Planned pregnancy what tests to take. What to check before pregnancy

A visit to the gynecologist is where to start. After a gynecological examination, a survey, the doctor determines the scope of diagnostic measures for the couple. In Moscow, you can consult a gynecologist, undergo an examination, get a referral and pass the necessary tests at the AltraVita Reproductive Medical Center. It has its own laboratory, diagnostic equipment, so the results will be ready in just 1-3 days.

When taking anamnesis, the doctor will be interested in:

  • Genetic diseases that may have been in the family.
  • Did the woman have viral hepatitis?
  • Does the couple have venereal diseases, tuberculosis, other dangerous infections?
  • Are there any patients with endocrine pathologies in the family?
  • The duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • Whether the woman gave birth before, there were miscarriages, abortions.
  • What diseases were transferred in childhood by future parents.
  • What chronic pathologies are there, whether the future mother and / or father are constantly taking medications.

Detailed answers will help to get an idea of ​​the pathologies that can interfere with conception, normal gestation. As well as appoint mandatory tests and additional studies.

When is the best time to get diagnosed?

A period of 2-3 months before planning a pregnancy is a sufficient period to take tests, find out about the state of health, and, if necessary, undergo diagnostics and treatment. During this period, the drugs will be removed from the body, and the reproductive organs will be restored, ready for conception. After passing all the diagnostic examinations, you can proceed directly to planning.

It is better to visit a gynecologist in the first few days after menstruation, the exceptions are bleeding, severe pain. The day before the visit, sexual contact should be excluded, since the seminal fluid remaining in the vagina after sexual intercourse will interfere with obtaining a reliable test result. If a woman is undergoing antibacterial or antifungal therapy, then it is better to postpone a visit to the gynecologist for a week or two after the end of the medication.

Antibiotics change the vaginal microflora, can distort the results of the tests. On the day of admission, you do not need to use intimate deodorizing products. Gynecological examination should take place with an empty bladder, intestines.

Tests in preparation for pregnancy

In preparation for conception, it is necessary to be examined, and the health of the child depends not only on the woman, but also on the spouse. Therefore, the couple should come to the consultation, check the tests before pregnancy together. At the appointment, the specialist will examine the woman, take swabs, give directions for general laboratory tests, blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, ultrasound. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to eliminate the internal foci of infections, so the woman is sent for in-depth diagnostics.

List of mandatory tests in preparation for women:

  • Smears from the vagina, cervical canal to determine the degree of purity, cytology; colposcopy (if a woman has previously been cauterized with cervical erosion or there were ruptures of the cervix).
  • A blood test is taken for glucose, HIV, syphilis, blood type, Rh, hepatitis, and a general blood test is also performed.
  • PCR study for latent sexual infections.
  • Blood test for TORCH infection (rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis).
  • Ultrasound examination of the small pelvis.
  • Examination of the mammary glands.

External examination of the external genital organs reveals rashes, varicose veins, pigmentation of individual sections of the mucosa. Examination of the anus is carried out to detect hemorrhoids, cracks, since these diseases become aggravated during pregnancy.

Mirror gynecological examination and colposcopy allow you to assess the condition of the cervix, identify inflammation of the cervical canal, erosion, polypous formations, endometriosis. Colposcopy may also suggest cervical cancer. Any of these pathologies can interfere with natural conception.

Smears for analysis are taken from the cervical and urethra. Microscopic examination of the biomaterial can reveal leukocytosis, indicating an inflammatory process, fungal and / or bacterial infection. Inflammation can be hidden without manifestations, but during pregnancy there is a hormonal restructuring, a decrease in immunity, which provokes the activation of infectious agents. Therefore, all infections must be cured before conception.

A smear is also taken from the cervical canal for analysis for atypical cells (oncocytology). Cytological analysis makes it possible to detect an oncological disease, which in the early stages may be asymptomatic. But if a woman with oncopathology of the genital organs manages to become pregnant, then the oncoprocess is activated, aggravated.

Analysis for TORCH infections is a mandatory minimum, since any of these infections can be deadly to the fetus or lead to its abnormal development. If a woman does not have any infectious diseases, then during pregnancy it is necessary to be careful not to allow infection. The same applies to sexual infections, then the tests are given by both partners.
If an expectant mother had rubella in childhood, then she has lifelong immunity to it. In other cases, a woman may be offered a rubella vaccine, after which at least three months must pass before the intended conception.

