Download pages for the profile of friends. Questionnaires of Soviet girls: social networks of the past

Tell your friends:

Where did you come from

What did they look like

« Questionnaire is not a notebook
Leaves not to be torn out
And I ask for more -
Do not write with a pencil!»

« Write, dear friends,
Write, dear friends,
Write whatever you want
That's just nonsense is impossible!»

What was asked

The next block of questions could be called "Sympathies". Here they asked about everything that can be liked: favorite flowers, books, films, songs, actors, singers and the like. Here they usually hid the most interesting questions, the ones about love and friendship. But some didn’t bother much and placed them at the very end, “in plain sight”.

The last block is the most philosophical. It was here that many practiced their fantasy. Deep topics were raised here: “What is love?”, “What should friendship be like?”, “What three things will you take with you to the moon?”. Sometimes there were also strange points, like “Why do you go to school?” and "How to overcome laziness?".

Schoolgirls grew up, and questionnaires were kept up to the senior classes, instead of an unnecessary pursuit of originality, they preferred to move on to more relevant topics of gender relations. Big questions like “Why do people kiss?” or “Why is the guy hugging the girl?”. In general, the time of questionnaires ended just when specific information appeared in these paragraphs.

Not only questions

Questions weren't the only thing the questionnaire owner had to worry about. They needed to be diluted with something fun. Often there were pages with poems, lyrics, and in older classes - with thematic aphorisms.

But, frankly, the latter called for help only to fill the void. Another thing is secrets, fortune tellers and a small pocket for gifts. They were made in each such notebook without exception, and these were original mini-games.

The most interesting thing was to play with gifts. On one of the pages they made a small pocket. Most often, it was simply glued, less often two pages were tightly connected using the same PVA and a gap was cut out in one of them, like in a mailbox. They put mere trifles by modern standards in such pockets: candy wrappers, inserts and a super prize from the times of the USSR - a sticker. And sometimes the envelope remained empty, especially if the questionnaire was given to boys.

The game of fortune-telling was also almost mandatory. Of course, there were special fortune-telling notebooks in which several different ways to look into the future, but even in confessors they could not do without it.

Usually a strip was cut from the sheet, which was divided into several parts. Again, a little glue, and now the answer to some question was hidden on each piece of paper. Most often, they offered to choose their future love. Fold back any square and read what it will be: passionate, happy, unhappy or stupid.

It was the easiest way to make a secret: just bend the sheet into a triangle and write “Secret. Don `t open!". Inside they drew a pig and left an instructive “Well, what a pig you are! Lead it is written - it is impossible!

Another option: the sheet was folded into a thin strip and written on it “Do you want to see an elephant?”. The "roll" had to be unrolled completely, so that after the mocking "Go on" to read "While you were walking, the wolves ate the elephant, the elephant's butt and needles were left." Why needles is still a mystery.

How it all worked

All this beauty was created for a reason - it was still necessary to collect answers. Some compare such questionnaires with social networks. So what? All the same friends, likes, stupid posts with poems and cats in all possible combinations and angles. There were even their own trolls and banned ones.

The similarity is really striking, but there was one very important difference: all the events took place not in the confessor himself, but around him. Having received another answer, the girls first carefully studied it, and then discussed it with their friends for a long time and furiously. At the same time, there were no trifles in this case.

Even the way the questionnaire was handed out mattered. Courageous and determined girls could simply let everyone fill it in turn. Naturally, even in the most friendly class there were some excesses. Someone expected that it was he who would be called the best friend, while others had the same boy in sympathy. Some also compared their profiles looking for inconsistencies.

The more selective and cautious girls were much more serious about who appeared in their notebooks. It was both a demonstration of sympathy and trust. Therefore, the boys, although they did not indulge in the creation of questionnaires, considering them absolutely girlish fun, but in most cases agreed to fill it out. It warmed their vanity nicely. Although the boys could approach the answers to the most burning questions absolutely irresponsibly. Apparently, they did not even suspect how carefully all their answers were studied.

Not a writer wrote, not a poet wrote, a boy of 38 tried

Chief of the USSR Max Usachev

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"The cat lowered its paw into blue ink... "Do you remember? Children's questionnaires, questionnaires and confessions of the times of the USSR. They were called differently, but all Soviet girls knew about them. What did they look like and why was it all started?

