Who had diarrhea in the early stages. Can diarrhea be considered a sign of pregnancy? If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea

Many future mothers are faced with the fact that their gastrointestinal tract begins to work in a completely different way, and loose stools often appear during pregnancy.

It would seem, so what? Do not run to the doctor every time? However, there are times when a doctor's consultation is simply necessary, but let's talk about everything in order.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Often, women experience diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy, because at this time hormonal changes occur in their body, provoking such unpleasant “surprises”. For mom, this, of course, is sheer discomfort and inconvenience: you won’t go out of the house much, and you don’t feel better at home ... But for the baby, oddly enough, according to doctors, this is even good: the intestines thus pass additional cleansing, which means that less toxins enter the child's body.

Suppose that you have a common indigestion that is not the result of any disease. Then safe folk remedies, which were used by our grandmothers, may turn out to be quite effective. Unlike pills, they are all completely natural and harmless.

However, when taking any foods or herbs, you must know for sure that you are not allergic to them!

Diarrhea during pregnancy is fraught with dehydration, and this is very undesirable. This means you need to drink plenty of fluids. Give preference to juices, fruit drinks, clean water without gas. You need to drink them at least half a glass per hour.

If you are interested in medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy, then doctors usually recommend Laktosol or Regidron powder - they not only stop diarrhea, but also replenish the supply of mineral salts that our body loses during diarrhea.

If the diarrhea has already passed, but you are afraid of relapses, try to starve a little for the first time. On the first day, eat white bread crackers with unsweetened tea (sugar, by the way, provokes diarrhea).

Already on the second day, you can eat as usual, just exclude fruits, rich broths, fried meat, butter and vegetable oil, and indeed any animal fats from the diet. Whole milk is also prohibited, and it is better not to experiment with low-fat milk. But very useful products in this case will be bananas, noodles and salted crackers.

To minimize the risk of diarrhea during pregnancy, balance your diet. Never eat expired foods - this is undesirable at normal times, but in an “interesting position” it is doubly dangerous! Why do you need extra intoxication of the body?

Intestinal problems during pregnancy: when to go to the hospital?

Of course, often diarrhea during pregnancy is only a temporary ailment, but the following signs should alert you:

  • prolonged persistent diarrhea;
  • loose stools 3 or more times a day;
  • discharge with mucus or blood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feeling unwell and tired;
  • muscle pain.

These can all be signs of something more serious than just an upset stomach. Therefore, if you have at least 2 signs, it is better to consult a doctor without trying to “wait it out” - it happens that diarrhea lasts up to 10 days.

Imagine how much fluid your body can lose! By the way, if you feel very thirsty, dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, no urge to urinate, or if your urine has changed color to dark yellow, these may be signs of serious dehydration that you cannot cope with on your own at home. conditions!

Consult your doctor, because dehydration caused by diarrhea during pregnancy harms not only you, but also your baby!

And yet, so that you do not worry once again, we hasten to reassure you: diarrhea during pregnancy is often just a temporary ailment, and not some formidable symptom.

In general, this is normal, and if this does not happen too often (no more than 2 times a week) and is easily treated with folk remedies, then there is nothing to worry about. Drink more water and put up with temporary inconvenience: in later periods, your digestive tract will work better.

What is the treatment for diarrhea during early pregnancy?

The period of pregnancy is a turning point for the vital systems of the body. There are hormonal changes. This process can cause diarrhea during early pregnancy. With such a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, it becomes necessary to determine its causes and treatment.

Often, women are faced with such a question, can there be diarrhea during pregnancy?

Diarrhea during early pregnancy is frequent bowel movements. There is an increased level of water in the stool.

There may be diarrhea that is uncontrollable in a pregnant woman. Often there is no pain with diarrhea.

However, spasmodic sensations may occur.

The general weakened state is accompanied by a change in temperature, nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy, depending on the cause of the appearance, is classified into such types:

  1. Osmolar. Formed as a result of a failure in the absorption of nutrients. Causes enzymatic deficiency, damage to the intestinal mucosa, dysbacteriosis. It has an expression in the form of a liquid consistency, manifests itself in an abundant character, there are undigested pieces of food.
  2. Secretory. It occurs as a result of the inability of the intestinal walls to absorb the necessary substances. provokes pathological processes in the form of intestinal infections. It appears as a watery consistency, may have a greenish tint.
  3. Hyperexudative. Diagnosed by the presence of pain in the abdomen. Appears in the background the presence of colitis peptic ulcer, carcinoma. It can be triggered by inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, shigellosis, salmonellosis. Manifested by a liquid consistency, may be present blood clots and purulent discharge.
  4. Hyper/hypokinetic. It is formed in the pathology of intestinal motility. Is a response for an overdose medicines. May occur as a result of psycho-emotional pathologies. It appears as a mushy formation.
  • water with the addition of starch (in a ratio of 20: 1; taken once);
  • blackberry infusion;
  • pomegranate peel tea;
  • blueberry jelly;
  • mint tea with lemon balm;
  • decoction based on motherwort;
  • green tea.

Useful video: we treat diarrhea during pregnancy

During pregnancy, diarrhea may occur. It often goes away spontaneously. In the event that the condition does not disappear, the help of the attending physician is required. Self-medication can adversely affect both the condition of the expectant mother and the child.

Diarrhea in pregnancy: why it occurs and how to treat it?

Diarrhea is a delicate issue that is not usually discussed. It is manifested by frequent bowel movements and practically ties a person to the toilet. The condition may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, and fever.

But discomfort is not the only danger in this case. Diarrhea during pregnancy can be a real threat and have sad consequences. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers need to know how to be treated and how to prevent complications.

