Vitamins for pregnant women 2 trimester which is better. Do expectant mothers need vitamins? Pros and cons of supplements

Pregnancy is a special period for any woman. At this time, the body is actively rebuilding, and the main task of the expectant mother is to help him in this. Of course, we all know what role vitamins play in the body. Pregnant girls need these nutrients more than others. While waiting for a baby, a woman spends a lot of energy and must fully replenish the vitamin reserve. First of all, a balanced diet can help with this, but a significant part is covered by the intake of special complexes.

Let's figure out how to choose the most suitable vitamins for yourself in the happiest period for any woman:

  1. Expert advice. It was not in vain that we mentioned this aspect in the very first place. Do not forget that when choosing any medicines, you first need to consult with a specialist. An experienced doctor will take into account the characteristics of each organism and tell you which monovitamins or complexes are most suitable for you.
  2. Components. Naturally, the benefits of any drug directly depends on its components. Experts believe that the main components of vitamin complexes for pregnant women should be: folic acid, iodine and calcium. Be sure to pay attention to the dosage of each element. In no case should you oversaturate the body with some substance - this can lead to unpleasant consequences, as well as its lack.
  3. purpose. Vitamins for pregnant women are created taking into account the needs of the female orgasm during this period. Depending on the period, the need for certain substances changes. Manufacturers offer highly targeted preparations containing several of the most important elements for each particular trimester. They can be both complex and consist of one component.

Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to purchase and use. Choosing the right complex of vitamins can only specialist!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the first trimester

4 Multi-tabs Perinatal

Top Reviews
Country: Denmark
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The complex Danish-made Multi-tabs "Perinatal" is designed specifically to maintain a woman's well-being in early pregnancy. He has been collecting the best reviews for several years in a row and is the leader of the majority of votes on the forums. The composition includes 11 vitamins (A, E, C, D3, and a whole group B) and minerals, for example: copper, calcium, manganese, iodine, chromium, iron. Equally important, the manufacturer did not use preservatives.

So, a combination of iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E will reduce the likelihood of anemia, which is very often diagnosed by doctors in pregnant women in the 1st trimester. And the combination of copper, selenium, zinc, iodine, folic acid and vitamin B6 will significantly affect the correct and planned growth of the fetus. It is enough to drink one tablet during or after meals for a month. Some women consider the rather large size of the tablets to be the only minor drawback.

3 Elevit Pronatal

Most Appointed
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Most often, "Elevit Pronatal" is recommended for women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the drug has a high content of folic acid (800 mcg). The composition is also enriched with vitamins A, E, PP, B5, iron, phosphorus, biotin, zinc, etc. Such a complex contributes to the proper development of the fetus and reduces the likelihood of a miscarriage. Available in 30 or 100 pieces (for a month or three).

Due to the optimal content of essential elements for early pregnancy, you do not need to take extra vitamin B9 or iron. Drink "Elevit" should be one capsule once a day, which is very convenient. The advantages of the drug include a rich composition, a sufficient number of elements important for the 1st trimester, availability and excellent quality. Of the shortcomings, only the high price can be distinguished.

2 Femibion ​​Natalcare I

Choice of Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialists
Country: Austria
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Femibion ​​Natalcare I" was developed in an Austrian laboratory, taking into account the needs of the female body in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most important stage for the initial formation of the fetus. The preparation contains metafolin, a substance that replaces folic acid and is easily absorbed in the body. The composition is enriched with 9 useful vitamins and iodine.

"Femibion" softens the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis and makes it easier to endure this period. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day. The main advantage of the complex is the presence of many recommendations from experts. The advantages also include convenient use, excellent reviews from doctors, the highest quality, well-thought-out composition, and a woman’s well-being in the early stages. No deficiencies found.

1 One A Day Women's Prenatal

Perfectly calibrated daily allowance formula
Country: USA
Average price: 1,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The most important feature of the One A Day Women's Prenatal vitamin complex is that one serving of the tablet contains exactly 100% of the recommended daily dosage of important nutrients for a pregnant woman, with the exception of vitamin A, it is only 50%, but this is due to the fact that everyone's fetus reacts to it differently.Gynecologists in the reviews note that patients taking this complex felt energy, which is so lacking in the very early stages of pregnancy.

The package, designed for a monthly course, contains 30 tablets combining vitamins and minerals, and 30 gelatin capsules with omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA), which contribute to better fetal development in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the brain and eyes are being formed. The manufacturer, of course, did not forget about folic acid, which reduces the risk of defects in the development of the brain and spinal cord. Both tablets should be taken at the same time with meals.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the second trimester

4 Doppelherz V.I.P.

Most bought
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, omega 3, vitamins A, E, C, D, B - all this fits in one capsule of Doppelherz V.I.P. In the 2nd trimester, when the bones of the fetus are just beginning to harden, a combination of calcium, zinc, vitamins D3 and C will be very useful. And since every second pregnant woman is diagnosed with iodine deficiency, which leads to disruption of the thyroid gland and leads to constant fatigue, the manufacturer involved mineral such as iodine.

Omega 3 prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels. Folic acid in symbiosis with vitamin B12 synthesize DNA cells and form hemoglobin. In the reviews, medical experts confirm that after a course of taking the vitamin complex from Doppelherz, the analyzes of pregnant women show noticeable improvements. Hair loss and brittle nails also stop, a surge of strength is felt.

3 Minisun Mama Complex

High concentration of nutrients
Country: Finland
Average price: 1,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Minisan Mama Complex" has been No. 1 in Finland for several years in a row, and recently this vitamin complex has been enjoying no less popularity in the CIS countries. It contains many B vitamins, including folic acid, without which no complex for pregnant women can do. Vitamin C will increase the resistance of the immune system, because it is undesirable for expectant mothers to get sick and drink antiviral drugs.

The manufacturer decided not to use vitamin A, since the body of the mother and especially the fetus are prone to its overdose. Some may be put off by the price, but this is justified by the fact that the package contains 90 capsules, which is enough for the entire trimester. It is important to note that the complex is often prescribed by specialists to pregnant women with acute hypovitaminosis, because it contains a high concentration of vitamins, which can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor.

2 Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Promotes proper fetal development
Country: USA
Average price: 1,700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitamin-mineral complex "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" was created to compensate for the deficiency of useful elements during pregnancy. It has a universal effect and is suitable for use at any time, but experts recommend the drug in the second trimester. This is due to the high content of iodine, iron and magnesium, which are so necessary after 12 weeks.

The composition includes 8 minerals (calcium, manganese, etc.), 5 acids (for example, folic, biotin) and more than 7 vitamins. It helps to increase the resistance of the body of a pregnant girl to infections, maintain an optimal level of hemoglobin and normal development of the fetus. The advantages are: convenient dosage (1 capsule daily), rich composition, versatility. The disadvantages include: the unpleasant smell of tablets, can cause nausea.

1 Femibion ​​Natalcare II

The best vitamin complex for the 2nd trimester
Country: Austria
Average price: 1,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The popular Austrian drug "Femibion ​​Natalcare" has two forms of release, one of which was created specifically for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The composition includes a whole range of microelements necessary at this stage. Among them are folic acid, metafolin, iodine, various vitamins: B6 is responsible for protein metabolism, B12 for the formation of the nervous system, nicotinamide supports skin protection, etc. Consists of 30 tablets and 30 capsules to be taken one after the other.

The main distinguishing feature of the drug is the thoughtful content of the most important components in the right amount. This ensures the healthy development of the fetus and keeps the woman comfortable. Experts identify the following advantages of the complex: suitable for the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, convenient dosage, proper development of the child. The disadvantages include high cost.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the third trimester

3 Complivit Trimestrum 3

Improves overall well-being
Country Russia
Average price: 310 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Complivit Trimestrum 3" is often called one of the best vitamin complexes in the budget segment for the 3rd trimester. It has an important distinguishing feature - a balanced composition, designed specifically for a specific period of pregnancy. The preparation is enriched with selenium, lutein, vitamin B9, iron, iodine and other useful trace elements. Produced in packs of 30 film-coated tablets with a pleasant sweetish taste.

Reviews of the girls indicate a significant improvement in well-being after the start of taking Complivit. They notice a decrease in swelling, an increase in the quality of hair, nails, skin and the removal of pain in the joints. The recommended dosage is 1 time per day after meals. Among the advantages, one can single out an excellent composition, good reviews from doctors and customers, optimal cost, improved well-being. No deficiencies found.

2 Alphabet Mom's health

Excellent value for money and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The complex of vitamins "Alphavit Mom's Health" has proven itself well when taken in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Girls notice that they endure this period more easily. The main distinguishing feature of the drug is the separation of microelements into tablets, each of which has its own color for convenience. White contains biotin, calcium, phosphorus and 5 vitamins, blue contains various beneficial antioxidants, and yellow contains iron, folic acid, etc.

