Creative aids for children 3 4 years old. Practical life exercises. Development of fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing

For every parent, his child will always be the best and most talented. However, when the baby turns one year old, doubts begin to creep into the soul: what if he doesn’t know how to do something, what he should be able to do at his age, what if he lags behind in development from other children ?! As the child grows, this anxiety increases as the number of skills required increases. What if something was missed? To prevent this from happening, let's talk about child development at 3-4 years- the age when children are already quite independent and intellectually developed.

All the skills acquired by the baby by this age can be divided into several groups. This simple classification will help parents quickly figure out what the child can do. Depending on the group, we select tasks for classes with the baby. There are many manuals offering all kinds of games, charades, speech development albums. They are easy to find online or in bookstores. One of the most colorful and methodically thought out manuals for development of children in 3-4 years- O. Zemtsova's book "Grammateika 3-4 years."

If you have this textbook, feel free to use it. You will see: the result will exceed expectations. Here I will describe some exercises that the author suggests. So what can we do?

Mathematics 3-4 years:

A child at this age knows how to count up to 3-10, knows how many fingers are on his hands and counts them quite easily; distinguishes between the concepts of big, small, high, low; knows the main colors (yellow, green, red, black, white), geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle); compares objects by size, shape, selects objects with the same colors; finds a pair of a given object according to the specified features.

In addition, between the ages of 3 and 4, the child should also be able to:

  1. In the picture, find the largest and smallest object, the widest and narrowest, etc.;
  2. Count the items in the picture (there should be no more than 10);
  3. Selectively count objects (for example, how many cats and how many dogs are in the picture);
  4. Count the number of objects and find graphic image numbers;
  5. The ratio of the volume of containers and contents (invite the child to place objects of various sizes in boxes of different sizes).
  6. Know basic geometric shapes such as circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle and rhombus.
  7. Understand where this or that object is located - to the right or to the left, above or below, behind or in front.
  8. Using the example of your body and the body of animals, know how many eyes a person has, how many ears, legs, mouths, paws animals have, etc.
  9. Build a sequence of numbers, at least from 1 to 5

Here you can download materials necessary for the development of a child at this age for free.

Mathematics for 3-4 years old:

  • cards with numbers - here are collected cards with numbers in mathematics for 3-4 years old with the image of the quantity and the corresponding number,
  • numbers for kids - a wonderful coloring book that will help your child remember what the numbers from 1 to 10 look like,
  • counting for children - cards with numbers that are depicted on cute animals of Africa will introduce you to numbers from 1 to 50.
  • learning to count children - cards with symbols of numbers and the corresponding number of points from 0 to 10.
  • color by number - cute color by number with many famous heroes cartoons for children and funny little animals,
  • books with tasks for each digit - number 0, number 1, number 2, number 3, number 4, number 5, number 6, number 7, number 8, number 9, number 10,
  • learning to count fun game with ladybugs. Here you will need to determine how many spots are on the wings of ladybugs and find the corresponding number symbol,
  • numbers in words - learning to draw dotted lines,
  • video score from 1 to 10
  • video score from 0 to 30
  • video geometric shapes for children using the Doman method
  • geometric shapes in pictures - cards with an image geometric shapes,
  • montessori games - comparison of dinosaurs in size, color and pattern on the back,
  • as well as a huge number of thematic activities with development in the field of mathematics in 3 4 years, for example, pictures of transport, Mickey Mouse club games, dinosaurs for children, free zoo games, space games for free, birds for children - games of games develop not only mathematical abilities in child 3-4 years old, but also aimed at developing memory, logic, attentiveness, acquaintance with the outside world, Creative skills and much more.

Logical thinking:

The child collects a picture from 3-4 parts; finds differences in the proposed drawings; from a number of objects chooses an extra one on some basis; memorizes 3-4 words or 3-4 simple images; repeats after the adult the movements shown 1-2 times; focuses on one activity for 5 minutes; finds a pair of items.