Causes of diarrhea

The body of a woman during the period of bearing a child is especially vulnerable due to a decrease in immunity, so diarrhea and pregnancy are often combined. The provoking factors are:

Another cause of intestinal upset is the preparation of the body for childbirth. Diarrhea in late pregnancy that occurs on the eve of the expected birth of the child is not dangerous if it is not accompanied by other symptoms and deterioration in well-being. Thus, the body cleanses itself and trains before the upcoming load.

Symptoms of an intestinal disorder

Diarrhea is easy to recognize. Its main symptom is loose stools, which occur more than three times a day. Diarrhea is not a separate disease, but only a symptom of another pathology or a consequence of external and internal factors.

In addition to frequent bowel movements, there may be:

  • fever, chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • bloating;
  • weakness;
  • headache.

The severity of the problem can be determined by the appearance of bowel movements and general well-being.

A slight indigestion that lasts 1-2 days and does not cause much discomfort is not a reason to panic. But if the stool is black with traces of mucus and blood, or diarrhea in a pregnant woman does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by vomiting, fever and a sharp deterioration in well-being, you should seek medical help.

Such manifestations indicate intoxication of the body, and the presence of blood in the stool may be a sign of internal bleeding. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization is required.

Possible consequences

The danger of diarrhea for a pregnant woman and a child depends on the duration of the disorder and the cause that caused it. Prolonged loose stools, especially in combination with vomiting, lead to the loss of beneficial trace elements and dehydration. This affects the work of the internal organs of a woman and impairs the access of nutrients and oxygen to the child.

Prolonged intoxication with diarrhea caused by a virus or pathogenic microorganisms also poses a threat to the baby. Bacteria and toxins pass through the bloodstream from mother to child, affecting its development.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy is especially dangerous. During this period, all the organs of the child are laid and the imbalance that occurs with a serious intestinal disorder in the mother can cause disruptions in this process. The result is a frozen pregnancy, a delay in the development of the embryo and the appearance of various congenital pathologies.

In addition, active intestinal motility causes uterine contraction and can provoke a miscarriage or partial detachment of the fetal egg. Persistent diarrhea during third trimester pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery.

An intestinal disorder usually does not threaten a woman's life if there is no blood admixture in the composition of the feces. But in other cases, you need to take measures to normalize the condition and treat diarrhea as soon as possible.

How to be treated?

Many drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers, therefore, if the situation is not critical, they try to limit the treatment with folk remedies and nutritional correction.

Even before using natural herbal decoctions, you should consult a doctor, because some plants are dangerous for pregnant women.

If there are signs of infection, antibiotics may be needed. But you should not choose medicines on your own. The specialist will select the most harmless therapy for the unborn child.

The drinking regimen is of great importance. The condition normalizes faster if you consume a sufficient amount of purified non-carbonated water or unsweetened tea.

Diarrhea medications for pregnant women

What can pregnant women from diarrhea from medicines? Ideally, the treatment should be selected by a doctor, but when for some reason it is not possible to turn to him, and the diarrhea is severe, self-administration of absorbents is allowed. These are substances that absorb toxins from the intestines.

Among the drugs allowed for pregnant women are:

Also, during the bearing of a child, you can take "Nifuroxazid" - an intestinal antiseptic that is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. Its reception is indicated for viral and bacterial intestinal disorders.

Diet for diarrhea

If the symptoms are not pronounced, and the condition does not cause concern, nausea and diarrhea during pregnancy are noticeably reduced or completely disappear when the diet is adjusted.

In case of a serious illness or infection, a sparing menu is also indispensable. Proper diet during this period gives the intestines the opportunity to restore normal functioning.

On the first day, it is advisable to limit yourself to drinking plenty of water. It is recommended to use:

Rice broth is useful, gently enveloping the walls of the stomach and contributing to the normalization of the stool. To prepare it, pour half a liter of water into the pan and add 1 tsp. rice. The mixture is boiled for 40 minutes over low heat, then the broth is filtered and drunk every 3 hours for about a quarter cup.

Diarrhea is a serious test for a future mother. In order not to endanger yourself and your baby, you need to control nutrition and consult a doctor if there are signs of an intestinal disorder.

Diarrhea in early pregnancy

Diarrhea is watery or more fluid than normal bowel movements, occurring more than three times a day. Although it is not a clear sign of early pregnancy, it is possible for a number of reasons. They are usually not serious unless loose stools are accompanied by fever, mucus or blood in the stool, and abdominal pain.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is usually short-lived, but despite this, it can cause dehydration, especially with frequent vomiting. In this case, precautions must be taken to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

There are different opinions about the association of diarrhea with pregnancy. Some experts argue that there are usually other causes that are directly independent, such as an infection or some kind of poor-quality food. Therefore, diarrhea is incorrectly considered a sign of pregnancy. 1 Others consider it a manifestation of hormonal changes occurring in the body, especially during the first trimester. 2 3 4 Elevated pregnancy hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can affect the digestive system. Thus, along with nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, and cravings for certain foods, diarrhea can also be a symptom of pregnancy, and then it is usually not harmful to the mother or baby. This problem may also be related to other conditions that require attention. Here are the possible reasons:

Hormones during pregnancy, especially progesterone, can have different effects on the gastrointestinal tract. More frequent effects may be bloating and constipation due to slow digestion. But sometimes it, on the contrary, accelerates and is accompanied by diarrhea.

2. Diet changes

Many women change their diet as soon as they find out they are pregnant. This may include adding fruits, vegetables, and fiber. If the mother is not accustomed to high fiber intake, this diet can cause diarrhea in early pregnancy, an unintended side effect of eating fruits and vegetables during the first trimester. However, this is a temporary reaction of the body and after a while it will disappear.