The developers took into account the compatibility of the components, so they divided them into different techniques. "Alphabet" does not cause allergic reactions. The advantages of the vitamin-mineral complex include positive reviews from doctors and customers, a high content of nutrients, and a unique formula. The only negative is inconvenient use (three tablets per day).

1 Astrum Mammy Complex

Rich composition. Quality Components
Country: USA
Average price: 2,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Mammy Complex. In anticipation of the baby "from the American brand Astrum is designed taking into account all the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester, preparing for childbirth and further breastfeeding. Vitamin B10 (PABA), which is rarely found in complexes, is involved in the activation of the body's production of natural folic acid, which helps to avoid the development of congenital malformations in the fetus.

The source of vitamin A was beta-carotene, which is synthesized when it enters the body through complex reactions. It is absolutely safe and non-toxic even in the highest doses, which pure retinol cannot boast of. Surprise the presence of such a component as L-carnitine, which has become famous as the best source of energy and endurance. Especially often, doctors prescribe these vitamins to pregnant women with heart problems, since taurine is present in the composition, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The best monovitamins for pregnant women

4 Pyridoxine

Best Toxicosis Relief
Country Russia
Average price: 65 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Vital in metabolic processes, vitamin B6 has become famous among pregnant women due to its ability to block vomiting during the period of toxicosis, which usually begins in the early stages. Pyridoxine is involved in the development of the fetal nervous system and reduces congenital heart anomalies. Also, experts have confirmed the benefits of vitamin B6 in the 2nd trimester, when the rudiments of permanent teeth are laid in a child, affecting their proper formation.

Studies have shown that in addition to the active elimination of toxins in the 1st trimester, women with a diet enriched with vitamin B6 have an average of 1.2 times more milk after childbirth. This vitamin can also reduce the risk of preterm birth. Curiously, pyridoxine deficiency leads to depression, especially postpartum. The daily intake of vitamin B6 is 2.1 mg.

3 Cyanocobalamin

Adjusts lipid and protein metabolism
Country: USA
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Cyanocobalamin is one of the most commonly prescribed vitamins in combination with folic acid, as this tandem helps each other to be absorbed. It is equally important that their symbiosis generates methionine amino acids, setting up the metabolism of lipids and proteins. Doctors observe a frequent pattern: with vitamin B12 deficiency, children are more prone to diabetes, so if there is such a heredity, then it is very important to monitor sufficient intake of cyanocobalamin.

Also, experts in the field of obstetrics say that B12 will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases of the nervous system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, cyanocobalamin is involved in the synthesis of DNA, as well as the renewal of blood cells. With sufficient intake of vitamin B12, the intensity of stretch marks can be reduced, as skin condition improves. For pregnant women, the daily intake of cyanocobalamin is 2.8 mcg.

2 Folic acid

Helps prevent birth defects in the fetus
Country Russia
Average price: 35 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Folic acid" or vitamin B9 is one of the most important elements in early pregnancy. It has a direct impact on the formation of the vital internal organs of the fetus, its neural tube. The use of this substance in insufficient quantities can lead to placental abruption, the threat of miscarriage and other unpleasant consequences. Experts prescribe the drug to absolutely all women in the 1st trimester.

Reception of "Folic acid" contributes to a calm and proper course of pregnancy. The manufacturer "Zdravcity" produces packs of 30 tablets, which should be taken one at a time. The advantages of the drug are proven efficacy, low price, excellent reviews from doctors, accessibility, and a positive effect on the condition of a woman. Cons: requires additional intake of other vitamins.

1 Tocopherol

It is important for the formation of the fetus in the early stages. Improves the quality of the epidermis
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vitamin E or as it is also called tocopherol is essential for both women and children. At an early stage, vitamin E is involved in the formation of a quality placenta. It is also the main supplier of oxygen to developing cells. The optimal period for use is 1 trimester. It is not advisable to drink tocopherol in the 3rd trimester, as under its influence muscle tissue becomes toned, which can cause premature contractions.

A sufficient content of tocopherol in the body will protect the fetus from the influence of the external environment, for example, from the dirty air inhaled by the mother. In the reviews of pregnant women, as one of the best qualities of vitamin E, there is a decrease in the intensity of stretch marks, as active production of elastin is provoked, which is responsible for the quality of the epidermis, its elasticity and firmness. Tocopherol is prescribed only by doctors, since it is one of the most active and powerful vitamins, its overdose can have a negative effect.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman's life, because the baby's health largely depends on her behavior, physical activity, nutrition, and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. Every mother begins caring for her unborn child as soon as she finds out that she is in a position. She strives to eat right in order to provide the fetus with all the necessary substances for normal life and development of organs. Especially important are vitamins and minerals, the need for which increases significantly, therefore, special vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed for pregnant women.

  • test results;
  • the patient's well-being;
  • body mass;
  • gestational age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • accommodations;
  • the presence of concomitant chronic diseases;
  • season.

The best source of vitamins are food: vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat and fish, kefir, cottage cheese. The vitamins contained in them are more useful, well absorbed, and there are practically no risks of hypervitaminosis. According to many experts, if a woman has no health problems, feels normal, eats fully and diversified, then there is no special need for additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes for her.

However, this is not always the case. Hypovitaminosis adversely affects the health of both the woman and the fetus. It can lead to exhaustion of the body of a pregnant woman, brittle nails, hair loss, dryness and flaking of the skin, dental problems, irritability, and sleep disturbances. For the unborn child, this condition is dangerous by increasing the risk of developing developmental anomalies.

Taking vitamins and minerals is indicated for pregnant women in the following cases:

  • there are signs of hypovitaminosis;
  • pregnancy occurs in the autumn-spring period, when there is not enough vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits;
  • living in a cold region where there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • the impossibility of good nutrition due to nausea and other manifestations of toxicosis, toxicosis, preeclampsia, dieting, changes in taste preferences, the appearance of intolerance to certain products (milk);
  • the woman's age is more than 30 years;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • problematic course of a previous pregnancy, premature birth, the birth of a child with developmental anomalies.

Even if indicated, the use of synthetic vitamins daily throughout pregnancy is highly discouraged. The best and safest option is to take them in courses with breaks of several weeks.

What vitamins are needed during pregnancy

A woman in position needs an average of 20-30% more nutrients, vitamins and minerals to ensure the normal functioning of her body and the development of the fetus.

The best vitamins for pregnant women and their biological properties


Action during pregnancy

Daily rate

Folic acid (B9)

It activates the processes of cell division, has a positive effect on the development of the fetal egg, the transfer of genetic material. Participates in the formation of the placenta, reduces the risk of miscarriage, fetal neural tube defects

Pyridoxine (B6)

Helps the absorption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, participates in the formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin, antibodies. It is important for the normal development of the brain and nervous system of the child.

Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Promotes the formation of stable immunity, improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys in a pregnant woman. Participates in cell division, the formation of bone structures, the nervous system of the fetus. Promotes better absorption of folic acid.

Tocopherol (E)

Is an antioxidant. Participates in the processes of cellular respiration, metabolism, division. Regulates the production of female sex hormones. Important for the proper formation of the placenta, prevents early miscarriages.

Retinol (A)

Participates in metabolic processes, the development of the organs of vision, the skeleton and the nervous system of the child. Has antioxidant properties. Its deficiency can cause anemia, the birth of a child with low weight.

Ascorbic acid (C)

Strengthens the immune system, reduces the susceptibility of the mother's body to infections. Helps prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Cholecalciferol (D)

It improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, is necessary for bone mineralization, bone tissue development and the prevention of rickets in newborns.

Essential Minerals

In addition to vitamins, pregnant women need the following minerals:

  1. Calcium. It is necessary for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system, urinary, endocrine, nervous systems of the baby, the prevention of dental problems and bone depletion in the expectant mother.
  2. Iodine. Included in the thyroid hormonesresponsible for metabolism, mental and physical development of the fetus.
  3. Zinc. Stimulates skin regeneration, prevents hair loss in pregnant women, has an immunomodulatory effect. Its deficiency is fraught with the birth of an immature fetus, the formation of malformations of organs.
  4. Iron. It is part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from mother to fetus. Participates in the formation of blood, protein synthesis of muscle tissue. Necessary for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the need for vitamins and minerals changes. In the first trimester, folic acid, vitamins E and A are relevant. Moreover, folic acid is prescribed even at the stage of pregnancy planning, often not only to expectant mothers, but also to fathers. Its effectiveness has been proven by a number of scientific studies. In the second trimester, minerals become important for a pregnant woman: calcium, iodine and iron, and in the third - vitamins A, C, D and iron.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women

Vitamins for pregnant women are available in the form of special balanced complexes or preparations containing only one or two vitamins. Most often, they are separately prescribed:

  • folic acid (Mamifol, Folacin, 9 months Folic acid);
  • iron (Ferroplex, Ferrum-Lek, Maltofer);
  • calcium (Calcemin, Calcium gluconate);
  • iodine (Iodine Vitrum, Iodbalance, Iodomarin).

