periods: Depending on how you structure this lesson, the appropriate place to complete the first part of the lesson is after students have been assigned a review reading. Thus, students can complete the assigned reading for homework, and the second part of the lesson can begin with students meeting in groups to discuss the text.

For example: with a group of children (indicate which ones) to consider their clothes. Clarify children's knowledge about the name of clothing, material, color, individual details. Ask who made them a suit, a dress.

Organize a conversation with the children about their family. Talk to the children (the teacher must indicate the topic and purpose of the conversation). Sample topic: Do children know their home address? What are their favorite toys and games? Who are they friends with (who would you like to be friends with, why?) About plants, about animals, about seasons, about social events (holiday).
Organize a game with collapsible toys "Collect nesting dolls", "Collect pyramids". Purpose: to teach children to distinguish objects by size, color.
Play with children in a game of medium mobility, exercise children in dexterity, accuracy, develop coordination of movements in children.
Show a group of children several toys made of paper (name). Purpose: to educate children in the ability to make simple toys.
Organization of washing gradually, in small groups. Before the children go to wash, explain to the children the rules of conduct. Before washing, roll up your sleeves, lather your hands well and wash them over the sink, do not splash water on the floor, but squeeze water from your hands over the sink too. Maintain cleanliness and order in the washroom. In the process of washing, make sure that there are 2-3 people at the sink so that the children do not push each other. If necessary, make appropriate comments, assessment of children's actions. Make sure that the children use their own towel, carefully hang it in its place.

In the process of washing, clarify with the children the name of the washing accessories (soap, soap dish, towel, sink ...), color, shape, material (what the soap dish is made of) and other properties (warm, cold water).

When planning cultural and hygienic skills in the process of washing, it is necessary to correctly determine in advance certain methodological techniques in the plan: explanation and demonstration of individual washing actions, reminders, instructions, assessment of children's actions, practical assistance, the use of nursery rhymes, poems (short), guessing riddles, control over the actions of children (bring in a doll, bear, other toys).


The plan can reflect the following work: pay attention to how to lay the tables for breakfast (give an assessment to those on duty). If necessary (depending on the menu), specify the name of the dishes. Create a positive mood for food in children.

In the process of eating, constantly monitor the posture of the children, if necessary, remind the children of the correct posture, ensure that the children eat all the food, supplement the babies.

To educate children in cultural and hygienic eating habits

Preparing for a walk

The work plan must necessarily spell out the content and methodology of working with children to educate them in the skills of proper and independent dressing and a culture of behavior. It is necessary to give the children a set for the upcoming activity.

Invite the children to put the toys back in their place, check with the children the order in the group. Teach children to keep the environment clean and tidy. Before the children go to get dressed, explain, remind, clarify with the children the rules of conduct in the locker room. Create a comfortable environment for children to dress themselves, make sure that each child sits near his locker, make sure that children do not scatter their clothes, but take them gradually, as they dress in sequence.

To ensure that children dress in a certain sequence, on their own (explain, remind, clarify with the children the sequence of dressing). First you need to get out of the locker and put on tights, leggings, then a sweater, sweater, scarf, hat, lastly put on a coat, tie a scarf; put your change of shoes in the closet. It is necessary to educate the culture of communication in children. Remind about the words “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”.

To plan educational work educational tasks can also be included: in the process of dressing, maintain a conversation with children in order to clarify and consolidate the names of clothing, its purpose, the names of individual parts of clothing; to fix and activate the vocabulary of children (left sleeve, right sleeve, cuffs, buttons, tie back and forth, left-right boot, boot).


In the work plan, you need to outline the content of the different types of activities that you organize. It is necessary to seriously consider the method of guiding children's activities. The plan must indicate what types of toys, what equipment will be taken out to organize the planned games of children, labor activities. It is necessary to indicate the sequence in the plan, but it must be remembered that the sequence of the content of the activities on the walk depends on the previous activity (i.e., from classes), on the state of the weather, on the interest of the children, on the individual characteristics of the children.

Organization of the walk.

Organize interesting, varied and meaningful activities for children on a walk. Having gone out with the children to the site, acquaint the children with the presence of toys. Clarify with the children who and what the children would like to play with, remind the children about the rules of the game.

During the walk, observe the content of children's games, the relationship of children in the game. Keep track of the change of activity so that the children do not get too excited, do not overheat

Organize (conduct with children) an outdoor game (indicate the name of the game and the goal). Involve children in cleaning the site, indicate the content of labor - i.e. what the children will do - and the pedagogical task. Give a group of children a labor assignment.