3. Lactose intolerance

Another dietary change that can cause diarrhea is lactose intolerance that is present and pre-existing. Because many women increase their milk intake during pregnancy, they may experience subsequent diarrhea due to this intolerance.

But it's usually enough to replace dairy products that contain higher levels of lactose with those that contain less. For example, fermented dairy products such as cheese, quark or yogurt contain less lactose than fresh milk. Many hard cheeses contain little or no this carbohydrate. Also, for many intolerant people, certain types of yogurt are better than others. 5

In addition, the ability to digest lactose often improves during pregnancy, especially later in pregnancy. As a result, even if you are not normally intolerant to it, you will be able to drink milk and eat other dairy products without discomfort. 6

Women who are carrying a child may experience digestive disorders from the first weeks. Most pregnant women suffer from constipation, but diarrhea also occurs. I propose to understand the possible causes of diarrhea and find out whether it is possible to prevent a pathological condition in expectant mothers.

Can you have diarrhea in early pregnancy?

After conception, the production of progesterone in the female body increases. This hormone provides the conditions for normal pregnancy and prepares a woman for the birth of a child. One of the functions of progesterone is to relax the muscles of the uterus, but the hormone also acts on the muscles of the intestines. Slow digestion of food allows you to absorb more nutrients that a growing fetus and expectant mother need. As a result, constipation often develops - a delay in the exit of feces from the intestines.

The level of progesterone begins to rise from the moment the egg is fertilized by the sperm, even before the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall

In rare cases, a pregnant woman, on the contrary, begins diarrhea - multiple liquid defecation. Hormone-induced diarrhea is called physiological diarrhea.. However, pathological processes can also cause diarrhea in the early stages.

Diarrhea during childbearing is an exception, not a normal condition.

Causes of diarrhea in the first trimester of pregnancy

In addition to hormonal changes, in the early stages, diarrhea can be caused by:

  • food poisoning. If you want to taste something tasty, a woman can eat a product of inadequate quality;
  • viral or bacterial infection. This reason is considered the most dangerous of all possible. Salmonellosis, rotavirus and others can attack the body of a pregnant woman with a weakened immune system;
  • nervous tension. The news of imminent motherhood makes a woman worry, and diarrhea is possible on a nervous basis;
  • changing eating habits. The diet of pregnant women changes from the first weeks, women may really want salty, sweet or spicy foods. Eating incompatible foods like milk and pickled cucumbers at one time causes digestive upset;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in a chronic form. Violation of the diet exacerbates problems with the digestive system with pancreatitis or cholecystitis;
  • high fiber content in food. In an effort to provide the child with useful substances, the expectant mother eats more vegetables and fruits. An organism unaccustomed to such a diet responds with an intestinal disorder;
  • taking medications:
    • a woman who suffers from constipation may take medication to ease bowel movements. After the normalization of the stool, diarrhea sometimes occurs;
    • pregnant women are prescribed vitamin complexes. One of the side effects of vitamin therapy is diarrhea.

A sharp jump in blood pressure up or down can cause loose stools, but only once

Diarrhea before missed period

Intestinal upset 5-6 days before the onset of menstruation can be considered a manifestation of early toxicosis, but sometimes indicates serious health problems. Only a doctor will determine the real cause of diarrhea.

Diarrhea a week before a missed period can be a sign of pregnancy, but you need to take a test and visit a doctor in any case.

diarrhea symptoms

Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom of a malfunction in the human body. It is more correct to talk about the signs that accompany the pathological course of diarrhea:

  • an increase in body temperature up to chills;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • heterogeneous watery stools with pieces of undigested food;
  • general weakness.

Diarrhea in early pregnancy may keep a woman from going to the toilet

Physiological diarrhea usually resolves without deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother..

Before I knew I was pregnant, I had diarrhea. The temperature was normal, but slightly nauseated. I had to call and ask for leave from work, because the urge to defecate was sudden. In addition to the inability to move away from the toilet, I did not experience any discomfort. It never got to the point of vomiting. In the afternoon, the diarrhea went away on its own. And after 2 weeks, I found out that I would soon become a mother.

What are the dangers of diarrhea in early pregnancy?

During childbearing, diarrhea requires the establishment of a cause and immediate treatment. Indigestion in the first trimester is dangerous with such consequences:

  • intestinal spasms can cause active uterine contractions and miscarriage may occur;
  • toxins and bacterial infections can penetrate the fetal membrane, which will lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and sometimes to its death;
  • malaise makes a woman irritable, making her nervous, which is highly undesirable in early pregnancy;
  • vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration of the pregnant woman and reduce appetite. Prolonged refusal of food threatens with beriberi - the female body is deprived of the nutrients that the mother and fetus need;
  • treatment with medications during the formation of the organs of the unborn baby can negatively affect intrauterine development;
  • the body temperature of a pregnant woman above 38 ° C, which does not decrease for more than three days, can cause fetal malformations. An increase in temperature provokes thrombosis due to increased blood clotting. Blood clots - thrombi - can slow down blood flow in the vessels, and as a result, the fetus will receive less oxygen.

Vomiting, often associated with diarrhea in the first trimester, increases the risk of dehydration of a pregnant woman

Video: what threatens dehydration to a person

When to Seek Medical Care for Diarrhea

If diarrhea in a pregnant woman lasts longer than three days and relief does not occur, then you need to see a doctor. If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • in liquid feces, bloody blotches are noticeable. This may be a sign of stomach or intestinal bleeding;
  • the pregnant woman feels a sharp pain in the abdomen. This happens with contractions of the uterus or the opening of a stomach ulcer;
  • a woman has a fetid stool, possibly greenish in color, mixed with pus and blood, which occurs when a pregnant woman is infected with pathogens;
  • bouts of severe vomiting are observed against the background of elevated body temperature. The condition speaks of intoxication of the body, which threatens with dehydration (dehydration), the signs of which are:
    • dark urine;
    • decrease in the number of urges to urinate;
    • persistent feeling of thirst;
    • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
    • bouts of dizziness;
    • irritability.

