Gauguin portraits. Paul Gauguin short biography

November 21, 2016

The son of 35-year-old Ksenia Sobchak and 44-year-old Maxim Vitorgan was born right on time. “11/18/16 is now the happiest day!” - Sobchak wrote on Instagram.

1. Xenia's mother and her husband were by her side at the most crucial moment.

2. She gave birth to Sobchak in one of the most expensive and fashionable maternity hospitals in the country.

The son of Xenia and Maxim was born in a clinical hospital on the famous Rublyovka. The chief physician of the clinic, Professor Mark Kurtser, provides women in labor with comfortable conditions for their stay and childbirth. Each box has modern medical equipment. The clinic has its own stem cell bank, support service breastfeeding. Apartments in Lapin, like in an expensive hotel - there is a jacuzzi, transforming beds. Meals for Sobchak were prepared according to an individual menu.

3. The cost of a VIP delivery in Lapin is 930 thousand rubles.

4. Sobchak picked up a nanny for her son even before the birth.

The casting was serious and thorough, the TV presenter spent several months on it. The woman has good recommendations and extensive experience working with newborns.

5. Ksenia has read many books on psychology and raising children.

Sobchak made a number of important decisions regarding the upbringing of the child. She will adhere to the following principles: try not to scold her son, restrain emotions even when they overwhelm her.

6. will only last three months.

Although she already accepts.

7. Ksenia bought things for her son, a crib, a stroller just before the birth. Some of the new and beautiful things for the baby were given to the newly-made mother by friends who have already become mothers more than once.

8. Shortly before giving birth, in an interview with Tatler magazine, Sobchak admitted that it was important for her to give birth to a child from her beloved man.

“I want to give birth to a continuation of a loved one and experience the joy that he looks more like him than you,” said Ksenia. - At least I dream about it, no matter how trite it sounds. And in this sense - yes, Maxim became the first man from whom I would want to have a baby.

9. For the first three months, Ksenia and her baby will live in the village of Gorki-8 in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, 14 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

“I’m actually a city person, but life, as they say, has made its own adjustments. I understand that a child outside the city will be more comfortable, there is fresh air. It’s not fun to walk with a stroller along the Garden Ring, ”says Ksenia.

Sobchak and Vitorgan's neighbor here is Lyudmila Narusova. Maxim Vitorgan's mother-in-law promises to help her daughter with the baby and hopes that she will be allowed to spend a lot of time with her grandson.

10. The heir Sobchak has two children's rooms.

In addition to a spacious room in country house, a nursery was equipped for the baby in new apartment couples in the center of Moscow.

Comfortable room in a hospital in Lapina. Photo:

Parents decided to hide their son from prying eyes

Shortly before childbirth. She was not afraid of the evil eye, although she admitted in an interview that after the people began to discuss the pregnancy of the TV presenter, she had a high temperature, and the tests were excellent, nothing hurt. Two days later, everything went away, but mother Lyudmila Borisovna persuaded her daughter to tie a bracelet from the evil eye. “You don’t believe, but you can still wear it. You are not sorry." And the daughter is a rare case! She said, "Okay, Mom."

The baby fell into the caring hands of grandmother Lyudmila Narusova (center). Vitorgan Jr. will also be nursed by Vitorgan Sr. and his wife Irina. Photo:

“Most of all, I get lost when unfamiliar people run at me shouting “God, congratulations!”. And they start stroking my belly. In my mind, it's like after the wedding to run to the groom to stroke his cock. I don’t want to offend anyone, because many do it completely sincerely, and not with a desire to convey dark power - I don’t believe in it at all. But isn’t it strange to touch another person for some places?” - says Sobchak. Ksenia and Maxim decided that they would not arrange any photo shoots with the baby. The spouses will try to isolate their son from the attention of strangers. Close friends in their family nest in Gorki-8 will be able to get acquainted with the heir of Xenia Anatolyevna.

Ksenia received congratulations from friends, relatives and colleagues for several days after giving birth.

Ksenia gets along well with her husband's children from her first marriage (on the left in the photo is Polina, Maxim's daughter). Photo:

Philip Kirkorov: “I can’t even believe that the crazy girl has become a mother ...”

Philip Kirkorov recalled a long acquaintance with Sobchak: “With all my heart and with all my heart I congratulate dear Ksyusha and Max on their first child! I can’t even believe that a girl who, as a twelve-year-old teenager, came to my concerts at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall and enthusiastically absorbed the glitter, lights and rhinestones of show business of the late 1980s and early 1990s, had a son and this crazy girl became a mother. This is wonderful! Be happy, let it grow healthy and happy, family idyll and mutual understanding! You are a wonderful and now full-fledged family! Once again, congratulations."