Organize observations with the children (indicate what the children will observe. See the development of planning for observation during a walk). It must be remembered that 30 minutes before the end of the walk, it is necessary to transfer the children to more relaxed activities. Here you can conduct observation, word games, conversations with children.

Before leaving the walk, make sure that the children put all the toys in their place. Give the children instructions for the upcoming activity. Remind children that when entering a room kindergarten you need to dry your feet well, go quietly to the group, do not shout. In the dressing room, make sure that all children undress quickly, on their own, carefully put their things in the closet. Encourage children to respect personal belongings. When all the children undress, check how the children followed the instructions of the teacher, evaluate the children, if necessary, invite the child to clean up the closet.

Preparing for dinner

Work during this regime moment can not be reflected in the plan, since it is carried out in the same way as work during preparation for breakfast and during breakfast.

During lunch, create a calm environment. Help individual children to finish their lunch, do not allow children to sit at the table. Make sure (remind children) to rinse their mouth. To instill in children the need for cleanliness and tidiness.

Preparing for daytime sleep

In the process of undressing (preparation for sleep), make sure that the children are not distracted by unnecessary conversations, games, to achieve silence, discipline. Create a calm environment in the bedroom. Encourage children to have a positive attitude towards sleep. During undressing, follow the sequence, accuracy, independence of the actions of children. Educate in children careful attitude to personal items. Pay attention to the fact that the children carefully put their things on the chair, using the methods of approval, praise, comments.

In the context of the modernization of domestic education, Russian preschool educational institutions actively rebuilt own work in accordance with the new legal document - the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(FGOS). Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education orient teachers to "solving program educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education."



« Organization

educational activities during regime moments"

In the context of the modernization of domestic education, Russian preschool educational institutions were actively restructuring their own work in accordance with the new legal document - the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FGOS).

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education orient teachers to "solving program educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education." At the same time, educational activities in regime moments should not be considered as an addition to directly educational activities. In educational activities, during sensitive moments, decisions are made tasks:

formation common culture children preschool age(culture of behavior, communication, activity, nutrition, sleep, health, life safety, etc., development of their physical, intellectual, personal qualities and prerequisites for educational activities.

Health protection and the formation of the basis of a culture of health;

Formation in children of the foundations of the safety of their own life and the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world)

Mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system of social relations

Formation of a positive attitude towards work in children.

Forms of educational activities in the daily routine:

Outdoor games with rules (including folk games), game exercises, motor pauses, sports jogging, competitions and holidays, physical culture minutes;

Wellness and hardening procedures, health-saving activities, thematic talks and stories, computer presentations, creative and research projects, exercises for the development of cultural and hygienic skills;

Analysis of problematic situations, game situations on the formation of a safety culture, conversations, stories, practical exercises, walks along the ecological path;

Game situations, games with rules (didactic), creative role-playing, theatrical, constructive;

Experiences and experiments, shifts, work (within the framework of practice-oriented projects), collecting, modeling, dramatization games,

Conversations, speech situations, compiling storytelling, retelling, guessing riddles, learning nursery rhymes, poems, songs, situational conversations;

Hearing performance musical works, musical and rhythmic movements, music games and improvisation

Vernissages children's creativity, Exhibitions visual arts, workshops of children's creativity, etc.

This is a daily work that is carried out throughout the entire time the children are in kindergarten (in the morning and evening hours, on a walk), regardless of the season, event, calendar of holidays and memorable dates. In addition, the complex-thematic principle of constructing the educational process necessitates the solution of educational activities in sensitive moments of educational tasks related to the implementation of the topic.

MORNING - this is a calm regimen moment. The main task of pedagogical work in the morning period of time is to include children in the general rhythm of kindergarten life, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in them. Here it is very important to conduct emotionally stimulating gymnastics. The work is carried out in groups and individually. If we talk about frontal work, it can be round dances and calm activities. Morning reception is the most favorable time for individual communication of the educator with each child. During these hours, individual work with children on various types activities. Distinctive feature it is ease, reliance on the interest and curiosity of the child, on the entertaining form and content of the events. This is work to correct and educate children in the correct sound pronunciation, to develop oral speech and the development of the correct intonation, in physical education (stimulation of motor activity). When planning individual work with children, the teacher indicates specifically the names of those pupils with whom the work will be done and prescribes what kind of work.

viewing objects and illustrations, short observations in nature and phenomena public life.

