What is a filing unit? Production time for a new passport.


Anyone who has ever encountered the procedure for issuing or renewing a passport knows for sure what queues had to be defended at OVIR in order to first hand over the documents and then pick up the finished ones. Yes, and it was not always possible to submit a package of documents the first time. If the receiving inspector found errors, the package of documents was sent for correction, which meant a second visit to the Federal Service and standing in endless exhausting queues.

With the advent of the Internet and the development of electronic services in this area getting a passport just got a whole lot easier.

STEP 1 Registration on the GOSSLUGI portal

The first step is to register for website of the State Services. The registration steps are quite simple and clear, a prerequisite is the presence of an email address and a SNILS (compulsory pension insurance) number.

You choose your region, enter personal data, specify email, SNILS number and a notification and a link to confirm registration will be sent to your email address. After confirmation, you must continue the registration procedure and at the last step indicate the correct postal address to which the activation code will be sent to enter your personal account on the State Services portal. As a rule, it takes up to 14 days.

You can speed up the receipt of the activation code by contacting the sales and customer service center of Rostelecom, or by purchasing an electronic signature from the same company. In the latter case, registration on the State Services portal is not required.

STEP 2 Registration of a passport

Entering your personal account on the State Services website, you must select the "electronic services" menu and the corresponding service. Further, from the list of possible options for the services of the Federal migration service choose the one you need.

The international passport today is issued in two versions: the old sample and the new (biometric). By completing and submitting the appropriate form to in electronic format, within a few days it will be considered and, if accepted, you will be notified of the date and time of arrival at the OVIR. The status of the submitted application can always be found in your personal account.

For an old-style passport, it can take up to 2 weeks until a new document is issued. According to the readiness of the passport, the day and time of arrival at Federal Service. The original documents are verified with the data indicated in electronic form, they are handed over paper photos, and in a few minutes you will receive a ready-made passport.

When biometric passport 2-3 days later you are assigned a day and time to visit the department for the purpose of photographing. For biometric passport the photo will be taken directly at the Federal Migration Service. When the passport is ready, a corresponding notification is sent, where and at what time it can be obtained.

In reality, for those who decide to issue an old-style international passport to the Federal Migration Service, they really have to come only once upon completion of the document.
But those who want to get a biometric passport will have to visit the FMS service twice. The first time on the appointed day and time to take a picture and the second time on your own to receive the document.

How does it work in practice?

Of course, sending questionnaires via the Internet, it would seem, should facilitate the procedure for obtaining a passport. However, in reality, in order to use the new service, it is necessary, firstly, to register on the State Services portal at least two weeks in advance. Not all of our compatriots can plan their actions in such a way in advance. But the main inconvenience is that the day and main time of visiting the service for persons who sent electronic questionnaire, is appointed on certain days and always at an extremely inconvenient work time. If you do not have the opportunity to take time off from work and rush to the OVIR for an appointment every minute, this method is unlikely to suit you. Many people try to do their personal business either after work or on weekends. Fortunately, the FMS service in many regions began to work in the evening on weekdays and on weekends on Saturdays.

If you decide to prepare a package of documents in a classic paper form and submit them yourself in the general queue, then it is recommended to choose for this not the most peak and rush time on the eve of summer holidays or New Year holidays. The FMS portal today has all the necessary data up to the rules for filling out the questionnaire, Contact phone numbers Your regional service, in which you can clarify all the nuances.

Passport readiness you can check it yourself on the FMS portal using the reference number, which the inspector will write out when receiving documents or "in the old fashioned way" in the registration books located in OVIR. Get finished document possible on any reception day according to the schedule for issuing passports.

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There are several options for processing documents for a passport. Recently, the State Services portal has become increasingly popular. To register on the site, you will need an account, which opens up great opportunities for the user. This option has many advantages, for example, you can submit documents at any time when it is convenient for the user. In this case, there is no need to stand in line at the migration service.

Turning to the services of the State Services portal, the applicant is assigned a day and time when he should come to the migration service office to submit documents. At the same time, an application made through the portal has the same legal force as that submitted in writing.

How to apply for a passport through the State Services?

Registration of a passport on the website of the State Service

Registration of a passport through the State Services is conditionally divided into three stages. After you have logged in to the portal, you should go to your personal account and refer to the section in which it is proposed to issue a passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation. Next, it is important to choose one of the options for a passport - the old or the new sample. Each of them has its own advantages. One of them is the state duty - it is less for an old-style document, children fit in here, that is, they do not need to issue a separate passport. But at the same time, a new passport is valid for 10 years, and an old one - 5.

