offspring of the echidna bible. Echidna - mythology, what does the Greek and biblical echidna look like

#Constantinescu #salvation_from_fear #end_of_the world #second_coming #miller #waiting_for_Christ

“John said to the people who came to be baptized by him: brood of vipers! who inspired you to flee from future wrath?” (Luke 3:7).

“Spawn of vipers” or “spawn of serpents” (Kulakov’s translation, editor’s note) is one of the most powerful expressions in the Bible. To whom is John addressing himself with such an insult?

At the heart of the formation of the Adventist Church lies its apocalyptic mission. What is being said at today's evangelistic campaigns? “The day of judgment is approaching, and if you are not ready, then the outpouring of plagues, the invasion of locusts, the Sunday decree and other troubles await you. The Lord will come and destroy everyone, so come to us and we will help you avoid all this.”

But John says the opposite: “Blood of vipers! who inspired you to flee from future wrath? Bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think to say within yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father," for I tell you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones."

John emphasizes two ideas here: first, there is no point in coming to God out of fear, only a deep spiritual rebirth can bring good fruits. And secondly, God can raise children to Abraham from stones, not 144,000, not your narrow-minded sect, but imagine a huge number of stones surrounding us.

And the people asked him: what shall we do? He answered and said to them: Whoever has two clothes, give to the poor, and whoever has food, do the same.

John offers an unpopular solution, what we call the social gospel. Instead of telling people about hell, apocalyptic beasts and plagues, he teaches people to give away their last things, clothes, food. John was truly a free man, because not the one who has millions is free, but the one who can get by with little. Ioann was the one who is shown today in reality shows, they are called the "last heroes" surviving in difficult conditions.

“The publicans also came to be baptized, and said to him: Teacher! what should we do? He answered them: Do not demand anything more than what is certain for you. The soldiers also asked him: what should we do? And he said to them: do not offend anyone, do not slander, and be content with your salary.

John is not guided by the approach of some abstract end of the world, he does not teach soldiers to abandon their military duties, he does not advise going to a construction battalion or to prison, just not to take up arms. He teaches publicans and soldiers to remain at their posts, to judge fairly and to be content with their salaries. He teaches people how to live righteously today, how to live in this real world. Not in a world where the Lord is coming tomorrow, and it's not worth pursuing a college degree or building a career. Where is it better to “suffer for the Lord”, it may even end up in places of deprivation of liberty, than to develop and read fiction. All of this is just so He can find faith on earth when He returns.

There are two common attitudes towards the second coming.

The first is the image of an unhappy person, completely alienated from this world. His only hope is the coming of the Lord. He says: “I wish the Lord would come and destroy sin and all sinners.” Such people should be treated with condescension, they should be understood.

And secondly, this is the image of "spawn of vipers" or "spawn of snakes" - they are fleeing from future wrath. The motivation of such a person is selfish, he believes that the end will come and he wants to be saved. We recognize such a motivation as correct, and we teach people this way: “Do you not want to be among the saved? Or do you want to burn in the fire? Get the image of the beast? But this is the motivation of the serpent brood, which is afraid and flees from the future wrath of God. Jesus appeals not to lose faith to those who yearn for truth and justice, who yearn for the Good that does not exist in this world. John also speaks to people who want change in their lives and advises them to start with themselves, not because they fear judgment, but because they love the truth.

On this occasion, I would like to recall an example from the life of the father of Adventism, William Miller. We learn from the Great Controversy that William Miller was a self-educated man. He became a deist (as a result of his association with Freemasons), and then he became seriously depressed because he did not see the point in life. This prompted him to study the Scriptures, the prophecies, and he came to the conclusion that Jesus would return in 1844.

There is a flaw in this description because it is missing a very important element. In fact, William Miller began to study doomsday prophecies because he was deeply disillusioned with the American Republic project. His parents took part in the Civil War, in 1815 he participated in the hostilities under the leadership of Colonel Jackson, who later became president, against the British invasion.

