Washing with soda for thrush: benefits and harms. Soda is a proven remedy for thrush in women, men and children. Is it possible to cure candidiasis with baking soda

Washing with soda is an effective method in the treatment of thrush

Yeast fungi can cause thrush (candidiasis). With this disease, symptoms such as burning, itching, white plaque and discharge appear. The most effective way to treat this disease is medication. What to do when there are contraindications to drugs? How to get rid of the symptoms of thrush and neutralize the cause of its development?

At the initial stages of the progression of candidiasis, folk remedies can be used. Among the most effective measures, washing with soda for thrush stands out. Many experts believe that this measure will give a pronounced and lasting result even with advanced forms of the disease. Please note that sodium bicarbonate effectively inhibits the growth of fungal microflora and eliminates the likelihood of relapses. Is it possible to wash with soda with thrush or is it better to douching?

Washing with soda complements the medical treatment of thrush

With candidiasis, they are incredibly popular due to the fact that they help to cope with the disease, eliminating the causes of its development and suppressing the symptoms. Is it possible to use baking soda on my own to treat candidiasis? In the initial stages of the progression of the disease, such a measure, as a rule, only brings benefits. If we are talking about advanced forms of candidiasis, then it should be noted that sodium bicarbonate solutions are best used in combination with in order to increase their effectiveness.

Why is soda so effective against candidiasis? Precisely because it is able to affect the pathogenic microflora caused by the rapid growth of Candida yeast. In medicine, antibacterial drugs and agents containing alkali are widely used to combat this pathogen. Many patients experience allergic reactions when using them, which is an absolute contraindication to continuing drug treatment. In this case, it is recommended to use baking soda, which is safe, despite the fact that it gives a pronounced and lasting result in the fight against thrush.

Soda does not destroy beneficial lactic acid bacteria, therefore it does not inhibit the body's defenses. This approach to treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the disease, and, accordingly, improve overall well-being.

The main characteristics of soda

Soda solution for thrush, some women equate to the use of simple soap. Is it really?

The effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate is as follows:

Baking soda has high antibacterial properties

  • High antibacterial properties of the solution help to eliminate irritation, pain and itching.
  • Restoration of the microflora of the vagina and elimination of the likelihood of overdrying of the mucous membranes.
  • Destruction of only pathogenic microflora. The number of beneficial microorganisms is not reduced.

Please note that sodium bicarbonate solution reduces acidity in the vaginal area, which increases the risk of pregnancy.

Options for using soda

A solution of soda from thrush can be used in various variations:

For the treatment of thrush, soda baths with iodine are used.

  • Baths. For 1 liter of hot boiled water, take 1 tsp. soda. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, 3-4 drops of iodine can be dropped into the solution. Infuse the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. When the water becomes warm, you can begin treatment. For one procedure, it is enough to sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. Do not exceed the recommended time and do more than 5 procedures per day. This can cause the development of adverse reactions in the form of an allergic rash and overdrying of the mucosa.
  • Tampons. For the procedure, you need to use a sterile bandage, which must be tightly twisted in the form of a small swab and soaked in a concentrated soda solution. It is placed in the vagina for 15 or 20 minutes. A slight burning sensation that occurs during the procedure disappears on its own after the tampon is removed.
  • Douching. This method is deeper and, accordingly, the most effective. To carry out this procedure, the so-called Esmarch mug or an ordinary syringe is used. The solution is injected into the vagina in an amount of 300-400 ml. The tip of the syringe is inserted shallowly. To facilitate this process, it is recommended to lubricate it with Vaseline. The solution is poured in gradually and lingers inside for 10-15 minutes, depending on the degree of progression of the disease.

Douching is unacceptable to use in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, there is a pronounced progression of the disease, which is fraught with the development of serious consequences.

It is unacceptable to treat thrush using soda as a powder. Sodium bicarbonate in its pure form corrodes the skin and mucous membranes, which is fraught with the development of serious complications and requires medical correction. Use soda only in diluted form, observing the recommended dosages.

Rules for the preparation of solutions

When preparing the solution, 1 tsp is enough. baking soda in a glass of water

Washing with soda with thrush is very effective, but this does not mean that the procedure can be carried out an infinite number of times, using half a pack of the product at a time. Each traditional medicine recipe implies compliance with the indicated proportions and following certain recommendations. Otherwise, nothing good should be expected from the procedure.