Women who have pets should be careful in dealing with them, since animals can be infected with another most dangerous infection - toxoplasmosis. According to statistics, 15% of women have been ill with this disease, for the remaining 75% this virus is potentially dangerous. Therefore, before planning pregnancy, during the gestation period, communication with pets should be limited, and meat should be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted through the air. If, in preparation for pregnancy, a high level of the virus is detected during the analysis, then antiviral therapy is prescribed. If the result is negative, preventive measures must be taken.

Expert opinion

The herpes virus is dangerous in the development of the embryo. It circulates in the body constantly, its carriers are 90% of the population. An analysis for herpes before planning allows you to assess the potential risk of primary infection. During life, the virus may not manifest itself in any way, but in pregnant women it can become more active, become opportunistic pathogenic. Then the virus can cause malformations in the fetus. Previously ill women have antibodies to the herpes virus. If during the gestation period herpes worsens, then treatment and screening of the fetus should be carried out.

Future parents need to be tested for blood group and Rh factor. Rh conflict that occurs in women with a negative Rh, if the child inherits a positive from the father, which leads to fetal pathologies (hemolytic jaundice, stillbirth). This risk is minimal during the first pregnancy and increases with subsequent ones. There are cases of conflict not only on the Rh factor, but also on the blood group.

Transvaginal ultrasound examination before planning is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. It helps to exclude pathologies that prevent natural conception or gestation. Ultrasound reveals uterine fibroids, inflammation, cysts, polyps, tumors. Pathological education must be removed to ensure the normal course of pregnancy.
According to the indications, an analysis is carried out to study the hormonal background, the determination of the work of the blood coagulation system, a genetic examination with a consultation of a geneticist.

Violation of the cycle, excess body weight, endocrine chronic diseases, infertility during the year with regular sex without contraception require a hormone test.

Usually this is an analysis for:

  • Luteinizing hormone that affects ovulation.
  • Follicle-stimulating - causes the growth, maturation of follicles.
  • Prolactin - affects ovulation.
  • Testosterone - increased concentrations in the analysis in women can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Estradiol - responsible for the development of the genital organs.
  • DHEA sulfate - affects ovarian function.
  • Thyroid hormones.

Calculate dates suitable for testing

And have time to sign up for the first free reception of a reproductologist before 03/15/20

Select gynecological ultrasound Progesterone FSH LH Testosterone Estradiol Prolactin T4 TSH Hysterosalpingography (HSG) EchoHSG Breast ultrasound Plain smear Smear for latent infections Uterine culture

Deciphering the results

Gynecological examination, analysis of a smear on the flora make it possible to diagnose inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. A cytology smear is necessary to exclude malignant tumors of the cervix.

A blood test for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis is required. These infections are very often asymptomatic, causing irreparable harm to the health of the child. If studies reveal diseases, abnormalities, the couple will be prescribed treatment. If the results of the tests in preparation for planning pregnancy are normal, the doctor gives permission for conception. Spouses need to eat a balanced diet, follow a lifestyle, take folic acid. A woman should not take any medication 2-3 months before conception without a doctor's prescription, drink alcohol, smoke. You should refuse to visit saunas, baths.


  • Askhabova JI.M., Makhmudova G.A. Reproductive health and family planning issues. Makhachkala. – 2003.
  • Radzinsky V.E., Pustotina O.A. Family planning in the 21st century. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2015.
  • Influence of pregravid preparation on the course and outcome of pregnancy in herpetic infection / V.L. Tyutyunnik, T.A. Fedorova, Z.S. Zaidieva, S.A. Alieva//Probl. reproductions. 2005. No. 5.
  • Radzinsky V.E. obstetric aggression. M.: Publishing House of Status Praesens, 2011.

What tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy and how many of them? For some reason, women who have not yet given birth are sure that this medical examination will take a lot of time, and therefore they neglect to visit the doctor in advance, before conception. But not everything is so scary.

There are a number of mandatory tests and additional ones. Additional can be prescribed to women with various chronic diseases and with poor test results. Consider those basic tests when planning pregnancy and examinations that you will have to go through.

Gynecological swabs

At the first visit to the gynecologist, you will have an examination. The doctor will assess whether the genital organs are properly developed, whether there are any obvious pathologies of the cervix, what is the size of the ovaries and uterus, and will also take swabs for flora and cytology. According to their results, it will be seen whether there are infectious pathogens in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervical canal, and such common opportunistic pathogens as Candida fungi and gardnerella bacteria. A cytological smear or pap test allows you to find out about the presence of atypical cells in the cervical region (they are not always found in the area of ​​​​ectopia - “erosion”, contrary to popular belief). Regular delivery of this smear helps to diagnose a precancerous condition in time. And timely treatment allows a woman to live a long life with preserved internal genital organs. During pregnancy, immunity drops, precancer can turn into cancer, so the tests when planning a pregnancy necessarily include a pap test.

