Didactic games - page 3. Didactic games for the development of mathematical representations in children of the second junior group Didactic game "Find an object" Purpose: to learn to compare

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1 Didactic games on the development of mathematical concepts in children of the second junior group Didactic game "Find the object" Purpose: to learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval). Content. Children stand in a semicircle. In the center there are two tables: on one - geometric shapes, on the second - objects. The teacher tells the rules of the game: “We will play like this: to whom the hoop rolls up, he will come to the table and find an object of the same shape that I will show. The child, to whom the hoop has rolled up, comes out, the teacher shows the circle and offers to find an object of the same shape. The found object rises high if it is chosen correctly, children. They clap their hands. Then the teacher rolls the hoop to the next child and offers a different shape. The game continues until all items fit, matched to the samples. Didactic game "Long - short" Purpose: development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of magnitude. Material. Satin and nylon ribbons of different colors and sizes, cardboard strips, plot toys: a fat bear and a thin doll. Content: Before the start of the game, the teacher lays out sets of games on two tables in advance. didactic material(multi-colored ribbons, stripes). The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a Katya doll. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be smart today, and for this they need belts. He calls two children and gives them ribbons rolled into a tube: one short - a belt for Katya, the other long - a belt for a bear. With the help of a teacher, children try on and tie belts to toys. Toys express joy and bow. But then the toys want to swap belts. The teacher offers to remove the belts and change them

2 toys. Suddenly he discovers that the belt does not converge on the Kuklin bear, and the belt is too large for the doll. The teacher offers to examine the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then puts a short ribbon on a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he gives the name of the quality of the quantity - length. After that, the teacher shows the children two cardboard strips - long and short. Shows children how to compare stripes with ribbons by overlapping and say which one is short and which is long. The game "To the right as to the left" Purpose: mastering the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Content: Nesting dolls were in a hurry and forgot to finish their drawings. You need to finish them so that one half looks like the other. Children draw, and an adult says: “Dot, dot, two hooks, minus a comma - a funny face came out. And if the bow and little skirt is a little girl, that girl. And if a forelock and pants, that little man is a boy. The children look at the pictures. Didactic game "Pick a figure" Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes ah, exercise in naming them. Material: Demonstration: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle cut out of cardboard. Handout: cards with contours of 5 geometric lottos. Content: The teacher shows the figures to the children, circles each with a finger. Gives the task to the children: “You have cards on the tables on which figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on trays. Arrange all the figures on the cards so that they are hidden. He asks the children to circle each figure lying on the tray, and then puts (“hide”) it on the drawn figure. Didactic game "Three squares" Purpose: to teach children to correlate three objects in size and designate their relationships with the words: "big", "small", "medium", "largest", "smallest". Material: Three square different sizes, flannelograph; children have 3 squares, flannelograph.

3 Content: Educator: Children, I have 3 squares, like this (shows). This one is the biggest one, this one is smaller, and this one is the smallest one (shows each one). And now you show the largest squares (children raise and show), put it down. Now raise the averages. Now - the smallest. Next, the teacher invites the children to build towers from the squares. He shows how this is done - he places on the flannelograph from the bottom up, first a large, then a medium, then a small square. “Make you such a tower on your flannelographs,” says the teacher Didactic game “What are the shapes” Purpose: to introduce children to new shapes: an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, giving them in a pair already familiar: square-triangle, square-rectangle, circle-oval. Material: Doll. Demonstration: large cardboard figures: square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle. Handout: 2 smaller pieces of each shape. Content: The doll brings figures. The teacher shows the children a square and a triangle, asks the name of the first figure. Having received an answer, he says that in the other hand there is a triangle. An examination is carried out by tracing the contour with a finger. Fixes attention to the fact that the triangle has only three corners. Invites children to pick up triangles and put them together. Similarly: a square with a rectangle, an oval with a circle. Didactic game "Let's collect beads" Purpose: to form the ability to group geometric figures by two properties (color and shape, size and color, shape and size), to see the simplest patterns in the alternation of figures. Equipment: There is a long ribbon on the floor, figures are laid out on it from left to right in a certain alternation: a red triangle, a green circle, a red triangle, etc. Children stand in a circle, in front of them are boxes with multi-colored geometric shapes. Game progress: The teacher offers to make beads for the Christmas tree. Points to a tape with decomposed geometric

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4 figures and says: “Look, the Snow Maiden has already started making them. What shapes did she decide to make beads from? Guess which bead is next." Children take two of the same figures, name them and begin to make beads. Explain why this particular figure is being laid out. Mistakes are corrected under the guidance of a teacher. Then the teacher says that the beads have crumbled and they need to be collected again. He lays out the beginning of the beads on the tape, and invites the children to continue. Asks which figure should be next, why. Children choose geometric shapes and lay them out in accordance with a given pattern. Didactic game "Wide - narrow" Purpose: to form the idea of ​​"wide - narrow". Content: The lesson is conducted in a similar way, but now children are learning to distinguish between the width of objects, that is, wide and narrow ribbons of the same length. When creating a game situation, you can use the following game technique. Two cardboard strips are laid out on the table - wide and narrow (of the same length). A doll and a bear can walk along a wide strip (track), and only one of them can walk along a narrow strip. Or you can play the plot with two cars. Didactic game "Our Day" Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe parts of the day, to teach how to use the words "morning", "day", "evening", "night" correctly. Equipment: bibabo doll, toy bed, dishes, scallop, etc.; pictures showing the activities of children at different times of the day. Game progress: Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher, with the help of a doll, performs various actions by which the children must determine the part of the day: the doll gets out of bed, gets dressed, combs her hair (morning), has dinner (day), etc. Then the teacher calls the action, for example: “The doll washes”, offers the child to perform it and name the part of the day corresponding to this action (morning or evening). The teacher reads an excerpt from Petrushina's poems: Doll Valya wants to sleep. I'll put her to bed. I'll bring her a blanket

5 To fall asleep faster Children put the doll to sleep and say when it happens. The teacher shows the pictures in time sequence and asks what part of the day these actions take place. Then he shuffles the pictures and, together with the children, arranges them in the order of the actions of the day. Children lay out their pictures in accordance with the pictures of the teacher. Didactic game "Learn and remember" Purpose: to teach children to remember what they perceive, to make a choice according to the presentation. Equipment: Cards with the image of three one-color geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle; circle, oval, square, etc.), a set of small cards with the image of one shape to be on large cards. Game progress: A card with the image of 3 forms lies in front of the child. The teacher asks to look at it and remember what forms are drawn there. Then he distributes sheets of paper to the children and asks them to close their cards with them. After that, he shows a small card. puts it on the table face down, mentally counts up to 15, asks the children to remove the paper and show on their cards the same form that he showed. For verification, the teacher again shows a sample card. As the game is mastered, children are given two cards (6 forms), then three (9 forms). Didactic game "Decorate a scarf" Purpose: to learn to compare two groups of objects equal and unequal in number, to exercise in orientation on a plane. Equipment, "shawls" (large - for the teacher, small - for children), a set of leaves in two colors (for each child). Game progress: The teacher offers to decorate the scarves with leaves. Asks how it can be done (each child completes the task independently). Then he says: “Now let's decorate the handkerchiefs in a different way, everything is the same. I will decorate my scarf, and you will be small. Decorate the top edge with yellow leaves, like this. (shows). Put as many leaves as I do. With your right hand, arrange them in a row from left to right. And decorate the bottom edge of the scarf with green leaves. Take as many green leaves as yellow ones. Let's add one more yellow leaf and put it on

6 the top edge of the scarf. What leaves have become more? How to make them equal? After checking the work and evaluating it, the teacher suggests decorating the left and right sides of the scarf with leaves of different colors. i.e. put on right side handkerchief as many leaves as on the left. (shows). In conclusion, the children decorate all sides of the scarf in their own way and talk about it. Didactic game "Crawl to the toy" Purpose: to teach to perceive distance, to show that the result of actions depends on it not only in the near, but also in the far space; pay attention to the direction of movement in space and independently choose this direction. Equipment: Various toys. Game progress: 1st option. The teacher puts the children on chairs in a row. Opposite, two toys lie on the floor at different distances from the chairs. Two children crawl to the toys at the signal of the teacher: one - to the near one, the other - to the far one. The rest are watching. The first child finishes the movement faster, takes the toy and lifts it up. The other does the same later. The teacher discusses with the children why one child took the toy earlier and leads them to the conclusion that one toy was far away and the other was close. The game is repeated with another pair, 2nd option. The game is played according to the same rules, but the toys are laid out in different directions: one - right in front of the chair, the other - opposite - diagonally, the third - to the left or right. The teacher, calling the children, draws their attention to where the toys lie. The task of each child is to determine the direction in which to crawl. Didactic game "Beautiful pattern" Purpose: to teach to make a choice of values ​​​​by the word-name of objects, to develop attention; to form a positive attitude towards the result obtained - the rhythmic alternation of values. Equipment: Strips of clean thick paper according to the number of children, geometric shapes of various sizes for laying out a pattern (circles, squares, rhombuses, hexagons, etc.); trays, typesetting cloth.

7 Game progress: The teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and puts trays with geometric shapes on the table. He says that now they will lay out a beautiful pattern, shows an example of the action: “A large square. (Takes the form and inserts into the typesetting canvas). A small square, another small square. (Re-inserts into the canvas, etc.) then the teacher offers to lay out the forms under dictation. At first, he makes sure not only the correct alternation of values, but also that the children act from left to right and maintain the same distance between the elements. When the task is repeated, other forms are given, and their alternation also changes. In conclusion, the teacher examines the resulting patterns, gives all the works a positive assessment. Didactic games for the development of quantitative ideas "In the forest for mushrooms" The purpose of the game: to form children's ideas about the number of objects "one - many", to activate the words "one, many" in children's speech. Game progress: we invite children to the forest for mushrooms, we specify how many mushrooms are in the clearing (a lot). We suggest picking one. We ask each child how many mushrooms he has. “Let's put all the mushrooms in a basket. How much did you put in, Sasha? How much did you put in, Misha? How many mushrooms are in the basket? (many) How many mushrooms do you have left? (no one). "Raspberries for cubs" The purpose of the game: to form in children the idea of ​​​​equality based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: "as much as, equally", "equally". Game progress: The teacher says: - Guys, the bear cub loves raspberries very much, he collected a whole basket in the forest to treat his friends. Look how many cubs have arrived! Let's arrange them with the right hand from left to right. Now let's treat them to raspberries. It is necessary to take as many raspberries as to be enough for all the cubs. Can you tell me how many bears? (lot). And now you need to take the same number of berries. Let's treat the cubs with berries. Each teddy bear must be given

8 one berry. How many berries did you bring? (many) How many cubs do we have? (many) How else can you say? That's right, they are the same, equally; there are as many berries as there are cubs, and there are as many cubs as there are berries. "Treat the bunny" The purpose of the game: to form children's ideas of equality based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: "as much, equally", "equally", equally. Game progress: The teacher says: “Look, hares came to visit us, how beautiful, fluffy they are. Let's give them carrots. I'll put the bunnies on the shelf. I will put one hare, one more, one more and one more. How many bunnies in total? (a lot) Let's treat the rabbits with carrots. We will give each bunny a carrot. How many carrots? (lot). Are there more or less of them than bunnies? How many bunnies? (lot). Are rabbits and carrots equally divided? That's right, they are equal. How else can you say? (the same, the same). The rabbits really enjoyed playing with you.” “Let's treat the squirrels with mushrooms” The purpose of the game: to form children's ideas of equality based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: “as much as, equally”, “equally, equally”. Game progress: The teacher says: “Look who came to visit us. Red-haired, fluffy, with a beautiful tail. Of course they are whites. Let's give them mushrooms. I'll put the squirrels on the table. I'll put up one squirrel, I'll leave the window, I'll put up one more squirrel and another one. How many whites are there? And now we will treat them with mushrooms. We will give one squirrel a fungus, another and another. Did all the squirrels have enough fungi? How many mushrooms? How else can you say? That's right, squirrels and fungi are equally divided, they are the same. And now you treat the squirrels with mushrooms. The squirrels really enjoyed playing with you.” "Bugs on leaves" The purpose of the game: to form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets. Game progress: The teacher says: “Children, look at how beautiful the bugs are. They want to play with you, you will become bugs. Our bugs live on leaves. Each bug has its own house