A pregnant woman should beware of taking dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals. They are not officially recognized medicines, they go through less control on the way to the pharmacy counter. The doses of active substances indicated on their packaging may not be entirely true.

To choose which vitamins for pregnant women are more suitable in each individual case, you should pay attention to the qualitative and quantitative composition, the compatibility of active components with each other, as well as the individual reaction of the body. Commonly prescribed medications are the best.

Complivit Trimestrum

Includes a line of three drugs designed for use in the first, second and third trimester. Vitamins for the first trimester are recommended to start taking even at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Each complex contains 22 essential nutrients in dosages calculated on the basis of studies of the needs of a pregnant woman for a certain period of time. The composition contains B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, D, P, lutein and minerals (magnesium, selenium, iodine, calcium, zinc, copper).

In the manufacture of the drug, the technology of separate granulation was used, which ensures the compatibility of active ingredients. Produced by the Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard in a package of 30 film-coated tablets. The advantages of the multivitamin complex are low cost, convenient form of release, high quality and unique composition.

Elevit Pronatal

This vitamin remedy is considered one of the best and has been prescribed to women during pregnancy for more than 20 years. It has one composition, regardless of gestational age. Designed to correct and prevent the lack of vitamins and minerals at the stage of planning, pregnancy and lactation.

Includes 8 B vitamins, including folic acid, vitamins A, E, C, D and 7 minerals (magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and others). The disadvantage of Elevit is the lack of iodine, as well as somewhat overestimated dosages of some nutrients. The drug has a lot of magnesium, so it is prescribed for the threat of miscarriage. Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, relieves hypertonicity, improves blood circulation.

Produced by the world famous pharmaceutical company Bayer in the form of film-coated tablets of 30 and 100 pieces per pack.

Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Vitrum vitamin complexes for pregnant women contain increased dosages of iron and folic acid, therefore they are useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

The composition contains 10 vitamins (A, groups B, C, D, E), iron, calcium and zinc. Vitrum Prenatal Forte additionally contains provitamin A, vitamins B5 and B7, iodine, copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum and chromium. Which of the drugs will be better in each specific situation, the doctor must determine.

Produced by the American pharmaceutical company Unipharm in packs of 30 or 100 tablets. The disadvantages include the large size of the tablet, which makes it difficult to swallow, especially for women who experience vomiting due to toxicosis.


Pregnacare - a multivitamin complex produced in the UK, appeared relatively recently. Contains almost all vitamins, macro- and microelements important for a pregnant woman, including folic acid, iodine and iron. Suitable for the elimination and prevention of hypovitaminosis at any stage of pregnancy, during lactation and at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The preparation contains 11 vitamins (groups B, C, D, E, K), provitamin A and 5 minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, copper). The difference between this complex and others is the absence of calcium in the composition, which is due to its negative effect on the absorption of iron with simultaneous use. In this regard, it is better not to take Pregnacare along with foods rich in calcium.

Available in the form of capsules of 30 or 90 pieces per pack.

Multi-Tabs Perinatal

Multi-Tabs Perinatal is a complex containing all vitamins necessary for a pregnant woman: A, D, E, C, group B. Its feature is a rich mineral composition: calcium and magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium and iodine.

The drug Multi-tabs Perinatal Omega-3 with polyunsaturated fatty acids is also produced. They help prevent premature birth, prevent high blood pressure in the mother, have a good effect on blood vessels and the nervous system, and improve the development of the fetal brain.

Multi-Tabs Perinatal and Multi-tabs Perinatal Omega-3 are produced by the Danish manufacturer Ferrosan in the form of tablets of 30, 50, 60 or 100 pieces per pack. The advantages of the drug are the availability and ease of use.

Alphabet Mom's health

This complex differs from all others in that the daily dose of vitamins is divided into three tablets, painted in different colors (white, blue, pink). This technology allows for better absorption of active substances, since each tablet contains only vitamins and minerals that are compatible with each other. The drug has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. In total, three tablets contain 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, K, H, group B), 11 minerals, beta-carotene and organic acid taurine. The disadvantage is the low content of folic acid and the need to take three tablets during the day instead of one.

It is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Akvion, 60 tablets per pack, and is inexpensive.

Precautionary measures

For the purchase of vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements available in the pharmacy, a prescription is not required, so they are available to everyone. However, this does not mean that you can choose any vitamins for pregnant women that you like in composition or turn out to be the best on the advice of friends or on positive reviews on Internet resources. These drugs during pregnancy can bring not only benefits, but also harm. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

When using vitamin-mineral complexes in pregnant women, side effects sometimes occur, which should be reported to the doctor immediately and stop drinking them until the cause is clarified. Allergic manifestations (rash, itching, redness, skin irritation), constipation, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness are possible.

Contraindications for most vitamin preparations are:

  • individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary substances included in the composition;
  • excess in the body of the components contained in the product;
  • severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland (for vitamin complexes with iodine).

In some cases, an excess of nutrients can be much more dangerous for a pregnant woman than a deficiency. For example, calcium can accumulate in the placenta, accelerating the formation of calcifications, and an overdose of vitamin A is fraught with the development of heart defects and the nervous system of the fetus.

Video: Opinion of obstetrician-gynecologists on taking vitamins during pregnancy


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

The question of the need for vitamins at pregnancy is of great importance, and at the same time, so far the world has not found an unambiguous answer to it. This is due to the fact that pregnancy is a physiological state that proceeds according to some general, certain rules, but with indispensable features inherent in each expectant mother and determined by the individual qualities of both the woman and the father of the unborn child. In addition to the individual biological, psychological and physical characteristics of a pregnant woman and the father of a child, many factors influence the course and outcome of pregnancy, among which nutrition and drinking are the most significant. After all, it is nutrition that ensures the entry into the body of a woman of all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and energy substances. And, therefore, the answer to the question of the need for the use of vitamins during pregnancy largely depends on the type of nutrition of the woman carrying the child.

In almost all cases, nutrition is determined by two main factors:
1. The eating habits and traditions of a particular family, ethnic or social group.
2. Opportunities of the family to provide a pregnant woman with various products.

This means that if there are certain traditions and eating habits adopted in a family or group, a pregnant woman will eat according to them, not paying attention to the recommendations and advice of doctors. Usually such traditional food options are inferior, but very tenacious, as myths and legends about their benefits are passed down from generation to generation, actively supported and inflated. Adhering to traditional eating habits, a pregnant woman does not eat many foods that are useful and necessary for her, since they are not on the accepted menu. If such traditions are strong in a family, then the accepted type of nutrition will be maintained even if it is able to afford the purchase of the products necessary for a pregnant woman, since it is this diet that is considered “correct” and “tested for centuries”.

In other cases, families may adhere to the rules and advice of doctors regarding the diet of a pregnant woman, but in the end her nutrition will be determined by material means, which will or will not allow her to purchase any products.

And therefore, the answer to the question about the use of vitamins during pregnancy, in fact, is determined by the characteristics of nutrition and the current physical condition of each particular pregnant woman. If a woman did not eat very well before pregnancy, then she is recommended to take vitamins during the entire period of bearing a child. If she ate well and fully before and during pregnancy, then she does not need to take additional vitamins. This is the general conclusion reached by experts from the World Health Organization on the use of synthetic vitamins during pregnancy. Let us consider in more detail all aspects of the use of vitamins during pregnancy in the countries of the former USSR.

Vitamins for pregnant women - the results of studies conducted under the auspices of WHO

Over the past decade, three major studies have been conducted on the effects of multivitamin supplementation in women during pregnancy. The very first such study was conducted in 2005-2006 in European countries, and 73,000 pregnant women from various social strata and income levels participated in it on a voluntary basis.

Then, in 2007, a study was again made of the effect of taking multivitamins (vitamin complexes) on the course and outcomes of pregnancies. However, women from different regions of the world were included in this study because it was conducted by the World Health Organization.

Finally, the latest study on the effects of taking multivitamins was carried out in 2009, also under the auspices of the World Health Organization, exclusively in countries with limited resources, where the nutrition of pregnant women in most cases is not complete and of high quality.

All three studies allowed experts to draw the following conclusions:
1. Regardless of the type of nutrition a woman has, during pregnancy, everyone must take iron supplements and folic acid, which reduces the risk of malformations of the central nervous system. It is this vitamin (folic acid) and trace element (iron) that have proven positive effects on the course and outcome of pregnancy.
2. If a woman eats normally and fully, then taking any multivitamins, with the exception of folic acid and iron, does not affect the course and outcomes of pregnancies, without reducing the risk of congenital malformations, premature birth, etc.
3. If a woman does not eat fully, then taking, in addition to folic acid and iron, also multivitamins can reduce the risk of having a small child and developing severe anemia in a pregnant woman.

Thus, with a normal diet, a pregnant woman needs to take only folic acid and iron supplements, which really prevent congenital malformations in the fetus and anemia in the mother. The intake of other vitamins does not significantly affect the course and outcomes of pregnancy, as well as the health of the mother. Therefore, WHO recommends that women who eat normally and fully, without fail, take only folic acid and iron supplements. And all other vitamins can be taken at the request of the woman herself, or on the recommendation of a gynecologist observing her.

