Design research work in literature. Design and research work "Flowers in literature, folklore and mythology

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 1 p. Aleksandrov-Gai


Completed: Minaeva Tatiana

Zhusubalieva Madina,

students of 7 "a" class

MBOU secondary school №1

Leader: math teacher

Pykhova G.V.




From the history of the number 7……………………………………………………………………….6

Secrets of the number 7…………………………………………………………………………….7

In science ……………………………………………………………………………….....9

Seven Wonders of Russia………………………………………………………………………..10

Seven high-rise buildings in Moscow…………..…………………………………………….11

The number 7 in fairy tales………………………………………………………………………12

In proverbs, sayings and poems………………………………………………...13

The number 7 in tasks……………………………………………………………………..14

Puzzle “Tangram” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17

Magic number 7…………………………………………………………………………..18





Is it possible to imagine a world without numbers?

Let's look around: how many numbers surround us! The very emergence of the concept of number is one of the brilliant manifestations of the human mind. Indeed, numbers are measured, compared, calculated. And they also draw, design, play, draw conclusions, conclusions. The most ancient in origin are natural numbers. We were very interested in them, and we decided to find as much information as possible about the numbers. It turned out that the world of numbers is very mysterious and interesting. Reading books on entertaining mathematics, fairy tales, proverbs, I noticed that I often come across the number 7. People have always attached special meaning number seven - it was considered a magical, or sacred, number. Seven is one of the most amazing numbers. Whatever they consider him to be: both sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy. Seven is a spiritual number. According to Scripture, seven is the perfect number. It rules over time and space. All the peoples of the world gave the number seven Special attention. So object research became the number 7.

Thing research: the frequency of its appearance in mathematical problems, puzzles, in various literary genres.

G mortgage: a number of interesting facts makes it possible to assume that the number 7 is one of the significant numbers in our lives.

Target research: analyze the number 7 with mathematical, philosophical, magic dots vision.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

1. Find Interesting Facts, tasks related to the number 7.

2. Understand the meaning of proverbs, sayings associated with this number.

3. Reveal the magical, philosophical meaning of the number 7.

From the history of the number 7

Numbers have been of interest to man since ancient times. Aristotle gave this definition of number: "A number is a set, which is measured with the help of units." It is believed that the term "natural number" was first used by the Roman statesman, philosopher, author of works on mathematics and music theory Boethius (480 - 524). The initial ideas about the number appeared a very long time ago, in the Stone Age, when people not only collected food for themselves, but also began to actively produce it, about 100 centuries BC. e. Numerical terms were hard to come by and slowly came into use. to ancient man was far from abstract thinking, it was enough that he came up with the numbers: “one” and “two”. The remaining quantities for him remained indefinite and were united in the concept of "many".

Food production grew, objects were added that needed to be taken into account in Everyday life, in connection with which new numbers were invented: “three”, “four” ... For a long time, the limit of human knowledge was the number “seven”. Let's talk about him. "What's so interesting about the number seven?" - you say. A number is like a number. However, consider the most interesting facts related to it. They said about the incomprehensible that this book was “with seven seals”, healers in fairy tales gave the patient “seven bundles of medicinal herbs, which had to be infused with seven waters for seven days and taken seven spoons every day.”

The Pythagoreans considered the number seven as an image and model of the divine structure and harmony in nature. It was a number that contained two sacred triplets, or “triads”, to which a “one” was added - the divine monad: 3 + 1 + 3. The number seven, formed by the addition of the number three (a symbol of the divine triad among all peoples - both Christians and pagans) and the number four (a symbol of cosmic forces or elements), symbolically indicates the union of the Deity and the Universe. This Pythagorean idea was used by Christians - especially in the Middle Ages - who widely used the number seven in religious architecture. So, for example, the famous Cologne Cathedral and the Dominican Church in Regensburg, reveal this number in the smallest architectural details.

The Pythagoreans considered the seven to be a virgin number, because, unlike other numbers, "seven does not generate any number from those included in the ten and is not generated by any number." Pythagoras said: “Consisting of three and four, seven means the union of man with the deity: this is the number of adepts, great initiates, and since it expresses the full realization of everything passing through seven steps, it is an image of the law of evolution.” For many ancient peoples, the "seven" was considered sacred. The ancient Assyrians, Arabs swore by the seven.

Secrets of the number 7.

Since ancient times, people have worshiped the number seven:

In six days God created light, water, land, time, animals, man, and on the seventh day he rested, blessed and sanctified this day; - The Bible tells about 7 lamps, 7 angels, 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine;

For Muslims, the heavenly vault consists of 7 heavens, and all those who are pleasing to God fall into the 7th heaven of bliss;

Seven deadly sins:

2. Greed

3. Envy

4. Gluttony

6. Pride

Lent for Christians lasts 7 weeks;

Rome and Kyiv were built on 7 hills;

- seven wonders of the world: Egyptian pyramids at Giza; Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 7th c. BC e.; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus circa 550 BC e.; giant statue of Zeus at Olympia, circa 430 BC e; Halicarnassus Mausoleum in Asia Minor, middle of the 4th c. BC e.; Colossus of Rhodes (statue of Helios in Rhodes), about 292 - 280 BC. e.; Pharos lighthouse in the port of Alexandria, 143 m, about 280 BC e. (Appendix)

- seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple

- seven notes on the stave (do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si;


seven days a week;

Seven chakras in a person;

Hindus have a custom to give seven elephants for happiness.

The Babylonians have seven walls around the underworld.