Recommended exercises for the development of logic in 3-4 years:

1. Find the differences in the pictures (they should be quite noticeable);

2. invite the child to look at a picture with three or four objects, then close the book and ask them to describe what they saw or answer your questions about the picture;

3. find items in the picture that belong to the same group (clothes, toys, etc.);

4. compare objects and their individual parts,

5. solve simple logical tasks, for example, build logical chains of objects (alternating two different objects or a certain sequence),

6. identify an object by its shadow.

Here you can download tasks for the development of logic in children aged 3-4 for free.

Logic 3-4 years:

  • puzzles for children 3 years old,
  • thematic classes for children 3 years old for the development of logic -
  1. pictures of baby toys ,
  2. insects for kids
  3. autumn games,
  4. transport pictures,
  5. mickey mouse club games,
  6. dinosaurs for kids
  7. free zoo games,
  8. space games free,
  9. birds for children.

Speech development in 3-4 year old children:

Speech child development at 3-4 years old includes: understanding the speech addressed to the child; use of personal pronouns (I, we); clear pronunciation of 80-90% of words; selection of antonyms (words opposite in meaning); answering questions, keeping the conversation going; the ability to perceive visual images, describe what they saw, make simple sentences and complex ones from 5-6 words, group objects (a plate, a spoon are dishes), name at least one sign of an object; knowledge of the names of the actions of living beings (people, animals, insects, etc.); repetition of simple songs and rhymes; the ability to speak quietly, loudly; information about your name, surname, names of parents and relatives.

Recommended exercises for the development of speech in 3-4 year old children:

  1. Ask the child to name the object and talk about its purpose;
  2. Read to a child short story from 3-4 sentences and ask to repeat it;
  3. An exercise to understand the meaning of prepositions: give the task to place objects in, above, about, near, in front of, etc. some other subject;
  4. Finish the given sentence;
  5. Tell in detail about any subject (color, function, clothing, etc.).

Speech development 3-4 years:

  • unusual cards with letters of the alphabet with the characters of all famous cartoons, such as Masha and the Bear, Luntik, Barboskiny Fixiki, etc.
  • cards with letters - animals and familiar objects for the baby,
  • here you can download syllables for children for free,
  • useful tips - how to teach a child letters,
  • alphabet for children video - a selection of all the most famous alphabets for children,
  • songs about the alphabet - the best Russian songs about the alphabet,
  • letters of the alphabet - a fun game with chests,
  • letters for children - the letter a - riddles, presentations, assignments and much more, there are also about other letters.
  • sounds of the Russian alphabet and letters of the Russian alphabet - alphabet for children video

Memory development at 3-4 years:

at this age, the child is able to memorize the simplest poems and repeat them, as well as the simplest stories and fairy tales.

Here are collected games for the development of memory for children from 3 to 4 years old - games for the development of memory

The world around 3-4 years:

The kid knows what domestic animals look like (cat, dog, cow, horse, goat, etc.), birds (pigeon, crow), fish (whale, shark), insects (butterfly, fly) and names them; knows the names of plants (pear, apple, cherry, etc.), vegetables, berries, fruits; has an idea about the materials that make up the objects of the surrounding world (wood, metal); orientated in the seasons and parts of the day; knows and names natural phenomena (wind, snow, rain, thunderstorm).

  1. Among the proposed items, choose berries, fruits, trees, etc .; distinguish wild animals from domestic ones;
  2. Choose from the proposed animal what it eats;
  3. Ask what time of year, day, day;
  4. Ask to answer what the weather is outside the window, what is rain, snow, wind.
  5. Know the names of trees, plants, flowers, etc.
  6. Know the properties of objects and be able to determine what is made of wood, what is water, what is plastic, what is iron, etc.