For women who are malnourished during pregnancy, WHO recommends mandatory intake of folic acid and iron supplements, as well as, if possible, any multivitamins. Moreover, multivitamins must be taken in courses throughout pregnancy.

Do pregnant women need vitamins?

As can be seen from the reports and recommendations of the World Health Organization, made on the basis of the results of the studies, vitamins are both needed and not needed by pregnant women, depending on the type of their diet.

The only vitamins and minerals really necessary for all pregnant women, without exception, are folic acid (vitamin B c) and iron. Folic acid must be taken by all pregnant women until at least the 12th week of gestation at 400 mcg per day. Moreover, vitamin B c can be taken even before pregnancy, at the stage of its planning. All other vitamins are not needed for a pregnant woman who eats fully. If a woman does not eat fully, then in addition to folic acid, she needs all the other vitamins that must be taken throughout the pregnancy in courses.

To answer the question of whether pregnant women need vitamins, it is recommended to remember a number of factors. Firstly, regardless of the nutrition of a pregnant woman, the fetus will take everything that it needs for its development, literally "sucking out" from all tissues and organs of the body. Moreover, the fetus will take the vitamins, microelements and nutrients it needs only from the tissues of the pregnant woman, and not from the incoming food, since this was provided by Nature.

That is, during pregnancy, the fetus receives the substances it needs indirectly - from the tissues of the mother's body, where they, in turn, come from food. This means that the child will in any case take everything that he needs, even if this causes a literal exhaustion of the mother's body. Therefore, with insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, the health of a pregnant woman deteriorates significantly, which is manifested by tooth decay, hair loss, foliation of nails, the development of chronic pathologies (for example, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.) .

Therefore, in order to prevent a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and nutrients taken by the growing fetus in the tissues of the mother's body, they must be constantly introduced from the outside in the form of a complete, healthy and balanced food. Exactly the same purpose - to replenish the reserves of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, is the intake of various multivitamins, mineral salts, dietary supplements, dry food and other drugs during pregnancy. Therefore, it is clear that the need to take vitamins during pregnancy is due to the woman's diet and its ability to provide her body with all the necessary substances.

This means that good nutrition will fully ensure the replenishment of the reserves of necessary substances in the tissues of the mother's body without additional intake of vitamins, and she will come out of pregnancy still healthy and beautiful. But if a woman's nutrition is inadequate, then in order to replenish the reserves of necessary substances in tissues, she needs to take vitamins, microelements, dietary supplements and special dry food.

By good and nutritious nutrition, WHO means the following:
1. A woman eats fresh or fresh-frozen red meat at least (beef, veal, lamb, etc.) twice a week;
2. A woman eats fresh or frozen fish at least twice a week;
3. A woman eats any dairy products daily;
4. A woman eats eggs at least twice a week;
5. A woman consumes poultry meat at least 2-3 times a week;
6. A woman eats at least five types of fruits and vegetables every day;
7. A woman consumes butter and vegetable oils every day;
8. The volume of carbohydrate foods (buns, pastries, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.) makes up no more than half of a woman's total daily diet.

That is, if the diet of a pregnant woman approximately corresponds to the above signs, then her nutrition is considered complete. If such a diet is maintained throughout pregnancy, then such a woman needs only an additional intake of folic acid and iron supplements, and she does not need multivitamins.

If the diet does not correspond to the above criteria formulated by WHO, then the nutrition of the pregnant woman is considered inadequate. This means that during pregnancy, such a woman should take not only iron supplements and folic acid, but also multivitamins. In such situations, multivitamins prevent the birth of children with low body weight and allow you to maintain the health of the expectant mother, preventing hair loss, deterioration of teeth, nails, etc. With malnutrition, vitamins are necessary not so much for the fetus, which will take everything that it needs from the tissues and organs of the mother, but for the pregnant woman herself, so that she leaves the pregnancy in a normal, and not exhausted state with fallen hair, crumbled teeth and nails, dull, flabby, saggy skin, etc. It is also necessary to take vitamins for all pregnant women who have bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.

Thus, WHO recommends that you take vitamins during pregnancy with restraint and individuality. So, with normal nutrition, vitamins will not benefit the woman and the child, but, on the contrary, they can harm, provoking too much weight gain by the fetus, as a result of which childbirth will be difficult.

In addition, WHO emphasizes that, regardless of the diet, all pregnant women need to take folic acid and iron supplements. It is recommended to start taking folic acid even at the stage of pregnancy planning and up to the 12th week of gestation continuously at 400 mcg per day.

Thus, the need to take multivitamins, in addition to folic acid, is determined by the individual characteristics of the nutrition and condition of the woman. This means that in each case it is necessary to make an individual balanced decision on the appointment of multivitamins for a pregnant woman.

Can pregnant women take vitamins?

Yes, pregnant women can drink vitamins, and in some cases even need to. In order not to harm your own health, as well as the growth and development of the fetus, you must choose only certified and standardized vitamins or dietary supplements. In addition, pregnant women should carefully study the composition and dosage of each vitamin in a multivitamin preparation. The content of water-soluble vitamins (C, group B, PP, F and N) is of little importance, since their overdose is impossible due to the ability to quickly remove the excess that has entered the body. And the content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) should not exceed the established optimal consumption rates, since their intake in excess can provoke an overdose.

So, the safe amount of fat-soluble vitamins in the composition of multivitamin preparations is the following:

  • Vitamin A - 3000 IU;
  • Vitamin E - 200 IU;
  • Vitamin D - 400 - 2000 IU;
  • Vitamin K - 65 mg.
This means that when choosing a multivitamin complex, you need to read the instructions for exactly what amount of vitamins A, D, E and K it contains. If the dosages of these vitamins are less than or equal to those indicated, then such a drug can be taken by a pregnant woman without any concerns. If the dosage of fat-soluble vitamins is more than indicated, then the multivitamin complex cannot be taken on its own. Complexes containing large doses of fat-soluble vitamins can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the woman's indications for their use.

The norm of vitamins for pregnant women

A pregnant woman should receive the following amount of vitamins per day:
  • Vitamin A - 800 mcg;
  • Vitamin D - 10 mcg;
  • Vitamin E - 10 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 65 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • Vitamin B 1 - 1.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 - 1.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 - 2.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 12 - 2.2 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP - 17 mg;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B c) - 400 mcg.
The indicated amounts of vitamins, with the exception of folic acid, a pregnant woman must necessarily receive either from food or from multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Folic acid must be taken by every pregnant woman in the form of 400 mcg tablets daily, regardless of her diet.

What vitamin for pregnant women is necessary?

In principle, it is unnecessary to repeat that a pregnant woman needs all the existing vitamins, minerals and nutrients, since not only the growth and development of the fetus, but also the preservation of the health of the mother depends on their adequate intake. However, among all existing, the most important and necessary vitamins for a pregnant woman are the following:
  • Vitamin A- ensures normal growth of the fetus. With a lack of vitamin A, a woman's immunity worsens, vaginal dryness, acne and boils on the skin appear, hair becomes dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out.
  • Vitamin C- increases resistance to infections, improves the absorption of iron and participates in the formation of the placenta. With a deficiency of vitamin C, a woman feels constant fatigue.
  • Vitamin D- ensures normal growth and bone formation in the fetus, and also prevents rickets and osteoporosis in a pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin D, a woman's teeth begin to break down, excitability develops, and calf cramps appear.
  • Vitamin E- ensures normal growth and stretching of the uterus, prevents anemia, muscle weakness and the negative effects of stress. With a deficiency of vitamin E, miscarriage or premature birth can occur.
  • Vitamin K- Ensures normal blood clotting. With its deficiency, a woman can develop severe bleeding, and the fetus can develop hemorrhagic disease.
  • Vitamin B 1- provides energy to the nervous system and muscles of the fetus, and also supports good sleep in a pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin B 1, muscle weakness, irritability and fatigue can develop.
  • Vitamin B 2- ensures normal growth and development of the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, a woman may experience dermatitis, and the fetus may have malformations or premature birth.
  • Vitamin B 6- ensures the normal formation and functioning of the central nervous system in the fetus and pregnant woman. With a deficiency of vitamin B 6, a woman develops preeclampsia, and in newborns, convulsions and irritability.
  • Vitamin B 12- ensures the normal development of the nervous system and the processes of hematopoiesis in the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin B 12, anemia develops, tachycardia, general weakness and dizziness in a woman.
  • Vitamin PP- provides the formation of the nervous system and muscle tissue of the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin PP, a woman loses her appetite, she develops constipation and pallor of the skin.
  • Folic acid (B s, B 9) - ensures the normal rate of growth and development of the fetus, as well as the formation of the central nervous system. Folic acid deficiency can cause CNS pathology in the fetus.
  • Pantothenic acid (B 5) - provides a balanced synthesis of sex hormones. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, a woman may lose and turn gray hair, as well as peeling skin.
  • Vitamin H- ensures the normal metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. With a deficiency of vitamin H, a woman is worried about persistent nausea, poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy.
All of these vitamins are especially important and necessary for a pregnant woman to carry and subsequently give birth to a healthy child, as well as to maintain her own health. However, in each trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body is especially in need of certain vitamins, the deficiency of which can lead to serious consequences, including premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia, or fetal deformities. This is due to the fact that different periods of growth and development of the child require different vitamins, minerals and plastic substances. Consider which vitamins are especially necessary for a woman in each trimester of pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women 1 trimester

During the entire first trimester of pregnancy (up to and including the 12th week of gestation), it is necessary to take folic acid (vitamin B 9 or B c) at 400 mcg per day, regardless of the diet. Moreover, doctors recommend starting folic acid intake at the stage of pregnancy planning, since a small supply of this vitamin will only be useful for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Thus, it is necessary to take folic acid from the moment a woman decides to become pregnant. If the pregnancy has come unplanned, then folic acid must be taken as soon as the woman finds out about her "position".