9 leaf. Now you will fly across the clearing, and at my signal you will find a leaf house for yourself. Bugs, fly! Bugs, in the house! Did all the bugs have enough houses? How many bugs? How many leaves? Are they equal? How else can you say? The bugs really enjoyed playing with you." Next, we repeat the game, establishing the relationship "more, less", while learning to equalize the sets by adding and subtracting. “Butterflies and Flowers” ​​The purpose of the game: to form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets, to activate the words in speech: “as much as, equally”, “equally”. Game progress: The teacher says: “Children, look at what beautiful butterflies. They want to play with you. Now you will become butterflies. Our butterflies live on flowers. Each butterfly has its own flower house. Now you will fly across the clearing, and at my signal you will find a flower house for yourself. Butterflies, fly! Butterflies, in the house! Did all the butterflies have enough houses? How many butterflies? How many flowers? Are they equal? How else can you say? Butterflies really enjoyed playing with you.” Didactic games for the development of ideas about the values ​​\u200b\u200b“Decorate the rug” with the size, activate the words “big, small” in the speech of children. Game progress: The teacher says: “Children, a bear came to visit us. He wants to give his friends beautiful rugs, but he didn't have time to decorate them. Let's help him decorate the rugs. How are we going to decorate them? (in circles) What color are the circles? Are they the same size or different? Where will you put the big circles? (to the corners) Where do you put the little circles? (middle) What color are they? Mishka really liked your rugs, now he will give these rugs to his friends.” "Houses for cubs" in size, activate the words "big, small" in the children's speech.

10 Game progress: The teacher says: “Guys, I’ll tell you now interesting story. There were two bear cubs, and one day they decided to build houses for themselves. They took walls and roofs for houses, but they just don’t understand what to do next. Let's help them make houses. Look, what are our largest cubs? What is this teddy bear in size, big or small? What kind of house are we going to make for him? Which wall will you take, big or small? What kind of roof should I take? How big is this teddy bear? What kind of house should he make? What kind of roof will you take? What color is she? Let's plant Christmas trees near the houses. Are the trees the same size or different? Where will we plant a tall tree? Where can we plant a low tree? The cubs are very happy that you helped them. They want to play with you." “Treat the mice with tea” to the size, activate the words “big, small” in the children’s speech. Game progress: The teacher says: “Look who came to visit us, gray mice. Look, they brought treats with them. See if the mice are the same size or different? Let's give them tea. What is needed for this? We'll take the cups first. What is the size of this cup, big or small? Which mouse will we give it to? Then we compare the size of saucers, sweets, cookies, apples and pears and compare them with the size of mice. We offer children to drink mice and treat them with fruits. "Pick up the paths to the houses" length, activate the words "long, short" in the children's speech. Game progress: we tell the children that the little animals built houses for themselves, but did not have time to build paths to them. Look, here are the houses of bunnies and chanterelles. Find paths to their houses. Which path will you make for the bunny, long or short? What path will you put to the fox's house? Next, we select the paths to the houses of other animals.

11 "Fix the rug" in size, activate the words "big, small" in the children's speech. Game progress: The teacher says: “Look what rugs the bunnies brought us, beautiful, bright, but someone ruined these rugs. Bunnies now do not know what to do with them. Let's help them fix the rugs. What are the largest rugs? What patches will we put on the big rug? What will we put on small rug? What color are they? So we helped the hares fix the rugs.” “Bridges for bunnies” in size, activate the words “big, small, long, short” in the speech of children. Game progress: The teacher says: “There were two bunnies in the forest and they decided to make bridges to the clearing. They found the boards, but they just can’t understand who should take which board. Look, are the bunnies the same size or different? How are the boards different? Put them side by side and see which one is longer and which one is shorter. Run your fingers across the boards. Which plank will you give to the big bunny? What - small? Let's plant Christmas trees near the bridges. What is the height of this tree? Where are we going to put her? What Christmas tree will we plant near the short bridge? The bunnies are very happy that you helped them.” "Harvesting" in size, activate the words "big, small" in the children's speech. Game progress: The teacher tells that the hare has grown a very large crop, now it must be harvested. We consider what has grown in the beds (beets, carrots, cabbage). We specify what we will collect vegetables in. The teacher asks: “What is the size of this basket? What vegetables shall we put in it?” At the end of the game, we generalize that the large basket contains large vegetables, and the small basket contains small ones.

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Card file of didactic games on FEMP for younger children.


Name of the game. "Get the dolls candy."

A fairy-tale character, it could be Carlson, put sweets on the cabinets for the dolls (one cabinet is lower, the other is higher). The task before the child is to get sweets. It is easy to take them from a low cabinet, but you can’t get them from another. Why? Just as in the previous tasks, the child must analyze the conditions of the problem (the cabinet is high, so it is impossible to get sweets) and find a means to achieve the goal (stand on a chair, take a stick, etc.).

Name of the game: "Cars"

Long and short strips of the same width lie on the table.

The teacher invites the children to take one strip. These are the car numbers. And the gates are garages. Let the guys imagine that they are all “cars”, each with their own “number”. "Machines" will drive around the city. But as soon as the host says: “Cars, in the garage!” - everyone must find their own garage and drive into it. To do this, you must attach the "number" of your car to the "number" on the gate. If the "numbers" are the same in length, you can enter.

During the game "Cars" show the children the illustration. Ask them questions that help them make sense of what is happening.

The game is repeated 2 times.

Name of the game."Funny Matryoshkas".

Purpose of the game: to learn to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of quantities.

Equipment: 2 sets of five-seater nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes, a turret of hollow cubes.

Game progress: At the invitation of the teacher, the children sit down at the common table, on which there is a matryoshka. The teacher addresses the children: “I want to play with you in funny nesting dolls, but I see that there is only one matryoshka, but where are the rest? (looks around, and then picks up a nesting doll and shakes it). Something is rattling in the middle! Let's see what is there? (Removes the top half of the matryoshka). This is where they hide! (All nesting dolls are put in a row). Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each nesting doll, tilting it at the same time: “I am Matryoshka, I am Natasha, I am Dasha, I am Masha”, etc. Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (one nesting doll is taken by the teacher). The game starts. First, nesting dolls walk (walk on the table). Then they are called to measure height. They line up one after another and in turn, starting with the smallest, stand in height, and the teacher specifies which nesting doll is the smallest (highest)? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts on the table a set of circles (plates) of five sizes, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the appropriate size for their nesting dolls. After lunch, the nesting dolls are going for a walk. The teacher puts the second set of matryoshkas on the table, and the children pick up girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they scatter and mix. (“Matryoshkas wanted to run”). Unnoticed by the children, the teacher removes a pair of nesting dolls of the same height from the table. "Time to go home! - says the teacher. Pair up." Nesting dolls are lined up in pairs, and suddenly it turns out that some pair of nesting dolls is missing. The teacher invites the children to call nesting dolls by name (if they remember). Everyone asks her to come back. Nesting dolls appear, the kids put them in their place and the toys go home. The teacher puts a turret of hollow cubes on the table (one side is missing) - these are houses for nesting dolls. At the request of the teacher, each child finds a home for his matryoshka. Matryoshkas bow, say goodbye and go home.

Name of the game. "Three Bears".

Purpose of the game: exercise in comparing and ordering objects by size.

Equipment: silhouettes of three bears, children have sets of toys in three sizes: tables, chairs, beds, cups, spoons.

Game progress: The teacher distributes to the children a set of items of the same type: three spoons of different sizes, three chairs, and says: “Once upon a time there were three bears. What were their names? (Children call). Who is it? (Poses the silhouette of Mikhail Ivanovich). What size is it? And who is this? (Nastasya Petrovna). Is she bigger or smaller than Mikhail Ivanovich? And what is Mishutka? (Little). Let's give each bear a room. The largest bear, Mikhail Ivanovich, will live here. How many of you have a bed, a chair, etc. for Mikhail Ivanovich? (Children put objects near the bear in case of a mistake, Mikhail Ivanovich says: “No, this bed is not mine”). Do you have a bed, a chair, etc. for Mishutka? (Children arrange a room for him). Who are these items for? (For Nastasya Petrovna). What size are they? (Less than for Mikhail Ivanovich, but more than for Mishutka). Let's take them to Nastasya Petrovna. The bears arranged their shelter and went for a walk in the forest. Who goes ahead? Who is behind him? Who is last? (The teacher helps the children remember the appropriate fragments of the fairy tale).

Name of the game. "Three squares".

Purpose of the game: to teach children to correlate three objects in size and designate their relationships with the words: “big”, “small”, “medium”, “largest”, “smallest”.

Equipment: Three squares of different sizes, flannelgraph; children have 3 squares, flannelograph.

Game progress:Teacher: Children, I have 3 squares, like this (shows). This one is the biggest, this one is smaller, and this one is the smallest (shows each of them). And now you show the largest squares (children raise and show), put it down. Now raise the averages. Now the smallest ones. Next, the teacher invites the children to build towers from the squares. Shows how it's done: places on the flannelgraph from the bottom, up, first a large, then a medium, then a small square. “Make you such a tower on your flannelographs,” says the teacher.

Name of the game. "Game with a hoop."

Purpose of the game: to distinguish and find geometric shapes.

Equipment: 4–5 plot toys are used for the game (doll, nesting dolls, basket, etc.); different in size, color, shape.

Game progress: The toy is placed in a hoop. Children highlight the features characteristic of the toy, put in the hoop those geometric shapes that have a similar feature (all red, all large, all round, etc.) outside the hoop are figures that do not have a selected feature (not round, not large, etc. .d.).

Purpose of the game: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure, to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Equipment: 5 cards depicting geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. 5 cards each depicting objects of various shapes: round (tennis ball, apple, ball, soccer ball, balloon), square rug, scarf, cube, etc .; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular (envelope, briefcase, book, domino, picture).

Game progress: 5 children take part. The teacher reviews the material with the children. Children name shapes and objects. Then, at the direction of the teacher, they select cards with the image of objects of the desired shape for their geometric patterns. The teacher helps children correctly name the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

Name of the game. "What are the figures ».

The purpose of the game: to introduce children to new shapes: an oval, a rectangle, a triangle, giving them in tandem with the already familiar ones: square-triangle, square-rectangle, circle-oval.

Equipment : Doll. Demonstration: large cardboard figures: square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle. Handout: 2 figures of each form of a smaller size.

Game progress: The doll brings the figures. The teacher shows the children a square and a triangle, asks the name of the first figure. Having received an answer, he says that in the other hand there is a triangle. An examination is carried out by tracing the contour with a finger. Fixes attention to the fact that the triangle has only three corners. Invites children to pick up triangles and put them together. Similarly: a square with a rectangle, an oval with a circle.