After Miller, with the rank of captain, took part in this victorious mission at the mouth of the Mississippi River, he became a sheriff and held other administrative posts, and then his biography says that he was deeply disillusioned with what America had become. The hope of his parents that America would become a republic, a form of government in which everyone participates on an equal footing, died, America became a country ruled by political and economic forces, a country where the mafia rules and slavery exists. He was depressed because on the battlefield he encountered a lack of idealism, people fought for power and for profit. While serving as a sheriff, he realized that justice could not be achieved here either, he lost hope for truth in this world. Then he put all his hope that the Lord would come and destroy this injustice. Miller's hope is different from today's Adventist hope, he was not interested in his own safety, this is the mentality of the snake spawn, he also had an ideal of truth, justice and goodness, which, in his opinion, is not possible in this world.

The problem we face today is the fact that most Seventh-day Adventists do not expect the Second Coming because they desire a better future.

The biggest trap that Adventists have fallen into is Sabbath observance, because it gives them the false assurance that they will be saved by keeping the seventh day. After all, we have a secret knowledge that others do not know: the Sunday decree. We know which day is the first, we can count up to seven: one, two, three ... the problem is solved, now you can save your skin when the wrath of God comes. But the Sabbath is something different from what we have made of it. I would like to state that I remain a passionate guardian of the Sabbath, but it should in no way be regarded as a seal of righteousness, or as a lifeline.

The motive of the true expectant is a lofty ideal, which has nothing to do with selfishness, personal security or welfare, but the desire to achieve truth, justice, goodness.

Eternal life will be given to people who have high ideals. The serpent spawn will not receive it, they do not need eternal life, their life is already too long.

And what a compliment.

The second time the phrase is used by Jesus Christ in relation to the Pharisees. A possessed man was brought to Jesus who was blind and dumb. Christ healed him. The Pharisees, watching this, reproached Him for this act. The phrase “breeding of vipers” is found in the following fragment of the response speech of the Savior:

The third time the phrase occurs in the 23rd chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, in which Jesus Christ denounces the scribes and Pharisees.

In the Gospel of Luke, the phrase is mentioned once, John the Baptist uses it. The situation is in many ways similar to that described in the Gospel of Matthew (John turns to those who came and asks: who inspired you to flee from future wrath?). The fact is that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (together with the Gospel of Mark) are synoptic and in many ways the plots overlap with each other.

The meaning of the phrase

In the case when the phrase "breeding of vipers" is used by John the Baptist in relation to the Pharisees who came to the Jordan, John Chrysostom explains that it could be used not as an accusation, but as a praise. After all, the Pharisees came to listen to his sermon, leaving their city and their homes. Why exactly the offspring of vipers? Perhaps because, just as a snake sheds its skin when it molts, so the Pharisees temporarily shed the skin of hypocrisy, hardheartedness.

However, interpretations of this passage vary greatly. Some theologians are inclined to the version that John the Baptist specifically condemned the Pharisees, since, in their opinion, they did not go to repent, but simply went to see if there was a threat in the Baptist's sermon.

In the case when Jesus Christ addresses the Pharisees (who dared to reproach the demon-possessed for healing), calling them spawns of vipers, John Chrysostom explains that in this case Jesus Christ specifically accuses:

The third case of using the phrase generation of vipers in the Gospel of Matthew (when Jesus Christ denounces the Pharisees) John Chrysostom also interprets as an accusation of the Pharisees.

In the Russian Synodal Translation of the Bible, as well as in the Church Slavonic text, the expression “ offspring of vipers” is found, for example, in Matt. 12:

Russian translations of the mid-XX - early. In the 21st century, the corresponding expression is usually translated as "snake spawn."


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See what "Echidna (Bible)" is in other dictionaries:

    Echidna: Wiktionary has an entry for "echidna" Echidna (mythology) half-woman, half-serpent, character in Greek mythology. Echidna (Bible) in Russian until the 19th century, including in the Russian Synodal translation of the Bible: a poisonous snake. Echidnas (lat. ... Wikipedia

    Echidna, Echidna (other Greek Ἔχιδνα) in ancient Greek mythology, a gigantic half-woman half-snake. Daughter of Forky and Keto, who lived underground in the Cilician Arima, or daughter of Tartarus and Gaia ... Wikipedia

    Echidna, Echidna (other Greek Ἔχιδνα) in ancient Greek mythology, a gigantic half-woman half-snake. Daughter of Forky and Keto, who lived underground in the Cilician Arima, or daughter of Tartarus and Gaia ... Wikipedia