The effectiveness of the soda solution is aimed at removing yeast-like microorganisms from the mucosa and taking measures to prevent further reproduction processes. To achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to use the solution in sufficient concentration.

Rules for the preparation of solutions for the treatment of thrush in women:

  1. Proportions 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water.
  2. The water must be warm.
  3. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  4. 4-5 procedures should be carried out per day.

A weakly concentrated solution can be used after each trip to the toilet, which is important for those women who, after urination, experience unbearable itching in the genital area. The finished solution should carefully treat all damaged areas, then wash them with running water and dry with a towel. If the mucosa is left moist, then there are high risks of progression of thrush, since high humidity is a favorable condition for the reproduction of the fungus.

Please note that the preparation of soda for thrush is carried out immediately before the procedure itself.

When pregnant, be careful with the use of soda for the treatment of candidiasis

With a disease such as candidiasis, it is not enough just to wash yourself with soda. An infectious disease should be treated comprehensively and preferably simultaneously with, which eliminates the likelihood of relapses.

This method of dealing with thrush, such as the use of a soda solution, is recommended to be combined with drug therapy. Any traditional method of treatment will be much more effective in combination with a folk remedy.

  • Do not part with the procedures, because this can lead to overdrying of the mucous membrane and the development of allergic reactions.
  • Do not use soda to treat thrush during pregnancy and in the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Douching is unacceptable for cervical erosion.
  • To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle: exclude alcohol. Refuse coffee, spicy and fatty foods.

Do not lose sight of the fact that self-medication can cause the spread of infection, which in the future requires more serious medical treatment. That is why, before using a soda solution, consult your doctor. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests and, in accordance with the results obtained, compare the possible risks.

It is not difficult to get rid of thrush, the main thing is to approach the treatment correctly. Do not let things take their course and do not count on the fact that after several washing procedures at home, everything will go away by itself. Contact your doctor. This is the only way to restore your health and preserve it for many years.

Even doctors recognize the effectiveness of soda in the treatment of thrush

If you know the reasons why the Candida fungus is activated, then you can save yourself from an unpleasant diagnosis:

Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs can cause thrush

  • weak immunity (congenital or during the treatment of a certain disease);
  • antibiotics, which always hit hard on the general condition of a person;
  • contraceptives and hormonal drugs;
  • the presence of chronic diagnoses of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys;
  • frequent use of supplements;
  • a large number of sweets, chocolate, sugar in the daily diet;
  • lack of personal hygiene (you need to wash yourself every day, it is advisable to use special soap).

In women, thrush most often manifests itself in the form of infection of the genital organs. The main symptoms are burning, itching, pungent odor (all this refers to the inflammatory process). There is also a white discharge that resembles cottage cheese in consistency.

In children, candidiasis often affects the oral cavity. White plaque covers the tongue, mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips. Statistics show that in men, infection of the genital organs and oral cavity occurs equally.

Everyone should understand how to get rid of thrush. After all, neglected forms can lead to serious consequences and infection of internal organs. Treatment with soda is a simple way, but effective.

Does baking soda help with thrush?

Soda is a universal remedy in the treatment of thrush

Why not all 100%? The fact is that not every patient begins treatment immediately. Parents, seeing the symptoms in the baby, immediately run to the attending physician. But when their own health is at risk, they can delay solving the problem for a long time. Candidiasis in conditions comfortable for him develops rapidly. A severe degree of the disease is difficult to defeat with baking soda.

How to use baking soda

Treatment of thrush with soda depends on the type of infection. If you have a fungus in your mouth, rinse several times a day. One glass of water is half a tablespoon of baking soda. If the white discharge is easily removed and does not cause harm, then it is better to wipe it off first. Then the solution will wash those parts that are still holding tight.

The fungus on the genitals is removed with the help of trays and douching. Baths for candidiasis are ideal for everyone. They can serve as excellent prevention. But douching is best done only after a visit to the attending physician, who will give accurate recommendations.

bath solution recipe

Soda solution can be used in the form of trays

  • Mix one tablespoon of soda, one tablespoon of iodine and one liter of warm water (it is important that the soda is completely dissolved).
  • Pour warm water into a bowl and add the resulting solution. You need to sit in it for about 15 minutes.
  • On the second day, you can use the same solution. You only need to add one tablespoon of soda, one tablespoon of iodine and warm water. Now the procedure will last about 25 minutes.

