We use soda for washing with candidiasis. How does baking soda help with thrush? Recipes using soda Soda solution only helps with thrush

Thrush is one of the most common ailments among the beautiful half of humanity. According to statistics, at least once in a lifetime, 70% of women suffer from it, and among them, almost a third of them are faced with candidiasis with one regularity or another.

It is almost impossible to ignore this disease, because with thrush in women, several signs characteristic of this disease can be distinguished at once. Noticing them, you need to urgently consult a doctor for the selection of drugs. Or can you treat thrush at home? You will find the answer to this question in this material.

Usually, women notice the manifestations described below fairly quickly, but due to the peculiarities of the mentality of our citizens, it is very rare that a girl will immediately turn to a doctor. But the slightest delay can cost you your health, the opportunity to give birth to a child, and even long years of life, if candidiasis does not develop on its own, but along with a sexually transmitted disease.

Therefore, noticing even one of the following symptoms, immediately consult a doctor:

  1. Burning and itching sensation in the vagina. In this case, the girl can "get rid" of the problem by combing the crotch area. But such actions are strictly prohibited! Not only will they not give any result, but also the risk of further development of the infection becomes very high.
  2. The appearance of white discharge and a sour smell. Both the first and the second are caused by a violation of the microflora and the destruction of the mucous membrane. You definitely cannot fail to notice the daily appearance of “cottage cheese flakes” on linen and a slight, but persistent smell from the vagina.
  3. Discomfort during sex. In general, this is typical for any physical impact on the vagina, but due to the tight fit of the penis to its walls, the pain only becomes stronger. For this reason, your doctor will advise you to stop having sexual intercourse until you recover. In addition, with an intimate relationship, it is quite possible to transfer thrush to a partner.
  4. Pain during urination. The defeat of the entrance to the vagina may not always cause such sensations. If you experience discomfort by going to the toilet "in a small way", there is no doubt that the inflammation has reached the mucous membrane and urethra.

In this case, the pain may increase after taking a bath or visiting a solarium. This is due to the fact that Candida loves heat very much, and in such an environment it can multiply much faster. But that doesn't mean you have to take cold showers and run in light clothes on chilly days!

It is these factors that often lead to a decrease in the protective function of our body to the level that the fungus present in our body from birth needs for development.

The principle of "soda" treatment

Baking soda has been used as a cure for thrush for a very long time. This habitual inhabitant of any modern cuisine is present in folk recipes for a variety of diseases. But to understand whether washing with soda with thrush will really provide a positive effect is possible only after studying the principle of its action.

The main feature of soda is the neutralization of acids. This means that the strong oxidation of the vaginal microflora caused by Candida fungi can be very easily eliminated by a solution of this food product in water. In addition, after the action of soda, an alkaline environment is formed in the vagina, in which the causative agents of thrush not only develop, but cannot even survive.

This means that the answer to the question “is it possible to wash with soda with thrush” is answered “yes” directly by the product itself. But, be that as it may, not a single attending physician will advise you to resort exclusively to this method. While baking soda can be very effective, it won't get you out of your acute and chronic problems.

An unfavorable result awaits you in the presence of other complicating factors, such as the presence of other bacteria and microbes, which soda does not affect in any way, or additional diseases. And in general, the treatment of candidiasis should be carried out comprehensively.

Treatment options for thrush with soda

Using baking soda to wash away candidiasis is not the only folk method you can use. There are also three other uses for this food product:

Remember that you can only use a solution of soda, but not a powder. In the latter case, there is a high probability of even more corrosive skin, after which you will not be able to quickly cure thrush even with the most powerful drugs.

The correct proportions in the treatment with soda

To prepare the solution, be sure to use warm and only pre-boiled water. Too much concentration of the agent should not be done. In large quantities, soda from thrush will not cure you faster and better, but it can dry out the vaginal mucosa and cause skin irritation in girls with allergies.

The optimal recipe suggests using a teaspoon of baking soda to one glass of water. With an increase in the volume of liquid, the amount of powder increases in direct proportion.

Features of douching with a solution of soda

To do this, you need a regular syringe or Esmarch's mug. The latter is more convenient to use, but the result will not change depending on the choice of tool. Douching is carried out with a volume of 300-400 milliliters of solution. You should not prepare more, because this will not affect the result. The prepared solution must be poured in gradually to achieve the best result.