    Basilisk Basilisk (from the Greek βασιλίσκος king), cokatrice, regulus (from lat. small king) is a mythical creature with the head of a rooster, the torso and eyes of a toad and the tail of a snake. There is a red crest on the head of the basilisk, which looks like a crown (hence ... ... Wikipedia

    Basilisk Basilisk (from the Greek βασιλίσκος king), cokatrice, regulus (from lat. small king) is a mythical creature with the head of a rooster, the torso and eyes of a toad and the tail of a snake. There is a red crest on the head of the basilisk, which looks like a crown (hence ... ... Wikipedia

    Basilisk Basilisk (from the Greek βασιλίσκος king), cokatrice, regulus (from lat. small king) is a mythical creature with the head of a rooster, the torso and eyes of a toad and the tail of a snake. There is a red crest on the head of the basilisk, which looks like a crown (hence ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Βελλεροφών, Βελλεροφόντης), in Greek mythology, one of the main characters of the older generation, the son of the Corinthian (in Homer II. VI 152 next Corinth is identified with the city of Ether) King Glaucus (option: the god Poseidon), grandson of Sisyphus. Initial… … Encyclopedia of mythology

    Below is a list of Greek borrowings from Greek in Russian. List Academy (Ακαδήμεια derived from the name of the hero Ακάδημος) is the name of many scientific institutions, societies and educational institutions. Acoustics (... Wikipedia


The first book of the Bible tells about the genetic experiments that resulted in the creation of Adam, and is called so: "Genesis" in the sense of "genesis", although in Russian editions it is traditionally incorrectly translated as "Genesis".
God creates man immediately bisexual in the first chapter of "Genesis" (the book "Genesis"). These are normal people who freely and without problems multiply and inhabit the entire Earth. Further narrative about them is interrupted and the Bible immediately passes to the second act of creation.

Omitting the details, I will clarify that not God, but a certain Lord God creates a clone of a person in a repeated act of creation in a laboratory called Eden.
And again, the Russian translation is cunning, since in the original the Lord God sounds in the plural - Elohim (translated as "Gods"). That is, Adam was created as a result of genetic cloning, and not by God, but by the creative team of the Elohim. Later, Eve was created from the genetic material of Adam. .

Who were Adam and Eve created in the genetic experiment?
The Bible gives a clear answer, in black and white, if you only read what is written, and not ridiculous interpretations:

Both Adam and Eve were NAGs, that is, beings with hybrid, human and snake genetics.

Adam's first wife

The fact that the first wife of Adam was not Eve at all, but the serpentine Lilith is well known from apocryphal literature and images. Michelangelo, who depicted Moses as horned, in the scene of the fall of the serpent depicted with two tails in the form of a snake-maiden (see image above). There are many other depictions of Lilith as a naked woman with obvious signs of a reptilian lower body.

Apparently, Adam could not create viable offspring with Lilith due to genetic incompatibility. The first genetic experiment was a failure.

However, Lilith did not disappear from Eden at all and became widely known under other names. For example - Melusina. I recommend a great post about the legend of Melusine, which became the ancestor of royal dynasties. According to legend, Melusina was the niece of King Arthur.

Discovery of Melusina's secret. Hillebert de Metz, c. 1410.
French National Library

In other sources, Lilith-Melusina is called Echidna, who was depicted as a woman with a beautiful face and a spotted snake body, combining beauty and a ferocious character. There are other names for this kind of creatures: folk legends of southern France (Provence and Languedoc) talk about a scary monster voivre(or fiery snake) which “from the waist down, the image of a man is like a girl, and from the waist down, the image of crocodiles is immat”

Let's remember two things about Lilith:
- one of her names is Echidna, who is depicted with pronounced naked breasts and a serpentine lower part;
- another of her names is Melusina, who, according to legend, was the niece of King Arthur.

Features of Biblical reproduction

In the Bible, there is more than once a direct mention that a man gave birth to a man.
Here is an example from the first book of the Old Testament, the same Genesis:

And here is the very beginning of the New Testament, the gospel of Matthew:

All these male births of males are extremely embarrassing for pure minds reading the Bible for the first time. Interpreters have their own answers, which are neither convincing nor transparent.