Name of the game. "Sort by size or color or shape."

Purpose of the game:consolidation of knowledge of color, size, development of fine motor skills of hands.

Name of the game. "Decorate the gloves."

Purpose of the game : learn to select shapes that match the contours on the mittens and apply them to the contour. Create the same ornament on the second mitten, fix the name of geometric shapes and colors. To activate the speech of children in pronouncing the location of the figures (below, above, next to, near, between, etc.) To form an understanding of the right and left mittens.

Name of the gamewith a pyramid "Find the same ring"

Game progress:The children sit at the table. The teacher removes the rings from one pyramid and lays them out on the windowsill, tables, cabinetugh...Then he distributes to the children one ring fromsteam roomturrets and offers to find the same rings.

The teacher watches the children, helping them in difficult cases. Having picked up a paired ring,childrensit down at the table and explain where they found it.

When everyone is seated, the teacher asksat firstgive him a couple of the biggest rings.Those,whoturned out to bethe largest rings string them on the rods of both pyramids.

In the same order, string the followingcouplesrings. And so on until both pyramids arecollected.

Name of the game."Brook"

Equipment:On the floor are two long parallel ropes. The distance between the ropes is 40 cm.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that this is a stream. The guys must jump over it without getting their feet wet. Whoever stumbles, gets into the water, he will no longer be able to jump, sit on the grass (on the carpet) and dry his legs in the sun.

Children come to the stream and jump over it.

When all the guys have jumped over, the teacher continues: “It is very rare for a stream to be so even. In fact, it bends - in one place it becomes wider(spreads the ropes) and in the other - already(shifts them a little). Here's what the brook looked like. Where it is narrow, it is easy to jump, and where it is wide, it is difficult. And in this place the stream became shallow, pebbles are visible at the bottom. The teacher draws them with chalk on the floor and shows how to get over them. The children are walking on the rocks.

“Now let's try to get over here,” the teacher points to a wide place in the stream. - The stream is deep, we will have to build a bridge. He places a bench across the stream. All children cross the stream on the bench.

Finishing the game, the teacher asks the children to tell how they crossed the stream in a wide (or narrow) place. If the child has found an original solution, be sure to encourage him, tell other children about it.

Name of the game. "Bubble"

The children and the teacher form a circle. They all say together: "Inflate, bubble, inflate big, stay like that, but don't burst."

Then they begin to step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “Bubble, bubble!”

On a signal, the children release their hands and, squatting on their haunches, say: "Clap."

After that, the guys again hold hands and move to the center of the circle, saying: “Shhh.” The bubble is deflating.

Try to comment on what is happening with the children: “The bubble first swelled, increased, and then burst, decreased.”

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Name of the game. "Harvesting"

Purpose of the game:

Game progress . The teacher tells that the hare has grown a very large crop, now it needs to be harvested. We consider what has grown in the beds (beets, carrots, cabbage). We specify what we will collect vegetables in. The teacher asks: “What is the size of this basket? What vegetables shall we put in it?” At the end of the game, we generalize that the large basket contains large vegetables, and the small basket contains small ones.

Name of the game."Bridges for Bunnies"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small, long, short" in children's speech.

Game progress : The teacher says: “We lived - there were two bunnies in the forest and they decided to make bridges to the clearing. They found the boards, but they just can’t understand who should take which board. Look, are the bunnies the same size or different? How are the boards different? Put them side by side and see which one is longer and which one is shorter. Run your fingers across the boards. Which plank will you give to the big bunny? What - small? Let's plant Christmas trees near the bridges. What is the height of this tree? Where are we going to put her? What Christmas tree will we plant near the short bridge? The bunnies are very happy that you helped them.”

Name of the game."Treat the mice with tea"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words “big, small” in the speech of children.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Look who came to visit us, gray mice. Look, they brought treats with them. See if the mice are the same size or different? Let's give them tea. What is needed for this? We'll take the cups first. What is the size of this cup, big or small? Which mouse will we give it to? Then we compare the size of saucers, sweets, cookies, apples and pears and compare them with the size of mice. We offer children to drink mice and treat them with fruits.

Name of the game. "Choose the paths to the houses"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in length, to activate the words “long, short” in the speech of children.

Game progress: we tell the children that the little animals built houses for themselves, but did not have time to build paths to them. Look, here are the houses of bunnies and chanterelles. Find paths to their houses. Which path will you make for the bunny, long or short? What path will you put to the fox's house? Next, we select the paths to the houses of other animals.

Name of the game. "Houses for cubs"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words “big, small” in the speech of children.

Game progress . The teacher says: “Guys, I will tell you an interesting story now. Once upon a time there were two bear cubs, and one day they decided to build houses for themselves. They took walls and roofs for houses, but they just don’t understand what to do next. Let's help them make houses. Look, what are our largest cubs? What is this teddy bear in size, big or small? What kind of house are we going to make for him? Which wall will you take, big or small? What kind of roof should I take? How big is this teddy bear? What kind of house should he make? What kind of roof will you take? What color is she? Let's plant Christmas trees near the houses. Are the trees the same size or different? Where will we plant a tall tree? Where can we plant a low tree? The cubs are very happy that you helped them. They want to play with you."

Name of the game."Decorate rug number 1"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words “big, small” in the speech of children.

Game progress . The teacher says: “Children, a bear came to visit us. He wants to give his friends beautiful rugs, but he didn't have time to decorate them. Let's help him decorate the rugs. How are we going to decorate them? (in circles) What color are the circles? Are they the same size or different? Where will you put the big circles? (to the corners) Where do you put the little circles? (middle) What color are they? Mishka really liked your rugs, now he will give these rugs to his friends.”

Name of the game. « Decorate the rug number 2.

Purpose of the game: to form the ability to group objects according to given characteristics, to determine the number of objects.

Equipment: There are two square rugs on the floor, each of which is divided into 25 equal squares. In the top row of each square, geometric figures of different colors, a circle, a triangle, a square are depicted. Each of the children has three different geometric shapes. Rug.

Game progress: The teacher says: “This is a rug. Let's decorate it together. figures of the same shape and color will be placed one under the other. What shape will we put in this cell? (Points to an empty cell in the left column). After completing the work, the children with the teacher examine the decorated rug, note the uniformity of the figures in the columns (color, shapes). The teacher clarifies: “What figures are in the left column? (Red triangles). And in the right? (Green squares)." Etc. Then the children decorate the second rug, while showing more independence. The teacher asks questions about the number, color, shape of the figures, leads the children to the conclusion: “All the figures of the left column are triangles. Therefore, Vova incorrectly put the circle. Etc.

Name of the game. "Decorate a scarf"

Purpose of the game:Learn to compare two groups of objects equal and unequal in number, exercise in orientation on a plane.

Equipment: "Shawls" (large - for the teacher, small - for children), a set of leaves in two colors (for each child).

Game progress: The teacher offers to decorate the scarves with leaves. Asks how it can be done (each child completes the task independently). Then he says: “Now let's decorate the handkerchiefs in a different way, everything is the same. I will decorate my scarf, and you will be small. Decorate the top edge with yellow leaves, like this. (shows). Put as many leaves as I do. With your right hand, arrange them in a row from left to right. And decorate the bottom edge of the scarf with green leaves. Take as many green leaves as yellow ones. Add another yellow leaf and place it on the top edge of the scarf. What leaves have become more? How to make them equal? After checking the work and evaluating it, the teacher suggests decorating the left and right sides of the scarf with leaves of different colors. That is, put as many leaves on the right side of the scarf as on the left. (shows). In conclusion, the children decorate all sides of the scarf in their own way and talk about it.

Name of the game. "Fix the rug"

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words “big, small” in the speech of children.

Game progress . The teacher says: “Look what rugs the bunnies brought us, beautiful, bright, but someone ruined these rugs. Bunnies now do not know what to do with them. Let's help them fix the rugs. What are the largest rugs? What patches will we put on the big rug? Which ones will we put on the little rug? What color are they? So we helped the hares fix the rugs.”

AT individual work when fixing existing ideas about height, it is good to use building material, various designers, from which houses of different heights, towers, etc. are assembled.

To consolidate ideas about the size of objects, you can use various toys, pictures. For example, compare the length of the ears of different animals (hare and wolf), the length of the tails (fox and bear), the length of the beaks (crane and goose), the length of the neck (giraffe and cat). Or from the wagons of the nursery railway make short and long trains, lay out wide and narrow paths from cubes (one for cars, the other for pedestrians) andt. d.

Didactic games in mathematics (file cabinet)

2 junior group

"Number and Count"
1. Didactic game "Guess who is behind whom"
Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​​​the obscuration of some objects by others. Clarify the idea that large objects obscure smaller ones, and smaller ones do not obscure large ones; to fix the words "more", "less", "before"; introduce the word "shroud".

