Outdoor games in physical education classes. PDF

— Holding competitions, creating a festive atmosphere in the team;

- development of creative abilities of students;

- formation of communication skills of boys and girls.

Equipment: boxes with paper, strips of fabric, cellophane, newspapers, prizes for winners.

Preparation for the competition: A few days before the evening, 3-5 pairs of a boy-girl are determined, 1 or 2 presenters are selected, a jury is elected.

Evening progress:

Host: Dear girls and boys! Imagine that for a joint holiday you went on a trip on a boat, went to a bar to drink a cup of coffee. The young man, wanting to win over the girl, tells her jokes.

Competition 1 - for the best joke

Host: Here you are drinking coffee, listening to music, and suddenly - your ship is wrecked. The current throws you ashore. You looked around on the island and realized that the island is uninhabited. Here you will find the most unusual adventures. Usually girls are very emotional, but in extreme situations, young men often panic.

Competition 2 "Don't panic, friend!"

Leading: You, dear girls, need to find the necessary words and reassure your friend.

Well, you calmed down, pulled yourself together. We looked around, made sure that the island is really uninhabited, and you will have to get settled for the night.

Competition 3 "My hut from the edge"

Leading: Boys should draw a design for a dwelling, and girls should draw models of clothes. After all, your clothes have fallen into disrepair.

Each couple chooses what material they will make clothes from - paper, strips of fabric, cellophane ...

Projects of dwellings and clothing models are demonstrated and commented on.

Host: As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Competition 4

make a menu for one day from what grows and runs around

Leading: Now that you are full, you have a comfortable home, suitable clothes, you, respected young men, have noticed what a wonderful friend you have - and she cooks deliciously, sews, supports you, and you are already in love with her.

Competition 5 "Oh, the light of my eyes!"

"Oh, the light of my eyes!" - a declaration of love (you can invite the young man to congratulate the girl on the holiday and present a gift - a flower, a souvenir, etc.)

Host: While the lovers were declaring their love, a storm began and your island is flooded with water.

Competition 6 - dance on the newspaper

The couples dance on the newspaper, the newspaper is folded in half, then in four, and so on.

Host: So far, everything has gone well, but it turns out that there are owners on the island. They have been watching you for a long time and wanted to get to know you better.

(Exit of the Papuans - dance)

But your intentions are unknown to them, maybe they want to fry and eat you, or, conversely, invite you to the fire of friendship.

Contest 7 "My don't understand yours"

It is necessary to explain to the locals by dance, song, pantomime.

Host: But, fortunately, the Papuans turned out to be sociable and kind, and you perfectly found a common language.

Competition 8 "Cry of the soul"

Host: Your life on the island is going well. You have everything here: a good home, a beloved girlfriend, many friends… But you increasingly began to remember the comfort of civilization. And when they saw the ship, your soul sang.

The song is being played.

The results are summed up, the winners are awarded with prizes.

"Fifteen Gears"

Preparation. The game requires a medicine ball weighing 5 kg. Several teams can play simultaneously, each of which consists of three players with numbers 1, 2, 3. They stand in one line at a distance of 7-8 m from each other.

Game content. The center player (number 2), at the signal of the teacher, throws a stuffed ball to his partner on the left (number 1). He catches the ball and throws it to the right through the center player to number 3, who returns the ball back to the center player. This counts as one transfer. The game continues until 15 passes have been completed, which earns the team a victory point.

The team with the most points in the set time wins.
Rules of the game:
1. The center player must announce the number of the completed pass each time. 2. If the ball has fallen from any team, then it must pick it up and start the transfer from the beginning. 3. Players must not push each other with their hands.

"Interception of the ball"

Preparation. For the game you need a stuffed ball weighing 3-5 kg. Two circles are marked in the center of the site: one with a diameter of 8 m and the other (inside the first one) with a diameter of 3 m. A player of the attacking team is placed in the first circle. His task is to catch the ball, which will be thrown to him by other players of the attacking team who are behind the second circle. The space between the borders of the first and second circles is the zone in which the players of the defending team operate. They must intercept the ball sent to the center and send it back to the players of the attacking team.

Game content. The ball is in the possession of the players of the attacking team. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to throw it among themselves and unexpectedly pass it to the player standing in the central circle. The defenders intercept the ball and send it back to the attacking team. The head counts how many times the forwards managed to pass the ball to the player in the center. The game continues for a predetermined time, after which the teams switch roles. The team that manages to pass the ball to the center player the most times wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. The game continues for the set time. 3. The playing time of the team in defense and attack must be the same. 4. It is forbidden to step outside the circle line.

"Rush for the ball"

Preparation. The players are divided into two equal teams, which line up on one side of the court. Each team is calculated in numerical order. There is a starting line in front of the teams. The leader with the ball in his hands stands between the teams.

The team with the most points is considered the winner.

Rules of the game: 1. You can start running from a high or low start (by agreement). 2. If two players touch the ball at the same time, each team scores a point.

"Elimination Race"

Preparation. With the help of flags, a circle with a diameter of 9-12 m is marked and a start-finish line is drawn on it.

Gradually less hardy are eliminated.

The winner is the one who remains the leader, i.e. the toughest and fastest player.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. Running is allowed only on the outer part of the circle. 3. Participants can run with a medicine ball, wear weight belts, backpacks with weights.

"Be able to catch up"

Preparation. Up to 20 people play. Participants are located on the stadium running track at the same distance from each other. For example, if 16 people are playing, then on a 400-meter track they stand 2-5 meters from one another.

Rules of the game: 1. The salted ones drop out of the fight and go to the middle of the running circle. The rest keep on running. 2. The game can be ended when the three most enduring athletes remain on the treadmill. It is possible to identify a single winner.

Note. If the game is played in the hall, then turntables are installed not far from its corners, which can only be run around from the outside. The number of participants is up to 10 people. In this game, boys and girls compete separately.

"Change of Places"

Preparation. The players of the two teams, standing in ranks facing each other on opposite sides of the site (behind the lines of their "houses"), crouch and put their hands on their knees.

The team with the most jumpers at the end of the game wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. You can’t remove your hands from your knees. 3. Jumping is only allowed from a deep squat position.

"Basketball with an inflatable ball"

Preparation. Two teams (4-6 players each) are randomly placed on the basketball court (as in basketball). The captains go to the middle.

When the ball touches the backboard, the team scores a point. After the goal is reached, the ball is played again in the center of the court between the captains or the players they designate. The game lasts 10 minutes with a change of sides of the court after the first 5 minutes of the game.

Rules of the game: 1. During jumping, it is not allowed to push other players away, as well as to run with the ball in their hands. 2. For a violation, the ball is transferred to the other team, for a secondary violation, the player is removed from the court for 1 minute without the right to substitute.

Note. If you play with an inflatable ball, then two or three of the same balls must be kept in stock. They can replace a broken ball.

"Struggle for the Stick"

Preparation. Competitors stand facing each other and take a wooden gymnastic stick with their hands, holding it horizontally with a straight grip. Hands shoulder-width apart, each with the right hand on the outside.

Whoever releases the wand first, loses.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart. 3. During the twisting of the stick, the elbows cannot be bent.

"Moving Ring"

Preparation. A thick rope or rope (3-5 m long) is tied with free ends and placed in the middle of the site. Players are conditionally distributed by weight categories into fours. The first four come to the rope from different sides and, taking it with their hands, lift and pull it, as if forming a ring. Three steps behind each player's back, a stuffed ball is placed.

Game content. At the signal "Pull!" each player tries to be the first to reach the ball and touch it with his foot. The one who succeeds wins and steps aside. The remaining three players again take the rope and pull it in three directions, trying to complete the same task. The winner takes second place. The third place is played in the same way: the players pull in different directions. The balls are rearranged each time in a certain position, for which marks can be made on the site in advance. Then the second four compete, after it the third, etc., the winners meet in the final.

In the final struggle between the winners, the best one is revealed, and he is considered the winner.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. Be sure to touch the stuffed ball with your foot.

"Penguin Run"

Preparation. Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. The first players hold a volleyball or stuffed ball between their legs (above the knees).

The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. If the ball fell to the ground, you need to pinch it with your feet again and continue the game.

"Race with the ball"

Preparation. Players are built in lines at the side boundaries of the site facing the middle. One team stands to the right, the other to the left of the shield. The distance between the players is 3-4 steps. Players are settled in order.

Game content. The leader throws the ball at the shield and calls any number. Both players with this number run forward and try to take possession of the ball. The one who succeeded, makes the transfer to the last player of his team, who passes him further down the line (from hand to hand or by hitting the ground). The player who failed to take possession of the ball runs around the players of his line on the left side, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed by the players of the other team. If the running player finishes at the end of the line before the ball, then a point is awarded to his team. The other team also gets a point for the fact that its player took possession of the ball after throwing the backboard. If the finish was crossed first by the ball, then the team counts two points. The manager then calls other numbers. The players who took part in the fight for the ball take their places again.

