Theater week in elementary school. Theater week "theater and children"

For more than 40 years, our school has been hosting the Theater and Children week, which has already become a hallmark of school traditions. Here is this one academic year was no exception: for six days, teachers and students became either spectators or artists.

The first day. Opening.
Specially for this day, the assembly hall of the school became cozier, more modern, a new curtain and a video projector appeared, so the week began with a film showing the history of this school tradition. Thanks to the photo collection collected at the school, the students were able to see their mothers and fathers, who were also once school artists, on the projector screen.
Well, and then the participants of the circle "World of Theater" showed a humorous performance "The Kingdom of the Diary". The audience was very worried, who will the king choose as his wife - the beautiful One or the clever Five? The head of the circle Terentyeva Svetlana Semyonovna, a teacher of Russian and Komi language and literature, helped the fifth-graders and the audience to understand the intricacies of love.
Second day."My mother is my joy"

After the lessons, the audience went to where it smells so fragrant of buns, shangs, cookies - to the assembly hall of the school. The boys and girls were worried: would classmates and friends like their mother's treat? The concert was a success, because the guys approached the matter creatively: they staged a fashion show of knitted things by Shestakova Marina Pavlovna, showed sketches, sang songs, recited poems. high school students - modern people, created colorful musical films about their mothers. Tenth-grader Terentyeva Anna sang a touching song, which she dedicated to her mother Svetlana Semyonovna, because. It was on this day that she celebrated her birthday.
Day three. video battle
Such a competitive day was held at the school for the first time, so there were only two "fighters" - 9th and 10th grades. The tenth-graders decided to give a new voice to the classic of Soviet cinema, the film "Viy". The heroes were transferred from a 19th-century farmhouse church to a disco at the Cholom Leisure Center of the 21st century. As a result, the guys got a very funny parody of themselves.
The next on the screen was a film from the series “Profession: a reporter on hastily”, filmed in the 9th grade film studio with the active participation of the class teacher Volkova Maya Mikhailovna. The trial series will be remembered by the audience for a long time, because they looked at themselves from the outside: how they rush to the dining room, how they stealthily write off homework, how they do not part with the phone for a minute ...
In general, the first pancake did not come out lumpy, and we hope that these films will not be the last in creative life guys.
Day four. Competition "Dare, boys!"

A year ago, the school received a grant in the republican competition "Ethnoinitiative-2009" and continues to work on the "Living Antiquity" project. The competition for boys in grades 1-6 pursued the goal of the project - familiarization of modern youth with the origins of folk culture.
Six fellows prepared short stories about yourself in the Komi language. Let's be honest, the task was difficult for some participants. Mikhail Palekhov and Maxim Khozyainov became the undisputed winners of the first competition. Our rural boys love the forest, hunting, fishing, and it was not difficult for them to guess the traces of animals and birds living in the forests of the republic. But the next test was completely unexpected for all participants. Try s
throw a loop of the lasso on the horns of a deer! But in our school there are such craftsmen! Grade 9 student German Anufriev showed a master class and taught some of the intricacies of this business. The most successful in this competition were the first-grader Ilya Shilonosov and the second-grader Popov Vitaly.
Leading the holiday librarian Manzadey O.A. and counselor Filippova E.M. the boys were tested for strength, endurance, and accuracy. The staff of the Novikbozh House of Culture really decorated the holiday. The girls prepared a small program, the theme of which echoed the theme of the holiday - the rich culture of the Komi people.
The jury of the competition after a long debate announced the winners. They were first-grader Shilonosov Ilya and fifth-grader Palekhov Mihai
l. By the way, Misha also received the Audience Choice Award.
School work n
hell with the project continues, so "Go for it, boys!".
Day five."Wedding with dowry".
“Won’t they swipe us, comrades, at ...“ A wedding with a dowry? - the teachers of the Komi language and literature asked themselves. No sooner said than done! days

rap petitions, preparation of scenery, search for props left behindand finally, the day of the premiere. Viewers are somewhat worried thatthey will not understand the artists, because they will only speak the Komi language. But already in the first minutes, the language barrier disappeared - the actors managed to reincarnate so much, they played their roles so vividly. Lobova Anastasia Valentinovna and Batmanova Vera Nikolaevna became sisters Galya and Olga, Smetanina Elena Fedorovna - a strict mother of marriageable daughters, Dyachkova Ekaterina Valerianovna - a neighbor who is eager for other people's secrets. The role of the brigadier was played by Kanev Nikolai, a student of the 9th grade, and the brave village guys Fedor Rochev, Maxim Lobov, Vsevolod Khozyainov. The role of the protagonist was brilliantly played by Terentyeva Svetlana Semyonovna. Facial expressions, gestures, intonation, costume, artistic talent - all this helped to convey the character of Nikolai Kurochkin.