It is better for a pregnant woman to play it safe than not to get the help of a doctor on time

Treatment of diarrhea in the first trimester of pregnancy

Disorder of the stool due to a violation of the diet is normalized after the correction of the diet. In other cases, the doctor prescribes research to the expectant mother to establish a diagnosis:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal organs;
  • coprogram - study of the chemical and physical composition of feces;
  • a stool test to rule out or detect occult blood.

Regardless of the cause of loose stools, pregnant women need to drink more fluids to stay hydrated.

Diarrhea should not be dehydrated

Medical treatment for early diarrhea

Having determined the cause of diarrhea in a pregnant woman, the doctor recommends that she be treated with drugs that are allowed when carrying a child. If diarrhea is caused by bacteria - salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and others, then the pregnant woman must be hospitalized and antibiotics may be prescribed. Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited.

Table: diarrhea medicines that can be prescribed to expectant mothers

The name of the drug and to which drug group it belongs Release form and composition Indications Contraindications Special instructions for pregnancy approximate cost
Smecta, adsorbents and antidiarrhealsPowder for the preparation of a suspension with vanilla or orange flavor. The active substance is dioctahedral smectite.
  • Acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​​​allergic origin or due to medication;
  • diarrhea caused by a violation of the diet and the qualitative composition of the food;
  • infectious diarrhea.
  • hypersensitivity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
The drug is approved for use by pregnant women. With a tendency to constipation, Smecta is prescribed with caution.From 155 rubles per pack.
Enterofuril, antibacterial agentsCapsules or suspension. The active substance is nifuroxazide.Diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • syndrome of glucose-galactose malabsorption or insufficiency of sucrase and isomaltase.
The results of studies on the effects of nifuroxazide on the human fetus are not available. Animal experiments have shown that the substance does not penetrate into the blood. For pregnant women, Enterofuril and other drugs with nifuroxazide are prescribed according to indications, if the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk to the baby.From 296 rubles per package.
Enterosgel, detoxifiers and adsorbentsPasty mass of white color, placed in a tube or sachet. The active substance is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.
  • Acute and chronic poisoning of various origins;
  • acute intestinal infections:
  • toxic infections;
  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic renal failure.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal atony - a decrease in the ability of muscles to contract.
Expectant mothers Enterosgel is not contraindicated.From 449 rubles per package.
Regidron, regulators of water and electrolyte balancePowder for suspension. Active ingredients:
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • potassium chloride.
  • Diarrhea, including in children;
  • treatment and prevention of water and electrolyte balance disorders with intense sweating.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • diabetes mellitus - the drug contains glucose.
Regidron is approved for use when carrying a child.From 407 rubles per package.

Photo gallery: drugs for diarrhea in early pregnancy

With complex therapy, Smecta reduces the effectiveness of other drugs During pregnancy, it is better to take capsules, because Enterofuril suspension contains 1% ethanol Enterosgel absorbs and removes toxins from the body that caused diarrhea in a pregnant woman To prevent dehydration, Regidron is recommended to be taken from the first day of diarrhea.

Folk ways to get rid of diarrhea for pregnant women

The restriction in the choice of means for the treatment of pregnant women makes alternative methods of therapy relevant. They are most effective in non-infectious diarrhea.

starch solution

Potato starch absorbs toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and removes them naturally. Cooking:

  1. Take 0.5 cup of warm water.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of cornstarch into the water.
  3. Stir and drink immediately.

If the diarrhea does not go away, then after 2-3 hours you can drink another portion. The amount of starch solution drunk per day should not exceed 3 liters.

Potato Starch Absorbs Toxins Better Than Corn Starch and Others

Infusion of pomegranate peels

Pomegranate peel relieves intestinal inflammation, inhibits the growth of microbes - Escherichia coli and dysentery and has astringent properties. Pregnant women with a tendency to constipation and allergic reactions should use pomegranate drink with caution. Cooking:

  1. Put the pomegranate peels (20-25 grams) into a small saucepan. You can use fresh, but dried is better.
  2. Pour cold water (1.5 cups) and put on fire.
  3. After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the stove and infuse the broth for 1.5–2 hours.
  4. Strain the infusion and drink, warming up before drinking.

Expectant mothers need to take pomegranate infusion in half a glass up to three times a day.

Pomegranate peel contains a small amount of alkaloids, so the abuse of infusion is undesirable.


Some plants help to cope with diarrhea in pregnant women. A woman should get the approval of a doctor for treatment with folk methods. Herbs and other parts of plants from recipes are allowed during pregnancy, but individual negative reactions and contraindications are possible.

First collection:

  1. Mix in equal parts:
    • Ivan-tea grass;
    • chicory leaves;
    • dried blueberries;
  2. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed mixture with two glasses of boiled water.
  3. Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. It is better for pregnant women with reduced blood clotting to refuse treatment with Ivan-tea because of its blood-thinning ability. Chicory should not be used by women prone to varicose veins due to the plant's vasodilating properties. Fresh blueberries help with constipation, and dried blueberries should be used for diarrhea. Plantain increases blood clotting, which threatens the formation of blood clots Motherwort is not recommended for pregnant women who have an acute form of gastritis, cholecystitis or constantly low blood pressure. With all the benefits of rose hips, it is impossible to use it with a tendency to thrombosis

Diet for diarrhea in early pregnancy

  • dishes with starch - jelly, rice or oatmeal;
  • vegetables - carrots, pumpkin or cucumbers;
  • yogurt with live bacteria;
  • boiled lean meat - chicken or turkey;
  • lean soups with rice and vegetables, you can with noodles.