The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. The player who lost the ball must return to his place and continue passing. 3. You can only pass the ball to a player of your team in the specified way.

"The Fives Attack"

Preparation. Three teams play on the basketball court. The second and third fives build zone defenses, each under their own shield. The ball is held by the players of the 1st five, located in random order facing the 2nd five.

Game content. At the signal of the leader, the players of the 1st five attack the shield of the 2nd five, trying to throw the ball into the basket. As soon as the players of the 2nd five manage to intercept the ball, they attack the shield of the 3rd five without stopping. The 1st five that lost the ball builds a zone defense in place of the 2nd five. The 3rd five, having taken possession of the ball, starts an attack on the 1st five, etc. The team that scores the ball gets a point and builds a zone defense, while the losers go on offense. The game lasts 10-15 minutes.

The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. The game is played according to the rules of basketball.

"At the ground target"

Preparation. On each side of the volleyball court, two circles with a diameter of 1.5 m are drawn near the attack line. Two teams are located on different sides of the net. Players of the same team have a tennis ball in their right (or left) hand.

The team whose players managed to score the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. The player behind the net, placing a block, tries to interfere with the opponent. 3. For hitting any circle, the attacker gets two points, and if he went around the block, but missed (the ball landed within the area), - 1 point.


Preparation. Players are located on both sides of the net (as in volleyball). There are 6-8 people in the team.

The player who made a technical error is sent to the opposite side beyond the captivity line. The team loses pitch. The game is restarted. The game lasts 10-15 minutes.

The team with fewer players in the prisoner zone at the end of the game wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game starts at the signal of the leader. 2. A prisoner during the game (without going out into the field) tries to intercept the ball and perform (without interference from the opponent) a serve to his court. The players of his team with any stroke (out of three) direct the ball back. If they successfully complete the attack, the prisoner returns to his partners, and in case of an error, the second player goes beyond the line of captivity. 3. During the game, members of the attacking team may deliberately send the ball to their captive partners. 4. The game is played according to volleyball rules.

"Shootout Volleyball"

Preparation. Two teams of 6-8 people are randomly placed, each on its own half of the volleyball court.

If during the game the team makes another mistake (the sixth violation in a row), then one more player is forfeited, etc. When both sides have suffered "losses", the game continues, but the team that made the next, third, mistake decides (based on tactical considerations) whether to remove its next player from the field or remain in the same line-up, but allow the opposing player to return to the court commands. The game consists of 3-5 games. Each ends when the last player of one of the teams leaves the court.

The team that wins the most games wins. You can limit the games by time (12-15 minutes) and determine the winner in each of them by the largest number of remaining players.
Rules of the game:
1. Mistakes are recorded according to volleyball rules. 2. After the participant leaves the game, the team that made a mistake serves. 3. Participants return to the game in the order in which they were eliminated (1st eliminated, then 2nd, etc.). 4. Players in teams take turns serving, moving clockwise on the court (as in volleyball).

"Kick and Head Through the Net"

Preparation. Two teams of 5-8 people are located on different sides of the net on the volleyball court. Mesh height 180-200 cm.

Game content. At the whistle of the leader, a player of one team interrupts the ball with his foot (from his hands) through the net to the opponent's half. The task of the players, on whose side the ball turned out to be, is to transport it over the net with no more than three kicks or head kicks. If one of the teams makes a mistake, the game stops and the team that made it loses a point or a serve. The score in the game is kept up to 10 points, three games are played.

With a change of serve (after an error by the serving team), the players move clockwise on the court, as in volleyball. After each game, the players change sides of the court.

The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The score in the game is kept according to volleyball rules. 2. It is forbidden to hit the ball twice by one player, touch the ball with his hands, hit the wall (beyond the line limiting the area) or under the net.



Number of players: from 10 to 40 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 15 - 20 m. This is "home". The driver becomes in the center of the site, and all the rest are located behind the line of one of the "houses".

Description of the game. At the signal of the leader, the children say in chorus:
We. funny boys,
We love to run and play.
Try to catch up with us!
After the word "catch up" the players run to the opposite "house". The driver tries, having caught up with them, to touch with his hand. The stained step aside. After that, the game is repeated again.

Rules: 1) you can run across only after the word "catch up"; 2) you can’t run back over the “home” line; 3) it is possible to catch those who cross only to the line of the opposite "house".
Methodical instructions. The poem must first be learned. Drivers should be changed after 3-4 dashes. Along with the new driver, the stained ones also enter the game.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game contributes to the improvement of running skills with a change in direction, brings up courage, ingenuity, speed of reaction and orientation.


Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. Two parallel lines are drawn in the center of the site at a distance of 60 - 80 cm from one another. On opposite sides of the hall, two "houses" are marked with lines. 1 - 2 drivers are selected - "wolves", who take a place in the "ditch". The rest of the players - "goats" - are located behind the line of one of the "houses".

Description. At a signal, the "goats" run to another "house", jumping over the "ditch" on the move. "Wolves" are trying to tarnish the jumpers. Those caught move away. After that, the run is repeated. Those who won't be caught once win.
Rules: 1) Dashing is allowed only on a signal; 2) it is impossible to step on the "moat"; 3) "wolves" do not have the right to run out of the "ditch"; 4) those who linger in front of the "ditch" must jump over it at the command of the leader, otherwise they are considered caught.

Methodical instructions. With a large number of players, dashes are carried out by several groups. The distance between the lines and the number of "wolves" in the "ditch" can be increased.
Options: 1) jump over the "moat" from a place (with a push of one and two legs); 2) after counting, the tainted ones continue to play.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game helps to improve the skills of running and long jump, develops orientation, quick wit, courage.


The number of players; 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the hall, two "houses" are marked with two parallel lines. Two drivers - "frosts" - become in the middle of the site. The rest are located behind the "home" line.

Description. Two "frosts" but the leader's team turn to the players with the words:
We are two young brothers.
Two frosts removed:
I am the red frost.
I am frost blue nose *.
Which one of you decides
To go on a path?
The children answer:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.
* The third and fourth phrases are pronounced by the drivers in turn.

With these words, the children begin to run to the opposite "house". "Frost" stains them - "freezes". Those caught remain in the place where the “frost” touched them.
With a reverse run performed after the same command, the players try to help out the stained by touching them. "Frosts" interfere with this.
After several runs, the drivers change. Win those who were not caught.

Rules: 1) you can run across only after the words “and we are not afraid of frost”; 2) you can not return to the "home"; 3) you can not run out of the "house" to free those caught.
Methodical instructions. Words must be learned before the game starts. It is better to place the drivers one behind the other, outlining their zone of action. Assistants should be involved in judging.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game requires quick orientation, dexterity, and courage from the players. It helps to develop a sense of comradely mutual assistance, helps to improve the ability to run quickly, easily changing the speed and direction of movements.


Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. Players are counted in triplets (fours or fives). Two players join hands, a “hare” becomes between them. Two drivers are selected - "hunter" and "hare". All players are evenly distributed around the court.
Description. On a signal, the "hunter" begins to catch the "hare", which runs away from him. Fleeing from persecution, the "hare" runs into someone's "house". The owner of the "house" is forced to run away from the "hunter". If the "hunter" manages to touch the evader, then they change roles.
Rules: 1) you can not run through the "house"; 2) standing in the "house" must immediately run out to make room for the "new hare"; a hesitant "hare" can be stained; 3) you can not prevent the "hare" from running into the "house".
Methodical instructions. Those standing in pairs need to be changed with those who run away, having established the rule that it is imperative to replace the one who has come running with the players who form the "house". It should not be allowed to catch one pair of players for a long time.
Options: 1) move "houses" around the site; 2) close "houses" on a signal.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game helps to improve the speed of reaction, orientation, dexterity, brings up resourcefulness, determination.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. The players are divided into two subgroups. Some, holding hands, form a circle - a "cage". Others are located on the outside of the circle. The game is best played with musical accompaniment, for which two melodies are selected.
Description. At the signal of the leader, those standing in a circle to the music begin to move in one direction. The other part of the players - "birds" - with their arms apart, moves in the opposite direction. Then the melody changes, standing in a circle stop and raise their hands up. "Birds" run in and out of the "cage". At the second signal, the music stops, those standing in a circle squat and put their hands down. Those who find themselves inside the "cage" are considered caught and become in a common circle. So the game continues until all the "birds" are caught.
Rules: 1) you can’t lower your hands (“close the cage”) before the signal; 2) those are considered caught who, at the time of the signal, have their head inside the cage; 3) during the second melody, all the “birds” must run through the cage.
Methodical instructions. The direction of movement of the players must be changed. The duration of the melody should be different. It is necessary to ensure that children do not use force during detention.
Options: 1) move in dance steps; 2) Pick up multiple tunes requiring different modes of movement.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game improves the speed of reaction, develops an ear for music, the rhythm of movements, brings up decisiveness, creative activity.