Where did you come from

The craving of Soviet schoolchildren for beauty was irrational, and it was impossible to stop them on the path to beauty. What were the wall newspapers worth, which were published with love and delightful scrupulousness in every class.

But besides this public part, each girl and even some boys also created individual beauty: they decorated notebooks, diaries, and pencil cases. For some reason, teachers actively fought against this. Fortunately, there were also questionnaires, song books and fortune tellers in which children could really enjoy themselves. The first ones were the most popular.

Their popularity was explained not so much by the bright appearance how much content. The idea was simple but ingenious. In fact, it was, as it were, a continuation of the ladies' albums, about which children were necessarily told at literature lessons, but in a more relevant form.

Actually, the first questionnaires were brought from Europe back in the nineteenth century. But unlike the "old-fashioned" ladies, Soviet girls preferred not some kind of blurry pleasant lines to the hostess, but answers to very specific questions. Perhaps the general love of the entire system for questionnaires and polls affected here.

The children were not interested in the place of registration or the presence of relatives abroad, in the first place were more personal things. Everything was started for the sake of answers to “Who is your friend?”, “Who is your enemy?” and of course "Who do you love?". This was of interest not only to the owner of the questionnaire - everyone who received the notebook in their hands carefully studied what was written and discussed it ad infinitum.

In some areas of the then vast homeland, the questionnaires were even called “confessors” because of this. And even the fact that some cunning people put a pass did not reduce the intensity of passions. With their help, they even confessed their love. It turned out much nicer than by SMS or chat.

What did they look like

The main and, in fact, the only requirement for her is that she must be beautiful. They usually used a thick notebook with 96 sheets (rarely 48). To make it clear, the item is quite expensive and in short supply: it cost as much as 44 kopecks and periodically disappeared from sale. Therefore, its decoration was taken seriously.

It all started with the cover. Then they didn’t know anything about scrapbooking, but the principle was about the same: everything that is at hand, and more glue. Of course, taking into account the fact that pebbles and shells did not stick to the clerical glue. The decoration fervor was reduced only when it was possible to get imported notebooks with bright covers. It was cooler than any application.

Be sure to decorate the flyleaf and first pages. The first step was to write the rules. Nothing complicated, usually it was forbidden to tear out pages, edit other people's answers and spoil them in every possible way, as well as use “bad” words.

The rules in poetic form. It was possible not to invent something from scratch, but to use ready-made ones, for example:

« Questionnaire is not a notebook
Leaves not to be torn out
And I ask for more -
Do not write with a pencil!»

Sometimes they added some kind of wish. Ideally, too, in poetic form.

« Write, dear friends,
Write, dear friends,
Write whatever you want
That's just nonsense is impossible!»

Questionnaires, by the way, still sometimes spoiled, despite all the rules. Most often malefactors acted as boys and "kind" girlfriends.

After the preface came the questions themselves. Most often there were about 20 of them, but there were also short and breathtakingly long options. A table of contents/table of contents could be placed both before the questions and at the end of the questionnaire. It was filled out by everyone who participated in the survey, carefully entering the first and last name and the page number with the answers.

The hostess of the questionnaire necessarily decorated all the free space. Most of the time I just painted. The most interesting thing is that almost no one used paints, pencils were not quoted at all.

It was considered cool to use colored markers. Especially if there were some not very standard colors in the set. There should be as many of them as possible to be sure to notice. Lilac, pink and purple flowers literally occupied the first villages.

And, of course, clippings and stickers. There could be many options here: girls from Soviet glossy magazines, such as "Worker" or "Peasant Woman", illustrations from reputable magazines, any publications about fashion.

There was no consensus on whether to decorate the answers. Most often, this was approached no less responsibly than the cover. It was a way to somehow show their attitude towards the hostess. Then they already used the entire available arsenal: clippings and felt-tip pens.

What was asked

The main questions, of course, concerned relationships. That is, the already mentioned “Who do you love?” and “Who are you friends with?”, but dwelling only on them is too boring. They were necessarily diluted with other items.

Compiling such a questionnaire was not as easy as it might seem. To completely copy someone else's frankness meant admitting that one's own fantasy was failing. I had to think of at least a few questions myself.