It is good to plan short conversations in the morning with a group of children or individual children on pre-planned topics and topics that arose on the initiative of the children. Yes, in calendar plans For the younger and middle groups, the teacher schedules short conversations with children about close people and accessible objects and phenomena of the world around them: about mom, dad and grandmother, about younger brothers and sisters, about toys, books, natural objects and much more. Often such conversations are accompanied by looking at illustrations. In the calendar plans of the older group, in addition to the above, conversations with and without looking at illustrations on more complex topics are planned: about the seasons, about domestic and wild animals, about the life of their native city.

When planning specific activities, it is important to take into account the nature of the upcoming classes.

If the classes are of a calm nature, requiring mental activity and perseverance of children, such as classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations, learning a poem, retelling, in the morning activities of children are planned, causing their physical activity, and, conversely, if classes involve greater mobility of children (physical education, music), then morning activities should be more calm.

Number of activities in the morning hours:

in the younger and middle - 3-4 species,

in senior preparatory group- 4-6 types depending on the children of the group.

The educator himself determines how many types of activities should be based on exemplary canons.

In the morning period, you can plan all types of activities at the request of children (games, communication, work, individual work, etc.), but they must meet the following requirements:

1. The activity should not be long in time (15-20 minutes), the child should see the result of his work. N: role-playing and building games are long and are not planned in middle and senior groups.

2. It is not advisable to plan activities in the morning that involve a lot of preparation.

3. You can not plan activities in the morning that involve the use of piercing and cutting objects of labor.

4. In the morning we plan only activities that are familiar to children.

5. Planned morning exercises. The complex learned in a physical education lesson changes in two weeks. Morning exercises are performed daily.

When planning morning exercises, you need to pay attention to the correct spelling of planning. It can be written on a card, or it can be included in the plan. Regardless of this, gymnastics planning must follow the structure:

Part 1 - introductory, in which various types of walking and running are performed,

Part 2 - middle, includes a set of general developmental exercises indicating I. p.,

Part 3 is the final one.

The dosage of all movements and exercises must be indicated.

Breathing exercisescarried out 3 times a day. Best done before meals, before bed, after sleep. Finger gymnasticscarried out 2 times a day. It is better to spend during classes or in between.Visual gymnasticstakes 3-5 minutes and is carried out in free time from classes, at least 2 times a day.Articulation gymnasticsbest done individually or with a subgroup of children in the afternoon. Articulation gymnastics is carried out daily, starting with the younger group.Exercise after sleepcarried out daily in the afternoon for 5-7 minutes using breathing exercises, which contribute to the normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular system, training the skills of proper breathing.

There is also conjugate gymnastics - the theater of the finger and tongue. Such gymnastics can be carried out starting from the middle group from the second half of the year, when the child has developed the skills of articulation and finger gymnastics. These exercises are performed at a fairly fast pace, in a cheerful mood and with a change of posture.

Brain gymnastics is aimed at coordinating movements in fine and general motor skills, the left and right hemispheres. Cross movements are carried out, performed with both hands at once. Brain gymnastics is carried out starting from senior preschool age. The duration of the complex is 5-7 minutes.

Mode of motor and intellectual load, including safety measures

STROLL. Purpose: to provide a high active, meaningful, varied, interesting activity and relieve fatigue. In the daily routine of each age group two walks are provided: morning and evening (not counting the morning reception of children in the air). There are four types of walking:

Typical: the maximum free activity of children (maximum attributes).

Combined, consisting of two parts: the first part - target walk; the second part is the free activity of children.

Walk-excursion, walk-hike.

Sports (competitions, relay races)

The task of walking in the first half of the day is to restore strength after class, to get the maximum positive charge. A walk should give a child relaxation, relieve stress after class and create a cheerful mood for him, which in turn provides an appropriate tone for a successful physical and mental development child in other conditions and activities.

Speaking about planning a walk, you need to remember if it was preceded by a dynamic lesson (musical, physical education, choreography, etc.) and begins with a mobile or sports game, if there was a static lesson before the walk. When planning the content of educational work on a walk, the teacher provides for a uniform alternation of calm and motor activities of children, the correct distribution of physical activity throughout the walk, adhering to the following approximate structure: calm, independent activity of children (games, observations); then outdoor games with elements of sports, sports entertainment; labor activity of children.