A person cognizes the world through seven holes in the head (mouth, nose, eyes, ears).

7 gods were known in ancient Babylon , which included the Sun and the Moon. All incomprehensible phenomena of nature were attributed to the gods, and gradually the idea of ​​the gods was united with the seven planets. Venus was considered by the Romans as the goddess of beauty, Mercury was the god of trade, Mars was the god of war, Jupiter was the god of thunder, and Saturn was the god of sowing. They began to count time. Thus the seven-day week was born. The names of the days are associated with the names of the gods.

Ancient hunters and farmers watched the sky. Their attention was drawn to the change in the lunar disk. They noticed that 7 days after the new moon, half of this disk is visible in the sky. And after another 7 days, the whole moon shines in the sky. Another 7 days pass and again half of the disk remains, and after another 7 only stars shine in the night sky, and the Moon is not visible at all. So they came to the concept of a lunar month, consisting of four seven days.

Especially honored the number seven on Ancient East. Several thousand years ago, the Sumerians lived between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They denoted the number seven with the same sign as the whole universe. Some scholars think that they expressed by this number the six main directions (up, down, forward, backward, left, and right) and even the place from which this countdown comes. Also, their attention in the sky was attracted by the stars, in particular the constellation Ursa Major.

The number seven plays an important role in people's religions and beliefs, in art and language, in science and technology...

And Marina Tsvetaeva titled one of her miniatures like this:

"7 = 3 + 4". I'll quote her:

3 - divine perfection,

4 - world order;

their connection - the number 7 - the personification of communication between

God and His creation - man.

... Seven at the base of the lyre,

Seven at the basis of the world.

The number 7 becomes especially important with the development of Christianity: the world is created in 7 days, in the Temple of Jerusalem there is a lamp with 7 horns and there is a legend about 7 sleeping brothers. The “septenary” nature of the world is also manifested in seven ages human life:

7 * 1 = 7 years - infancy;

7 * 2 \u003d 14 years - adolescence;

7 * 3 = 21 years old - youth;

7 * 4 = 28 years - youth

7 * 5 = 35 years old - maturity, etc.

In science

Nature laws

7±2 - the number of objects that a person can simultaneously keep in memory ( , set ).

7 colors of the rainbow.

Seven celestial bodies visible from Earth in:, .7th in a row - 7th planet in a row solar system for arriving from outside the solar system - the Earth7 types are distinguished by scientists when considering them (the ratio of densities for the extreme types is almost 7: 1) - one of the names of the Pleiades star cluster. 7- the number of spheres in the system.

Geography Seven major rivers: , Oxus (), Jaxartez, and

The seven-segment indicator is a device for displaying digital information. This is the simplest implementation of an indicator that can display Arabic numerals.

7 countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization from 16.8.2006.










Seven wonders of Russia

Seven wonders of Russia- search for the seven wonders of Russia.

The competition is organized by the newspaper "", the TV channel "" and the radio station "". The elections of the seven "wonders of the country" took place through and. The competition was held in three stages. At the first stage (from to) there was a reception of options and voting on them. As a result, 49 miracles were selected from 7 federal districts of Russia (7 miracles from each federal district). From to the second stage passed, as a result of which 14 finalists of the competition were selected. From to the superfinal was held, in which 7 wonders of Russia were chosen by secret ballot. , in , on were announced the winners of the contest. (Appendix)

Seven high-rise buildings in Moscow

Built in Moscow in the early 1950s:

Main building on Sparrow Hills

Before construction, it was the tallest building in Moscow: height 240 m, - 36. Built in 1953 .

Residential building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Residential building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. The house was built in - and - the Central volume has 26 floors.

Hotel "Ukraine"

The second highest "skyscraper" (Kutuzovsky pr., 2/1) was built in - .1957 years The central volume includes 34 floors.

Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The skyscraper was built in - 27 floors, the height of the building is 172 m.

Residential building on Kudrinskaya Square

The house on Kudrinskaya Square was built according to the project. The building consists of a central 24 floor, the height with a tower and a spire is 156 m

Administrative and residential building near the "Red Gate"

It was built from 1947 to 1952. The building consists of a 24-storey central building.

Hotel Leningradskaya

The hotel is located in one of the seven famous high-rise buildings built in Moscow in the 1940s and 50s of the last century. In the family of Stalinist high-rise buildings, the Leningradskaya Hotel is the smallest - only 17 floors and 136 meters high.

The number 7 in fairy tales.

In the fairy tale "Seven Underground Kings", the heroes, together with the girl Ellie, help the inhabitants magical land get rid of the seven kings by re-educating them.

In the fairy tale “The Daughter of Seven Years,” a seven-year-old girl turned out to be smarter than the king himself, and by this she was able to help her poor father.

In the fairy tale "The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves", a young girl saved her entire family from death by deceiving the evil and insidious robbers.

In the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Snow White lived with 7 dwarfs over 7 mountains. In the fairy tale "Seven Simeons", seven twin brothers owned a wonderful craft, traveled across distant seas in order to bring a bride for the king. This magic number was widely used in fairy tales, myths ancient world: "Wolf and seven kids", "Oh dead princess and about the seven heroes" by A.S. Pushkin, "The Seven Brave Men" by the Brothers Grimm, "The Flower - the Seven Flower" by V. Kataev, "The Seven Brothers" in the processing of M. Afanasyev, "The Seven Underground Kings" by A. Volkov, "The Seven-Year-Old Shooter from Luka" Sami fairy tale, "Journey beyond the seven seas"; Atlanta, supporting the firmament with his shoulders, had 7 daughters of the Pleiades, whom Zeus later turned into a constellation; Odysseus was held captive by the nymph Calypso for 7 years.