However, with the new passport it is easier to go through border control, the presence of passports for children greatly simplifies moving abroad. But in any case, the choice of the type of passport always remains with the applicant.

The new passport and the old one have no advantages at the border - both are valid.

Instructions on how to get a new generation passport for the 18th citizen.

Issuance of a new passport

In the same way, a passport is issued on the website of the state service to persons: for a child from 14-18 years old, for a child under 14 years old.

Other categories of citizens

To whom is a passport issued?

When applying for a passport through the State Services, you should be careful. For example, if the document is intended for a child, it should be understood that for minors under 14 years of age, an application of one type, and for those who are from 14 to 18 - another. Next, you need to select the design option - in our case, this is an electronic version, and not a personal visit to the office of the department. The next step requires responsibility - filling out the application electronically.

When applying for a passport through the State Services, many of the information for the application is taken from the personal information that the applicant fills out when registering on the portal. If some information is entered incorrectly, this can be corrected by going to the "Change data" section. The applicant gets the opportunity to edit the necessary information. Those who changed their surname should indicate this when filling out the application. Information about the second citizenship, if any, is no exception.

How to get a passport?

Of great importance is the place of obtaining a passport. It is one thing if the application indicates the place of registration of the passport at the place of residence using the State Services website. Then the procedure will last no more than a month. If the applicant indicates the place of actual residence or temporary stay, then the period for issuing a passport is extended to 4 months. However, it is important to understand that the application is required to indicate the place of residence, which is determined by the stamp in the Russian passport.

The State Services Portal offers to immediately take a passport photo. In a special section, the parameters that the image must correspond to are indicated. The lines defining the location of the head, eyes and shoulders are marked. Next, a picture is selected from the computer and uploaded to the State Services website. Provided that the portal has approved the photo, it is cropped, aligned, focusing on the recommendations that the public service website gives.

In the application form, when applying for a passport through the State Services, you should specify information about the purposes for which a foreign passport is issued, these may be temporary trips or residence in another country. The application must indicate the country where the applicant plans to live. Do you have another passport? Then this information must also be provided.

When applying for a passport through the State Services, the application must indicate the places of work and addresses of companies for the last 10 years. Provided that the break in work was more than a month, be sure to indicate this, as well as the address of residence at that time. In order to add information, you should refer to the "Add data" button.

In the application that is offered on the website of the State Services for issuing a passport, it is required to indicate information that tells about secrecy, contractual obligations, military service, criminal record and court restrictions. For those who have something to do with information related to state secrets, the issuance of a passport can take up to 3 months.

As for the branch where you can get a document, you can select it on the map, which will determine the place of residence according to the site.

List of departments of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It remains to find out at what time you can visit the office when applying for a passport through the State Services. It is required to confirm consent to the processing of data and the application is sent to the migration service.

How to apply?

After the application is accepted for consideration, the department employee notifies the applicant in his personal account of the date when it is required to provide the original documents. The list contains all the information you need. After the package of documents is prepared, it is provided to the Federal Migration Service during a personal visit.

After 20 days, if the application was submitted at the place of residence, the applicant is invited to the office of the migration service to obtain a passport.

A passport is required for all citizens who love to travel. It is also useful for those who are not an avid tourist, but at any time can go on vacation to another country. Many citizens of the Russian Federation have a passport, but it is an old model. Of course, it is quite possible to have such a document, no one will force you to change it. However, there are a number of reasons why a new passport still gives more privileges than the old one.

  • A new document is valid for 10 years, and an old one for 5 years;
  • The new sample has 46 pages, the old one has 36;
  • Passage through the border is faster, while in the presence of the old sample, the queue goes as usual.

How to apply for a new passport through the State Services website

It is necessary to go through the registration stage on the gosuslugi.ru website, and then follow these steps:

The list of documents required for obtaining a passport

There are basic documents that will be required when applying for a passport. Documents will be required, the data of which will need to be entered into an electronic form.

  • Passport;
  • Passport, if available, and it has not expired;
  • For males, a military ID will be required;
  • Color or black and white photography.

How to fill out an application for a passport through the State Services website

The application must be filled out very carefully without making mistakes. You will be given forms to fill out.