The world around 3-4 years of the game posters and cards:

  • clothes pictures for kids – image various kinds clothing,
  • transport pictures - transport pictures and games for kids,

In today's issue of the rubric, we invite you to see what educational games and manuals for children 3-4 years old have collected for you Maria Kostyuchenko , constant in riding this heading.

In past reviews, I have already told you about what benefits can be done for children from and years of age. Today came the turn of benefits for three-year-olds. This review will be the shortest, since basically all the games and manuals that I talk about in the “Develop!” perfect for this age.

Educational games and manuals for children 3-4 years old

We already touched on reading issues when I talked about, but today I would like to talk a little more about games that stimulate reading.

So, I will talk about two versions of the game. The first option is suitable for very active children who are in constant motion and it is in this movement that they learn a lot.

Circle the footprints of your child on a piece of paper (you can use your own) and cut out a lot of such footprints according to the template (!). On each track, write a letter (you can use small words) and attach it to the floor (I used ordinary transparent tape, since then it can be easily removed and no traces remain).

Then the most interesting begins. You name the letters, and the child must jump over them and get over to the other side of the "river", as if over bumps. You can name a word, and the child himself looks for the necessary letters and moves over them. If these are separate words, then you can make small sentences in this way.

The second version of the reading game is suitable for children who love bright pictures and calm games. On large sheets of whatman paper you draw a certain plot (you can draw with your child), on separate sheets you draw the necessary addition to the plot and sign it.

And now the game begins. You invite the child to decorate the Christmas tree with toys - balls (which means that from all the circles he chooses only those on which “ball” is written) or hang apples on the apple tree (he chooses “apple” from the circles, and not a circle, ball, moon, etc. .). Fish need to be decomposed at the place of stay: water or boat. You can plant flowers in a flower bed of a certain type: only cornflowers or daisies. Lots of options.

The following game will help our kid to master design skills. In order to make such a constructor, you only need a few stickies of different colors. You can simply cut the Velcro (2 parts: one fluffy, the second hard) and show the child how they can be fastened together and create flat and three-dimensional figures and even letters and words.

I sewed Velcro together with the reverse (not Velcro) side, from which their functionality increased. Look at the picture, I think that the idea of ​​the constructor and games in it is clear without words.

And the last benefit for today relates to the field of mathematics. I suggest you make a very simple guide to teaching a child the concepts of fractions, in other words, parts of a whole.

To create it, you will need disposable plastic plates, scissors and paints. We color several plates in different colors and cut each into several parts. All fractions are ready.

And now you can game form begin to explain to the child what it is and how to divide the whole into several parts. Here the counting “We shared an orange” or Suteev’s fairy tale “Apple” will help us a lot.

Very often, parents are interested in what to do with their child at home according to the Montessori system at a particular age. Indeed, it should not be forgotten that different ages the needs of children differ, and although Montessori materials are presented in groups of different ages, a child of 3 years old is more likely to choose exercises from the zone practical life, and at the age of 5 will give preference to the exercise in mathematics.

In addition, the materials in the groups for children 0-1.5 years old, 1.5-3 years old and 3-6 years old are completely different.

What should parents of this or that age choose? We will tell you what is most important for a child of this age, what materials you should definitely acquire, and how else you can help the baby develop harmoniously.

So, your baby is 3-4 years old. What to pay special attention to?

  1. Practical life exercises.

At the age of 3-4 years, exercises in practical life occupy a leading place. They help the child feel independent and are an excellent hand preparation for writing.

At home, you can offer any activities that you do yourself. For example, the following:

  • Dusting, sweeping.
  • Washing (hands, floor, table, dishes, fruit).
  • Caring for flowers and pets.
  • Shoe and clothes cleaning.
  • Help in the kitchen.
  • Help with gardening or gardening.

What will be required:

  • Make sure your child is comfortable and all materials are appropriate for their height.
  • Lay out everything you need for a particular task on a tray, in a basket or on a shelf. Put all materials in their designated place after use.