The educator should pay special attention to ensuring active, meaningful, varied and interesting activities for children: games, labor, observations, during which a children's team is formed, positive behavioral skills are acquired and brought up, children's ideas about nature and public life. Planning work on the development of movements during a walk should help consolidate, improve games and physical exercises, increase motor activity children. It is important to choose the right time for games and exercises.

It is impossible to allow organized motor activity to be carried out at the expense of the time of independent activity of children. The duration of mobile activity is 60-70% of the total duration of the walk, while the independent activity of children should not be infringed.

The structure of the walk. The walk begins with observation. Let's take a closer look at what you need to plan for a walk:

1. Observation (weather, nature, transport, adult work, seasonal changes in clothing, etc.). Observations of natural phenomena are carried out more often.

2. An outdoor game (plot “Geese-geese ...”, plotless “Day-Night”, competitive - “Who is faster”), in which all the children of the group take part. It is planned taking into account the weather, the peculiarities of the season.

3. A sports game, exercise or elements of a sports game is planned in senior groups (badminton, basketball, football, hockey, towns).

4. Didactic, round dance, fun, creative games.

5. Individual work on the development of movements, in preparation for classes (mathematics, speech development), with children who have not mastered the material (3-7 minutes), with gifted children, in preparation for the holidays.

6. Labor by subgroups (at the request of the children - what they want to do). Children need to develop the need for work. It is not necessary to follow the sequence of actions on a walk, it all depends on the mood and desire of the children.

7. Planned conversations on the culture of communication, on the education of moral qualities.

In the afternoon, the content of the walk includes an outdoor game, role-playing games for children, and labor activity.

Observations. This type of children's activity on walks in the morning is planned daily. In the older groups, where especially broad program acquaintance with social and everyday phenomena, it is possible to plan two observations each, one of which will be part of complex lesson and will take 10-15 minutes (for example, reviewing mail, school supplies And so on).

Observations should be planned according to weather conditions and time periods: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Observations can be planned both short-term and long-term. In the process of observations, carried out both at the initiative of adults and at the request of children, the following develop: aesthetic perception, mental activity, an interest in the environment, to cognitive activity. Thus, in the process of observation, the child develops comprehensively.

Types of observations: Observation of the environment(non-living things). I would like to draw attention to the instructions for protecting the life and health of children. With children under three years old, for example, they do not watch the sky, since the children have not yet fully formed a sense of balance.

Wildlife Observations(flowers, trees, shrubs).

Transport surveillance. In the younger and up to the middle of the middle group, they observe the transport on the territory of the kindergarten, which arrives. Children approach the fence without leaving the institution. In the senior and preparatory groups, children are taken for a walk to observe the transport. Here, in this type of observation, it is imperative to remember that deep work is underway to familiarize children with the rules traffic and behavior on the street.

observation of a living object.You need to pay attention to the basics of security.

Observation of the work of adults. At a younger and middle age, the work of adults who are in a preschool institution is observed. First, they observe the labor activity of an adult and the result of this activity. The next stage is to show how much the adult tries to work at his job. From the end of the middle group, children go on excursions (factories, factories).

When organizing any type of observation, an artistic word should be used: poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, signs. They begin to acquaint with signs from the middle group.

The program content of the observations alternates rhythmically. Within a month, four observations can be made approximately in the following sequence (preparatory group):

1st week - natural history excursion (target walk);

2nd week - observation of household objects;

3rd week - observation of natural objects (in the group room);

4th week - monitoring social phenomena, labor of people.

Outdoor games . An important place in the walk is occupied by an outdoor game in which all the children of the group take part. To this end, the teacher arouses children's interest in the game, makes it exciting. Only the unconstrained active participation of children in the game creates a joyful mood in them and ensures its pedagogical effect. The number of outdoor games - from one to four. When choosing outdoor games, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of basic movements. In the warm season, more outdoor games with throwing, crawling, climbing should be given. In cold weather - with running, throwing, jumping. The educator organizes and conducts the game, who not only leads, but also participates in the game, taking on the most responsible role. The duration of one game is 7-15 minutes (depending on the age of the children and the state of health). It is important that all pupils of the group take part in outdoor games. For this purpose, only games familiar to children are planned during the walk. Children get acquainted with new games at physical education classes.