What should be the photo when applying for a passport

In order for the design not to slow down, the photos must be correct and meet absolutely all the requirements:

A foreign passport is a document that expands the horizons for citizens, makes it possible to travel not only within the territory of their own country, but also in other states. This document certifies the identity of its owner outside of Russia. Obtaining a passport is a simple procedure, but requires some attention and care. Russians can apply and get a document different ways, but the most convenient - through the Internet. How is a passport issued through the State Services? What is the procedure for accessing the state portal? if the documents are submitted through the State Portal?

Benefits of the State Service Portal

The easiest and most understandable method for citizens of the post-Soviet space to process official documents is to visit the passport office, or rather, the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many Russians out of habit come to the institution and stand in line for hours.

For several years in the country there has been an opportunity to submit documents and an application via the Internet on the website of the State Service. This online service is legal. Obtaining or changing a passport in this way is legal. Remote presentation of documentation saves time and nerves for applicants foreign passport.

An electronic application is issued within 20-30 minutes. The portal provides an opportunity for applicants to download the application form, taking into account all the regulatory changes being made. The application is accompanied by full instructions for filling it out. The instruction is included in the application file. For an inexperienced user, there is no particular difficulty in filling out the form.

A Russian who registers on the State Services website can order various services, pay utility bills and fines, etc. When submitting documents online, you can generate a receipt and pay for the service. How much does a passport cost is indicated on the website. If there is no desire to pay the bill via the Internet, a citizen can print it. Depending on the type of document, the amount of payment and the package of documents differ. How much you need to pay for the issuance of a passport is indicated on the website.

The personal account has a history of accessing the service. This is extremely convenient for tracking your activity on the site and finding individual requests.

Passport Options

Citizens of Russia can submit documents and an application for a new and old-style foreign document. Each applicant has the right to decide independently which type to issue. A new type of international passport is recognized as more reliable than an old-style one. To do this, you need to do fingerprinting (fingerprints). All information is contained in an electronic microchip.

Both document types are equivalent. Their validity period and registration price differ significantly. How much does an old version of a foreign passport cost? For an old-style passport, you will have to pay at least 2000 rubles. This amount is valid for all applicants over 14 years of age, except for persons living in the Kaliningrad region. They have the right to receive a foreign document for free. Small applicants for an old-style foreign identity card pay 1,000 rubles. This amount will have to be paid by their parents or guardians for processing the document.

How much does a new certificate cost? 3500 rubles. This amount is indicated in legislative acts and, accordingly, on the website of the State Service. There is a lower fee for applicants under 14 years of age. They will give at least 1,500 rubles to the treasury. Residents of Kaliningrad and the region do not pay the state fee. Such an amendment is indicated on the portal on the tabs for. The payment receipt contains the name of the passport applicant. If parents pay the state duty for a minor, the name of the child must be on the receipt. Otherwise, the passport will not be issued.

The difference in price is compensated by the validity of both samples. A new type of foreign document will be used for 10 years. The old-style document loses its validity after 5 years. occurs after this period or due to changes in personal data or circumstances. A significant change in appearance becomes the reason for the exchange of a passport. As a result, children under the age of 12 prefer to apply for an old type of passport.

If it is not possible to make a separate passport for each child, you can enter their data in the passport of one of the parents or guardians. But this can only be done in an old-style document. At the same time, it should be understood that the entry does not certify the identity of the child abroad and it is possible to cross the borders only in the presence of the parent in whose foreign document the child is recorded.

Since the end of 2015, Russians have been allowed to apply for a second foreign passport. This decision is made if:

  • a citizen often leaves Russia;
  • he practically filled out a valid foreign passport;
  • he needs to apply for two visas at the same time.

The second foreign passport is issued at the request of the place of work. It should be only a new generation.

The procedure for submitting documents for a passport

Documents for making a foreign passport can be submitted in several ways. The most familiar for applicants is visiting the passport office. Now the functions of the FMS have been taken over by the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Issuance of passports is carried out in the territorial offices. If applicants do not have time to stand in line, they can leave a telephone application for admission to certain time. However, as a rule, there is a “live queue” in such branches. How long you have to wait for your turn depends on the season and luck. At the height of the tourist season and shortly before it, the wait is delayed for several hours.

The next way to submit documents is to contact the MFC. This service was introduced to unload passport offices. Russians can submit documentation through these centers and receive documents at the place of registration.

