I lost my passport where to apply. What to do if your passport is lost - instructions for citizens of St. Petersburg.

  • Application for the loss of a passport in writing.
  • Application for the issuance of a new passport in the form of DP-1.
  • 4 photographs of the established format.
  • Payment receipt state duty.

Together with these documents, we send to the FMS department at the place of residence or temporary registration.

How to restore a passport if lost and keep all the data from the old document? Very simple. Depending on what information should be present in the restored document, it is necessary to provide the FMS with the following additional information:

  • Certificate of registration or divorce.
  • Military ID.
  • A document that confirms your registration at the place of residence.
  • Birth certificates of children.

Application for lost passport

If you lose your Russian passport, one of the documents that you must submit to the Federal Migration Service to restore it is a statement about the loss of your passport.

It should be noted that the legislation does not provide for any special requirements for the application, except that it must be drawn up in writing and signed by the applicant.

Information to be included in the application:

  • When the passport was lost.
  • Under what circumstances.
  • Where was the document lost?

You should not confuse 2 things: you should not go to the internal affairs bodies with a statement about the loss of your passport, they only register the facts of the theft of your documents.

How to recover a lost Russian passport?

If I lost my passport, how to restore it?

After you have come to the Federal Migration Service with the necessary package of documents and it has been accepted from you, you should be given an appropriate receipt.

The passport must be issued by the Federal Migration Service in the following terms:

  • If the applicant has a permanent registration on the territory of the FMS division - within 10 days.
  • If there is no such registration or the lost passport was issued by another department, the FMS authorities may delay the execution of the document for up to 2 months.

When accepting documents, the FMS officer must inform the applicant of the date of production of a new passport and the date of its receipt.

Lost Passport Recovery: Temporary Identity Card

Procedure for obtaining a temporary identity card

If the application and documents for the restoration of the passport have already been submitted to the FMS, you have the legal right to demand the issuance of a temporary identity card for the period that will be required for its preparation. You must additionally bring 1 photo in the established format. There is one important nuance here: if your previous passport was issued in another place (perhaps even a region), then FMS employees may delay the process of issuing a temporary certificate. How is this justified? You will be told that for the issuance of such a certificate, it will take time to verify the identity of the applicant, and during this period new passport.

In situations of particular urgency, a citizen has every right to insist and demand the implementation of the procedure in short term to be issued with a temporary identity card. But for this it is required to present any document that will prove his identity. These can be: a military ID, a pension certificate, a passport, etc.

In addition, FMS employees have the right to send an interdepartmental request to the military unit (where the military service citizen), send a request to the enterprise, where in this moment the applicant works.

These actions are aimed at expediting the procedure for issuing a temporary identity card.

How to recover a lost passport: the nuances you should know about

When submitting an application, the FMS authorities have the right to require only documents that are provided for by the administrative regulations. But very often in practice there are situations when they illegally request the following papers:

  • Certificate of your place of residence (address certificate). You do not have to provide this document, since the FMS authorities can request it on their own upon an interdepartmental request.
  • Coupon notification that your application for the loss of a passport is registered with the internal affairs bodies. In fact, such a document is required if your passport was stolen.
  • Documents confirming the applicant's citizenship of the Russian Federation. These can be various extracts from house books, copies of registration cards, etc. But, again, the reclamation of these documents is not legal, since the applicant had already established the fact of having citizenship of the Russian Federation - he had a passport in his hands, which was lost.

Therefore, if you are required to have “extra” papers and, on the basis of this, they do not take documents for issuing a new passport, ask for a written refusal and defend your rights in court!

How much does it cost to restore a passport if it is lost?

There is a statutory fee that must be paid during the renewal of a passport. The amount of the state duty for the restoration of a lost passport of the Russian Federation is 1500 rubles. This includes such actions of citizens as unintentional damage to the passport. For example, it was brought into disrepair, accidentally washed.


How to restore a passport - such a question can be taken by surprise. The main thing is not to panic, and contact as soon as possible in migration service with the necessary documents.

The modern rhythm of life provides for a constant rush, in which you can easily lose your valuables. For example, the main document for identification is a general passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Residents of the country often carry it with them, as it is also necessary when contacting government and commercial organizations. It is especially scary if you lost your passport in a foreign city. In addition, without a passport, you will not be able to get one, if you have one.


