How to draw animal fur for a child. Draw pictures with wool

Everyone dreams of losing weight by summer - but what if there is nothing left before the opening of the beach season, but it’s scary to look at the arrow of the scales? That's right, you need an effective diet that will help you lose weight in just two weeks. The question immediately arises - is it harmful to health?

How to lose weight at home in 2 weeks?

An effective and safe diet for 2 weeks effective and safe is provided for weight loss at home and allows you to achieve the best possible results even under the condition that a person will not perform any additional physical activity and not experience special moral stress about an unusual diet.

In addition, the above technique is aimed not only at reducing body weight - it is also intended for complex cleaning of the body from toxins and toxins.

In order to achieve the desired result, it will be necessary for two weeks eat the following foods:

  1. Kefir or fermented baked milk - 300 ml;
  2. Apples or pears, preferably unsweetened varieties - 200 g;
  3. Fat-free cottage cheese - 100 g;
  4. Cucumbers or tomatoes - 100 g (in the absence of fresh, canned ones are perfect).

Please note that the above amount of food is for one meal. Such practices should be 3 per day.

After such a diet, all toxins and toxins leave the body, but a person needs to be prepared for the fact that the number of emptyings will increase to 7-8 per day.

In terms of its effectiveness, the technique is comparable to the use of magnesium sulfate powder, but at the same time, its perfect biological safety for the human body is noted. Two weeks - and weight loss of 10 kg is guaranteed.

Menu for the week

You can lose weight in 2 weeks by 5 kg by following the recommendations of the following diet, the menu of which clearly provides regulated diet- there can be no concessions or passes.

They violated one day and ate incorrectly - a week of long efforts, consider it, was completely in vain.

So gather your willpower into a fist and stick to the following diet, which consists of:

  1. first breakfast
  2. second breakfast,
  3. lunch,
  4. afternoon tea,
  5. first dinner
  6. second dinner.

Weekly menu for a two-week diet:

On the first day of the diet

  1. - the latter is added when the porridge is already ready; 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of vegetable salad without the use of sunflower oil and mayonnaise (even low-calorie);
  2. one apple or pear
  3. chicken broth 300 ml; tuna 200g, buckwheat porridge 200g, vegetable salad - 200g;
  4. 100 g vegetable salad;

On the second day of the diet

  1. tuna 200g, buckwheat porridge 200g, vegetable salad - 200g;
  2. 100 g vegetable salad
  3. 200 g oatmeal with egg white
  4. one apple or pear
  5. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

On the third day of the diet

  1. 200 g buckwheat porridge, 100 g chicken fillet, 100 g vegetable salad;
  2. 100 g vegetable salad
  3. 200 g oatmeal with egg white
  4. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

On the fourth day of the diet

  1. 200 g oatmeal with egg white
  2. one apple or pear
  3. one apple or pear
  4. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  5. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

On the fifth day of the diet

  1. 200 g rice porrige, 100 g chicken fillet, 100 g vegetable salad;
  2. one apple or pear
  3. 200 g buckwheat porridge with egg white
  4. 100 g vegetable salad
  5. 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

On the sixth day of the diet

  1. 200 g oatmeal with egg white
  2. one apple or pear
  3. chicken broth 300 ml; tuna 200 g, buckwheat porridge 200 g, vegetable salad - 200 g;
  4. 100 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of yogurt - all this can be mixed, it will be tastier;
  5. 100 g vegetable salad;
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

On the seventh day of the diet

  1. tuna 200 g, buckwheat porridge 200 g, vegetable salad - 200 g;
  2. 100 g cottage cheese and 1 apple (you can banana or kiwi)
  3. 200 g oatmeal with egg white
  4. 100 g vegetable salad
  5. 100 g tuna with vegetable salad 200g
  6. a glass of kefir, milk (only skim) or fermented baked milk

The second week provides a similar menu.

After familiarizing yourself with this method of losing weight, we can conclude that it does not provide for a wide variety in the menu. In principle, you can mark several main dishes that alternate periodically.

As you can see from the above, this diet includes the most standard set of products for weight loss- there is no exotic and cannot be.

The whole point of treatment is to a person eats healthy food in fractional meals.