After the final bow, the audience remained in their places for some time, as if enchanted by the game of teachers and schoolchildren. Looking forward to the sequel...

Day six."Being healthy is great."
The last day of the theater week brought together schoolchildren of all classes on the stage to talk about health. Performances were different: funny, musical, theatrical, satirical. students primary school talked about the benefits of vitamins, the fifth grade taught Dunno how to eat right, the sixth

vehemently showed the harm that tobacco smoke brings to the body, the seventh - sang ditties about the benefits of playing sports, eighthassistants and ninth graders explained how to resistaznu and refuse the offer to try narcotic substances. Tenth-grader Terentyeva Anna sang a song that she composed herself and thus summed up all the performances: being healthy is great!
The week "Theatre and Children" has ended. Summed up. During the holidays, students of grades 2.3, 5.6, 9.10 are invited to New Year's performance to the House of Technology in Usinsk. Thanks to the activity of the children themselves and their class teachers Kaneva Galina Serafimovna, Filippova Olga Nikolaevna, Smetanina Elena Fedorovna, Smetanina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Volkova Maya Mikhailovna, Lobova Anastasia Valentinovna, the performances of these very cool teams were the brightest, most interesting. December 16, 2010


Goals of the Theater Week:

Tasks of the Theater Week:

  • Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.
  • Introduce children to theater
  • Contribute to the creation of a joyful mood in children, develop imagination and creativity
  • Strengthening cultural ties between teachers and families of pupils, interest in theater and theatrical activities, events cultural life cities;
  • Identification and support of talented teachers;
  • Organization in kindergarten conditions for theatrical games, the development of children's interest in visiting professional theaters.

As part of the theater week in each age group a work plan for the Week of the Theater is being developed, which includes various activities on this topic

  1. In order to assist the teaching staff, it is planned to conduct consultations for educators:
  • “Organization of a week of theater in each age group.
  • "Theater and children"
  1. Exhibition of literature in the methodical office on this topic.
  2. Theatrical setting.
  3. Interaction with parents:
  • Making a folder-movement "Theater and Children"
  • Participation in the preparation of costumes, attributes, scenery for the holiday.
  • Independent visit to the theatre.
  • Conversations with parents on:

- "The importance of visiting the theater for a small child"

- "Family visits to theaters", etc.

The following activities are also planned for each age group:

Action plan

School preparatory groups "Bee" and "Gnomiki"

Day of the week





Examination of the paintings "Theater"

Conversation on preparation for the s / r game "Theater"

plot role-playing game


productive activity

Making a paper finger theater

Role-playing game:

"Let's play theater?"

Low mobility game

Applause in a circle


The teacher's story

The rules of conduct in the theatre.



"Premiering soon"

Dramatization of a fairy tale at the choice of a teacher

A. Barto "Quartet"

A story from my own experience

What theaters have I been to?

Didactic game

"Who to be"


The teacher's story

"The history of the creation of the puppet theater"

Didactic game for the development of creative imagination

"Fantastic Hypotheses"

A. Barto "At the school matinee"

Role-playing game

"A television"

table theater

S. Vohrintsev “Tale after tale”, “How a goat built a hut”

Reading fiction

S.Ya. Marshak "In the theater for children"

Competition for children

"Picture Me"


Reviewing the encyclopedia

"Circus World"

The teacher's story

"Famous artist Yuri Nikulin"

Mobile game:

"Swan geese"

Ethical conversation

"Good Wizards"

A game


Independent artistic activity Painting

"What we saw in the theater"



"What do you know about theater?"

A game


Role-playing game:

"Journey through the cities of the country of Arts"

Open display of fairy tales for kindergarten children

Reading fiction on the topic of the day

"Theatre" V. Miodushevsky

Independent artistic activity with various materials

"My impressions"

Action plan

Senior groups "Bells" and "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Day of the week





"The history of the theater"

Mimic studies

"Picture Me"

Role-playing game


Didactic game


Show mini performance

plane theater

Low mobility mobile game



Conversation with children

"What are the theaters"

Role-playing game

"Welcome to the Theater"

A game


Production of tickets, posters, programs

"Premiering soon"

Learning the text for staging a fairy tale at the choice of the teacher


Examining the illustrations


Conversation with children

"Rules of conduct in the theater"

Independent creative activity children with various types puppets for theaters

"We love theater"



Children's poet-storyteller S.V. Mikhalkov

Loud Reading Literary Competition

"My favorite works of S.V. Mikhalkov"

Artistic creativity

Modeling "Puppy"

Quiz Tournament

"In the footsteps of the works of S.V. Mikhalkov"

Creative task for the development of pantomime


Visiting by children theatrical performance in the preschool educational institution of the Tver theater "Malyshok"



What theaters have I been to?