In the selection of outdoor games and competition elements, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics physical development and health of children. Games, being specific kind activities of the child are widely used in physiotherapy exercises to solve the set medical problems.

If physical education or musical lesson was held in the first half of the day, it is advisable to organize games and exercises in the middle or end of the walk, and at the very beginning to give the children the opportunity to play on their own, exercise with a variety of benefits.

On other days, it is advisable to organize the motor activity of children at the beginning of the walk, which will enrich the content of their independent activity.

On the days of physical education classes with children, one outdoor game and some kind of physical exercise (sports exercise or exercise in the main type of movement) are organized. On other days when the lesson is not held, an outdoor game, a sports exercise and an exercise in the main type of movement (jumping, climbing, throwing, throwing and catching a ball, etc.) are planned. Outdoor games and game exercises of varying degrees of intensity should be planned for a walk. During the month, 15-20 outdoor games (including relay race games) can be held, while 3-4 new games are learned. Let me remind you that the total duration of the game is 7-10 minutes.

The healing effect of a walk largely depends on the properly organized motor activity of preschoolers. When planning a walk, the teacher provides for individual work with children in physical education. Individual work on physical education should be planned daily with those children who have problems in mastering the basic movements. Please note that there are children with varying degrees of mobility. Individual work can take place in an entertaining game form, sports games and entertainment.

Sport games . Sports games and exercises are carried out daily during walks or in the gym.

Basketball . Passing and throwing the ball to each other with two hands, throwing into the basket with two hands from behind the head. Mastering the game according to simplified rules.

Football. Passing the ball to each other with hitting it with the right or left foot in a standing position, tossing the ball with the foot, hitting the ball into objects, scoring into the goal. Mastering the game according to simplified rules.

Hockey. The ability to skate, drive the puck with a stick, pass the puck to each other, drive the puck into the goal. Mastering the game according to simplified rules.

Badminton. The ability to properly hold the racket, hit the shuttlecock, throw it to a partner without a net. Mastering the game according to simplified rules.

Tennis. The ability to hold a racket, hit the ball, throw it over the net. Mastering the game of table tennis and tennis according to simplified rules.

Role-playing games . Role-playing games should correspond to the age, interests, developmental level of children and take into account gender-role differentiation. They go on the basis of the knowledge that children have. Topics should be varied. Games are held on everyday, industrial topics; games to reinforce the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the streets of the city; construction, theatrical; games, themes of which are connected with modern life.

Laying out on asphalt, sand, snow from natural materials (sticks, pebbles, plastic corks, autumn leaves, fruits and other materials). Buildings made of natural material (anthill, broom made of blades of grass). Sand games (sifting, cakes, molds). Drawing with a stick, crayons on asphalt, sand, snow. Rope games.

Elementary labor activity. It can be of two types:

Household work: children, together with a teacher, friends, put things in order on the site, in play areas and lockers. Labor in nature: children work in a flower garden, in a flower bed, in a garden.

Forms of organization of labor activity can be both frontal and subgroup.

When planning the volume and content of labor activity, the educator, along with teaching children some practical skills of working in nature, should provide for their acquaintance with plants, animals, the rules for caring for them, consider ways to organize children in this activity, the sequence of work, techniques that contribute to educating their feelings satisfaction from the work performed, responsibility for the common cause.

EVENING. Target. Create a joyful mood so that the next day the child will go to kindergarten with pleasure.After daytime sleep plan well and labor activity children: cleaning the group room; repair of books, manuals, desktop printed games; washing doll linen, handkerchiefs, ribbons; making homemade toys for their own games and for kids' games. It is also recommended to arrange various entertainment events, entertainment: puppet, table, shadow theaters; concerts; sports, musical and literary leisure activities in which children perform their favorite poems, songs and dances; new toys are introduced and beaten; listening to audio cassettes and much more. Once a week (Thursday or Friday). Approximate names of holidays: holiday " soap bubbles”, “Balloons”, “Paper snowflakes”, “Thread (paper) dolls”, “Fuzzies”, “Flying pigeons”, “Jumping frogs”, “Funny words”, etc.

During this period of time, the work of the musical and aesthetic cycle, work on visual activity, entertainment evenings can be planned. To expand the horizons of children, you can plan artistic reading with continuation, storytelling, viewing reproductions of paintings by classic and contemporary artists

1. All types of games - desktop-printed, plot-role-playing, construction, mobile, didactic, educational, theatrical. The wishes and needs of the children are taken into account.