Folic acid is necessary for the normal fusion of the spinal cord canal in the fetus, as well as for the subsequent normal formation of its mental functions. That is, this vitamin is necessary to ensure the normal structure of the fetal brain and the subsequent formation of normal intelligence.

The second vitamin necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy is B 6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin relieves manifestations of toxicosis, reduces nervousness and prevents calf cramps. For normal growth and development of the fetus, vitamin B 6 is especially necessary starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the formation and laying of the central nervous system takes place. And pyridoxine is necessary precisely for the proper formation and development of the fetal central nervous system. To ensure optimal intake of pyridoxine in a woman's body, it is recommended to take the complex preparation Magne-B 6 during the first trimester of pregnancy, which, in addition to the vitamin, also contains the trace element magnesium.

The third vitamin that is very important for the normal course of the first trimester of pregnancy is retinol (vitamin A). The fact is that vitamin A is necessary for the normal growth of the fetus. And at the end of the first trimester, the fetus begins to grow very intensively and increase in size, and in order for this to happen normally with all proportions of the body, it needs vitamin A. Therefore, at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester, a pregnant woman is recommended to ensure adequate intake of vitamin A. However, it should remember that an excess of vitamin A can be harmful to the fetus, so it can only be taken in safe dosages (2000 - 4500 IU per day).

Vitamins for pregnant women 2 trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to take 1-2 courses of vitamins that the woman used during the first trimester, and add the following to them:
  • Vitamin D necessary to ensure the active and rapid growth of the fetus. If vitamin D is not enough in the second trimester of pregnancy, then the bones in the fetus will not be able to grow and harden normally, as a result of which intrauterine rickets may form;
  • Vitamin E provides elasticity, rapid growth and good extensibility of various soft tissues, which is absolutely necessary when the fetus begins to grow strongly and rather quickly in size. Vitamin E provides an increase in the uterus, adequate to the size of the fetus, its good stretching without the risk of rupture and severe thinning of the wall. Also, vitamin E provides good extensibility of the skin on the abdomen, which prevents the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks). In addition, this vitamin is involved in ensuring the formation and normal functioning of the placenta, which is necessary for the further growth and development of the fetus. With a deficiency of vitamin E, there may be a lag in the development of the fetus, as well as premature birth.
In addition to these vitamins, in the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman also needs additional trace elements, such as calcium and iron, which are consumed in large quantities for building bones and forming the cellular elements of the fetal blood.

Vitamins for pregnant women 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, folic acid can be canceled, since the fetal nervous system is already formed, and the need for this vitamin is minimal. In this period of pregnancy, the child is gaining weight, so he needs plastic substances and vitamins that ensure growth and active metabolism. This means that a woman needs vitamins B 6 and E until the end of pregnancy. Also, until the very birth, it is necessary to continue taking calcium and iron.

Vitamins for pregnant women - typical composition

Various complex preparations for pregnant women include vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 12, C, D, E, K, H and folic acid in various dosages and combinations. Most often, vitamins for pregnant women contain vitamins of groups B, C, E, D and A. Vitamins K and H are less often included in complex multivitamin preparations intended for pregnant women.

Some complex preparations for pregnant women include not only vitamins, but also trace elements. Most often, the preparations contain zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium and iodine.

Free prenatal vitamins

Currently, in Russia, pregnant women are indeed given free vitamins. Free provision of vitamins to pregnant women is carried out on the basis of the following laws and regulations:
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007;
  • Order of October 06, 2008 No. 748 "On drug provision for pregnant women";
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 50 dated January 19, 2007;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 72 dated February 01, 2011.
The listed orders stipulate that pregnant women can receive vitamins for free, as well as iron and calcium preparations included in a special list, in an amount not exceeding 20-33% of the cost of a birth certificate. This amount does not fully cover the needs of a pregnant woman in vitamin preparations, therefore, gynecologists at antenatal clinics do not always write out appropriate prescriptions, but only if necessary.

The acquisition and distribution of free vitamins to pregnant women is carried out by territorial medical associations (TMOs). And since each TMO receives different funding, depending on the number of people attached to it, the situation with the issuance of free vitamins to pregnant women may be different. In some well-funded antenatal clinics, vitamins are given free of charge to all pregnant women in the amount they need. And in other consultations, due to the lack of necessary funding, free vitamins are given out only to certain pregnant women, for example, the unemployed, those with many children, etc.

The procedure for obtaining free vitamins is simple - the gynecologist writes out a special prescription that can be used for 10 days at the state pharmacy of the area where the antenatal clinic is located. For example, if a antenatal clinic is located in the Sovietsky district of the city, then a prescription for free vitamins must also be presented at the municipal pharmacy of the same district.

Currently, the following vitamins and other drugs can be given free of charge to pregnant women:

  • folic acid tablets;
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate capsules;
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vitrum vitamin E;
  • Zytrum vitamin E;
  • Doppelherz vitamin E;
  • Tocopherocaps;
  • Tocopherol acetate 5%, 10% and 30% solution;
  • Maltofer solution and tablets for oral administration;
  • Fenyuls Complex;
  • Ferretab complex;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Iodbalance;
  • Iodomarin;
  • Microiodide;
  • Multivitamin dragee;
  • Hexavit dragee;
  • Revit and Revit-UVI dragee;
  • Undevit and Undevit-UVI dragee;
  • Gendevit dragee;
  • Beviplex dragee;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitaspectrum tablets;
  • Vitaress tablets;
  • Vitrum tablets;
  • Vitrum Prenatal, Vitrum Prenatal forte and Vitrum Superstress tablets;
  • Zytrum Centuri tablets;
  • Glutamevit tablets;
  • Complivit, Complivit Mom, Complivit Active tablets;
  • Megadin and Megadin Pronatal tablets;
  • Multimax tablets;
  • Multi-Tabs Active, Multi-Tabs Intensive, Multi-Tabs Classic and Multi-Tabs Perinatal tablets;
  • Selmevit tablets;
  • Supradin tablets;
  • Teravit, Teravit Antistress, Teravit Pregna tablets;
  • Tri-Vee Plus tablets;
  • Ferrovit and Ferrovit forte tablets;
  • Elevit Prenatal tablets.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women - a brief description

Consider the brief characteristics of the main multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Vitamins Elevit for pregnant women

Elevit vitamins for pregnant women contain 12 types of vitamins and 7 minerals. The drug contains the necessary dose of folic acid and iron, so when using the Elevit complex, you do not need to take additional folic acid or iron. However, the drug does not contain iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. Elevit can be taken throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and at the planning stage.

Vitamins Vitrum

For pregnant women, there is a special complex - Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal forte. The preparation contains 9 vitamins and 3 trace elements, including the necessary daily doses of folic acid and iron. Therefore, when using Vitrum, you do not need to additionally take iron and folic acid preparations. However, the drug does not contain iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. Vitrum can be taken throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and at the planning stage.

Vitamins Femibion ​​and Femibion ​​2

Femibion ​​1, often referred to simply as Femibion, is intended to be taken during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The drug Femibion ​​2 is intended for use from the 12th to the 40th week of pregnancy.

Femibion ​​1 contains 10 vitamins, including the daily dosage of folic acid, as well as iodine. This means that against the background of the use of Femibion ​​1, a woman does not need to additionally take folic acid and iodine preparations. Femibion ​​2 contains the same 10 vitamins and iodine as Femibion ​​1, but in different dosages that meet the needs of a pregnant woman at 13-40 weeks of gestation. This means that when using Femibion ​​1 or 2, a woman will have to take additional iron and calcium supplements.

