Carp fish - calories, composition, how to cook. Carp

Tasty food is not only a need, but also our daily desire, which largely determines the mood for the day and the effectiveness of the work done. But the trouble is, many goodies do not have a completely positive effect on our health, metabolism and digestion. Many nutritionists strongly advise to exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet, in particular starchy, fatty and sweet. But you can eat fish without restrictions. For example, carp is tasty and healthy. The calorie content of this fish makes it easy to fit it into any menu.

What is this fish?

So, carp is a fish from the carp family. She first came to the human table back in China in 1000 BC. Here she was a favorite delicacy of emperors. Later, the carp came to Asia and Europe. Since the 13th century it has been bred in the Czech Republic.

In appearance, the carp resembles crucian carp, but with a thicker and longer body and movable lips.

Carps are divided into river and pond, with river carp having a longer cylindrical body, and pond carp being short and thick.

An adult is up to a meter in length, and can weigh up to 20 kg. Carp eats almost constantly, as it belongs to stomachless fish. The diet consists of crustaceans, mollusks and worms. Closer to three years, carp can breed.


The stores almost always have carp. Its calorie content allows you to include fish in any menu. Dishes from carp can be very diverse, as this fish gratefully accepts any form of heat treatment. Of course, there are enough bones in the carcass, but the larger the fish itself, the larger the bones. So do not grind, choose a larger fish.

By the way, this is fatty food, but very tender and almost sweetish. If you are on a diet, then carp will be a real delicacy. Its calorie content reaches 112 calories in its raw form. In boiled carp, this figure drops to 102 calories per 100 g, while in fried carp it rises to 196 calories. Does it seem like a big number? Not at all, because it is a very satisfying fish that is rich in vitamins and macronutrients. It contains a high concentration of proteins and fats.

If you replace some of the meat in your diet with fish, then there will be no weight gain, but the digestion process will improve. Carp is extremely easy to prepare. Its calorie content is high, so it is better to serve vegetables or cereals as a side dish, but carp in batter will be very easy for the stomach. The fish is juicy and tender, it is very sensitive to salt and pepper, and therefore it is better not to overdo it with spices.

Beneficial for the body

In addition to the fats and proteins mentioned, this fish has a lot of vitamins and useful chemical compounds. Meat contains almost all vitamins of groups B, PP, E, C and provitamin A. In addition to the fact that carp is tasty, the calorie content per 100 grams allows it to be introduced into the diet menu without risk to the figure, but with great benefits for the body. After all, fish has a lot of iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, iron, manganese, zinc and fluorine.

In our menu, carp can positively influence the state of the spinal cord and brain. It contains vitamin B12, which is an antioxidant. It is involved in fat metabolism and DNA synthesis. Carp calms the nerves, improves digestion and regulates blood sugar levels.

Its meat is useful in diseases of the thyroid gland. It should be noted that it contains phosphoric acid, without which you can not do.

Nutritionists recommend boiling fish for at least a quarter of an hour, and frying in small pieces for about 25 minutes. If you bake pies with fish, it will take at least an hour. For salting - 2-3 weeks and a couple of days for freezing.

Choosing how to cook carp

The most "heavy" for the body will be. Its calorie content almost reaches 200 kcal per 100 grams. And if you add the fact that fatty fish raises cholesterol, then its use may be undesirable. But fish oil is much more valuable than pork or beef. Due to the presence of minerals and vitamins, carp meat becomes useful for stabilizing the functioning of the body as a whole and the musculoskeletal system in particular.

So for those who lose weight, eating carp is useful, because this meat stimulates metabolism.

It is best to buy carp alive and not stare at very large carps. The ideal would be a fish of 1-1.5 kg with red-pink gills, elastic meat and a wet even tail. Up to three days can be in the refrigerator bought carp. Just do not forget to gut it, put it in a glass container and cover with a film. In the freezer, carp does not lose its qualities. The calorie content per 100 grams of fish does not change.

What to combine fish in cooking

Regardless of the country and nationality, everyone loves carp. It is prepared in different ways: baked, fried, boiled, stewed and stuffed. And what kind of fish is an ear! In it, as they say, there is a spoon. In Central Asia, fish is cooked in white wine with dried fruits and almonds, and in Australia - with tomatoes, anchovies, bacon and cream. In Russian cuisine, stuffed carp is very often prepared using mushrooms, bell peppers, garlic, ginger, eggs and onions. Lemon juice is perfect for this. You can also use tomato. Since the fish absorbs spices very actively, you do not need to be zealous with them. You can substitute salt for soy sauce. Fish with basil, marjoram and cardamom is revealed very interestingly. You can serve fried potatoes, vegetables, rice, beans and buckwheat as a side dish.