Number of players: 10 - 20 people.
Location: hall, corridor, playground.
Preparation. The players form a circle. Inside the circle becomes the leader.
Description. At the direction of the leader, the driver closes his eyes. One of the players approaches the driver, touches him and, changing his voice, calls his name. After the player returns to his place, the leader allows the driver to open his eyes and name the one who came up. If he guesses correctly, then the named player takes his place.
Rules: 1) you can not open your eyes without the permission of the leader; 2) You only need to return to your place.
Methodical instructions. The driver, who did not guess several times, must be replaced by another. You can allow the players not to pronounce the name, but to imitate animals and birds.
The pedagogical value of the game. In this game, children learn to move silently. They develop hearing, observation. The game is typical for the final part of the lesson.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. Players are divided into teams with an equal number of players. Each number receives the name of an animal: “lion”, “bear”, “elephant”, etc. All teams line up in a column behind the start line. At a distance of 5 - 8 m, another line is drawn.
Description. On command, the first numbers of all teams begin to move to the opposite line. At the same time, they imitate the movement of the animals they represent. Having reached the line and touched it with their hand, they return back. The one who comes first brings his team a point. After that, on command, the second numbers start running, etc.
Rules: 1) you can start moving only on the command "March!"; 2) having reached the line, you need to touch it with your hand; 3) while running, be sure to imitate the movements of the animal.
Methodical instructions. You should not choose too complicated methods of transportation. It is necessary to monitor the preservation of the order and discipline of the players. In necessary cases, it is possible to build students not in columns, but in a line. After each run, you need to announce the total score.
Option: sudden call numbers.
The pedagogical significance of the game The game promotes the development of speed, agility, strength, brings up responsibility for one's actions to the team.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall; 4 - 6 balls, the same number of maces.
Preparation. The players are divided into four to six teams, which are located in columns behind the start line. At a distance of 4 - 6 m from the start line, a mace is placed in a circle against each team. A ball is placed in front of each team.
Description. On a signal, the first players throw or roll the ball across the floor, trying to get it into the mace. After that, they quickly run after the ball and return it to the second player. The fallen mace is placed in a circle. The second player repeats the actions of the first. For the downed mace, the team receives a point. The team that finishes the relay early (for this it gets 10 points) wins and knocks down more maces, that is, scores more points.
Rules: 1) you can only knock down a mace in the specified way; 2) when throwing, do not step over the line; 3) players must not be prevented from picking up their ball or club; 4) it is not allowed to throw the ball to the next player without reaching the start line.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game improves throwing skills, develops dexterity and accuracy of movement.


Place and inventory: hall, playground; small ball.
Preparation. The driver receives the ball and stands inside the circle. The rest of the players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order.
Description. At the signal of the leader, the driver throws the ball to the floor and calls any number. The called player runs into the circle and tries to catch the ball. At this time, the rest of the players scatter around the court. Having caught the ball, the player shouts: "Stop!". Everyone stops at the place where the team found them. The driver throws the ball at one of the players who can dodge the ball without moving. If the ball hits a player, then a penalty point is given to him and the game starts again. If the throw is unsuccessful, then the driver runs after the ball and, having caught it, commands again: “Stop!”.
Rules: 1) it is not allowed to leave the place after the command “Stop!”; 2) Don't throw the ball hard.
Methodical instructions. After an unsuccessful throw by the driver, all players must return to their places in the circle. It is not allowed to hide behind each other and in any shelters The game is played up to a certain number of penalty points
Options: 1) give each player the number or name of the animal; the driver, throwing the ball, must correctly name this player; 2) include the rule of "receiving the ball" from the driver. The player receiving the ball. becomes a leader. These options are suitable for children of older age groups.
The pedagogical value of the game. The game helps to consolidate the skills of catching and throwing a small ball, contributes to the development of speed of reaction, orientation, the ability to quickly switch from one action to another.



Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are outlined. All players are divided into two teams, which are located along the line opposite each other. Behind them, two or three meters from the wall, lines of "houses" are drawn. One team gets the name "day", the other - "night".
Description. The leader calls one of the teams. The named team catches the players of the other team, who, turning around, run away to their "home". After counting the stained teams, they return to their places, and the game is repeated again. The team that catches the most players wins.
Rules: 1) start running only on command; 2) to catch those who run away only to the line of "home"; 3) you can not run away from the pursuers by changing the direction of the run.
Methodical instructions. You need to call commands unexpectedly. Assistants should be involved in judging.
Options: 1) use different starting positions for the players; 2) offer the players to perform various tasks - exercises.
Pedagogical value. The game improves the speed of reaction to auditory signals.


Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the site, lines of "houses" are drawn. The players are divided into two teams, which are located behind the lines in one line.
Description. By appointment of the captain of one of the teams, one of the players runs to the “house” of the “opponent”. Participants stretch their arms forward, turning their palms up. The player who came running touches the palms of one or three different players three times. After the third touch, the player runs to his "home", and the participant called by him tries to catch him. If he fails, then he stands behind the player who called him, and in case of success, the escaping player goes into "captivity" to the other team. After that, the captain of the opposing team appoints his player to take out the "opponent". The team with the most captured players wins.
Rules: 1) you can not start running until the third touch;
2) you can only fish up to the “home” line; 3) the caught one goes to the opposite side and becomes the “prisoner” of the player who called him; 4) the "prisoner" can be rescued.
Methodical instructions. Captains should not be allowed to send out the same n players in a row to challenge. The game must be played without long pauses, requiring quick action from the players.
Pedagogical value. The game contributes to the education of reaction speed, running speed, courage and mutual assistance.

carp and pike

Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Location: playground, hall.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the site, two lines of "carp houses" are drawn. The driver - "pike" - becomes in the middle of the site, the rest of the players - "carp" - are located in one of the houses.
Description. At the command of the leader, the "carp" begin to run to the opposite "house". "Pike" is trying to catch them. The stained step aside, and then, when there are 5-6 of them, they join hands and form a "network". "Pike" becomes behind the "net". Now, when crossing, "carp" are required to run through the "network". Those caught later form a circle - “basket”, and then - “top”, becoming in two lines facing each other. The one who is caught last wins.
Rules: 1) running across is allowed only on command;
2) "carp" are obliged to run through all the "nets" of "fishermen";
3) the players forming the "net" should not interfere with the running "carp"; 4) "pike" cannot run into the "net" (players can catch it).
Methodical instructions. With a large number of players, there can be two drivers. Participants should be encouraged to take active, decisive action.
Pedagogical value. The game contributes to the education of speed, dexterity, orientation, courage, collective action.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; two big balls.
Preparation. The players form a circle and count on the 1st - 2nd. The first numbers make up one team, the second - another. The guides of both teams - the captains - are given a basketball or volleyball each.
Description. On a signal, the captains pass the ball to the nearest players of their team. Moreover, it is predetermined that one team passes the ball clockwise, and the other - in the opposite direction. The ball is passed to each player in turn and returned to the captain. The team that manages to pass the ball a certain number of times in a circle wins.
Rules: 1) the ball can only be passed through one player; 2) you can not leave your place; 3) the fallen ball must be caught and, returning to its place, pass it to the next player.
Methodical instructions. If there are many players, then several circles are formed. Each circle must have its own judge. The ball should only be passed in a certain way.
Options: 1) transfers to perform in a sitting position;
2) before the start of the game, give the balls to the players who are on opposite sides of the circle; 3) pass the ball to both teams in one direction. The game ends when one ball catches up with the second.
Pedagogical value. In the game, the skills of catching and passing the ball are improved, the speed of reaction and orientation develops, and a sense of collectivism is brought up.


Number of players: 20 - 25 people.
Preparation. The players are divided into two teams. The site is divided by a line into two halves. On opposite sides of the site, two lines are drawn 2–3 m from the wall of the hall. All players are located inside the field, each team is on its side.
Description. One of the teams gets the ball by lot. On a signal, the players of this team begin to stain the players located on the opposite side of the court with the ball. The players of this team do not leave the field, they try to avoid being hit by the ball. The ball that bounced off the court or the player, they catch and, in turn, begin to stain the "opponent". The tainted player is out of the game. The team that manages to quickly knock out the players of the opposite team wins.
Rules: 1) a player is considered to be tarnished, in which the ball hits from the fly; 2) you can not step over the lines of the site;
3) it is allowed to catch the ball, but if the ball is not caught, the player is considered to be spotted; 4) you can’t run with the ball in your hands (you can move freely without the ball).
Methodical instructions. Each team should appoint a captain. The length of the field should not be too large, as this will complicate the actions of the players. It is better to determine the methods of throws in advance and seek their use. Do not throw the ball hard, do not aim at the head of the fleeing.
Options: 1) the spotted are taken prisoner between two lines on the side of the enemy. They can be rescued by throwing the ball to them; 2) allow throws at players only from two or three points on the middle line. Players at these points can pass the ball.
Pedagogical value The game is a typical example of team games in which a high coordination of the participants' actions is necessary. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of skills in throwing the ball, the development of speed, orientation and reaction, the development of collectivism and mutual assistance.


