How to become an actress at 11. Profession actress

Almost every girl dreams of trying on different roles. Alas, in real life such an opportunity may not present itself: daughter, wife, mother, sister. But you still want to feel like a special agent, a queen, an exotic princess, a sorceress ... And the girls of the whole world see no other way but to become an actress. It is this profession that makes it possible to reveal all the facets of a changeable female disposition.

However, the profession of an actress is not only a constant change of roles and environments, but hard work. We will understand the important nuances of this craft and decide what it takes to become an actress.

Profession of an actress

Being an actress is considered prestigious in all countries of the world where cinema is developed. Good actors receive generous fees, which, of course, we know from the network and other sources. However, acting is hard work, despite the external idleness and brilliance.

Interested in how to become an actress, we must appreciate the following important and especially pleasant feature of this profession: age is not a hindrance. Whether we are very young or already retired, you can always discover your acting talent and become a sought-after professional.

theater actress

The theater is an ancient art form, very specific, but charming. The theater actress is required to create an emotionally rich, extremely vivid image on the stage of the theater, while hundreds of pairs of spectators' eyes look at her. This is the most important feature of working on stage: interaction with the viewer takes place in real time, directly.

The theater actress has a great responsibility: you need to perfectly rehearse the role, memorize every word and every movement of the character. During the performance, a professional theater actress cannot make a mistake: get confused in the lines or forget from which corner of the stage the partner will appear. Given that a person can never be wrong, in cases where a mistake is made on stage, professional actresses are saved by the ability to improvise and charisma. The first of these qualities can be developed in oneself when the second is nevertheless laid at birth.

The main task of the theater actress

The task of the theater actress is to create a voluminous artistic image on stage. It must be multifaceted and “alive”, and for this, the actress fully gets used to the image of her character.

However, the most important task of the actress is precisely theater stage- is to cause the reaction of the audience with his game. This is the acting talent, and it also leads to success in this field.

Film actress

Movie actresses are very popular due to the fact that modern viewers mostly prefer cinema. In addition, film actresses receive much higher fees than theater workers.

At the same time, it is no less difficult for a movie screen actress to work than a theater actress. Her professional duties include studying the personality of her hero and his embodiment in front of a movie camera. The only "indulgence" for the film actress is that it is possible to shoot several takes. At the same time, she needs to take care to show herself in a favorable light in front of the camera. It is known that the camera "loves" far from all people, so this factor is important in the career of a film actress.

The film actress has to find a common language with a huge number of people with whom she has to work. Directors, screenwriters, colleagues in the film (series) - everyone needs to work together for the highest possible result.

What does it take to become an actress?

In order to become a successful recognizable actress, in demand for filming or theatrical productions, you need to have a whole bunch of professional qualities and natural talents. A good starting point acting education in special educational institutions.

Not every girl can prove herself in professional acting. It will take, again, innate talent, improved by a mass of skills developed on its own.

Yes, the actress successful career, in addition to all of the above, you need natural charm, charisma, a willingness to give yourself completely to work, to get used to the image of another person to the smallest detail, even if you don’t like the person herself. A big plus for the actress is the presence of a well-trained voice, excellent memory for memorizing large amounts of text.

The ability to improvise is valued in actresses, to bring their own zest to each role, even 100% stereotyped. Many great actors are extremely energetic and spontaneous people.

Also, before deciding whether to be an actress, you need to soberly assess whether you can withstand a busy filming schedule, heavy loads on film set or the stage, because according to the scenario, you will have to run, and jump, and, possibly, fly or climb a sheer cliff.

Acting training

Acting skills are taught in special educational institutions. To enter such a higher or secondary educational institution some preparation is needed.

At the interview, you will be asked to play a character or recite your favorite poem (fable). You may not be given specific tasks, and then you can present a prepared scene. But most likely, you will be called a very specific character. Here you need to be prepared for any surprises, such as playing Voldemort's attack on Harry Potter or a mushroom in the autumn rain. You will need a rich imagination, public speaking skills and composure.

Based on all this, admission to a theater university is considered a great achievement, and receiving a higher theater education even more significant. With all the importance of education, the comprehensive self-development of the actress, both during its receipt and after, is extremely important. In fact, the training of an actress never ends.