On a diet, even fried carp is allowed. Its calorie content, if cooked without oil, decreases significantly. Of course, a special grill pan will come in handy. First you need to remove the skin and fat deposits on the abdomen.

We bake fish according to all the rules

But, of course, it is best suited for diet food. Its calorie content varies from 120 to 170 calories, depending on the ingredients of the marinade. It is useful to make it on the basis of lemon juice, garlic and mustard. You can also add tomato juice. And stuffed with buckwheat with garlic and carrots. The original marinade can be made with onion, paprika, basil and cilantro.

For garnish, you can use boiled cabbage, zucchini and eggplant. It is very tasty, but, alas, it is high in calories to marinate fish in a mixture of mayonnaise with tomatoes and onions. By the way, for those who focus on energy value, it makes sense to cook fish not in the oven, but in a double boiler.

For example

So, on the menu, carp in the oven. We make it as low as possible in order to calmly afford a fish for dinner. Clean the carcass from the insides. In a separate saucepan, combine the soy sauce with the basil, onion, and garlic. Add lemon juice and a few tablespoons of mustard. Mix everything and leave the fish in the cold.

You can also chop nuts, and fry carrots in a pan. Then stuff the carp with carrots and boiled buckwheat, and stab the abdomen with toothpicks so that nothing falls out. Now line the baking sheet with baking paper. Laying out the fish, pour plenty of marinade on top and send it to the oven.


Carp- This is a domesticated carp. In translation, carp literally means "harvest, fruit." This species of fish was first bred in China, where it gained great fame and after a while spread throughout Europe, Russia and even Japan. In China, carp dishes were served at the imperial table. The carp gained universal love not only for its rapid growth and fertility, but also for its useful components.

Fried carp- This is one of the most common options for cooking this fish. Carp is fried in a large amount of sunflower oil with the addition of spices to taste. Carp meat is very tender, juicy, with a slightly sweet aftertaste. When choosing a carp, as well as when buying other fish, look at the gills, abdomen. The mucus on the scales should slide and not stick to the fingers, which indicates the poor quality of the fish. Also, carp is felt from different sides and at the same time it must be elastic. The presence of blood on the fish is a sign of a sick, unhealthy fish.

Fried carp: Useful properties.

The advantages of carp include its positive impact on the overall well-being of the body, hair, nails and skin. It also reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.

The benefits of carp primarily lie in its chemical composition, because this fish contains a large number of various minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are required for the stable functioning of the human body.

In addition, the beneficial properties of carp are due to the content of antioxidants - substances that keep us young and protect our cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The benefits of carp have been known all over the world since ancient times, as mentioned above, which is why this fish has become so widespread in culinary business, because in many countries carp dishes are considered a delicacy that delights even the most sophisticated gourmets.

The beneficial properties of carp will be especially useful to those people who complain about the work of the spinal cord or the brain. Eating this fish significantly improves the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, as well as normalizes blood sugar levels.

Regular consumption of carp will help in the normalization of the digestive system and metabolism. Many people who want to lose extra pounds mistakenly avoid eating fish, but they need to be aware that, for example, the calorie content of carp is only 112 kcal per 100 grams, and the easily digestible proteins in its composition help in getting rid of fat.

Fried carp: Harmful properties.

The harm of carp, like any fish grown artificially, lies in the fact that a large number of various antibiotics, growth accelerators and dyes are added to it, so it is advisable to be careful about the constant consumption of this fish. In addition, carp refers to fish - silt-eaters, that is, to those who collect all kinds of garbage.

Carp is a freshwater fish that was artificially raised in China and successfully migrated to the waters of Russia and Europe. It owes its popularity to its rapid growth and active reproduction. The carp is quite hardy, thanks in large part to this, it has become a symbol of samurai strength for the Japanese.

In feng shui, carp is a sacred fish that signifies success and abundance. In the modern world, this is an excellent combination of useful chemical compounds and sweet, tender meat. Useful minerals: manganese, phosphorus, cobalt, nickel, chromium, magnesium, iron, molybdenum, potassium, fluorine, sodium, etc.

Calorie content of fresh carp - 112 kcal. The composition contains proteins - 16.0 g, fats - 5.3 g.

You can almost always buy fresh carp. Due to its amazing combination with many vegetables, cereals and potatoes, it is a welcome guest in the lion's share of cuisines. It is stewed, baked, fried and boiled. The use of fresh carp helps to improve the normalization of metabolism and put the digestive system in order. Fish is recommended for people who have impaired functioning of the spinal cord and brain.