The legislation states that a negligent attitude to a document entails an administrative penalty under article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

And it will take much more time and effort to restore it than to lose it. We are talking about the loss of a passport, since in the event of a theft, a slightly different algorithm of actions involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If there is a question, how to restore a passport , if you are a minor, this should be handled by a parent or guardian.

What not to do if you lose your passport

First, don't panic. All problems are solved, including this one. You need to apply for the restoration of a passport in case of loss.

Secondly, if your passport is lost, do not seek help from the police, as they will only deal with cases that involve fraud or theft.

And thirdly, do not hesitate. For the loss of a passport or its damage, you are guaranteed administrative responsibility.


Awareness of the fact that, despite the size of the fines, losing a passport is a real offense.

The amount of the fine for the loss of a passport

The longer you do not apply to the necessary authority, if your passport is lost, the greater the fine will be. Depending on the measure of the violation, there can only be a verbal warning or a fine of 100-300 rubles.

But if you have not applied for a long time to the migration service that you have lost your passport, then this can be considered as a citizen’s intentional residence at the place of residence without an identity document. And this is Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The sanction for the loss of a passport in this case is from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles, and for residents of the capital and St. Petersburg, the amount may increase to 5,000 rubles. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to apply for restoration on the day you lost your passport.


Article 19.15 will only apply to a person if his guilt is proven. You can refute the allegations within 10 days.

It is also important to pay the fine before the expiration of 60 days, otherwise the amount will be doubled. Even for this, they can appoint an administrative arrest and forced labor.

Where to go if you lose your passport

Gathering everything Required documents if you lose your passport, go to the migration department. It could be:

  • the department where you are registered (if you do not currently have a residence permit, you should figure it out, or you can apply for which they reach 5 years);
  • temporary registration service;
  • a place where you have the right to stay on a temporary basis.

The time of the procedure depends on the place of application. The deadline for loss must be announced by the FMS employee, and the exact date when you can pick up finished document. If this is in your native region, then the process will take up to 10 days, if in a foreign one, then the terms for restoring your passport increase to 60. The same period if you received your passport in another unit.

But what to do if you lost your passport, and you need it immediately - you can get a temporary identity card. It only requires an additional photo.

If you have lost your passport in a foreign city, you can take with you the ticket with which you arrived. This will save you from the penalty for staying without registration if the stay did not exceed three days.

Modern innovations

From January 1, 2016, all exchange procedures now require the issuance of a new e-passport- biometric. The procedure can be either a personal appeal to the FMS or through the website. The second method is more modern and will save you from the long line waiting under the inspector's door. The algorithm of actions, if you lost your passport, is as follows.

  • Registration on the website.
  • Waiting for test results.
  • Next, you receive a notification in which the day of the visit to the migration service is indicated. The time is assigned individually, it cannot be missed or rescheduled.

What documents are needed to renew a passport

Consider, or restore it? In a situation of direct appeal to the migration department, for 2017 the following list of documents is needed to restore a passport.

  1. Handwritten application for loss of passport.
  2. Any proof of identity (the more the better).
  3. Application for the issuance of a new document (in the form of DP-1).
  4. 4 passport photos.
  5. Receipt (or details) of payment of the state duty for the loss of a passport in the amount of 500-1500 rubles (check the exact amount at your branch).

In the first application, you will need to describe in detail the time, place and circumstances when you lost your passport. Information must be accurate and convincing. There are no special requirements for the second application, except for a signature at the end and independent writing.

If you want more information in the new document, then the list can be added:

  • military ID;
  • birth certificates of children, if it is lost or damaged, find out;
  • marriage certificate (and its dissolution, if any);
  • document of registration (or actual residence).

After visiting the FMS, you should be given an appropriate receipt for the restoration of your passport.

No more documents are needed, the requirement of additional ones is also an offense. Make sure that it is not allowed, otherwise you will have to redo the document again. If together with a passport, they also need to be restored.

Temporary passport

This document is usually issued only at the request of the applicant. This is your legal right, therefore, if necessary, do not hesitate to demand it from employees if you lose your passport. It can be issued on the same day. This is also an important document, and is recorded in the ledger.

To expedite its issuance, you will need to present your identity card. It can be a pension certificate, a passport or a military ID.

But it will only be a certificate. If you have lost your passport, you will not be able to do any more complex procedures with a temporary form. You just need to wait for the restoration of the official document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The same rules for the restoration of a passport and when it is damaged (for example, accidentally washed). You may also be wondering how to get a car if the document is lost along with the passport.