Ksyusha's close friend Polina Kitsenko is already waiting for her in the gym to start getting back in shape: “This morning I have the best reason in the world not only to do push-ups, but also to drink, and right there! For the sake of this I will go to the bend! Well, Ksenia, let's lose weight! And you have the best life in the world ahead of you. Happy for you and Maxim, and especially for Lyudmila Borisovna!”

Ksenia took care of the dowry for the baby in advance. Clothes, a stroller and a crib for my son are only expensive brands. Photo:

I was glad for the new member of the Sobchak family - Vitorgan, producer Bilan Yana Rudkovskaya: “ Good morning started with great news, a wonderful baby was born in another family. Ksyusha, dear, this is such happiness, we all sincerely congratulate you, let the baby grow strong and healthy! We are very happy for you and Maxim. Hugs."

Father-in-law Sobchak Emmanuel Vitorgan can't wait to babysit his grandson: “Congratulate us! Was born! Mazal tov! (“Congratulations” in Hebrew. - Auth.) We are crying!” Vitorgan Sr. and his wife Irina found the happy news in their house in the Baltic States. The couple are getting ready creative evening in Riga, but this week they are returning to Moscow.

The Teleprogram magazine joins the congratulations and wishes Ksenia and Maxim happy parenthood. And the baby - health!

Ksenia and Maxim, a couple of hours after the birth of their son, posted happy messages on Instagram that there are now three of them. Photo:

What will the guy's name be?

At the time of signing this issue of the TV Program, the name of the first-born was not yet known. There is a version that - in honor of Father Sobchak.

During her fame, Ksenia Sobchak managed to undergo an incredible transformation - from a scandalous participant in the television project "Dom 2" to a restrained and sensible woman. Today, Ksyusha is not only a well-known presenter, socialite, but also a “style icon”, without which no important event in the world of show business can do. The girl also became famous for her dismissive attitude towards young children: from her lips there were many provocative statements regarding the smallest inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, society had no doubt that she was the so-called "childfree" - a woman free from children, many could not even think that she would decide to become a mother. However, in 2016, stunning news about Sobchak's pregnancy appeared in the media, which was preceded by another sensation - the wedding of Sobchak and Vitorgan in 2013.

On the morning of November 18, 2016, the long-awaited birth of a well-known socialite, journalist, TV presenter, Ksenia Sobchak, took place in the Lapino maternity hospital near Moscow. As the telediva herself admitted, femininity and love for children awakened in the once convinced childfree, and finally, she decided to switch to new level- to experience the delights of motherhood. Although Ksenia and her husband Maxim carefully concealed their stay in an “interesting position”, everything became known when, on the air of one of the entertainment shows, Ksenia herself admitted that she was pregnant. And so, in the second half of November last year, the telediva pleased her mother and fans with the appearance of her first child - desired and long-awaited. Happy parents shared good news on their Instagram pages:

11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy.

Son's mother. Happy sailing! ;-)))

What is the gender of baby Xenia and Maxim

About what the sex of the future baby of the star couple will be, everyone began to guess on the stomach, to be interested in clairvoyant persons and come to other methods. All kinds of factors were taken into account by curious media representatives and viewers that could provide at least some help in finding an answer. This is the position of the stars at the time of conception, the location of the navel, the shape and size of the abdomen, the signs of the zodiac of the parents and other indicators that contribute to the accurate determination of the sex of the child.

All the facts pointed to the fact that Ksyusha was carrying a boy under her heart, and after all folk omens in the end, they didn’t lie, the “diagnosis” was finally confirmed on November 18.

How was the birth

Ksenia Sobchak, from the very first months of pregnancy, decided that the child would be born in Russia, although there were all the possibilities for giving birth abroad. The birth took place naturally, without a Caesarean section and painkillers (as Ksenia herself said, “maybe this will not happen again, but I want to experience the pain that every woman is able to endure”). Ksenia Sobchak's husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, and her mother, Lyudmila Borisovna, were present at the birth, and after the birth of the baby, the girl said that she felt just fine, and the baby did not have any developmental abnormalities.

How much did Xenia's birth cost?

As already mentioned, the medical center in Lapino "Mother and Child" is popular among celebrities: it was there that the children of Galkin and Pugacheva, the daughter of Ivan Urgant, the daughter of Garik Kharlamov were born. Another advantage of this maternity hospital for a newly-made mother personally is that she always wanted to give birth in Russia, because although she does not believe in omens, she is convinced that he has a special connection with the place in which a person was born . The VIP class births cost 930,000 rubles, to which are added procedures for caring for the child and monitoring his condition - another 500,000 rubles. And for the very conduct of pregnancy, the star mom had to pay another 600,000 rubles, so the total amount of pregnancy and childbirth is very impressive. The clinic offers full care for the health of mother and baby, they feel comfortable here, Ksenia chose a VIP apartment with several rooms for childbirth. The ward has its own shower, bathroom, TV, upholstered furniture for the convenience of visitors and everything else that is necessary for the comfort of the expectant mother and child.

What did the couple name the baby?