The most simple and fast option obtaining a passport - through the state portal of the State Service. It makes filing documents much easier. If there are errors in the submitted papers, citizens are advised to correct them. Recommendations are given along with the return of documents. Data processing does not take much time. The production time of the passport corresponds to the standard period. Despite the invariance of the term for the execution of the document, the preparation of materials is noticeably simplified.

Stages of accessing the State Services portal

Before you apply for a passport through the State Services, you must go to your personal account or register. Step-by-step instruction is not required for the registration process. The service is simple and convenient. If you have any questions, you can use the information provided.

First you need to enter the last name and first name, mobile phone number or e-mail to receive a personal confirmation code in the specified way. Next, the access code is set by the user. The next step is to enter personal data. Required to specify:

  • information about the gender of the applicant;
  • birth information (date);
  • SNILS;
  • information about citizenship;
  • details of the identity certificate of a citizen.

The input of information must be free of errors and inaccuracies. Otherwise, you will not be able to confirm the registration. Your information will be verified within a few minutes. Sometimes you have to wait up to several days. A message about the verification status will be sent to your phone. After that, the updated account can be verified. This can be done by sending a personal code via:

  1. Personal appeal to the specialists of the state portal service centers in the territory of the Russian Federation. A citizen can choose the nearest branch.
  2. Postage to the address indicated by the applicant.
  3. Registered letter with code.
  4. E-card or signature.

This is the final stage of registration. It takes two to three days. After that, you can use all the services on the portal.

Documents for a passport are transferred according to the list indicated on the tabs in electronic form. The required tab can be found through the search. Passport of the old and new sample is issued for:

  • persons over the age of 18;
  • persons from 14 to 18 years old;
  • persons under the age of 14.

For each applicant, a list of required papers and the cost of a passport are indicated. Payment state duty occurs in the same place or in any branch of Sberbank of Russia. The payment must be made before the issuance of the passport.

Documentation processing by the site service will not take much time. After that, the files will be sent to government agencies. They will check the documentation and tell you when and where to come to hand over the originals of the electronically submitted documents. They will also issue a ready-made passport. For a new generation passport, fingerprints must be taken and photographed during an additional visit. Such an outcome will be if all the papers are collected correctly.

On the portal of the State Service, the applicant has access to information about all stages of the verification of documentation and the production of foreign documents.

Terms and procedure for issuing a document

How long will you have to wait for a passport after submitting the documentation? The duration of the document production depends on the place of transfer of documents. If the applicant applied to the local migration unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he will receive a passport in a month. The same rule applies to persons who have submitted a package of documents through the State Services portal. You will have to come for the document to the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS). If the documents were transferred not at the place of registration of a citizen, a foreign passport should not be expected earlier than 4 months after the transfer of papers.

The law leaves the right officials delay the issuance of the document due to valid circumstances (for example, the forms have run out). new type international passports may be issued a little later, citing the complexity of the manufacturing process for the delay. However, in the event of an artificial delay in the issuance of a foreign passport, it is worth defending your rights.

Applicants can track the stages of registration and production of a foreign document by phone or on the website of the State Service. Persons who have ordered a document through this service will receive information via SMS or e-mail.

In the event of force majeure, citizens can apply for a passport in 3 days. For this, certain evidence must be presented. Such circumstances may be the need to receive medical treatment or undergo surgery abroad. A serious illness or death of a close relative also allows you to urgently issue a passport.

A package of documents for a passport using the State Services portal

Documents for a foreign passport are defined in general list. Some papers and certificates are presented only if there are grounds and circumstances. The established list contains the following elements:

  • application for the issuance of a passport;
  • original passport of a citizen of Russia for persons over 14 years old;
  • birth certificate (when requested abroad for citizens under 14, as well as when entering data about children in the document of the parent / guardian);
  • certificate of citizenship of the applicant (0-14 years);
  • certificate of the right to represent the interests of a minor;
  • valid international passport;
  • 4 photographs for an old sample of a foreign document and 2 photographs for a biometric foreign document;
  • a petition from the place of work to request a second foreign document;
  • permission for a serviceman (issued by the command after checking by the FSB);
  • certificates for the urgent production of the document.