The grocery set with this technique is no different from everyday healthy eating:

  1. Chicken boiled meat;
  2. Boiled or steamed lean fish;
  3. vegetable soups;
  4. Whole grain with bran bread;
  5. Green tea, as a catalyst for all metabolic processes in the body;
  6. Vegetables and fruits, and in unlimited quantities - it is especially good to use lemons and apples, they more than anyone else contribute to the activation of metabolic processes;
  7. Separately, it should be noted the need to eat coarse-fiber food - in particular, different types of nuts (walnut, cashew or hazelnuts). The effectiveness of these products lies in stimulating the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which the metabolic processes are significantly accelerated, the fats that were previously deposited are broken down;
  8. lactic acid products;
  9. Kashi - oatmeal, buckwheat;
  10. Egg white.

In addition, it is necessary to focus on the mandatory exclusion from the diet of all fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets. You can forget about the latter for good, otherwise all the lost kilograms will quickly return.

egg diet

Few people know that in fact, there is a diet for 2 weeks ... egg! Indeed, egg white is a great opportunity to limit the intake of excess calories that turn into fat.

It will be necessary to adhere to approximately the following schedule and diet for 2 weeks:

First day

  1. oatmeal - 100 g;
  2. fruits and vegetables.

Second day

  1. Raw Beaten Egg White from 2 Eggs
  2. buckwheat porridge - 100 g;
  3. fruits and vegetables.

Third day

  1. Raw Beaten Egg White from 2 Eggs
  2. rice porridge - 100 g;
  3. fruits and vegetables.

In principle, to follow all resources, only strict observance of the first paragraph.

What exactly are excluded from the diet are fatty and fried foods, as well as sweet and excessively salty, peppery.

Buckwheat diet for the lazy

Many people want to lose weight within a fairly short period of time, and at the same time not exhaust their body with physical exertion. It was for this purpose that the buckwheat diet for the lazy was developed (minus 12 kg in 2 weeks).

Sample menu for a two-week buckwheat diet (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner):

First day

  1. soup with buckwheat porridge, which necessarily includes any lean meat and a lot of greens; tuna (or some other with a similar exchange);
  2. Orange;
  3. kefir or fermented baked milk, 200 ml.

Second day

  1. buckwheat porridge with milk - 200 g;
  2. buckwheat porridge 200 g and boiled chicken fillet - 100 g;
  3. 1 fat-free yogurt;
  4. kefir.

Third day

  1. buckwheat on kefir - 150 g;
  2. salad and buckwheat porridge with vegetables - 200 g;
  3. 1 apple;
  4. kefir or fermented baked milk, 200 ml.

These meals must be consumed within 14 days.. In addition, it will also be enough not to eat sweets and observe the optimal diet. motor activity- in order to get the result as soon as possible was not lost.

Principles of the two-week chemical diet

For weight loss at home, a chemical diet for 2 weeks was also developed, the menu of which includes combination of eggs, meat and fruit. This diet allows you to lose weight within a month by 15-25 kg, but subject to the strictest adherence to all prescribed principles.

It is believed that this is a protein diet, and not a vegetable one, since a large amount of protein enters the human body with eggs and meat.

Menu change for 3 days (we alternate the menu for 14 days: n and lunch can be chicken fillet (without a side dish) or low-fat cheeses combined with vegetable salad; for dinner, fruit salad or meat is provided (any one is suitable, except for pork or lamb).

Sample menu for a chemical diet:

First day

  1. half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  2. chicken fillet (without garnish) - 200g;
  3. fruit salad.

Second day

  1. half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs;;
  2. low-fat cheeses in combination with vegetable salad;
  3. 1-2 oranges.

On the one hand, a 2-week diet is considered long-term with all the ensuing consequences - and not everyone can withstand it, and the body can end up exhausted due to a lack of essential substances.

On the other hand, it involves a fairly varied and balanced diet. There is the same product for so long no one will allow you. And the results in 14 days will be much more impressive than in a shorter period. So before starting to lose weight, it makes sense to weigh all these pros and cons for yourself.

1. Salt-free

This is not only the most effective, but also the most inexpensive 2 week diet you can find. Small portion sizes and minimal list permitted products will significantly save the budget.

Essence. Salt should not be consumed for 14 days. Not everyone can withstand such a bland, tasteless and too strict diet. But those who reach the end will see a significant minus of 10-12 kg on the scales. After all, the absence of "white death" in the diet normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, which in most cases provokes obesity.

We talked in more detail about the salt-free diet in one of our previous articles, by.

Allowed products:

  • lean meat;
  • seafood;
  • fish (lean);
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products (below 2% fat).


  • salt, sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • confectionery;
  • pasta, cereals;
  • sweet fruits;
  • fast food;
  • pickles, marinades, canned food;
  • alcohol, soda, sweet juices.
  • weight loss visible to the naked eye;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • disappearance of edema.
  • possible nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • indigestion;
  • pressure drop;
  • general ailments.