Number of players: 12 - 15 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; big ball, three gymnastic sticks.
Preparation. A circle is drawn in the center of the hall. The players are evenly spaced behind his line. In the center of the circle, a “fortification” is installed - three connected sticks. The driver is selected, who becomes next to the "strengthening".
Description. On a signal, the players try to hit the ball into the "fortification". The driver prevents this. The player who hits the target changes place with the driver.
Rules. 1) throw the ball without going beyond the circle line; 2) the driver does not have the right to hold the reinforcement with his hands; 3) change the driver only after the "fortification" is knocked down (or the defender himself drops it).
Methodical instructions. The distance between the reinforcement and the throwers should be adjusted according to the abilities of the students. It is necessary to stimulate collective action in every possible way, giving preference to passing the ball.
Options: 1) instead of “strengthening”, put several maces in a circle, which the driver has the right to set again after a fall; 2) to the driver to protect the player who enters the non-circle.
Pedagogical value The game helps to improve the skills of throwing, catching and passing the ball, brings up courage, quickness of orientation and decision.


Number of players: up to 10 people.
Preparation. The players form a circle with a diameter of 8 - 10 m. 2 - 3 drivers become in the center of the circle. One of those standing in a circle is given a ball.
Description. On a signal, the players begin to pass the ball to each other. Drivers try to intercept the ball or touch it. If they succeed, then the player who made the mistake takes the place of the driver, who moves into the circle.
Rules: 1) the driver has the right to touch the ball not only in the air, but also in the hands of the players; 2) you can not run with the ball in your hands; 3) it is not allowed to throw the ball over the head of the drivers.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to draw the attention of the players to the importance of using distracting movements with the ball and the coordination of the actions of the drivers. To teach the players to keep their place, you can arrange them in a drawn circle.
Pedagogical value. The game is one of the preparatory for basketball, handball. In it, students master the skills of technology and tactics of these games.


Number of players: 20 - 40 people.
Place; hall, playground.
Preparation. Players are divided into pairs according to their abilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other on one leg, bending the other leg, hands behind their backs.
Description. On a signal, the players seek to unbalance the “opponent” with a push of the shoulder, forcing him to stand on two legs. One point is awarded for each successful attempt. The one with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) you can not push with your hands; 2) you can not change the leg without a command.
Methodical instructions. The playing field must be level, without holes or potholes. Crowding of players in the hall should not be allowed, which can lead to injury.
Pedagogical value. The game is used mainly in the introductory part of the lesson. It contributes to the development / strength, agility, speed of reaction.


Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Places o: hall, playground.
Preparation. The players line up in one line.
Description. The leader gives various commands. It is necessary to fulfill those of them, before which the word "class" will be said. Those who make mistakes take a step forward, but continue to play. At the end of the game, the most inattentive are marked.
Rule: The player who did not execute the command with a preliminary word, as well as the one who executes the command without a preliminary word, take a step forward.
Methodical instructions. You need to pause between successive commands. The game does not have to be played standing still.
Pedagogical value. The game helps to learn combat commands and rebuilding, brings up attention and speed of reaction.



Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. Three squares are drawn in the middle of the hall.
one measuring 10X10 m and two 5X5 m. All players stand in a large square.
Description. At the signal, the fight begins. Everyone strives to stay in the big square. Those who are behind the lines go to the next square. After a certain time, at the signal of the leader, the fight stops. Those who have passed to the next square are preparing to continue the struggle there. Those who manage to stay in the big square win.
Rules: 1) during the fight it is allowed to grab the "opponent" only by the arms and torso; 2) you can not attack the player from behind; 3) the one who crosses the limiting lines with both feet is considered to be out.
Methodical instructions. The game is recommended for boys only. The time of struggle must be strictly dosed (no more than 1 min.). This is followed by a break for explanations and transitions. Each square must have its own judge. It is necessary to demand from the players a fair fight, excluding an attack from behind and two against one.
Option: alternately call one or two pairs into the square. For a win in a pair, the team receives a point.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. At 3 - 4 m from the steppe, two parallel lines are drawn on opposite sides of the hall. An inverted gymnastic bench is installed in the middle, a gymnastic horse and a goat are placed 5-6 m from the lines.
The players are divided into 2 teams, which, in turn, are divided into two halves. One part of the team is located on one half of the hall, the other is opposite it (Fig. 2).
Description. On a signal, the guide columns located on one of the sides begin to run towards the opposite column. On the way, they jump over a goat, run along a rail, a gymnastic bench, crawl under a horse. Then the guides touch the next player on the start line, who repeats their entire path, and they themselves become the last in the column. The game may end when all players switch sides or return to their places.
Rules: 1) you can start running only after touching the next player; 2) for violation of the method of overcoming obstacles, players are penalized with points.
Methodical instructions. When distributing players among teams, their strengths must be taken into account. Assistants should be involved in refereeing, who would count the penalty points. You can pre-determine the amount of points for the winner, from which to subtract penalty points in the future.
Pedagogical value. The game improves the skills of overcoming various obstacles, develops dexterity, a sense of balance, coordination of movements, brings up responsibility for one's actions to the team.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. A line of 3 - 4 m is drawn in the center of the hall. The players, divided into two teams, are located in two opposite lines. Team captains determine by lot which team to start the game (Fig. 3).
Description. The player appointed by the captain from the starting line jumps forward. At the landing site on his heels, the judge draws a line. From this line, a player of the other team jumps in the opposite direction. And so the game continues until all the participants jump. The team whose last player jumps over the starting line wins. After that, the teams switch roles.
Rules: 1) when jumping, you cannot step on the line; 2) the mark of the length of the jump is made at the closest touch to the start line; 3) everyone has the right to jump no more than once.
Methodical instructions. The game is best played on soft ground. When playing in the hall, you can use mats. Before the game begins, it is useful to repeat the technique of jumping from a place. To avoid disputes, it is advisable to make accurate measurements using a tape measure, meter, etc.
Pedagogical value. The game improves the skill of the long jump from a place. At the same time, strength, jumping ability develop, concentration, perseverance, and responsibility for one's actions are brought up.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; bast shoes and a small ball.
Preparation In the immediate vicinity of the wall of the hall, a line of the "city" is drawn. In the rest of the field, 3-4 circles with a diameter of 1-2 m are planned.
The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one team gets the right to play in the "city" and stands behind the line, and the other is located under the "city", in the rest of the court (but not in circles). Each team chooses a captain (Fig. 4).
Description. The captain of the team playing in the field takes the ball and, standing in the "city", throws the ball in front of him. The player of the other team hits the ball with a bast shoe.
After that, the puncher runs out of the "city" to the first station and, if given the opportunity, runs into the remaining stations and returns. For this, the team is awarded a point.
After the hit, the players in the field try to catch the flying ball. If they succeed, the teams switch roles. If it is impossible to catch the ball, then the players try to stain the running player with the ball. The game continues until the allotted time runs out or a certain number of points are scored. The team with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) you can run across only when the ball is in the field; 2) each player has the right to serve one ball, the captain can serve three times; 3) a player who is hit by the ball during a run can take the ball and immediately spot the players of the opposing team; 4) hitting the ball and catching the "candle" give the right to go to the "city". The change is also carried out if the team in the "city" has no one to serve the ball.
Methodical instructions. In the game, it is mandatory to use assistants - score counters. It is necessary to draw the attention of team captains to the correct placement of participants, depending on their capabilities.
Pedagogical value. This game is one of the variants of the widespread game of bast shoes. Its value lies in the active impact on the entire motor apparatus of those involved. The game strengthens the skills of running, throwing and catching the ball, improves speed, accuracy and dexterity of movements, brings up a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.


Number of players: 20 - 30 people.
Place and equipment: hall; gymnastic equipment, stuffed balls.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the hall, the lines of the "city" are drawn. The players are divided into teams of 6-8 people. Captains are chosen. Each team takes a place in the "city" and receives at its disposal the same means of crossing - benches, stuffed balls, etc.
Description. On a signal, all teams begin crossing to the opposite "river bank". To do this, they use the shells they have. When moving, do not touch the floor. The team that solves this problem faster and with fewer losses wins.
Rules: 1) touching the floor is out of the game; 2) when crossing, everyone can help each other (except those who left the game).
Methodical instructions. Before the start of the game, you need to give the teams time to think about their plan of action. The inventory chosen for the game should not be too heavy and bulky. Each team has its own referee. In some cases, assistants can be appointed to insure the players.
Those who are eliminated from the game take their place in advance. They should not interfere with the game with their tips.
Pedagogical value. This "quest" type game is very useful. It contributes to the development of creative initiative, ingenuity, mutual assistance, collectivism of the players, and also improves balance, accuracy of movements and strengthens strength.