Sayings and proverbs

In Russian sayings and proverbs, the word “seven” often acts as the word “many”: “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Garlic plagues seven ailments”, “After bread and salt, rest for seven hours”, “Seven with a spoon - one with a bipod", "Seven do not expect one", "Seven nannies have a child without supervision", "Drained seven rivers, did not moisten the canvas", "The fox of seven wolves will hold", "Onion heals seven ailments", "Seven feet under keel", etc. (application)

Instructive meaning popular expressions: "To be in the seventh heaven", denoting the highest degree of bliss; “Beyond the seven seas” means far; "Seven spans in the forehead" - very smart, wise outstanding, talented person; “Seventh water on jelly” or “Seventh kvass on thick” is a very distant relative; “A week without a year” - recently; “Seven miles to heaven” - promise a lot, say a lot; “For seven miles of jelly to slurp” - go far and in vain, go, drag; "Until the seventh generation" - to the most distant generations; "Seven Fridays in a week" or "Seven Sundays in a week" is a figurative designation of human impermanence; "By leaps and bounds" - very quickly; “Until the seventh sweat” - to work, work, to extreme fatigue, complete exhaustion; "Behind seven seals" - secret; The "seven deadly sins" are bad, unforgivable deeds.


We meet the number 7 in poems:

The number seven is known to all. In a tight sky starry night

What about the number seven? I found seven bright dots.

Seryozha turned seven. I found seven burning eyes

He became smarter and stricter. Are called a bucket

Year after year will fly by, And the name of the Bear is ...

He's going to seventh grade! I don't understand what's wrong here?

(G. Kaitukov) And my father answered me:

You are a son, well done!

Imperceptibly the year will fly by

And seven years old

Will you study at school

And you will find the answer to everything.

(G. Kaitukov)

Seven plane trees

“... A whole region, fields and rivers Tree of Life. Life is a gift

Overshadowed in the midday heat Seven plane trees, seven plane trees ...

Seven plane trees, seven plane trees. What are you, wind, so frantic?

Who grew these trees? Shatter one blow

Centuries fly by day... Emeralds of delicate leaves,

And it always stands at dawn But it will not break seven plane trees ... "

Number 7 in tasks

Many manuscripts specially devoted to mathematics have survived to our time.

In the papyrus of the scribe Ahmes, which is kept in London, solutions are given to 84 problems for various calculations that may be needed in practice. Most of the tasks relate to arithmetic. Among them there is a task related to the number 7: “There are 7 cats in the house, each cat eats 7 mice, each mouse eats 7 ears, each ear gives 7 plants, each plant grows 7 measures of grain. How many together? This task shows that the author is not interested in what subjects are being discussed, whether they are homogeneous or not - only the total number is important to him.

Several millennia have passed since the time of Ahmes, and in the 13th century, the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, nicknamed Fibonacci, cited a similar problem in his book: “Seven old women went to Rome. Each old woman has seven donkeys, each donkey carries seven bags, each bag contains seven loaves, each loaf contains seven knives, each knife in seven sheaths. How many items are there?"

And similar problems were solved in Russia. In the 19th century, in the villages they thought: “Seven elders were walking. Each elder has seven crutches. There are seven knots on each crutch. Each bitch has seven purses. Each bag contains seven pies. There are seven sparrows in each pie. How many?" But this is the same task of Ahmes, which has lived for millennia and has come down to us.

We were interested in tasks in which the number 7 is used. We found many tasks, tasks in verses, sayings, riddles (application).

Task 1

What natural number is 7 times the digit of its units? Answer: number 35

Task 2

How can 7 apples be divided equally among 12 boys without cutting any apple into more than 4 pieces?


Task 3

A collective farmer brought a basket of eggs to the market for sale. She sold them for the same price. After selling the eggs, the collective farmer wanted to check whether she had received the money correctly. But here's the problem: she forgot how many eggs she had. She only remembered that when she laid eggs by 2, there was one egg left. One egg was also left when laying eggs by 3, by 4, by 5, by 6. When she shifted by 7, not a single one remained. Help the collective farmer figure out how many eggs were in the basket. Answer: 301 eggs

Task 4

The number VII (seven) is composed of 4 matches.

1) How can you shift two matches so that you get the number 5?

2) How can one shift one match so that the number 1 is obtained?

Task 5

A can with a capacity of 10 liters is filled with kerosene. There are also empty vessels of 7 and 2 liters.

How to pour kerosene into two vessels of 5 liters each?

Solution: First, 7 liters must be poured from the first vessel into the second, and then 2 liters from the second into the third.

Task 6

Between some numbers, place mathematical signs and brackets to get the correct equalities.

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=6 answer(7+7+7+7+7+7):7=6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=7 (7*7-7*7+7*7):7=7

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=8 777:777+7=8

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=10 7:7+7:7+7:7+7=10

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=49 7+7+7+7+7+7+7=49

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=107 (777-77):7+7=107

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=140 ((7+7):7+7)*7+77=140

Task 7

The record of a six-digit number is such that the first and fourth digits, the second and fifth, and the third and sixth are the same. Is the number divisible by 7?

Solution: abcabc = 100000a + 10000b + 1000c + 100a + 10b + c = 100100a + 10010b + +1001c = 1001(100a + 10b + c ), because 1001 is divisible by 7, then abcabc is also divisible by 7.