Usually, 5-6 baths against thrush are enough to eliminate all discomfort and discharge.

Douching with soda: rules and warnings

Douching with soda gives a good effect in the treatment of thrush

The procedure can be carried out only with the permission of the doctor, as there is always a risk of disturbing the microflora of the vagina.

For douching, we need a regular syringe or a special Esmarch mug. They must be disinfected in advance. The solution is made with water and soda (1 liter of warm water, always boiled, and 1 tablespoon of soda). The procedure can be carried out in two positions.

Douching methods

Douching while lying on your back:

  • take a comfortable position;
  • lubricate the vestibule with petroleum jelly;
  • release excess air from the syringe;
  • slowly inject the solution (it should just wash the vagina and pour out);
  • it is impossible for the procedure to last more than 20 minutes;
  • when everything is ready, lie still for about 15 minutes.

Douching in a sitting position:

  • take a comfortable sitting position (the toilet is ideal);
  • gently inject the solution, you need to do everything smoothly;
  • carefully wipe the clots that come out of the vagina;
  • rinse the external genitalia with the same soda solution;
  • be sure to insert an antifungal candle at the end.

Find a comfortable position for douching

After each douching, you need to treat objects with a manganese solution. It is advisable to wipe the tip of the syringe with a liquid that contains alcohol.

This method not only allows you to cure thrush with soda, but also increases a woman's chances of conceiving. For prevention, you can use simple baths shortly before ovulation.

Circumstances under which douching is prohibited:

  1. Pregnancy in the early stages. The solution may cause miscarriage. Candidiasis can be cured only with the absolute safety of the baby.
  2. Late pregnancy. A woman may not know that the cork has come out. It happens. The solution then gets to the baby and harms him.
  3. Before visiting the gynecologist. Baking soda, in an attempt to get rid of thrush, will only change the microflora and will not allow you to take tests correctly.
  4. Sexual infections. You can not give impetus to infections to activate. Even a helping drug should not be taken without the advice of a doctor.
  5. 30-40 days after delivery. The vagina should recover and tighten.

If the above contraindications are not present, then the treatment of thrush at home with soda will be of high quality. The effect will appear after 1-2 procedures. But for recovery, they need to be done about 6-7 times.

Thrush during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is better to use only garden baths.

How to treat thrush with soda during pregnancy? There are some nuances here. Ordinary douching is prohibited, because you can harm the fetus. But it is impossible to completely refuse treatment before childbirth. There is a huge chance of infecting a child. The baby is born with a fungus in the body. He will have to undergo treatment.

It will be correct to follow the instructions of the gynecologist in everything. He will prescribe special drugs that are taken in the form of tablets or suppositories. Additionally, you can make baths with soda from candidiasis. If there is no allergy to iodine, then add one spoon to the solution.

The procedure is no different from the usual. Washing is easy. You can do everything only once every 24 hours.


Treatment of candidiasis is not particularly difficult. They can be practiced at home. Of course, to make a diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor. Some women confuse thrush with ordinary vaginal discharge and are already running for soda from candidiasis. But they can change during the cycle.

The disease at the first stage is easily treatable and does not cause complications. You need to take your health seriously. Then it will be easier, if necessary, to get rid of thrush with soda.

Treatment of thrush with soda- one of the most common methods, which is recommended both in traditional medicine and in traditional medicine.

Many doctors claim that the treatment of candidiasis with soda gives a positive therapeutic effect in approximately 50% of patients. This is based on the negative effect of soda, as an alkaline solution, on the fungus, because candida is not able to live in such an environment. In this case, the microfibers of the fungus dissolve and its chemical structure is destroyed.

Do not stop treatment after disappearance, such as:

  • Redness and itching in the genital area;
  • Thick curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour smell;
  • Burning sensation during intercourse and urination.

After all, this does not mean a complete cure.


The mechanism of action of soda in thrush is based on the ability of a soda solution to destroy the place where the fungus lives. At the same time, due to the presence of an alkaline environment, the processes of the spread of a fungal infection are slowed down, and then its complete destruction.


Soda for the treatment of thrush is used in the form of a solution for douching and washing.