Content. 1st option. The toys are on the teacher's table. He asks to see what is on the table and close your eyes. He takes two toys, puts them a little aside and stands up so that he shields them with himself. Children open their eyes and find that two toys are missing. “I didn’t leave the table. Where did the toys go? - says the teacher. If one of the guys guesses, the teacher says in surprise: “Ah, I got up and blocked them.” If the children do not find it, then they look for it themselves and, having found the missing toys, explain the reason for their disappearance. After that, the teacher removes the toys and invites two children to the table: one tall, large, the other small. Children are again convinced of the principle of obscuration, when the little one stands behind the back of the big one. The teacher discusses the results of the game with the children why Tanya is not visible behind Kolya, and Kolya is visible behind Tanya: “The larger one obscures the smaller one, and the smaller one cannot obscure the larger one.” 2nd option. A game of hide and seek is being played. One child hides, and the rest of the children, under the guidance of a teacher, look for him, sequentially examining the furniture in the room.
2. Didactic game "Let's build houses"
Purpose: to teach to visually correlate the size of objects and check your choice by imposing; develop attention; to fix the words that define the relativity of the quantities "greater", "less", "same".
1st option. Three cardboard houses of different sizes with slots for doors and windows, no roofs; cardboard windows, doors, roofs of three sizes, corresponding to the size of the houses. 2nd option. Small cardboard houses without roofs with slots for windows and doors, elements for them (roofs, doors, windows) for each child.
Content. The teacher inserts large images of three houses into the typesetting canvas, placing them in a random order, not in a row. On the table, he mixes up the elements of houses (roofs, windows, doors). Then he tells the children that they will be builders, they will complete the houses, which should be neat, even; all parts should be selected so that they fit the right parts. Children are like and take turns "finishing" houses. Those sitting at the table take part in the evaluation of each stage of the work. At the end, the teacher sums up: “For the largest house, we put smaller doors, a smaller roof, smaller windows. And the smallest house has the smallest windows, the smallest door, the smallest roof.”
3. Game "Helper"
Purpose: Development of fine and general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. To instill industriousness. Equipment: Containers with fillers, scoops, fillers.
Content: The teacher offers the child to shift the contents from one container to another. Equipment: Containers with fillers, scoops, fillers.
4. Didactic game. "Raspberry for cubs"
Purpose: to form a representation of equality in children based on a comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: “as much - how much, equally”, “equally”.
Content. The teacher says: - Guys, the bear cub loves raspberries very much, he collected a whole basket in the forest to treat his friends. Look how many cubs have arrived! Let's arrange them with the right hand from left to right. Now let's treat them to raspberries. It is necessary to take as many raspberries as to be enough for all the cubs. Can you tell me how many bears? (lot). And now you need to take the same number of berries. Let's treat the cubs with berries. Each bear cub should be given one berry. How many berries did you bring? (many) How many cubs do we have? (many) How else can you say? That's right, they are the same, equally; there are as many berries as there are cubs, and there are as many cubs as there are berries.
geometric shape
1. Didactic game "Pick a figure"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, exercise in their naming.
Equipment. Demonstration: a circle, a square, a triangle cut out of cardboard, cards with contours of 3 geometric lottos.
Content. The teacher shows the figures to the children, circles each with his finger. Gives the task to the children: “You have cards on the tables on which figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on trays. Arrange all the figures on the cards so that they are hidden. He asks the children to circle each figure lying on the tray, and then puts (“hide”) it on the drawn figure.
2. Didactic game "Make an object"
Purpose: to exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).
Equipment. On the teacher's table there are large toys: a house, a tumbler, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a truck. On the floor are sets of different geometric shapes.
Content. The teacher offers to name the toys on his table and make any of them using a set of geometric shapes. Encourages and stimulates the actions of children. He asks: “What did you make? What geometric shapes? Children examine the resulting silhouettes of toys, recall the corresponding poems, riddles. It is possible to combine the compiled silhouettes into a single plot: “A house in the forest”, “ Winter walk", "The street"
3. Didactic game "Learn and remember"
Purpose: to teach children to remember what they perceive, to make a choice according to the presentation.
Equipment. Cards with the image of three one-color geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle; circle, oval, square.), A set of small cards with the image of one shape for being on large cards.
Content. In front of the child is a card with the image of 3 forms. The teacher asks to look at it and remember what forms are drawn there. Then he distributes sheets of paper to the children and asks them to close their cards with them. After that, he shows a small card. puts it on the table face down, mentally counts up to 15, asks the children to remove the paper and show on their cards the same form that he showed. To check, the teacher again shows a sample card. As the game is mastered, the children are given two cards (6 forms), then three (9 forms).
4. Didactic game "Mailbox"
Purpose: to learn to see the form in the object, to correlate the shape of the slot and the inlay, to compose a whole from different geometric shapes and their parts, selecting the ones you need with the help of trials and trying on.
Equipment. Boards with slots for laying out forms of the same color, but different in configuration, with the image of a ball, a balloon (from two semi-ovals), a two-story house (from two rectangles); figures (two semicircles of different colors, two semi-ovals of the same color, two rectangles).
Content. Boards and figurines are mixed in front of the child. The teacher offers the kid to make up all the pictures, and then say what image it turned out.
5. Didactic game "Search and find"
Purpose: to teach to find objects of various shapes in the room by the word-name; develop attention and memory.
Content. The teacher lays out in advance different places group room toys of various shapes and says: “We will look for objects of a round shape. Everything that is round in our room, find it and bring it to my table.” Children disperse, the teacher provides assistance to those who find it difficult. Children bring objects, put them on the teacher's table, sit down. The teacher examines the objects brought with them, evaluates the result of the assignment. The game is repeated, the children are looking for objects of a different shape.
1. Didactic game "Three squares"
Purpose: to teach children to correlate three objects in size and designate their relationship with the words: “big”, “small”, “medium”, “largest”, “smallest”.
Equipment. Three squares of different sizes, flannelgraph; children have 3 squares, flannelograph.
Content. Educator: Children, I have 3 squares, like this (shows). This one is the biggest one, this one is smaller, and this one is the smallest one (shows each one). And now you show the largest squares (children raise and show), put it down. Now raise the averages. Now - the smallest ones. Next, the teacher invites the children to build towers from the squares. He shows how this is done - he places on the flannelograph from the bottom up, first a large, then a medium, then a small square. “Make such a tower on your flannelographs,” says the teacher.
2. Didactic game "Wide - narrow"
Purpose: to form the idea of ​​"wide - narrow".
Content. The lesson is conducted in a similar way, but now children are learning to distinguish between the width of objects, that is, wide and narrow ribbons of the same length. When creating a game situation, you can use the following game technique. Two cardboard strips are laid out on the table - wide and narrow (of the same length). A doll and a bear can walk along a wide strip (track), and only one of them can walk along a narrow strip. Or you can play the plot with two cars
3. Didactic game "Three Bears"
Purpose: to exercise in comparing and ordering objects by size.
Equipment. The teacher has the silhouettes of three bears, the children have sets of toys in three sizes: tables, chairs, beds, cups, spoons.
Content. The teacher distributes to the children a set of items of the same type: three spoons of different sizes, three chairs and tells ":" Once upon a time there were three bears. What were their names? (Children call them). Who is this? (Puts the silhouette of Mikhail Ivanovich). "And who is this? (Nastasya Petrovna). Is she larger or smaller than Mikhail Ivanovich? And which Mishutka? (Small). Let's arrange a room for each bear. The largest bear, Mikhail Ivanovich, will live here. Which of you has a bed, a chair. for Mikhail Ivanovich? (Children put objects near the bear in case of a mistake, Mikhail Ivanovich says: “No, this is not my bed.”) Do you have a bed, a chair. for Mishutka? (Children arrange a room for him). (For Nastasya Petrovna). What size are they? (Smaller than for Mikhail Ivanovich, but larger than for Mishutka). Let's take them to Nastasya Petrovna. The bears have arranged their dwelling and went for a walk in the forest. Who is walking ahead? Who is behind him? Who is the last one? (The teacher helps the children remember the corresponding fragments of a fairy tale).
4. Didactic game "Hedgehog"
Purpose: to teach to correlate objects by size, to highlight the value as a significant feature that determines actions; to consolidate the meaning of the words "big", "small", "more", "less", enter them into the children's active dictionary.
Equipment. Cardboard stencils depicting hedgehogs, umbrellas of four sizes.
Content. The teacher says that now he will tell a story about hedgehogs: “A family of hedgehogs lived in the forest: dad, mom and two hedgehogs. Once the hedgehogs went for a walk and went out into the field. There was no house, no tree. Suddenly dad hedgehog said: “Look, what a big cloud. Now it's going to rain." “Let's run into the forest,” the mother of the hedgehog suggested. "Let's hide under the tree." But then it began to rain, and the hedgehogs did not have time to hide. You guys have umbrellas. Help the hedgehogs, give them umbrellas. Just look carefully to whom, which umbrella suits. (Looks to see if the children use the principle of comparing objects by size). “Well done, now all the hedgehogs are hiding under umbrellas. And they thank you." The teacher asks someone why he gave one umbrella to dad-hedgehog and another to mom-hedgehog; the next child - why gave the little hedgehogs other umbrellas. Children answer, and the teacher helps them formulate the answer correctly.
Oriented in space
1. The game "To the right as to the left"
Purpose: mastering the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Content. Matryoshkas were in a hurry and forgot to finish their drawings. You need to finish them so that one half looks like the other. Children draw, and an adult says: “Dot, dot, two hooks, minus a comma - a funny face came out. And if the bow and little skirt is a little girl, that girl. And if a forelock and pants, that little man is a boy. The children look at the pictures.
2. Didactic game "Decorate a scarf"
Purpose: to learn to compare two groups of objects equal and unequal in number, to exercise in orientation on a plane.
Equipment: "scarves" (large - for the teacher, small - for children), a set of leaves in two colors (for each child).
Content. The teacher offers to decorate the scarves with leaves. Asks how it can be done (each child completes the task independently). Then he says: “Now let's decorate the handkerchiefs in a different way, everything is the same. I will decorate my scarf, and you will be small. Decorate the top edge with yellow leaves, like this. (shows). Put as many leaves as I do. With your right hand, arrange them in a row from left to right. And decorate the bottom edge of the scarf with green leaves. Take as many green leaves as yellow ones. Add another yellow leaf and place it on the top edge of the scarf. What leaves have become more? How to make them equal?” After checking the work and evaluating it, the teacher suggests decorating the left and right sides of the scarf with leaves of different colors. Put as many leaves on the right side of the scarf as on the left. (Shows). In conclusion, the children decorate all sides of the scarf in their own way and talk about it.
3. Didactic game "Hide and find"
Purpose: to teach to navigate in the space of the room, to consistently examine it; develop attention and memory; learn to distinguish from the surrounding objects that are in the field of view.
Equipment. Various toys.
Contents.1st option. The teacher shows the children a bright, colorful toy. He says that they will hide it now, and then they will look for it. Together with the children, he walks around the room, examining and discussing everything that is there: “Here is the table at which you look at books. Here's the toy rack. Let's go further. There's a closet here. Here you can hide our toy on a shelf with books. Put it on a shelf (the shelf should be open). Now let's go play." The teacher conducts a simple outdoor game, for example, "Do as I do." After a while, he offers to find a toy. Fixes the result: “The toy was on the shelf.” The next time they hide a soft toy, and examine the room from the other side. When children learn to find a toy located at the level of their eyes, they hide it first above and then below the level of the child's eyes. 2nd option. The children hide the toy, and the teacher finds it, who slowly, sequentially examines the room and the objects in it. Children should learn the search sequence as a way to navigate in space. Going around the room, the teacher calls the direction in which the objects moving along the path are moving. For example: “Here is the window. I'll go from window to door. There's a closet here. I look up - there is no upstairs, I look down - there is no downstairs. I’ll go further, ”etc. 3rd option. Children hide the toy under the guidance of a teacher, and one of the children is looking for it. He goes out the door in advance and does not see how they hide the toy. The teacher invites him to search, sequentially examining the room.
4. Didactic game "Picture"
Purpose: to teach to place objects on a sheet of paper (top, bottom, sides); develop attention, imitation; consolidate the perception of integral objects and distinguish them among themselves.
Equipment. A large sheet of paper for a panel, large appliqué details (sun, a strip of land, a house, a figurine of a boy or girl, a tree, a bird), sheets of paper, the same small appliqué elements, trays, glue, brushes, oilcloths, rags according to the number of children.
Content. The teacher tells the children what they will do beautiful picture: he is on a large sheet fixed on the board, and they are small on their sheets of paper. You just need to carefully watch and do everything the way the teacher does. Then the teacher distributes the material for the application to the children. First, he sticks a strip of earth at the bottom, the sun at the top. The teacher does everything slowly, fixing his actions at every moment and allowing the children to choose each element and place it correctly on paper. If necessary, helps the child determine the place on the sheet of paper (top, bottom). At the end, the teacher compares the children's work with his own, discussing the spatial arrangement of objects, praises them, causing a positive attitude towards the result of the work. Then he briefly describes the content of the resulting image, fixing the spatial arrangement of objects: “The boy went out into the street. I looked - below the earth, above - the sky. The sun is in the sky. Below, on the ground, a house and a tree. The boy stands near the house on one side, and the tree on the other side. A bird is sitting on a tree.
time oriented
1. Didactic game "Our day"
Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparts of the day, to teach how to use the words "morning", "day", "evening", "night" correctly.
Equipment. B-ba-bo doll, toy bed, dishes, scallop, etc.; pictures showing the activities of children at different times of the day.
Content. Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher, with the help of the doll, performs various actions by which the children must determine the part of the day: the doll gets out of bed, dresses, combs her hair (morning), has lunch (afternoon). Then the teacher calls the action, for example: "The doll is washing", invites the child to perform it and name the part of the day corresponding to this action (morning or evening). The teacher reads an excerpt from Petushina's poems: Doll Valya wants to sleep. I'll put her to bed. I'll bring her a blanket to fall asleep faster. Children put the doll to sleep and say when it happens. The teacher shows the pictures in time sequence and asks what part of the day these actions take place. Then he shuffles the pictures and, together with the children, arranges them in the order of the actions of the day. Children lay out their pictures in accordance with the pictures of the teacher.