Task 8

R eka divides the city into four parts, which are connected by six bridges, as shown in the figure One tourist decided to bypass all the bridges, having visited each of them only once. Add another bridge in the picture so that you can cross all the bridges from any part of the city?

We found seven interesting questions, riddles associated with the number 7.

    A unit of time equal to seven days? (a week)

    What is a unit of length equal to 7 feet called? (sazhen)

    An ensemble of seven instruments? (septet)

    What is the name of a team of seven horses? (seven) 7. There were seven subjects in the medieval school. They were called the "Seven Liberal Arts": grammar, dialectics, music, geometry, rhetoric, astronomy. Name the seventh item. (arithmetic)

There are 5 interesting concepts associated with the number 7: "seven" - any account, weight or measure of 7 units, for example: 7 measures of bread; family, according to the recruitment charter of 7 employees; bast shoes of the seven - special weaving, in seven lines; "seven hundred (verst)" - an old measure of length of 700 sazhens; “Semik” is Trinity and Spirits Day, Pentecost, 7 Sundays from Easter (on this day they row a birch tree, dance in circles).

Puzzle "TANGRAM»

The ancient Greeks were engaged in geometry, not only measuring land and distances to ships at sea. They loved geometric games. One of them was called "STOMACHION". In this game, it was necessary to add various figures from 14 parts of the square. This game was so addicted that the great scientist ARCHIMEDES himself wrote an essay about it. The ancient Chinese also played a similar game. Only they divided the square not into 14, but into 7 parts and called their game "CHI-CHAO-CHU" (which means "THE INTELLIGENT PATTERN OF SEVEN PARTS"). This game is also called "TANGRAM". first known ancient book in tangram is "A collection of figures from seven parts" (China 1803). There are a number of versions and hypotheses about the origin of the tangram game. The most common and famous is that the game of tangram is about 4000 years old. One of the fans of the game was Edgar A. Poe. His tangram is made of ivory and is currently kept in the New York public library.

Rules of the game

The essence of the game is to construct various subject silhouettes on a plane. The variety and varying degrees of complexity of geometric constructors allows us to take into account age features children, their inclinations, opportunities, level of training

All collected figures must have equal area, because assembled from the same elements. From this it follows that: all seven elements must certainly enter into each assembled figure; when drawing up a figure, the elements should not overlap each other, i.e. be located in only one plane; the elements of the figures must adjoin one another.

The basic element of the tangram is the tan. Tana can be obtained by cutting the square initially into two large equal triangles, then according to the figure.

There are various tasks associated with the tangram. (Appendix)

Magic number 7.

Numbers are the key to understanding human behavior, one of the simple methods for learning and training the intuitive gifts of man and for comprehending the depths of the human personality.

The ancients believed that numbers have a mysterious, magical meaning and affect a person and everything that he does. Each person has their own "master numbers". Seven is a symbol of mystery and mystery. People of this number have increased spirituality. They have fantastic dreams, strange smells seem to them, and they interpret all this in their own way. They are interested in history, art, riddles human soul and don't care about making money. In the business that the "sevens" are engaged in, they, as a rule, achieve a lot. It is believed that the number 7 is the sign of those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. Seven is the number of luck, the personification of wisdom.

Personality traits - diligence and poetic soul, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition. Rich fantasy, lively and vivid imagination. Composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born with this number. Holders of 7 are talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and a penchant for invention.

We conducted a study: how much these qualities are inherent in people born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, offering to answer the questions of the questionnaire to classmates, high school students, teachers, their family and friends.

The survey showed that the number 7 magically affects the qualities of a person throughout his life, adding over time only the best, such as wisdom, strong intuition, analytical thinking It is believed that Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Brad were born under the sign of the number 7 Hart, Newton, Picasso, Tchaikovsky P.I., Nosov N.N., Lobachevsky N.I., Vavilov N.I., Aivazovsky I.K., Plushenko E.I., Nikulin Yu.V., Mironov A. .BUT.


The performance of this work helped us to form the skill of a creative approach to tasks in mathematics, to understand some methods and ways of solving problems, to learn how to independently select necessary literature, draw conclusions. Understand that mathematics is interesting science about numbers and their application, and agree that Pythagoras believed that everything in the world can be expressed using numbers.

The object of the study was the number 7. We found interesting problems related to it. Better understand the meaning of the proverbs. We saw its use in puzzles and concluded that for playing Tangram, the main requirement for a person is logical thinking.

The information contained in this work interested classmates, helped them discover new facts and tasks. Based on this information, we can conclude that the world of numbers is so mysterious and fascinating that if each of the students paid more attention to it, they would find a lot of useful and interesting things for themselves.

As a result of the study, the magical and philosophical meaning of the number 7 was confirmed.

All these facts prove the significance of the number 7 in support of our hypothesis. They allow you to be successful in solving non-standard problems in mathematics lessons.

Mysterious number seven! Whatever they consider him to be: both sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy. This is how the British, French, Italians, Russians treat him, Hindus, Arabs, Turks and other nations revere him. He was revered for many centuries BC, in the Middle Ages, and is revered today.


    Great Mathematical Encyclopedia. Yakusheva G.M. etc. M: Philol. o-vo "WORD": OLMA-PRESS, 2005.

    The emergence and development of mathematical science: book. for the teacher. M: "Enlightenment", 1987.

    Evenings of entertaining arithmetic. Kotov A.Ya. M. "Enlightenment", 1967.

    Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook. Depman I.Ya, Vilenkin N.Ya., M: "Enlightenment", 1989.