Douching with soda, as well as washing, effectively relieves all signs of thrush, such as itching, redness, and also helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and curdled discharge. However, in most cases, washing alone is not enough and douching is indispensable.

Making a sitz bath solution:

  1. Stir one tablespoon of soda, one teaspoon of tincture of iodine and one liter of warm boiled water to dissolve the soda. Drain this solution into a basin and sit in it for about 15 minutes.
  2. Then the solution must be drained into a separate container to be used the next day. But first you need to add a tablespoon of soda to it, a teaspoon of tincture of iodine, and sit in the basin for about 25 minutes.
  3. The procedure is repeated at least 5-6 times to achieve a positive result.

The solution for douching is prepared at the rate of one liter of warm boiled water, one teaspoon of soda.

Douching soda with thrush

Douching with soda is a process of washing the vagina. However, this method of treating thrush can only be used after a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

Douching should be carried out only if there are appropriate indications, as this can lead to significant disturbances in the vaginal microflora.

For the procedure, a gynecological syringe is used, which must be pre-disinfected. You can replace it with Esmarch's mug (you can buy it at a pharmacy). The water used must be boiled.

The procedure is carried out in a position and lying on your back. The vestibule of the vagina should be lubricated with sterile petroleum jelly. After releasing the air, the tip of the syringe is inserted into the vagina. The solution should wash the vagina and pour out. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 20 minutes. After douching, it is recommended to lie down for 15 minutes.

Douching with soda with thrush increases the success of conception several times.

Additional Information

Hope 07/20/2013 at 09:21

I used baking soda for washing and sitz baths, didn't know to add iodine to the solution. I also tried to douche, but douching was not prescribed to me. I can say that such procedures are good as an additional remedy in the main treatment, which should still be medication.

Lika 07/22/2013 at 10:21

Very often I hear that soda helps to get rid of thrush. I myself have not tried this method yet, I usually use a decoction of calendula. But my girlfriend, a gynecologist, recently also advised me to use soda. It seems to have become much better, although she still continues to carry out the procedures, but the improvement is already noticeable

Fox 07/24/2013 at 09:19

In my case, thrush often occurs from pads. I know about this and try to use proven ones. But there are emergency cases when you urgently need to use it, but there is no suitable one at hand. Then itching and discharge begin, and if there is no other drug, then soda helps me a lot. The fact that she relieves the "attack" of itching is for sure.

Svetlana 07/28/2013 at 10:14

Douching can be used according to the testimony of a doctor, but I practice washing with soda as needed. It helps me. I like this method with the availability of the drug, baking soda is always at hand. I use it without iodine, I didn’t know that I need to add iodine, I’ll try, maybe with iodine recovery will go faster.

lana 07/28/2013 at 10:29 am

Treatment of candidiasis with baking soda is quite an effective way, at least for me. I use sitz baths as an addition to medical treatment. As far as I know, our grandmothers were treated this way, which once again confirms that baking soda is a good time-tested remedy. You should still consult your doctor before using this remedy.

Katia 28.07.2013 at 10:42

I heard about soda treatment repeatedly and cured thrush several times: I just stirred soda in water and used this solution topically. But one day there was no baking soda at hand, and at home there was only soda ash. I am not friends with chemistry, and therefore I did not know what the consequences were ... It was terribly unpleasant! Girls, pay attention to what kind of soda you use!

Rita 08/06/2013 at 09:09

The first time I hear about miraculous soda for thrush. I have it protracted, already no drug helps. To be honest, I was already desperate to cure her, that's why I'm looking at folk remedies for the treatment of thrush. I was glad that so many girls have already helped, I will definitely try this solution as soon as I get home.

Marina 08/15/2013 at 13:17

A lot of people told me and advised soda, but there is one BUT !!! It kills our microflora, from frequent use, I advise chlorhexidine !!

Olya 26.11.2013 at 02:43

I will definitely try the baths, but I can say for 100% that washing helps to get rid of itching, redness, discomfort in general ... The discharge becomes less.

Lena 07/14/2014 at 00:36

I have never used soda before, and have never encountered thrush. and now for a long time I have been suffering, I don’t know what to do, I recently tried soda, a friend advised me. the itching went away at the same hour, I’ll probably continue douching, I hope it helps.

A very useful tool in every kitchen is baking soda. As it is only not used - both for baking and for cleaning. Baking soda is alkaline, it can help to cope not only with dirt, but also with some bacteria.