In addition, you should take a smear for hidden infections: ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia. Many women have them, but not everyone knows about it, since the infections are hidden, asymptomatic. Symptoms may appear only a few years after infection in the form of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, infertility, etc. Untreated infections are dangerous for pregnant women. Since they can provoke premature maturation of the placenta, deterioration of its functionality, miscarriage, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, premature birth, mental retardation in a child and other dangerous complications. A smear for latent infections is taken after menstruation, outside the inflammatory process. You should not take it with a relapse of candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis.

Blood analysis

A general blood test and a blood test for sugar on an empty stomach are required.

In addition, an analysis for infections is given. And first of all to:

RW - syphilis (there may be a false positive reaction in pregnant women, with cancer, diabetes, hepatitis and some other diseases and conditions);

HbSAg - hepatitis B;

HCV - hepatitis C.

Also recommended take a blood test for rubella- this is a very dangerous infection, which is carried mainly in childhood, after which lifelong immunity is formed. If a woman has not previously had rubella, and even more so if she works with young children, rubella vaccination may be recommended. But in this case, pregnancy planning will have to be postponed.

Should donate blood for toxoplasmosis. This is a dangerous infection, the carriers of which are animals. Transmission of an infectious agent occurs through the use of raw or undercooked meat, through contact with excrement, and simply through contact with animals, especially with homeless people.

Cytomegalovirus- another disease that can lead to the death of a child in utero or shortly after birth. Its presence is also determined by a blood test. It is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, sexual contact, and blood transfusion.

Genital herpes. Infection with them is very dangerous during pregnancy. If the antibody titer is very high, primary infection is diagnosed. And this means that it is impossible to plan a pregnancy yet. And it is quite possible - you will need treatment with antiviral drugs.

In addition to the presence / absence of infections, it is important for the doctor to know your and your spouse's blood type, as well as the Rh factor. This information must be subsequently entered into the dispensary card of a pregnant woman. If the spouses have different Rh factors, and especially if the woman has a negative Rh factor and the man has a positive Rh factor, an Rh conflict can occur. And its likelihood increases with the number of pregnancies. Doctors do not recommend that women with a negative Rh factor have abortions for this reason.

And a blood test for hormones, contrary to popular belief, is not at all necessary if a woman does not have infertility. If pregnancy does not occur for more than a year of unprotected intercourse, the doctor may recommend a blood test for prolactin and FSH. With increased prolactin, the possibility of ovulation is blocked, and a high level of FSH may indicate the imminent onset of menopause and a decrease in ovarian reserve.

Analysis of urine

This analysis will have to be taken many more times during pregnancy. Therefore, get ready and remember all the rules for collecting urine, in order to avoid hassle due to erroneous results.

It is necessary to hand over morning urine, and preferably within 2 hours after collection. Collect urine should be outside of menstrual bleeding. Wash before the procedure. It is desirable to close the vagina with a hygienic tampon. Urine should be collected in clean glassware, and preferably in a disposable container (sold in a pharmacy). Average urine is always collected (regardless of whether you give a general urine test or according to Nechiporenko).

Urinalysis will help identify acute and chronic diseases of the genitourinary tract, which can have a very detrimental effect on the health, first of all, of the mother during pregnancy.

Ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound must be performed in preparation for pregnancy. With it you can:

  • find out the state of the ovaries, see follicles in them, including the dominant one;
  • see the state of the endometrium (if the study is carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle, is it ready to accept a fertilized egg, is the thickness sufficient);
  • to suggest by some signs whether ovulation has occurred or is expected in this cycle.

During the examination, malformations of the uterus can be detected, which can interfere with the onset of pregnancy and even threaten the life of a woman. Often, such an examination reveals benign neoplasms, especially in women over 30 years old. We are talking about fibroids, which can not manifest themselves for a long time. But during pregnancy they become one of the causes of the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. In addition, these neoplasms have the peculiarity of growing very quickly during childbearing, which, with an initially large tumor size, can be dangerous. In some cases, doctors recommend removing neoplasms before conception, then wait 1-2 years and plan pregnancy again.

Other examinations for a woman

In addition to the above tests and examinations, others may be needed.
Fluorography. Every adult should have it once a year. Pregnant women cannot undergo fluorography. Therefore, if more than a year has passed since the previous X-ray examination of the lungs, be examined. Thus, not only tuberculosis is detected, but also benign and malignant neoplasms.