Dramatization of a poetic work

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

Story - role-playing game

"Visiting a fairy tale"

The final productive activity of children

"My impressions"

Action plan

Medium groups "Asterisk", "Why", "Krasochki"

Day of the week




surprise moment

Puppet Theatre

Exhibition of books by S. Mikhalkov

"Masha and the Bears"

Mini dramatization

“Where we were, we won’t say…”


illustrations of books by S. Mikhalkov

Mini dramatizations

"Tell poetry beautifully"



“Hello heroes of S. Mikhalkov”


"In the footsteps of the works of S. Mikhalkov"

Watching a cartoon at the choice of a teacher

Low mobility ball game

"Say Your Name Differently"



"What is theater"

Didactic game

"Collect and recognize the hero of a fairy tale"

Reading fiction


Independent artistic creativity

"My impressions"


surprise moment

"Treat Basket"

Artistic creativity

Application "Sweet tooth"

Mobile game at the choice of the educator


"What do you have?"

A visit by children to a theatrical performance at the preschool educational institution of the Tver Theater "Malyshok"


surprise moment

"Three pigs"

Improvisation game

"Three pigs"

Artistic creativity

"Three pigs"

Mobile game at the choice of the educator

older children

Action plan

2 junior groups "Kolobok" and "Chamomile"

Day of the week




Exhibition of children's books


Russian folk tales

Reading fiction

Russian folk tales

Artistic creativity

Sculpting according to a fairy tale at the choice of the teacher

mobile game



surprise moment


game situation

"Narrow and wide path"

Reading fiction


Board theatrical games




"Adults and children love the theater"

Artistic creativity

Application collective "Teremok"

Dramatization game



surprise moment

Masha and the Bear

Reading fiction

Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"

A visit by children to a theatrical performance at the preschool educational institution of the Tver Theater "Malyshok"

Productive activities of children

"Heroes of a fairy tale"


Examining the illustrations


Artistic creativity

Modeling "Theatre"

mobile game


Role-playing game


Attending a theatrical performance prepared byolder children

Action plan

1 junior groups "Droplet", "Chickens", "Sun"

Day of the week





Finger game:

"Our Tales"

Tell poems with your hands "Charging"

A game

"Gray cat"


"House for fairy-tale heroes"

Game situations

"Living with Grandma"

Reading fiction

Poems by A. Barto

An exercise

"Let's collect beads for fairy-tale heroes"


Morning: Surprise moment

Game situation:

"Fun Grandma"

"Together with the grandmother-zabavushka"

Dramatization of a Russian folk song

"You go home my cow"

Game-warm-up with the grandmother-fun

“If you want to eat kalachi, don’t lie on the stove”

Didactic game

Collect the picture (according to fairy tales)

Role-playing game

"Let's build a house for a bunny"

mobile game




Jokes "Mice lead a round dance"

Picture theater

"About the cat"

Musical didactic game

"White Bunny sits"

Reading fiction

By teacher's choice

mobile game

"Grey Bunny"


Song improvisation

“Vanya (Tanya) is walking

puppet show

"Bunny in the Hole"

Didactic game

"Pick up the key to the theatrical castle!"

Game situations

"To visit the dolls"

Didactic game

"Musical instruments"



Examining illustrations for books


"Two Dolls"

Didactic game

"Who is whose cub"

Game situations

"Showing the table theater" Turnip "

Reading fiction

Topic of the day

mobile game

"We stomp our feet"

The theater world is Magic world where the past, present and future are intertwined. Talking about the theatre, A. S. Pushkin wrote that "the spirit of the times requires changes on the dramatic stage." Theater is a mirror that reflects time, events and people. But theater masters are creators, and therefore they are able not only to understand the present, but also to foresee the future. The theater is varied. At different times he entertained, educated, preached.

At the end of November 2014, the week "Theatre and Children" was traditionally held in Russia. As part of this week, the Central Children's Library named after. A. P. Gaidara prepared and held a number of events for her large and small readers.