2. Maggi (curd)

A very effective and no less popular diet for 2 weeks is Maggi, but not her option, but. It is quite light, since cottage cheese is absorbed by the body faster than eggs, and it goes well with other products.

Essence. Cottage cheese is present in the diet daily. This is an amazing dietary product that satisfies hunger for a long time, supplies the body with energy and calcium reserves, preserves muscle mass, prevents Bad mood and depression. 2 weeks of hunger strike fly by completely unnoticed. Type of diet - protein.

Main product:

  • grainy fat-free cottage cheese.


  • other protein foods, vegetables and fruits.
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • light;
  • lack of feeling of hunger;
  • no depression;
  • strengthening the skeleton and muscular frame.
  • diuretic effect;
  • a large number of contraindications;
  • lack of carbohydrates can lead to a decrease in performance;
  • malfunction of the stomach due to protein intoxication.

3. Kremlin

A shortened version of the most famous diet. Only stage I is taken into account. It is based on the minimum consumption of carbohydrates, which causes the body to actively consume body fat. All products have their points (conventional units) equal to 1 gram of carbohydrate in their composition. They are listed in .

Essence. The two-week version of the Kremlin diet involves a daily carbohydrate intake of no more than 20 grams. This leads to ketosis (fat breakdown), the disappearance of cellulite, the normalization of metabolism, lowering cholesterol. The result is 10 kg weight loss and improved well-being.

Allowed products:

  • seafood;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream, fish oil;
  • , coffee;
  • sweeteners other than aspartame;
  • vegetables.


  • honey, sugar, aspartame;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • fruits, juices;
  • alcohol;
  • cooking oils.
  • high efficiency;
  • lack of hunger;
  • menu variety;
  • getting rid of cravings for sweets;
  • persistent results.
  • ketone bodies begin to be synthesized in large quantities, damage cells, cause intoxication;
  • at hand should be scales and detailed tables of products with points;
  • among side effects- the formation of kidney stones, the development of gout;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora.

4. Low carb

A rather rigid diet for 2 weeks, similar to the Kremlin one, but here they will no longer be allowed to fry sausages in vegetable oil. The body does not get enough carbohydrates, and borrows energy from glycogen stores or fat reserves. The production of insulin, which converts the received calories into fat, slows down.

Essence. The diet includes only those foods that contain a minimum of carbohydrates. Fat intake is limited. Accordingly, this is a protein food system. Fat reserves are leaving, and the muscle relief is only getting stronger (more on the mechanism of losing weight in this way,).

Main products:

  • everything (eggs, lean meat and fish, milk).


  • some vegetables and fruits.
  • lack of hunger;
  • stable results;
  • varied diet;
  • loss of 10 kg in 2 weeks.
  • exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • digestive problems;
  • lack of potassium and sodium;
  • dehydration;
  • side effects - irritability, insomnia, dizziness;
  • brain activity slows down.

5. Japanese

Many experts believe that the best diet for 2 weeks is. It is also protein and low-calorie (like the previous two). But it is more strict (the portion size and the list of allowed foods is smaller) and promotes the rejection of salt, or at least its minimization.

Essence. A minimum of calories leads to the consumption of fat reserves. Protein food speeds up metabolism. Salt restriction draws fluid out of the tissues. Small portion sizes also help you lose weight.

Allowed products:

  • coffee, tomato juice, kefir, milk;
  • cabbage, radish, carrots, beets, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini;
  • vegetable oil;
  • haddock, pollock, blue whiting, pike perch, cod, trout, pike, flounder, hake;
  • whole grain bread;
  • beef, chicken;
  • pear, orange, apples, kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate.


  • alcohol, soda;
  • potatoes, corn;
  • mackerel, herring, halibut, salmon, sturgeon, eel, lamprey;
  • all pastries;
  • salt, sugar;
  • pork, lamb;
  • grapes, bananas, mango, persimmon.
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • noticeable weight loss;
  • the absence of sagging and stretch marks after losing weight;
  • persistent results;
  • product availability.
  • bias towards proteins;
  • dizziness, weakness, decreased performance;
  • lack of snacks;
  • black coffee in the morning on an empty stomach is bad for the heart and stomach;
  • many contraindications;
  • risk of dehydration.