In addition to the gynecologist, most likely, you will need to visit other specialists. A visit to the therapist is unavoidable for most chronic diseases. Pay attention to any ailments. Even a prolonged runny nose can be a threat to a child's life - visit the ENT. If you have problems with your kidneys, bladder - do not forget to go to an appointment with a urologist. If you are underweight or overweight, have problems with metabolism, etc., you need to visit an endocrinologist.

If there are cases of severe hereditary diseases in your family, or if you or your close relatives have had children with genetic abnormalities, it will not be superfluous to consult a geneticist.

What does the partner offer

The doctor should find out what tests a man needs to take when planning a pregnancy and take referrals for them.


  • fluorography (if the deadline has come);
  • blood test for RW;
  • blood group and Rh factor.

In addition, you may need a spermogram (if male factor infertility is suspected), an analysis for sexually transmitted infections, blood for HIV, and other tests and examinations at the discretion of the attending physician, in accordance with the anamnesis.

These are the tests that should be taken when planning a pregnancy for future parents. Do not be lazy, because the health of your baby depends on it.

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in life. And many couples prepare for it in advance. If future parents take care of family planning and pass a series of tests, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child will increase several times.

It is no secret that many children born were not planned by their parents. However, every year the number of couples who are serious about conceiving a child is increasing. The better prepared potential parents are, the more likely it is that the expectant mother will more easily endure the pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. In order to determine how ready the future parents are to conceive, it is necessary to pass a number of tests and pay a visit to several doctors.

What tests should a woman take before pregnancy

Family planning for a woman begins with a visit to the gynecologist's office. You will significantly help the doctor if, even before taking, remember all your diseases and calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle. Don't forget to bring your medical card. The information provided will help the doctor to make a complete picture of the examination.

So, the list of analyzes:

  • Gynecologist - a consultation with a gynecologist is very important, this is a profiling doctor who will manage the entire pregnancy.
  • Dentist - timely examination of the oral cavity and treatment of diseased teeth will eliminate the risk of a dangerous infection.
  • Otolaryngologist. Diseases of the ENT organs are also dangerous and even in a chronic form will be a constant source of infection.
  • Cardiologist. An additional load on the cardiovascular system of a woman during pregnancy and childbirth can be harmful if there are diseases or pathologies in this area.
  • Allergist.
  • smear from the vagina on the flora;
  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • scraping from the cervix for a PCR study;
  • scraping cytology;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the breast and thyroid gland, pelvic organs, to exclude the presence of pathology;
  • the presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus;
  • antibodies to HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella;
  • antibodies to Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • HIV analysis;
  • analysis for syphilis;
  • PCR for latent infections;
  • colposcopy;
  • PCR study of scrapings made from the cervix - for the presence of pathogens of herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis;
  • study of the level of thyroid hormones TSH (hypophysis thyroid stimulating hormone that regulates thyroid function), T3 (thyroxine), T4 (triiodothyronine).

1. First of all, you will be examined on a chair and a colposcopy will be performed. This is a diagnostic examination using a special device - a colposcope. Using this procedure and taking a cytological smear, an assessment of the condition of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bproduced. The main task before planning a child is to eliminate the sources of infections and the cause of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, you will be prescribed several referrals for testing and for ultrasound diagnostics.

2. The standard list of tests before pregnancy includes a general urine and blood test. The first analysis reflects the general condition of the body and allows you to identify diseases of the genitourinary tract. A blood test determines the level of hemoglobin and helps to track the inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Also mandatory is a blood test for sugar, a biochemical blood test that allows you to evaluate the work of the most important organs and a coagulogram. The last analysis determines blood clotting.

3. PCR diagnostics of infections is one of the most necessary procedures. This is a blood test for many dangerous infections that pose a considerable danger to the development and life of the fetus.

One of the most important components of preparing for conception is checking the body for the presence of Torch infections. The abbreviation ToRCH is formed from the most dangerous infectious diseases for a child: toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma), rubella (Rubella), cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) and genital herpes (Herpes). If at least one of the listed pathogens is found in a woman during pregnancy, then most likely she will have to have an abortion. And if pregnancy has not yet occurred, conception should be postponed until recovery.

The results of PCR diagnostics will clarify whether you are sick with other diseases:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis.