Losing things is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, especially if we are talking about personal documents. To lose this or that paper is a matter of seconds, but to restore it you will have to work hard. Most often in our country there is a loss of such a document as a passport, which is not surprising, because it is he who is the main identifier of the person and should be with anyone.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways of how to solve legal problems. Your case is individual.

If you lose your passport, do not panic. What happened, happened, so you need to soberly assess the situation and think over the further algorithm of your actions. The material below is intended to help in this event, in which you will find information on where to contact, if, what such a loss is fraught with and how to act correctly when a loss is detected.

Passport is one of the most important documents!

This is a very important document in our country. It is issued to all residents of Russia with the onset of a certain age and requires periodic renewal. It is the passport that is the main identifier (determinant) of the identity of a citizen, so losing it is a serious matter.

Lose so much desired document not only unpleasant for its owner, but also punishable. The fact is that in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF) there is a specific article that defines the circumstances for a negligent attitude with a passport and similar documents.

In accordance with current legislation, for the loss of a passport threatens, equal to a sum of money from 100 to 300 rubles. Of course, the punishment is not so severe, but it is such only if the citizen notified the relevant government agencies about the loss of the document as soon as it was discovered.

In those situations where a person deliberately does not want to restore a passport, knowing about its loss, penalty will grow and be able to reach the mark of 5,000 rubles. In any case, a citizen can be imposed only if his guilt in the loss of the document is proved. So, for example, if a person's passport was damaged in any emergency (fire, flood, etc.), the authorized state bodies do not have the right to fine it.

In addition to direct liability before the law, the loss of a passport is also dangerous because unscrupulous citizens who have found someone else's document can use it for their own unscrupulous purposes. Such actions of third parties, in case of untimely application of a person who has lost his passport to the authorized state bodies, are capable of delivering a considerable number of problems to the latter in the future. Is it worth postponing the restoration of the document, given the consequences presented earlier? Probably not.

How to restore a document

If you have lost your passport, you need to file a corresponding application.

As noted earlier, having lost your passport, you should not panic. First of all, analyze the loss and try to "hot pursuit" to find the document yourself. Also, be sure to make sure that the document is lost, and, for example, did not fall behind the cabinet.

Having confirmed the fact of the loss of a passport, it is important to begin to carry out a specific set of procedures for restoring the document. Remember, the sooner you start this event, the more likely you are to avoid some problems in the future. The general procedure for restoring a passport is as follows:

  • If the loss of a passport is related to its theft and you have solid arguments in favor of this fact, then you need to visit the police station at your place of registration or at the place where you are currently staying. In the event that it was lost due to your negligence, then you need to go to the nearest department of the migration service (in other words, the passport office).
  • Once in one of the above government agencies, you need to make some statements:
  1. a notification paper about the loss of a passport;
  2. application for a new document;
  3. statement about the theft of a passport (if this fact takes place).

It is important to draw up all papers in a special form, which will be provided by employees of the state body of your application. Do not forget that you can apply for a new document to the migration service only with a certain list of documents. Obligatory papers for passport renewal are:

  • directly an application drawn up in a special form 1P;
  • notification card stating that an application for the loss of a passport has been filed;
  • the very statement about the loss of the document;
  • documents that need to be amended when replacing a passport (certificate of registration or divorce, military ID, birth certificate of children, etc.);
  • a document confirming your citizenship in the Russian Federation (registration statements, birth certificate, etc.);
  • a receipt for payment of a fine and;
  • if available or necessary, a notification from the police about your application for the theft of a passport and 4 photos of a “passport” format.

It is important to understand that, depending on the individual characteristics of a particular case, it may be necessary to supplement the list of documentation with some other documents. Remember that if you lose your passport abroad, you must submit all applications and papers not to the migration service, but to the consulate.

After submitting all the papers to the relevant government agency, it remains only to wait for the new passport to be restored. The term for restoring a document is different and depends on how complete the list of papers you provided and where you applied. As a rule, the recovery time is as follows:

  • when applying - up to 10 days;
  • when applying at the place of stay, but not registration - up to 60 days;
  • when applying to the consulate - from 30 to 90 days.

It is worth noting that, if necessary, you can issue a temporary paper proving your identity and which is an analogue of a passport. To do this, you will have to write an additional application to the state body of your application and, without fail, provide its employees with one photo in a "passport" format.