When choosing a fresh carp, you need to look at the gills, they should be red, not stuck together. The carcass of a fresh carp should be distinguished by elasticity and wet scales, with the complete absence of any additional damage. The eyes should be clear if the carp is fresh and not frozen. If you notice blood on the body of the fish - perhaps its condition is not the best.

Calorie boiled carp

Carp is a fish that has been artificially bred. Several centuries ago in China they were able to domesticate carp and called this fish carp, after that this fish began to be successfully bred in Russia and Europe. There are several types of carps, among them there is a genetically created, mirror carp, it does not have scales. In the Czech Republic, a dish of mirror carp is traditionally served on the Christmas table.

The meat of this fish has concentrated many components that improve human health. Useful minerals: chlorine, iodine, nickel, calcium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, molybdenum, potassium, fluorine, sodium. Vitamins: A, B1, B5, B9, B12, E, C, PP.

There is a misconception that carp is a rather fatty and high-calorie fish, which is clearly not true. Boiled carp can perfectly complement a restorative diet. As boiled both in water and in beer, thanks to which the meat gets a piquant taste. Boiled carp meat will be welcome in every kitchen, because it goes well with all sorts of cereals, potatoes and vegetables.

Calorie boiled carp - 102 kcal. Also in the composition there are proteins - 16.0 g, carbohydrates - 2.0 g, fats - 3.7.

A balanced content of vitamins and chemical elements that strengthen joints and bones can reduce the likelihood of getting arthritis or osteoporosis in old age. The increased content of zinc allows the child's body to develop more actively and prevent complications during its growth.

Carp is a domesticated carp. Literally, "carp" is translated as "fruit, harvest." This type of fish was originally able to be bred in China, where it managed to become widely known and after some time spread throughout Russia, Europe and even Japan. As for all the same China, there dishes from carp were served on the imperial table.

The universal love for carp came not only for fertility and rapid growth, but also for a whole range of useful components. Useful minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, nickel, sulfur, iodine, molybdenum, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, cobalt, copper, phosphorus, chromium, potassium, fluorine, manganese. Vitamins: A, B1, B5, B9, B12, E, C, PP.

Fried carp 0 is one of the most common cooking options for this wonderful fish. Carp is fried with abundant spices and sunflower oil. The meat of the carp is juicy and tender, there is a slight sweetish aftertaste.

Calorie content of fried carp - 196 kcal. Also in the composition were proteins - 18.3 g, carbohydrates - 4.5 g, fats - 11.6 g.

The advantages of carp include its beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, nails, hair. It is also able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, participate in the normalization of the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems.

When buying a carp, as well as when choosing other fish, you need to pay attention to the abdomen and gills. The mucus on the scales should not stick to the fingers, which indicates the inappropriate quality of the fish, but slide. Also, carp can be felt from different sides, it must be elastic. If you find blood on the fish, then most likely the fish is sick.

The inhabitants of Ancient China were the first to tame the progenitor of the carp - carp. Since then, domesticated, artificially bred fish is called carp. After the active settlement of the water expanses of Eurasia, the carp has firmly entered the diet of every inhabitant of the continent.

About carp

Carp is an omnivorous representative of the aquatic fauna. Its habitats are distinguished by a quiet stream of water and a clay bottom: rivers or reservoirs. An increase in the population is noted when the water reaches a temperature of +18 °C.

Carp hunts mainly for mollusks, crustaceans and worms. Most of the "population" in the reservoirs are carps of three types: scaly, mirror and naked.

Despite the fact that representatives of the carp families are divided into species depending on the integument, the number of bones and body shape, an inexperienced fisherman or culinary specialist can easily confuse this fish with crucian carp.

Carp calories

An important aspect in the preparation of carp is the calorie content of the main product. It is recommended to take into account the energy value of products not only for diet lovers, but also for adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

How to choose fresh carp

Thanks to the active growth and reproduction, carp steel dishes are a kind of universal menu solution. However, regardless of the method of heat treatment, it is important to pay attention to the original, fresh state of the fish.

The golden rules for buying and choosing fresh carp are presented in the following theses:

  • Checking the gills is the first step of the "revision". Pay attention to their color: it should be as far away from red-pink shades as possible. Sticky gills of an unnatural shape are a signal of depravity.
  • Water in the transparent bulging eyes of a fresh carp indicates a good quality product.
  • The integuments must be intact, the scales must be moist, covered with transparent and slippery mucus.
  • The elasticity of the fish gives the green light to the purchase.
  • The pleasant smell of the product is not always a guarantee of its freshness (thanks to flavors). If there is a suspicious smell, refuse the purchase.
  • The abundance of blood on the body of the fish is an indicator of the disease. An acceptable healthy number of blood spots is 2-3.