The receipt of the state duty paid after the amendments are made is an optional document. Data on the payment can not be presented to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration issues. Checking the payment is their responsibility. A request is made to the tax authority, and the data is transmitted. This rule also applies to certificates from the military registration and enlistment office. A citizen may not submit a certificate of exemption from military duty or a military ID along with general documentation. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs make a request to the territorial military registration and enlistment office. However, this may cause a delay in the issuance of a passport or refusal to accept documents. The law prohibits refusing citizens for this reason. The appeal will take some time. Experienced lawyers are advised to submit these documents in order to avoid problems with obtaining a passport.

Filling out an application for a passport

The application for obtaining the previous version of the international passport does not contain significant differences from the questionnaire for biometric sample. The information entered in the application must be true. Step-by-step instructions for filling out the questionnaire are contained in the template itself on the State Services website.

To request an identity certificate abroad, you must enter the following information in the columns of the questionnaire:

  • gender of the applicant;
  • information about the circumstances of birth (according to the civil passport);
  • data on the replacement of F.I.O. (if repeatedly - Appendix 2);
  • information about registration and place of stay (the latter, if it does not match the registration);
  • telephone number (mobile);
  • E-mail address;
  • series/number/by whom and when the applicant's passport was issued;
  • information about access to state secrets;
  • availability of signed obligations (when, with whom);
  • when/where/why the passport was issued (valid);
  • extracts from the work book for the previous 10 years;
  • date, signature.

A citizen is obliged to describe in detail the place of work, how much he worked there. If there was no employment for more than 30 days, you need to write about this. Information is filled in Appendix 2. Complete information about children may not fit in the application. In this case, you should fill out Appendix 2b.

If it is necessary to issue a passport for minors, the application will be filled in by the representative of the child. The first part contains information about the child, the second part contains information about the parent or guardian.

The application must be filled out carefully. An example of filling out can be taken on the State Services portal.

Reasons and the process of replacing a passport on the state portal

Replacing a foreign passport is made for some reasons. The most common of these is the expiration of the document. After 5 or 10 years, the passport should be changed. Another reason for the change is the change of surname, name, appearance and gender. A document that has become unusable should also be changed, and a lost one should be restored.

How long does it take to change a passport? This process takes place within 1 - 4 months, depending on the place of submission of documents. Its cost depends on the type of passport and is equal to the amount upon first receipt of the document.

The procedure for issuing an updated passport is the same as upon receipt. Documentation can be submitted at the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration issues or through the MFC. The State Services Portal also issues a passport. However, in this system, the request "Replacement of a passport" will not find an answer. This procedure is equivalent to the design of a new document.

The list of documents corresponds to the type of foreign passport. The rules for submitting and reviewing documentation are similar to the first design. If a citizen, due to the loss of a foreign passport or its unusability, wants to replace or restore the document, he must understand that he will have to get a new one.

The issuance of a foreign passport occurs without any problems and delays if the documentation is collected and submitted in accordance with the rules. For advice, you can seek the help of an experienced lawyer. The most convenient option is online - consultation with a specialist on the site. Practical, timely advice, attention and support help to get a passport in a short time.

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The classic scheme for obtaining a passport involves applying and submitting an application, a package of documents to the territorial division of the Federal Migration Service. In this case, impressive losses of time and queues cannot be avoided. But since 2010, Russians have had the opportunity to apply for many public services, including obtaining a foreign passport, through the Gosuslugi reference and information portal.

Benefits of obtaining a passport through the State Services

The online service of the State Services greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining a passport, saves a person’s time. You can fill out an application and find out the exact time of contacting the Federal Migration Service at any time of the day in a comfortable environment, without having to stand in line for a long time. It is also possible to pay the state duty using the details bank card and get 30% discount. In addition, the applicant can quickly track the status of his application, receive notifications of its acceptance, etc. This is a great way out for those who have little time or no opportunity to go through the classic procedure for issuing a passport at the FMS department.

Registration in the service

The registration procedure on the State Services portal is simple, does not take much time and opens up many opportunities for a person. The only thing you need to effectively use the resources of the online portal is the desire and access to the Internet. The site interface is intuitive, almost every step is accompanied detailed instructions, therefore, both young people and older people will be able to understand and most effectively use all the possibilities of the service.

The first step is to register on the portal. Depending on the amount of specified data, it can be simplified, standard and confirmed.

Simplified account

The starting stage is the creation of a simplified account. To do this, at the top of the main page of the site, click "Register".

In the fields of the form, indicate the last name, first name, mobile phone or email address. After reading the "Terms of Use" and the provisions of the "Privacy Policy", click "Register".

