Observations in the summer in the middle group of kindergarten. Middle group. Animal observations

Rumiya Shaikhutdinova
Card file of observations of living and non-living nature in middle group


Target: To consolidate the children's idea of ​​the sun, its significance for all living beings on earth. Establish causal relationships. Check by experiment the degree of heating of objects. Develop observation. Activate dictionary: sun, Golden Apple, red sun.

Two veins to use: the population of photons and the absence of antimatter. There are a billion photons of light in every cosmos. There are two varieties of matter: "ordinary" matter and antimatter, when they meet, they completely annihilate and transform into light, and in the first seconds of the universe, matter and antimatter coexist. In the course of subsequent cooling, everything disappears, except for a minimal residue, which comes from the smallest superiority of the material: one particle of matter more per billion particles.

What is the origin of this difference that we must exist? Fossil radiation observations have allowed us to go back to the millennium from the beginning, measure the abundance of helium up to a few seconds from the beginning, at temperatures of several billion varieties, and the photon population and the absence of antimatter much earlier, can we return even closer to the origin? The problem is that heat destroys information and the question is what happened before? Probably doesn't make sense, there won't be any way to go there.

move: The teacher thinks to the children puzzles: During the day we are poured from the sky

Shining golden apple

Sending to everyone in the window

Warm beam! It -. (sun)

Katya was very surprised

Looking out the window

For some reason at sunset

Turned red... (sun)

Conversation on questions:

Why did you guys decide that the answer to my riddles is our sun? -What is it? The game is being played "Pick up more definitions"- Do we need the sun? - Why is everything living things need the sun? -Does the sun always stay in the same place? What part of the day is the sun hottest?

It is traditional to divide time into equal parts. This is not the only way to measure time: one can also count "one" when the distance between two galaxies is multiplied by two, and this is a logarithmic scale. then this moment and the past will be assigned negative tenses. We would see the most distant quasars at that time "minus four".

Within the framework of language and logic. There is something, there is reality! It is through our consciousness that we perceive the existence of "something and not nothing." How long will the expansion continue? There is a force that opposes expansion: it is gravity. Gravity is the attraction of the entire universe to any galaxy. If this attraction is strong enough, the galaxies will one day stop receding, and then they will return to each other in a huge movement of universal contraction, but if the attraction is not strong enough, the expansion will continue indefinitely.

An experience: Invite the children to lay out objects of different colors in the sun. And determine which of them heat up faster.



To develop the ability of children to notice changes in life trees: buds burst, leaves appear, birch blossoms. To form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished among other trees. Cultivate love and careful attitude to native nature. Activate dictionary: buds, earrings, tender, young leaves.

To find out the answer, we must estimate the gravity of the universe, that is, its material density. On average, about one atom per cubic meter. To stop and reverse the expansion motion, the density would have to be greater than ten atoms per cubic meter, so our universe would be open.

Moreover, the problem of missing material and a number of theoretical considerations rely on a universe whose density will be very exactly equal to the critical density. There is reason to believe that atoms will one day decay. Atoms are made up of nuclei made up of quarks. Now these quarks will not be stable, they will turn into radiation. They are expected to have a half-life of one hundred trillion billion billion years.

move: The teacher reads a poem about a birch

I. Naumov

At the thoughtful birch

Earrings hang on the branches.

You, birch, do not be sad,

Dissolve the buds into leaves.

Birch is called the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with thin long branches and a spreading crown, it is attractive in all seasons. Invite the children to come up to the birch and tell what changes they have noticed. What appears in spring on birch branches? Explain to the children that young green leaves appeared from the buds on the birch branches, pay attention to the birch trunk.

Stars emit light. This energy spreads through space like water in a bathtub; why doesn't the bathtub overflow? Simply because the space, the bath, is becoming more and more spacious. Before the emission of fossil light, the initial sky is dazzling: it is the expansion of the universe that caused us to move from the shining sky to tonight. It is remarkable to note the simplicity and power of the explanation of the Big Bang theory. Where is this complexity in the first minutes of the Universe?

We are going to the spectacle, before our eyes we will play games of what is happening. Nature, in constant pregnancy, will give birth to life. Heat the body, that is, increase the mixing of its atoms. When the thermal energy is high enough, the atoms break the bonds that hold them together, the metal becomes liquid, the temperature rises, the heat increases the speed of the atoms and leads to frequent collisions and ejections. middle of the ocean of free electrons, called "plasma".

