The easiest turtle drawing. How to draw a turtle with a pencil in stages - for children

What You'll Be Creating

Did you know that turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world, older than snakes, crocodiles and alligators? It is believed that the first prototypes of the turtle existed about 220 million years ago!

Drawing a turtle is a great experience for artists of all skill levels. Using the example of this animal, we can observe different textures and natural patterns.

We will draw a turtle from scratch, including a side view and a top view, using just a couple of graphite pencils. Let's get started!

What will you need

  • Graphite pencil HB
  • Graphite pencil 3B
  • Eraser
  • Drawing Paper

1. Draw a Turtle. Side view

Step 1

Let's start with a simple sketch of the turtle figure.

Draw a rounded shell shape. Most terrestrial turtles have a large, heavy, domed shell that protects the animal's body from predators.

The shell is actually part of the skeleton; it consists of over 50 bones. And, contrary to popular belief, a turtle can't get out of its shell.

... mark the legs or, to be more precise, the places where the limbs are in contact with the ground. We won't add a fourth shape because it's not visible from this angle.

Step 2

Refine the original shape by outlining the upper part of the tortoise shell (called the shield back).

The shell is a 3D object, so I'm rounding off the contour line at the bottom of the shape.

Step 3

Outline the shape of the head.

Step 4

Draw an eye. Most terrestrial turtles have their eyes looking down at objects in front of them, so I want to convey this feature by lowering the inner corner of the eye.

Step 5

Draw the line of the mouth. Turtles have very hard grasping jaws that help them bite off pieces of food.

Also add the nostrils.

Step 6

Using simple shapes, recreate the turtle's short, strong legs.

Step 7

Refine the legs by removing all unnecessary lines.

Step 8

Turtles usually have very long claws, so add four claws to each limb. Now the legs look more believable!

Also improve the figure of the dorsal shield.

Step 9

Draw protruding polygonal plates (called scutes) at the top of the shell.

Add the next row of shields directly below the first row.

Step 10

Add two more rows, the plates should be smaller.

Also highlight the relief elements of the lower part of the shield using light lines; we don't need too many details here.

Step 11

Let's add some details to the turtle's skin. The pattern may vary; you can see some examples in the image below.

Add elements starting from the head. Also, draw the skin folds in the neck area.

Step 12

Complete the pattern at the head and neck.

Step 13

Add a pattern to the shields. You can see an example in the image below.

By the way, counting the rings formed on all the smaller and older scutes, including those that have appeared, can help estimate the approximate age of the turtle.

Step 14

With a pencil HB, add shading to the darkest areas of the drawing, including the cast shadow.

Step 15

Also add a layer of light hatching to the sides of the shell and the turtle's head.

Step 16

With a pencil 3B pencil, accentuate the pattern on the shields.

Step 17

With a pencil 3B, increase the contrast of the picture by shading the skin texture.

Step 18

With a pencil 3B, cover the carapace with a layer of hatching, accentuating the sides and gaps between the shields.

Step 19

To make this drawing more harmonious, add graphite strokes to the limbs and head using a pencil. 3B.

Our drawing is complete!

2. Draw a Turtle. View from above

Step 1

Draw a light line with a pencil HB; suppose this line goes through the center of the turtle's head and shell.

Add the shape of the shell and the skeleton of the limbs.

This sketch is not a strict setup, but rather a general plan that will help us convey the direction of the body.

Step 2

Draw the shape of the head with the neck and then add the legs.

Step 3

Refine the shape of the neck. Turtles often have transverse skin folds that are visible from this angle.

Narrow the shape of the head and add the eyes - they will be barely visible.

step 4

Recreate the limbs.

Step 5

To complete the legs, add the claws.

Step 6

Draw a short tail, most turtle species have a tail.

Step 7

Draw a new rounded shape inside the outline of the carapace, and then divide this shape into three parts.

Step 8

Draw the shields in the central part of the shell. Let the elements be slightly uneven - this will make the drawing more natural.

Add smaller shields in a circle.