Recall, however, that all of the listed "men" are descendants of that genetically bred naga Adam, with a mixed reptilian genotype. Reptiles have a unique property - their sex changes depending on external conditions, for example, temperature.

In this section, it becomes quite clear how Abraham could give birth to Isaac, Isaac - Jacob, and that - a whole set of boys. Only not one "but" - reptiles lay eggs, with the exception of some exceptions in the form of viviparous lizards.

It is interesting that Jesus more than once called his relatives snakes and offspring of vipers:

That is, if you listen exactly to the words of Jesus and perceive them as they are, he openly called the descendants of Adam snakes and the offspring of Lilith-Echidna. Jesus knew about their genetics, unlike us.

There is a funny animal, which is also called an echidna:


A unique feature of this animal, which lives in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, is that, being a mammal, it lays soft, leathery eggs, which it then carries out in a bag. ( dmitrijan Well, who would have thought! :) That is, the animal, like Lilith-Melusina-Echidna, combines the intermediate genetics of a mammal and an egg-laying one.

What, besides genetics, could Jesus mean when he called his relatives not just vipers, but GENERATIONS of vipers? The interpretations of Bible scholars, including John Chrysostom, do not stand up to scrutiny.

the Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary is always depicted in a long skirt, at least on numerous canvases and sculptures that I have seen in many museums in Portugal. Collections of strange skirts are widely represented at Assucareira, for example, at least

I have no clear evidence, except for the inner conviction that the Virgin Mary was of the same tailed tribe as Lilith. Deprived of the opportunity to produce viable offspring on her own, she had to resort to the genetic IVF procedure, which was called "conception from the spirit."

Apparently, this experiment was successful and to some extent took revenge on the unsuccessful experiment in Eden. Jesus was the first viable result of an experiment in crossing creatures a la Lilith and the human genotype. That is why Jesus often referred to himself as "the son of man."

Representatives of other laboratories fled to the successes of biblical genetics. Nothing else can explain such interest in the baby. See how closely the result of a successful experiment is studied. And other geneticists stand in line with vessels for gene material. And do not assure that these are such toys for a baby or valuable gifts for his mother. Better pay attention to the proportions of the lower body of the mother of Jesus.

Durer. Adoration of the Magi.

As a result of the experiment, the possibility of natural crossing of the genetics of the original people and hybrids from the second chapter of "Genesis", the descendants of Adam, was obtained. All noble families went through such genetics, in some places mythologized, as in the case of King Arthur or Melusina.

So what is the holy grail with the blood of Jesus that gives immortality in this case? This is a vessel with genetic material that allows Lilith-like creatures to have viable offspring under Earth conditions. Call them reptilians, if you like, although the term is already worn out to holes.
The birth of Jesus as a result of IVF gave the reptilians the opportunity to give birth to viable offspring from a woman, and not to breed from man to man, like lizards and snakes or the offspring of vipers. Isn't this the story of King Arthur, the uncle of Melusina-Echidna, who was so looking for the Holy Grail?

son of man

Jesus, perhaps, is a collective image. I don't like to think it all comes down to genetics alone. But still, in conclusion, we will consider a few more paintings that I happened to see together with Assucareira in one of the little-known Portuguese museums, I don’t even remember which one.

The painting depicts the capture of Jesus. The codpiece of the right soldier, a Roman, stands out brightly, as if giving a hint about the artist's intention.
Right in the middle of the composition, a soldier makes an obscene gesture, checking if Jesus has a male organ. This does not look like a mockery, but rather an authentication before the captivity, as if by the presence of an organ it was possible to reliably determine that it was Jesus. That is, it turns out - before Jesus, the reproduction of the descendants of Adam took place in a completely different way, which is impossible to imagine today?

Perhaps, in fact, Jesus revealed the New Testament, the New Era for them, the descendants of Adam, hybrids crossed with people, who received the opportunity to multiply and thus prolong their race? Maybe the Son of Man sowed a completely different seed, as a "tribal" producer?

He knows about the details of Biblical genetics, but John the Christ is silent, holding a vessel with a snake in his hands.

Understanding that around us are the same looking, but completely different internal beings is the most important step in protecting our primordial rights and interests.