Meals should be fractional - eat often, but in small portions. On the first day with diarrhea, it is better to limit yourself to drinking plenty of fluids and low-fat broths, which are easier for the inflamed intestines to digest.

When there is no appetite with diarrhea, you should at least drink broths, for example, carrot

Prevention of diarrhea in the first trimester of pregnancy

To reduce the risk of developing intestinal disorders, expectant mothers are advised to:

  • wash hands thoroughly before eating and after using the restroom;
  • exclude from the diet foods that are difficult for digestion;
  • monitor the expiration date of products before eating;
  • eat at home, avoiding catering establishments;
  • diligently wash vegetables and fruits, intending to eat them;
  • store perishable foods in the refrigerator;
  • avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

In catering establishments there is no guarantee of food freshness, and fast food is also harmful for expectant mothers

Diarrhea at the beginning of pregnancy is a normal phenomenon due to changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Nausea, vomiting, loose stools are the first signs of the birth of a new life inside the female body. If diarrhea in early pregnancy is not caused by other pathological diseases, then it does not pose a particular danger to the mother and the unborn baby. But any change in condition during the first trimester should alert in order to avoid problems in the development of the fetus.

Causes of an unpleasant symptom

The occurrence of diarrhea in the first weeks of pregnancy is associated with the production of a hormone that slows down the functioning of the intestines for better absorption of substances, vitamins necessary for the normal development of the baby. Loose stools in the 1st trimester for several times a day is a normal state of the body. The occurrence of diarrhea in early pregnancy may be due to other internal, external factors:

  • poisoning;
  • the ingress of pathogenic microbes, bacteria;
  • change in eating habits;
  • toxicosis;
  • large amount of drinking water;
  • pathologies of the stomach, intestines, which are chronic;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • stress tension.

Diarrhea during the first trimester of pregnancy may be the result of food poisoning. The use of low-quality, stale food is the cause of stomach problems. During pregnancy, many women may be tempted to try new ingredients. The introduction of unusual products provokes processes in which food is not absorbed. Expectant mothers begin to consume fruits and vegetables containing fiber in unlimited quantities. Incompatible foods are the cause of diarrhea during pregnancy.

Hormonal changes lead to nausea and vomiting. Toxicosis is the cause of diarrhea in the first trimester. A pregnant woman, like any other person, is susceptible to contracting a viral, intestinal infection as a result of eating poor-quality food or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Hormonal rearrangement entails a decrease in immunity, which affects the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Anxiety is a common condition of a pregnant woman. Against the background of experiences, stress, frequent loose stools may occur.

Varieties of diarrhea

It can be observed several times a day. A single bowel movement is a common occurrence that does not require medical therapy. If diarrhea happens more than 3-4 times, then you should pay attention to the consistency, color of feces. The appearance of frequent loose stools indicates the causes of the pathology.

There are 4 types of diarrhea during early pregnancy:

  • osmolar;
  • secretory;
  • hyperexudative;
  • hypokinetic, hyperkinetic.

The osmolar type of diarrhea is characterized by a strong release of liquid feces with food impurities that are not absorbed by the body. This form occurs due to dysbacteriosis, lack of nutrients, enzymes.

Diarrhea in the first trimester of the secretory form is characterized by a strong release of watery, greenish stools. This variety occurs due to the ingress of pathogenic, pathogenic bacteria, intestinal infections.

The hyperexudative form is characterized by profuse diarrhea with impurities of pus and blood. Diarrhea is accompanied by sharp and severe pain in the abdomen. This type of liquid stool is caused by an exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The hypokinetic or hyperkinetic form of diarrhea is characterized by frequent urge to defecate, the consistency of which has a mushy state. This variety occurs due to stress, taking medications, as a result of which there is a slowdown (hypokinetic) or acceleration (hyperkinetic) of intestinal motility.

Black and red stools are signs of internal bleeding. Dark masses can be observed after taking vitamin complexes containing a large amount of iron. The red color of the stool in combination with the pale color of the skin, low blood pressure, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, dizziness indicates bleeding inside the intestine.

Impurities of scarlet blood in the feces occur due to the formation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures due to impaired venous outflow through the vessels of the rectum during pregnancy.

Dangers of diarrhea in the first trimester of pregnancy

Frequent urge to defecate in the first days, months of pregnancy are dangerous for the mother and the unborn child. Regular diarrhea can lead to serious consequences:

  • dehydration;
  • intoxication;
  • manifestation of dangerous symptoms;
  • increase the tone of the uterus;
  • the threat of losing a child;
  • fetal development disorder.

Dehydration is the result of vomiting and diarrhea. The appearance of dryness of the skin of the body, oral cavity, white coating on the tongue, weakness, problems with urine excretion - this is an occasion to urgently seek help from a doctor. Dehydration leads to a violation of the water-salt, electrolyte balance, leaching of useful nutrients, vitamins, which negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body of a pregnant woman leads to intoxication. Harmful substances enter the blood, therefore, affect the development of the embryo. Toxins can lead to miscarriage - the loss of a child.

The occurrence of diarrhea is promoted by an increase in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by pain, spasms. Consistent contraction of the intestinal muscles causes uterine tone, placental abruption, and as a result, the likelihood of miscarriage.

Diagnosis of pathology

Frequent diarrhea during the first trimester of pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus. It is during this period that the formation of the organs and systems of the body of the unborn baby takes place. If an unpleasant symptomatic symptom appears, you should consult a doctor to be referred for a diagnosis, the results of which will allow you to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct therapeutic course of treatment for diarrhea.