The production time for a temporary passport is from 3 to 10 days.

Nuances of the procedure

The procedure for renewing a passport is quite simple.

As you can see, the procedure for restoring a passport on the territory of the Russian Federation is not so difficult to implement. Despite this, even it has some nuances, knowing which you can greatly simplify the implementation of all events and speed up the process of obtaining a new document. The main features of the restoration of the passport are presented below:

  1. Remember that you will not be able to restore your passport for free. Before visiting the migration service or another government agency, be sure to prepare at least 2,000 rubles - 1,500 to pay the state fee for obtaining a new document and 100-300 rubles to pay a possible fine.
  2. Never delay the appeal to the authorized organizations with a notification of the loss of a passport. This is not only fraught with additional sanctions, but can also complicate the process of obtaining a new document.
  3. If possible, it is advisable to apply for passport renewal at the passport office at the place of your registration. Such a measure will not only save your time, but also simplify the procedure for obtaining a new document.
  4. If the deadline for issuing a passport is legally delayed, be sure to obtain a temporary document proving your identity. Having carried out a simple procedure, you can make your life much easier for the period until it is manufactured by midnight organizations.
  5. receiving new document, do not run and do not look in a hurry for a photo studio. You can take all the necessary photos without any problems at the place of application for a new passport. It is much more important to collect the necessary list of documents, because without it, no one will consider your application for the restoration of a passport.

In addition to those presented above, there are no nuances in the process of restoring a passport if it is lost. Before starting all the procedures, it will be enough just to take into account these features of the event.

In general, restoring a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation if it is lost is quite simple. The main thing in this event is not to panic, act thoughtfully and in accordance with the material presented above. We hope that today's article has answered your questions. Good luck recovering the document!

Where to turn if you find someone else's passport? The answers are in the video:

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In life, people often find themselves in the most unforeseen situations. One such surprise is the loss of documents. The abyss can be anything. But the disappearance of a passport entails the most serious consequences. The fact is that the absence of the most important document in life makes a person practically powerless and unprotected. He temporarily becomes a "citizen in question" and loses many opportunities. It is, of course, an unpleasant matter, but you should not be very upset in advance. We'll fix everything. You just need to clearly know how to restore a passport in case of loss.

Unexpected situations

The loss of a passport can occur anywhere: in transport, on the street or in any public institution. There can also be several reasons:

  1. You can forget your passport at the institution when processing any documents.
  2. It may have been intentionally stolen.
  3. It can be lost on a trip along with other things.
  4. Finally, the document may simply fall out of the pocket.

The list of possible situations is endless. But all options, one way or another, are divided into 2 categories:

  • the loss;
  • theft.

In any case, information on how to restore a passport in case of loss will not be superfluous. And, of course, you should not immediately panic, get upset or fight in hysterics. Yes, there is little to enjoy here. But there is always a way out of any situation. And only knowing how to restore a passport in case of loss, you can remain calm. Life doesn't end there. At such a moment, one must be especially collected and cold-blooded.

What will the loss of a passport lead to?

There are times when the situation resolves itself. For example, documents were left in public transport and ended up in the lost and found office. Then it remains only to contact the administration with a request for a refund. But it doesn't always work out that way. Most often, citizens do not know where their passport may be. It seemed to be with him, but now he is not. In this case, law enforcement officers come to the rescue. They can always explain in detail how to restore a passport in case of loss and provide all possible assistance in solving the problem. First you need to decide: the identity card was lost or stolen. In the first case, the citizen himself is to blame for what is happening and will have to bear the appropriate administrative punishment for improper handling of documents. In the second case, the guilt of the person is completely removed, and the state begins to deal with the restoration of rights. True, the solution of the issue itself is significantly delayed, but the citizen will not have to pay for his idleness.

Issue price

Before going through the authorities, one must clearly imagine the future costs and understand how much it costs to restore a passport. In accordance with existing laws, all costs can be conditionally divided into 2 parts:

1) negligence fee;

2) reimbursement of expenses for issuing a new passport.

After discovering the loss, a citizen must contact the passport office and give a full explanation of this fact. The management is authorized on the spot to independently decide on the punishment. A citizen may be warned or fined in the amount of 100-300 rubles. Then you will have to contact the Migration Service, which will subsequently issue a new one. This service is paid, but it will cost relatively inexpensively. Only 500 rubles - and you can sleep peacefully. In the future, the service workers will deal with the issue, and the citizen will need to come at the appointed time and get a new document in his hands.