middle group

"Number and Count"
1. Didactic game. "Correct Account"
Purpose: to help master the order of the numbers of the natural series; to consolidate the skills of direct and reverse counting.
Content: children stand in a circle. Before starting, they agree in what order (forward or reverse) they will count. Then they throw the ball and string the number. The one who caught the ball continues the count by passing the ball to the next player.
2. Didactic game: "Many-little"
Purpose: to help to learn the concepts of "many", "few", "one", "several", "more", "less", "equally".
Content: ask the child to name single objects or objects that are many (few). For example: there are many chairs, one table, many books, few animals. Put cards of different colors in front of the child. Let there be 7 green cards and 5 red cards. Ask which cards are more, which are less. Add 2 more red cards. What can be said now?
3. Didactic game: "Guess the number"
Purpose: to help prepare children for elementary mathematical operations of addition and subtraction; help to consolidate the skills of determining the previous and next number within the first ten.
Content: ask, for example, what number is greater than three, but less than five; what number is less than three but greater than one, etc. Think of, for example, a number within ten and ask the child to guess it. Baby calls different numbers, and the teacher says more or less than the planned number. Then you can switch roles with the child.
4. Didactic game: "Counting mosaic"
Purpose: to introduce numbers; learn to match the quantity with the number.
Equipment. counting sticks.
Content: together with the child, make up numbers or letters using counting sticks. Invite the child to place the corresponding number of counting sticks next to the given number.
5. Didactic game: "We read and count"
Purpose: to help to learn the concepts of "many", "few", "one", "several", "more", "less", "equally", "as many", "how many"; the ability to compare objects by size.
Equipment. counting sticks.
Content: when reading a book to a child, ask him to put aside as many counting sticks as, for example, there were animals in a fairy tale. After counting how many animals are in the fairy tale, ask who was more, who was less, and who was the same. Compare toys in size: who is bigger - a bunny or a bear? Who is less? Who is the same height?
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Pick up the shape"
Purpose: to teach children to highlight the shape of an object, distracting from its other features.
Equipment. one large figure of each of the five geometric shapes, cards with contours of geometric shapes, two figures of each shape of two sizes of different colors (the large figure coincides with the contour image on the card).
Content: children are given figures and cards. Educator: “Now we will play the game “Pick up the shape”. To do this, we need to remember the names of different forms. What shape is this figure? (further this question is repeated with the display of other figures). You must arrange the figures according to form, regardless of color. For children who have incorrectly laid out the figures, the teacher offers to circle the contour of the figure with a finger, find and correct the mistake.
2. Didactic game: "Lotto"
Goal: mastering the ability to distinguish various forms.
Equipment. geometric cards.
Content. Children are given cards on which 3 geometric shapes of different colors and shapes are depicted in a row. Cards differ in the arrangement of geometric shapes, their combination in color. Children are presented with the corresponding geometric shapes one at a time. The child, on whose card there is a presented figure, takes it and puts it on his card so that the figure coincides with the one drawn. Children say in what order the figures are located.
3. Didactic game: "Find your house"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.
Equipment. circle, square, 2 hoops, circles and squares according to the number of children, tambourine.
Content: The teacher puts two hoops on the floor at a great distance from each other. Inside the first hoop, he places a square cut out of cardboard, inside the second - a circle. Children should be divided into two groups: some have a square in their hands, and others have a circle. Then the teacher explains the rules of the game, which are that the guys run around the room , and when he hits the tambourine, they must find their houses. Those who have a circle run to the hoop where the circle lies, and those who have a square run to the hoop with a square.
When the children scatter in places, the teacher checks which figures the children have, whether they have chosen the house correctly, specifies what the figures are called and how many there are. When the game is repeated, the figures lying inside the hoops must be swapped.
4. Didactic game: "Guess"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between a circle, a square and a triangle.
Equipment. ball; circles, squares, triangles of different colors.
Content: Children become in a circle, in the center of which is a teacher with a ball. He says that now everyone will figure out what the object that will be shown looks like. First, the teacher shows a yellow circle and puts it in the center. Then he suggests thinking and saying what this circle looks like. The child to whom the teacher rolls the ball answers. The child who catches the ball says what the circle looks like. For example, on a pancake, in the sun, on a plate ... Next, the teacher shows a large red circle. Children fantasize: an apple, a tomato ... Everyone takes part in the game. In order for the children to understand the meaning of the Guess game more clearly, show them the illustrations. So, the red circle is a tomato, the yellow circle is a ball.
1. Didactic game: "Fruit picking"
Purpose: to develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size according to the sample.
Equipment. apples samples (cut out of cardboard) of three sizes large, smaller, small; three baskets large, smaller, small; a tree with hanging cardboard apples of the same size as the samples (8-10 apples were the same size). The diameter of each apple is 0.5 cm smaller than the previous one.
Content: the teacher shows a tree with apples, baskets and says that small apples should be collected in a small basket, and large ones in a large one. At the same time, he calls three children, gives each one an apple sample and invites them to pick one of the same apple from the tree. If the apples are picked correctly, the teacher asks to put them in the appropriate baskets. The task is then performed a new group children. The game can be repeated several times.
2. Didactic game: "One, two, three - look!"
Purpose: to teach children to build an image of an object of a given size and use it in game activities.
Equipment. One-color pyramids (yellow and green), with at least seven rings. 2-3 pyramids of each color.
Content. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. V. lays out pyramids on 2-3 tables, mixing the rings. He puts two pyramids on a small table in front of the children and takes one of them apart. Then he calls the children and gives each of them a ring of the same size and asks them to find a pair for their ring. “Look carefully at your rings and try to remember what size they are so as not to be mistaken. What ring do you have, big or small? children are invited to leave their rings on the chairs and go in search of other rings of the same size.You need to look for rings only after all the children say these words "One, two, three, look!" Having chosen a ring, each child returns to his place and puts it on his sample, which remained on the chair. If the child made a mistake, he is allowed to correct the mistake by replacing the chosen ring with another one. For variety, when repeating the game, you can use a pyramid of a different color as a sample.
3. Didactic game: "Who has a longer tail?"
Purpose: Mastering the ability to compare objects of contrasting sizes in length and width, use the concepts in speech: “long”, “longer”, “wide”, “narrow”.
Content. Noise outside the door. Animals appear: an elephant, a bunny, a bear, a monkey - Winnie the Pooh's friends. Animals argue over who has the longest tail. Winnie the Pooh invites children to help the animals. Children compare the length of the ears of a hare and a wolf, the tails of a fox and a bear, the length of the neck of a giraffe and a monkey. Each time, together with V., they define equality and inequality in length and width, using the appropriate terminology: long, longer, wide, narrow, etc.
4. Didactic game: "Who will roll the tape sooner"
Purpose: to continue to form an attitude towards the value as a significant feature, pay attention to the length, introduce the words "long", "short".
Content. The teacher invites the children to learn how to roll the tape and shows how to do it, gives everyone a try. Then he offers to play the game "Who will roll the tape as soon as possible." He calls two children, gives one a long ribbon, the other a short one, and asks everyone to see who will roll their ribbon first. Naturally, the one with the shortest ribbon wins. After that, the teacher lays out the ribbons on the table so that their difference is clearly visible to the children, but does not say anything. Then the children change ribbons. Now another child wins. The children sit down, the teacher calls the children and invites one of them to choose a ribbon. Asks why he wants this tape. After the answers, the children call the tapes "short", "long" and summarize the actions of the children: "A short tape rolls up quickly, and a long one slowly."
Oriented in space
1. Didactic game: "Who is where"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish the position of objects in space (in front, behind, between, in the middle, on the right, on the left, below, above).
Equipment. toys.
Content: arrange toys in different places in the room. Ask the child which toy is in front, behind, next to, far away, etc. Ask what is on top, what is below, on the right, on the left, etc.
2. Didactic game: "Run to the number"
Purpose: to exercise in memorizing and distinguishing numbers, the ability to navigate in space; develop auditory and visual attention.
Equipment: number cards hung in different places in the room.
Content: A game of low mobility. The teacher (leader) calls one of the numbers, the children find a card with its image in the room and run to it. If any child makes a mistake, he is out of the game for a while. The game is played until a winner is revealed.
You can complicate the task by inviting the children, standing near the number, to clap (or stomp, or sit down) the number that it stands for.
3. Didactic game: "Elevator"
Purpose: to fix forward and backward counting up to 7, fixing the main colors of the rainbow, fixing the concepts of “up”, “down”, memorize ordinal numbers (first, second ...)
Content: The child is invited to help residents raise or lower them on the elevator, to the desired floor, count the floors, find out how many residents live on the floor.
4. Didactic game: "Three steps"
Purpose: orientation in space, the ability to listen and follow instructions.
Content: The players are divided into two equal teams, stand one after the other. The mission of each team is at full strength, exactly, strictly following the rules, reach the finish line as quickly as possible: they pronounce the rules in chorus: three steps to the left, three steps to the right, one step forward, one back and four straight.
time oriented
1. Didactic game: "When it happens"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention and resourcefulness, endurance.
Equipment. pictures of the seasons.
Content: Children sit around the table. The teacher has several pictures in his hands depicting different seasons, for each season 2-3 pictures. The teacher explains the rules of the game, the teacher gives everyone a picture. Then rotates the arrow in a circle. The one she pointed to carefully examines his picture and then talks about its contents. Then they spin the arrow again and the one she pointed to guesses the time of the year. A variant of this game can be the educator reading passages from works of art about seasonal natural phenomena and search for pictures with relevant content.
2. Didactic game: "Name the missing word"
Purpose: to teach to name time periods: morning, evening, day, night.
Equipment: ball.
Content: Children form a semicircle. The teacher rolls a ball to one of the children. He starts a sentence, skipping the names of the parts of the day: - We have breakfast in the morning, and we have lunch ... Children call the missing word. - In the morning you come to kindergarten and go home .... - In the afternoon you have lunch and dinner ...
3. Didactic game: “Who was first? Who is later?
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of temporal representations: first, then, before, after, earlier, later.
Content: Staging of fairy tales using illustrations "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", etc.
4. Didactic game: "Traffic light"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the seasons.
Content: The teacher says, for example, "Summer is over, spring has come." Children raise a red circle - a stop signal, mistakes are corrected.
5. Didactic game: "Name the missing word"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of the day, their sequence, to consolidate concepts - yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Content: Children in a circle. The host starts the phrase and throws the ball to one of the players: "The sun shines during the day, and the moon ....". The one who finishes the phrase comes up with a new one "In the morning we came to kindergarten, and returned ...", "If yesterday was Friday, then today ...", "Winter is replaced by spring, and spring ...".

Senior group.