Alphabet - prenatal vitamins

In the Alphabet series of preparations for pregnant women, Mother's Health is intended. The packages of this drug contain tablets of various colors, in which different complexes of vitamins and minerals are necessary for a pregnant woman. Every day you need to take any one tablet. If a woman is allergic to any vitamin, then you can not take a pill that contains it. Three types of tablets contain vitamins, iron, calcium and iodine. Moreover, only the dosage of iodine completely covers the daily requirement of a pregnant woman for vitamins.

Vitamins Pregnacare

Vitamins Pregnacare contains 11 types of vitamins and 5 minerals, including folic acid and iron. Pregnacare contains a daily dose of folic acid, so it does not need to be taken additionally. But this drug contains a small amount of iron, so it will have to be taken additionally. Also, Pregnacare does not contain iodine at all, so this microelement will need to be taken separately.

Vitamins Materna

The drug contains 10 vitamins (all groups B, as well as E, A and C) and iodine, necessary for a pregnant woman. Materna contains folic acid and iodine in the required daily dosage, so they do not need to be taken additionally. But iron preparations when using Materna, a pregnant woman will have to be taken separately.

Minisan Multivitamin Mom

A complex of 11 vitamins and 6 minerals, contains the right dose of folic acid, iron and iodine. Additional intake of other drugs is not required. A nice bonus is the good magnesium content and the favorable price.

The best prenatal vitamins

In medical science and practice, in principle, the concept of “best” is not used, since in each specific situation, even for the same person, different drugs of a certain pharmacological group can become the best and most effective. Usually, the best drug in a particular situation is considered and is called optimal. Therefore, in medicine there is a concept not of the best, but of the optimal drug. Moreover, in each case, even for the same person, the optimal drug may be different, and it will be the best one in this particular situation. The same goes for prenatal vitamins.

This means that it is impossible to single out 1, 2 or 3 best vitamin complexes for all pregnant women, since different preparations will be optimal for each woman. And it is the optimal vitamin preparation in this particular case that will be the best for this pregnant woman. Moreover, in the first pregnancy, one vitamin preparation may be the best for a woman, in the second - another, in the third - again the first or even the third.

Vitamins for pregnant women - reviews

At present, the overall tone of reviews of various prenatal vitamins is positive. That is, women note the positive effect of vitamins on their condition, on the basis of which they conclude that these drugs are undoubtedly beneficial. However, reviews about each specific vitamin preparation vary.

So, the greatest number of positive reviews is available for the drugs Pregnacare, Elevit, Vitrum and Materna. However, each woman will have to select the drug individually, based on her own well-being and the tolerance of a particular vitamin complex. So, women note that Vitrum, Elevit and Materna can cause nausea and poor health, which completely disappear after their cancellation.

Alphabet and Femibion ​​have slightly more negative reviews, which is associated with the peculiarities of the application and the pharmacological characteristics of the drugs. So, Femibion ​​is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement (BAA), to which many women are distrustful, believing that they undergo insufficient control before they hit the shelves of pharmacies. As soon as women find out that Femibion ​​is a dietary supplement, they immediately begin to treat the vitamin negatively, even if they have taken it up to this point and were quite pleased with the result. As you can see, in the case of Femibion, negative reviews are not due to the properties of the drug itself, but to its belonging to a certain group.

Women do not like the alphabet, because it often causes nausea, and also because in one package there are tablets with various vitamins and minerals that cannot be mixed and must be taken in turn. According to women, this arrangement of the drug is confusing.

  • Vitamin D - biological functions, consumption rate, symptoms of deficiency and excess. Instructions for the use of vitamin D
  • Vitamin E - biological role, deficiency symptoms, content in foods. Instructions for use of vitamin E
  • To find out which vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st and other trimesters are the most necessary, the best, you can rely on reviews, but you should take it only after consulting a doctor. In the article we will consider popular useful options.

    What is the difference

    The standard complex contains the norm, which is needed by one adult, and elements are added to the preparations for women in position, taking into account the needs of the baby. Most often, girls have a lack of calcium, so it is included in all pharmaceutical preparations. The dosages of E and B9 have also been increased.

    The special composition of medicines is designed to powerfully support the body with valuable substances. These measures are important in case of weakness, lack of basic elements, a number of chronic diseases. The course is calculated individually, taking into account the general condition and the results of the examination.

    How Pregnancy Affects Vitamin Needs

    The formation of the fetus requires a large amount of building materials that are taken from the mother's body. Therefore, the need for a number of additional components increases dramatically. They are difficult to obtain from food, especially if the deficiency level is already approaching a critical point. A new algorithm of the body's work is added, in which the consumption of calcium, magnesium, and some macro- and microelements almost doubles.

    An unfavorable condition is determined by a blood test and requires correction under the strict supervision of a doctor. He develops recommendations and prescribes which vitamins for pregnant women to drink in a particular situation.

    Why taking funds may be contraindicated

    This happens in two cases:

    1. Severe allergy to the components of the drug.
    2. An excess of a certain substance in the body.

    Waiting for a baby triggers a mechanism for changing chemical processes, which leads to an imbalance, so there is a lack or excess of certain elements.

    Top components for expectant mothers

    Each trimester is characterized by its own changes, which require their own set of components that guarantee the well-being of a woman and the benefits for a growing baby. Dosages change, but the main list remains standard.

    Folic acid

    Facilitates the process of fertilization of the egg, affects the formation of the placenta, reduces the risk of miscarriage. Too high content leads to the opposite result.

    Group B

    This is a whole complex, where each component is important and enhances the action of others. Elements stimulate metabolic processes, help to assimilate the nutrients necessary for the formation of all systems of the baby's body.

    E (tocopherol)

    A powerful antioxidant that maintains strength, allows you to get the missing energy, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles and at the same time prevents the threat of losing a child.

    D3 (cholecalciferol)

    It is synthesized only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is partially contained in food. Deficiency is common, and in this case, the element must be prescribed in the dosage form.

    A (retinol, beta-carotene)

    Its action is to regulate the metabolism and the formation of the cardiovascular system of the child. Deficiency leads to fetal anemia, malnutrition and development. The component is part of the basic complexes, replenishing the daily rate. When taking several drugs at the same time, it is necessary to clarify the dosage.

    The most necessary trace elements for pregnant women

    Many women experience a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, convulsions, dizziness in the first trimester. Symptoms indicate a lack of micro and macro elements that the body requires during this difficult period.


    Needed for the normal synthesis of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The deficiency contributes to underdevelopment, low weight of the newborn, complications during childbirth.


    The action is to prevent miscarriage, maintain immunity, form the embryo, stimulate the synthesis of nucleic acids. Lack weakens labor activity, increases the risk of fetal malformations.


    Needed to maintain hemoglobin levels. Excess leads to headaches, disruption of the digestive system. Included in most vitamin complexes recommended for expectant mothers.


    Included in the structure of teeth, bone tissue, is involved in the formation of the nervous system of the child. During pregnancy, it is very quickly washed out of the body and requires constant renewal. Included in the list of mandatory substances.


    It is found in vegetables and fruits of red and orange colors. Participates in the formation of the brain, retina. Needed by women in position (especially after 30 years). The natural concentration is low, so additional sources are required.


    Useful for mother and child, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the intensity of edema and stops the manifestations of allergies.

    Overview of the necessary and useful pharmacy vitamins for pregnant women: how to choose

    Taking drugs, imitating the general opinion, is dangerous to health. Therefore, the deficiency of substances is first determined, the presence or absence of allergic reactions to the components is clarified, medicines from different manufacturers are considered and compared. After that, you need to consult a doctor, where you can offer your options for consideration and jointly choose the best one.

    It is necessary to distinguish between medicines and dietary supplements. In the first case, full-fledged clinical trials were carried out during the manufacture and a special certificate was issued for the pharmaceutical product, in the second case, commodity compliance was passed, as for food products. Therefore, there is a possibility that the dietary supplement does not contain the required amount of important components or the dosage is violated in it.

    Which company to choose

    Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs. Sometimes you can find several analogues that differ only in the country of origin.


    The company produces vitamins for pregnant women, whose names are well known. This is a series of "Complivit", "Alphabet". They have a balanced composition, perfectly compensate for the lack of substances, are perfectly absorbed.

    "The healing gift of Altai"

    The brand's products are not intended during pregnancy, but will help make up for the lack of valuable substances after the period of feeding the baby. Bioactive complexes normalize metabolic processes, strengthen immunity, improve the condition of hair, nails, skin.

    Bayer HealthCare

    The German pharmaceutical firm specializes in over-the-counter drugs. Conducts research aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of funds. It has been on the market for a long time, for several decades it has proven itself well with most buyers. Representative offices operate in many countries, including Russia.

    Merck KGaA

    The oldest company in the world, founded in the 17th century in Darmstadt. The assortment is constantly updated, it is one of the five leaders in the production of dietary supplements. New drugs and vaccines are being developed.


    It has been supplying vitamin and mineral complexes and biological supplements since 1922. Located in the USA, it occupies a high position in terms of quality and popularity.

