Contests for ransom in the style of the police. Police-style bride price scenario

To create a truly unique bride price that will be remembered for a long time by the heroes of the occasion and guests, the organizers need to come up with an interesting, original scenario. DPS-style bride price is a real adventure for the groom, who will eventually receive the “Rights to Marry Life with the Bride”. The event is ideal for men whose work is related to law enforcement or road patrol, as well as for experienced drivers and just people with a sense of humor.


One of the many advantages of buying out DPS is the ease of preparation. To begin with, the girlfriends need to come up with a scenario consisting of several exciting short contests, tasks, games, tests that the future spouse will have to go through. For the implementation of the scenario to be successful, the girls will have to learn the text well, having prepared all the participants, and conduct several dress rehearsals. You also need to purchase props in advance, choose the style of decorating the room according to the program of the event.

Do not forget that a modern ransom should not tire the betrothed, so it should be short, a maximum of thirty to forty minutes. If the organizers cannot cope on their own, a professional toastmaster can come to their aid.

Requisites for redemption

A variety of competitive props, a suitable style of clothing is a prerequisite for an interesting start to the gala day. Examples of things that will be needed during the ransom:

  • Fashion style. Thematic redemption of traffic police implies the form of traffic police officers. Instead of a uniform, ordinary blouses, blue or light blue shirts, short black skirts, shoulder straps made of paper, and a cap are suitable.

  • The striped rod is the main detail of the style of the traffic police officer.
  • A sheet of paper, a fake ID of a traffic police inspector.
  • A radio-controlled car, a long red ribbon - props for the competition-checking the driver's ability to drive complex modes of transport.
  • A rope, an eye patch will help determine the sobriety of the betrothed.

  • A poster with painted or ready-made road signs.
  • Letters written on paper.
  • Toy steering wheel, black and yellow striped tape to cover the area.
  • Joking certificate: "Rights to family life."


The main protagonists of the ransom:

  • Junior traffic police inspector meeting the groom.
  • Physician conducting a medical examination.
  • Captain of the patrol service (this may be the father of the bride).
  • Future driver with a team.
  • A photographer who will shoot the original ransom on photo and video.

Room decoration

To make the ransom more realistic, girlfriends need to pay attention to the style of the place where the event will take place. For example, you can put a blue bucket on the inspector’s car, stick a “No entry” sign next to the entrance, and protect all ransom areas with striped tape. Also, girls can buy themed posters or make drawings with the rules of the road, hang printed road signs.

DPS-style ransom script

The groom and his retinue drive up to the bride's house, where the redemption of the traffic police will take place. The car of the hero of the occasion is stopped by the bridesmaid, disguised as an inspector of the road patrol service, knocks with a striped rod on the window, next to which the groom is sitting. The future spouse rolls down the window, the bridesmaid says:

- Good afternoon, young man! Senior inspector of the traffic police - the name of the bridesmaid. Where are we heading? Are the documents in order? Right, do you have the registration certificate with you?

The driver presents a road license with a technical passport.

– Well, well… I see ordinary rights, but where are your rights to family life? You're just heading there, right? I won't miss it without permission!

The betrothed replies that he has no rights to family life.

- Oh, that's how it is! Well, we've arrived. You'll have to get a license, otherwise you won't be able to meet the bride. First, get out, open the trunk.

The first test begins - checking luggage.

-What do we have here ... So, so! To simplify my task, tell me about what you are carrying and how it will be useful in the territory of family life. Here, for example, I see a bottle of wine here.

The bridegroom with a witness passes the DPS bride ransom contest for ingenuity, describing how certain items will be useful to the family.

-Fine! Looks like you're not taking too much. But I fell in love with wine, I’ll take it for myself, don’t you mind? Otherwise, it will take money!

Participants respond that they do not mind.

- Great! Now go to the doctor's office, you need a certificate that shows that you can drive a vehicle, and then come back! Hurry, or I’ll finish all the wine and I won’t be able to take your exams.