Fecal analysis gives an idea of ​​malfunctions in the pancreas, the presence of bacteria. Instrumental examination is an additional diagnostic method, including the passage of a coprogram, ultrasound of the abdominal organs to detect pathologies of internal organs.

Medical therapy

Treatment of diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy is necessary after receiving the results of the diagnosis. Therapy directly depends on the establishment of the cause of the pathology. Diarrhea treatment involves taking medications, following a drinking regimen and a healthy diet.


Taking medication to solve a problem with a stool should be carried out only on the advice of a doctor. Many medicines are contraindicated for pregnant women, for example, taking antibiotics. There is a list of medicines that eliminate the causes of loose stools without harming the health of the expectant mother and fetus:

  • rehydration solutions;
  • adsorbents;
  • products containing enzymes.

To avoid dehydration, pregnant women need to take solutions containing salt, glucose. Such drugs help maintain the water-salt balance while washing out nutrients during the period of diarrhea.

Adsorbents are the main category of medicines that are safe for embryo development. Such drugs help to eliminate toxins, reduce the risk of intoxication of the body. Means of adsorbing action, for example, Smecta powder, Enterosgel suspension, Laktofiltrum capsules, activated charcoal, should not be taken simultaneously with vitamin complexes.

If the cause of frequent bowel movements is a chronic type of disease of the stomach, intestines, then a pregnant woman needs to take enzyme medications, for example, Mezim, Creon tablets.

Drinking regime

Therapeutic therapy implies compliance with the drinking regimen. If diarrhea occurs, a pregnant woman should consume 3.5 liters of liquid: pure water, saline solutions, herbal infusions. The use of drinks prepared according to the advice of traditional medicine should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to health and the unborn baby. You can cure diarrhea with proven recipes:

  • rice water;
  • a solution of water with potato starch;
  • decoction of blackberry leaves;
  • jelly from blueberries;
  • herbal tea with the addition of chamomile, lemon balm, mint, oak bark, St. John's wort, calamus, wormwood;
  • decoction of motherwort;
  • pomegranate peel tea.

The use of herbal, medicinal collections should be carried out in the absence of indications for use: allergies, intolerance to the components. It is not recommended to use folk methods on your own.

Healthy diet

When a woman becomes pregnant, she should pay special attention to her diet. When loose stools appear, you must follow the rules of a therapeutic diet:

  • exclude spicy, fatty, salty, smoked dishes, semi-finished products, thermally processed foods, sausages, dairy products, strong drinks from the menu;
  • the use of lean meats, poultry, light soups, cereals cooked with water, dried bread, steamed or baked vegetables;
  • fractional nutrition;
  • eating a moderate amount of food;
  • rejection of exotic ingredients;
  • inclusion in the diet of high-quality, fresh products.

The diet should be balanced, varied for the normal mental and physical development of the fetus.


In order to avoid intestinal upset, recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to eat fresh food, control the amount of food consumed, do not starve, do not overeat. It is important for a pregnant woman to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash hands more often before eating.

In the early stages, it is not recommended to visit mass gatherings of people so as not to become infected with viral, colds. Reception of special vitamin and mineral complexes, frequent walks in the fresh air will strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother.

Pregnancy is an important stage in a woman's life. During this period, you need to closely monitor the state of health in order to avoid pathologies in the development of the embryo. Diarrhea in the first trimester may indicate the occurrence of serious internal diseases. Timely treatment, including the intake of medications, compliance with the diet will help to avoid the development of complications.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a delicate problem that educated people try not to talk about, but when it comes to pregnancy, you can’t keep silent and hide it, since any careless action can harm the health of the unborn child.

Is diarrhea normal during pregnancy?

Often diarrhea occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (You will find a lot of useful information in the article The first trimester of pregnancy >>>). The reason is the hormonal restructuring of the body, which affects all organs and organ systems of a woman. During pregnancy, you may begin to react in a new way even to familiar foods and experience diarrhea.

Diarrhea usually starts right after you eat something. Sometimes it comes to the fear of leaving your home and eating something outside of it. And even at home, constant escapes to the toilet do not cause much joy.

The most common causes of diarrhea during pregnancy are:

  • Non-compliance with the diet;
  • Eating not quite fresh or low-quality products;
  • Taking medications, the side effect of which is loose stools during pregnancy;
  • Irritable bowel;
  • Infection with an intestinal infection or virus;
  • Exacerbation of a gastric or other chronic disease.

Attention! Whatever the cause of diarrhea, this condition must be dealt with. Diarrhea is not normal even during pregnancy.

Why is diarrhea dangerous during pregnancy?

  1. Constant diarrhea threatens even a healthy person with dehydration. During diarrhea in early pregnancy, not only harmful substances are removed from the mother's body, but also vital mineral salts. Too much of their loss leads to the fact that all internal organs begin to work incorrectly, and this harms the health of the fetus;
  2. Diarrhea is accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism, so the toxins that accumulate in the body can also harm the health of the child.
  3. During diarrhea, the intestines are in a state of constant increased activity. The uterus is located next to the intestines, so there is a risk that the tone will pass to the uterus. Increased uterine tone can lead to fetal rejection. More about this: Tone of the uterus during pregnancy >>>;
  4. Diarrhea in the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as in its third trimester, is dangerous because your body is already overloaded, the fetus is already quite heavy and presses on the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. This causes numerous constipation and diarrhea;
  5. Diarrhea in the third trimester, which is accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen, may indicate that it is time to go to the maternity hospital. Usually, doctors react very calmly to diarrhea during childbirth, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Attention! It is possible to determine that diarrhea is caused by an infection by signs such as high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness.