    Rating of the most effective best prenatal vitamins

    The criteria for compiling the list are based on the opinion of consumers, objective factors, laboratory tests that confirm or refute the information declared by the manufacturer. For buyers, the most important are:

    • compound;
    • efficiency;
    • value for money;
    • availability for sale;
    • limitations and side effects.

    According to these parameters, in the top three: "Elevit Pronatal", "Alphabet - Mom's Health", "Vitrum Prenatal Forte".

    Best for 1st trimester

    Up to 12 weeks, the active formation of the foundations of a new organism takes place, the circulatory, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, intestines, and main sections of the brain are laid. The lack of certain substances during this period provokes the development of pathologies. They are required in increased doses, as they are necessary for mother and child equally.

    Good vitamin complexes for pregnant women in the early stages: Femibion ​​Natalcare I, Elevit Pronatal, Tocopheropax.

    Best for 2nd and 3rd trimesters

    The rapid development of bone tissue, weight gain, the formation of the muscular system, small vessels, the complication of the brain lobes characterize the development of the fetus, starting from the 13th week. The lack of components seriously affects the health of a woman, which is expressed in the development of anemia, beriberi, metabolic disorders. In acute deficiency, late toxicosis, severe edema, malfunctions of the liver and kidneys, and accelerated weight gain are manifested.

    Top 10

    The list includes domestic and foreign drugs that have proven their effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.


    The additive is produced by MERCK. Contains 9 basic trace elements, including iodine.

    "Elevit Pronatal"

    The complex composition is suitable for any period from the moment of conception to childbirth. Produced in Russia by Bayer JSC. The domestic pharmaceutical product is of high quality and is manufactured taking into account the needs of the woman's body in our country.


    The drug is in the top 10 best vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester: reviews confirm the effectiveness and safety for the fetus.

    "Vitrum Prenatal Forte"

    Made in USA. Contains a complete list of required items. It is used for prophylactic purposes with the threat of underdevelopment of the placenta, the occurrence of toxicosis in all trimesters, increases immunity.

    "Alphabet - Mom's Health"

    Domestic remedy from VneshTorgPharma with excellent characteristics and high efficiency. The composition is dominated by natural ingredients in an easily digestible form. It is always on sale, you can buy it without a prescription.


    Recommended in the 3rd trimester. Produced in the form of capsules with pasty contents. The manufacturer claims no side effects. The combined multivitamin preparation contains the daily norm of elements. Can be used while breastfeeding.

    "Multi-tabs Perinatal"

    The composition contains amino acids, antioxidants. The company's Danish pharmaceutical is recommended after 20 weeks and during breastfeeding. Prevents weakening of hair and thinning of tooth enamel.

    "Complivit Mama"

    When creating, the peculiarities of the climate and diet in our country were taken into account, the dosages of individual components were adjusted taking into account the change of seasons and the physiological characteristics of the inhabitants of Russia.

    Advantages disadvantages
    ✔Good compatibility. ✔ There are contraindications.
    ✔Domestic production.


    The tool is made in the UK. Contains the elements necessary for the expectant mother in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.


    The German drug has a preventive effect, prevents the occurrence of a deficiency of elements. Well tolerated in toxicosis. Not considered a medicine.

    Other useful vitamin complexes

    The action of some pharmaceuticals may have contraindications or not provide the desired result, since each organism is individual. Therefore, before taking any means, you need to consult a doctor who can prescribe products that are not included in the top 10, but are most suitable in a particular case.

    "Complivit Trimestrum"

    Refers to food additives. 3 complexes have been developed in accordance with the needs in each trimester. It is convenient in that you do not have to change the drug if it works well and does not cause side effects. The Russian remedy is adapted to the conditions of our country, contains about 75% of the daily requirement of vitamins. This measure was taken to prevent hypervitaminosis.


    Carefully removes the symptoms of toxicosis, increases immunity, the ability to regenerate, resistance to infectious diseases. Refers to dietary supplements.


    The Russian complex of the company "Argo" refers to the multicomponent, includes all the important micro and macro elements, is easily digested, does not require strict adherence to the time of admission. The tablets are a convenient size for swallowing. Two types have been developed with an additional component: iron or calcium.

    What vitamins are best during pregnancy

    Only a doctor can accurately determine the most suitable complex based on the examination and taking into account the period. The main criterion is well-being. It is important to immediately respond to changes in the state of the body when taking drugs and immediately seek advice. Requirements for the selection of a vitamin complex:

    • the presence of the necessary components;
    • adjusted dosage;
    • no side effects.

    It is better to choose large, time-tested manufacturers that have the appropriate certificates for each drug. It is important to ask about domestic analogues. They are often not inferior in quality at all, but are cheaper and are almost always available in pharmacies.

    Is it possible to do without receiving funds

    Of course, all the required substances can be obtained with proper nutrition. The exception is an acute deficiency of a certain element or a heavy workload of the expectant mother, which does not allow you to correctly build a diet. In the summer, with an abundance of greens, vegetables and fruits, this is quite feasible.

    If, nevertheless, there is a need for an additional source, then in the 3rd trimester it is better to think about which vitamins for pregnant women are also suitable for breastfeeding. This will help keep the mother healthy and provide the baby with the optimal composition of milk. And others

    During pregnancy, the female body is forced to supply both itself and the embryo developing in the womb with useful elements. To maintain health and normalize the functioning of body structures during the difficult months of gestation, women are shown to take pharmacy vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women. It is extremely important to fully eat and enrich the bodywhen the construction of embryonic organs and systems takes place. Many women in the first months of gestation suffer from toxicosis, often experience vomiting, due to which they do not receive useful substances from food. As a result, a deficiency of many vitamins and minerals develops, leading to miscarriage.

    Is it necessary to take pharmacy vitamins during pregnancy?

    Medical experts disagree on whether or not patients need to drink vitamin preparations during pregnancy. Usually gynecologists recommend to patients not complex preparations, but specific vitamins and mineral elements that are deficient in the pregnant body. And vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed in special cases when the patient cannot provide herself with a complete diet, leads an unhealthy lifestyle, has bad habits, as a result of which she is faced with hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency.

    But young mothers should remember that a vitamin excess is just as harmful as a deficiency. Therefore, do not take multivitamins without consulting your doctor.

    Pharmacy vitamins are prescribed for women:

    • unable to provide themselves with adequate nutrition;
    • previous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy;
    • who gave birth to a disabled child;
    • over 30 years old;
    • with hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency.

    Only a gynecologist deals with the appointment of vitamin and mineral preparations. Usually vitamin complexes are recommended in winter. In the summer months, when you can buy inexpensive fruits, vegetables and berries, it is not necessary for pregnant women to drink synthetic vitamins.

    What vitamins are important in the 1st trimester?

    Immediately after conception, the need for nutrients for the female body increases significantly. But many gynecologists do not prescribe pharmaceutical preparations to patients in the first trimester, they believe that adequate nutrition and a calm lifestyle are enough. It is better to drink vitamin complexes after the 12th week of gestation, when the female body is already depleted of nutrients, and the growing embryo requires more and more nutrition.

    The first trimester is the time when the female body must be adequately supplied with folic acid, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and iodine. These substances have the following positive effects on the maternal and fetal organisms:

    • folic acid (B 9) prevents anomalies in the development of the nervous system and other serious malformations in the embryo;
    • retinol (A) ensures the full formation of nerve fibers; without vitamin A, the formation of visual organs and skeletal tissues is impossible;
    • tocopherol (E) prevents miscarriages, participates in the formation of placental tissues;
    • ascorbic acid (C) strengthens the mother's immune system, helps the mother's body resist infectious agents, thereby reducing the likelihood of miscarriage;
    • iodine is necessary for the full formation of nervous structures and endocrine glands.

    What vitamins are important in the 2nd trimester?

    From the 12th week, the embryo begins to actively develop, the most important organs and systems for life are being built. In order for the organismal structures of the baby to form correctly, during the 2nd trimester, iron, iodine, and calcium cannot be dispensed with.

    1. Iron. Reduces the risk of anemia, which is a common problem in pregnant women. The microelement is included in the structure of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen with blood through the mother's body and supplies it to the child.
    2. Iodine. It is necessary both in the early stages and in the middle months of gestation. Significant for the construction of skeletal tissues of the embryo. With iodine deficiency, the mother's metabolism is disturbed, obesity appears, and the child has problems with mental development after birth.
    3. Calcium. Participates in the construction of bone tissue, the renal system and the endocrine glands of the unborn child.

    What vitamins are important in the 3rd trimester?

    The last months of gestation are the most difficult for the mother. The child in the womb moves and pushes, a round belly causes discomfort, prevents you from moving around during the day and sleeping in a comfortable position at night. An actively developing fetus needs useful compounds in sufficient quantities, especially ascorbic acid, calciferol and magnesium.