The groom and the witness go to the next test of the bride price of the traffic police - a medical examination. They are met by a bridesmaid in the role of a doctor:

-Come, doves! I know, I know, check my eyesight. Come closer, hurry!

The members approach the doctor, who begins to fuss.

–Now close one eye and try to hit the target... Not necessarily in the center, at least on it. Here are the darts, please.

The groom closes one eye and tries to hit the target, which is at a considerable distance. Misses, pays a small ransom to the bridesmaid, if it hits, the doctor says:

-Fine! Wonderful! Bravo! Now let's experiment with your memory. I have several numbers. Where are they?

The leader rummages through the papers.

-And here! The bride left a few numbers and wrote down their meanings. I give you a number and you tell me what it means. Pay me a fine for every miss.

The doctor calls certain numbers, which can mean the age, weight of the bride, date of birth. When the groom passes this test, the host says:

-Well, your eyesight is excellent, and there are no problems with memory! Keep a certificate, I admit you to the exams. Good luck on the roads!

Participants in the redemption of the traffic police return to the inspector of the patrol service.

- Appeared! I thought you'd changed your mind. So where is the help? Yep, here she is. Vision is good, memory is excellent. Well! We will conduct the most important exams of your life! Ready?

The groom and the witness answer in the affirmative.

– First of all, I want to say that family life is a joy and a test. In order to travel the road of love together, you should take into account: it may not be easy. Proper management will help to avoid unpleasant situations! Now we will test your ability to drive heavy modes of transport, go to the examination site.

The inspector leads the betrothed to an important test. A small area is fenced off with a labyrinth created by ribbons. There is a small car in front of the labyrinth. Presenter:

– Here we are! I give you the remote control of the vehicle (the bridesmaid gives the groom the remote control). To pass the exam, you will have to drive the car from the beginning of the maze to the end. If you turn off the path, crash into fences, cross the tape, pay a fine. We have large fines, the machine is not cheap! Well, let's go!

The inspector whistles, the groom passes this test.

– Good results! There were errors, but they are small. Congratulations, you have passed this exam.

The bridesmaid leads the groom to the next examination site. In the middle of the road lies a tape or rope.

-Sometimes resentment, anger cloud our minds, do not allow us to think soberly. And sobriety is necessary in resolving all sorts of conflicts. Now we will test your sobriety. Turn your back.

The groom turns his back to the bridesmaid, who blindfolds his eyes with a ribbon.

-That's better! And now the fun part: fiance, you need to walk in a straight line next to the rope, and it will become our sobriety test tool. The farther from the tape you turn, the more the fine will pay!

The future spouse is tested for sobriety, the presenter says:

What wonderful self-control! I'm proud of you, I don't like alcoholics. And the bride has prepared the following task for you: you will have to tell the meaning of the road signs of family life. Below them are some hints.

The hero of the occasion participates in the traffic police ransom competition, naming the meaning of the signs, for example, a spoon with a fork - cooking, a tap with water - washing dishes. A ransom is paid for a mistake.

- We figured out the signs! You, young man, have already passed the medical examination, now we will conduct it for your friends. So to speak, a test of intelligence and mental state.

A familiar doctor comes out, carries with him a poster of the alphabet, says:

I will call the letter, and you, the witness, friends, quickly say good things about the groom with this letter, otherwise we will not let you see the bride!

The witness, along with the guests of the groom, undergoes a medical test. Inspector:

“Great, and you are healthy too!” Well, let's move on to the next test for your friends. Groom, you'll be needed too. We have prepared another labyrinth and we know that true friends will always help you get out of difficult life situations. Let's see how well you work as a team!

The bridesmaid gives the groom a steering wheel, the witness stands behind, other guests can also participate in this test.

Scenarios of a wedding with a ransom of the bride - to help the novice host.

Police style ransom script

Description: The fiancé was arrested by the police. How can he get out of the station, taking his bride with him?

