Interesting sayings about people of different nationalities. New modern aphorisms

The best test of a nation's civility is how a nation cares for its underprivileged.

Samuel Johnson

The principle of nationality dominates among people over the principle of inner freedom. The peoples would rather agree to lose their liberal institutions than to lose their name and their land.

Alphonse de Lamartine

A nation manifests itself not only in the people it gives life to, but also in the people it honors, the people it remembers.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Enlightenment and patriotism create nations; ignorance and selfishness create mob.

Pierre Buast

The greatness of a nation is based not on material resources, but on its will, faith, reason and moral strength.

Hoppin D.

A nation is truly great not when it consists of a large number of thinking, free and energetic people, but when thought, freedom and energy are subordinated to an ideal higher than that of the average member of society.

Matthew Arnold

Two nations between which there is neither connection nor sympathy; who also do not know the habits, thoughts and feelings of each other, as the inhabitants of different planets; who bring up children in different ways, eat different foods, teach different manners; who live by different laws... Rich and poor.

Benjamin Disraeli

A nation is a historical group of people consciously soldered to each other and rallied by the existence of a common enemy.

Theodor Herzl

Nations are like bees - they can sting only at the cost of their own lives.

George Bernard Shaw

Our true nationality is humanity.

Herbert George Wells

A nation is a community of people who, through a common destiny, acquire a single character.

Otto Bauer

A healthy nation does not notice its nationality just as a healthy person does not notice his spine. But if you undermine its national dignity, the nation will think of nothing else but to restore it. It will not listen to any reformers, any philosophers, any preachers, until the demands of the nationalists are satisfied. She will not deal with any business, no matter how urgent they may be, except for the cause of reunification and liberation.

George Bernard Shaw

A nation that does not respect its elders loses the price of its collective wisdom, and in return guarantees a constant fear of the future for those who are in middle age.

Val J. Helemenderis

A nation is a community of people who are united by illusions about common ancestors and a common hatred of their neighbors.

William Inge

National traits cannot be exaggerated, made exceptional. National features bring people together, interest people of other nationalities, and do not withdraw people from the national environment of other peoples, do not close peoples in themselves.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev

Aphorisms, quotes, phrases about nationality

It’s not only with us, it’s an all-world madhouse. Only a few national specifics.
Lina Kostenko "Notes of a Ukrainian madman"

Nationalism - in one degree or another or form - is a natural and normal feature of any normal person.
Not taking into account the nationalistic principle in a person at all means making an elementary mistake and wishful thinking.
Mikhail Veller "Cassandra"

Every nation has its own Jews.
Mikhail Zadornov

Jews are people who enjoy being Jews.
Boris Krieger

Why is the rebirth of a nation always associated with the massacre of its citizens?
Boris Krieger

Truly, the Russian soul is mysterious. Especially when she is Ukrainian.
Vladimir Sverzhin

Nationality is always just an excuse. And it can be used in any direction. "We are peaceful" - "we are courageous." "We are hardworking" - "We are lazy." Explain any thing with a national or racial character - and everything will fit.
S. Lukyanenko "Line of Dreams"

Generally speaking, the feeling of being chosen (even of distinct superiority) is characteristic of many peoples. Moreover, the worse the people's present, the brighter and more majestic the myths and legends about the high past and great paths in history.
I. Huberman

Thousands of years ago, human tribes underwent a severe selection for survival; and in this struggle, not only the ability to wield a club was important, but also the ability to reason, to preserve traditions, the ability for altruistic mutual assistance of members of the tribe. Today, humanity as a whole is undergoing a similar examination.
Andrey Sakharov

Peoples, like individuals, go too far in their demands and encroach on something until they meet with a rebuff. The system of forces is in equilibrium as long as the action is equal to the reaction. When there is no opposition, equilibrium is impossible.
A. Morua

The words "I'm proud to be a German" or "I'm proud to be a Jew" seem to me as meaningless as if a person said: "I'm proud to have brown eyes..."
I. Erenburg

A nation can be so right that it does not need to convince other nations of its rightness by force.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson

No nation has the right to judge another nation.
T.V. Wilson

Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.
A. Einstein

We live at a time when humanity is making a great turn from narrow nationalism to international partnership.
Lyndon Johnson

On our cramped planet, people can no longer live like strangers.
Adlai Stevenson

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A big empire, like a big pie, begins to crumble from the edges.
Benjamin Franklin.