    The wonderful world of numbers. Kordemsky B.A. / Book for students, M: "Enlightenment", 1995.

    Math box. Nagibin F.F., Kanin E.S., M: "Enlightenment", 1988.

    Material for extracurricular activities mathematics. Shustev F.M., Minsk, 1968.

    About truth and fiction. Dorokhov A. "Children's Literature". Moscow, 1977.

    Decide for yourself. Mazanik A.A. Minsk. 1980.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Mathematician. M: "Enlightenment", 1993.

    Internet resources.

APPENDICES Seven Wonders of the World

In ancient times, the seven wonders of the world were called seven structures, striking in their grandeur, creations of the human mind and skillful human hands.

1. Hanging Gardens of Queen Babylon. 2. Temple of the Greek goddess Artemis.

3. In the city of Olympia in the temple was

sculptural image of the main god of the ancient Greeks -

Zeus Olympian.

4. Queen Artemisia built a magnificent tomb for her husband King Mausolus.

5. Sculptor Haret created the sixth miracle,

known as the colossus of Rhodes. 6. The largest lighthouse of antiquity, which was built near the city of Alexandria.

Time has not been kind to these marvels of creation. And ... only the pyramids survived.

. “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids,” says an Eastern proverb about the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. The pyramids are the tombs of the Egyptian kings - the pharaohs.

Seven wonders of Russia

3. Mamaev Kurgan and monument

"Motherland" (Volgograd) 4. Peterhof (St. Petersburg)

5. St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow) 6. Pillars of weathering (Komi)

    Elbrus (Kabardino - Balkaria)

The Magnificent Seven

big dipper and moon discs

World renowned jewelry designer Stephen Webster has unveiled an exquisite collection of The Seven Deadly Sins rings.

About his idea of ​​​​creating such rings, the designer commented as follows:

“In the context of the 21st century, the very idea of ​​the seven deadly sins cannot but be delightful, while it has long been not punishable by death.

And everyone knows what each of the sins is, but not everyone knows about each of the punishments in hell from the old devil, and that each sin is characterized certain color. It's time to return to the original idea of ​​sin, but this time in terms of jewelry…».

Each of the seven handmade cocktail rings speaks of one of the oldest and darkest dogmas of Christian teaching and is a stylized depiction of ancient vices: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness.




1-"Seven feet under the keel"

2-"Seven Fridays in a week"

3-"Try on seven times, cut once"

4-"Seven do not wait for one"

5-"Bow from seven ailments"

6-“I don’t fight myself, I’m afraid of seven”

7-"Seven miles to heaven"

8-"Over the seven seas"

9-"In the seventh heaven"

10-"Do not build seven churches, add seven children (orphans)"

11-"Trouble brings seven troubles"

12-"Seven troubles one answer"

13-"Every trouble gives birth to seven troubles"

14-"Seven nannies have a child without an eye"

15-"Seven villages, and one horse"

16 - "Seven villages, one ox, and that goal"

17 - “They lost the bast shoes, they searched the yards: there were six, they found seven”

18-"Seven generals, yes one private"

19 - "Seven are not alone, we will not give into trouble"

20 - "Seven miles to heaven, and all the forest"

21-"Seven cases in one hand do not take"

22-"Seven raise one straw"

23 - "Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod"

24-“Poppy didn’t give birth for seven years, but there was no hunger”

25-"I was silent for seven years, cried out on the eighth"

26 - “We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together and there’s nothing to say”

27 - "Seven times in your opinion, but at least once in my opinion"

28 - "Drained seven rivers, did not moisten the canvas"

29-"Seven Thursdays and all on Friday"

30 - “In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard - it sows, blows, circles, stirs up,

and roars, and pours, and sweeps from below"

31 - "Lazy Emelya has seven Sundays in a week"

32 - "To kill a cat - seven years of luck can not be seen"

33-"Seven spans in the forehead"

34 - Seventh water on jelly.

35- Work up a sweat.

36-For seven miles of jelly slurp.

37- One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

38 - Secret behind seven seals.

39- For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a village.

40- For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle .

41- It is better to sweat seven times than frost once.

43- Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

44-Than to send seven, it is better to visit yourself.


Once the guys went to the river,

They carried two oars in their hands.

Three sheep meet them

And four turkeys.

Frightened, they fled.

The oars were thrown into the bushes,

And you must find them.

One, two - there were ducklings,

Three, four - went home.

Behind them trailed the fifth,

The sixth ran ahead

And the seventh lagged behind everyone,

Frightened, he squealed:

Where are you? Where are you?

We are here nearby ... look.

Tongue Twisters

They sat and whistled seven waxwings.

In seven sledges

Seven per sleigh

Sat down yourself.

Stepan has sour cream.

Yogurt and cottage cheese

Seven kopecks tuesok.


There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Around every week.

The brothers follow each other.

Say goodbye to the last -

The front appears. (Days of the week)

We are a flock, seven sheep,

Protects from storms.

The sun ordered: "Stop",

The Seven Colored Bridge is steep.

7 I. (Family)

Problems with seven

One and two sevens.

Represent the number 0 with one or two sevens.

You have only two digits at your disposal 7. What is the largest possible number that can be written using them?

Using one or two digits 7, write an expression whose value is 14.

Two and three sevens.

Express the number 2 with two or three digits 7.

Is it possible to represent the numbers 3,4 and 5 using two or three sevens?

Express the number 42 using two or three sevens.

Three and four sevens.

Using three or four sevens and two pairs of brackets, write an expression that uses the minus sign three times. What is the number in this case?