November 27, 2014 guys 8 - 9 years old from the club "COMPANY" (31 people) gathered in the library and decided to dedicate their next meeting to the artists. But not ordinary artists, but artists from a suitcase, i.e. puppets and puppet theater. The meeting was called: artists from the suitcase "The Adventures of Masha and the Bear in the Library"

"Companies" learned that puppet show like art, has a very long history. For the first time puppet theaters are mentioned in ancient egypt. During the holidays, the figurines performed scenes from the life of the Gods, which attracted many people. And in Greece they created very large figures, they were made from expensive tree species and precious alloys, so they were very heavy and moved them only on holidays. Greece was followed by Rome. Then one of the inhabitants of Greece figured out how to recreate the world using a box without a front wall. At the bottom of the box, holes were made into which sticks were placed to control the puppets.

The plot of the first performances was based on stories and legends about the gods and the exploits of heroes. A person did not dare to try on the role of God - it was done by puppets. From small scenes, large plays were later revived. And so the puppet theater was formed, which became a folk art.

The guys got acquainted with Petrushka and folk heroes other countries: Italian Pulcinella, French Polichinel, English Punch, Czech Kashparek.

With great interest, the children learned that there are several basic ways to control the doll. The first way - the puppet is controlled from below, and the main tool for control is the actor's hands. Such puppets are called riding puppets. In turn, riding puppets are also divided into glove and cane puppets. The second way to control the puppet is from above - the actor, as it were, hangs over the puppet from above and controls it with the help of wooden or metal rods, to which the puppet is attached by thread. Basically, these puppets are called puppets. The children also got acquainted with crib dolls and shadow theater. Acquaintance with each type of dolls was accompanied by a video.

The mood of the "companions" rose at times when horsemen looked at the light glove puppets Masha and the Bear ... Time flew by quickly, imperceptibly, but still the guys even managed to try on the role of actors - puppeteers and showed a puppet show "Little Red Riding Hood"

A November 28 senior reading room was organized theatrical studio "Svetly Mirdobra", visited by students in grades 5 - 7 remedial school- VIII type boarding school (18 people). The children got acquainted with the history of the theaters of the city of Krasnoyarsk, talked about the puppet theater in Achinsk, learned about the existing theatrical genres, took part in quizzes and games. With great pleasure, the boys and girls played all kinds of scenes and a puppet show.

The kids really liked the game Musical riddles". The children guessed the words, put them together, and the result was a song that they all sang out loud. In the game “I am an actor”, the students willingly reincarnated as the heroes of the literary works of N. Nosov and happily became the heroes of the performance. In the Theatrical Lotto quiz, the children chose the correct answer out of three options. And in the Theatrical Dressing Room competition, future actors showed their theatrical skills by performing various scenes from Russian folk tales. The children were satisfied with the opportunity to feel like real actors.

At the end of the meeting, the readers looked with interest at the books on the theatrical art presented on the thematic shelf (11 copies).


at school

the creator of the Russian national theater, "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", Nikolai Aleksandrovich Ostrovsky in 2013 celebrated the 190th anniversary of his birth.

In connection with this event, events dedicated to this event were held in our school from October 21 to 26.

Children learned a lot of interesting and useful things about the life of the famous Russian playwright and about theatrical art from the classes held by teachers of the humanities cycle.

The week began with an event in the 6th grade “Literary workshop based on the play “The Snow Maiden”. The children learned from the teacher of the Russian language Shergina Yulia Valerievna the history of the creation of a fairy tale play, briefly discussed the content, identified fairy elements and watched a cartoon based on this play.

Our school librarian prepared a fairy tale on stage together with 9th grade students "The Scarlet Flower", which is beautiful in its humane idea. Despite the excitement, the actors coped with their roles. The costumes, accompanying the performance with frames from the cartoon contributed to the emotional perception of the fairy tale. It turned out to be truly magical, interesting. The dialogues of the characters were built using old Russian words and expressions, which created the feeling of a real stay in the time in which the characters lived.

Passed in 10th grade extracurricular activity"Satyrs of the brave lord ..." (based on the comedy "Undergrowth")

The guys responsibly approached the preparation of a presentation on the writer's work and performed a theatrical scene from the comedy "Undergrowth" in front of their classmates. Everything was very interesting. The organizer of this lesson, geography teacher Vera Vasilievna Gorkushina, did not do without an intermission, where the audience of the comedy performance was treated to tea and cookies. Of course, such events remain in the memory of children for a long time.