Carp: the benefits and harms of eating

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Seafood is famous for its chic set of chemical elements. Fish is a real box of health! Thus, the inclusion of carp in the diet affects the functioning of the human body. What is the nature of the change?

  • The widest range of minerals, vitamins and nutrients that make up carp contributes to the creation of healthy conditions for the body to work.
  • Antioxidants contained in carp block free radicals, literally prolonging youth.
  • The use of carp is recommended for everyone who wants to improve productivity and stability during physical or mental labor.
  • Mucous membranes and integuments of representatives of the carp family normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Fish has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, speeds up metabolism.

It should be noted that the main contraindication to the use of carp is excessive passion for the product. Not only can today's products not boast of a natural composition (active consumption can adversely affect human health), we should not forget about the benefits of a proper and balanced diet, which is based on the use of all types of products (and not just fish or vegetables). Otherwise, you should rely on individual gastronomic preferences.

Culinary fantasies: the best carp recipes

Carp is a versatile fish product widely used in national cuisines around the world. Choose your favorite recipe!

Classics of the genre - fried carp

To prepare carp in the simplest way, we need the following ingredients:

  • carp - ½ kg;
  • ground pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • lemon.

Before you start working with a fish, be sure to rinse and clean it of scales and entrails. Cut off the head, cut off the fins and wash again under running water.

Divide the fish into 2 parts along the spine line and cut into portions.
Salt, pepper and drizzle with lemon juice to taste. Add your favorite spices if desired. Let the fish marinate for 10-15 minutes.

In a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil, send pieces of carp previously rolled in flour. Fry on each side for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

Carp with vegetables baked in the oven

  1. Gut and clean a fish weighing 1.5-2 kg, remove the gills, head, fin and tail parts. Rinse.
  2. Rub the carp with lemon juice, salt and spices and marinate for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cut 2 onions into cubes. Grate 1 carrot through a medium/large grater. ½ kg of champignons, give the form of plates.
  4. After frying the onions in vegetable oil for five minutes, send the mushrooms and carrots to the same pan. Cook until browned.
  5. Stuff the belly of the carp with the prepared mixture. Fasten the incision with a thread with a needle / toothpicks.
  6. Create shallow, parallel vertical cuts on the fish, in which place the semicircles of the lemon.
  7. Coat the fish with sour cream and, placing it on a baking sheet covered with foil, send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. The baking time should be 60 minutes.
  9. Don't forget to brush the sides of the carp with sour cream at least twice as it bakes.

Carp fish soup

Make sure your refrigerator contains items such as:

  • carp weighing ½ kg (+ head and tail);
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • celery root is about the size of half an apple.

For cooking, you will also need bay leaves (2 pcs.), allspice and ground pepper, salt, vegetable oil, herbs.

Divide the pre-cleaned and gutted fish into portioned pieces. Boil the heads and tails in 1.5 liters of water. At the moment of boiling the broth, remove the foam and add spices. After 40-50 minutes of cooking, strain.

We clean and cut all the vegetables with the preferred technique.
Add potatoes and fish to the broth. Boil for 15 minutes. After that, add the remaining vegetables sautéed in a pan for 5-7 minutes. We continue to cook the soup for 7-10 minutes. Salt.

It is believed that fried carp has the highest calorie content. Its value is 200 kcal per 100 grams of fish. The product acquires such properties due to the characteristics of heat treatment. , we usually additionally use vegetable fats (sunflower is small). By the way, the carp itself is quite fatty: the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is approximately 60%, 40% and 0%, respectively.

To fry carp with steaks, you need 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. Please note that the fish reaches the state of readiness quite quickly, so during frying, do not go far from the stove and constantly check if it is burnt.

Several. In addition to the usual flour paneer, you can use egg batter. True, in the latter case, the dishes will become even more nutritious (that is, high-calorie).

Whole fried carp is best cooked in the oven or in the oven. First, the carcass is lubricated with oil and placed on a brazier. The fryer is placed in the oven, but while the product ripens, you will have to oil the fish a few more times. An appetizing golden crust indicates that the fish is “ripe”.

Calorie content of carp baked in the oven

If you want to cook a less fatty fish product, then carp should be baked. In general, baking any food allows you to save more nutrients in the composition of the dish, while you reduce the amount of "bad" ones, as is the case with frying in oil. 100 grams of carp meat cooked in the oven contains from 100 to 150 kcal.

There are several ways to bake a fish product: whole on a pillow of vegetables, in the form of steaks, in dough, in foil, in a special clay container for cooking fish dishes in the oven, with sauce.

Freshwater fish may have a characteristic odor and taste. When buying a product, you need to pay special attention to these signs, so that later you do not have to sacrifice the finished dish.

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