Which birch trunk is thick or thin? Where is the trunk of a birch wide, and where is it narrow? Show branches. Are they thick or thin? What colour? What color are birch leaves?

Didactic game "Such a leaf, fly to me" Learn to find objects by similarity.



To form the ability of children to recognize and name migratory birds: starling (a bird with very beautiful feathers, with dark purple ebb of the body and a greenish head) Introduce the lifestyle and behavior of this bird (migratory, singing, lives in a birdhouse, eats insects)

From a million degrees of collision, very energetic photons are generated, these are x-rays and gamma rays. At one billion degrees, the nuclei themselves begin to decay into protons and neutrons, and at a thousand billion degrees, the gas of the nuclei turns into quark gas.

This spectacle presented us with the three great forces of nature: the electromagnetic force, which ensures the adhesion of atoms, the nuclear force, which ensures the cohesion of atomic nuclei, and the quark force, which allows the nuclei to bind. Each of them has its respective fields of activity, corresponding different levels in the temperature and energy range.

To educate in children love, attention, care for animals, birds.

Activate Dictionary: starling, migratory bird, birdhouse.

move: Guys, to find out what we'll talk about today, I suggest you guess riddle:

They have wings, a head,

Two paws, beak and feathers.

Everyone comes from an egg

You can hear their songs from the trees. (Birds.)

The nuclei come out of the ocean of heat. Let's look at the scenario backwards from the very high temperatures of the beginning of the universe. We know little about events before the first second. The quarks would come together in three to form nuclei in the first millionth of a second. The universe then freezes with its new face: a bountiful population of helium-4 nuclei and some lighter nuclei. At its birth, the Universe is at rest with respect to all the forces of nature, and the temperature decreases successively to each of them, animates for a while, and then freezes.

The teacher invites the children to pay attention to the birds that have flown to the site. Who knows what kind of bird this is? Where did she come from to us? What are the names of the birds that come from warmer climes? Why are they flying there? With the advent of spring, our feathered friends return to us. Why do you think they are called that? The body of a bird is covered with feathers, so they are feathered, and friends - because they eat insects, thereby benefiting a person, and therefore people, taking care of starlings, build houses for them - birdhouses. Pay attention to the plumage of the starling, tell the children that he sings beautifully.

The first crisis of growth in complexity. Nuclear evolution stops at helium-4 because it's a very, very stable nucleus. At the end of primordial nucleosynthesis, the universe contains only hydrogen and helium. In turn, atoms and molecules appear. This interval will last one million years until the temperature drops to several thousand degrees. At this point, the proton can capture an electron and form a stable hydrogen atom. At about three thousand degrees, all nuclei are surrounded by electrons and thus form atoms.

In addition, two hydrogen atoms can be combined to form a molecule: these are the first molecules of the universe. Radiation control completed. Now, a million years later, there are no free electrons, and suddenly photons can circulate without being absorbed and retransmitted. From this moment on, light passes unhindered through space, and from this moment on, the energy associated with matter is negligible relative to the radiation energy. Matter will take over.

We even got up at night

From the window looked into the garden.

Well, when. Well, when

Will our guests arrive?

Well, when a ringing flock

Will they chirp at the window?

Maybe they don't know

That spring has returned to us!

That the birdhouse is waiting for their new one,

That the meadow and the garden woke up ...

We are ready to welcome all guests.

Why don't guests fly?

Galaxies and stars emerge from the ocean of heat. This dominance of matter will reveal new chapter, because at different local scales, masses of matter will condense under the influence of gravity. In decreasing order of size, these are superclusters of galaxies, clusters, galaxies and stars, as the universe as a whole continues to empty itself of its heat, the evolution of complexity will resume, the stars will become the universe's second chance.

In every galaxy, the first stars are formed; their duration will be short. Others will be recreated from enriched gas after they explode. Galaxies are machines that transform gaseous matter into stars. By invoking its own gravity, the galactic material shrinks and heats up, collisions between particles will multiply, and the emitted light will turn red. The star becomes visible, it is "born".

And today we looked -

A starling sits on an alder tree.

Arrived, arrived...

Finally arrived!

mobile game "Birds in the Tree"



Engage children in observation of the phenomenon inanimate nature : the sky is overcast, covered with clouds, clouds. Determine the color of the sky in cloudy weather. Explain how the weather affects our state, mood. Cultivate attention and observation, aesthetic sense of perception. Activate the words: the sky is overcast, sad, gloomy, gray, cold, cloudy; clouds, gray, overcast.