For example, by dissolving the cell wall, it causes the death of fungi. Therefore, baking soda has become very widely used for thrush.

Why has the treatment of thrush with soda gained wide popularity, and does soda help with thrush? Let's figure it out.

Thrush in women, or vulvovaginal candidiasis is a disease of civilization. The causative agents of infection, fungi of the genus Candida, are considered opportunistic flora, and can be detected in smears of clinically healthy women. In some populations, the frequency of candidiasis reaches 80 percent.

Why the disease of civilization? Everything is very simple - beautiful synthetic underwear, panty liners, tampons, tight-fitting trousers, all kinds of detergents, lubricants - all this creates the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of mushrooms, and their transition from inconspicuous neighbors to violent ones that interfere with a normal existence, disrupting the usual rhythm of life .

Often, feeling the first manifestations of thrush - itching, discomfort in the genital area, women begin self-medication.

And one of the most popular methods is douching with soda for thrush. Medicine has nothing against this method of treating thrush - soda has proven effectiveness against fungi of the genus Candida.

With such treatment, the main thing is to observe certain proportions in the preparation of a soda solution, adhere to the required duration of therapy, and not perceive the soda solution as the main method of treatment.

It is better to combine it with antifungal drugs, otherwise the woman runs the risk of "not finishing off" the pathogen, which will lead to a rapid recurrence of the infection, a chronic process.

The question arises - how and why does soda help with thrush? And does it really help? And in general, when to treat thrush with soda?

Manifestations of thrush. Vaginal candidiasis

According to statistics, about 70% of women have had thrush at least once in their lives, in a third of them candidiasis returns several more times.

For those who are not at all lucky, the pathogen remains in the body and regularly leads to an aggravation of the process. Such women in each population are from 5 to 10%. Symptoms of thrush in women appear four or more times a year.

Most often, the normal microflora of the vagina has the strength to cope with candida on its own, they live on the mucosa without causing any clinical manifestations.

However, under certain stressful conditions, its own flora ceases to function as a protector and opportunistic pathogens, including the Candida fungus, begin to multiply intensively. In general, of course, certain conditions are needed to disrupt the body's defenses.

In the first place, you can put hormonal disorders in a woman's body, which is manifested by diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction, problems with the thyroid gland.

Pregnant and lactating women can be classified as a separate group at the risk of developing recurrent candidiasis - they have hormonal changes in their body, which provokes the growth of opportunistic flora.

In second place are severe somatic diseases that require constant long-term therapy with cytostatics, hormones, and antibiotics.

The above reasons lead to the development of chronic, recurrent candidiasis.

Acute episodes of thrush develop against the background of stress, hypothermia, acute inflammatory processes, especially after treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Sometimes a woman may complain about the appearance of thrush "out of the blue." She was not nervous, did not get sick, did not take medication. Then only a carefully collected anamnesis will help to find out the cause.

A provocative factor can be climate change, washing clothes in a new detergent, changing intimate gel, sexual partner, and even new condoms and colored toilet paper.

If it was not possible to identify the provoking factor with the help of the anamnesis, sometimes, for safety reasons, the doctor can send the woman to take some tests - a general urine and blood test, blood for sugar.

In case of recurrent processes, the list of studies is expanding, referrals are issued for examination of the liver, hormonal levels.

Acute thrush is manifested by the classic triad of symptoms - itching, swelling and discharge.

Itching in the genital area sometimes appears the very first, the intensity without treatment gradually increases, intensifies after sexual intercourse, after prolonged walking, in the late afternoon.

Itching appears as a result of the release of biologically active substances by the cells-defenders. A woman scratches itchy places, which can lead to the addition of a secondary infection.

Swelling and redness appear due to the local reaction of vessels to inflammation, in response to all the same biologically active compounds, the vessel wall relaxes and blood flow to the site of inflammation increases.

The nature of the discharge with thrush is known to everyone - curdled, from yellowish to green, of varying degrees of abundance. If neighboring areas are involved in the lesion, the woman complains of itching in the anus, a rash on the perineum, and redness of the skin.

All these symptoms are characteristic of acute candidiasis, in which the body's reactivity is not disturbed and it vigorously fights the infection.

In the case of chronic thrush, other manifestations predominate - tissue atrophy, infiltration, lichenization.