As a rather original option, we can offer a police-style ransom scenario. According to this scenario, the witness acts as a judge who passes judgment on the groom. The groom and his friends arrive at the entrance where the bride lives. There is a witness waiting for him.

- Hello, today we are considering the case of (name of the groom). The prosecution alleges that he intended to beautify the bride of his parents. Witnesses indicate that late at night he accompanied her home, gave her flowers, wrote many messages and even confessed his love! Suspect, do you plead guilty to this?

- Yes, I admit it!

“Well, a confession will mitigate your punishment. However, in order to win the hand of your bride, you will have to go through many trial punishments. Are you ready for this?

- Yes!

-Let's conduct an investigative experiment and find out exactly how the suspect entered the house of the bride.

Next, a police-style ransom scenario involves a contest. Its essence lies in the fact that the groom must climb the floor of the stairs to the bride's apartment. At the same time, the difficulty comes down to the fact that, stepping on each of the steps, it is necessary to say pleasant words about the bride. If the words run out, the ransom will have to be paid. So the groom comes to the front door of the apartment. All the other guests follow him.

Now we need to get into the apartment. But the keys are hidden in one of those boxes. You need to get the key.

Next, the police-style ransom scenario includes another contest. The task is to find the key hidden in the box. They must be opaque so that the key is not visible. The groom chooses boxes. In one of them is the key, and in the rest - tasks. If a box with a task is selected, you must complete it or give a ransom. Thus, a box with a key is selected. When the key is found, you can open the door.

- Defendant, witnesses claim that they saw a guy very similar to you in a nightclub in the company of a bride. In order for them to recognize you, you need to see exactly how you dance.
Then cheerful music sounds and the groom begins to dance. Guests (who act as witnesses) watch the dance, applaud.

- Witnesses, what do you say, this man took the bride to the dance?

“Yes, it was definitely him.

- Defendant, on numerous dates with the bride, you learned a lot of secret information about her. Let's check it out. Answer the questions.

The groom is asked questions about the bride. For example, what shoe size, when she went to first grade, when she first saw her fiancé, and so on. The groom must answer correctly. If he does not know the answer, a ransom must be paid.

- How much secret information you learned!

After that, everyone goes into the room where the bride is. Here the bride is covered with a veil. It is also necessary to plant friends, guests nearby, it can also be the father of the bride. The task of the groom is to guess where exactly the bride is hidden.

- Defendant, you need to guess exactly where your bride is hidden. But be extremely careful, because if the answer is incorrect, you will have to pay money.
The groom guesses where his bride is. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the ransom is paid.

After the bride is found, he kisses her.

- So, the court made a decision on the case (name of the groom). The court decided (name of the groom) to find guilty. The verdict is final and cannot be appealed - to live happily in marriage with the whole wife. Defendant, do you undertake to carry out the sentence in full?

- I promise!

The ransom of the bride from the police will greatly please not only the guardians of the law, but also all people with a good sense of humor.

In this scenario, the bride is accused of stealing a hot man's heart. And the groom will have to release her from custody.

So, before the bride’s entrance, you need to hang an “orientation” on her in advance:

  • photo,
  • personal data,
  • as well as special signs,
  • list of offenses
  • in general, dossier.

To begin with, you can offer the groom to pay a deposit for the bride, then it will be possible to release her. However, the amount of the bail is not less than a million dollars, the groom most likely will not have such money. Then we proceed to the first competition - getting rid of competitors!

Test one

For this test, you need to hang it on a wall into which you can stick darts (cork, for example),

  • pictures of oligarchs
  • millionaires,
  • billionaires
  • or world stars

who clearly could pay a deposit for a bride - such a smart, beautiful and just a good girl. In the center we hang a photograph of the bride, for hitting her - a fine in the form of money, sweets, etc. The groom receives darts and begins to get rid of competitors.

For passing each test, the groom receives one piece of a small puzzle, which must be prepared in advance.

This should be an image of the bride or a joint photograph of lovers. After passing all the tests, the groom collects a mosaic, it will come in handy for him.