And in this place, it is necessary to raise the question of whether it is possible to treat thrush with soda by douching in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, you can definitely say “no”.

In the presence of concomitant diseases, it is completely better to refuse to use baking soda against candidiasis, because it does not completely eliminate all ailments, but it can aggravate them.

Thrush and childbearing

Unfortunately, no one can stand against thrush, and pregnant girls are especially susceptible to such an unpleasant disease. A decrease in the quality of the immune system can contribute to the growth of Candida fungi, causing this ailment. It is noteworthy that during pregnancy, soda from thrush may well be used, and doctors often recommend this method themselves. However, you should not immediately rejoice at this information, because there is always some kind of “but”.

Douching with a solution of soda during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, because it can provoke not the best reaction of your body. For the same reason, it is better to refuse tampons or not to insert them too deeply.

But washing with a solution of soda, on the contrary, can prevent further infection with the infection.

However, first of all, of course, you should consult a doctor. Of course, soda may seem like a completely harmless product, but when you are responsible not only for your life and health, but also for your future baby, it is better to play it safe once again. If the doctor allows you the appropriate procedures, he will once again tell you in detail about how to treat thrush with soda, and also prescribe medications, because complex treatment will always give the best result!

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Treatment of thrush with soda- one of the most common methods, which is recommended both in traditional medicine and in traditional medicine.

Many doctors claim that the treatment of candidiasis with soda gives a positive therapeutic effect in approximately 50% of patients. This is based on the negative effect of soda, as an alkaline solution, on the fungus, because candida is not able to live in such an environment. In this case, the microfibers of the fungus dissolve and its chemical structure is destroyed.

Do not stop treatment after disappearance, such as:

  • Redness and itching in the genital area;
  • Thick curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour smell;
  • Burning sensation during intercourse and urination.

After all, this does not mean a complete cure.


The mechanism of action of soda in thrush is based on the ability of a soda solution to destroy the place where the fungus lives. At the same time, due to the presence of an alkaline environment, the processes of the spread of a fungal infection are slowed down, and then its complete destruction.


Soda for the treatment of thrush is used in the form of a solution for douching and washing.

Douching with soda, as well as washing, effectively relieves all signs of thrush, such as itching, redness, and also helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and curdled discharge. However, in most cases, washing alone is not enough and douching is indispensable.

Making a sitz bath solution:

  1. Stir one tablespoon of soda, one teaspoon of tincture of iodine and one liter of warm boiled water to dissolve the soda. Drain this solution into a basin and sit in it for about 15 minutes.
  2. Then the solution must be drained into a separate container to be used the next day. But first you need to add a tablespoon of soda to it, a teaspoon of tincture of iodine, and sit in the basin for about 25 minutes.
  3. The procedure is repeated at least 5-6 times to achieve a positive result.

The solution for douching is prepared at the rate of one liter of warm boiled water, one teaspoon of soda.

Douching soda with thrush

Douching with soda is a process of washing the vagina. However, this method of treating thrush can only be used after a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

Douching should be carried out only if there are appropriate indications, as this can lead to significant disturbances in the vaginal microflora.

For the procedure, a gynecological syringe is used, which must be pre-disinfected. You can replace it with Esmarch's mug (you can buy it at a pharmacy). The water used must be boiled.

The procedure is carried out in a position and lying on your back. The vestibule of the vagina should be lubricated with sterile petroleum jelly. After releasing the air, the tip of the syringe is inserted into the vagina. The solution should wash the vagina and pour out. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 20 minutes. After douching, it is recommended to lie down for 15 minutes.

Douching with soda with thrush increases the success of conception several times.

Additional Information

Hope 07/20/2013 at 09:21

I used baking soda for washing and sitz baths, didn't know to add iodine to the solution. I also tried to douche, but douching was not prescribed to me. I can say that such procedures are good as an additional remedy in the main treatment, which should still be medication.