In the obligatory part, it was necessary to introduce yourself, write a birthday, and at a later time also a zodiac sign. Immediately it was necessary to indicate in which class you study. In pioneer camps, where they came from different cities could ask for a postal address. It was extremely fashionable to be friends by correspondence in Soviet times.

We bring to your attention pages for a personal diary of a girl. So far, we have not developed as many pages as we would like, but gradually we will add new pages.
In such diary you can write down your innermost thoughts and experiences. And your diary will also help you get to know your friends better, and maybe even make new ones. Such a diary may contain profiles for friends , secrets , fun puzzles and funny stories . And you can also add dream books, fortune-telling and helpful tips.

To make a diary, you need to buy a binder folder on A5 format rings, it is better if the folder is cardboard. For example, like this:

Print the pages, cut them in half and personalize them with drawings or stickers. Next, use a hole punch and make holes, sewed into a folder. So now you've started to lead your a diary, do not forget about it, write down your thoughts and useful tips there. Do not forget to take it to school and invite your friends to read funny stories and answer the questions of your questionnaire during the break. You'll see, your friends will love it!

Do not forget to look here often, and also follow our news to be aware of the appearance of new pages for your diary. Click on the pictures below and you can free download every page in good quality.

I once wrote that I was Plyushkin. I collect and dig in the corners of all the seemingly unnecessary rubbish in the hope that it will someday come in handy. To give to someone, to please someone, to remember something pleasant yourself. So recently I was sorting out my closet, and from its gray, forgotten depths, dozens of old letters, packed in a large box, fell out on me.

These were not even letters, but correspondence: at school we had a favorite pastime - to tear off a double sheet in a box from a notebook and correspond on it about all sorts of little things. After all, you can’t talk in class, you can’t laugh either. And no one was allowed to write. Especially when suddenly a serious love came up or problems arose at home with their parents.

We then kept such notes for a long time: we re-read, laughed, remembered the past. I don’t know if my friends still have them, but I, it turns out, saved them. That one is about my first school love lines, and about plans for life, and about secret desires. I re-read it, smiled, and put it back in the box and on the table. And while hiding, I found another funny little thing: a questionnaire.

Remember what questionnaires we started in childhood? Thick notebooks, scribbled, painted, decorated with felt-tip pens. At first they were standard: first name, last name, nickname, date of birth, favorite color, sound, song, flower. But then I personally got bored with it and I myself began to invent all sorts of tricky questions and jokes. Probably, it turned out well, because I had more than one such questionnaire, but it was filled to the brim.

And those first ones - they were so cute and naive! You open it, and there:

“Someday, after many years, under a thick layer of dust, you will find your notebook and remember how we were friends. Or "There was a glass on the table, and in the glass a lily, with a letter ... my name is, with ... - my last name." And this questionnaire began, as a rule, like this: “The questionnaire is not a notebook, do not tear out the sheets, but I also ask you not to write with a pencil! Or like this: “Not a writer wrote, not a poet wrote, a girl who was 12 years old wrote!”.

Everyone had these verses, you just open the questionnaire and already know what will be written there. But they would try these lines not to be there! A shame! “She doesn’t have these verses in her profile! Is she from the moon? Lohuuushka .... ". Here you sit then, write, sticking out your tongue, so as not to lag behind others. For example, I even wrote a poem of my own there. And then I saw how the girls copied these poems for themselves, and did not believe my cries that I created them, and did not steal them from someone.

Finally, these questions to the owner of the questionnaire? In addition to the name, age, interests, there was always this: “Your attitude to x / a”. Then, when the questionnaire is returned to you, the first thing you look at is the answer to this question. What do they write? "Good", "Norm" ... The most popular is "I won't tell." Some kind of ram, but why did they give you a questionnaire? If I like you, I turned her on for you. I tried to crack one guy like that, but he turned out to be impenetrable. Didn't even fill it out.

And how important it was for all the girls! After all, if it says: “I like it,” but there is no signature - that’s reflection for a day! And you look closely at your classmates - what if someone gives a secret sign that he likes you? Sometimes, of course, classmates just laughed at you to see the reaction. But that's when you're only 12, you're wearing a ponytail and a skirt that's too big for you. Some even filled out questionnaires only with the words “Yes”, “No”, “Later”. When later? When will my children be?