How to give yourself first aid during diarrhea during pregnancy?

If you notice more than 2 of the following symptoms, immediately proceed to the treatment of loose stools:

  • You are constantly thirsty, dries your mouth;
  • Sensation of dryness on the skin and mucous membranes of the whole body. The skin can dry out so much that it begins to peel off;
  • Feeling of general weakness, constant fatigue, desire to go to sleep, tinnitus;
  • Shadows and dark circles lie around the eyes, although it seems to you that you are getting enough sleep;
  • Often you want to go to the toilet in a big way, but go in a small way quite rarely. But even if such trips happen, then little urine is released and it is dark in color.

Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, and sometimes even terrible. If this happens to you for the first time, it will not be surprising if you start to panic.

But you shouldn’t do this, there are tricks and remedies that can help stop diarrhea at least for a while and calmly get to the doctor’s office:

  1. Quickly pull yourself together and calm down, because being in a state of nervous tension can only increase diarrhea;
  2. Increase the amount of fluid you drink to avoid dehydration. Chamomile tea and St. John's wort are ideal;
  3. With severe diarrhea, you can take Smecta powder or a few tablets of activated charcoal. These drugs do not cause any harm, but help to remove toxins from the body.

Other medicines are not recommended. If it becomes necessary to take any other drug, then you need to carefully study the instructions for its use, and if it says that it should not be used by pregnant women, then you will have to refuse to take it.

How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy?

  • Eat only fresh products, with an unexpired shelf life, without a characteristic smell, the quality of which cannot be doubted;
  • Products should be consumed only in solid form or in the form of gruel. Do not get carried away with liquid foods such as soups and broths, as they increase intestinal activity and can provoke a new attack of diarrhea;
  • Eat rice porridge boiled in water without adding milk. If there is no appetite, then you can drink a certain amount of rice water;
  • It is believed that blueberries are a good way to beat diarrhea, and this applies not only to pregnant women. Blueberries are perfectly stored frozen, so you need to constantly keep them at home and eat literally a few berries every day for prevention;
  • The worse the diarrhea, the more fluid you need to drink in order to avoid dehydration. It is best to drink mineral water without gas, compotes and decoctions of dried fruits, herbal teas.

Drinking various kinds of pills without a doctor's prescription is very dangerous, self-medication can harm both yourself and your child. Seeing a doctor is a must.

diet for diarrhea during pregnancy

It is not necessary to follow such a diet constantly, throughout pregnancy, as the child needs nutrients. It is necessary to return to it from time to time and observe no more than one day.

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the diet any dairy products, except for natural yogurt, as well as fried, salted, smoked and pickled;
  2. For breakfast, it is advisable to eat light cereals cooked in water. Oatmeal is good. After it, it is advisable to drink strong black tea with crackers or bread;
  3. No need to eat dried fruits;
  4. It is extremely useful to drink herbal teas and infusions;
  5. Eat stewed, boiled, steamed any vegetables, just make sure that they do not have coarse particles;
  6. Light soups and steam cutlets should become your good friends for a long time.

Attention! Throughout pregnancy, you should try to follow every day diet items numbered 2 and 5.

Diarrhea as a sign of pregnancy

With toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are also added to loose stools (On this topic, read the current article Nausea during pregnancy >>>). However, with toxicosis, these signs and conditions occur suddenly, irregularly, while not affecting the health of the expectant mother. As a rule, this prompts women to think about a possible pregnancy.

But in cases where chills, fever, general poor condition are added to loose stools, nausea and vomiting, then we are talking about a disorder of the digestive system. It makes no sense to expect that this is a temporary phenomenon, and that everything will definitely go away on its own, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the situation may go too far.

Attention! In order to clearly know whether you are pregnant or not, use a pregnancy test.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is not the norm, but rather gives you a signal that you need to reconsider your attitude to nutrition and pay more attention to the overall strengthening of the body.

After conception, the woman's body is rebuilt in such a way that the expectant mother is able to keep and bear a healthy child. The internal organs begin to work for two, so some processes change, as nature has decreed. The digestive system becomes especially sensitive and often a woman has loose stools during pregnancy in the early stages. What are its causes and should we be afraid of it? What methods are best to eliminate the disorder, is it possible to self-medicate? About everything in order.

Why does the disorder occur in early pregnancy

There is still controversy about loose stools at first after conception. Some doctors argue that diarrhea does not come just like that and is a serious "bell" for concern, the second theory is based on the fact that loose stools are just a reaction to new life in the womb of a woman.

Indeed, in the early stages, constipation due to progesterone is considered more normal. But the opposite also happens. What is going on with the expectant mother?

The appearance of loose stools in a woman during early pregnancy is a common occurrence, if it is not accompanied by pain in the intestines, vomiting or fever. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in local immunity. It is the immune system that plays a significant role in the digestive system. If earlier a girl could eat an unwashed tomato, and the body reacted calmly to this, then, being in a position, the intestines cannot fully resist microbes, which leads to loose stools.

In addition, in the early stages, a pregnant woman experiences a malnutrition - food refusal can be replaced by excessive overeating, which ultimately leads to such disorders.

A disorder associated with hormonal imbalance is not dangerous and goes away on its own. It is not even called diarrhea - this is the usual liquefaction of feces, which does not create severe discomfort in pregnant women.

Causes, types of loose stools

Loose stools in a future mother in the early stages of expecting a child can appear for many reasons:

  • diet change;
  • poisoning;
  • infectious infection;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of large amounts of fiber in food;
  • increased nervousness of the expectant mother;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • previous use of laxatives.

Diarrhea can also be of a short-term nature, associated with the restructuring of the body or a change in diet, but it can also be an echo of more serious problems.