If you are not sure that you had rubella as a child, be sure to get tested to find out if there is a risk of infection during pregnancy. The disease can lead to intrauterine malformations of the fetus. If you have already had rubella, you can safely plan a child. If you have never had it, it is better to get vaccinated to avoid infection during gestation. Pregnancy is allowed three months after the introduction of the vaccine.

4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs reveals diseases and pathological processes that prevent conception and the normal course of pregnancy. The study is scheduled for 5-7 and 21-23 days of the cycle. At the first stage, the general condition of the pelvic organs is assessed.

At the second stage, the transformation of the endometrium and the presence of the corpus luteum (whether ovulation has occurred) are determined. During the ultrasound, doctors often diagnose problems that require surgical intervention: ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, polyp of the uterine mucosa.

5. Your blood will be checked for such dangerous diseases as hepatitis B (HbSAg), hepatitis C (HCV), HIV and syphilis (RW).

6. It is necessary to find out the blood group and Rh factor of both the woman and her husband. A positive Rh factor in a wife and a negative Rh factor in a husband does not cause concern. But if, according to the results of blood tests, a negative Rh is found in a future mother, and a positive one in a man, then an Rh conflict is possible during pregnancy.

This is especially true for women who have ever undergone a blood transfusion, pregnancy, abortion or other surgical operation, because the likelihood of the formation of specific antibodies in their blood increases. An Rh conflict can occur between an Rh-positive baby and an Rh-negative mother, leading to immune complications such as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

With a negative Rh of a woman, a positive Rh of a man and in the absence of a titer of Rh antibodies, Rh immunization is carried out before pregnancy. Blood type conflict is less common, but doctors should take this fact into account as well.

7. The next important criterion for assessing the reproductive ability of a woman is the determination of the concentration of hormones in her blood. Hormone analyzes are optional. An examination may be prescribed for menstrual irregularities, overweight, unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child for more than a year, and previous pregnancies with an unsuccessful outcome.

The specific list of hormones to be tested for will be determined by your doctor based on your circumstances and health status. Most hormones are examined on days 5-7 and on days 21-23 of the cycle. This list may include:

  • prolactin, which affects ovulation;
  • testosterone, a high rate of which can cause miscarriage;
  • DHEA sulfate, on which the work of the ovaries depends;
  • progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy;
  • estradiol, which determines the development of the uterus, fallopian tubes and endometrium;
  • prolactin, which is responsible for the process of ovulation;
  • thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism;
  • luteinizing hormone (LH), which affects ovulation.

8. Preparation for the conception of a child will be incomplete without a study of the potential future mother for the factors of miscarriage. For this, tests are taken from her that determine the content of antibodies to cardiolipin, chorionic gonadotropin, phospholipids and lupus anticoagulant is detected.

9. A comprehensive examination ends with a visit to the ENT doctor, dentist and therapist. An ENT doctor will determine if you suffer from chronic diseases of the throat, nose and ear. It is unacceptable that acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, severely endured by the mother, do not disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system.

During pregnancy, it is difficult to carry out full-fledged dental treatment, and at the same time, infections in the oral cavity provoke inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is ideal to solve dental problems before a woman is in position.

General urine and blood tests should be shown to the therapist. Based on the research and examination, the specialist will make a conclusion about the state of your health. You may be assigned additional diagnostics and appropriate treatment.

What tests should a man take

It is up to the woman to bear the unborn child. Nevertheless, half of the genetic material received by the baby belongs to the man. Not all husbands like to visit doctors, so a wife can reassure her husband that taking tests and visiting a clinic by a man is much faster and easier.

What you need to hand over to the future father:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine, which determine the state of health, the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  2. Determination of blood type and Rh factor to identify the possibility of a Rh conflict between mother and fetus.
  3. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases. If a man is infected with any infection, he must be cured before conception.
  4. Additional studies prescribed by the doctor. Among them may be a hormonal blood test, a spermogram (sperm study) and an analysis of prostate secretion. If all tests are normal, and pregnancy does not occur, the man will have to take an analysis for the compatibility of spouses.

When might you need to visit a geneticist?

Married couples should take genetic tests:

  • having hereditary diseases in the family (mental illness, hemophilia, Duchenne myopathy, diabetes mellitus, and others);
  • where a man and a woman are in adulthood, because aging chromosome cells increase the risk of pathology during the formation of an embryo;
  • whose relatives suffer from mental and physical retardation for no apparent external reason;
  • who have already had two or more regressive pregnancies;
  • whose child has a hereditary disease.

If there is a good reason for a genetic study, a visit to a geneticist should not be neglected. Remember that hereditary diseases can appear several generations later in your child.