Then, to confirm the phone number, an SMS will be sent with a secret code, which must be entered in an empty window. It is valid for approximately 200 seconds - if you do not enter the value in time, the procedure will have to be repeated. Next, click "Continue" and enter the password in the new field, duplicate the numbers and symbols in the box below, confirming the correctness of the data, select "Continue". It is important that the password is not too simple, it is worth using complex combinations of numbers that are not associated with personal data, in combination with symbols and letters. If the user specified not a mobile phone number, but an email address, he will need to follow the link provided in the letter from the service, and then also specify the password.

Advice: the password will need to be entered each time you enter the online portal of the State Service, so it is better to remember or write it down, while ensuring the secrecy of information. It is not worth saving the password in the browser's memory, this can increase the chances of unauthorized access to personal data.

Standard account

The registration passed at the previous stage is considered simplified and gives access to the main range of services. To expand it, you need to specify additional data (the system will automatically redirect the user to the "My data" section in Personal account after simplified registration). You need to indicate your patronymic, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, select an identity document from the list, for example, a passport, indicate its series and number, date of issue, unit code, SNILS.

After entering the data, click "Save and continue". The information will be verified in pension fund and the Federal Migration Service. As a rule, it does not take longer than 10-15 minutes. Notification of the results will be sent to your mobile phone or email. It will be possible to raise the status of your account on the site later through the "Personal Account".

Verified registration

To get access to the full functionality of the portal, you need to go through the third stage of registration and confirm your identity through the "Personal Account" in a convenient way for yourself:

  • personally visit the service center (their list can be found on the website through the search bar or in the "Popular Questions" section) with the document that was indicated during the simplified registration, as well as the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • choose the option of receiving the code via the Russian Post - it will be sent by registered mail, after which you will need to enter the value in the appropriate field through the "Personal Account" on the site;
  • electronic signature or UEC - a universal electronic card (you will need to attach an electronic signature key carrier to the computer and click "Finish").

Choosing the type of passport

When issuing a foreign passport online, the user can choose an old or new sample document. On the main page of the site we find the section "Popular services".

Next, choose the type of passport based on your preferences and needs. They differ in terms of validity, the ability to indicate information about children and, accordingly, the amount of the state duty, including when issuing a document for a child under 14 years old. On the new page, mark the type of service receipt - "Electronic service" and "Get service".

Obtaining a passport through the State Services - step by step instructions

Issuing a passport through the State Services is quick and convenient. The first step is registering with the service or logging in. Then you need to go through simple steps:

  1. Selecting the section "Issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation" on the main page of the site or searching for it through the "Catalogue of services".
  2. Selecting the type of document, the status of the recipient (for a child under 14 years old, from 14 to 18 years old or an adult).
  3. Filling out an electronic application indicating data from a passport, military ID, and, if necessary, other documents, uploading a photo that meets the requirements of the procedure.
  4. Sending an application and waiting for the results of the verification (a notification of its acceptance will be sent to the "Personal Account", and the final result will be known via SMS, email or notification in the mobile application - depending on which method the user indicated).
  5. Payment of the state duty (the receipt will be sent to the “Personal Account”, it can be printed and paid at any bank in the locality where the application was submitted, but if you do this with a bank card, the applicant will be able to save 30% of the amount).
  6. Visit to the territorial division of the General Directorate for Migration (the invitation will be sent to the "Personal Account"). You will need to bring original documents with you. This must be done within 14 days. In some cases, the application may be suspended, but in case of failure to appear after six months, it will be canceled. After checking the correctness of the data, the applicant will be informed of the date of readiness of the passport.
  7. Obtaining a passport at a department of the Federal Migration Service or at a department of the Multifunctional Center for State and Municipal Services.

Submission of an application and formation of an appeal

Sending an application for a foreign passport is the starting stage of the procedure for obtaining this document through the State Services. The service is provided within a period of 1 (if the documents are submitted at the place of residence) to 4 months (if the package of papers is provided not at the place of registration) from the moment the application is submitted with a full set of documents and photographs. The state duty is 3,500 rubles, and if you use a 30% discount, it can be reduced to 2,450 rubles.