It is necessary to observe not only the consistency, but also the smell, color of the stool.

Diarrhea associated with pregnancy

  1. Often, loose stools in the first months are associated with toxicosis. This is how the body reacts to hormonal imbalance, accompanied by nausea, heartburn, and sometimes vomiting. Especially these unpleasant phenomena are observed in the morning. The stomach does not want to accept the usual food and the woman eats mostly light food - fruits or vegetables. This provokes an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, from where the liquefaction of feces appears.
  2. It happens that when planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother takes vitamins or dietary supplements. In this case, the stool may be dark in color, especially if iron was present in the vitamins.
  3. Change in taste preferences. Pregnant women are famous for their strange desires to eat incompatible foods. They want to drink salted fish with milk and have a bite of pineapple or eat a pickled cucumber after a sandwich with jam. Such combinations provoke intestinal upset, which, as a result, is accompanied by a change in the stool.

Loose stools, which appeared only because of pregnancy, do not require medication. At the same time, the woman does not have temperature, weakness in the muscles, fever, loss of strength. The stool may change color depending on the products consumed, but must be clean, without blood impurities. Urges to the toilet do not exceed 3 times a day.

In this case, the body only needs to adjust the diet and lifestyle.

In case of poisoning

Poor quality food or improperly stored foods cause diarrhea, nausea, and provoke vomiting. Toxins that enter the intestines with spoiled food are reflected in it with twisting pains.

First of all, in case of poisoning, you need to wash the stomach and start taking absorbent drugs.

For intestinal infection

Such symptoms are dangerous dehydration and require medical intervention.

For diseases of the internal organs

In this condition, the pregnant woman is tormented not only by painful diarrhea, but also by weakness, bloating, and nausea. There are unpleasant taste sensations in the mouth.

When there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hyperexudative, hypokinetic and osmolar diarrhea is observed. Its difference from another type of diarrhea is that pregnant women have blood, pus, a lot of mucus or undigested pieces of food in the feces of pregnant women. Intestinal motility is disturbed, nutrients are not absorbed, which leads to disorder.

Intestinal bleeding is diagnosed:

  • cold sweat;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • reduced pressure;
  • hematemesis.

If there is a suspicion that the etiology of diarrhea is associated not only with hormones and the restructuring of the functions of internal organs, it is necessary to notify your doctor about this, if, in addition, dangerous concomitant symptoms are observed, call for medical help.

Of course, if we are talking about diarrhea, the main task is to replenish the lost fluid. You need to drink 3 or more liters of clean water per day, it is desirable that it be warm. If a woman is sure that diarrhea was not provoked by an infection or disease of internal organs, she can help herself. There are special safe drugs in pharmacology, and traditional medicine in this regard eliminates diarrhea no worse.

Honey preparations

The first drugs that are prescribed to help with loose stools are absorbents. They are like a sponge able to absorb harmful toxins and remove them safely from the body.

These include:

  • lactofiltrum;
  • polysorb;
  • Activated carbon;
  • enterosgel;
  • polypefan;
  • smect.

To retain fluid in the body, they drink a solution of rehydron or trisol.

The rest of the drug therapy should be carried out only under the guidance of a doctor: he can prescribe medications to relieve spasms, sedatives, antibiotics and probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

Folk remedies

To replenish the lost fluid, you can prepare a solution at home. 18 grams of sugar and 3 grams of salt are added to 1 liter of pure water. Use the solution in unlimited quantities, but in small sips.

In addition, to improve the digestive system and normalize stools, there are many folk remedies:

  1. A decoction of rice. Thoroughly washed rice (at least 3 times) boil in a ratio of 1:4 with water. The cereal should be completely boiled. Strain the resulting drink and drink in small quantities throughout the day.
  2. Decoction of pomegranate peel. Crushed dry pomegranate peel is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and consumed in 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.
  3. Starch. You can cook jelly (preferably blueberry) with the addition of starch or boil a decoction of potatoes (in a small amount of water). Use 150-200 ml at least 3 times a day, regardless of food. You can also dilute 1 tbsp. l. starch in 250 g of warm water and drink at a time.
  4. If diarrhea is caused by stress, tension and excitement, drink herbal tea. However, you need to be careful - not all herbal remedies are recommended during pregnancy. Chamomile and lemon balm are safe in this situation.
  5. Ginger. It not only strengthens the immune system, but has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improving its processes.
  6. Blackberry leaves. A handful of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and removed in a dark place until completely cooled. Pass the drink through gauze and consume in the diet 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  7. Fried sunflower seeds (1 cup) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmered over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. The finished broth is filtered and consumed 100 g 2-3 times a day.
  8. Rye bread. For half an hour, it is soaked in water and the finished infusion is consumed in small quantities throughout the day. It is also useful to eat crackers from bread.


In addition to all of the above, a woman should remember about her diet:

  • cereals must be cooked only on water;
  • exclude from the diet unsuitable, heavy foods (fatty, spicy, salty, sour, sweet);
  • drink strong tea;
  • eat fractionally;
  • eat stale bread;
  • choose quality products.

When to Call a Doctor

Serious symptoms such as:

  • purulent smell of feces, the presence of a large amount of mucus or blood in it;
  • if diarrhea lasts more than a week, vomiting, fever, cutting pains in the abdomen, lethargy, aches have been added;
  • stools black in addition with weakness, headache and dizziness.

If the diarrhea does not stop for a long time, but there are no other accompanying signs, the doctor may prescribe the necessary tests for the pregnant woman: BAC stool culture, dysbacteriosis, worm eggs, enterobiasis, occult blood test or coprogram.

In any case, the future mother should listen to herself, because she is responsible not only for her own, but also for a small life inside herself!