7 heroes and a dead princess. Pushkin - the tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes

Hello friends!

Waiting for the approach of the holiday is no worse, and sometimes even better, than the holiday itself. Especially when it comes to the beloved New Year. He makes us plunge into childhood, believe in magic and miracles. After all, this is so lacking in our daily life.

Everyone cooks, decorates their houses and apartments, creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. The streets are decorated with bright garlands of lights, snowmen, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, New Year's deer and, of course, animal symbols of the coming year are looking at us from the windows.

If you can’t resist and want to decorate your windows and impress everyone with beautiful paper applications - vytynanka, then this article is for you.

The art of vytynanka is a kind of needlework, which is the cutting of a variety of shapes and patterns. It originated in ancient China in the 7th century AD It spread to Europe, including Russia, only in the 20th century. And it is now widely used as decoration for windows and other room space.

Vytynanka can be called truly real creativity, because the works of some masters can be called masterpieces, striking in their technique and subtlety of execution.

To create a vytynanka, you only need plain A4 paper, small scissors, a stationery knife and a simple pencil. You can use printed ones on A4 sheets, draw them yourself or buy vytynanka kits in specialized needlework stores. If you have prepared everything necessary materials you can safely get to work.

Vytynanki for the new year 2019 - patterns in the form of a pig

The symbol of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Pig. A vytynanka with her image can be made not only for adults, but also with children, using funny and very cute patterns.

Peppa Pig. Little children love her very much.

And you can use these stencils, for example, to decorate the windows of your office.

For the most patient and diligent, we have prepared stencils for openwork pigs.

Vytynanka numbers and letters download and print

Where without the cherished words "Happy New Year 2019!". In order for this congratulation to really decorate your window in a festive way, we recommend using original letter and number templates, selected especially for you.

For example, here is a stencil with a pig snout.

The next template also contains the symbol of the coming year.

Unusual openwork figures

Tip: to make the numbers look better on the window, do not cut off the dark outline, but cut out only the gray details, otherwise they will lose their attractiveness.

For lovers of the classics, here are some numbers.

You can cut out beautiful letters with "snow caps".

Snowflake letters to create a New Year's mood

Patterns of vytynanka Snowman on the windows

Another New Year's character that you should not forget about is a snowman. With it, you can find a lot of beautiful protrusions, cut them out, decorate your home or office with them and enjoy the beauty made by yourself. Here you will find adorable snowman templates.

This is such a wonderful snowman.

You can make it even better with the help of figured hole punches. Drawings on them can be found completely different, including the New Year theme with snowflakes, bells and stars.

Agree that the snowman has become more comfortable and cute.

You can choose stencils of good-natured snowmen in the company of animals, for example:

bear cub


Or cute bunnies

Vytynanki snowflakes for cutting for the new year 2019

Well, where without graceful and sophisticated beauties-snowflakes on our windows. They create frosty pattern even in a snowless winter and make the mood festive.

Before you get started, here are a few tips:

1. For cutting, you will need to fold the paper into a triangle, resulting in 12 layers. So do not use for snowflakes too thick paper. Agree, it will be very inconvenient.

2. There are several ways to fold snowflake paper. It is best to use the method shown in the photo below.

We suggest you use these options for stencils of snowflakes.

Having finished cutting out the vytynanki, you can safely move on to decorating your home. You can just stick them to the window with tape or soapy water, or you can put only the outline. For this:

  • sprinkle on the glued protrusion with toothpaste diluted with water;
  • white or blue gouache or artificial snow;
  • leave to dry a little and carefully remove the pattern from the window.

The result is a glass effect on a frosty morning.

Be creative, create coziness and a New Year's atmosphere with your own hands. Creative success!

With the approach of your favorite holiday New Year, rooms and city streets are being transformed. No one remains indifferent, therefore, contributes to the creation of an appropriate atmosphere.