Lika 07/22/2013 at 10:21

Very often I hear that soda helps to get rid of thrush. I myself have not tried this method yet, I usually use a decoction of calendula. But my girlfriend, a gynecologist, recently also advised me to use soda. It seems to have become much better, although she still continues to carry out the procedures, but the improvement is already noticeable

Fox 07/24/2013 at 09:19

In my case, thrush often occurs from pads. I know about this and try to use proven ones. But there are emergency cases when you urgently need to use it, but there is no suitable one at hand. Then itching and discharge begin, and if there is no other drug, then soda helps me a lot. The fact that she relieves the "attack" of itching is for sure.

Svetlana 07/28/2013 at 10:14

Douching can be used according to the testimony of a doctor, but I practice washing with soda as needed. It helps me. I like this method with the availability of the drug, baking soda is always at hand. I use it without iodine, I didn’t know that I need to add iodine, I’ll try, maybe with iodine recovery will go faster.

lana 07/28/2013 at 10:29 am

Treatment of candidiasis with baking soda is quite an effective way, at least for me. I use sitz baths as an addition to medical treatment. As far as I know, our grandmothers were treated this way, which once again confirms that baking soda is a good time-tested remedy. You should still consult your doctor before using this remedy.

Kate 28.07.2013 at 10:42

I heard about soda treatment repeatedly and cured thrush several times: I just stirred soda in water and used this solution topically. But one day there was no baking soda at hand, and at home there was only soda ash. I am not friends with chemistry, and therefore I did not know what the consequences were ... It was terribly unpleasant! Girls, pay attention to what kind of soda you use!

Rita 08/06/2013 at 09:09

The first time I hear about miraculous soda for thrush. I have it protracted, already no drug helps. To be honest, I was already desperate to cure her, that's why I'm looking at folk remedies for the treatment of thrush. I was glad that so many girls have already helped, I will definitely try this solution as soon as I get home.

Marina 08/15/2013 at 13:17

A lot of people told me and advised soda, but there is one BUT !!! It kills our microflora, from frequent use, I advise chlorhexidine !!

Olya 26.11.2013 at 02:43

I will definitely try the baths, but I can say for 100% that washing helps to get rid of itching, redness, discomfort in general ... The discharge becomes less.

Lena 07/14/2014 at 00:36

I have never used soda before, and have never encountered thrush. and now for a long time I have been suffering, I don’t know what to do, I recently tried soda, a friend advised me. the itching went away at the same hour, I’ll probably continue douching, I hope it helps.


Treatment of thrush is a sensitive and necessary process. Pharmaceutics today can offer a great variety of ointments, medicines and remedies to combat candidiasis.

But do not be distrustful of time-tested folk remedies. Soda from Candidiasis is not only an effective recovery, but also a quick one.

Each of us can face this disease. The causative agent of thrush is a pathogenic microscopic fungus belonging to the genus Candida (Candida). The fungus has the ability to grow and produce countless harmful toxic substances.

This negatively affects human health: malfunctions of the genitourinary system, the vaginal mucosa is disturbed, and skin problems appear.

Statistics show that 70% of women have encountered thrush at least once, which has the ability to return with improper and neglected therapy.

Factors that activate the fungus:

  1. Uncleanliness, poor hygiene.
  2. Metabolism disorder.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. various inflammatory processes.
  5. Injuries and damage to the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of Candidiasis

The manifestation of symptoms begins when the function of immune cells in suppressing fungi decreases, and they in turn begin to multiply. Usually women experience discomfort in the vulva. It can be: itching, pain during intercourse and urination, burning on the labia, white discharge and white plaque.

Painful sensations are provoked by Candida colonies, which feed on physiological media and tissues of the human body. With untimely and improper treatment, thrush manifests itself in the form of candidiasis of the stomach, mouth, esophagus, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The question immediately arises: in advanced cases, does baking soda help with thrush? The answer is yes. Also, symptoms can be in the form of intestinal disorders, gastritis, diseases of the mammary glands, dandruff.

Soda in the treatment of thrush

Traditional medicine recommends soda treatment for two reasons: most of the patients use soda to cure the hated fungus and the recovery is successful.

Secondly, the treatment of candidiasis can occur simultaneously with the use of soda and medications prescribed by a doctor.