To submit an online application from the main page, go to the section "Issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation", then select its type, the age of a citizen or child, and on the next page the type of service receipt - "Electronic service". After that, we fill out the questionnaire. Enter the following information:

  • Personal Information;
  • passport details, country and place of birth;
  • we indicate whether or not there were changes in the surname, name, patronymic, and if the answer is positive, we specify the previous data, the place and date of their change;
  • having a second citizenship;
  • select the type of registration from the list and indicate the purpose of obtaining the document;
  • we note the presence or absence of a previously issued passport;
  • indicate the types of activities for the last 10 years (study, work, military service), specify the dates, positions, address of permanent residence;
  • we answer questions regarding access to classified information, obligations that may become an obstacle to traveling outside Russia, evasion of court decisions, conscription, criminal record;
  • we attach a photo that meets the requirements (they are listed on the page and are, for example, in the "Popular Questions" section), it is needed for the archive. Then click "Next";
  • choose a convenient territorial division of the Federal Migration Service to provide original documents and receive a finished document;
  • we confirm consent to the processing of personal data (responsibility for giving incorrect, incomplete information, familiarization with Article 15 of the Federal Law regarding the procedure for citizens to leave Russia), indicate where to send notifications - e-mail, SMS.

Now the application form is completely filled, click "Submit". After checking the data, a notification will be sent to the "Personal Account" in a few days with an invitation to visit the indicated office of the migration service with the original documents, including a receipt for payment of the state duty. A photo for a new generation biometric passport will also be taken there, it can only be taken in the FMS unit, equipped with special equipment.

Application Status Tracking

The functionality of the site allows you to track the status of an electronic application for a passport. To do this, go to the "Personal Account", select the "My Applications" section, select the one you need, if there are several, focusing on the date and number. In the "Status" column, we will see the current state of affairs - "Accepted", "Design", "Completed".

How to pay the state duty for a passport through the State Services?

The receipt of payment of the state duty is one of the most important documents that you will need to provide at the FMS department. After the approval of the electronic application, the user will receive a notification of an invitation to the territorial division of the migration service with the original documents. Also, an invoice for payment of the fee will be sent to the "Personal Account". You can choose several types of non-cash payment: cards of payment systems MasterСard, Visa, Mir, through federal operators mobile communications, using electronic money. 30% discount on the fee payment is valid until January 1, 2019. In addition, it is possible to transfer money through mobile app State services.

In the "Personal Account" we select an active application, then "Pay the state duty" (the link will appear only a few days after the application is submitted). After reviewing the information about the payment (name of the department, unique accrual identifier, date of invoicing, amount, name of the payment), enter the details. The amount of the commission depends on the tariffs and policies of a particular bank, the online payment system of some requires an additional entry of a secret code that will come in SMS (this window will pop up automatically). After the payment is made, a message will appear on the notification page of the "Personal Account". Also, the user will have the opportunity to print a receipt or send it by e-mail.

What documents need to be submitted to the FMS department?

After receiving a notification with the date of appearance at the territorial office of the Office of the Federal Migration Service, the applicant must appear, providing a full package of documents specified in the electronic application:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a valid passport, if a second one is issued;
  • military ID with a mark about the end of the passage military service or unfitness, as an alternative - a relevant certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • if necessary, permission from the command for military personnel;
  • certificates of change of personal data (last name, first name, patronymic);
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Two photos for registration of a passport will be taken directly at the FMS office. It is also important to take into account that an accurate and complete list of documents can only be given by an employee of the migration service department where the electronic application was submitted.

Getting a passport in hand

Information about the date and time of receipt ready passport will be displayed in the "Personal Account" of the user. It will be possible to pick up the document in the division of the Federal Migration Service, which was indicated at the stage of filling out the electronic application. You can find out the work schedule on the website of the State Services through the search bar or by selecting the section "Catalogue of services" - "Authorities" - "Territorial authorities and subordinate organizations".

Replacing a passport after the expiration date through the State Services

The procedure for obtaining a passport after the expiration date is practically the same as the standard one. But there are some differences:

  • Correctly indicate the type of document execution - "Instead of used".
  • We confirm the existence of the old document, indicate its data.
  • The old passport will be returned to the owner along with the new document.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

The procedure for obtaining a passport through the online portal of the State Services greatly simplifies this process compared to the classic scheme for submitting documents to the Federal Migration Service with several service visits and long queues. Each step of the applicant is accompanied by instructions that help to intuitively understand what is required of him. There is also a great opportunity to save on state duty by paying it by bank transfer.