Features of admission to the university

When planning to study acting, it is worth analyzing your capabilities. The predisposition to be an artist is necessary, otherwise even the most competent and diligent training will turn into a waste of time. If you have the right data, you can safely continue on the path to your dream.

Having thoroughly prepared for any tasks that may be thrown by the selection committee, you need to decide where you are better off applying for an actress. The best option is to first choose a convenient city if yours does not have the necessary educational institutions, and then apply wherever you can. Don't miss any theater schools, not a single acting department at universities and cultural institutes. So you can always be in the know, always on the spot and ready for the passage of several qualifying rounds, attending preparatory courses and other situations.

Before the start of the qualifying rounds, visit the departments of selected universities, collect as much information as possible about the upcoming admission, and talk with teachers. It would also be nice to talk to the students of these universities, as they can give valuable advice, like people who have gone through everything that is yet to come. Students of such a challenge can advise how to behave with this or that teacher, if he is in admission committee. No one else will definitely advise you this, including the teachers themselves. While interacting with people, remember to be polite and courteous, but also do not hide your identity in order to be able to get some kind of "credibility".

Is it possible to become an actress without education?

If you do not have the time, desire or opportunity to undergo a long study at a university, the question is how to become an actress without education and is it possible to do this at all.

Judging by the experience of famous personalities from Western countries, this is possible. You just need to really want and not be lazy.

Secrets of famous self-taught actresses

The answer to this question is obvious: Western countries most famous actresses do not have a special education. At the same time, they are popular, successful and professional in their field. Their secret, of course, is in their innate abilities and determination. Many of them from early youth, feeling a burning desire to break into the top of the acting world, began to develop the necessary skills, attended auditions and reviews. They took part in the smallest, insignificant project, gradually making their way to more prestigious and paid ones. They might simply not have time for acting education, but they had time to work.

Among our beautiful actresses there are such examples too. These are Alena Babenko, Yuliya Snigir and others. There are many more such examples in Hollywood: Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, Marilyn Monroe. Moreover, these megastars have not received any education (not even a full school education). At first - due to poverty or other barriers, then they simply had no time for it.


Being an actress means a lot, without interruptions, to work on yourself. Before you become an actress, start taking the first steps towards your dream, you need to understand yourself in order to make sure of your prospects.

Preparation for admission to a theater university should be thorough. After all, you have to show your talent in front of a commission that has seen hundreds of such enthusiasts before. Making an impression is the most important task during the passage of all stages of admission to the university for an actress. All the time after graduation, you will also need to improve yourself in order to grow and achieve great success.

Without special education, there are also chances to become an actress. In this case, purposefulness and a natural gift for playing in public should come to the fore.

These are the results of our article. In it, we analyzed some moments of the bright dream of many girls - how to become a film or theater actress, to be successful and in demand. We hope you enjoyed reading the material, and you were able to learn something new for yourself from the article.

It was a free evening. I'm lying on the sofa. I watch TV, I click channels. Since the time is evening, there is absolutely nothing to watch - only serials. I do not like serials, but often I notice the same faces flashing here and there. You involuntarily wonder why the director suddenly chose to leading role this actress? You look and do not understand! Yes, pretty, no doubt, yes, young - of course, but why SHE, and not thousands of others? Being terribly curious by virtue of my profession, I tried to find out if it was easy to get on big screen Or is it the privilege of the elite?

You understand that the entire film industry of the country is concentrated in one place - in Moscow. Therefore, if you decide to pop-try yourself in the acting field, go to the capital. Just remember three main points.

1 You must have a degree in acting. Without a diploma, you won’t get a single big role, and therefore you won’t become famous. If age allows, then it is better to try your luck and try to enter Moscow. The main thing to remember is that there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people like you!!!

2 If you are, so to speak, a visiting, certified actress, then urgently hire a teacher in order to get rid of the “accent”. The cost of a stage speech teacher will not be cheap, but until you get rid of the “talk”, you will be ordered to the site.

3 It is very important to have an acting portfolio. Photos where you are in a swimsuit, in different poses - no one needs (although in full height a photo wouldn't hurt). You need a close-up face, with a variety of emotional states. Photos must be of high quality, printed on paper and on electronic media (diskette, disk, flash card).