"Number and Count"
1. Didactic game. "Pick up a toy"
Purpose: to exercise in counting objects according to the named number and memorizing him to learn to find an equal number of toys.
Content. V. explains to the children that they will learn to count as many toys as he says. He calls the children in turn and gives them the task to bring a certain number of toys and put them on a particular table. He instructs other children to check whether the task was completed correctly, and for this, count the toys, for example: “Seryozha, bring 3 pyramids and put them on this table. Vitya, check how many pyramids Seryozha brought. As a result, there are 2 toys on one table, 3 on the second, 4 on the third, and 5 on the fourth. Then the children are invited to count a certain number of toys and put them on the table where there are the same number of such toys, so that it can be seen that they are equally divided. After completing the task, the child tells what he did. Another child checks if the task is completed correctly.
2. Didactic game: "Will it be enough?"
Purpose: to teach children to see the equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, to bring to the concept that a number does not depend on size.
Content. V. offers to treat the animals. Preliminarily finds out: “Will the bunnies have enough carrots, squirrels of nuts? How to find out? How to check? Children count toys, compare their number, then treat the animals, applying small toys to the big ones. Having revealed the equality and inequality of the number of toys in the group, they add the missing item or remove the extra one.
3. Didactic game: "At the poultry farm"
Purpose: to exercise children in counting within, to show the independence of the number of objects from the area they occupy.
Content. V .: “Today we will go on an excursion - to a poultry farm. Chickens and chickens live here. Chickens are sitting on the upper perch, there are 6 of them, and 5 chickens on the lower perch. Compare chickens and chickens, determine that there are fewer chickens than chickens. “One chicken ran away. What needs to be done to make chickens and chickens equally? (You need to find 1 chicken and return it to the chicken). The game is repeated. V. quietly removes the chicken, the children look for the mother chicken for the chicken, etc.
4. Didactic game: "Count the birds"
Purpose: to show the formation of numbers 6 and 7, to teach children to count within 7.
Content. The teacher puts 2 groups of pictures (bullfinches and titmouse) on a typesetting canvas in one row (at some distance from one another and asks: “What are these birds called? Are they equal? ​​How to check?” The child places the pictures in 2 rows, one under the other. Finds out that the birds are equally divided, 5 each. V. adds a titmouse and asks: "How many titmouses became? How did 6 titmouse turn out? How many were there? How many were added? How many became? Which birds did you get more? How many of them? the number is more: 6 or 6? Which is less? How to make the birds become equal in 6. (He emphasizes that if one bird is removed, it will also become equal in 5.) Removes 1 tit and asks: "How many of them became? How did the number 5". Again adds 1 bird in each row and invites all children to count the birds. In the same way, introduces the number 7.
5. Didactic game: "Count and name"
Purpose: to practice counting by ear.
Content. V. invites children to count sounds by ear. He reminds that this must be done without missing a single sound and without looking ahead (“Listen carefully to how many times the hammer will hit”). Extract (2-10) sounds. In total, they give 2-3 fortune-telling. Then V. explains the new task: “Now we will count the sounds with eyes closed. When you count the sounds, open your eyes, silently count the same number of toys and put them in a row. V. taps from 2 to 10 times. The children are doing the task. They answer the question: “How many toys did you put in and why?”
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Pick a figure"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval.
Equipment: each child has cards on which a rectangle, a square and a triangle are drawn, the color and shape vary.
Content. First, V. offers to circle the figures drawn on the cards with his finger. Then he presents a table on which the same figures are drawn, but of a different color and size than those of the children, and, pointing to one of the figures, says: “I have a big yellow triangle, and you?” Etc. Calls 2-3 children, asks them to name the color and size (large, small of their figure of this type). "I have a small blue square."
2. Didactic game: "Name your bus"
Purpose: to exercise in distinguishing between a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle, to find shapes that are identical in shape, differing in color and size,
Content. V. puts 4 chairs at some distance from each other, to which models of a triangle, a rectangle, etc. (brands of buses) are attached. Children get on the buses (becomes in 3 columns behind the chairs. The teacher-conductor gives them tickets. Each ticket has the same figure as on the bus. At the “Stop!” signal, the children go for a walk, and the teacher changes the models in places. At the “On the bus” signal children find failures of the bus and stand one after another.The game is repeated 2-3 times.
3. Didactic game: "Collect the figure"
Purpose: to teach to count objects that form a figure.
Content. V. invites the children to move the plate with chopsticks towards them and asks: “What color are the chopsticks? How many sticks of each color? He suggests laying out the sticks of each color so that different shapes are obtained. After completing the task, the children count the sticks again. Find out how many sticks went to each figure. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sticks are arranged differently, but they are equally divided - 4 each “How to prove that the sticks are equally divided? Children lay out sticks in rows one under the other.
4. Didactic game: "Why doesn't the oval roll?"
Purpose: to acquaint children with an oval-shaped figure, to learn to distinguish between a circle and an oval-shaped figure
Content. Models of geometric shapes are placed on the flannelograph: circle, square, rectangle, triangle. First, one child, called to the flannelograph, names the figures, and then all the children do it together. The child is asked to show the circle. Question: "What is the difference between a circle and other figures?" The child traces the circle with his finger, tries to roll it. V. summarizes the answers of the children: the circle has no corners, and the rest of the figures have corners. On the flannelograph place 2 circles and 2 oval shapes of different colors and sizes. “Look at these figures. Are there circles among them? One of the children is offered to show circles. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that there are not only circles on the flannelgraph, but also other figures. , similar to a circle. This is an oval shape. V. teaches to distinguish them from circles; asks: “How are oval shapes similar to circles? (The oval shapes don't have corners either.) The child is offered to show a circle, an oval shape. It turns out that the circle is rolling, but the oval shape is not. (Why?) Then they find out how the oval shape differs from the circle? (an oval-shaped figure is elongated). Compare by applying and superimposing a circle on an oval.
1. Didactic game: "Sticks in a row"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to build a sequential series in magnitude.
Content. V. introduces the children to the new material and explains the task: "We need to build the sticks in a row so that they decrease in length." Warns children that the task must be performed by eye (you cannot try on and rearrange the sticks). “To complete the task, right, you need to take the longest stick of all that are not stacked in a row each time,” explains V.
2. Didactic game: "Fold the planks"
Purpose: to exercise the ability to build a sequential row in width, arrange the row in 2 directions: in descending and ascending order.
Equipment. 10 boards of different widths from 1 to 10 cm. You can use cardboard.
Content. Participants are divided into 2 groups. Each subgroup receives a set of boards. Both sets fit on 2 tables. Children of two subgroups sit on chairs on one side of the table. On the other side of the tables are free benches. Both subgroups of children should line up the boards in a row (one in decreasing width, the other in increasing). In turn, one child comes to the table and puts 1 board in a row. When performing the task, samples and movements are excluded. Then the children compare. Determine which subgroup coped with the task correctly.
3. Didactic game: "Christmas trees"
Purpose: to teach children to use a measure to determine the height (one of the height parameters).
Equipment: 5 sets: each set contains 5 Christmas trees 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm high (Christmas trees can be made from cardboard on stands). Narrow cardboard strips of the same length.
Content. V. gathers the children in a semicircle and says: “Children, the New Year and everyone needs Christmas trees. We will play like this: our group will go to the forest, and everyone will find a Christmas tree there, according to the measure. I will give you measurements, and you will select the Christmas trees of the desired height. Whoever finds such a Christmas tree will come up to me with a Christmas tree and a measure and show how he measured his Christmas tree. You need to measure by placing a measure next to the Christmas tree so that the bottom of them matches, if the top also matches, then you have found the right Christmas tree (shows the measurement method). Children go to the forest, where different Christmas trees are mixed on several tables. Everyone chooses the Christmas tree they need. If the child made a mistake, then he returns to the forest and picks up the right Christmas tree. In conclusion, a trip around the city and the delivery of Christmas trees to places are played out.
4. Didactic game: "Broken stairs"
Purpose: to teach to notice violations in the uniformity of the increase in values.
Equipment: 10 rectangles, large 10x15, smaller 1xl5. Each subsequent one is 1 cm lower than the previous one; flannelgraph.
Content. A staircase is being built on the flannelograph. Then all the children, except for one leader, turn away. The leader takes out one step and shifts the rest. Whoever points out where the ladder is “broken” before others becomes the leader. If the children make mistakes during the first game, then you can use a measure. They measure each step with it and find the broken one. If children can easily cope with the task, you can take out two steps at the same time in different places.
5. Didactic game: "Sisters go mushroom picking"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to build a series in size, establish a correspondence between 2 series, find the missing element of the series.
Equipment: flannelograph, 7 paper nesting dolls (from 6 cm to 14 cm), baskets (from 2 cm to 5 cm high). Dispenser: the same, only smaller.
Content. V. tells the children: “Today we will play a game like sisters go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Matryoshkas are sisters. They are going to the forest. The oldest one will go first: she is the tallest, the oldest of the remaining ones will go after her, and so everything is in height, ”call a child who builds matryoshka dolls on a flannelograph by height (as in a horizontal row). “They need to be given baskets in which they will collect mushrooms,” the teacher says. He calls the second child, gives him 6 baskets, hid one of them (but not the first and not the last), and offers to arrange them in a row under the nesting dolls so that nesting dolls dismantled them. The child builds the second sectional row and notices that one nesting doll did not have enough baskets. Children find where in the row there is the largest gap in the size of the basket. The called child places baskets under the nesting dolls so that the nesting dolls can take them apart. One is left without a basket and asks her mother to give her a basket. V. will give the missing basket, and the child puts it in its place.
6. Didactic game: "Who will pick up the boxes faster"
Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects in length, width, height.
Content. Having found out how the boxes on the table differ from each other, V. explains the task: “The boxes are mixed up: long, short, wide and narrow, high and low. Now we will learn how to select boxes that are suitable in size. Let's play "Who will pick up the boxes of the right size faster?" I will call 2-3 people, give them one box each. Children will tell you what length, width, height of their box. And then I will give the command: “Pick up boxes equal to your length (width - height). Whoever picks up the boxes first wins. Children may be asked to build the boxes in a row (highest to lowest or longest to shortest).
Oriented in space.
1. Didactic game: "Name and count"
Purpose: to teach children to count sounds, naming the final number.
Content. It is better to start the lesson with counting toys, calling 2-3 children to the table, after that say that children are good at counting toys, things, and today they will learn to count sounds. V. invites the children to count, helping with his hand, how many times he will hit the table. He shows how to move the brush in time with the beats. right hand standing on the elbow. The blows are made quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. First, no more than 1-3 sounds are extracted, and only when the children stop making mistakes, the number of beats increases. Next, it is proposed to play the specified number of sounds. The teacher takes turns calling the children to the table and invites them to hit with a hammer, a stick on a stick 2-5 times. In conclusion, all children are offered to raise their hand (lean forward, sit down) as many times as the hammer hits.
2. Didactic game: "Tell me about your pattern"
Purpose: to teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.
Content. Each child has a picture (a rug with a pattern). Children should tell how the elements of the pattern are located: in the right upper corner- a circle, in the upper left corner - a square. In the lower left corner - an oval, in the lower right corner - a rectangle, in the middle - a circle. You can give the task to tell about the pattern that they drew in the drawing class. For example, in the middle big circle- rays depart from it, flowers in every corner. Top and bottom - wavy lines, right and left - one at a time wavy line with leaflets, etc.
3. Didactic game: "Stand in place"
Purpose: to exercise children in finding the location: in front, behind, left, right, in front, behind.
Content. V. calls the children in turn, indicates where they need to stand: “Seryozha, come to me, Kolya, stand so that Serezha is behind you. Faith, stand in front of Ira, ”etc. Having called 5-6 children, the teacher asks them to name who is in front and behind them. Next, the children are offered to turn left or right and again name who and where is standing from them.
4. Didactic game: "Where is the figure"
Purpose: to teach correctly, name the figures and their spatial arrangement: in the middle, above, below, left, right; memorize the position of the figures.
Content. V. explains the task: “Today we will learn to remember where which figure is. To do this, they must be named in order: first, the figure located in the center (in the middle), then above, below, left, right. Summons 1 child. He shows and names the figures in order, their location. Shows to another child. Another child is offered to arrange the figures as he wants, to name their location. Then the child becomes his back to the flannelograph, and the teacher changes the figures located on the left and right. The child turns and guesses what has changed. Then all the children name the figures and close their eyes. The teacher swaps the figures. Opening their eyes, the children guess what has changed.
5. Didactic game: "Find a toy"
Purpose: to teach to master spatial representations.
Content. “At night, when there was no one in the group,” says V, “Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson likes to joke, so he hid the toys, and in the letter he wrote how to find them.” He opens the envelope and reads: “We must stand in front of the table, go straight, etc.”
Time oriented.
1. Didactic game: "Yesterday, today, tomorrow"
Purpose: to exercise in a playful way in the active distinction between the temporal concepts of "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow".
Content. Three houses are drawn with chalk in the corners of the playroom. It is "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow". Each house has one flat model that reflects a specific temporal concept. Children walk in a circle, while reading a quatrain from a familiar poem. At the end, they stop, and the teacher says loudly: “Yes, yes, yes, it was ... yesterday!” Children run to the house called "yesterday". Then they return to the circle, the game continues.
2. Didactic game: "Parts of the day"
Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing parts of the day.
Equipment: pictures: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Content. V. draws 4 large houses on the floor, each of which corresponds to one part of the day. A corresponding picture is attached behind each house. Children line up in front of the houses. The teacher reads the appropriate passage from any poem, and then gives a signal, The passage should characterize part of the day, then the game will be more entertaining and interesting. 1. In the morning we go to the yard, The leaves are raining down, They rustle under our feet, And they fly, fly, fly ...
2. Happens on a sunny day
You will go to the forest in the wilderness
Sit down try on a stump
Do not rush…
3. It's already evening.
Shines on nettles.
I'm standing on the road
Leaning against the willow...
4. Yellow maples cried at night:
Remember maples,
How green were...
3. Didactic game: "Day and night"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the parts of the day.
Content. In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Both sides of them are lines of houses. The players are divided into two teams. They are placed at their lines and turned to face the houses. The name of the commands "day" and "night" is determined. The teacher stands at the middle line. He is the leader. At his command "Day!" or “Night!” - the players of the named team run into the house, and the opponents catch up with them. The stale ones are counted and released. The teams line up again at the middle lines, and V. gives the signal.
Option number 2. Before giving a signal, V. invites the children to repeat a variety of physical exercises after him, then unexpectedly gives a signal.
Option number 3. The host is one of the children. He throws up a cardboard circle, one side of which is painted black, the other white. And, depending on which side he falls, he commands: “Day!”, “Night!”.
4. "About yesterday"
Purpose: to show children how to save time.
Contents: Once upon a time there was a boy named Seryozha. He had an alarm clock on his desk, and a thick and very important tear-off calendar hung on the wall. The clock was always in a hurry somewhere, the hands never stood still and always said: “Tick-tock, tick-tock - save time, if you miss it, you won’t catch up.” The silent calendar looked down on the alarm clock, because it showed not hours and minutes, but days. But one day - and the calendar could not stand it and spoke:
- Oh, Seryozha, Seryozha! Already on the third of November, Sunday, this day is already coming to an end, and you have not done your homework yet. …
“Yes, yes,” said the clock. - The evening is coming to an end, and you keep running and running. Time flies, you can't catch up with it, you missed it. Serezha just waved away the annoying clock and the thick calendar.
Serezha began to do his homework when darkness fell outside the window. I can not see anything. Eyes droop. The letters run across the pages like black ants. Seryozha put his head on the table, and the clock tells him:
- Tick-tock, tick-tock. How many hours lost, skipped. Look at the calendar, soon Sunday will be gone, and you will never return it again. Seryozha looked at the calendar, but on the sheet it was no longer the second number, but the third, and not Sunday, but Monday.
- I lost the whole day, - the calendar says, the whole day.
-No problem. What is lost, you can find, - Seryozha answers.
-Go and look for yesterday, let's see if you find it or not.
"I'll try," Seryozha replied.
As soon as he said this, something lifted him up, spun him around, and he ended up on the street. Seryozha looked around and sees - a lifting legging is dragging a wall with a door and windows to the top, new house grows higher and higher, and the builders rise higher and higher. Their work is so controversial. The workers pay no attention to anything, they rush to build a house for other people. Seryozha threw back his head and screamed:
- Uncles, can you see from above where yesterday went?
-Yesterday? builders ask. - Why do you want yesterday?
- I didn't have time to do my homework. Serezha replied.
“Your business is bad,” the builders say. We overtook yesterday yesterday, and we overtake tomorrow today.
“These are miracles,” Serezha thinks. “How can you overtake tomorrow if it hasn’t come yet?” And suddenly he sees - mom is coming.
- Mom, where can I find yesterday? You see, I somehow accidentally lost it. Just don't worry, mommy, I'll definitely find him.
“You probably won’t find him,” Mom replied.
Yesterday is gone, and there is only a trace of it in the affairs of man.
And suddenly a carpet with red flowers unfolded right on the ground.
“This is our yesterday,” Mom says.
We wove this carpet at the factory yesterday.
Further, V. Conducts a conversation about why Seryozha lost yesterday, and how to save time.