Number of players: 30 - 40 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; several basketballs.
Preparation. The players are divided into several teams and are located in columns on opposite sides of the site. Each team receives the ball (fig. 5).
Description. On command, the guides quickly lead the ball to the opposite shield and throw it into the ring. Having picked up the bounced ball, they lead it back and pass it to the next participant, and they themselves stand behind the last player in the column. The team that finishes the relay first and scores the most points wins.
Rules: 1) dribble starts only from the court line; 2) a point is counted for hitting the ball into the ring; 3) a penalty point is assigned for violation of the rules of dribbling and movement with the ball.
Methodical instructions. The relay race can be used in the study of dribbling and throwing the ball into the ring. Those who throw the ball into the ring can be allowed several attempts. Each team must be supervised by a judge - scorer. The way of passing and throwing the ball must be determined.
Pedagogical value. The relay helps to consolidate the skills of catching, passing, dribbling and throwing the ball into the ring.


Number of players: about 20 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; big ball.
Preparation. For the game, the markings of the basketball field are used. The players are divided into two teams. Each team wears a jersey or headband of the same color.
Description. At the signal of the leader, the team captains play the ball. The team in possession of the ball tries to keep the ball and make as many passes as possible. The other team is trying to take the ball away and prevent many passes from being made. Having mastered the ball, this team, in turn, tries to keep the ball in their hands. The game continues for a certain time or until a specified number of points. The team with the most points wins.
Rules: 1) it is not allowed to take more than 3 steps with the ball and step over the court lines; 2) players must not be held by hands, pushed, etc.; 3) the intercepted ball is put into play from behind the lines; 4) you cannot pass the ball between the same players more than twice; 5) with each new transfer, the team captain is obliged to name the score.
Methodical instructions. With a large number of players, you need to create four teams playing in their own halves of the field. Assistants judge the game, and the head monitors the score and time of the game. When organizing the actions of the players, it is important to draw their attention to the correct play in defense, based on holding one specific player.
Pedagogical value. The game is preparatory to basketball and handball. Students learn the technical and tactical elements of these sports games.



Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. In the middle of the site, a corridor 5 - 6 m wide is planned. At a distance of 8 - 10 m from the corridor, four racks for players are installed. Teams are located in columns opposite each other (Fig. 6).
Description. At the signal of the leader, the guides of both teams take a place on the start line. At the command "March!" they start running to the counter, run around it and head in the opposite direction. Having rounded the second rack, they run into the corridor, where they pass the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the run first wins.
Rules: 1) pass the baton only in the corridor; 2) you can not hold on to the turns on the racks and interfere with the running participant.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to monitor the correct transfer of the baton. The direction of the players should be changed.
Pedagogical value. In the game, special athletics skills are improved (transmission of the baton and distance running), strength and speed are developed, orientation and accuracy of movements are brought up.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Location: hall, playground.
Preparation. The players are divided into several teams, each of which lines up in a column. The starting points for each team are marked on the site (Fig. 7).
Description. On command, the guides of each team start running in a clockwise direction. And everyone is trying to catch up and tarnish ahead of the running one. Having run around the circle, the guides touch the next participants, who continue the competition. The team whose player is the first to catch up ahead of the running "rival" wins.
Rules: 1) do not start running before touching; 2) you can not interfere with the running players of other teams; 3) when running, strictly observe the marking of the distance.
Methodical instructions. It is better to mark the path of the players with the help of some objects (racks, stuffed balls). In anticipation of the start, the next participant must be located behind the second line. If the forces of the teams are equal and it is not possible to catch up with anyone, then the game should be interrupted, making a pause for rest.
Pedagogical value. The game contributes to the improvement of running speed and endurance, brings up responsibility to the team for their actions.

tug of war

Number of players: 20 - 30 people,
Place and inventory: hall, playground; rope.
Preparation. In the middle of the hall, a start line and two finish lines are drawn, 1 - 2 m apart from the start line.
The players are divided into two teams in strict accordance with their strength and capabilities (Fig. 8).
Description, The players take the rope and become caught on both sides of the start line. Moreover, the mark on the rope is strictly on the start line. On command, the players try to pull the "opponents" to their side. The team wins, which during the "time" of the game will be able to pull the "opponent" more times.
Rules: 1) pull only at the command of the leader; 2) the game stops as soon as the mark on the rope crosses the finish line of one of the teams; 3) you can not abruptly let go of the rope at the moment of pulling.
Methodical instructions. Of great importance is the selection of teams and the appointment of a good captain who would correctly place the participants. Players must wear sports shoes. After each attempt, you need to take a short pause to perform several relaxation exercises.
Pedagogical value. The game promotes the development of strength, strengthens the feeling of camaraderie and collectivism. It can be carried out both in training sessions and during recess, sports holidays, etc.


Number of players: 12 - 20 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; volleyball.
Preparation. The players are divided into two equal teams, one of which becomes the server, the other - the receiver. Both teams are located on opposite sides of the volleyball courts (Fig. 9). On a signal, the first player serves the ball in the agreed way to the side of the opponent, and he quickly runs around the court and returns to his place. Players of the opposite team receive the ball and play among themselves, trying to make as many accurate ball passes as possible during the run of the player who served the ball. As soon as he returns to his place, the rally of the ball stops and the ball is passed to the next player to serve. This continues until all the players on the serving team have crossed. After that, the amount of points awarded for each pass is calculated, and the teams change roles. The team whose players manage to score more points wins.
Rules: 1) serve the ball only on a signal; 2) a running player does not have the right to run into the court and to change direction, grab the players of the opposite team, touch the ball; 3) two attempts are given to perform the service. If after the second attempt the ball is not served correctly, then the opposite team is awarded 5 - 10 points; 4) when passing, the ball cannot be re-passed to the same players; the ball should be sent to another player each time; 5) the rally of the ball is terminated after the completion of the run, after the ball falls to the floor and after a technical error made when passing the ball.
Methodical instructions. The game can be used after students master the technique of serving and passing the ball. You can play not only on the volleyball court, but also in an unequipped room. To play the game, it is necessary to allocate a score counter. The method of serving and passing the ball must be determined in advance.
Pedagogical value. The game helps to consolidate and improve the technical methods of playing volleyball, promotes the development of speed of action and speed of running, educates, composure and responsibility to the team for their actions.


Number of players: 20 - 40 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; racks and straps for jumping.
Preparation. Two teams are created from the players, the players of which have differences in form. Teams line up in front of the jumping area (Fig. 10).
Description. On a signal, the first participants from each team start jumping. They must clear a set height in order to participate in a further competition. Each performs two attempts in the general stream. If in one of the attempts the height is taken, the participant continues the competition.
When performing a jump, points are awarded for the correct repulsion and landing. For repulsion from the line "3" - 3 points, from the line "2" - 2 points, from the line "1" - one (in accordance with the markings). The same for landing. In the best case, a participant can get 6 points for a jump. The game is played either until the agreed amount of points scored, or until the largest number of remaining participants is determined.
Rules: 1) all jumps are performed in a certain way, on a signal; 2) those who did not take the height are eliminated from the competition.
Methodical instructions. It is necessary to clearly mark the places of repulsion and landing. The next jump should be performed only after the complete preparation of the competition site. Several people are involved in judging: scorers, judges at the lines, at the bar and in the jumping pit.
Pedagogical value. The main purpose of this game is to consolidate the skills of athletics high jumps, to develop the ability to compete and help the team achieve victory.