There are enough acting agencies for everyone! The coordinates are easy to find via the Internet. After sitting at the computer for half an hour and writing down the necessary coordinates, I sit down on the phone. Having phoned, I immediately introduce myself and mention that I am a certified actress. Most agencies demanded 1,500-3,000 rubles from me just to put me in their database. “And how many actresses do you have in the database?” - "About a thousand!" Nes-false count made me think. "And how many girls do you work for?" - “The actresses are chosen by the customer, we have nothing to do with it. It may happen that you will be invited to the main role tomorrow!

By entering the database of acting agencies (the more the better), you increase your chances. But keep in mind that most agencies are fake - they collected money and disappeared. Therefore, carefully study the work of the agency: how many years it has been working, which famous actors are in the database, for which projects actors were selected from this agency, with which projects work in progress, and, accordingly, the selection of actors for this moment. Ask, do not be shy - you are giving away your money!

It turned out that there are acting agencies where you don’t have to pay anything “at the entrance” or the amount is small. Decided to go there. I filled out the form and attached my photos. And I went home ... I didn’t have time to leave the building - they called and offered a role in one of the programs, where I should play a girl of easy virtue who poisoned her lover , who was once her teacher at the university.

Remember the main thing! If you decide to become a real actress and see it as your only profession, never act in extras and in various programs. This is bad taste. Immediately refuse, demand at least a role in the episode.

Three months later I got a call from one of the agencies and was offered a cameo role in one of the detective series “Only our wages are low, you'll excuse me. Only 150 dollars for a shooting day ... Later it turned out that I would work for two shooting days, more precisely, 2 hours in the evening.

As a decent girl, I came to the casting, but there was no casting. The female director took me to the role right away. There was no need to compete with other actresses in skill. “I beg you, take your accent off!” she advised me, and handed me a thick script, from which 10 lines were mine.

Currently, the rates for the work of actors per day in Moscow are as follows:

500-1000 rubles extras (you will have to spend the whole day and evening on the site!)

Acting at least 2000-6000 rubles shooting in the program (half a day of shooting and half a day of rehearsal). You will have to show your acting talent in all its glory.

2000-8000 rubles episodic role (the work itself can take no more than half an hour, spend more time waiting for your turn). Here, not only a diploma is desirable, but also a talented game.

From 8000 - the main role. Payment for the day, if it's a series, if it's a feature film - even more so.

But do not rush to pack your bags and rush to work. If you manage to act somewhere, then most likely it will be your first and last role. Before the rollback begins, too much money and effort will have to be invested in your beloved. At-what efforts, both moral and ... immoral.

After doing a few episodic roles, I discovered that I have a vanity that has grown a lot in the last couple of months. Something had to be done about it. For example, to get the main role in one of the series - no more, no less ... I came to an audience with one very important person(I can’t name his last name - you yourself understand), who was recently offered to shoot a series on TV. She showed herself in all her glory, read all the monologues known to me. "Well! I'm ready to take you! Beautiful girls many, beautiful and smart - a little less, beautiful, smart and talented - very few. Now you fall into the last category!” - "Truth?! And when is the shooting?!” I already saw myself as a famous actress signing autographs. "Soon! We'll start in a month! You will have shootings almost every day! .. And now ... give me a blowjob to start with. I thought I misheard. “What did you think? Everything is not so simple in this world! ”... So this is not my world!

How to get into the cinema

1. Through relatives (both close and very distant)

2. Through connections (good acquaintances in the cinema)

3. Through a husband/lover

4. Through money (by paying a certain amount, you will even get the main role without education, but the amount should be very large)

5. Through... you guessed it

6th is not given! To our great regret, in our country everything happens only in this way, and this despite the fact that about 30 films are released in Russia every month.

Ready for total return, in every sense of the word? Then go ahead! Well, whoever is not ready and does not accept the policy of our cinema can go to Hollywood, for example ... Just don’t forget, when you become famous enough, write to me from there, I’ll fly in specially and interview you!