Trial two for ransom

After the successful "killing" of rivals, you can proceed to the second competition. What man, no matter how old, doesn't love to drive a radio-controlled car? We arrange a small racing race in which the groom needs to skillfully go around the paper hearts laid out in advance and get to the finish line, where the next piece of the puzzle will be waiting. For hitting a heart, a fine is expected.

Trial three

The third competition involves obtaining a certificate of medical fitness. Witnesses and friends of the groom should talk about his virtues. It is necessary to name at least ten reasons why the groom can be recognized as a worthy candidate for the bride's hand. At the end of the test, the groom is issued a certificate of his neuropsychic stability and intellectual development.

Test Four

It is necessary to fill in the gaps in the dossier of the convict. This is supposed to be a standard competition for knowledge of the facts about the bride and your relationship. Questions may be about:

Date of acquaintance of lovers;
- waist size of the bride;
- birthday of the bride or her mother;
- growth of the bride;
- the height of the heel of her favorite shoes;
- weight of the bride (in grams);
- the number of guests invited to the wedding;
- the age of the witness or witness.

For each wrong answer, of course, a fine.

Test five for ransom in the style of the police

Now, according to the plan, a test for the "degree of intoxication with love." Mother-in-law suddenly notices:

Our fiance is breathing unevenly, swaying from side to side, his coordination of movements is clearly impaired! Nothing but drunk!

The groom's friends respond:

Yes, he is intoxicated with love for the bride!

I don’t even know ... Maybe it’s love, or maybe it’s a marriage of convenience! Need to check!

The bridesmaids give the groom a children's whistle or pipe. Mother-in-law:


The groom begins to whistle or blow, but the mother-in-law thinks that it is too quiet, she asks louder and louder. All the action takes place near the entrance, under the windows of the apartments. The mother-in-law stops whistling, as it is too quiet, and asks the groom to sing a love song. Yes, so that the neighbors hear, and most importantly - the bride in her apartment. The groom sings, the mother-in-law asks his friends to join, they all begin to sing very loudly. And then the mother-in-law says:

Who screams like that in broad daylight? Come on, pay a fine for violating public order!

The groom pays a fine and enters the entrance, where the next competition awaits him.

Test Six

At the entrance on the stairs, on each of its steps, sheets of paper with incomprehensible abbreviations are laid out in advance. When climbing each step, the groom must decipher the abbreviation in such a way in order to get something that he is ready to do for his future wife. For example, BMW - I will wash forks, HPM - go shopping and the like. The groom can come up with a lot of options, but if he and his friends have no ideas, he pays a fine and goes to the next step. For each guessed or purchased abbreviation, he is given a piece of the puzzle.

When the groom reaches the door of the desired apartment, he should have all the details of the mosaic. There he collects it, admires the picture and exchanges it for the key to the handcuffs that chained his beloved to the battery.

If the wedding takes place in the summer, you can freeze a few keys in ice cubes and give them to the groom and his friends to defrost them in their palms.

This scenario, involving a police-style ransom, is sure to appeal to people working in this field.

Near the house of the groom and his friends, bridesmaids in costumes or details of police costumes meet. As a rule, bridesmaids share ransom contests among themselves so that everyone can participate. It makes sense to hold competitions from the entrance to the entrance to the floor of the bride, or from the gate of a private house to the entrance to the house if the area of ​​​​the site allows. One of the bridesmaids is appointed Treasurer. She always has a ransom bag with her and, of course, what can be useful in contests and what she can sell for ransom to the groom's team. Other girlfriends are the Investigative Committee and the Chief Investigator, who meets everyone. Also, in the scenario of the redemption of the bride in the style of the police, a decoy bride is provided, it can also be a man's brother or a friend of the bride.

Chief Investigator: Hello. Investigator Ivanova. What are you doing at the crime scene?

The groom answers.