A solution of soda, washing out harmful bacteria and fungi from the vagina, neutralizes their reproduction and reduces the acidity of the internal environment of the female genital organ. Soda must be dissolved in drinking water, as it destroys fungal microorganisms and has a positive effect on microfibers.

Treatment of thrush with soda must be accompanied by douching, which is designed to eliminate external irritants: it eliminates intense secretions and relieves itching.

The use of soda in the treatment of candidiasis

There are several methods of treatment in this situation. The first option is washing the genitals with soda. But it is considered effective for a mild form of thrush, when the initial symptoms (white discharge, itching) bother you. The question arises, is it possible to treat thrush with soda in a severe form of candidiasis? Yes, and be sure to use additional medications in parallel.

And now in detail how to treat thrush at home. Dissolve half a teaspoon of soda into one glass of warm boiled water. Roll four balls of approximately the same size from pharmacy cotton. Further procedures should be carried out in the bathroom. Dip a ball of cotton wool into a special solution of soda and water and wash the genitals from the outside.

With a lump of cotton wool, pre-moistened with a solution, rinse the labia from the inside. Another one to use for the area around the entrance to the vagina, the last one is for washing the cavity in the vagina. It is important that such treatment of thrush at home lasts no more than 10 days. And the frequency of procedures should be 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime. Doctors advise using the same solution not only against genital candidiasis, but also for thrush in the mouth (applies to both adults and infants).

A huge number of positive reviews prove that you can get rid of thrush in the shortest possible time, without much effort, and most importantly, at home.

About douching

It was said above that it is impossible to cure thrush with soda without douching. To do this, you need to prepare a soda solution and a syringe in advance. Be sure to wash your hands.

The following actions:

  1. Settle down on the toilet.
  2. Parallel to the seat, insert the syringe into the vagina.
  3. The soda solution is introduced gradually, washing away all the excess.
  4. Soda solution immediately rinse the external genitalia.
  5. Use an antifungal drug that helps at all stages of treatment (suppositories / tablets).

After the procedure for treating thrush with soda, it is necessary to rinse the syringe with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinse the tip with an alcohol-containing solution.

Other recipes for treating thrush with soda

There are many tips and tricks on how to cure thrush, and here are the most useful ones. The healing recipe consists in making a special solution of soda, tincture of iodine and warm boiled water.

To do this, observe the following proportions: a liter of water, a teaspoon of iodine and a tablespoon of baking soda. It should be diluted all at once in the pelvis. In this container filled with a solution, you need to sit for a quarter of an hour.

Continuing the question of how to treat thrush with soda, you can find one inconspicuous minus of this method - the systematic implementation of such procedures. There is a widespread point of view that it is necessary to douche hourly. In the early stages, soda with thrush does not provide a complete recovery, but only the elimination of the main symptoms. And the question of how to get rid of all other external manifestations is already solved with deep treatment along with other medicines.


The question of whether soda helps with thrush has always been relevant, since few people know about its effectiveness and reliability. To treat with baking soda, a minimum of knowledge is required, because you just need to properly dilute the solution and water. But this does not mean canceling the appointment with the doctor. It is important not to start the disease in a chronic form.

Yeast-like fungi such as Candida actively multiply on the mucous membranes, where moisture is always present. Reduced immunity, poor hygiene and concomitant infectious diseases lead to the rapid development of thrush - the enemy of the female reproductive system.

Itching, burning, painful urination, discomfort during intercourse, abundant cheesy white discharge with a sour smell are the main symptoms of candidiasis. And the treatment is prescribed complex: restoration of the intestinal microflora, elimination of the provoking factor and accompanying signs.

In traditional medicine, there are many drugs aimed at combating the disease, but other methods of treatment should not be overlooked, which include ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) used at home.

Is the remedy effective?

If a woman does not have an individual intolerance to soda, and she does not use oral contraceptives, then the remedy is used. Treatment of thrush should not be limited only to a solution of sodium bicarbonate, but it helps to quickly get rid of the disease and alleviates the symptoms of the disease. It has the following properties:

  • washes out pathogenic microorganisms without disturbing the healthy microflora;
  • creates an alkaline environment unsuitable for yeast-like Candida fungi;
  • slightly dries the mucosa, leaving no factor favorable for the development of infection.