What is more expensive?

Some people, having learned how much it costs to restore a passport, are outraged with indignation. They believe that they are not to blame for the loss, therefore they are not obliged to pay for something. But, if you think about it, the existing price, in principle, is not so great compared to the problems that may arise if the passport falls into the wrong hands. A person without knowing it can lose everything in a matter of hours or days. An enterprising kidnapper or someone who accidentally found a document can easily get a loan, or purchase equipment or even real estate in someone else's name. Nowadays, these issues are solved quite simply. In a day, the real owner of the passport can fall into such financial bondage, from which it will be difficult for him to get out for the rest of his life. It is here that the same application for the loss of a document, which should be written in the passport office, can come to the rescue. On top of that, the conducted handwriting examination will confirm the non-involvement of the owner. So a small fine and a state duty are just a small price to pay for future peace and confidence in the future.

Recovery procedure

If, nevertheless, a citizen has lost his passport, how to restore it and where to apply is the first thing that comes to his mind. The chronological sequence of actions in such a situation should be approximately as follows:

The application process usually takes about 10 days. After that, you can come and pick up the finished passport. It should also be noted that additional documents may be required for registration:

  • an extract from confirming registration at a specific place of residence;
  • (for men);
  • marriage or divorce certificate (if any);
  • birth certificates of children (if any).

Consequences of theft

But what if a citizen was robbed, and not he himself lost his passport? How to restore the document in this case? The difference between theft and loss is, in principle, insignificant. It allows the owner to save only on an administrative fine. Otherwise, the sequence of steps is practically the same, with a few exceptions. Immediately after the theft, the citizen must, first of all, contact the district police department. Here he is obliged to write a detailed statement about how and under what circumstances his passport was stolen. Here he will also be given a certificate (coupon) of the appropriate sample, which will later be the basis for issuing a new document. Only after that you should go to the passport office or MS RF. If the fact of theft is officially registered by the internal affairs bodies (there is a notification in the form of a coupon), then the owner of the stolen passport is automatically exempted from paying an administrative fine. All subsequent actions are carried out in the same order in accordance with the law.

If the loss occurred in Moscow

There is a situation when a person, being registered in another city, lives and works in Moscow or is in the capital on some personal business. What to do if he loses his passport in a foreign city? In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. You can restore a passport in Moscow in the same way as in any other locality in Russia. There is a single order of the Federal Migration Service No. 336 dated December 7, 2009, which allows any citizen to apply for help. The issue will be resolved in the usual manner, with the only difference that the deadline for issuing a new document will increase to 2 months. There are even special law firms that, for a fee, provide assistance in accompanying the relevant documents for the restoration of an identity card. With their help, you can get a passport much faster. They take care of carrying out this difficult procedure and observing the rule of law. Foreign citizens deprived of such an opportunity. They can recover lost documents only at home. And in order to leave Russia without documents, they will need to contact their embassy with a request to issue an appropriate certificate.

Trouble in a foreign city

No one can know in advance what will happen to him in a minute. Leaving the city, everyone thinks that nothing bad will happen to him. But often everything turns out the other way around. What should a person do if he is robbed away from home? How to renew a passport in another city? The answer again follows from the regulations of the FMS of Russia. It clearly states that passports are issued both at the place of residence and at the place of application or stay of a citizen. It also specifies the list of documents required for this procedure. The regulation also indicates the need to be carried out in accordance with the tax code of the country. And it doesn't matter where the citizen is: in Kamchatka or in St. Petersburg. The law equally protects the rights of absolutely all citizens of such a huge state as Russia. At the time of paperwork, the victim is issued a certificate with a photograph pasted into it to confirm his identity.

Where will they help?

Life is full of surprises and trouble can happen anywhere. Even if the document was lost in the deep forest, do not lose heart. Every adult citizen should know where to renew a passport. You just need to contact the FMS of the nearest settlement and tell about your problem. Employees are required to accept a statement from a person and proceed with paperwork. If the original passport was obtained at the same branch, then a new one can be expected in 10 days. Otherwise, after two months, the person will again become a full citizen and will have a new identity card in his hands. The same should be done if the passport burned down during a fire or lost due to some other natural disaster. With all necessary additional documents recovery is just a matter of time. No one will turn away from a person if trouble has happened to him. Even if it's not the first time it happened.