Express the number 0 with four digits 7 and one single mathematical sign.

Draw the number 3 with three or four sevens.

Four and five sevens.

Express the number 5 with four or five digits 7. (No brackets allowed)

Represent the number 7 with or five sevens in such a way that there are four division signs in the example entry.

Represent the number 0 with five sevens.

Least number of sevens.

Express number2 using a minimum of 7 digits.

Express the number 14 with as few 7 digits as possible.

Represent the number 19 using the least number of sevens.

The boy has as many sisters as brothers. But each of his sisters has twice as many brothers as sisters.

a) How many children are there in the family?

b) How many of them are boys and how many are girls?

(Seven children in total: 4 boys and 3 girls)

"Well, Hare, wait!"

The Wolf and the Hare went to buy ice cream. The wolf says: "I'm big and I'll buy three servings, and you're small, so ask for two!" The hare agreed. The wolf bought three portions, and the Hare twice two. The Wolf ate ice cream, looked at the Hare, and how he shouted: “Well, Hare, wait a minute!”

Why is the wolf angry?

How many servings of ice cream did the Wolf and the Hare buy in total?

How to get 3 liters of water?

There are two cans with a capacity of 2 and 7 liters. How to use these cans to collect 3 liters from the river?

(You need to take a can with a capacity of 7 liters and scoop water out of it twice with a can with a capacity of 2 liters)

Tasks in verses.

In the sky, a rainbow is an arc

Closes the coast

Blooming clearer

Miracle - colors shine

Let him answer

How many colors

plays in it,

Illuminating the sea surface?

The fishermen are sitting

Guard floats.

Fisherman Roots

Caught three bass

Rybak Yevsey -

Four carp.

How many fish are fishermen

Dragged from the river?

Sasha in a pocket

Candy in paper.

He gave candy

Sveta and Pete,

Irina and Galina,

Marina and Nina

And I ate candy

And no more.

(How many sweets were there?)

task 1
. Finding a way to depict the silhouettes of people, animals, objects, numbers,

using all the details of the tangram. As an illustration, we can cite the figure "number 8" (Fig. 1 a, b).

Task 2. Finding a way to reproduce the given silhouettes (Fig. 2 a, b, c), solving problems -

(rice. 2 d, e, f).

Rice. 2 a, b, c

Rice. 2 d, e, f

Rice. 3a Fig. 3 b

hell 3. Compilation of a more complex double or triple tangram (two or three sets of seven "tans" are used for this). As an illustration, we can offer the drawing "Playing billiards", given in the book by Ya.I. Perelman "Funny

tasks" (Fig. 3 a), solution (Fig. 4 b).

hell 4
. The solution of the paradox in tangrams of seven parts (an example is where the little man's leg came from: the paradox discovered by G. Dudeni, see Fig. 4 a, b, c, d. As can be seen from the diagram, the first figure is slightly thicker than the second; "is exactly equal to the area of ​​the excess strip on the abdomen, indicated by the segment AB).


Seven- one of the most amazing numbers. Mysterious number seven! Whatever they consider him to be: both sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy.

Seven is the number of the spiritual order, sacred number. According to Scripture, seven is the perfect number. It rules over time and space.
All the peoples of the world paid special attention to the number seven.

In Egypt, seven is a symbol of eternal life, the number of the god Osiris. According to

legends, at the seventh hour of the night, the boat of Ra, dead
passes through seven halls and seven doors to reach Amerti. Except
In addition, seven is a symbol of creation (as in Christianity).
AT Ancient Greece seven is the symbol of Apollo.

Apollo is a symbol of beauty, patron of the arts in ancient Greek mythology cult of this Greek god came from Asia Minor

Apollo was born on the seventh day
months, his lyre had seven strings. In the legends you can find seven
Hesperides, seven circles of hell, seven gates, seven daughters of Astarte, seven cyclops,
seven children of Niobe, seven pipes of Pan's flute

The number seven is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments 700 (!) times. In Islamic
tradition, there are seven brides and seven lands, seven gates of heaven and seven
levels of hell, seven prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus,
Muhammad). During the Hajj to Mecca, pilgrims must walk around seven times
sacred stone of the Kaaba. The soul of the deceased spends seven days near the grave. On the
On the seventh day, the newborn is given a name.

The ancients knew seven planets and each of them was given great importance.
MENORA, OR MINORAH (Heb. - a lamp) - one of the most ancient symbols of Judaism, a metal candlestick with seven clay or glass lamps.

The shape of the menorah goes back to the menorah described in the Bible, which personifies the seven churches of Asia Minor and symbolizes the seven planets and seven days of Creation. For example, the Jewish philosopher Philo believed that the menorah symbolizes the seven planets, which are the highest objects available to human perception. He also argued that the gold from which the menorah is made and its light symbolize the Divine light, or logos.

This is the most famous and detailed image of the temple Menorah, which has survived to this day.

The seven-candlestick signifies the seven sacraments. Orthodox Church, those grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are poured out on believers thanks to the Redemptive Feat of Jesus Christ.

These seven lights also correspond to the seven spirits of God sent into all the earth (Rev. 5:6), the seven churches, the seven seals of the mysterious book, the seven angelic trumpets, the seven thunders, the seven bowls of God's wrath, which the Revelation of John the Theologian tells about.

Of all the possible correspondences of the number seven, the most important for believers is the correspondence to the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Chrismation, Repentance, Communion, Unction, Marriage, Priesthood, as embracing all the grace-filled means of saving the human soul; from birth to death of a person. These means became possible only thanks to the coming into the world of Christ the Savior.