Soda is safe for pregnant women and young mothers, it is used to treat the oral cavity in infants in the treatment of candidiasis. In combination with salt and iodine, it relieves inflammation, reduces redness, and kills pathogenic microorganisms.

But soda cannot be called a panacea. It is effective in the treatment of thrush, but completely cope with the disease at home, without the use of other means, it can only be done in unopened cases, when the first symptoms appear.

How to prepare a solution

Boiled hot water is required to prepare a healing solution. A tablespoon of soda dissolves in a liter of liquid. For a one-time procedure, a glass of water is enough. A teaspoon of dietary sodium is thoroughly dissolved in it.

Do not use hot solution! Before use, bring to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.



To get rid of thrush, a woman is recommended to douche with a soda solution twice a day. The procedure is carried out in several stages after a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Draw the prepared solution into the syringe.
  3. Sitting on the toilet, insert the tip of the syringe into the vagina.
  4. Slowly squeeze out the contents. Fluid should flow freely from the vagina without lingering inside.

After the procedure, you can not wash the genitals with plain water..

Douching, taking into account several rules:

  • can not be used by women in the first trimester of pregnancy and within a month after childbirth;
  • you can not douche with inflammation of the genital organs;
  • skip the evening procedure on the eve of visiting the gynecologist in order to take smears for the study of microflora;
  • give up sexual activity for the duration of the treatment of thrush with soda;
  • choose a syringe with a hard tip;
  • the presence of untreated inflammatory diseases becomes an obstacle to douching with soda.


Sitz baths with the addition of soda and iodine are an effective remedy for getting rid of thrush. It is suitable for use at home to relieve burning and itching. To prepare it, mix a teaspoon of iodine and a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water. Pour the resulting solution into a clean basin and make baths.

Treatment of candidiasis ends with the application of an antifungal cream recommended by a gynecologist.

Washing the genitals

Dip a cotton swab in the prepared soda solution for a woman and wipe the labia minora first, then the labia majora with another swab. Repeat until the white patch disappears. At the end of the procedure, the organs are washed with the remnants of the solution. If the next day you add soda and iodine, then the liquid can be reused.

Combination Treatment Recipes

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of thrush forever. Candidiasis is insidious and, once having appeared in a woman, it will arise again. But the combination of folk remedies at home in combination with traditional medicine speeds up the healing process. It is recommended to take care of the area affected by fungi with the following means:

  1. Using gauze swabs, make a candle by dipping it in honey.
  2. Treat thrush with laundry soap, wash the genitals.
  3. Tinctures of herbal decoctions: chamomile, oak bark, calendula will cure candidiasis and relieve other infectious diseases.
  4. Take tea tree oil, sea buckthorn or lavender oil by teaspoon during and after treatment to increase the protective functions of the body.

Soda solution and pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, self-treatment of thrush is not allowed. If symptoms of candidiasis appear in the first trimester, you can use a solution of sodium bicarbonate to wash the genitals, but after consulting a specialist. It is important to treat the infection before labor begins to prevent infection in the baby.

Candidiasis, better known among patients as thrush, refers to fungal infectious pathologies, the causative agent of which is Candida, a yeast-like fungus that affects mucous tissues. Similar fungi are present on our skin, oral and vaginal mucosa, in the large intestine, etc. Under the influence of factors favorable for the pathogen, fungi begin to multiply actively, which leads to the development of thrush. Many women prefer to be treated for this unpleasant disease with home methods. Soda is widely used for thrush during pregnancy, because in a similar situation, most pharmaceutical preparations are contraindicated for pregnant women, and soda is considered a completely safe product.

Do not self-medicate to avoid unforeseen consequences

The activity of Candida fungi usually begins against the background of immune failures, when a woman's natural defenses are weakened. Such a reaction is quite natural for pregnant women, since after conception, immunity decreases to prevent rejection of the formed fetal egg. It is against the background of such processes that yeast-like fungi are activated, which leads to the development of thrush. Candidiasis, as a rule, causes very unpleasant symptoms.