    1. Ascorbic acid (C). Ensures the proper functioning of the immune system, weakened during pregnancy. It is especially important to take vitamin C for women whose last months of gestation fall during the period of seasonal viral diseases.
    2. Calciferol (D). Prevents rickets in a child, ensures the correct construction of skeletal tissues. You can get a vitamin not only from food, the substance is synthesized in the skin under the influence of solar radiation. Therefore, if the third trimester takes place in the summer, then it is recommended for a young mother to take walks on sunny days, but not at noon, but in the evening or in the morning, when the sun's rays do not harm the skin.
    3. Magnesium. This macronutrient prevents premature onset of childbirth.

    List of vitamin preparations for pregnant women

    Today, pharmacies sell a large number of vitamin and mineral preparations for young mothers. It can be difficult for pregnant women to choose the optimally suitable remedy from the complexes offered by pharmacists.

    To facilitate the choice, the table below provides a list of the names and prices of the most popular and high-quality drugs, divided by trimesters.

    drug name


    average cost, rubles


    Ladys Formula Prenatal Optima

    second trimester

    Vitrum Prenatal




    Solgar Prenatal Nutrients

    Bellybar Prenatal Chewable Vitamins

    third trimester

    Complivit Trimestrum 3

    Multi-tabs Perinatal

    United Kingdom

    United Kingdom

    Pharmaton Matruel


    The above drugs, according to medical experts, are the best and safest pharmaceutical sources of useful elements for expectant mothers. But each complex contains an individual amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, before using a particular drug, you should consult with your doctor.

    The best vitamin complexes for the first trimester

    From the first weeks of bearing a child, the mother's body needs a certain amount of useful substances, especially trace elements. Useful elements strengthen the immune system, help the female body prepare for upcoming changes, and prevent the risk of spontaneous abortion. Vitamin complexes for the 1st trimester are produced in such a way as to positively influence the formation of the placenta and the formation of embryonic tissues.

    Below are the names and descriptions of the best vitamin preparations for women going through the first trimester.

    1. Elevit Pronatal. This drug is most often prescribed to patients in the 1st trimester. The great advantage of German capsules is the high content of folic acid (0.8 mg). Also included in the optimal amount of retinol, tocopherol, compounds B 3 and B 5 , biotin, iron, zinc and other trace elements. One capsule should be taken per day. The drug ensures the correct formation of the embryo in the womb, reduces the risk of miscarriage. The only negative is that the capsules are expensive.
    2. Femibion ​​1. This drug is deservedly in second place in the ranking. The component composition is designed to bring maximum benefit to the mother's body up to 12 weeks of gestation. The complex with iodine and nine vitamins ensures the correct formation of embryonic structures, weakens the manifestations of toxicosis, and improves the well-being of a woman. An important component is metafolin, an easily digestible analogue of folic acid. 1 tablet is taken per day. According to numerous advice from gynecologists, patients buy exactly the Austrian drug.
    3. Compliment Mom. The usual budget vitamins of domestic production, suitable for both pregnant women from the first months of gestation, and breastfeeding mothers. Especially recommended for patients with increased thyroid function. Tablets are made with the content of all substances important for the body in the 1st trimester, but without iodine. The optimal concentration in the tablets are ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol, vitamin B 9 , calcium, zinc. Vitamins are small, so they are easy to swallow. The disadvantages of the drug are the lack of iodine and side effects: allergic reactions, diarrhea, aggravation of toxicosis.
    4. Ladys Formula Prenatal Optima. High-quality American vitamins recommended during the period of preparation for conception and in the first months of gestation. The drug is characterized by a well-chosen composition, including iodine. But it does not contain calcium. Active components not only tone the mother's body, normalize the emotional state, but also positively affect the condition of the skin, the structure of the hair and nail plates. Minus - the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

    The best vitamin complexes for the second trimester

    In the second trimester, there is an active formation of the vital organismal structures of the unborn child. The embryo develops muscle fibers, bone tissues, and many internal systems. During this period, young mothers need to take vitamin preparations for the proper development of placental and fetal tissues, to improve their own well-being.

    Listed below are the highest quality and most popular pharmacy complexes.

    1. Vitrum Prenatal. This complex of vitamins is designed to compensate for the lack of beneficial compounds during pregnancy. The drug is universal, suitable for taking during the entire period of gestation, but most often prescribed in the second trimester. This is due to the fact that the composition contains iodine, magnesium and iron - substances that you should definitely drink before 27-29 weeks. Folic acid, biotin, calcium, manganese and other useful elements enhance the protective abilities of the mother's body, normalize the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, and ensure the full formation of embryonic organs and systems. 1 capsule is indicated per day. The downside is that the capsules have a specific smell, so they can provoke nausea.
    2. Femibion ​​2. This Austrian vitamin preparation is very popular, it is constantly included in the list of doctors' recommendations for patients experiencing the 2nd trimester. The complex is sold in capsules, contains an ideal set of useful components for this stage of pregnancy. The composition contains iodine, metafolin, group B compounds. All substances are collected taking into account the optimal daily dose necessary for the well-being of the mother and the proper development of the embryo. You can take the drug in the second and third trimesters. The capsules are quite expensive, and this is their only drawback.
    3. Pregnavit. Good German vitamins with folic acid, tocopherol, retinol, iron, vitamin C. Iron and folic acid are in optimal concentration, preventing the development of anemia. Iodine is absent. Cons - the presence of synthetic additives, the possibility of developing allergies, excessive gas formation and other side effects.
    4. Centrum Materna. A high-quality complex, in which useful elements are ideally arranged, contains iodine. The active ingredients are not only beneficial for the child, but also improve the condition of the mother's hair, skin and nail plates. Minus - high cost.
    5. Solgar Prenatal Nutrients. An American complex that perfectly combines quality and price. The composition contains all the necessary natural components in the optimal concentration. According to the instructions, 4 tablets are taken per day. Cons - large, hard to swallow tablets, high cost.
    6. Bellybar Prenatal Chewable Vitamins. American chewable vitamins recommended for women who cannot swallow tablets due to the gag reflex. The composition contains folic acid and beta-carotene in the optimal amount, but there is no iodine and some other trace elements.
    7. Lonopan. Russian vitamins, including vitamins, minerals, plant extracts. In the morning you should drink 2 green tablets with iron and iodine, in the evening - 4 white tablets with calcium. The dragee has a pleasant taste. Minus - one package is designed for only 2 weeks of admission.

    The best vitamin complexes for the third trimester

    In the third trimester, you should start taking drugs that normalize the physical and emotional state of the mother, preparing the body for the upcoming birth.

    Listed below are good vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, suitable for the 3rd trimester.

    1. Alphabet Mom's health. A tablet preparation that helps to more easily endure the last months of gestation. Inexpensive tablets are made taking into account the compatibility of active substances. The white tablet is based on calcium and vitamin D, the yellow one is based on antioxidants, with selenium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals, and the orange one is based on vitamin B 9 , iron and organic acids.
    2. Complivit Trimestrum 3. Cheap domestic vitamins, characterized by a balanced composition. The drug, which has a rich mineral set, improves the physical condition of the mother in the last months of gestation, relieves swelling, and reduces pain in the joints. 1 tablet is shown per day. The tablets have a sweetish taste.
    3. Multi-tabs Perinatal. A good vitamin complex, suitable for both pregnant and breastfeeding women. The concentration of ascorbic acid, iron, magnesium is low, and iodine is absent. The course is designed for 2 months. The drug can give side effects in the form of an allergic skin rash, disruption of the digestive tract, aggravation of toxicosis.
    4. Emfetal. A good tablet complex that includes all the important components. The tablets are small and easy to swallow. The course is designed for a month. Reception of tablets is carried out 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Side effects include allergies and nausea.
    5. Pregnacare. An English preparation for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. As part of 11 vitamins, 5 mineral elements, optimally selected for the woman's body in the last months of gestation and after childbirth. The composition does not include calcium, as it does not allow iron to be absorbed. Therefore, calcium supplements should be taken separately at other times of the day. Side effects are nausea and an allergic reaction.
    6. Pharmaton Matruel. The preparation includes 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, omega-3 fatty acids. The components are optimally matched for women preparing for motherhood or already breastfeeding. The capsules have a chocolate flavor. 1 capsule is indicated per day.
    7. Falvit Mom. Polish vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. The composition contains all the substances that help a woman to withstand the last months of gestation without complications. An additional component is cranberry extract. 1 tablet is shown per day.

    The norm of vitamins for pregnant women

    The daily intake of vitamins by a pregnant woman should remain within the normal range. The optimal dosage per day is:

    • retinol (A) - 0.8 mg;
    • tocopherol (E) - 10 mg;
    • calciferol (D) - 0.01 mg;
    • ascorbic acid (C) - 70 mg;
    • thiamine (B 1) - 1.5 mg;
    • riboflavin (B 2) - 1.6 mg;
    • pyridoxine (B 6) - 2.2 mg;
    • folic acid (B 9) - 0.4 mg.

    All vitamins can be consumed both from food and from pharmaceutical preparations. But folic acid during pregnancy must be taken in tablets, even if the diet is complete.