If you need to lose weight in 2 weeks, any of these diets will contribute to the successful implementation of this goal. 5 kg is the minimum loss bar for each of these power systems. The maximum will depend on you: the smaller the portion, the more accurately the recommendations of nutritionists are followed, the more you play sports, the more noticeable the results will be (it is possible to lose up to 15 kg).

Any diet requires strong motivation. If you have it, consider that half the battle is already done. Everyone has their own motivation. To charm a man who prefers slim girls, to fit into the outfit he likes, summer rest where you have to show off on the beach and much, much more.

I offer several effective weight loss diets that will help remove excess weight. They are based on proper nutrition with a menu for every day and for a week.

Four rules of any diet

  1. Virtually eliminate salt and salty foods from the diet.
  2. Completely eliminate alcohol in any form. This is a source of extra calories. In addition, its relaxing effect will prevent you from sticking to your chosen diet.
  3. Snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner, i.e. eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  4. Completely eliminate sugar, sweets and pastries.

Diet for 2-3 weeks.

Balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But with all this, it is low in calories. She takes into account daily requirement organism in trace elements and vitamins.

First day.

Breakfast. Hard-boiled 1 chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with a fat content below 17% - 2 - 3 small pieces.

Lunch. Whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner. Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast.

afternoon tea.

Dinner. About 100 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content, watered with kefir, also of any fat content. Eat a whole grapefruit.

Second day.

Breakfast. One slice of bread with bran in the form of toast. If you don't have a toaster, lightly toast the bread in a dry skillet over low heat. Half an hour later - green tea or black coffee without sugar.

Lunch. Grapefruit and a glass of kefir of any fat content.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, beef or fish boiled, baked in the oven or on the grill without adding oil. It is better to use if you have it.

afternoon tea. A couple of apples. Half an hour later - tea or coffee, of course, without sugar.

Dinner. boiled cauliflower with any herbs, sprinkled with vegetable or olive oil.

Third day.

Breakfast. Whole grapefruit. Half an hour later - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. One raw carrot.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, beef, veal or fish boiled, baked in the oven or on the grill without adding oil. (Same as on the second day.) You can use .

afternoon tea. Like breakfast.

Dinner. Any stewed vegetables and an omelet from two egg whites.

Fourth day.

Breakfast. One carrot, grated with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Half an hour later - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese and a glass of any kefir.

Dinner. One hard-boiled chicken egg. Fresh parsley or dill, as much as you can eat.

afternoon tea.

Dinner. Salad - chopped brush white cabbage, raw carrots and beets, grated. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice, but do not add oil. Drink green tea without sugar.

Fifth day.

Breakfast. One hard-boiled chicken egg. Half an hour later - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. One glass of kefir.

Dinner. Low-fat fish cooked in a double boiler or oven on a wire rack without oil. Any stewed vegetables.

afternoon tea. Boiled cauliflower. Half an hour later - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner. One grapefruit. After 30 minutes - green tea without sugar.

Sixth day .

Breakfast. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese with dill or parsley. Half an hour later - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. Two apples with a break of 15 minutes.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, veal or fish boiled, baked in the oven or in a double boiler without adding oil. One small boiled beet.

afternoon tea. Orange without white veins. Try to clean them thoroughly.

Dinner. Salad of fresh white cabbage with celery and dill without oil. Drink green tea.

Seventh day.

Breakfast. Mix of orange, apple and carrot. One glass.

Lunch. Boiled rice with boiled vegetables. Approximately 5 tablespoons with a slide.

Dinner. Soup puree from any vegetable. A piece of boiled chicken. Half a grapefruit.

afternoon tea. A glass of tomato juice. You can package, but without salt or lightly salted.

Dinner. Boiled fish and green peas.

Minus 5 kg. per month - Pierre Dukan's diet

The convenience of this diet is that you can eat almost everything. You don't have to constantly count calories. The secret is to combine the right products.

The basis of the diet is the division of nutrition into four phases, one per week. The only condition is 2.5 liters of almost any liquid daily.

The first phase is burning fat.

In this phase, we actively eat foods containing protein. It helps burn previously stored fat without affecting muscle mass.

For breakfast, kefir or yogurt is ideal. If you can't do without bread, opt for whole grains. He will fill you up for a long time. Vegetables and fruits in this phase are good for snacking.

Try to reduce your consumption of fish, pork and cheese. These foods are high in protein but also high in fat. We completely refuse sweets in any form.

  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • poultry meat
  • lean beef
  • seafood
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • tofu cheese.