Number of players: 26 people.
Place and inventory: hall, playground; jumping racks, handball ball.
Preparation. A circle with a radius of 6 m is drawn in the center of the site. A middle line is drawn through it, which divides the site in half. In the center of the circle at a distance of 3 m from one another, jumping racks are installed. The players are divided into teams. Each team consists of 13 people - one goalkeeper, G forwards and 6 defenders. Teams choose half of the field and the beginning of the game by lot. Each team leaves 6 forwards in their half of the field, and sends the goalkeeper and 6 defenders to the side of the enemy. The goalkeeper takes a place in the goal, and the defenders are located along the radius of the circle (Fig. 11).
Description. On the signal, the team in possession of the ball starts the attack. Passing the ball and moving, the attackers try to throw the ball into the goal. The defenders interfere with them and, having intercepted the ball, pass it to the opposite side of their attackers. Those, in turn, begin to attack the opponent's gate. The game continues until a certain time or score.
Rules: 1) you can not go beyond the middle line, outside the site and into the central circle; 2) it is not allowed to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds. and run with him more than 3 steps; 3) it is forbidden to detain, push the players, snatch the ball from their hands. For all these violations, the ball is taken away from the team in possession of the ball and passed to the attackers of the opposing team, and the defending team is penalized with a free throw from the place of the violation (while the defenders cannot be located closer than 3 m from the ball).
Methodical instructions. The number of players may vary. At the first stages of training, it is desirable to play the game in small teams. And there should be more attackers than defenders. In the future, this ratio is gradually equalized.
Pedagogical value. The game is used in handball lessons. It helps to consolidate and improve the elements of technique and tactics of this sports game. This version of the game can be played in small halls, and almost a subclass can participate in it at the same time.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall. area; racks.
Preparation. Start and finish lines are marked. In the middle of the site, several special racks are installed (5 for each team) at a distance of 2 - 3 m from one another. The players are divided into teams (of 3 people each) and stand behind the start line (Fig. 12).
Description. On a signal, the guides run around each post to the finish line and return back. On the start line, they are taken by the second team numbers by the belt. Now they overcome this distance together, then three. Returning to the start line for the third time, they quickly change formation: two take the prone position, and the third takes them by the ankle joints. In this position, they advance in the corridor between the racks to the finish line. Here they again change the position: the two extreme ones carry the middle participant hanging between them. The team that finishes the race first and receives the fewest penalty points wins.
Rules: 1) you can not knock down racks and break the formation; 2) it is not allowed to start and end the run prematurely - before the partner arrives and before the lines cross. Penalty points are awarded for all these violations.
Methodical instructions. The game is best played on the ground, on a slope. Tree branches can be used as racks. The distance between the racks can be changed in accordance with the preparedness of the participants. The distance between the start and finish line should not be more than 20 m.
Assistants are involved in judging, counting the errors of each team.
Pedagogical value. The game contributes to the acquisition of the skier's necessary motor qualities, endurance. speed and strength, cultivates perseverance in overcoming difficulties, collectivism and coordination of actions. The game can be used in the preparatory period of training for young skiers.


Number of players: 15 - 20 people.
Place and equipment: hall, specially equipped platform; soccer ball.
Preparation. On opposite sides of the site (at a distance of no more than 30 m), two parallel lines are outlined. The place of filing is marked on the "city" line. All players are divided into two teams, one of which takes a place in the "city", the other - in the field. The team in the "city" is given the ball (Fig. 13).
Description. On a signal, one of the players from the place of delivery sends the ball into the field with a blow, and he immediately rushes to the opposite "city". The player of the team acting on the field receives this ball and tries to tarnish the running participant by kicking the ball. If the latter manages to run clean, then his team gets a point. Otherwise, the teams are reversed. The team wins. which will be able to score more points in a certain time.
Rules: 1) when serving, the ball must fly with a low trajectory and be sure to hit the field; 2) it is not allowed to stop the ball with hands; 3) it is impossible to interfere with the running player; 4) the person running over after the strike is obliged in all cases to run out into the field. He can return back only after crossing the line of the opposite "city"; 5) the ball that went out of the field or into the "city" goes to the other team; 6) the player who did not serve the ball loses the run. After two unsuccessful innings, the teams switch roles.
Methodical instructions. The game is played in a specially equipped room with protected windows or on the court. Ball kicks, stoppages must be done in a certain way.
Pedagogical value. The game helps to improve the technique of playing football, develops speed, courage, decisiveness of action.

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MOBILE GAMES for students in grades 5-9


Fifteen Marching
Two teams are located in lines on opposite sides of the site, behind the lines. One team marches (line) in the direction of the other. When the marchers are at a distance of 3-5 m from the enemy line, the teacher suddenly gives a signal according to which the attackers run away behind their line, and the players of the other team try to knock them down to the line. Then the teams switch roles. The team with the most players from the other team wins.

Running for flags
The players are divided into two equal teams. Each of them is located on opposite sides of the playing area, behind the lines. Parallel to these lines, in the middle of the site, a strip 2-3 m wide is indicated, on which flags are laid out. At the signal of the teacher, the players of both teams quickly run out to the transverse strip and try to collect as many flags as possible, and then with the flags they return to their lines and line up. Team captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. For each flag the team is given one point. The team with the most points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. Flags cannot be taken away: for each violation of this rule, the team is penalized by one point. You can't run into the lane with flags.

Line relay with running
Three teams are built in lines, which are arranged in the form of the letter P. In front of the team located between the other two, a common start line is drawn. Ahead, for 15-20 m, three towns are placed in a row. The first numbers of each team get to the start and, at the command of the teacher, they run to their towns, run around them, come back and, with a touch of the palm, pass the baton to the next player of their team, who went to the start in advance. The next players repeat the actions of the first numbers, etc. The team that finishes the run before the others wins.

Runs with revenue
The site is divided by a transverse line into two equal sections. At a distance of 2 m from each of the short sides of the site, one "playing" line is drawn. Behind them are placed (along the entire width of the site) at equal distances of 10 chocks. Players, divided into two equal teams; placed in their respective areas in random order. On a signal, the players of both teams, crossing the transverse line, try to carry the chocks of the other team to their side. Players salute passing opponents, who then remain in place. A player of his team can help out those who are touched when he touches them with his hand. The team that has moved more chocks in the set time wins. Salting players of the other team is possible only in their own half of the court. You can only take one chock per run. If a player is tagged with a chock, then the chock is taken away and taken back, the tagged player remains in place until the rescue.

Runaway security
Students are divided into two teams: throwers and defenders. The team of throwers, in turn, is divided in half and is located in lines behind opposite (horse) lines, the distance between which is 25-30 m. The right-flank player of one of the lines of throwers is given a small ball. A circle with a diameter of 1.5 m is drawn in the middle of the site. A jump stand 2.5 m high is installed in the center of the circle. The defending team, having settled in order, is located around the stand on the outside of the circle. The first number becomes at the end of one of the horse lines. On a signal, the throwing team tries to get the ball into the rack as soon as possible. First one, then another group of this team take turns throwing the ball at the goal. The defensive team prevents this. Player No. 1 of this team, with the beginning of the game, runs from the horse line to the opposite end and back; the player who runs up to the starting point is replaced by the next player, and the first one goes to defend the rack, etc. The dashes continue until the ball hits the rack, after which the game is temporarily interrupted and the number of runs made by the defending team is counted. After that, the teams change roles and places. At the end of the second half of the game, the number of runs made by the defenders is counted. The team with the most runs wins. The ball, which did not hit the post and flew over towards the opposing group, is picked up by the players of this group, for which it is allowed to go beyond the horse line. If the ball hit by the defenders falls into a circle near the post or near the defenders, then such a ball is picked up by the next player from the group of throwers who has run out of the end line. For each run of a player from one end line to another and back, the defending team is awarded 2 points. The next player, waiting for the arrival of the runner, must be on the horse line in advance and be ready to start running at the moment when the runner touches his hand. Defenders are not allowed to enter the circle with a stance.

Obstacle course relay
The game is played like a linear relay race with running, but a rope is suspended on racks across the path of the runners at a height of 60 cm and a strip 2 m 10 cm wide is marked on the ground behind it. The next players jump over the rope and through the strip.

Relay in a circle
Four - six teams are built like the spokes of a wheel, turning their right or left side to the center of the circle, fan-shaped divergent lines. On a signal, the first numbers, standing extreme from the center of the circle, run around and, having run to their team, pass the baton to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of their lines (towards the center). The team that finishes the run first wins.

Big relay in a circle
Flags are placed at the four corners of the site, and a large flag is placed in the center. The class is divided into three teams, which are built in columns one at a time near the start line. From each team, one runner is called to the start line. On a signal, they run around four flags and, having reached the finish line (next to the starting line), pass the baton to the second numbers. The team wins, the last player of which finishes running around the flags, the first to run to the central flag and knock on the pole with a baton.

Running in teams
Several teams (10-12 people each) are given a start in turn. The winner is the team that runs the distance (up to 500 m) faster than anyone else, without stretching, and finishes in full force in a “corridor” 10 m wide.


Jumping rod
The players are divided into groups of 6-8 people. The leader in each "group circles the rope with the bag at the end so that the bag slides along the floor. The rest of the players stand two steps away from the circle along which the bag slides. When the bag is close, the player takes a step forward, from the other step it pushes off the ground and jumps over the bag with a rope "stepping over" and then quickly retreats to its original place. The one who hits goes to drive. The one who has been the driver the fewest times wins.

Rope under your feet
The players stand in three (four) columns one at a time. The distance between the columns is at least 2 m. The head players of each column receive a short rope. On a signal, the first two in each column hold the rope under the feet of the entire column (the rope almost touches the ground). Those standing in the column jump over the rope. When all the players in the column jump over the rope, the first player remains behind the column, and the second runs forward and, together with the third player, again passes the rope under the feet of those standing in the column, etc. The game is played until all players run with a rope. The column whose players hit the rope the least number of times wins.


jump after jump
Two teams stand in columns two by two, parallel and at a distance of 2 m from one another. All pairs of players hold short ropes by the ends at a distance of 50-60 cm from the floor. On a signal, the first pair of each team quickly puts the rope on the ground, runs to the end of the column, then sequentially jumps over the ropes of all pairs standing in the column. Having reached their original places, the players stop and take their rope. Now the players of the second pair put down their rope, jump over the first rope, run to the end of the column, then jump over all the ropes to the same place, etc. The team that finished jumping first wins.