The easiest way to decorate the windows in an apartment or house. It only takes a little effort from you. You just need to cut out thematic figures from the template and decorate window openings with them.

Despite the simplicity of decorating, with the help of stencils you can beautifully decorate any room. I picked up the most popular vytynanki.

If you like any of the options, then you can download or immediately print ready-made stencils in A4 format at the end of the article. Just click on the corresponding button, as a result, a new window will open with all the schemes that are mentioned in today's material.

In the halls of city apartments, window openings with three wings are usually installed. Therefore, I suggest downloading several stencils, which are enough for the festive decoration of the entire window. Below is one example of what this might look like.

I remind you that you can print all the templates by clicking on the button at the end of the article. For decorating three wings, the following options are offered.

Of course, one of the main attributes are snowflakes.

The granddaughter of Santa Claus will be most welcome.

Bunny is a responsible assistant in preparation for the New Year.

Well, where are we without the main symbol of next year - pigs.

Forest beauty will be a wonderful decoration.

Download these templates, cut them out and use them as you like. Believe me, a festive atmosphere will immediately appear in the room.

Download sock templates for Christmas gifts

Older people are used to Santa Claus leaving gifts under the Christmas tree. But today it has become more and more popular to hang socks for the night, in which presents appear in the morning. Therefore, windows can be decorated with this attribute. Below are a few diagrams that you can download or print immediately.

I offer several options from which you can choose the appropriate pattern.

Socks are the most simple pattern, so if you have free time and desire, you can draw original figures yourself.

Templates for the New Year 2019 paws and Christmas tree branches

For many years, the evergreen forest beauty has been the main symbol of new year holidays. You can buy a Christmas tree or make your own. And stencils of the branches of this tree will help decorate window openings for the holiday.

Templates can be the most simple and complex. I picked up a few good schemes For you.

With the help of these images, you can create beautiful compositions on window openings. Try to beat interesting decorated ideas.

Christmas patterns of galloping deer on the windows

Santa Claus needs to have time to deliver gifts to all the children. But he would not have had time to do this if he had not been delivered by deer to anywhere in the world. Therefore, the room can be decorated with paper drawings of these wonderful animals.

You can download the stencils you like to your computer and then print. It remains only to cut them out and stick them on the glass, as a decoration for the New Year.

If you creatively approach the decoration of the room, then you can harmoniously use all the templates. You will need to tinker a little to beautifully arrange the glass.

Options for openwork patterns for the New Year

Openwork stencils help create a colorful and festive atmosphere in the room. But it will take some effort to prepare the images. To do this, arm yourself with scissors and a clerical knife.

Choose any patterns and use them to decorate window openings.

If you want to decorate the room in an original way, then try creating your own drawings. It's not as difficult as it might seem. There will be a free minute, just try to apply openwork patterns on paper.

New Year's stencils of mittens on the windows

Russian winters are so cold that mittens are indispensable. Therefore, they have long been associated with the New Year holidays. Mitten templates will be a great addition to the composition on glass in window openings.

I offer several interesting options.

These stencils are very easy to cut. Use multiple templates for variety.

Compositions of angels for decorating windows

Another main character of the New Year holidays are angels. In addition, such drawings will be relevant for Christmas. Therefore, take note of the drawings or immediately print them out and stick them on the glass.

Choose angels and create whole compositions from them on window openings.

If you wish, you can not only cut out the drawings, but also decorate them as you wish. Do not be afraid to experiment, everything is in your hands.

Stencils of numbers and inscriptions Happy New Year

In addition to beautiful patterns, it is important to stick congratulations on the New Year 2019 on the window. Therefore, I have prepared for you all the necessary letters and numbers in order to collect the corresponding inscription.

Carefully cut out the letters and you can color them in a specific color.

I did not re-upload the repeating letters and numbers, you just have to print them in several copies. Cut out these templates and assemble the New Year's inscription on the window.