  1. Development of fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing.

This extensive group of materials, supplementing the group of exercises in practical life, becomes the most important for a child at 3-4 years old. There is a need to improve hand movements in order to prepare for the development of writing. Usually, children at this age spend most of their time doing such exercises.

What will you need?

It is not necessary to purchase all the materials, you can use some of them and replace one with another:

  • Various frames with fasteners or fasteners on the child's clothes (buttons, zippers, lacing, etc.).
  • Selection of various caps for jars and bottles.
  • Selection of keys for various locks.
  • Differently opening boxes and various locks: hook, latch, etc.
  • Clothespin games.
  • Folding and folding (napkins and paper).
  • Hammering carnations into clay (plasticine).
  • Shifting objects: hand, spoon, tongs, catching from the water.
  • Sprinkling cereals: with hands (catching small toys), from jug to jug, with a spoon, sifting through a sieve.
  • Transfusions: from a jug to a jug, a set of vessels of various shapes for transfusion, a ladle, a rubber bulb, a syringe, a pipette, a sponge, whipping soap suds with a whisk.
  • Cutting.
  • Punching shapes by points (after which it can be used for embroidery).
  • Sewing and embroidery.
  • Frame hatching.
  • Writing on sand or semolina.

  1. sensory development.

At this age, the intensive development of the sense organs continues. The child explores the qualities of objects with pleasure, sensory exercises become preparation for classes in mathematics.

What will you need?

Materials for sizing. Traditionally in Montessori pedagogy, these are cylinder blocks, a pink tower, a brown staircase and red rods. If you do not have the opportunity to provide these materials at home, you can offer your child turrets, nesting dolls, pyramids, nesting cups.

Materials for determining the name of the color. Use colored plates or skeins of thread.

Development Materials tactile sensations. Rough tablets are used in Montessori pedagogy. You can also use fabrics that feel different to the touch, paired cereal bags, a magic bag.

Various sorting: by color, size, shape, sorting of various natural materials. Remember that the items in the first sorts should differ in only one parameter (for example, only in color). When the child has mastered simple sorting well, you can enter several parameters or supplement them with developmental exercises. fine motor skills(for example, spread out colored balls not with your hand, but with tweezers).

Also introduce the concepts of heavy - light, warm - cold, ideas about smells and tastes. Usually in the home environment, this does not require special materials - just draw the attention of the child.

  1. Hearing development.

Montessori pedagogy uses noise cylinders and bells. Continue to offer your child a variety of musical toys. Now it could be over complex tools: drums, xylophone, various bells. Play instruments and sing along with your child. Encourage your child to listen to soft music.

Show your child how to focus on one property of an object while isolating other feelings. Gradually teach your child to work with eyes closed. Seeing how you close your eyes yourself, smelling a tangerine, tasting the first bite of food or touching a cloth, he will gradually learn to do it himself.

  1. The development of speech.

At the age of 3-4 years, the enrichment of the child's vocabulary with new words continues. In addition, the child is preparing for learning to write and read.

What will you need?

  • Sets of cards or items to enrich the child's vocabulary (for example, animals, fruits, dishes, clothes, vehicles ...).
  • Do articulation gymnastics with your child, repeating and learning poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters.
  • Play games for the development of phonemic hearing.
  • Rough letters, or letters of the alphabet for introducing the name of sounds.

  1. Creation.

A very important feature creative activity in the Montessori environment is that the child is not taught how to create this or that image, they are not given templates, but rather they are taught to handle different creative techniques. Options creative works there may be many. Most importantly, offer your child a variety of materials and give the freedom to create their own work.

  1. Gross motor development.

At this age, movements become more difficult. The child now spends more time improving fine motor skills. However, the ability to constantly move ensures the development of the vestibular apparatus, the strengthening of all muscles and general health, the development of cognitive activity.

Therefore, give the child the opportunity to spend part of the day in active games, mostly in the fresh air.