The English teacher Ishunkina Nadezhda Gennadievna and her students had to work hard. Competitions of poems, posters, projects, essays and presentations were held. It was necessary to collect material in Russian, and then, using knowledge, translate everything and arrange it beautifully. Pupils of the 6th grade prepared a dramatization of the English poem "Two Little Kittens", the audience of which was the students of the 6th grade. Leaving the concert, they were filled with positive emotions.

Grade 10 students took part in the design competition on the topic Theater in our life.

Every child has the sun

just let it shine...

Shalva Amonashvili

"Literary living room at Ivan Andreevich Krylov"

On October 22, a Russian language teacher held an unusual meeting in the literary drawing room with Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
The students acted out magnificent scenes based on fables, perfectly got used to the image of their favorite characters. They were joined by the fabulist himself, Ivan Andreevich, performed by a student of the 7th "B" class - Daniel Romanchuk.
The guys from the 7th "A" class flawlessly played the scenes of the famous Krylov's fables: "The Crow and the Fox" and "The Wolf and the Lamb". Students of the 7th "B" class also showed a creative approach, playing the fable "Dragonfly and Ant", the scene "The Wolf in the Kennel" sounded great in their performance.
Everyone appreciated the acting skills and interesting costumes of the guys. The fables performed by the children were so similar to the original that after the performance the audience thanked them with thunderous applause. Having received a lot of pleasant impressions and a charge of good mood, everyone left with smiles on their faces.

We thank our participants and wish them creative success!



The guys from the 5th grade showed an excerpt from one of the most sincere and poetic works - “ spring fairy tale» "Snow Maiden". The fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys is a world without violence, deceit and oppression. Goodness, truth and beauty triumph in it." width="209" height="210 src=">

6th grade showed the audience a comedy "Our people - let's count."

Tenth graders did not stand aside either: Yulia Kochneva and Alexey Pyrinov delighted everyone with their artistry.

The eleventh grade presented Catherine's monologue from the play to the audience "Thunderstorm" beautifully performed by Elizaveta Dudina and an excerpt from the drama "Dowry" with Bashlykova Anastasia and Vladimir Krasnoperov in the lead roles. These plays, which remind us of the eternal Christian values ​​of life, have become the pinnacle of Ostrovsky's work." width="326" height="262 src=">

The literary evening ended with a performance by the brilliant family duet Semakina Elena Vladislavovna and Semakina Alisa. They performed a romance from the movie based on the play.

Thanks to the efforts of the teachers of the Russian language and literature and the excellent acting skills of the guys performing, the students of our school were able to travel to theater world Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and understand the relevance of the work of the great playwright in our time." width="437" height="258">

All activities carried out contribute to the development creativity and acting skills students, expanding their horizons, raising their intellectual level and maintaining interest in the study of Russian literature and history.

Teachers of Russian language and literature

Theater Week

in GBOU School No. 1248 SP No. 7


Development of children's abilities by means of theatrical art


To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities. To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills. Teaching children the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression(intonation, facial expressions, pantomime). Activate the vocabulary of children, improve the sound culture of speech, intonation system, dialogic speech. To form the experience of social behavior skills, create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.
To introduce children to various types of theater (puppet, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.). To develop in children an interest in theatrical play activities

Working with parents:

Visual propaganda about holding a week of theater in DO.
Conversations with parents on the theme of the week.
Visual information "The value of theatrical activity in the life of a preschooler"

Theater Week (from March 27 to March 31, 2017)

in GBOU School No. 1248 SP No. 7

    Theater week opening

    Journey to the country of Teatralia with Ole Lukoye.

staging a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" TO. preparatory school group "No. 5".

    Reading competition (all groups of preschool age).

    staging a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" . Chukovsky for preschoolers GBOU School No. 1248 , which will be shown by artists from preparatory to school groups "No. 5", "No. 6 ) .

    Staging a musically theatricalized Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut" in a new way (preparatory group for school "No. 6 ).

    "Telephone" K. Chukovsky (middle group "#4")

    staging a fairy tale "Three pigs" translation from in English Sergei Mikhalkov, puppets ( II junior group"No. 2", a theatrical production ecological Russian folk fairy tales "Teremok" II junior group number 1").

    Performance of a theatrical fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" (senior group "No. 3".)

    Closing of the theater week with Ole Lukoye.


Opening theater week.

Host: Hello, dear children! I am glad to welcome you to our hall.
Hello boys! (Boys greet).
Hello girls! (Girls greet)

Magical music sounds. Ole Lukoye appears.

Host: Guys, who came to us?