  • Vaginal candidiasis during gestation does not differ in symptoms from that in non-pregnant patients, therefore the main symptom of pathology is the appearance of whitish flaky curdled discharge, which has a very unpleasant sour smell.
  • An unbearable itching sensation is felt in the genitals, which causes a lot of discomfort.
  • During urination, the patient complains of cutting pain in the urethra.
  • Soreness and itching in the perineum increase with sexual intimacy, and after washing it subsides for a while.
  • During a gynecological examination, symptoms of hyperemia and irritation are found on the female genital organs.

Such unpleasant symptoms force a woman to take measures to treat the pathology. The right option is to contact a specialist, even if mommy prefers traditional methods of treatment. It is necessary to confirm the presence of candidiasis, as well as consult a doctor regarding the planned alternative treatment. Among the most famous folk remedies, the use of douching soda from thrush during pregnancy is especially popular. What is the reason for such popularity and how soda works against candidiasis.

How does soda work

The use of such a remedy as soda in the treatment of thrush has been known for a long time. Such home therapy is considered quite effective and has been a proven method for years for thrush during pregnancy. Soda solutions literally flush out all bacterial and fungal microorganisms from the vagina. For candida, the atmosphere of increased vaginal acidity is considered the most favorable environment, and soda is an alkaline substance that neutralizes acid, which explains the high effectiveness of soda therapy for thrush.

Ordinary baking soda has unique properties

If sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in water, the resulting solution creates an alkaline environment in the vagina, which has a detrimental effect on candida and prevents the further development of the infectious process. If the patient regularly douches or washes with soda, then such procedures will quickly get rid of external pathological signs, relieve itching and burning discomfort, eliminate the characteristic unpleasant-smelling curdled discharge, etc. But it is impossible to finally deal with the fungus using only sodium bicarbonate, more effective measures are needed to destroy the fungus.

How to treat

Treatment of thrush with baking soda involves the use of its aqueous solution. You can use a similar solution for intimate washings, but these agents show greater effectiveness when douching. A universal recipe for preparing a solution is to mix a liter of warm water with a large spoonful of soda. It is necessary to thoroughly stir the resulting mixture so that the entire precipitate dissolves without residue, not a single crystal of alkaline powder should remain at the bottom.


It is necessary to use soda solution for douching during gestation with extreme caution, after consulting with a specialist. Why is the doctor's opinion so important? It's just that any douching significantly changes the vaginal microflora, which in the future, in addition to eliminating the symptoms of candidiasis, will lead to adverse consequences. Douching is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. For the procedure, an Esmarch cup or a syringe is used. All devices must be pre-disinfected.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a douche solution only from boiled water.
  3. The solution is prepared according to the above recipe, that is, a large spoonful of soda per liter of water.
  4. The procedure is easier and more convenient to carry out while lying in the bathroom.
  5. Before the introduction of the syringe, you need to treat the entrance with petroleum jelly for more convenient sliding, additional disinfection and disinfection.
  6. The tip of the syringe should be gently inserted into the vagina. By pressing the pear, it is necessary to spray the solution onto the walls so that it is completely washed away, and the solution slowly pours back.
  7. The procedure is continued for 20 minutes.
  8. After douching, you need to lie down for about a quarter of an hour, only then you can do the usual things.


If you feel pain, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor

Sedentary baths, which are also carried out with the addition of sodium bicarbonate, effectively eliminate unpleasant candidal symptoms. A solution of soda from thrush is prepared somewhat differently than for douching. You need to boil 2 liters of water, cool it so that it is warm. Dissolve 2 large spoons of sodium bicarbonate powder in water. For greater effect, iodine can be added to the solution (2 dessert spoons). Iodine perfectly disinfects and disinfects, and in combination with soda, this tool provides an even greater effect. But you must strictly observe the dosage of iodine, otherwise there is a risk of burning the mucous membranes of the genital organs. You need to wait until the solution has cooled to an acceptable temperature, then sit in the basin and sit like this for at least a third of an hour.

It is recommended to increase each subsequent procedure by 5 or even 10 minutes. The course of treatment in this way is at least a week, usually this time is enough to completely eliminate pathological candidiasis symptoms.


Soda with thrush is also effectively used for washing. For such a hygienic procedure, you need to mix a dessert spoon of soda with a glass of boiled and cooled water. The solution is stirred well so that all crystalline components are dissolved. With a similar solution, washing is carried out about 4-5 times a day, at night it is also necessary to rinse the genitals with a soda solution.