And the drawings? How much joy it brought you, if someone is not too lazy, and you get some kind of colored pen! Pale profiles without drawings meant that they scored on you. But some, especially diligent and not greedy, in addition to graphic joys, even glued a sticker. Brilliant.

A separate word is about secrets. Pages glued together, wrapped, closed. After all, you will definitely climb in - and there: “Oh, what a pig you are, because it is written:“ You can’t! ”. You yourself are a pig, I'm just wondering.

On the corners of the notebooks, they wrote in some other masterpieces: “Whoever opens this sheet looks like this worm,” and a nasty worm is drawn next to it. Do you think they didn't open it? Still like, and then diligently wrapped the accordion so that no one would know about your sin.

In addition to questions and advice in the questionnaires, songs were also written by loved ones. Sometimes those who had a special passion for the lyrics started entire songbooks for this. To show off their knowledge in the field of show business. They entered there folk art”or otherwise“ compassionate, tearful songs ”about unhappy love:“ ... There was a white house in the distance, and Mary sat in it and waited for the prince shu-lu-la. ”Or this one that I had recorded:“ What happened with you, dear boy? If you are sick, I will call a doctor! Mom, mom, the doctor will not help, I fell in love with one girl.

My classmate once stole such a songbook from me and mocked me, singing “Lilies of the Valley” and “Doves” in all voices. I was embarrassed and still don't understand why. After all, she obviously had the same notebook.

There were also "fortune-tellers" in the questionnaires. The survey participant was asked to choose a favorite flower, and then find out its “meaning”. So the rose meant passion, the cornflower endowed the girl with modesty, the chamomile - tenderness. I believe that, having learned the meanings of these fortune-tellers from other questionnaires, sexually developed girls chose only roses.

It was possible to find out the future by the questionnaire. You turned down the corner of the notebook, and there: Oh, God! “Today you will be given 2!” Sitting and shaking, suddenly it turns out to be true? Even if you've learned your lesson, you're still afraid. Because the questionnaire itself told you: “Danger!”.

If you had few friends, there was one method that allowed you to score points among your peers: you filled out your own questionnaire several times in a different handwriting so that later it would not seem that you had few friends. There are all sorts of casual phrases about how you "walked yesterday" and "how cool you are." Who didn't lie? Girls with boobs in 8th grade? Yes, they probably didn't lie...

Social inequality

That's what I did, to be honest. Because until the 10th grade, only especially kind girls wrote in my profiles. Or those who had a penchant and mania for filling out questionnaires. And I was so bitter when I realized my uselessness and minimal significance for society. After all, just like today, when you are judged by the number of subscriptions, friends on a social network, likes and reposts, earlier your popularity was evidenced by the thickness of the profile and its content.

These questionnaires, although they were ridiculous and sweet, spoke about your status in society, and about your secret desires. Now it's cars, iPhones, iPads. Now in the questionnaires - if there are any: asec numbers, website addresses. You will not find stickers, especially drawings. And it seems that just yesterday a simple notebook in a cage could tell everything about you. Who are you, who are you with, what are you talking about. Even feigned, fictional, but it was all you.

True, there was no individuality in her, no matter how hard her mistresses tried, but there was a soul and growing up. Stage of life. And yet it was creativity, whatever one may say. Some even compare it with scrapbooking, although Marina, experienced in this matter, can argue with a free Internet statement.

And it is so touching now to re-read your own thoughts, thoughts about life and remember your secret admirers and true school friends. Now, for some reason, this purity is sorely lacking. But there are so many social networks in which you can show all your mind, imagination, creativity. But it's not so interesting to keep it, and you can't hide it from your parents on the table. They themselves have the same “questionnaires” saved in their computers, along with secrets.

So it turns out that this personal social network has become available to everyone. And do not spend three hours to decorate your notebook, and three more to come up with questions. You can just peep someone's smart thoughts, then magically copy and paste it for yourself. The main thing is that these are very smart thoughts. So that no one understands anything. Then they will definitely make friends with you and even fall in love with you.

Girls, did you throw out your profiles or leave them? Or just me still this paper memory keep? And why? I do not know. Because when he grows up, you won’t show your son: he will laugh at his mother. But in old age it will be possible to read and smile with a toothless mouth. The same, you know, entertainment.