Ole-Lukoye: I am Ole-Lukoye, a fabulous dwarf.
I come to the children, spin my magic umbrella and tell stories.
I live in the country of the Theater.
In the land of the theater, in the land of the theater
Fantasy reigns in all its diversity.
There all dreams come true, and our sorrows
Now they are turning into funny adventures.

Guys, do you want to get into such a country?

The children answer.

Ole Lukoye: Entrance to the theatrical country is by invitation only.
The invitation is received by the one who knows a lot of fairy tales
and answers my questions correctly.

Host: Ole-Lukoye, the guys and I really want to get into the Theater, we will try very hard.

Ole Lukoye: Well, well, the first task for ingenuity-
Guess a riddle about your favorite fairy tale.
Listen, guys, the first riddle:

1. Mixed on sour cream,
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... (kolobok)

2. Someone for someone
Grabbed tight.
Oh, can't pull it out
Oh, stuck tight!
What is this? (turnip)

3. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals.
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous.
This is ... (Doctor Aibolit)

4. Grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well guess what her name was?

5. Wooden man
On water and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He has a long nose everywhere.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Ole-Lukoye: You did a good job with the first task, well done!
And now the harder task:
Name the beginning of a fairy tale (how a fairy tale can begin)

Children answer: Once upon a time ...; In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...; A long time ago….

Ole Lukoye: Well done! Now what is the conclusion of the fairy tale (what words can fairy tales end with)?

The children answer: That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done ...

Host: Well, Ole-Lukoye, did the children cope with this task too?
After all, our children are the best in the world!

Ole Lukoye: Well done, I will not hide my surprise!
Let's put on a show now.
We will play with you, pull the turnip to help.

The relay race "Turnip" is being held (in hats of the heroes of a fairy tale) (children of senior group)

Ole Lukoye: But these guys will play-
Help the three pigs to build a house.

The relay race "Let's build a house" (Soft modules) is being held (children cf. gr.)

Ole Lukoye: And they coped with this task. Well done!!!
Each of you guys is a connoisseur of fairy tales,
But, here I have a magic bag goodbye.
Put your hand in the bag, and hurry to get one thing.
And the guys and I will answer in a crowd,
What lost her fairy-tale hero?

Ole Lukoye invites the children (one at a time) to get an object belonging to the hero of the fairy tale.
Skalochka - "Fox - sister and gray wolf";
Golden key - "The Adventures of Pinocchio";
Red hat - "Little Red Riding Hood";
Golden egg - "Ryaba Hen".

Ole Lukoye takes one of the invitations out of the bag.

Ole Lukoye: And here you are, to your surprise
An invitation to all to the country of Teatralia.
In Artists now I dedicate you all
And I invite you to our country.

Ink sounds, Ole Lukoye hands everyone tickets-invitations.

Ole Lukoye: Fairy tales and performances are waiting for you in our country.
For five days you will meet with different heroes of fairy tales, turn into both artists and spectators.

And now you want to go to the theater for a fairy tale?
Well, let's go by train to cheerful music.
Children in their groups stand one after another, go around and return to the hall, sit down in their places.

At this time, the scenery of the performance is set.

staging a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" K. Chukovsky (group "No. 5)

Reader Competition.

Ole Lukoye: Good morning my dear guys! Here we meet again in our magical land Theatricals. Every inhabitant of this country, every actor loves poetry - poems, expressively knows how to tell them.

Moderator: Dear Ole-Lukoye, our guys are also very fond of poetry.

Ole Lukoye: Let's have a real poetry recitation contest today.

Moderator: Ole-Lukoye, in groups have already passed qualifying rounds, and today the best readers will perform at our competition.

Ole Lukoye: Let's start the competition as soon as possible, but first I need to choose assistants for me - the jury, which will decide who will read the poem best of all.

Moderator: Introducing the jury -

Ole Lukoye: We are starting our reading competition.

(Readers of junior, middle groups)
Ole Lukoye: And now we need to rest. Let's play with you!

(Physical education instructor and Ole Lukoye conduct outdoor games and attractions with children)

Ole-Lukoye: Well, the readers of the senior groups are also ready. So we invite...

(At the end, the jury sums up, solemnly announces the result, Ole Lukoye gives prizes - prizes to all participating children. We donate books.)

(sounds solemn music)

(The host introduces the participants of the first part of the competition. Children take turns performing, the audience thanks for each performance)

Leading: Well, Ole-Lukoye, what great fellows our guys are! Prizes are awarded.

staging a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" K. Chukovsky for preschoolers GBOU School No. 1248 , which will be shown by artists from preparatory groups for school "No. 5, No. 6") 10.30

Closing of the theater week.