The thermal ascent continues, and we are about to experience an episode of nucleochemistry that unfolded at the beginning of the universe. Successive nuclear reactions will provide the star with the energy it needs to light up and maintain its mass. The central hydrogen turns into helium, the longest phase, nearly ten billion years for our Sun, and ends with the depletion of hydrogen from the stellar core. In order to heat its energy needs, the star begins to shrink again, so the impacts between particles also raise the temperature.

The fusion of helium or the miraculous birth of carbon. The temperature is now over a hundred million degrees. At the force of impact, two helium nuclei meet, but there is nothing to do, they leave each other. If at this moment the third helium atom is not present, then it is formed with the first two stable systems. Such a triple encounter is extraordinarily rare. But, fortunately, we can count on millions of years, and the heart of the star will slowly fill the carbon cores. This child, brought up by nature, born from a difficult birth, will become a great hero of chemical and biological evolution.

The teacher reads a poem

The sky is sad in the morning

Black cloud frowns

But the kids are not afraid

Runs out into the street again.

Rain, let it rain!

loudly heard

Barefoot on the road

The kids are running.

The sky was cloudy at first

But didn't hold back

And through the clouds, the clouds

Suddenly smiled.

What is the poem about? (children's answers) Right about the sky. Let's look at the sky and answer my questions.

For example, carbon nuclei combine with helium nuclei to generate oxygen nuclei, which are also promised a bright future. Soon the helium is depleted and the star takes over the thermal lift. At this stage, a new particle comes into play: it is a neutrino, and after a billion degrees, the star is emitting more and more particles and therefore losing more and more energy. accelerates and the temperature rises. After several thousand years, the star generates nuclei of intermediate mass, and through a long chain of intermediate reactions, all the nuclei turned out to be the heaviest.

What is the weather today?

See what color it is?

And if the sky is gray, what day is it? (cloudy, sad)

Tell me if the sky is blue-blue, then what day? (clear, sunny)

What is the name of the sky if we see clouds?

Which sky do you like the most and why?

mobile game "Sun and Rain"

Thermal energy threatens to overcome the binding energy of patiently developed nuclei. The situation will be reduced thanks to neutrinos. Indeed, they are evacuating more and more energy and the stars are shrinking rapidly to stay in balance. Soon it is a collapse that causes a formidable implosion followed by an explosion: it is a supernova.

To create heavy nuclei, places of great heat are needed; but you must stop cooking in time, because not a single atom can withstand the heart of a star. In the great coolness of space space evolution will continue. In a gas depleted in heavy atoms, the melting of hydrogen is always slow, but in the presence of carbon atoms this fusion occurs much faster.



Engage children in supervising the work of seniors. Explain the importance of work. Cultivate a love of work, a desire to help. Activate the words: birdhouse, boards, hammer, nails, work.

Preparatory children groups make birdhouses. Invite children to see how older preschoolers work. Explain that they make birdhouses for our bird friends. Explain that starlings need birdhouses in order to live there and breed chicks.

This phenomenon will play a fundamental role: it is called catalysis, due to which the evolution of the nucleus is accelerated by itself. At the moment of explosion, the star is not completely dissipated in space, the central part is dumped onto itself. This gives a neutron star whose density is measured in hundreds of millions of tons per centimeter cube. They are also called pulsars, the first one was discovered. It seems that in some cases the remnant becomes denser than a neutron star. Its gravity could then prevent the light from escaping: these are black holes, the existence of which has probably not yet been observed.

Conversation on questions:

What do you need to make a birdhouse?

What do preparatory children use groups?

Reading a poem "Bird House"

We are building a birdhouse with dad.

Mom praises: "Well done!"

They will settle in it in the spring

Arrived starlings.

On a high aspen

We'll hang a birdhouse

All stars don't die so dramatically. Small ones, like the Sun, extinguish, evacuating, in a less cruel way, the products of their internal nucleosynthesis. The nebular matter dissipates in space and it will become a white dwarf, slowly cooling down and over the next billion years will become a black dwarf without radiation and without life.

The birth of heavy atoms. The heavy nuclei are now being removed from the hot furnace and projected into the cold of space, and each of the ninety atoms that the universe has just added to its panorama has its own properties. nitrogen and oxygen are the main constituents of our bodies, and our atoms try to play molecular bonds. Oxygen, in particular, forms stable bonds with metals, which are the first oxides and will serve as the basis for the solid structures of the universe.

To the red cat Vasily

Didn't get it later.