Pasta and shrimp salad for the first week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • durum pasta for one serving;
  • about 50 gr. defrosted shrimp;
  • several sprigs of green onions, dill and parsley;
  • about 100 gr. natural yogurt;
  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil.

Boil pasta and shrimp separately. Wash greens, dry and finely chop. Cool the shrimp and clean. Add oil and vinegar to yogurt, salt lightly and pepper. Mix well. Put the pasta on a plate, put the shrimp on top and pour over the yogurt sauce. This salad can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

The second phase - we remove excess fluid from the body

We do this by eating as many vegetables as possible. They contain a lot of useful substances that continue to burn excess fat in our body. In addition, they speed up metabolism.

Consume maximum amount different vegetables at every meal. For example, on the usual morning sandwich with cheese, put a slice of tomato, radish and a slice of fresh cucumber.

It is better not to use carbohydrates as side dishes this week. These are rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes. Any food containing sugar and flour. But you can use whole grain bread and pasta in moderation.

Stuffed zucchini for the second week of the diet

Products per serving:

  • medium zucchini;
  • stalk of celery;
  • a tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • onion head;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 gr. boiled ham;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cut the zucchini in half, remove the core and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Make a salad from ham, vegetables and herbs, season with sour cream and lemon juice. Pour into zucchini halves. You can, if desired, bake in the oven.

belly fat exercise

In the same week, you can start doing a simple exercise that will help reduce fat in the abdomen.

If it is difficult to keep your legs on weight at first, you can simplify the exercise. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the floor. Place the foot of the other leg on the bent knee. Alternately pull your elbows to the near knee 15 times. Then switch legs and do the exercise 15 more times.

The third phase - we remove the folds on the stomach with fruits.

Two weeks have passed successfully, and you have already parted with a few kilograms. We fix the result with fruits. They have a lot of useful substances that will help us continue to get rid of the hated kilograms. Eat fruit salads for breakfast all week. Increase fruit intake at other times as well. Fruits can be taken any, with the exception of canned and dried. They have a lot of unnecessary sugar. Replacing fruit with juice is also not advisable.

Carrot - apple salad for the third week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • 2 raw carrots;
  • medium apple;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of any nuts;
  • teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • h. a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Grate the carrot and apple on a coarse grater, mix with the rest of the products and set aside for about half an hour to infuse. You can add more orange zest, but that's optional.

Apple banana smoothie

Products for 1 serving:

  • banana;
  • an Apple;
  • half a peeled kiwi;
  • Art. a spoonful of not bitter honey.

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Fourth and final phase - we fix the result.

The fourth week is just some kind of holiday! You can eat everything that we ate in the three previous phases. We return carbohydrates to new weight stayed longer, and the fat was not deposited where it was not necessary.

At each meal, combine proteins and carbohydrates, snack and snack on fruits or vegetables. Still avoid foods that contain wheat flour.

Universal exercise to strengthen the abdomen, buttocks and arms

In the fourth week of losing weight, add another simple exercise - side push-ups.

Raise the hip, fix for a few seconds and lower. Repeat 15 times, then roll over to the other side.

Three diets for cold pores

Finnish diet

You can eat all kinds of cereals, lean meat and fish, vegetables, low-fat dairy products. We refuse sweets, pastries, bread, pasta, rice, smoked meats.

bean diet

In a week, you can lose up to 3 kilograms without harming your health. As you understand, the basis of the diet is beans - low-calorie. but at the same time a nutritious product. During the week, beans should be eaten in different types for lunch and dinner. In addition to it, the diet should include lean poultry meat, veal, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products. Do not use salt, spices and sugar.

Buckwheat diet

Very simple but effective diet. It lies in the fact that you need to alternate the day when you eat only buckwheat in any form with low-fat kefir or yogurt, and the day when you eat as usual. It is only necessary to exclude flour, sweet, salty and smoked. Do not forget that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, without overeating.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Tell VK

Everyone knows that now there are so many ways to lose weight, and it is very difficult to choose the most suitable one.

To appearance remained seductive, bewitching and attractive, you need to use the right diet. Of course, to choose an effective nutrition system, it is better to contact a nutritionist. He will select an effective diet for any period, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the state of health. But you can choose an effective diet at home. Today we will describe the menu of effective diets for 3 days, 7 days, two weeks and a month, so that everyone can choose the best option for themselves.

Emergency effective diet for 3 days

First, we describe the key points and basic rules for an effective diet for 3 days:

  • mineral water (still) and green tea can be drunk in any quantity;
  • no more than a tablespoon of low-fat milk can be added to tea;
  • after seven in the evening drink tea without sugar and milk;
  • prepare vegetable salad from cucumbers, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers, corn and legumes;
  • salad dressing: yogurt (1 tablespoon, spices, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice).