If the test results are normal, you can safely start preparing for conception. All future parents are advised not to smoke, not to drink alcohol, not to take medicines, not to go to the bathhouse for several months and take care of their health. Eat right and take your vitamins. Planning for pregnancy means taking care of your unborn baby!


Video: Preparing for pregnancy

The obstetrician talks in detail about preparing women for pregnancy. A list of tests that must be taken before pregnancy is given: STDs, Torch infections, hormones, vaginal candidiasis. It is also necessary to visit a dentist, gynecologist, therapist, etc. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Where should future parents start planning pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of having an unhealthy child. You have to start with yourself, with your lifestyle. It is optimal to undergo a medical examination 2-3 months before the planned conception. The scope of the examination at the stage of pregnancy planning is selected individually, based on the age of the parents, the presence of chronic diseases, heredity, and so on. Therefore, the examination plan when planning pregnancy is selected individually.

Preparing for conception is a very important period in the life of a young couple. It is now that you need to forget about bad habits, adjust, do moderate physical activity and take care of your own health. All this is necessary, first of all, in order to lay a reliable foundation for the health of a new person. But if everything is clear with the first points, then how exactly should you take care of your health? What specialists to visit? What tests to take?

Pregnancy planning provides for a certain preparatory period up to the “X” hour. Specialists involved in reproductive issues advise allocating at least 3-6, maximum 12 months for training. If a couple does not have chronic diseases, then the number of specialists and analyzes will be significantly less than for a couple who have such health problems. Note that both partners need to undergo a medical examination and take tests, and not just the woman.

Pregnancy planning: what tests should be done?

Where to begin? First of all, with a visit to the gynecologist. After that, you need to visit a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist and other specialists. After face-to-face examinations, doctors will be able to determine if the couple will need special supervision during and during it.

As for the analyzes, their list is quite large. But, at the same time, their number is determined by the state of health of the future father and mother. For example, if neither one nor the other has problems with the thyroid gland, then they do not need to be tested for its hormones.

Here is a list of priority, absolutely necessary for all couples, analyzes:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulogram (indicators of blood clotting);
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood sugar test. In addition, if the pregnancy is the first, the blood group and are determined, which will exclude or suspect the possibility of developing hemolytic disease of the newborn.

To assess the condition of the vagina and cervix, women are prescribed colposcopy, as well as ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Perhaps the couple will be sent for genetic testing. Especially if there are people in the family with certain genetic hereditary diseases. These include Down's disease, myodystrophy, Alzheimer's disease. Also, genetics consultation is necessary if there have been cases of stillbirth in the family, or if the future dad is over 40 years old.

Tests for infections

In a comprehensive examination in preparation for pregnancy, it is imperative to pass tests for infections, and both potential parents will certainly undergo this study.

This is primarily an analysis for the TORCH complex, that is (if we decipher the abbreviation in the Russian version) for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes. All of them pose a serious danger to the unborn child and can cause miscarriage and the development of pathologies. The presence of TORCH infections is checked by blood sampling.

If, as a result of the tests, the absence of antibodies to rubella is found, then it will be necessary to be vaccinated, but at least three months before conception. After all, this disease during pregnancy can lead to severe malformations of the fetus.

In addition to testing for the TORCH complex, the couple is being tested for sexual infections: candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus (HPV), HIV, syphilis. To determine them, blood is also donated and another cytological smear from the genital tract - PAP test.

Tests for hormones

In some cases, at the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman is recommended to additionally take tests for sex hormones and thyroid hormones. The levels of the following hormones are checked:

  • follicle stimulating hormone (FSH),
  • luteinizing hormone (LH),
  • progesterone,
  • testosterone,
  • dehydroepiandrosterone (DEA sulfate),
  • estradiol,
  • prolactin,
  • thyroxine (T4),
  • triiodothyronine (T3),
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Hormone testing is usually included in a pregnancy planning and preparation program if:

  • a woman who wants to get pregnant is over 35 years old;
  • the menstrual cycle is irregular;
  • there are pronounced signs of hyperandrogenism (elevated levels of male hormones): acne, increased male-type body hair, obesity;
  • a woman cannot become pregnant on her own within a year of regular sexual activity or more;
  • in the past there were also problems with carrying a pregnancy.

Tests for men during pregnancy planning

An additional examination during pregnancy planning may also be necessary for a man. It's about sperm. It allows you to determine the state of sperm (first of all, the number of spermatozoa, their activity and anatomical usefulness), as well as the characteristics of male germ cells, and check how the sex glands function.