Jumpers and tags
The players are divided into two teams: jumpers and tags. Each team stands in a line behind its side line of the court. At a distance of 1 m from one of the front boundaries of the site (parallel to it), the first start line is marked, and in front, 3 m away, the second. Ahead of the second start line at 10-12 m, a strip 1.5-2 m wide is indicated. At the command of the teacher, “To the start!” four consecutive players from the team of jumpers take places behind the second start line, and behind them in the back of the head (behind the first start line) four from the tag team become. At the command "Attention!" jumpers and tags take the position of a high start, and on the command "March!" everyone runs forward. Jumpers try to run faster to the strip and jump over it; tags - have time to pinch jumpers before they make a jump (tags don't jump). They get one point each: the jumper who will not be tagged before the jump, or one of the tags who manages to tag the jumper who has not yet made the jump. The team with the most points wins.

Relay with jumps
Teams of 6-8 people stand behind a common line in columns one at a time. The head players hold in their hands a double-folded rope 3 m long. A flag is placed in front of each team, 6-8 m ahead. Between the flags and the start line, a strip 1.5 m wide is indicated. On a signal, the head players run forward, jump across the strip, run around their flag. Returning to the column and jumping over the lane for the second time, together with the next player, they “carry out” a rope folded in half under the feet of the players (at a height of 30-40 cm). Those standing in the column jump over the rope using the "bending legs" method. Then the head player remains behind the column, and the next one, taking the rope, repeats the actions of the first player. Returning to the column, he, together with the third player in order, draws a rope along the column, etc. When the first player receives the rope again, he lifts it up, showing that his team has finished the game. The game is repeated, but in the next version. The players returning to the place of their teams do not hold the rope under the feet of those standing in the column, but hold it with the next player by the ends, pulling it to its full length above the start line. Run-up players take turns jumping over the rope "stepping over".

Relay race with overcoming obstacles
At a distance of 50-60 m, various obstacles are installed: a log for climbing, shields for throwing balls at a target, a rope suspended from racks for high jumps, a “ditch” for long jumps 2 m wide (indicated on the ground). A relay race is held along the same obstacle course. Having overcome the strip, the players do not overcome obstacles on the way back.


The players stand in one open line and are calculated for the first or second. The first numbers make up one team, the second - another. The players of one of the teams are given a small ball. Ahead of the line, at a distance of 6 m, are placed in a row at intervals of 1-2 steps 5 towns of the same color and 5 towns of the other color, interspersed. Each team has towns of a certain color. At the signal of the team, one by one in one gulp (all players at the same time) throw balls at the towns. Each knocked down town of its color moves one step further, and the knocked down town of the other team moves one step closer. The team that managed to move their goals further during the game wins (the total number of steps taken into account by which the goals were moved away).

The game is played by two teams of 9 people. The game requires a flat area measuring 40x30 m. Retreating 3 m from the short lines of the field, draw the lines of the city and horse. On the. a distance of 1.5 m from the city line, on the right side of the site, draw a suburb line 3 m long. The city, horse and suburb lines are marked at the ends with flags. Accessories for the game: small rubber ball, bast shoes, distinctive arm bands, 6 flags. Before the game (by lot), one team (beater) goes beyond the city line, the other team (field team) is located on the court in random order. On a signal, the first player in turn from the kicking team, standing behind the suburb line, hits the ball with his bast shoes, directing it into the field. If the blow was good and the ball flew far, then the player who punched, leaving the bast shoes, makes a dash across the field beyond the line of the horse and back outside the city. If the blow came out weak and the ball fell nearby, then the player waits for a good blow, the player following him and then runs with him. The players of the field team try to catch the punched ball from the air or grab the ball from the ground and hit it with one of the players of the city team running across. The caught "candle" gives the field players the undisputed right to move into the city; the other team becomes in this case the team of the field. If one of the field players manages to hit the ball in the running player of the kicking team, all players of the field must quickly run into the city, since the players of the kicking team can grab the ball and, in turn, hit any player on the field who did not have time to run out of the city , etc. The task of the battering team is to move the opponent around the field longer, and the opponent should try to quickly change the team of batters. Each player on the batters team who successfully ran from the city to the end and back outside the city limits receives a point for his team. The team with the most points wins.

1. Each player of the kicking team may hit the ball only once, regardless of whether he hit the ball with his bast shoes or missed. He gets the right to a second hit and further ones each time after he runs over the horse line and returns to the city without being touched by the ball.
2. Two or three players can run across at once.
3. For back dashes from the Kona line to the city, players can wait for the most favorable moment. In this case, it is allowed to run out of the horse line after the next blow from the suburb line.
4. Players of the field team have the right to run with the ball around the field and throw the ball to one another.
5. Players of the field team are prohibited from interfering with those who cross (get in the way, delay).
6. Runners are prohibited from crossing the sidelines of the court.
7. A ball deliberately kicked out of the field by a player is not counted and the kick is taken again.

strong throw
The players, divided into two teams, stand one against the other at a distance of 20 m behind the lines. Ahead, 3 m from each line, another parallel "city" line is drawn. There is a basketball in the middle of the court, and all players have one small ball each. On a signal, the players (in random order) throw their balls into a basketball, trying to roll it over the enemy's city limits. The team that rolls the ball first wins.

In four racks (bast shoes option)
Two teams are playing. One is located in the "city", the other - in the "field". In four places of the field, four racks are placed at a distance of 10 m from one another. The players of the city team alternately serve the ball into the field with their bast shoes and run, touching each of the four racks with their hands, and return to their city. In case of danger, the crosser can stop at one of the racks, waiting for the next ball innings. Players of the field team try to catch a punched ball on the fly or pick it up from the ground and hit one of the runners with this ball. When they succeed, the teams switch roles. Each player who safely returned to the city receives one point for his team. The team that scores more points during the game (15-20 minutes) wins.

Dexterous and sharp
Three circles with a diameter of 3, 10 and 15 m are drawn one inside the other on the site. 6 towns are placed along the circumference of a small circle. Two teams are playing. Each team has one captain and three defenders. The rest of the players are servers. The captains stand in a small circle, the defenders in the middle, and the servers are randomly placed in a large circle. The teacher gives a volleyball to one of the captains, he throws it to his player in the big circle (server), the player from the big circle tries to pass the ball back to his captain, but the defenders try to intercept the ball and pass it to their servers. The captain, having received the ball, knocks down one of the towns with it. The downed town is being removed. The teacher gives the ball to the other captain and the game continues. The team whose captain knocks down four towns first wins. It is forbidden to pull the ball out of your hands, keep it in your hands for more than 3 seconds. If the defender of one of the teams accidentally touches the town with his foot and knocks it to the ground, then the town is considered as if it were hit by the ball of the captain of the other team.

step forward
The game is played on a large playground. Horse lines are marked on both sides of the center line of the site, retreating 60 m. Two teams are randomly located on their sides of the site, 15-20 m from the middle line. One of the players of the team, starting the game, throws a volleyball in the direction of the horse line of the other team. Ig-1 rocks of the second team try to catch the ball on the fly. If the ball is caught, then the next player has the right, holding the ball in his hands, to take three long steps (bouncing) forward from the place where the ball was caught and throw it towards the end line of the opponent's court. The ball that has fallen to the ground is thrown by the next player from the place where the ball fell. Throwing and catching the ball continue until one of the teams manages to throw the ball over the front line of the other team. This team wins


Shoe with obstacles
Two teams are playing. One is located in the "city", the other in the "field". Three circles with a diameter of 1 m are drawn in the field at a great distance from one another. These are the stations. One of the field team becomes in the city to serve the ball. The players of the city team, in turn, hit the ball with their bast shoes and run in order to the first, second and third stations, trying to return to the city without being touched. On the way from the third station to the city, they have to overcome two obstacles: a designated trench 1.5 m wide and an inverted barrier (fence 60-70 cm high). The player who hit the ball and managed to run through all three stations without stopping, overcome two obstacles and return to the city without being tagged, receives four points for his team. If the run comes after the second or third hit (the second or third player), then the team receives only one point. During runs, the players of the field catch the ball and use it to touch those running while they are outside the city or outside the station. If someone is upset, the teams change places and roles. The game lasts 15-20 minutes. The team with the most points wins.

Relay race with running, jumping, throwing

For the relay race, two rows of obstacles should be prepared: logs 50-70 cm high, a smooth palisade (fence) 80 cm high, a “trench” (a strip 2 m wide) and a circle 3 m in diameter. Two start (one from each team). On a signal, they run 15 m, overcome a log, run another 20 m and jump “advancing” over the palisade; run 15 m, jump over the “trench” and throw to the fan in a circle marked 15 m from the throwing line. After throwing grenades, the players quickly return, bypassing obstacles, to the start line. The one who ran first and got into the circle with a grenade receives two points for his team; who came running second when getting into the circle - one point. Then the start is given to the next pair. The team with the most points wins.