Some patients suffer greatly after urination. They are encouraged to wash after each visit to the toilet room. Soon the itching and unpleasant burning sensation will stop bothering you. After washing, the perineum must be thoroughly wiped dry. Do not be lazy, prepare the solution before each hygiene procedure. This is not so difficult to do, and the effectiveness of a fresh solution is much higher than that which has already stood for some time.

Regular washing will help eliminate unpleasant sour-smelling discharge and mucus, and also has a drying effect, making itching almost imperceptible.


For treatment with soda in the form of compresses or lotions, the solution is prepared from a liter of water and a large spoonful of soda, and to enhance the effect in the solution, you need to dissolve a dessert spoon of iodine. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and then treated. For tampons, they take a bandage and twist it tightly, after which they soak the tampon with a solution and insert it into the vagina for half an hour. During treatment, there may be a slight burning sensation in the vagina, which disappears on its own after the tampon is removed.

For compresses, a bandage is also used, which is folded in several layers. It is impregnated with a soda solution and applied to the perineum, parting the labia. With your finger, you need to press a little on the entrance to the vagina so that the bandage soaked in the solution goes inside. Keep these compresses should be about 20 minutes.

The rules of soda therapy

In order for soda douching treatment to be effective, some rules and recommendations must be followed.

  • Use syringes exclusively sterilized and with a soft tip, and for the solution, pre-boil water.
  • It is necessary to inject the solution into the vagina in the most comfortable semi-sitting position so that the muscles of the perineum are relaxed. Some patients find it convenient to douche while squatting or raising one foot on the edge of the toilet (bath).
  • When introducing a douche, the actions should be neat and smooth, shallow.
  • Before the introduction, you must first release all the air from the syringe, and then insert the tip into the vagina.
  • Make sure that the solution cools down for the most comfortable temperature, it is forbidden to use it hot.
  • For one procedure, the introduction of about 300 ml of therapeutic soda mixture is allowed.
  • It is unacceptable to change the dosage at your own discretion or to carry out treatment more often than expected.
  • Soda as a monotherapy in this case is ineffective, so the treatment must be combined with other means, for example, after douching, administer pharmaceutical suppositories for candidiasis, etc.

All procedures must be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist so that their treatment does not harm the baby.

Contraindications for soda douching

During therapy, a sufficient amount of time must be given to rest.

The method of soda therapy also has a list of contraindications that pregnant women must take into account. Firstly, douching with soda solutions is not carried out in the early stages of gestation, when there is a threat of abortion. It is also impossible to carry out such treatment in the last month of gestation, when the cervix gradually expands, opening the uterine inlet, due to which the infection can enter the uterine body and infect the fetus. Secondly, douching soda therapy is contraindicated in the presence of inflammatory or infectious processes in the female reproductive system. It is also impossible to carry out such procedures for women who have recently given birth; after delivery, at least a month must pass.

If a visit to a gynecologist is planned, who will take a smear on the microflora, then it is also forbidden to douche, and with any solutions. Such procedures can cause distortion of the result. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline substance that corrodes mucous structures, therefore, it is impossible to use such methods of therapy after abortion, because the walls of the vagina have damage that can become inflamed from alkaline exposure.

Experts also warn that during the course of treatment with soda formulations, absolute sexual rest must be observed. In extreme cases, be sure to use a condom. It is strictly unacceptable to drink alcohol, strong coffee and cigarettes. You also need to abandon the sauna, bath, hot bath or shower. Women with thrush should not wear tight synthetic underwear, it is better to opt for loose cotton panties.

Is soda harmful

There can be no harm from sodium bicarbonate, but if the patient noticeably exceeds the recommended dosages, then this is fraught with acid leaching, which leads to a sharp imbalance. Such a disequilibrium is much more dangerous, because pathogenic bacterial microorganisms die in the acidic environment of the vagina, and in the alkaline they remain viable and can provoke the development of all kinds of infections.

When carrying, the treatment of candidiasis should be carried out by safe methods, which include baking soda. If the mother follows all the recommendations for douching and preparing the solution, then there will be no adverse reactions, and the therapy will be as effective as possible.