Step 9

Create a pattern on the shields. Don't strive for perfection; let the pattern be slightly non-uniform and arbitrary.

Step 10

Add a jagged pattern to the limbs.

Step 11

With a pencil HB, accentuate the darkest parts of the picture.

Step 12

With a pencil 3B, enhance the contrast, darken the pattern on the shields and the gaps between the plates.

Step 13

Add a hatching layer to the shell using a pencil 3B. Also work on the texture on the limbs, head and tail.

Step 14

With a pencil 3B, darken the carapace, keeping the center relatively light, to give the impression of a bulge. And also emphasize the shadows on the limbs and neck.

Our Drawing is Completed

Congratulations! We created two beautiful graphite drawings using graphite pencils. I hope you've been inspired by the fascinating textures and natural world.

May your creative journey be fruitful and filled with fun!

Option one

Option two

Option three

Option four (step by step)

Step one. On the left side of the sheet, draw a large horizontal oval - the future head. Below, close, we place a figure similar to a semicircle.

Step two. And now, with the help of two curved lines emanating from one point, we will connect the shell and the head of our turtle. On top of the oval - let's draw a figure: it feels like a circle is hidden behind the oval.

Step three. Let's draw three legs: two more, one smaller. We do not see the fourth. An animal's body peeks out from under the shell: let's draw a line. Let's draw a sharp little tail.

Step four. This is perhaps the most difficult step. To learn how to draw a turtle that looks like a real one, you will have to take a closer look. Let's be patient and put an eraser nearby just in case. Our cute and perky turtle has two large eyes.

We see only one, it is located at the top of the muzzle. Above it is a skin fold. Therefore, as if we are starting to draw a circle above the eye, but, resting on the oval of the face, we finish the line. Exactly the same fold over the other eye, it looks out from behind the head. And then next we draw a small corner of the second cheek. Two long curved lines on the oval will show us the spout. Let's add a dot a little lower. Below is a big smile. A couple of dashes-folds on the neck will give our image liveliness. Step five. Now let's take it in hand soft pencil and draw the outline of the drawing. Auxiliary lines gently erase with an eraser.

Joint drawing with a child is not only interesting, but also insanely useful. Drawing has a positive effect on the development of children. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises to create something, or draw with your child, do not neglect such a chance. Even if you do not know how to draw, do not be sad, step by step lessons drawings are invented just for such cases. You will also need a little perseverance, attentiveness and the main desire.
Children really like turtles, and they definitely won’t refuse to draw one of them. That is why today's lesson about step by step drawing turtles.
What is required for drawing?
Blank sheet of paper;
A little patience.

Step One - Turtle Body

We draw an oval, it will serve us as the body of a turtle. To make it easier to explain to the child what an oval is, say that it is similar in shape to an egg. And remember that turtles come from eggs.

Step two - draw the shell

The shell is an integral part of any turtle. This is not only her house, but also the main means of protection from danger. To draw the shell, separate the line from the bottom

Step Three - Draw the Turtle's Head

The turtle's head is also oval. It should be placed under the edge of the shell.

Step Four - Draw the Paws

The paws of the turtle are very short, but no less strong. With their help, she overcomes long distances, digs deep holes.

Step Five - Remove Extra Lines

Now all the drawn details must be correctly and smoothly arranged. Erase the extra lines with an eraser and go over the outline again with a pencil.

Step six - divide the shell into 2 parts

Visually, the tortoise shell can be divided into two parts. To do this, separate a small area with a smooth line, as shown in the picture below.

Step seven - shields on the shell

The bottom of the shell consists of small shields. Draw them all together in one row. Those shields that gradually rise up have larger size and they are arranged in a circle. The closer to the top of the shell, the smaller they become again.
Another detail of the turtle's body is its large claws. With the help of their sharpness, the reptile can dig a deep hole for itself.

Step Eight - Draw the "scales"

In appearance and tactile sensations turtle skin is very rough and has many wrinkles. Therefore, when depicting a turtle, its entire body should be painted with such “scales”.

Don't forget to draw the turtle's mouth and one eye as it is on its side.