Preparatory group.

"Number and Count"
1. Didactic game: "Dunno away"
Purpose: to teach to see an equal number of different objects, to consolidate the ability to count objects.
Equipment: 3 groups of toys of 5, 6, 7 pieces; circle cards.
Content:B. addresses the children: Today Dunno is our guest. I asked him to put a card for each group of toys, on which there are as many circles as the toys cost. See if Dunno has placed the cards correctly. After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher offers 1 child to select the appropriate card for each group. Organizes an audit. Children take turns (two children) count the toys of one of the groups and mugs on the card presented on it. The teacher offers to count the last group of toys to all the children together.
2. Didactic game: "Guess what number is missing"
Purpose: to determine the place of a number in the natural series, name the missing number.
Equipment. Flannelgraph, 10 cards with the image of circles on them from 1 to 10 (on each card there are circles of a different color) flags.
Content. V. arranges the cards on the flannelograph in the sequence of natural numbers. Invites the children to see how they stand, if any number is missing. Then the guys close their eyes, and V. removes one card. After the children guess which number is missing, show the hidden card and put it in its place. The first person to name the missing number gets a flag.
3. Didactic game: "Trip"
Purpose: to teach children to compare numbers and determine which of the numbers is greater or less.
Equipment. Typesetting canvas, 8 large triangles, 8 small ones.
Content. V. says: “Guys, I went to kindergarten by tram. Schoolchildren entered the car: girls and boys. There were empty seats and the boys gave them to the girls. All the girls sat side by side, and the boys stood along the entire carriage. I will designate girls with small triangles, and boys with large ones. Who was more in the tram: boys or girls? How did you guess? Which number is greater (less)? Why do some children think there are more boys? How to prove that the number 8 is greater than 7, and 7 is greater than 8. One child lays out small triangles under large ones, exactly one under one. V. concludes: “We have seen that the number of objects does not depend on the place they occupy. To find out which items are larger and which are smaller, you need to count the items and compare their number.
4. Didactic game: "How much?"
Purpose: development of thinking.
Content. V. invites children to answer the questions:
How many tails do seven donkeys have?
How many noses do two dogs have?
How many fingers does one boy have?
How many ears do five babies have?
- How many ears and three old women? etc.
5. Didactic game: "Flowerbed"
Purpose: to consolidate the concept that the number of objects does not depend on the distance between them.
Equipment. Type-setting canvas with 2 stripes, subject pictures depicting flowers (7 pieces each), cards with 2 free stripes.
Content. On the typesetting canvas in 2 rows, exactly one under the other, there are 6 drawings of poppies and asters. V. says: “Imagine that this is a flower bed and flowers grow in two rows on it. How many poppies? Let's all count together! Can you tell how many asters without counting them? Why can it be said? Let's check. Kolya, count the asters out loud! Now I will transplant poppies and asters. V. places poppies close to each other and increases the distance between asters. What changed? How do poppies grow now? Asters? Are there equal colors now? How can you prove that the colors are equal? (Adds 1 poppy). How many poppies are there? How did we get 7 poppies? What colors are now more (less)? How to prove that there are more poppies? Which number is greater? (less: 6 or 7?) How to make it clear that there are more poppies than asters?
6. Didactic game: "Count, make no mistake"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge that the number of objects does not depend on their size
Equipment: 2-stripe fabric, 10 large cubes, 10 small cubes,
Content. V. addresses the children “Now I will put the cubes in a row, and you count them! How many cubes did I put in? (eight). Close your eyes! (For every large cube, a small one interferes). Open your eyes! Is it possible to tell without counting how many small cubes I have placed? Why can it be done? Prove that there are equal numbers of small cubes and large cubes! How to make small cubes 1 more than large ones. How many will there be then? (Adds a small cube). What cubes have become more? How many? which are less? How many? Which number is greater? (smaller?). What do we need to do to make large and small cubes equal again?
7. Didactic game: "Guess what number is missing?"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge and sequences of numbers.
Content. V. invites the children to play the game “Guess what number I missed?”, explains its content: “I will name 2 numbers, skipping one between them, and you guess which number I missed. Let's see which row of kids wins." Says numbers: 2 and 4, 3 and 5, 4 and 6, 5 and 7, 8 and 10, etc.
Geometric shape.
1. Didactic game: "Learning to draw circles"
Purpose: to learn to draw circles in squares.
The content of V. recalls what figures they drew in the cells and says: “Today we will learn to draw circles. In order for the circle to turn out to be even, it is more convenient to draw it in a square. Look, I'll put a circle on a square. You see, the circle touches all the sides of the square, and the corners remain free. Then the children draw squares, the teacher shows on the board how to draw circles (draw circles in squares with a red pencil.).
2. Didactic game: "Broken car"
Purpose: to teach to notice violations in the depicted subject.
Hardware: A machine made up of geometric shapes with a piece missing.
Content. On the flannelograph, a machine is built, consisting of geometric shapes. Then all the children, except for one - the leader, turn away. The host removes any part of the machine. Whoever says what is missing and what form it is before others becomes the leader. If children can easily cope with the task, you can remove two parts at the same time.
3. Didactic game: "Pick a figure"
Purpose: to exercise in comparing the shape of the objects depicted in the pictures with geometric shapes.
Equipment: A stand on which models of geometric figures are placed, pictures on which objects are drawn, consisting of several parts.
Content. V. explains the task: “I will point to the figures, and you, among your pictures, choose those on which objects of the same shape are drawn. If you have an object that has a part of the same shape, show that card too.
4. Didactic game: "Fold from sticks"
Purpose: to exercise in composing geometric shapes from sticks.
Equipment: counting sticks for each child.
Content. The child, following the model, lays out any image or figure from the counting folders.
5. Didactic game: "Fold the figure"
Purpose: to make models of familiar geometric shapes from parts according to the model.
Equipment: flannelgraph. Models of geometric figures.
Content. V. interferes with the model of geometric figures on the flannelograph, calls the child, asks him to show and name the figures. Explains the task: “Each of you has the same geometric shapes, but they are cut into 2 or 4 equal parts; if they are correctly attached to each other, then whole figures are obtained. When completing the task, the children tell how many they made up the figure.
6. Didactic game: "Who will see more"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.
Equipment: flannelgraph, geometric figures.
Content. Various geometric shapes are randomly placed on the flannelograph. Preschoolers look at and memorize them. The leader counts to three and closes the figures. The children are offered to name as many geometric shapes that were on the flannelgraph as possible. The one who remembers and names more figures wins. Continuing the game, the host changes the number of pieces.
7. Didactic game: "Find your figure"
Purpose: to teach children to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes, to choose shapes according to a visually perceived pattern.
Equipment: Cardboard box with cut holes in triangular, round, square, etc. shapes, geometric shapes matched to the slots on the box, envelopes with geometric shapes.
Content. The game consists in the fact that some children drop geometric figures into the box (each into the corresponding slot), while others must choose them from the box, focusing on the images in their envelopes. In this game, cognitive communication of children necessarily arises, due to which the speech activity of children arises, children see each other's mistakes well: “What are you taking? You have a triangle! Groups of children in this game are recommended to be swapped.