Recently, special attention has been paid to It accounts for 10% of all cases of thrush. The diagnosis of "Recurrent VVC" is made if a woman has had at least 4 laboratory-confirmed episodes of thrush during the year.

Some Russian authors in their publications divide VVC into complicated and uncomplicated. A complicated process includes its development in women with severe extragenital pathology - diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency states, cases when the causative agent of the process is not Candida albicans.

Soda solution for thrush is a universal remedy for combating the pathogen, it can be recommended for lesions of the genital organs for women, men, children, as well as for treating the oral mucosa to all these categories of patients.

BUT - soda for candidiasis cannot be taken as the basis of therapy, only as an aid!

Douching and washing the mucous membranes with a solution of soda is recommended to be done before inserting the suppository into the vagina and before treating the mucosa with antifungal ointments.

When treated with soda several rules must be followed:

  • each time a new fresh solution is prepared;
  • treatment does not stop after the symptoms disappear, but continues for at least a few more days;
  • washing and douching should be performed each time before the introduction of a candle and treatment of the mucous membrane, but not less than 2 times a day;
  • if a woman prefers sitz baths (they do not wash out the discharge from the vagina, they only relieve itching and burning of the vulva and labia), she must remember that the duration of the procedure should be no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the mucosa will get wet and the fungus will be able to penetrate into it more deeper. The solution after the bath is immediately poured out, the basin is washed with hot water and laundry soap.

The effectiveness of baking soda is based on its alkaline reaction. Fungi of the genus Candida can reproduce normally and survive only in an acidic environment. As soon as soda enters the vagina, the reaction changes to alkaline, the cell wall of the fungus is destroyed and it dies.

Soda for candidiasis has been used for a long time, but it does not always bring the expected effect, as a rule, due to improper preparation. How to properly approach the preparation of a soda solution for the treatment of thrush in order to obtain the expected therapeutic effect?

If you search for information on the Internet, you can stumble upon a wide variety of recommendations, from a teaspoon to a few tablespoons (which will probably work already).

This proportion is the most optimal, it will help to cope with the causative agent of thrush without injuring the delicate mucous membrane and without violating the ratio of the natural microflora.

Another recipe that can be used in the treatment of thrush at home is 1 tablespoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of iodine for 1 liter of water.

Everything is stirred until the soda is completely dissolved, this will achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and minimize the irritating effect on the mucous membrane of soda grains.

You can use a solution of baking soda for thrush both in the form of douches, and simply for washing. It is recommended to use the solution at least twice a day.

Each time it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution, after washing with baking soda, thoroughly wash the container and hands with running water, if douching was used, the enema should also be washed and doused with boiling water. For douching, it is recommended to use at least 400 ml of solution.

It is necessary to wash with a soda solution carefully, washing out the curdled discharge. is performed until the flakes of secretions cease to be washed out.

Only after the complete removal of the discharge of the genital tract, it is allowed to introduce antifungal suppositories (suppositories) into the vagina.

Baths with soda are more often used in pediatric practice, because. thrush in girls affects mainly the skin of the labia, pubis, vulva, and the bath allows you to act directly on the lesion.

It is also possible to treat the affected mucous with soda in men, but, as a rule, not all men agree to this - it is more convenient to take the medicine once, and not to take baths with soda for more than a week.

Pros and cons of baking soda

The use of baking soda in the treatment of candidiasis has certain advantages - the method is not expensive, does not require special knowledge, the solution is easy to make, the recipe is simple, you can start treatment at the first symptoms. Topical application of baking soda has no contraindications.

And of course, a soda solution will not help cure other infectious lesions of the vulvar mucosa. Soda is powerless against other pathogens.

Soda washing with thrush is used by many women. This method has been used for quite a long period of time and is considered quite effective. Is it really effective? Let's try to figure it out.