"Who is faster?"
Two lines are marked on the court from the middle line on both sides at a distance of 20 m. Two teams play. Compete in pairs (1 player from each team). The next pair becomes on the designated opposite lines. At the signal of the teacher "March!" they run towards, keeping to the right side, and try to run the center line (middle) earlier. Whoever succeeds gets a point for his team. The teacher stands on the side of the middle line and awards the victory. Then the next pair starts. The team with the most points wins. Outdoor games for younger students

The games on this page are recommended for use in physical education classes in elementary grades. The games are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Designed for 6-8 year olds.

"Running centipedes"
Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. The host ties each team with a rope, or the players “put on” a gymnastic hoop. On a signal, a group of "centipedes" begin to move to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not fall along the way wins.

"Sparrows and Crows"
There are two teams of 10 people. The players of one are crows, the other are sparrows. The groups line up in a line, back to back. It is determined where the team has a house, where you can hide, so as not to be stained. The host calls out the name of one of the teams, for example: “V-ro-ny!”. The sparrows run away to their house, and the crows catch them. If the signal “Sparrows!” is given, then the crows run away, and the sparrows catch them. The number of players caught is counted.
The team that catches the most opponents wins.

A glass of water is placed on tennis rackets. Participants, at the signal of the leader, run to the finish line and return back to the start line.
The player who comes first and does not spill the water wins.

Play 2-3 teams of 10 people. Each line up at the start in a column, at the back of each other's head. In front of the team, at a distance of 15m, an object is placed - a stone, a stick, a pin, a flag, a tree branch stuck into the ground. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers run forward to the reference point, go around it and again run to their team. The second number joins the first number, grabbing him by the belt, and now they run forward together, then the third numbers join them, the fourth, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

10-15 people can play. The driver is chosen - a cat, all the rest - mice. The cat sits on the ground and sleeps. Mice surround him and sing a song:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. We are not afraid of goats!
At the signal of the presenter: “The skin woke up!” - the mice run away to their house, and the cat tries to catch them. Those whom the cat stains (touches with his hand) become his prey.
At the second signal of the presenter: “The cat fell asleep!” - the players again approach the driver, who returned to his place and sleeps, and again sing the song of mice. After three exits of the cat to hunt, a new driver is selected.
Two teams of 5 people play. An open chessboard is placed in the middle of the playing area.
Teams line up in columns one after another on opposite sides. Near one group lie black chess pieces, near the other - white. At the signal of the host, the first numbers of both teams take one piece each and run to the chessboard, put the piece in its place, come back, touch the next player with their hand, who
takes a piece, runs to the board, etc. The first numbers take place at the end of the column. The team whose players quickly and correctly place the chess pieces wins.

Two players hold hands and catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught is in a circle. Now the three of them catch the rest. Everyone caught becomes part of the seine. The game continues until all participants are caught.

The host gives each of the players a spoon containing an egg, a potato or a tennis ball. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run, holding the spoons in front of them and trying not to drop the objects in them.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
Two teams can also compete. Then the first players of both teams, having reached the finish line, make a turn and run to the start - they pass the spoon to the second numbers, etc. The team whose players are the first to finish the run wins.

The leader gives each of the players a plate to which a burning candle is glued. At the signal of the leader, the competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. If teams participate in the game, then the first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the second numbers, the second to the third, etc. The team that finished the run first and whose candle did not go out during the run wins.

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up at the start in a column one after another. At the signal of the leader, the first players of both teams run to the reference point (stone, pin, cube, flag), go around it, return back to the start line and touch the outstretched hand of the next participant, the second numbers also run to the finish line, return and pass the baton to the third numbers , third fourth, etc.
The team that finishes the run before the other team wins.
Then the groups compete with each other in the following types of relay races:
Running together, wearing a single hoop;
Running with the ball;
Running with carrying a partner;
Running with one ski on the leg.
Running in fins;
Running backwards (backward);
Running with jumping rope;
Running with an apple on your head;
Running with a hand tossing a balloon;
Running with overcoming simple obstacles.
The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. The couples become columns facing each other and hold the ends of the rope at knee level.
At the signal of the host, the first pair puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then jump over the ropes of the remaining pairs. Having reached their place, they lift the rope from the ground. Behind them, the second pair puts the rope on the ground, jumps over the first rope and goes all the way to the first pair. Then the third pair comes into play, the fourth, and so on.
The team whose players finish jumping rope first wins.

Players compete against each other in the following contests.
Hitting the ball on target. A target is drawn on the wall with chalk. Strikes are performed with the right and left legs from a place, then from a run.
On the ground, some objects are placed one after another, you need to circle them, driving the ball with your foot (either right or left).
Raise your hands with the ball above your head, release it and catch it on the fly.
Lean with your left hand on the gene, hit the ball with the right hand on the wall from under your arm, catch with both hands.
Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands on your knees and catch the ball.
Throw the ball under the left, then under the right foot and catch it.
Throw the ball up, sit down, touch the ground with your hands, then straighten up and catch the ball first with both hands, then alternately with your right and left.
Throw the ball to each other with pops, with a turn, with a rebound from the ground.
Throwing the ball into the distance for a distance (who will throw further).
Throwing the ball at an escaping partner.
Throwing the ball into a basketball basket from different distances.
A ball is placed on the ground at a distance of 6 m. Another ball must hit this ball. to make it roll as far as possible.
Pins are placed at a distance of 8 m. With a kick (right, then left) you need to knock it down.
Roll the ball down the hill and catch up with it.
Standing opposite each other, and clasping the ball with your hands, try to take the other ball from the opponent and not give your own.

Players stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 m. Each has a ball in their hands. At the leader's signal, the ball is thrown back over the head, and everyone rushes forward after the opponent's ball.
The winner is the one who quickly catches up with the ball and returns to its original position.

The ball must be placed on the book, carefully raised above the head without dropping the ball, and just as carefully lowered. That one wins. who did the right thing.

The players become in a circle. The host gives the ball, and on a signal, the participants pass it clockwise to each other. Neli, the host says: “Stop!”, The transfer of the ball stops, and the player who has it in his hands is out of the game. The host gives the command: “Begin!”, and the game resumes.
The last player left when there is no one to pass the ball wins.
Players line up at the starting line. Holding the ball between their knees, the participants jump towards the finish line.
The winner is the one who rode first and did not lose the ball.

The ball is placed in front of the player at a distance of 5-6 steps. Blindfold the eyes. You have to go to the ball and kick it with your foot.
The winner is the one who successfully completed the task.

Several pairs of players compete with each other, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible:
putting the ball on the shoulders, and pressing it with their heads on both sides;
pressing the ball with his shoulders;
holding the ball with their backs;
holding the ball, holding it with their foreheads and moving sideways.
The pair that comes first and does not lose the ball wins.
The players take the ball and stand in a circle. The first participant, throwing the ball, calls some noun. The catcher calls the adjective and throws the ball further, the third player calls the verb. For example: “Bird,” says the first; “Black,” says the second; “Flies,” says the third, and, throwing the ball to the next, calls a new noun.

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The host throws the ball to one of the participants and says: "The Beast."
The one who catches the ball must quickly name someone from the animal world and throw the ball back to the leader. If the leader, throwing the ball, says "fish" or "bird", the catcher calls the fish or bird. Anyone who does not answer the host or hesitates to answer is out of the game.

Two teams of 6-8 people participate. Players line up one after another in a column. Between the participants, it is clamped on the ball with the back and chest. At the signal of the host, the "dragons" run to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not lose a single ball wins.

The players stand in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides and are calculated for the first and second numbers. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Two players standing side by side are appointed captains and given the ball to them.
On a signal, the captains begin to transfer (throw) the balls in a circle - one to the right, the other to the left, to their nearest players, that is, through one. The balls are thrown until they return to the captains.
The team that manages to move the ball faster around the circle wins. Having received the ball, the captains raise their hands with the ball up. The game can be played several times in a row.
1. The ball must be passed or thrown to your nearest neighbor. Each pass by a player counts as a penalty point. 2. If the balls collided in the air, the players, after the throw of which they collided, must quickly take their balls and, standing in their place, continue the game. 3. The winner is the team that finished passing the ball around the circle earlier and has no penalty points.

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (maces) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and line up one behind the other on one side of the site facing the towns. Participants in front of the standing line receive a small ball. A start line is drawn in front of the line.
On the established signal of the leader, the players of the first rank throw balls into the towns (maces), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in line behind them. At the command of the leader, the participants in the second rank (team) also throw balls at the towns. Downed towns are counted again. So they play 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down more towns in several times wins.
1. Throwing balls is possible only at the signal of the leader.
2. When throwing, it is impossible to go beyond the starting line - in this case, the throw does not count.