Thus, the light of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, contained in the seven sacraments of the Church, and the light of Orthodoxy as the doctrine of truth - this is what the seven lights of the church seven-candlestick mean first of all.

Behind the shoulder, where the menorah is burning,
And where is the shadow of the Judean wall,
The invisible sinner languishes
Under the consciousness of eternal guilt.

Polygamist, poet and beginning
Of all beginnings and the end of all ends
. . . . . . . . . . .Anna Akhmatova
(1963) . . . . . . . . . . . .

In folk wisdom, the "seven" is assigned the role of a divine number.
Seven seals, seven bowls of wrath, seven thunders, seven golden candlesticks,
seven heads of the beast, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes, seven heroes, seven
gnomes, seven days of the week, seven winds, seven Pillars of Wisdom, for the family
mountains, seven spans in the forehead, seven Fridays in the week, seven, seven, seven ... the number
surrounding us everywhere - the seventh of November, a day off for all Russians.

Rome is built on seven hills. There are seven days in a week. Buddha sat under a fig tree with seven fruits. The spectrum consists of seven primary colors. There are seven tones (notes) of the scale in music.

The number "7" we meet in the Bible, which states that God created everything on Earth in seven days. And then - seven sacraments, seven gifts of the holy spirit, seven ecumenical councils, seven stars in the crown, seven wise men in the world, seven candles in the altar lamp and seven in the altar lamp, seven deadly sins, seven circles of hell.

Seven deadly sins:

Excerpts from the end of the 19th century.

World renowned jewelry designer Stephen Webster has unveiled an exquisite collection of The Seven Deadly Sins rings.

Stephen Webster in his boutique.
About his idea of ​​​​creating such rings, the designer commented as follows:

« In the context of the 21st century, the very idea of ​​the seven deadly sins cannot but be delightful, while it is no longer punishable by death.
And everyone knows what each of the sins is, but not everyone knows about each of the punishments in hell from the old devil, and that each sin is characterized by a certain color. It's time to return to the original idea of ​​sin, but this time in terms of jewelry…».



Each of the seven handmade cocktail rings speaks of one of the oldest and darkest dogmas of Christian teaching and is a stylized depiction of ancient vices: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness.

Seven is the most mysterious and supernatural number, it is
most important in magic. According to tradition, the seventh son of the seventh father has
magical abilities.

7 Wonders of the World))
The first mention of the 7 wonders of the world are found in the writings of Greek authors.
The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. uh...

Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the III century BC. e. appeared new list miracles.

TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUS - a majestic temple in honor of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, the patroness of animals and young girls. The temple was built in 560 BC,

The supporting structures of the temple were about 120 marble columns.
Two hundred years later, in 356 BC, the temple was burned to the ground. In pursuit of glory, Herostrat set fire to the temple, believing that in this way he would become famous.

Years later, Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the restoration of the temple in its original place.
The temple of Alexander existed until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus was covered with silt and the city lost its significance. The temple was sacked by the Goths and later flooded. Today, only a few base blocks and one restored column have survived from the temple at Ephesus.

THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES- a giant bronze statue, about 33 meters high, which stood in the port city of Rhodes.

Rhodes is an island in the Aegean off the coast of modern Turkey. The statue was made in gratitude to Helios, the god of the Sun, for his intercession during the siege of the city by Greek soldiers. It took 12 years to build the statue, but 50 years after the completion of construction, the Colossus collapsed.
During the earthquake, he broke at the level of his knees. So she lay for more than 900 years, and people went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god.


The mausoleum is located in the city of Bodrum in Turkey.
In 352 BC. e. King Mausolus died in the city of Halicarnassus (Asia Minor). Following the customs of those times, the corpse of the king was burned, and the ashes were placed in a funeral urn. According to legend, the wife of King Artemisia, who had an extraordinary love for him, decided to perpetuate the memory of her husband by building a great tomb. The mausoleum was an unusual and majestic building made of brick, lined inside and out with marble. The height of the mausoleum reached 60 meters. An urn with ashes rested on the ground floor. Sacrifices were kept on the second floor. The next floor was a multi-stage pyramid, and its figures were crowned
Mausolus and Artemisia.
The mausoleum stood for about 1800 years in the middle of a deserted city until the 15th century, when it was dismantled by the Crusaders.


Lighthouse, about 150 meters high, built at the entrance to the bay of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, on the island of Pharos. The lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 299-279 BC. e. under Pharaoh Ptolemy II of Egypt. The largest and most beautiful lighthouse was located at the crossroads of sea routes, and was well known to all sailors.
The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 it was badly damaged by an earthquake. The Arabs who came to Egypt tried to restore it, and by the 14th century. the height of the lighthouse was only about 30 m. At the end of the 15th century. Sultan Kait Bey erected a fortress on the site of the lighthouse, which still stands today.


They were built by order of Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife Amitis, who yearned for the green hills of Media in Babylon.

The palace was built on an artificially created site, raised to the height of a four-tier structure.
Hanging gardens were laid out on artificial terraces resting on vaults.
In carts pulled by oxen, trees wrapped in wet matting, seeds of rare plants, herbs and bushes were brought to Babylon. Gradually amazing gardens grew and beautiful flowers bloomed. To irrigate the greenery day and night, hundreds of slaves served water from the Euphrates in leather bags.
The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by the constant floods of the Euphrates.