Turtle Tortilla from the fairy tale Pinocchio gave the wooden boy a special present - a golden key. So let's remember that moment from the fairy tale and capture it on paper. To make the picture bright and colorful, use colored pencils.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

  1. We draw at the first stage the head of the turtle Tortilla. First, draw a circle, and then adjust the shape. We add small details such as eyes and mouth openings with tongue.

  2. Now let's draw a cute hat with ruffles on the head, which will give the character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio an old look. We draw small details on the hat, and then move on to the lower part of the head, to which we add the neck.

  3. Let's move on to the main part of the picture - the torso. It consists of a large and dense shell, as well as paws. However, we will leave the paws for the next stage. The shape of the shell resembles an oval. So first of all we draw this figure just below the head and neck. Then we divide the oval into two parts using a wavy line that will delimit the lower part from the upper convex one. Refine the contour of the shell. We detail in the middle all the elements.

  4. Now that Tortilla's turtle shell is ready, you can finish drawing two pairs of paws. First, we outline the location in the figure and the shape itself using simple and wavy lines. Then you can move from one element to another, adjusting the outline and shape.

  5. We finish the golden key in the left paw of Tortilla. The subject will be in a vertical position, so it can be easily drawn. The top of the key should have nice wavy edges to give it an antique and fabulous look. Also, after drawing the outline of the object, add a glow around the key using zigzag lines.

  6. We color the picture of the turtle Tortilla from such a small object as a golden key. To give it the necessary texture and color, we use pencils in yellow and orange tones. We combine them with each other and get a golden hue of the key. We will also paint the area of ​​\u200b\u200bradiance with them.

  7. With green pencils we color the head, paws and the lower part of the tortoise shell.

  8. Then we take pencils brown flowers and paint the upper part of the Tortilla shell, which has a convex shape.

  9. With red shades of pencils, we will hatch a small part of the hat.

  10. We outline all the elements in the step-by-step drawing of the Tortilla turtle with a black pencil. With brown pencils we create an additional shade on the bottom of the shell. Finally, we will add shine in the eyes of the turtle from the radiance of the golden key with a yellow pencil.

The drawing of Tortilla turtle is absolutely ready. Now it can be used as an illustration for the famous fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio.

Today we will tell you about how to draw a turtle with a pencil step by step. The article is suitable for those parents who want to teach their child to draw.

The turtle has a dense shell with a certain pattern on its upper part. The torso is located inside it, which can go outside. The shell is painted in brownish-green tones, but the wrinkled skin of the turtle itself is green.

  • colour pencils;
  • pencil for sketching medium hardness;
  • eraser
  • landscape sheet of paper.

Stages of drawing a turtle:

1. Draw the body of the turtle in the form of an oval, but the head in the form of a circle. You can also determine the place for the eyes and draw it in the form of a small circle.

2. Connect the oval to the circle to get the neck. FROM right side circle, draw the outline of the front of the muzzle of the turtle.

3. At this stage, you should draw the outline of the paws and shell, which we will draw in the form of several circles.

4. Draw the outline of the tortoise shell. We draw vertical stripes to get a pattern on the top of the shell. Draw a small tail on the left side.

5. We finish the lower parts of the front paws together with the hind legs. You should also draw the folds on the neck of the turtle and begin to draw the upper part of the contour of the shell in segments.

6. Draw the tortoise shell in segments to make it voluminous and convex. You should also work out the entire drawing: create a contour of the head and torso, work on the paws and muzzle, draw an eye, mouth, wrinkles and folds on the animal's skin. Erase extra lines with an eraser.

7. With a light green pencil, color the entire drawing completely. Then we take a dark green pencil, which should be given volume and a more saturated color on the skin of the reptile. This is a head with a neck, tail and paws.

8. We put strokes on the shell with pencils of brown tones: from light to dark. We work through each segment to obtain a bulge.

9. Using a black pencil, create shadow areas in the turtle drawing and a contour.

10. Step by step drawing turtles with colored pencils is ready.

We hope that this article on how to draw a turtle step by step with a pencil will be of interest to both children and adults.