Let the starling host papa

Brings worms into the house

And mother of the house

Nursing little chicks.

Know that it was not in vain that they tried with dad,

A very nice home!

And now feathered friends

We are looking forward to it.



To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the appearance of some insects, their meaning in nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects, develop observation. Activate the words: insects, benefits, helpers, ladybug.

Storytelling by teacher

little one little Petya liked the bugs - ladybugs. They are so beautiful with black dots. Petya collected them everywhere and put them in a box. But one day my mother said "Where have my assistants gone?"

What was mom talking about? Why did she call them assistants? What other helpers do you know?

I suggest you become researchers, let's look for insects in our area, consider them and tell us what they are.

What insects are we with you today observed? What were they? What are insects afraid of and is it possible to offend them?

mobile game "The Bear and the Bees"


Target: Clarify children's knowledge of clouds, what are the types. Develop interest in observation. Get to know different natural phenomena.

preliminary work: View video "The journey of a droplet or the water cycle in nature» . Activate the words: cumulus, cirrus, clouds.

Pay attention to the sky, ask the children what color it is?

What is the name of such a sky?

How are clouds formed? Invite the children to remember the story with a droplet, how the water turned into water vapor, and the cold wind blows into clouds. Explain to the children what types of clouds are. Cumulus - white fluffy, cirrus - transparent, light, clouds - dark, menacing. Read the verse to the children

If clouds run across the sky

So the wind let them off the leash.

Light paws, ears and tail.

Lighter than fluff every watchdog.

If you're so dated nature is easy,

It's great to run Na-pe-re-gon-ki!

What is the verse about? (about clouds)

I saw myself today:

The elephant was walking in the sky!

purple ink,

Not in the rainforests

And here, over our land

The elephant loitered in the sky.

In the blue he importantly swam

Even blocked the sun.

What is this verse about? (about cloud)

The game "What does it look like?"



To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the first spring flowers, to form the skills of describing the appearance, methods of reproduction. To cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to notice beauty, to love nature. Activate the words: bulb, seeds, petal, pistil.

Why do people say March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers, June with fruits? What flowers appear first in the garden? In the woods? In the meadow? Invite the children to listen to the poem.

The sky is light blue

The sun is bright and big.

Warm beams,

The snow ran down the mountain in streams.

No frost got warmer

And spring took over.

Take the green brush

Grass sprouted...

How to make flowers bloom all summer in the garden? Show children how to reproduce (bulbs, seeds). Offer to plant flowers in seedling group. Consider Pictures with colors and find differences, describe them.

mobile game "I was born a gardener"



Clarify and consolidate knowledge about appearance, habits. Cultivate children's interest in observation.

Activate words: sparrow, crumbs, top dressing.

naughty boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs.


How can you tell a sparrow from other birds?

What do you know about the life of sparrows?

How do they move?

Do they fly to warmer climes?

How can people help them get through the winter?

Invite the children to describe the sparrow, its appearance, a way of moving, what he does. Read to the children the verse “Where did the sparrow dine?

Where did you dine, sparrow?

In the zoo with animals.

I ate first

Behind the bars at the lion.

Fed up with a fox.

I drank some water from the walrus.

Ate a carrot from an elephant.

I ate millet with a crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

Bran ate a little.

I've been to a feast

Tailed kangaroos.

Was at a dinner party

At the furry bear.

A toothy crocodile

Nearly swallowed me.

mobile game "Birds in the Tree".


Target: Clarify children's knowledge of the water cycle in nature, fix rain value for everything alive.

Make riddles for children:

He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes.


What is rain? Tell the children about the rain. Under the influence of solar heat, water from the surface of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and streams evaporates, turning into steam. The vapor is very light, it rises up into the air, where the smallest water droplets gather into clouds and clouds. Water droplets are so small that they float in the air. If it gets warmer, the cloud can completely disappear, dissolve - the droplets evaporate and become invisible. If it gets colder, the droplets merge - hundreds of thousands of them form one full-weight drop. Such drops become too heavy to continue their soaring in the sky, they fall to the ground - it's raining.

What is rain like?

If we take to the streets in the rain, what will happen to us?

What do you need to take with you? Hear what are nursery rhymes:

Rain, rain

Don't rain!

rain, rain,

Let me get home

Grandfather to the gray!

Rain, rain, pour -

There will be a loaf of bread.

Rain, rain, let it go -

Let the cabbage grow.

Rain, rain, more fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window!