Fast Diet Menu:

First day

  • breakfast: a slice of bread with 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter or jam;
  • 2nd breakfast: 0.5 grapefruit;
  • lunch: vegetable salad;
  • lunch: boiled chicken without skin and fat with a teaspoon of soy sauce, 1 crispbread;
  • dinner: a small apple.

Second day

  • breakfast: boiled egg or scrambled eggs with a slice of bread, black coffee or unsweetened tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: banana;
  • lunch: 3-4 radishes, 200 g low-fat granular cottage cheese, five crackers;
  • lunch: two sausages, 1 loaf, boiled broccoli;
  • dinner: unsweetened tea, two prunes.

Third day

  • breakfast: tea with milk or black coffee, five crackers, a slice of bread;
  • 2nd breakfast: small apple;
  • lunch: one fresh or pickled cucumber, one hard-boiled egg, four radishes;
  • lunch: baked fish (100 g), one boiled beetroot and carrots, crispbread;
  • dinner: a small apple or 0.5 small melon.

The result of such a diet is minus 3-4 kg.

Effective diet for 7 days

A weekly vegetable diet will surely appeal to those who want to lose weight and improve their body. All seven days allowed the use of vegetables and fruits, broths and cereals, low-fat dairy products. Weight loss during the course will be about 4 kilograms.

Menu options for an effective diet for 7 days:

1st option

  • breakfast: natural yogurt, apple and fresh berries;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, carrot and cabbage salad, green tea without sugar;
  • afternoon snack: one banana;
  • dinner: vegetable stew, berry compote.

2nd option

  • breakfast: oatmeal with yogurt, orange, unsweetened tea;
  • lunch: pepper stewed with vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese with prunes;
  • afternoon snack: grapefruit, berry compote;
  • dinner: stewed cabbage or eggplant, vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil.

Effective diet for 2 weeks

The Japanese diet is the most popular two-week weight loss method. Alcohol, sugar, salt and bread are completely prohibited. With this diet for 2 weeks, you can lose 8 kilograms.

Japanese effective diet menu for 2 weeks:

  • 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th, 13th and 14th day - a cup of tea or coffee;
  • 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th day: 2 crackers, tea or coffee;
  • 7th, 8th day: unsweetened green tea;
  • 5th and 9th day - grated carrots with lemon juice.
  • 1st, 13th day: ordinary or Beijing cabbage (100 g), watered with sunflower oil, unsalted tomato juice, two eggs;
  • 2nd, 12th day: boiled fish (200 g), vegetable salad;
  • 3rd, 11th day: stewed zucchini(200 g), two apples;
  • 4th, 10th day: 1 boiled egg, three boiled carrots, a little hard cheese;
  • 5th and 9th day: boiled fish (200 g), tomato juice;
  • 6th, 8th day: boiled chicken or turkey (300 g), carrot and cabbage salad;
  • 7th day: boiled veal (200 g), any berries and fruits, except grapes, bananas and figs;
  • 14th day: boiled lean fish or lean beef (200 g), cabbage salad.
  • 1st, 13th day: fish (200 g), cabbage salad;
    • 2nd, 12th day: beef (200 g), a glass of kefir;
    • 3rd, 13th day: two boiled eggs, boiled beef (200 g), cabbage salad;
    • 4th, 10th day: fruits (400 g), except for figs, bananas and grapes;
    • 5th and 9th day: fruits;
    • 6th and 8th day: grated carrots (200 g) with butter, two eggs;
    • 7th and 14th day: beef (200 g), a glass of kefir.

The following diet will appeal to many, as it does not bother. So, during an effective diet for a month, alcohol, sugar, flour products, mayonnaise and chocolate are prohibited. Food should be consumed exclusively in boiled or raw form.

The diet is conditionally divided into 6 stages. At the 1st stage of the diet, the following are allowed:

  • barley, rice, semolina, buckwheat, millet, peas;
  • tomato juice;
  • pine and walnuts;
  • hazelnuts and seeds;
  • oats, corn, lentils;
  • refined sunflower oil;
  • pure water.

The duration of the stage is 5 days.

At the 2nd stage of the diet are allowed:

  • bell pepper, onion, radish, cucumbers and tomatoes, radish, greens,
  • beets, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • vegetable oils;
  • pure water.

The duration of the stage is 5 days.