Marianna Volskaya

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Actor(from French acteur, from Latin actor - performer; feminine - actress) is a professional performer of diverse roles in performances, films, commercials, video clips. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world art culture (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Profession actor is one of the oldest. Even shamans staged performances for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in Ancient Greece and was considered very prestigious. but Medieval Europe considered the acting of actors to be demonic, and in Russia it was even dangerous to be an actor. The church persecuted hypocrites, jesters, and buffoons. Church officials could destroy musical instruments and the perpetrators be beaten or imprisoned. Only in the Renaissance did the attitude towards acting change.

Acting is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, stereotyped, monotonous characters and types prevailed in the acting of actors. The revolution in the profession of an actor was made by the founder of the Moscow Art Theater K.S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous acting system, the so-called Stanislavsky System, the purpose of which is to achieve maximum psychological authenticity of the actors' performance. Stanislavsky urged the actors to feel what the hero feels, to experience genuine experiences in order to convey authentic emotions on stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous acting system of Stanislavsky has been very popular in Russia and all over the world, and the phrase “I don’t believe!” became winged.

Many are attracted by fame, wealth and interesting life. However, few people understand how thorny the path to achieving your goal is, and no one can guarantee that it is you who will succeed in this field. How many graduates of theatrical universities, and only a small percentage of them become well-known and highly paid actors. Young actors have to make their way under the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, the lucky ones who were noticed and they suddenly woke up famous. For them, what they studied for and what they aspired to will gradually begin to come true.

basis acting skills is the principle of reincarnation. This reincarnation can be external and internal. In the first case, the actor uses make-up, costumes, masks, develops intonation, facial expressions, gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal the spiritual world of his character, show his character, convey thoughts and feelings. The actor, regardless of the place of work, creates a certain artistic image and brings something of his own into the hero, portrays him in his own way. main goal any actor is the desire to influence the audience, cause them to respond, emotions, feelings.

Removal of bodily and speech clamps. You will be taught to manage your emotions, confidently stay on stage, get used to the image and improvise. In the course of 20% theory and 80% practice. Classes are 2-3 times a week on weekdays or weekends, a missed class can be attended with another group. Groups of 5-7 people. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


The actor's training takes place in higher educational institutions, secondary vocational or studio schools. But becoming a good actor is possible only if you have talent, educational institutions will only develop it, direct it in the right direction.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • artistry, the ability to transform, get used to the image;
  • knowledge of genre-role specifics;
  • the ability to create an image according to a verbal description;
  • knowledge of psychology (in terms of facial expressions, speech features, etc.);
  • lack of fear of the stage, camera lens, spectators;
  • musical and choreographic skills;
  • flawless articulation;
  • literary ability;
  • creativity, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • possession of stage charm (expressiveness, the ability to naturally communicate with partners on stage, the ability to attract the audience);
  • striving for continuous professional improvement.

Personal qualities

  • good memory;
  • observation;
  • industriousness, working capacity;
  • physical endurance, patience;
  • ability and desire to work in a team;
  • creativity;
  • responsibility;
  • abstract thinking;
  • oratorical skills;
  • determination;
  • self-confidence;
  • energy.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • interesting, creative profession;
  • fame, popularity, people's love (when gaining fame);
  • tours abroad, travel;
  • the opportunity to try yourself in the role different people, from different professions, destinies, to be both a positive and a negative hero.


  • the need to devote themselves entirely to the profession (shooting, rehearsals take a lot of time);
  • the need, at times, to live in field conditions with a lack of necessary amenities;
  • the acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing stunts);
  • in addition to fame and success in an acting career, there may be a lull associated with the lack of invitations to performances or movies.

Place of work

  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • a television;
  • advertising agencies;
  • clip maker firms;
  • circuses;
  • event companies.

Salary and career

Salary as of 07.08.2019

Russia 18000—70000 ₽

Moscow 35000—100000 ₽

Actors usually start their careers by participating in theatrical productions. The actor's salary in this case is very small, if he is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the novice actor takes part.

A professional actor can act in a movie or TV series. But this work is not permanent, and therefore the security is relative. The prices for the participation of actors vary greatly, on average from 500 rubles to 100,000 rubles per day, but the latter figure is offered if you are a famous actor or National artist. The salary of an actor depends on his fame and on the financial capabilities of the employer.