Download and print New Year's templates

All templates are available by clicking the button below. Just click on it. A new window will open with a file, where all the stencils will be in the same order as in the article.

The article contains all the necessary drawings that will help you decorate the window openings in the room and create a festive mood. Decorating takes a little time.

The king and queen said goodbye,
Equipped on the road,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting, waiting from morning to night,
Looks in the field, indus eyes
Get sick looking
From the white dawn to the night;
Don't see my dear friend!
He only sees: a blizzard is winding,
Snow falls on the fields
All white land.
Nine months go by
She does not take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, on the very night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Welcome guest early in the morning
Day and night so long awaited
From afar at last
The king-father returned.
She looked at him
She sighed heavily
Admiration did not bear
And died by noon.
For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But how to be? and he was sinful;
The year has passed like an empty dream,
The king married another.
Tell the truth, young lady
Indeed, there was a queen:
tall, thin, white,
And she took it with her mind and everything;
But proud, broken,
Selfish and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was only one mirror;
The mirror property had:
It speaks skillfully.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful
joked with him
And, blushing, she said:
“My light, mirror! tell
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And a mirror in response to her:
“You, of course, no doubt;
You, queen, are sweeter than all,
All blush and whiter.
And the queen laugh
And shrug your shoulders
And wink your eyes
And snap your fingers
And spin around,
Proudly looking in the mirror.
But the young princess
blooming silently,
Meanwhile, she grew, grew,
Rose and blossomed
White-faced, black-browed,
I like such a meek one.
And the groom was found by her,
Prince Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.
Going to a bachelorette party
Here is the queen dressing up
In front of your mirror
Chatted with him:
“I am, tell me, dearest of all,
All blush and whiter?
What is the mirror in response?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All blush and whiter.
How the queen jumps
Yes, how to wave the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to me for evil.
How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“But the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.
Nothing to do. She is,
Full of black envy
Throwing a mirror under the bench,
Called Chernavka to her
And punish her
To his hay girl,
The message of the princess in the wilderness of the forest
And, tying her alive
Under the pine tree leave there
To be eaten by wolves.
Does the devil cope with an angry woman?
There is nothing to argue. With the princess
Here Chernavka went to the forest
And brought me so far
What did the princess think?
And scared to death
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty of?
Don't kill me girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I pity you."
The one who loves her in my heart,
Didn't kill, didn't bind
She let go and said:
"Don't freak out, God bless you."
And she came home.
"What? the queen said to her,
Where is the beautiful girl?
- There, in the forest, stands alone, -
She answers her. -
Her elbows are tightly bound;
Caught in the claws of the beast
She will be less patient
It will be easier to die.
And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king is grieving for her.
Prince Elisha,
Praying earnestly to God,
Set off on the road
For a beautiful soul
For a young bride.
But the bride is young
Until dawn in the forest wandering,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the Terem.
To meet her, the dog, barking,
He ran and was silent, playing;
She entered the gate
Silence in the backyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing,
And the princess, picking up,
Went up on the porch
And took up the ring;
The door quietly opened
And the princess found herself
In a bright room; around
Shops covered with carpet,
Under the saints is an oak table,
Stove with tiled bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
Know she won't be offended!
In the meantime, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
Removed everything,
I lit a candle for God
Fired up the stove hot
I climbed up on the floor
And quietly subsided.
Dinner time was approaching
There was a clatter in the yard:
Enter seven heroes,
Seven ruddy mustaches.
The elder said: “What a marvel!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone tidied up the tower
Yes, I was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Be honest with us.
If you are an old man
You will be our uncle forever.
If you are a ruddy guy,
Brother will be our name.
Kohl old woman, be our mother,
So let's celebrate.
When the red girl
Be our dear sister."
And the princess came down to them,
Honored the owners
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, I apologized
Something went to visit them,
Even though she wasn't called.
In an instant, by speech, they recognized
That the princess was accepted;
seated in a corner,