Thrush today is one of the most famous ailments that many of our fair sex suffer from. Her impossibly white and severe itching will force a woman to take urgent measures to get rid of her. However, some girls are not always able to correctly diagnose this disease in themselves, and they delay going to the doctor. You can determine the thrush on your own, but only at the moment when it has already reached its peak in its development. How not to waste time? Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Burning and The patient constantly strives to scratch the inflamed area. But this is not at all safe: in this case, there is a risk of catching any infection.
  • White discharge, similar in consistency to cottage cheese. They are easy to spot on panty liners or underwear.
  • Pain when going to the toilet "in a small way." This happens when the thrush struck not only the entrance to the vagina, but also the urethra. Inflamed, it causes pain when urine gets on it.
  • Pain during intercourse. It is for this reason that doctors recommend abstaining from sex until the end of treatment. By the way, this disease is easily transmitted to men.
  • Unpleasant sour smell. It appears due to the fact that the microflora in the vagina is disturbed. Its oxidation is the cause of this smell. True, only the woman herself feels it. People who are close to you are unlikely to be able to smell it.
  • Increased pain after taking a warm bath or going to the solarium. In a warm environment, these bacteria multiply much faster.

The principle of action of soda

We have all known this white powder since childhood. Will washing with baking soda help with thrush? To answer this question, let's see how it works.

Baking soda is very good at neutralizing acids. The fungus, due to which thrush appears, causes a strong oxidation of the vaginal microflora. In this case, not only the mucous membrane is affected, but also the deeper skin layers. Over time, this disease spreads to the external genitalia. Soda, diluted in water, infects candida. These fungi do not survive in such an alkaline environment and quickly die. However, you should not rely only on this powder: it is usually used in complex treatment with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Soda treatment methods

Washing with soda with thrush is far from the only method. There are several ways to use this tool:

  • Soda baths. One teaspoon of soda is added to one liter of boiled water. In addition, a few drops of iodine are added there. After brewing for 10 minutes, such a bath is suitable for sitting in it. Do not forget that the water for the solution should be warm.
  • Tampons. The bandage is twisted and soaked in a solution of soda with water. After, they are inserted for 15-20 minutes into the vagina. You may feel a slight burning sensation that will go away as soon as you remove the tampon.
  • Douching. We will talk about this method in more detail later in the article.

Never use baking soda as a powder. It can further corrode the skin. The powder is used only diluted in water.

Soda from thrush: proportions

Washing with this product should be done only with warm water. It is necessary to properly dilute the soda. If the solution is too concentrated, then this threatens to dry out the mucosa. Also, women prone to allergies are not recommended to add too much powder. Instead of treating candidiasis, you risk getting more irritation. Dilute soda in the proportion of one teaspoon per glass of warm water. Accordingly, if there is more liquid, then the amount of powder must be increased

How to prepare a soda solution: washing with thrush

In order to rinse the genitals, take a glass of boiled or distilled water. As mentioned above, you need to add a teaspoon of soda to it and mix thoroughly. The severity of the disease depends on how many times a day you need to wash with soda with thrush. The recipe for preparing the solution, as you can see, is quite simple. So, it will be easy to do 4-5 times a day. Especially do not forget about washing at night. If you can't stand itching and irritation, use this solution after every trip to the toilet, as the burning sensation after urination is usually much worse than usual. After that, you need to carefully wipe the perineum.

This method helps to remove mucus, thick discharge, dries the entrance to the vagina. Thanks to this method, itching is felt much less.

Each time before washing it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution. No need to dilute half a pack of soda in a bucket of water. It is not so difficult to prepare a fresh solution.


Now you know how to wash with soda for thrush. How to properly douche? After all, it is considered one of the most famous ways in the fight against thrush.

However, unlike washing, douching is a deeper method of treatment.

In order to qualitatively carry out this procedure, you will need. Unfortunately, not everyone has it at hand. It can be replaced with a regular syringe. A solution of soda and water is collected in the desired container, injected into the vagina for one to two cm and injected. If you feel very dry, you can lubricate the tip of the syringe with petroleum jelly. You do not need to inject it too deeply, because the soda solution can be harmful if it gets on the uterus.

You will need no more than 300-400 ml of water. It is necessary to gradually pour in such a solution in order to achieve a positive result. This procedure should not last long: about 10 minutes. Immediately after it, the itching is significantly reduced, the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated.

Remember: douching is not for everyone. If, in addition to thrush, you have venereal diseases, then with such treatment they can only get worse.

Pregnancy and thrush

Being in position, many women are faced with this disease. Even a doctor can recommend washing with soda for thrush during pregnancy. However, you should not make such a decision on your own. Most likely, you will be prescribed special medications that are suitable only for girls in position. Douching for pregnant women should be excluded: deep penetration of soda can cause an ambiguous reaction from your body.

But it is possible to lightly wash with soda when