Solemn music sounds, the children pass and take their seats.

Ole-Lukoye: Come in, come in! Today we will meet with different types theaters.

Holding the exhibition “Such a Different Theatre!” with entertaining stories about each of the types of theater presented (younger and middle group)

Exhibition of different types of theater ( finger theater, theater - mitten, shadow theater, picture theater, book - theater, theater - spoons, table, puppet theater) (preparatory, senior group)

Ole Lukoye: All week we traveled through fairy tales, turned into both actors and spectators. We watched fairy tales.

Leading: Our children learned a lot of interesting things about the theater. I really enjoyed this trip, how about you guys?
(Children answer).

Ole-Lukoye: I also enjoyed traveling with you. And let's choose the most active, cheerful travelers in the country of Theatralia.

Host: Let's go! And your teachers will help us.
(The group teachers call the active participants in the theater week, the children greet them with applause.)

Ole-Lukoye: Well done guys! Our travel time is coming to an end.
It's time for me to return to my fairyland, compose new fairy tales and tell them to kind and obedient children.

Host: Ole-Lukoye, we are very sorry to say goodbye to you.

Ole-Lukoye: I do not say goodbye to you, but say "Goodbye." And next year, I invite you again to travel through our magical land of Theatralia. In the meantime, read fairy tales, learn poetry and prepare for the journey. I also have a little surprise for you - a sweet treat.
(Ole-Lukoye distributes sweets)
Goodbye, guys! See you soon! (Leaves).

Leading: So our journey has come to an end, but let's not be sad, but let's dance.

Children's disco.


Conversation with children "We came to the theater"
1. Acquaintance with the concept of theater: (slide show, paintings, photographs). Types of theaters (musical, puppet, drama, theater of animals, etc.).
Purpose: to give children an idea about the theater; expand knowledge of theater as an art form; introduce the types of theaters; develop an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater.
2. Acquaintance with theatrical professions (artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, dresser, artist).
Purpose: to form children's ideas about theatrical professions; to intensify interest in theatrical art; expand vocabulary.
3. Display of illustrations, photographs of Moscow theaters. Purpose: to introduce children to the device theater building, pay attention to the originality of architecture and beautiful facade; with different types of theatres.



1. Plot - role-playing game "We came to the theater."
Purpose: to introduce the rules of conduct in the theater; arouse interest and desire to play (act as a "cashier", "ticketman", "spectator"); cultivate friendships.
2. Conversations about the rules of conduct in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Audience culture".
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in public places; form personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.



1. Children's games with sounding instruments.
Purpose: to give children an idea about the musical design of performances.
2. Evening of riddles based on the works "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip".
3. C / r game "Trip to the puppet theater." Purpose: To introduce children to the structure of the theater building, to pay attention to the originality of architecture and the beautiful facade. Enrich children's vocabulary.




1. Psycho-gymnastics. "Different faces".
Goal: Encourage children to experiment with their appearance (facial expressions, gestures). To develop the ability of children to switch from one image to another.
2. Independent activity of children in theater corner. Examination of bi-ba-bo dolls with children. A conversation about how to use dolls correctly, which
is a tool for driving bi-ba-bo dolls.
Goal: Improve puppetry techniques, consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation theatrical puppets different systems.
3. Showing a fairy tale by the teacher "Zayushkina's hut" (at the choice of the teacher) using bi-ba-bo toys. After the show, invite the children to try to beat the heroes of the fairy tale on their own with the help of bi-ba-bo toys.
Purpose: to introduce children to theatrical art.



1. С / р game “We are artists” (staging a fairy tale well known to children).
Purpose: To introduce children to the script (staging) of a fairy tale. To teach children to express their opinion about the fairy tale in a new way. Complete the story with the necessary episodes. Cultivate the ability to listen to the opinions of others, develop endurance and patience.
2. Musical folk and round dance games according to the age of the children. Purpose: Encourage children to actively participate in games.
3. Rhythmoplasty. Sketches for movement: “The Fox is walking”, “Dance of the animals”.
Purpose: To develop in children the ability to use gestures.
4. Sounding a fairy tale chosen by children using noise instruments. Encourage children to creatively interpret famous stories using noise tools.



Socio-communicative and speech development

Conversations with children about the family: “What is theater”, “Theater in our city”, “Varieties of the theater”, “How does the theater begin”

Conversation and examination of plot pictures depicting different emotions

Examination of the thematic album "Views of the theater"

Free communication: "Theater", "Rules of conduct in the theater", "Who is a costume designer?", "Who is a decorator", "Who is a director?"