Great powers have always behaved like bandits, and small ones like prostitutes.
Stanley Kubrick.

The greatness of a nation is not at all measured by its size, just as the greatness of a man is not measured by his height.
Victor Hugo.

The greatness of the nation must fit in each of its representatives.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Voltaire taught: The more enlightened people are, the freer they are. His successors said to the people: The freer you are, the more enlightened you are. This was where death lay.
Antoine de Rivarol.

We are all a people, and so is the government.
Otto von Bismarck.

We all came out of the people - so there are no people left.
Anatoly Ras.

Woe to the people, if slavery could not humiliate them, such a people was created to be a slave.
Petr Chadaev.

The business of the prophets is to prophesy, the business of the nations is to stone them.
Vladislav Khodasevich.

Democracy is the name given to the people when they are needed.
Robert de Fleur.

Other nations use force; we Brits show strength.
Evelyn Waugh.

If the government is dissatisfied with its people, it must dissolve it and elect a new one.
Bertolt Brecht.

And the masses may feel lonely.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The idea of ​​a nation is not what it thinks of itself in time, but what God thinks of it in eternity.
Vladimir Solovyov.

Each nation mocks the other, and they are all equally right.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

When the people are naked, they put on a straitjacket.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

King: and the people are naked!
Urshula Zybura.

Whoever loves the people should take them to the bathhouse.
Modified Heinrich Heine.

My nation is fortunately too small to do big stupid things.
Hendrik Lorenz, Dutch physicist.

There are two truths in the world that should be remembered inseparably. First: the source of supreme power is the people; second: he must not exercise it.
Antoine de Rivarol.

The people need not abstract ideas, but common truths.
Antoine de Rivarol.

Peoples are just as susceptible to flattery as tyrants.
Alphonse de Lamartine.

The peoples that represent the sum of "I" are somehow closer to me than the peoples that represent the particle "we.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The peoples to whom humanity is most indebted lived in small states - Israel, Athens, Florence, Elizabethan England.
William Inge.

The national artist organizes the fantasy of the nation as the national politician organizes the forces of the state.
Cyprian Norwid.

A nation is a community of people who are united by illusions about common ancestors and a common hatred of their neighbors.
William Inge.

Our nation is in decline. Great men have passed away. For so long, not a single solemn burial!
Karel Chapek.

You have to go with the people. Unless the people themselves drive cars.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The will of the people is usually spoken by those who order it.
Karel Chapek.

Using the right of veto is like committing adultery. The first time you feel remorse, but then - a real pleasure.
British Permanent Representative to the UN - Soviet diplomat Oleg Troyanovsky.

The reputation of a power is best defined by the amount it can borrow.
Winston Churchill.

: A national person is more, not less, than just a person, he has the generic features of a person in general, and there are also individual national features.

Nationality and the struggle for its existence and development does not mean discord in humanity and with humanity.
A person who calculates nationality has the life of an ulcer. Everyone is enjoying it, but he can’t do it, he can’t do it ...
Leonid Yarmolnik:
For me there are no nationalities. For me, there are talented interesting people or idiots.
The cheapest pride is national pride.
Each nation mocks the other, and they are all equally right.
IN national character there are few good features: after all, the crowd is its subject.
A wretched little man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.
There is nothing more absurd and at the same time more harmful, more murderous than to set the imaginary principle of nationality as the ideal of all popular aspirations. Every nation or even folk has its own character, its own special way of existing, speaking, feeling, thinking and acting.
Vladimir Vinokur:
Humor has no nationality.
Diego Maradona:
My name was at the top of the list of the most famous people world, so IMG offered me a million dollars for the right to use my image. But there was one hitch: for this I had to take double citizenship- Argentine-American. And my nationality is priceless. No one can pay me so much that I no longer feel like an Argentine, no one!
Herbert Wells:
Our true nationality is humanity.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk:
Who can be born to a Ukrainian mother and a Ukrainian father?! How do you think?
Vladimir Etush:
There are no Russians, Germans, Jews, Dutch on earth… There are just people who fight, who endure, who are afraid and who were forced to shoot at each other.
Joachim Rachel:
The time will come when national pride will be looked upon as selfishness and vanity, and war as slaughter.