How can you become an actress without education, what steps do you need to take?
Becoming an actress is the dream of any girl, and many schoolgirls plan to make a career in cinema or on the theater stage. However, not everyone succeeds in making this dream a reality. The actress is an extremely difficult profession. To become a real actress, you need to overcome a lot in this life. You need to be able to control your emotions, have a huge potential, manage your feelings, be able to express various feelings in any situation and in a short period of time.

If you are still destined to become an actress, and you really want it, then you have to be patient, overcome many difficulties and do a gigantic job on the way to your dream. It is necessary to make every effort, study well and devote a lot of time to this. But these are far from all the requirements in order to become a famous actress.

A girl who wants to become an actress, should want it with all my heart and love my calling. At the same time, it is necessary to have not only a great desire, but also to make every effort, try and, of course, be able to put everything into practice. After all, being an actress is a lot of work.
To leave to get the profession of acting, you first need to find yourself temporary housing and get some kind of job.

But first of all, it would be nice to enroll in a theater group. This will serve as a good training to develop the necessary skills and acting abilities. Thus, you will be more likely to become real star scenes or blue screen. Then, after you get a job, you need to start auditioning. Give it every day. It would be better if you visit several samples at once during the day. Even if you have to travel to different parts of the city for this, be patient - it's worth it! It may not work the first time, but don't despair.

How to become an actress in Hollywood? If you are really destined to become an actress, and you really want it, then you will not go unnoticed. Roles of the 10th plan are chosen only by insecure people, so try to try serious roles. Of course, it would be nice to go to Hollywood. If you manage to get on the American Disney Channel, get some role in a movie or series, then this will be a huge plus and you will definitely be noticed.

Thus, we recommend that you immediately get an education in America. The Disney channel gets talent, even under the age of 20. Therefore, if you want to get a role in any movie or series, then try to participate in the auditions until you are accepted. It is possible that the producers will not immediately notice you, but if you still succeed, then the career of an actress is guaranteed to you.

IN early childhood kids show acting talents - they sing, dance, recite poetry. It goes away with age. But often at the age of 14, a teenager confidently declares to his parents that he wants to become famous actor theater or cinema. How can you help your child choose what skills to develop? Where to study, and what should an aspiring artist know? After all, one “I want” is not enough to build a career. You will have to work hard, constantly develop and improve.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how to become a professional theater or film actor. Acting activity is a set of skills, abilities, personal qualities.

If a teenager at the age of 14 prefers to spend the whole day passively, sleeping a lot, then you should not even ask the question of how he can become an actor. Acting heights are conquered only by stubborn, hardworking people. A professional actor is bold, decisive, and knows how to control emotions.

Qualities without which it is impossible to become an actor:

  • Appearance. Facial features do not have to be perfect, but the figure is perfect. There are many talented actors in world cinema who can hardly be called handsome. But they are very charming. Attractive, interesting features should be present in the appearance.
  • Charisma. The concept is vague, but it is charismatic personalities that the audience wants to see on the screens and stage. Such people attract attention, fascinate. Not everyone has this quality inherent in nature. But it can be developed - courses and master classes will come to the rescue.
  • Volitional character. The path to the top will be long, difficult - weak people will not withstand psychological and physical stress. Character needs to be tempered - discipline, self-confidence, determination - 3 pillars on which actor career.
  • Sociability. It will be difficult for a silent teenager of 14 years to break into the acting environment. Sociability is the ability to easily communicate with people, make new and useful acquaintances, present yourself at castings. To develop this skill, you need to start a conversation with a stranger every day.

Professional skills

What Skills Does an Actor Need?

  • expressive facial expressions - the actor knows how to express all emotions;
  • clear speech, foundation oratory- the artist clearly formulates thoughts, has no problems with diction;
  • knowledge of the foundations of the Stanislavsky system - without knowing the foundations it is impossible to move on;
  • good memory is one of the foundations of theatrical skill, memory must be constantly trained;
  • the ability to embody different images - universal actors are valued higher;
  • good physical shape - the actor must be hardy and hardened.

The theater actor will need knowledge of the basics of stage combat. If you want to become a sought-after and diverse artist, you need to take up dancing and singing.

How to become an artist in demand and popular? Only constantly declaring itself. To begin with, it is worth posting photos and resumes on the Internet on the websites of novice actors, posting a video presentation on Youtube. An artist is a brand that needs constant advertising. You need to study a lot of different information, which highlights the answers to the question of how to become a popular and sought-after actor.