All mandatory tests during planning - general urine and blood tests, determination of the group and Rh factor of the blood, the presence of infections - a man passes along with a woman without fail.

Whether it takes you a month or three or twelve to plan, know that you are on the right track. But planning ahead is by far the best option. Why? Judge for yourself: planning a conception a year in advance, you will not only significantly improve your health, but you will even be able to choose when your child is born: golden autumn, snow-white winter, blooming spring or hot summer.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

If you are reading this article, then you are a responsible expectant mother. Because irresponsible girls get pregnant first and only then think about their health. And since you are trying to figure out what tests you need to pass when planning a pregnancy, it means that you care about the health of the unborn child, and in general you are on the right track.

There are two lists of examinations for a woman who is planning a pregnancy - minimal and advanced. The first is recommended to all women without exception. It makes no sense to take tests from the second list for everyone in a row, the doctor prescribes them individually.

What tests should be taken by a woman when planning a pregnancy

The list is quite extensive, but all items are important. A big plus is that most of the examinations in Russia can be done under the CHI policy. They are prescribed by a gynecologist or a local therapist, who also gives free coupons for examinations.

Gynecological examination and smear

First of all, go to the local gynecologist or to your doctor in a private clinic. He will examine you on a chair, take a scraping from the cervix (cytology). This is an important analysis that will show whether the cervix is ​​healthy, whether there is inflammation and degenerate cells (erosion, dysplasia). The gynecologist will tell you what tests to take when planning a pregnancy, and give directions. The first item will probably be a smear on the microflora of the vagina.

It will show if there is inflammation, thrush and other hostile microflora that can interfere with conception or adversely affect the course of pregnancy. If suspicious "agents" are found, you will be referred for a PCR test that will help identify specific infectious agents. It is important to treat diseases of the genital area before conception so as not to harm the baby.

Complete blood count and blood sugar

The list of mandatory tests when planning a pregnancy for women includes KLA. A general blood test can tell a doctor a lot: whether there are foci of inflammation in the body, whether the tissues are sufficiently saturated with oxygen (this is evidenced by the level of hemoglobin) and much more.

Blood for sugar (glucose) is given so as not to miss the initial stages of diabetes. Indeed, in such a situation during pregnancy, blood sugar will become even higher, which will lead to serious complications.

Diabetes mellitus is an insidious pathology that does not manifest itself clinically, but can give many complications during pregnancy. Such an analysis also makes it possible to identify the state of the so-called "pre-diabetes", when a woman's absorption of glucose by tissues is impaired.


Such an analysis may be needed to assess the overall functioning of various organs (eg liver, pancreas, etc.). After all, if there are even initial, imperceptible stages of diseases of the internal organs, during pregnancy this condition can develop into a serious illness. Which is extremely bad for both mother and child. That is why it is important to take these tests before pregnancy.

General urine analysis

In the list of tests when planning a pregnancy, OAM is necessarily listed. The fact is that during pregnancy, the kidneys experience increased stress, they literally work for two. That is why it is so important that they are healthy. A urinalysis can help determine if your bladder and kidneys are healthy.

Blood for blood type and Rh factor

These tests are needed in case of an emergency (for example, you need a blood transfusion). And most importantly, you need to make sure that the woman has a positive Rh factor (Rh factor). If she is Rh negative, and her husband is Rh positive, prevention of the Rh conflict is needed.

The situation is aggravated if this is not the first pregnancy, if the woman has previously had an abortion. In case of a Rh conflict between the fetus and the mother, maternal antibodies will affect the child's body, which can lead to such a pathology as, for example, hemolytic disease of the newborn. To avoid this, a woman is given Rh immunization.

So determining the Rh factor is one of the main items on this list. If both spouses are Rh positive or negative, then there can be no conflict.

On RW and HIV

Simply put, this is an examination for HIV and syphilis - the necessary tests when planning a pregnancy. Alas, the number of HIV-positive young people is growing rapidly, and not everyone knows about their status. A positive HIV status does not mean a ban on conception. But it requires special, very serious medical measures before conception and during gestation in order to give birth to an HIV-negative child.

Additional tests

In preparation for pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe those tests that are necessary for you. For example, age over 35 years, the presence of hereditary diseases requires a mandatory consultation with a geneticist. If you are characterized by violations of the monthly cycle, you need tests for hormones and so on.

You do not need to go through all the examinations from the list, even if you are a hypochondriac and at the same time a perfectionist. First, it's expensive. Secondly, it takes a lot of strength and nerves that you still need. Do only what a good doctor recommends.