Chief Investigator: We have become aware of a conspiracy to kidnap citizen Ivanova on her wedding day. A malicious intruder could disguise himself as a groom. No panic! The Investigative Committee will figure everything out and catch the attacker! we have to interrogate you. I will ask you questions you need to answer quickly without hesitation. My assistant will track the response time.

Task 1 "Interrogation". The investigator asks the groom questions, he must answer without hesitation, the response time to the question is 5 seconds, or the groom is fined.

  1. Favorite color of the bride.
  2. Favorite flowers of the bride.
  3. How long are you together.
  4. What is her social password? networks?
  5. Where this photo was taken (show photo)
  6. What does a bride hate doing the most?
  7. Which movie impressed her the most?
  8. What does the bride like to do in her spare time?
  9. Which country would you like to travel to together.
  10. What dish / delicacy should be brought to the bride if she is sad?

Investigator: And now the main question is why are you here. To answer it, the groom needs to go forward and step on the step where there is a note with the reason for his appearance here.

Task 2. "Reason" If the buyout is carried out in an apartment building, then notes with reasons should be laid out on the steps, if in a private house, then on the path to the house.

"Armed with Love Assault"

"Unarmed Robbery"

"Stealing the Heart"

"Unintended Feeling"

"Honest Confession"

"An unbridled desire to go to the registry office"

Investigator: and now we need to determine the physical strength of the suspect, for this, go to the power meter.

Task 3. "Power meter" Maybe a father or brother, or a friend of the bride, then you can determine the strength with the help of arm wrestling, tug of war. A dynamometer can also be a heavy object (for example, a weight or a 5l bottle of water) that the groom must lift several times and everyone present counts. At the request of the bridesmaids, the strength of the groom's friends can also be measured.

Investigator: this is the result the groom showed, you have something hidden in your hands, show your hands! (Puts on handcuffs) Such a strong person cannot be left unattended, however, if your friends try and prove that you are good, then we will let you go. Now each of your friends has to say something good about you, for this we give him the opportunity to put his hand into the bag with the keys to the handcuffs, pull out the key and check whether it fits the handcuffs and whether it will give the groom freedom.

Task 4. "Help a friend." In order for the competition not to end on the first lucky one and so that all the groom’s friends have the opportunity to say nice words about a friend, it’s better not to put the handcuff key in the bag at first, but to hold it in your hands and put it when most of the friends speak out.

The groom's friends are free.

Investigator: so what will the witnesses say, do you think this is a real fiance or a criminal? Bridesmaids: We demand to see the groom and his friends for identification.

The groom and his friends are lined up near the wall on which are hung a photo depicting the bride and groom together.

Witnesses: Maybe one of them is the groom, but we need to find out who it is. How to do it?

Investigator: take fingerprints? Do a search?

Witnesses: The camera will show!

Witness: this is a photo of the bride and groom, in order to understand which of you is the groom, we will try to repeat these photos. Since we don’t have a bride right now, we will ask the groom’s witness to play her role. (The witness is dressed in a headband and other accessories of the bride). So, now the prospective groom and his friends take turns taking pictures with our "bride" and we'll see which photo looks like the original. The one who will be depicted in this photo as a groom is a real groom.

Task 5. "The camera will show" one of the groom's friends is dressed up as a bride. Photos of the bride and groom are pasted on the wall next to the door to the house or apartment. The task of the groom and his friends is to repeat these photos.

Investigator: photo examination showed that you are the groom. We expect from you a sincere declaration of love. Confess loudly and beautifully and in rhyme. We'll record it on camera and show it to the bride.

Treasurer: And to make it easier for you, you can buy a cheat sheet.

Task 6. "Recognition". The task of the groom to confess his love to the bride. The treasurer sells a cheat sheet of rhymes for a fee: love - again, love - wear, wife - girlfriend, fleeting - endlessly. The groom can turn to friends for help.

Witnesses: (touched) Yes, he is a real fiancé!

Chief Investigator: Okay, but we have one last assignment. Only a real groom can identify his bride by her lip prints.

Task 7. "Lip prints." The groom needs to choose the bride's lip prints.