2. Individual work on all types of activities. According to the visual activity, designing before the lesson, the lesson is the result of the work of the educator. Before the lesson, it is advisable to plan individual work with timid, "weak" children in this type of activity, so that these children feel more confident in the lesson.

3. Reading fiction.

4. Working with parents.

5. Work on ZKR.

Sports and health holidays under the program "Improvement" are held 2 times a year.

"Health Day" is held once a quarter.

Health Week is held once a quarter.


There are such forms of work that can be scheduled both in the first half of the day and in the second.

Forms and methods of work onbasics of life safety. (We will save, help, show, teach): Familiarization with fiction (stories, poems, poems-additives, riddles, puns, songs). For children, literature is selected in which, in an accessible form, there is an acquaintance with the rules of life safety. Fairy tales are read to children in which there is at least one element of gross violation of safety rules. Rhyming rules of safety behavior.

Examination of paintings, subject and plot pictures, albums, posters, illustrations, dummies, models. When looking at pictures, children should be given the opportunity to evaluate the act of a peer depicted in the picture; tell them what they would do in this situation.

Excursions, targeted walks. Productive types of children's activities - making posters, layouts with children. Conversations with children: on the prevention of false calls, discussion of dangerous situations (in older groups). Trainings (games). As a result of the activities carried out, children learn to seek help if necessary, call the necessary help service by phone, remember their home address.

Familiarization of children with fictionReading fiction is one of the forms of joint partner activity of an adult with children, and this form cannot be continued by children on their own, go into their free activity, since most children do not know how to read freely and depend on an adult partner. This imposes a special responsibility on the educator in terms of selecting literary texts for reading.Reading literary texts should be daily in order to become a habit, to create a ritual of group life. Time for reading should be determined in the daily routine. Reading time is approximately 15-20 minutes per senior group and 20-25 minutes in the preparatory group.The educator himself selects literary texts for children, he himself determines the sequence of their reading, guided by the principle of alternation: large and small literary forms. Large works of fiction should be read several days in a row (from 2 to 10-12 days), as children should be able to "keep" the sequence of plot events. Every month, the teacher reads 1-2 large works to children.In the period between readings of two large works, short works are used (folklore and author's tales, poems, realistic stories).Artistic texts for long reading and their sequence, the educator can plan 2-3 months in advance, taking into account the interests of the children of the group.Short works of art for short reading are selected for a week - a month.When selecting and planning the sequence of texts, the educator is guided by ongoing events (season, holidays, memorable dates), thematic cycles and the focus of the actual interests of the children of the group. The list is corrected by the teacher, taking into account the conflicts and conflicts that arise in the group, the solution of which can be suggested by the book.

AT junior group the teacher introduces children to folk songs, poems, folk tales, fairy tales of foreign and domestic authors.

AT middle group the educator introduces children to fables, fairy tales about animals that are carriers of certain qualities, songs and nursery rhymes, works about the rules of behavior and the culture of communication.

In the older group, the teacher introduces children to works that reflect the situational behavior of the child and show how to get out of this or that situation.

Organization of work on theatrical activities:Theatrical activities are planned in the morning and evening hours at unscheduled times and can be represented as part of a lesson in different types activitiesand as a scheduled special session.

Types of theatrical activities: Viewing puppet shows and talk about them. Dramatization games: with fingers, with bibabo dolls, improvisations. Preparing and acting out a variety of fairy tales and dramatizations. Exercises on the formation of expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal). Separate exercises on ethics. Exercises for the social and emotional development of children. These types of theatrical games are successfully used in a group of different ages. Bringing children together artistic material, based on joint positive emotions and common experiences, it helps to solve, in addition to common tasks, also such as the ability of older children to occupy the baby, entertain him, give him joy and pleasure. In the conditions of a group of different ages that unites children with different developmental experiences, it is important to skillfully select works that can serve as material for joint dramatization games and that will be used only in subgroups.

Cognitive-speech development.Work on cognitive speech development is aimed at activating speech, speech communication, speech creativity, as well as consolidating, repeating speech program material, and should be based on interesting forms and methods of work. Conversations with children.

Folk Games. Role-playing games. Etudes, improvisations. Observations, walks, excursions. Looking at drawings and photographs. Free and thematic drawing, modeling. Reading works of art. Teacher's stories and children's stories. Writing stories. Mini-competitions, games-competitions.