For sexual infections

In fact, tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs - sexually transmitted infections) are recommended to be taken when planning a pregnancy for everyone without exception. However, these tests are paid, quite expensive, and therefore the district gynecologist cannot oblige you to go to a paid laboratory at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. He can only recommend. But if you are a responsible person, then it is worth being examined at least for the main diseases that are sexually transmitted and dangerous for the child. Usually a smear is taken for PCR. Here is a list of possible STIs:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • human papilloma virus.

If a woman has a strong immune system, she may be infected without even knowing it. However, during pregnancy, the infection can behave unpredictably and aggressively. Including can lead to miscarriage, hypoxia, infection and deformities of the fetus.

If a sexually transmitted disease is discovered during pregnancy, it will be difficult to treat it, because most of the drugs are prohibited during this period. Therefore, it is so important to cure both partners at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

At the slightest suspicion of a violation in the reproductive system, a woman will be sent for an ultrasound of the small pelvis. The timing of the examination will appoint an obstetrician-gynecologist. A standard examination is carried out on the 5th-7th day of the monthly cycle. If endometriosis is suspected, ultrasound is done before menstruation. To track whether the follicles are maturing, several ultrasounds are performed during the cycle.

This is a very informative study that will help you find out:

  • are the follicles maturing;
  • whether there are polycystic changes;
  • is the size and shape of the uterus normal;
  • is there ovulation;
  • whether there are tumors, foci of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

and much more.

On hormones

The list of tests when planning pregnancy for women can be supplemented by a study of the hormonal profile.

Almost everyone needs to have their thyroid hormones checked (you should at least take a TSH test). Hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland) is very common in Russia among young women. And in order to give birth to a mentally healthy child with such a violation, it is important to follow the recommendations of the endocrinologist. First you need to at least know how your thyroid gland works.

About how healthy the reproductive system of a woman is, what is the condition of the ovaries, female sex hormones will tell. The main indications for the appointment of such tests:

  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Weight is very different from the norm (in any direction);
  • External manifestations of hormonal disorders: excessive growth of body hair, rough voice, uneven obesity, etc.;
  • Miscarriages and missed pregnancies in history;
  • Suspicion of infertility.

What tests are usually prescribed by gynecologists:

  • Prolactin
  • Progesterone
  • Estradiol
  • Testosterone

Not all studies from this list are necessary for every woman. An individual list (indicating on which days of the cycle you need to take certain hormones) will be compiled by a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Genetic analyzes

Not everyone needs a genetic profile. The main indications for contacting a geneticist:

  • spouses are over 35 years of age;
  • hereditary diseases in the family of any of the spouses;
  • frozen and interrupted pregnancies in history.

A geneticist will give you a list of necessary tests after a consultation.


This examination is carried out to study blood clotting. If there are clotting disorders, during pregnancy this can lead to preeclampsia and other serious troubles.

Analysis for TORCH - infections

This refers to the following infections:

  • rubella;
  • herpes;
  • toxoplasmosis
  • cytomegalovirus

A test for TORCH infection involves examining a woman's blood for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies in it.

IgM antibodies are synthesized and enter the blood in response to the acute course of the pathology, almost immediately from the moment of infection. An increase in their level in the blood signals that the woman is now sick with an infection and has contracted it for the first time. During this period, you cannot become pregnant.

The next type of immunoglobulin, IgG, indicates that the woman was in contact with the infection, and in response to this, she developed an immune response. If these antibodies are found in the blood, this is a good sign. This means that the woman has already been ill, she has developed immunity. And during pregnancy, she is not in danger.
Why is it so important to take this test during a planned pregnancy? The fact is that TORCH infections are very dangerous for the unborn baby. They cause serious fetal malformations, can lead to abortion.

In the absence of immunity in a woman, vaccination against these pathologies (in particular, against rubella) is indicated. But keep in mind that the rubella vaccination should be done in advance when planning - a few months before conception!

Partner Compatibility Analysis

Such a specific analysis is carried out in order to find out if there is an immunological conflict in future spouses. Such a conflict can cause infertility, abortion. The essence of the survey: doctors determine the number of normally functioning sperm in the cervical mucus of a woman 6-12 hours after sexual intercourse. The analysis is called the postcoital test.

In order for your pregnancy to proceed without complications, and nothing threatened the health of your child, it is important to be examined in advance. Keep in mind, . If the results of all examinations were within the normal range, there is very little left - to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

See the detailed interview with the doctor.