Witnesses: Good go, but your fiancée has a doppelgänger. Will you find your way to your bride?

As soon as the groom opens the door, he is greeted by a decoy bride.

Decoy bride: oh, my betrothed is more likely to the registry office!

The groom refuses.

Decoy bride: and you kiss me and I'll tell you where your bride is! Well, at least on the cheek!

If kisses take pictures and ask for a ransom.

Decoy bride: let's have a drink, I'll tell you where your bride is!

If he drinks, demand a ransom.

Bridesmaids (toast): In marriage, any main law

Spouses always stay together

Husband and wife are inseparable

The family should always be united

Wife of a beautiful cheerful beloved

And the husband is the head and the driving force

Remember this family law

And happiness will forever move to your house.

List of props for conducting a police-style bride price: notes with reasons; dynamometer (optional rope or weight, or 5l bottle); handcuffs; bag with keys; photo of the bride and groom; women's accessories headband, scarf, etc.; rhyme cheat sheet; notebook and pen; paper with lip prints; details of the costumes of the policemen and the decoy bride.

If the newlyweds or their witnesses work in the Ministry of the Interior or are ardent motorists, then it would be appropriate to conduct a bride price in the style of the traffic police. Guests also need to have a good sense of humor.

Such a stylized representation allows the use of a large number of anecdotes and stereotypes associated with police officers. In addition, the uniform looks very beautiful on the girlfriends. But in order for everything to go well, you must first draw up a script for the ransom of the bride in the style of the traffic police and preferably in verse.

List of props, room design ideas

To create a unique and memorable bride price in the style of the traffic police, you have to try hard enough. Such a holiday cannot be done quickly, otherwise it will look of poor quality and boring, because it is required not only to prepare the text. You need the ability to correctly submit it and the presence of thematic props.

First of all, you need to prepare a police uniform. You can use the standard guard outfit as a basis, or you can use the usual blue pencil skirt and a blue blouse with a jacket.

  1. Caps.
  2. Striped wands.
  3. Fake radars.
  4. Whistle.
  5. Darts for darts and a homemade board.
  6. 2-3 sheets of thick paper, it is best to buy a special one - for drawing. Suitable size A0 (84 cm x 119 cm).
  7. Traffic signs printed on a color printer, two copies each. Chosen to match the theme of the holiday. Some characters can be reworked and supplemented.
  8. Fake driver's licenses and certificates of traffic police representatives.
  9. Tight bandage for blindfolding.
  10. 5-10 meters of bright twine.
  11. Toy wheel.
  12. Dummy radar, manual or on a tripod.
  13. Wooden sticks 1.5 meters long.
  14. White coat and doctor's cap.
  15. Signal tape (in red and white stripes).
  16. 10 children's cars about the same size.
  17. Printed traces, it is desirable to make them in color.

Before the groom arrives with friends, it is necessary to ennoble the place of the ransom. Most often, it begins long before the apartment of the bride's parents.

If they live on the 1st or 2nd floor, then the hosts and guests are waiting for men at the beginning or middle of the yard. But when the apartment is high, you can opt for the local area.

When they decided how many competitions there would be and where the groom would meet the "inspectors", they began to decorate the place of the event. To do this, printed road signs are attached to sticks and placed in a chaotic manner throughout the site. You should also fence off the venue with signal tape.

If the main action will take place on the flights of stairs, then the main decorations can be left for the interior decoration of the entrance. Thanks to this, you can not look for wooden sticks to create signs. At the entrance, you can wrap the railings with signal tape, hang road signs, “memos to the driver” on the walls. If the bridesmaids wish, they can complement the design of the stairs with white and blue balloons.

It is only important to be in moderation, and it is best to use helium-filled balloons so that they tend to rise, and not droop down dully. It looks very interesting when a signal tape is used instead of a holding thread.

Finished script

Despite the fact that much attention is paid to the design of the zone where communication with the groom will take place, the most important component is the contests.