Of all the variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age didactic games are most widely used. Their main purpose is to provide children with exercises in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions, etc. In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with methods of action.

Despite the external simplicity, each game has a developing effect.

The game is one of the means of knowledge of the world. This is a complex internal, motivated, but at the same time easy and joyful activity for the child.

Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal, shape, color, size.) Representations of children.

Didactic games can be included in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of the lesson on the formation of EMF is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, subject matter, and the content of knowledge.

About the process of teaching preschoolers mathematics, the game is directly included, both in the lesson and in independent, free time, where it is a means of forming new tasks, expanding, clarifying, and consolidating educational material. In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own, develop mental activity, independence of thought, creativity, and initiative.

Games and exercises aimed at developing ideas about the size.

"Which ball is bigger"

Purpose: To explain and demonstrate the difference between large and small balls.

Material: two balls (large and small).

two baskets.

Game progress:

An adult stands at a distance of 3-5 meters from the child and asks to bring him the biggest ball. The child chooses and gives it to an adult, then a small ball. The child must transfer large balls to one basket and small balls to the other.

"Big and small"

Purpose: to teach the child to alternate objects in size.

Material: five large beads (diameter-2mm)

five small beads (diameter - 1mm)

(beads of the same shape and color)

two thin cords

little basket

Game progress:

An adult shows a doll to a child, tells that she came to visit them and brought scattered beads in a basket. Shows the children large beads, strings first a large one, and then a small one (-OoOoO-). While the child is stringing the beads, the adult pronounces the order of the beads. Having made beads with the child, he dresses them for the doll.

"Pick the Sticks"

Purpose: to teach children to disassemble objects of different lengths. Develop attention.

Material: two sets of sticks (long and short)

Game progress:

In front of the child are tangled sticks, of different lengths, he needs to sort them out. Put only short ones on one side, and only long ones on the other.

Similar games:

"Take apart the tapes"

"Untangle your shoelaces"

"Find a Pair"

Purpose: to teach children to find objects similar in two dimensions (length and width), color. Develop children's eye.

Material: ribbons or laces of different lengths and widths.

Game progress:

Children are invited to sort the ribbons or shoelaces in pairs.


Purpose: to teach children quickly, without confusion, to lay out buttons of different sizes. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: 10 buttons - large

10 buttons - small

2 boxes

Game progress:

In front of the child, in a box, there are buttons of various sizes. They need to be sorted out 6 in a small box, only small buttons, and in a large box, only large buttons.

"Look name"

Purpose: to teach children to separate objects and name them according to one sign of size. Develop children's eye.

Game progress:

Children sit in a circle. The teacher asks to name all the objects only big size located around them.

Continuing the game, the teacher asks to name: small items; wide objects; narrow objects; long objects; short and tall objects; low, etc.

"Put down the ladder"

Purpose: to teach to correlate objects in size.

Material: 5 cardboard strips of various lengths.

Game progress:

We put the strips in front of the child and offer them to fold the stairs. When the ladder is ready, the toy dog ​​runs up and down it. She immediately discovers the mistakes and asks them to fix them because she can't climb the stairs. During the construction of the ladder, the child says: “a long strip, now a short one, even shorter and the shortest strip”

"Build a Tower"

Purpose: to teach how to compare objects in size and correlate the volumes of a figure with their planar image.

Material: three cubes of different sizes

Drawing serving as a model.

Game progress:

We invite the child to build a tower from the cubes according to the drawing. He, completing the task, says: “First I take a large cube, then a smaller one, then the smallest one”

"Whose socks are these?"

Purpose: to introduce the concepts of "more", "less".

Material: basket

Several pairs of socks of different sizes, socks of all family members.

Game progress:

There is a basket of socks in front of the children. We take out a sock and ask: “What is it?”, “Whose sock is this?”, “Where is another sock like that?” etc. until all socks are sorted out.

"Spread the Spoons"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between the concepts of "big spoon", "small spoon".

Material: spoons big and small

two glasses.

Game progress:

“You will be assistants today. You need to sort out the spoons, large spoons into a large glass, and small spoons into a small one.

"Pick up the lids for the jar"

"Pick up the lids for the pot"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to distinguish between the concepts of "big-small"

Material: jars or pots of different sizes

covers for them

Game progress:

Children are offered jars or pots. And you need to choose the appropriate size cover for them.

"Narrow and wide path"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the concepts of "long-short", "narrow-wide", "big-small"

Material: two scarves (one large, long, wide; the other narrow, short)

two, any animals (large and small)

Game progress:

“Oh, our animals are going for a walk, but they won’t find the paths”

We suggest making tracks from two different scarves, paying attention to the size of the tracks and animals. The child himself must choose the track for the toy - the animal is suitable in size, i.e. a small animal should walk along a narrow and short path, and a large one along a wide and long one.

"Let's dress the dolls"

Purpose: to teach children to compare the same type of objects of different sizes.

Material: two dolls (big and small)

two sets of clothes (for a large and a small doll)

Game progress:

Children are given two dolls and two sets of clothes. The kid should not know which of the dolls belongs to this or that set of things; let him solve the problem on his own. Explain that the dolls are cold and want to get dressed, the dolls to take apart their clothes. Then, together with the baby, dress the doll.

"Roll the Tape"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish ribbons by length. Show the children that the shorter the ribbon, the faster it rolls, and the longer the ribbon, the longer it takes to roll it.

Material: two ribbons of different lengths on sticks

Game progress:

Two children come out and each take a ribbon. You need to wind the tape to the end. When both children wind the tapes to the end, we pay attention to: who was the first to wind the tape, and why he was the first to wind it; what is the length of the tape? We also pay attention to the child who wound up last and why.


Purpose: to teach to classify objects on the basis of size: large and small.

Materials: two children's buckets (large scarlet)

Ten balls (5 large and 5 small)

Game progress:

You need to harvest apples in a large bucket of large apples, in a small bucket of small apples. The game continues until all the apples are collected, at the end they sum up whether they have collected correctly.

"Hide in your palms."

Purpose: to distinguish the ability to correlate objects by size.

Materials: small and large ball.

Game progress:

We give the baby balloons. We say: “Now I will show you a trick, “crex-pex-fex!”, We pick up a small ball and hide it in the palm of our hand. Ask your child to do the same. We suggest repeating the trick with a large ball. We explain why a large ball cannot be hidden in the palm of your hand. We compare the balls with each other, then with the palm of the child.

"Collect a flower."

Purpose: to teach children to select parts that are suitable in size.

Materials: Six sets of flower parts (stem, petals and middle)

Game progress:

A strong wind blew and broke all the flowers, you need to collect them. Children pick up the petals and the middle according to the size of the stalk to it. At the end of the game, we sum up whether the children collected the flowers correctly.

"Find a house"

Purpose: to develop matching skills.

Material: flat stencils of hares of different sizes.

houses of various sizes.

Game progress:

The teacher tells the children that the hares went out for a walk and got lost. We invite the child to help the bunnies find their houses. The houses are laid out randomly.

"We decorate the Christmas tree"

Purpose: to teach children to navigate in the size of objects (body parts)

Material: doll

Game progress:

We put the child and the doll in front of the mirror and compare body parts in size.

Look, this is me

And this is my doll.

Big, oh big

And the doll has a daughter

Little palms.

And so are all parts of the body.

"We decorate the Christmas tree".

Purpose: to learn to correlate the word with the size of the toy.

Material: two flat Christmas trees (large and small)

Two sets of plane toys

Game progress:

Children are invited to dress up two Christmas trees. Each Christmas tree has its own toys that are suitable in size.

Games and exercises aimed at developing ideas,

about color.


Purpose: to learn how to correctly select the same colors. Develop attention. Build perseverance.

Materials: multi-colored, plane models of balloons, ribbons of the same colors.

Game progress:

The child is invited to choose a ribbon that matches the color of each ball.

"Hide the tape."

Purpose: continue to correctly select the same colors. Develop attention.

Material: multi-colored triangles with windows with a painted mouse and square doors of the same color.

Game progress:

We show the children a toy cat that is getting ready to go hunting. To hide each mouse, you need to close the window with a door of the same color as the house - then the cat will not notice the window.

We invite children to pick up the doors and hide the mice. The game continues until all mice are hidden.

"Multicolored Fields"

Purpose: to teach children to group objects by color. Develop logical thinking. To form strong-willed qualities in children.

Materials: 4 clearings (multi-colored sheets of paper)

items (4 sets) of the same colors.

Game progress:

In front of the children are four empty clearings of different colors. A strong wind blew and blew everything that was on them. It is suggested that children arrange the objects in the clearings, but in such a way that they match the color of the clearings (put all objects that are green in the green clearing, etc.).

You can show different ways to complete the task and consistently compare each item with a clearing.

"Find one."

Purpose: to teach children from a variety of balls of different colors desired. Develop visual coordination. Cultivate a sense of purpose in children.

Materials: balls (small) in different colors.

capacity (baskets) for balls, with signal color designation.

Game progress:

Who mixed up all the balls. Children are invited to arrange the balls in their containers. Each container should contain balls of only one color.


Purpose: to teach children to perceive color by ear and visually correlate it with the subject. Develop eye, observation and auditory attention.

Material: 2-3 pyramids with nozzles of different colors

Game progress:

Mixed nozzles of a pyramid of different colors lie in front of the child. An adult asks a child to choose a nozzle desired color and put it on the rod. Comment on the actions: “For this pyramid, we need rings. Let's find the red ring first,...the yellow ring,...etc." The game continues until the pyramid is completed.

"Find the cube."

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish colors. Develop auditory perception.

Material: sets of cubes of different colors.

Game progress:

The cubes are laid out in accessible places, we invite the child to build a turret. Having found that the cubes are not in place, we are surprised and ask the child to find them. We comment on the actions of the child: “What a fine fellow you are! I found a red cube on the table!” etc.

When all the cubes are found, we build a multi-colored tower.


Purpose: to teach children to classify objects by color. Develop fine motor skills.

Materials: basket, objects of different colors.

Game progress:

We explain to the child that now we will go for a walk around the room or group and collect all the yellow items (red, blue, etc.) in the basket. having previously laid out objects, toys and other safe things. When looking for objects, we advise: “Is this a red pencil? Are we taking it?" We select things of a different color, we awaken the child to explain to you that you were mistaken.

"Close the marker."

Purpose: to teach children to systematize objects on the basis of color. Develop fine motor skills.

Material: felt-tip pens of different colors.

Game progress:

The child is invited to pick up the cap and close the marker. The cap is the same color as the marker. The game continues until all markers are closed.

"Proper Carrot"

Purpose: we continue to teach children to classify objects based on color.

Material: figures of carrots of different colors cut out of cardboard.

Game progress:

We cut all the figures into two parts. We offer the child to treat the bunny with carrots. But the bunny does not eat blue and green carrots, they are not real. Therefore, it is necessary to collect all the figures of yellow and orange.