A novice actor should not be afraid of difficulties. The acting environment is cruel, the competition in it is very high. To get to the top, sometimes you have to sleep little, work hard, eat irregularly.

Where to study?

Many teenagers at the age of 14 think that the dream of becoming a theater or film actor will never come true. They don't know where to start, how to become an actor. The task of parents is to support the child in his endeavors, prompt and guide.

In Moscow and other major cities, you can find good school acting skills. There are theater groups in small towns. But in megacities the level of teaching is better, there are more prospects. Studying with professional teachers will help you better prepare for admission to a theater university. You can enter a public educational institution until the age of 25.

To get into theater studio need to pass the competition. In popular schools, competition is high. To pass the test, it is worth preparing in advance.

The applicant needs to learn a poem, an excerpt from a favorite work, learn how to recite it beautifully, convey meaning and feelings. To listen, you need to choose a piece that best reflects inner world applicant. An excerpt or monologue should be chosen short - the commission has little time, it can interrupt the speaker at the most interesting place.

If a teenager at the age of 14 knows how to dance, sing, this will be an additional advantage upon admission. Selection in theater school– a good experience, because the competition in the prestigious theater universities is 200 people per seat.

At the age of 14, it is difficult to enter a theater school - teenagers have many complexes, they cannot stand defeat. You can help your child open up with the help of a tutor. This form of education is relevant in small towns where it is not possible to attend a theater studio.

IN summer period camps for future actors are opened, sometimes theaters hold traveling master classes. All this can and should be attended by a 14-year-old teenager who dreams of becoming an actor.

How to behave at a casting

To become an actor in a movie, you will need to go through many auditions. It is important to regularly view ads that invite teenagers 14 years old to shoot. Even if the chances of getting a role are minimal, it's still worth going. This will help expand your teenager's comfort zone. He will be able to understand more clearly how to become an actor, how much effort will be required.

  • Training. Before the casting begins, the main requirements for the actors may not be disclosed. You do not need to dress brightly for the casting, do defiant and vulgar makeup. Naturalness is one of the components of a successful casting.
  • It is impossible to become an actor without a good portfolio. Properly selected photos will tell more than any resume. The photo always shows the level of skill, the ability to behave in front of the camera, the ability to improvise. How to become an actor if there is no filming experience? To find good photographer who can take high quality photos. The task of a teenager at the age of 14 is to maximize his potential and versatility in the portfolio. There should be many strong and clear images.
  • Video interview. At the casting, they are looking for a person suitable for the image, who is not afraid of the camera, feels relaxed. Therefore, all applicants are asked to say a few words about themselves in front of the camera. To cope with the excitement, you need to make several recordings on the camera at home, record a video in some crowded place.

Theater or film actor?

To successfully build a career as an actor, you need to correctly prioritize. On the initial stage it is worth understanding whether you want to play in the theater or in the cinema.

What is the difference between acting in theater and cinema:

  • The character. In theatrical productions, the actor reveals the image of his character continuously, throughout the performance. In cinema, scenes are shot in random order, so the actor needs to quickly switch, be able to play different episodes at any time.
  • Gesture. Broad gestures are valued in the theater. The camera, on the other hand, exaggerates everything several times - it is necessary to carefully express emotions.
  • Appearance. In the theater, they are more loyal to imperfect appearance and figure. In the cinema, all imperfections become noticeable, make-up and properly exposed lighting cannot eliminate these problems. Therefore, a movie actor must always look perfect.
  • Emotions. Expressing emotions in the cinema is more difficult than in the theater. Cinematography requires complete immersion in the role, you need to be able to use micro gestures, spend hours practicing the necessary, expressive look.
  • Plausibility. The theater actor always communicates with live spectators. In cinema, you often have to communicate with a soulless camera. The play is a performance. In cinema, believability is valued.

Making a dream come true, becoming an actor is not an easy task. You will have to study, work and communicate a lot. A novice actor should be aware of all the new products theatrical art and cinema - you need to read a lot, attend theatrical performances, master classes famous actors. This will not only allow you to grow professionally, but will also provide an opportunity to acquire new and useful acquaintances.