Therefore, it is necessary to decide when and in what sequence to conduct tests for a man and his friends, which requires careful preparation and scripting.

If there is no desire, opportunity or confidence in your ability to create funny storylines, then you can use ready-made productions. In them, you only need to learn your lines and prepare the listed props.

The bridesmaids put on the prepared uniform or its imitation and try to decide where the groom will have to stop the wedding procession. This must be done in order to effectively “stop” him with the help of a striped wand.

First girlfriend: I wish you good health, traffic police inspector, captain (surname). You violated the speed limit. For what reasons? Why are we in a hurry? They show the radar readings and pay attention to a special sign on which it says "You can't rush in love." First competition- sobriety test.

Second girlfriend: Or maybe he's drunk? Come on, walk in a straight line! 5–10 m of twine are rolled out on the ground, after which they blindfold the groom. As he begins his journey, one of the inspectors or their assistant carefully wraps the rope.

It is advisable to do this in half or the last third of the segment. Because of this, a man, reaching a turn, can stop or continue moving without realizing that something is wrong. In either case, he fails the test and must pay a fine.

First Girlfriend: Violation! Such behavior threatens to deprive the rights! Present your permission to manage family life! At this point, the groom may begin to deny or try to come up with something.

Second friend: Well, since there is no permission, you will have to get it! But first you need to pass exams and prove your knowledge of family life. Of course, I can help you in passing them, but you yourself understand that motivation is needed (a characteristic finger movement).

At this point, the groom offers a bribe. The first competition is visual acuity: the groom is given a dart from a darts, they offer to hit a painted target with comic reasons for marriage, and only in the middle “for love”. If a man does not hit or he is not satisfied with the result, then he can buy another dart.

The second competition is knowledge of the signs of family life.

First friend: And tell us about what these signs mean in family life. The groom must make an assumption about the meaning of the hung pictures. The funnier the answer, the better.

If a man finds it difficult to describe the drawing, then he will have to pay a fine. But for such situations, it is important that the girlfriends themselves know the approximate meaning of the images.

The third competition is a medical examination. It consists of two parts. Third friend (dressed as a doctor): Do you have medical certificates about your suitability for family life. No? And what can your companions say about your state of mind? Friends should list the largest number of positive qualities of the groom. At the same time, it is permissible to praise him.

If the description is pale, then you will have to pay a fine “in the pocket”, to the doctor.

Third friend: Well, you passed the test. Now prove that you have a good memory. At this stage, a stack of treatment forms is taken out, which differ only in dates.

The groom must answer what happened unusual. The days that are important for the future family are chosen, such as the bride's birthday, the date they met, the first date, filing an application with the registry office, etc. A fine must be paid for each unguessed number.

The fourth competition is driving accuracy. First friend: You have passed the medical examination, now you need to confirm the accuracy of driving. The groom is given a toy steering wheel, his friends take his shoulders, and he must guide their “car” along the route. To do this, use colored traces glued to the floor.

The fifth competition is the ability to park.

Second friend: Well, now there is very little left, you need to prove the ability to park. The groom is given a car on a string, and he must lead it past other children's cars and stop at the marked place. For each touched toy is required to pay a fine.

The sixth competition is a technical inspection. Second girlfriend: The last test remains for obtaining the rights to family life. Answer - what are you bringing to your beloved. The groom shows the bouquet. Second friend: And what is it? Why so mean? What else can you offer?

The groom is not allowed to see the bride until he shows the rings. First friend: Well, you passed all the tests. I solemnly hand over to you the rights to your family life.

It is necessary to well distribute the roles between the leading competitions. The first should be strict and demanding, and the second roguish and resourceful.

It is advisable to give bribes to the latter, and already she will persuade her harsh colleague.

A very cheerful ransom of the bride in the style of traffic police:

Redemption of the bride in the style of traffic police is a rather unusual way of holding the obligatory part of the wedding day. But even in such a sphere far from marriage, there are many clues for holding contests. And what situations can you come up with related to the traffic police and suitable for testing the groom?