Children's stories about visiting theaters

Compiling stories from personal experience"We are in the theater"

Drawing up creative stories on the topic "My family goes to the theater"

Drawing up creative stories on the topic “My family goes to the theater”, “My favorite performance”, “I am an artist”

Joint production of a stand for parents "Let's talk about the theater" (poems, thematic photographs, interesting information, children's creativity - drawings, applications, tips, reminders of behavior in the theater, etc.)

Role-playing games: "Theater", "Family in the theater", "Theater salon", "Theater cafe (buffet)".

Improvisation of games-dramatizations, familiar works.

Didactic game "Theater box" (acquaintance with types of theaters, theatrical professions), "Mirror", "Continue the phrase and show", "Transformation of the object".

Studies on the expression of basic emotions

Sketches for the image of individual character traits

Game with imitation of movements "Who walks like that?"


The scene "Merry Transformations", "The Giant and the Mouse", "Hedgehog" and others

Independent activity of playing familiar fairy tales with bi-ba-bo dolls. Self-playing of composed stories.

Theater presentations.

Reading fiction about theater

Memorizing poems about the theater

Learning roles for dramatization

cognitive development

Teacher's story: "About folk puppet shows and their first heroes", "How a puppet show is created", "Theatrical professions", "Types of theater"

Examination of photographs, illustrations, reproductions of paintings, etc.

Artistic word about the theater (sayings, proverbs, riddles, poems, etc.)

Band poster release

Construction games "We are going to the theater"

Examination of books, albums about the theater and theatrical professions

Creation of albums "Theater"

Acquaintance and examination of the buildings of different theaters of the country

Photo exhibition "We are artists"

Search and research activity "How will we make our own theater in the family?"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Productive activity: festive decoration of the group; production of holiday cards for parents.

Creating a collage on the theme "Puppet theater".

Drawing: “My favorite fairy tale”, “What is theater”, “How do I go to the theater with my mom (dad), “Fairy tale hero”.

Application "Poster for your favorite fairy tale."

Modeling "Blind your favorite hero of a fairy tale."


Manual labor: production of scenery, props.

OOD "Make the theater yourself"

Production of attributes for a role-playing game, applications, crafts.

Work on the manufacture of costumes, attributes for dramatizations, theatrical activities.


Listening to music for dances, improvisational dances, learning dances.

Singing, games with singing "Recognize by voice", music. In Rebikov; "Search", music. T. Lomova;

Exercises for the development of hearing and voice: "Pipe", music. E.Tilicheva; "Dudka", "Cuckoo", music. E. Tilicheva, lyrics by M. Dolinov;

Playing sketches for the main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear, disgust (use of the screen).

Story, conversation, viewing photos, paintings, illustrations.

Preparation of the musical "Naughty Kittens": plastic studies, articulatory gymnastics, mimic gymnastics, working out the dialogues of the game to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movement.

Musical "Naughty Kittens".

Puppet show "How a girl made friends with a shadow" (teachers).

Physical development

Breathing exercises “Blow out the candle”, “Blow off the dust”, “Whisper and rustle”.

The mobile game "Brave mice", "Where we were, we will not say", "Understand me", "Cunning fox", "Homeless hare".

Physical entertainment "Theatre of animals".


Free communication, conversation "How to protect the voice."


Reading, discussion of the characters of the characters, actions.

Conversation, story, looking at illustrations, photos.

Conversation-game: "Let's help the Dunno to behave correctly in the theater."

Game, problem situations.

Creating conditions for independent activity

Book corner:

Albums with illustrations about the theater, types of theater. Memorizing quatrains with individual children. Books for reading and viewing.

Centre role-playing games: creation of a subject-developing environment and joint production of attributes: corners "Ryazhenya", "Theatrical corner".

- "Theater", "World of theatrical sounds": audio recordings, photos and reproductions of various times depicting the theater, etc.

Center for building and constructive games: creating schemes, drawings of buildings; building material, modules, constructors.

Center for productive activities: a selection of holiday cards for the Day of the theater, theater artists;

Materials and tools for drawing, modeling, application and artistic work.

Interaction with family

Leisure "Evening friendly family at the premiere of the musical "Naughty Kittens".

Visual information "Let's talk about the theater"

Exhibition of drawings "What is theatre".

Participation in the preparation of costumes, scenery.

Independent visit to the theater with the family.

Exhibition of children's theatrical costumes.