More about the theft case

Theft is not uncommon these days. Anyone can be in this situation. Suppose someone's passport is stolen. How to recover a stolen document, what needs to be done for this? In this case, the first instance is the police. After filing a statement about what happened, you must contact the investigator who is conducting this case. He will hand over a copy of the theft. It will also indicate that the citizen is recognized as a victim in this case. Together with the decision, the police are required to issue a certificate stating that the person’s passport was lost due to theft, and this case is currently under official investigation. Police officers do not always want to issue such documents. But if you ask persistently, you can achieve the desired result. The rest of the order remains the same. 2 months after applying to the migration service, you can wait for an invitation to obtain a new passport.

A person receives at least three passports in his life. But a number of circumstances force him to apply to the migration authorities much more times. This also applies to those cases when a person has lost his passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This happens very rarely in society, therefore, few people know what documents are needed to restore a passport if it is lost in 2017.

Where to go

The procedure, as well as their issuance, in 2017 is completely under the jurisdiction of the General Directorate for Migration. To regulate this issue, internal regulations have been developed, but each stage and the necessary documents are described in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the passport ..."

According to its norms, in case of loss of a passport, a person must contact the territorial department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of permanent registration or temporary residence. As a rule, a person applies to the unit in the area where he is registered.

You can apply for admission on the Portal of State and Municipal Services, through multifunctional centers or directly at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

What are the possible consequences

In case of loss, write an appropriate statement addressed to the chief official branch to which you apply in order to restore documents. If a person has lost his passport, then he must pay a state fee for providing a new one. Its size in 2017 is one and a half thousand rubles.

The proof of the fact that a citizen lost his passport due to his own negligence also leads to administrative responsibility. Sanctions are alternative: a simple warning or a fine of up to three hundred rubles.

A much more serious punishment is provided for those who lived without a passport for more than a month and were not going to restore it until the documents were needed somewhere. Although a lot is decided by the employee accepting the application and the head of the unit.

Often, at the first violation of Article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the offense is not registered if the person lost the document, but showed promptness and applied immediately. In this case, data on the invalidity of the passport is entered into the databases of the Main Department of Internal Affairs during the day. This is necessary so that the people who found or stole it could no longer use it for selfish purposes.

List of submitted documents

The main package of documents submitted to the migration authorities must include (in case of loss of a Russian passport):

  • a statement about the loss or theft of an identity document, handwritten in free form;
  • an application on the model of 2017 with a request to reissue a passport (filled out in clear handwriting, without abbreviations, abbreviations, corrections, strikethroughs, etc.);
  • a ticket-notification issued to the police in case of theft, in order to register this crime;
  • a receipt with a notice of payment of a state fee in the amount of 1,500 rubles in order to restore the document (in case of loss);
  • 4 passport photos 35x45 mm. Additional photos are needed if you need a temporary certificate.

Additional package of papers

In some cases, in the process of recovery in case of loss, the applicant may also be required to provide such certificates, certificates, which, as a rule, are not included in the main list in the Russian Federation. What documents are most often needed in case of loss of a passport?

  • Birth certificate of children, respectively, if available.
  • Military ID - to mark the service as a duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation, deferment or exemption from it.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce - to determine the current status of a person.

Perhaps a person may need some other documents, certificates, for example, related to registration. The exact list is better to check with the UVM in the district.

Both originals and copies of all documents are taken with you to the appointment. The originals will immediately be given to the owner, photocopies will be given to restore the passport. If it is impossible to take any original, then a notarized copy follows.

It is not uncommon for an employee of the Migration Department of the Russian Federation to require documentary evidence Russian citizenship. But this is illegal and pointless, since belonging to a particular state is checked before issuing a passport at the age of 14. And in this case there is only a recovery procedure for the loss.

What to do next

After the documents are submitted, the person is issued, immediately or after a short period of time, a temporary certificate. Its action is limited to two months - the maximum recovery period.

Do not forget that the standard replacement by age, name change is made in 2017 much faster than the recovery process. For this reason, it is better to issue a temporary identity document. As a rule, the consideration of the application takes no more than a month. During this time, employees check the submitted data on the old passport of the Russian Federation, which the citizen has lost.

The correctness of the data provided allows in most cases to issue a new passport in just 10 days. But subject to its registration at the place of permanent registration. The UVM in the area of ​​temporary residence checks the identity for up to two months. Stolen documents are also replaced much longer than two weeks.