In search of a creation that would be worthy of being called a miracle, the Greeks reviewed not a single temple of Hellas. But, alas, not a single temple was awarded this award. And only the statue of Zeus, and not the temple itself in which it was located, was recognized as a miracle. The temple of Zeus with his statue was the main shrine of Olympia. The creator of the statue was Phidias. The length of the temple in which the statue was located reached 64 meters, width - 28, height - 20 meters.
Zeus, sitting at the end of the hall on the throne, propped up the ceiling with his head. The head and figure of Zeus naked to the waist were carved from ivory. The cloak thrown over his shoulder, the hair and beard of Zeus were carved from gold. The golden wreath of olive branches on the head of Zeus served as a sign of the formidable god's peacefulness. In one hand, the god held a statue of the winged goddess of victory Nike, the other leaned on a rod, ending with the figure of an eagle.
Zeus was so majestic that when Phidias completed his work, he approached the statue and asked: “Are you satisfied, Zeus?” In response, there was a thunderclap, and the floor at the feet of the statue cracked. Zeus was pleased.

GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA- the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World.

In addition, this is the only one of the miracles that has survived to this day.
The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs ancient egypt. The creation of his tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built at Giza, for the son and grandson of Khufu, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens.

Neuroscientists consider the number 7 to be a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of “working memory” of the brain.
Scientists from the Institute for Nonlinear Science in California (BioCircuits Institute at the University of California, Institute for Nonlinear Science) in the course of their research came to the conclusion that the number 7 has some kind of magical meaning for the brain.

According to experts, the seven is a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of "working memory" of the brain, so any value associated with the seven is easier to remember.
The number 7 is associated with the number of brain synapses and the specifics of the relationships between them.
The author of the theory, Mikhail Rabinovich, published his paper in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters. His theory states that, despite the complexity of mathematical models describing processes in nervous system human, it all comes down to the number 7.

According to occultists, the human body is renewed every 7 years. They think that diseases develop according to a seven-day cycle. It turns out that the number 7 controls such cycles and rhythms as birth, development, aging and death. For these reasons, 7 is the number of perfection. Each stage of human development, each lunar phase is completed in 7 days. Any 7 objects consist of completed seven cycles. For example, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 components of a person's face, 7 holes in his body, etc. Occultists consider the properties of this number to be the secret rhythms of life.

Number 7 in proverbs and sayings:

Seven feet under the keel.
Seven times measure cut once.
Seventh water on jelly.
Work up a sweat.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven do not wait for one.
For seven miles of jelly slurp.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Seven Fridays in a week.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Secret behind seven seals.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.
It is better to sweat seven times than frost once.
September hour - we have seven weather.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Over the seven seas.
On the seventh sky.
By leaps and bounds.
Bow from seven ailments.
- than to send seven, it is better to visit yourself;
- one with a bipod, seven with a spoon;

The main favorable meaning of the number 7 is the ability to think. For real. That is, to pose a certain question, and then, using logic, erudition and insight, find the answer. In fact, it is available to a few, which gives you an undeniable advantage in most life situations. And it is quite natural that you are considered a wise adviser. One more positive quality- Your inner peace. You can flare up and break into a scream because of any trifle, but it is almost impossible to get you out of balance and make you “lose your head”.

Negative qualities

In a negative way, the number 7 in numerology is revealed in such qualities as cynicism, misanthropy, unreasonable suspicion and some wildness in external manifestations. You don't care what people think or say about you, so you don't bother showing good manners or even basic courtesy. But if you want, you can "teach a lesson in etiquette" in such a defiant way that the interlocutor will feel offended. In addition, you demonstrate your independence and unwillingness to "be part of the crowd" at every opportunity. Therefore, you will never become everyone's favorite.

Name numbers

"Seven" in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of appearance - is a sign of the presence of exceptional abilities and pronounced talents. First of all, this is a remarkable intellect, the ability to think in images and categories, without exchanging for trifles. However, you are by no means an abstract thinker. You have a purely practical ingenuity and dexterity that allows you to realize any of your original ideas. The number seven is the vibration of the “Master”, who knows everything and achieves everything exactly as he intended.

Date of birth numbers

The meaning of the number 7 in the numbers of the date of birth - Number life path and Number of birthday - could be called a sign of unlimited possibilities, if not for the peculiarities of your character. You are too picky and picky to grab every chance that comes up. And if sometimes you still do it, it is solely for the sake of money. You have no doubts about your own abilities. You are concerned with another question: to what extent do all the existing possibilities correspond to what you can offer? And your life can become a continuous "testing the world for compliance." Because there is simply no definitive answer.

Impact on the profession

You are able to master any profession, the requirements of which do not go beyond your physical capabilities. However, self-realization in the profession is almost impossible for you. And this is a very sad paradox. The problem is that not only do you not want to work - you are not original here - but you will never want to work. The number 7 in numerology means that a person of your temperament will simply not be interested in doing the same thing twice. You can casually create a masterpiece, but the feeling of moral satisfaction and professional pride will “die” in a quarter of an hour.

Impact on personal life

Answering the question: “What does the number 7 mean in personal relationships?”, It can be called the “champion of unlucky love.” Why? But this is perhaps the only question to which the G7 cannot give an intelligible answer. Everything affects: both refined selectivity, and pedantry, and - of course - sexual emancipation that frightens many. But the most likely reason is early start. In youth, the "sevens" of both sexes have some kind of special, magnetic attraction. And the first sex often happens to them long before the first love, which they are then unable to even recognize, because the landmarks are knocked down, and the “throb of love” is already indistinguishable in the waves of more powerful sensory sensations.