Ksenia and Maxim hesitated for a long time when choosing a name for the boy, they had a wide choice: for example, there was a proposal to name the child Anatoly - in honor of the deceased grandfather Anatoly Sobchak. Ksenia also wanted to name the baby Anton for the reason that the name and patronymic Anton Maksimovich sounds very solid and impressive, Maxim was not against it. There is a version that the couple wanted to name their son, like their father, Maxim, the choice also fell on several modern fashionable names, such as Plato, Mark, Matvey. Ultimately, the actor and TV presenter chose a name and did not inform their fans about it for a long time. decision, but the media flashed the news that the name of the newborn is Plato. These prerequisites were later confirmed by happy parents who decided that it was precisely such a complaint that would ensure a happy fate for the baby and life in general.

Xenia's life on maternity leave

Ksenia's love for work speaks for itself: a few days after the birth of the baby, Ksenia began to appear in public and does not miss a single event. On this occasion, critics "attacked" the newly-made mother. Ksenia herself claims that she copes well with all the roles and manages everything.

Union Sobchak-Vitorgan

Ksyusha and Maxim got married in 2013 secretly from everyone, and this news was shocking not only for TV viewers, but also for the secular world, including close friends of the couple. In 2016, due to Ksenia's voluminous outfits, rumors began to circulate at events that the Vitorgan family was waiting for replenishment, and they turned out to be true. For Ksyusha, this is the first child, as for her husband, he already has two children from previous marriages - this is twenty-year-old daughter Polina and 16-year-old son Daniel.

The example of Xenia's birth is perfect for girls who do not dare to have offspring after 30 years: the newly-made mother does not regret anything and feels great. Many predicted a short existence for this marriage, because Ksenia spoke with hatred about children, and rumors about Ksenia's inability to conceive a child flickered in the media. Fortunately, at the age of 35, the girl herself wanted to experience the happiness of motherhood and become a mother (according to the television personality, “to give birth to a child, because it SHOULD be wrong, you need to want it yourself”).

How was Xenia's pregnancy

Ksenia's pregnancy became a real obsession for the public: many skeptics, even when they saw her photo on the cover of a magazine, did not see the belly point-blank and believed that the child was being carried by a surrogate mother. And some even stated that the girl was using this move for PR and nothing more, such a statement was not to the liking of Maxim, he stood up for the honor of his family and gave a response in social network Instagram. But Ksenia herself, being immersed in family chores and starting to know maternal happiness, hardly notices this excitement around her person.

The socialite is not a supporter of the belief that pregnancy is a disease, therefore, from the first months of the “interesting situation” until the very birth, the girl had fun, broadcast and studied vigorous activity in a career. She granted herself an indulgence only at the eighth month, when she stopped traveling, but she did not slow down the speed of life, because in Moscow the socialite has something to do. Once, on the air, the girl joked that she was afraid to give birth right on stage - she continued to work so actively, even being "deeply pregnant."

The telediva did not forget about self-care: she believes that, regardless of pregnancy and childbirth, a woman should not lose her natural attractiveness. Therefore, being in a state of expectation of the baby, she did not forget about sports: Ksyusha did yoga, stood on her head, doing exercises, walked a lot, swam in the pool and carefully monitored the quality of food. As a result " excess weight”was formed in Ksyusha only in the abdomen, and after childbirth they practically did not change in figure - they remained as slim as they were.

Family plans for raising a child

Despite Ksyusha's love for work, many colleagues wished her not to rush to go on stage, but to fully enjoy all the delights of motherhood and be with the baby when he overcomes the first obstacles and makes the first successes. Her mother, Lyudmila Narusova, will help the girl in raising the child and caring for him, the woman admitted in an interview that Ksyusha is not the person who would seek help, but Lyudmila’s wisdom allows her to take part in this process without hurting the pride of the proud the body of a star.

Lyudmila Borisovna told the media that with the advent of Ksenia Maxim, not only the life of the girl had changed, but she herself in terms of character and attitude to life. Ksyusha became more reasonable, objective, she began to look at things from several positions, and Ksenia herself repeatedly confessed that next to her husband nothing could disturb her comfort and tranquility. Despite the star’s previous provocative statements about children, she managed to acquire rich experience in communicating with them, for example, she godmother two children whom he loves to the point of madness and keeps in touch with them. Also a good relationship Ksyusha developed with Maxim's children, who were born in his previous marital relations, so that both the girl's mother and she herself are sure that they are ready for the appearance of a child.

Her mother is 100% sure of Xenia's maturity for motherhood. The girl has already “worked up” and now she can feel all the delights family life. The girl's mother is also convinced that Ksenia will be a great example for her boy. Lyudmila Borisovna herself does not know how actively she will take part in the care of Plato, because everything depends on the decision of the newly-made parents. The newly-made grandmother is immensely happy and will do everything possible to make her grandchildren the happiest, as she said in another interview.