Mmts in the electric power industry from July 1. Working hours and rest time

So, today we will be interested in the survivor's pension to the wife of the deceased. People are not eternal. And often husbands die, leaving their wives without a livelihood. The state of the Russian Federation provides assistance to spouses in a similar situation. But how to draw up correctly What you need to know about these payments? What should you pay attention to first of all? All the features of pensions for the loss of the sole breadwinner should be known in advance. After all, not only wives are entitled to this payment.


So, who is able to receive our current type of support? The thing is that many categories of citizens are entitled to these payments. Among the applicants for survivors' pensions are:

  • children;
  • husbands;
  • parents;
  • military wives;
  • other persons dependent on the deceased.

You can see that the list is quite extensive. In practice, most often a survivor's pension is paid to the wife of the deceased, as well as to children. To be honest, there are several types of our current support in Russia.

Types of survivors' pensions

As already mentioned, the survivor's pension can be different. Depending on its type, this or that amount of money will be directly paid by the state. In Russia, pensions are allocated:

  • social;
  • state;
  • insurance.

True, it is worth noting that not all categories of persons are entitled to certain types of state support upon the death of the sole breadwinner in the family. Before you draw up documents for the relevant payments, you need to find out in which cases the wife is entitled to them.

insurance pension

An insurance pension is a payment from the state, which is due to all the disabled of the deceased. The most common scenario. Wives are fully entitled to this financial assistance. But only if they are recognized as disabled. It does not matter for what reason the loss of the possibility of self-sufficiency occurred.

If the wife is already recognized as disabled by age, she is assigned an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Options are also being considered in which this payment is due to people with disabilities. Important: a citizen must be dependent. True, there are some exceptions.

Exceptions for insurance pension

The survivor's pension is due to the wife of the deceased not only when the person is unable to work. Spouses are entitled to insurance payments under certain circumstances, regardless of whether they were dependent or not.

Modern Russian legislation indicates that spouses who care for minor children, brothers and sisters of the deceased apply for this material support. These rules are specified in the Federal Law No. 400 "On Insurance Pensions".

At the same time, it is important to remember that this kind of support from the state is provided only until the minor who is being cared for reaches the age of 14. After the insurance pension for the loss of the breadwinner, the wife will not be paid.

Government payments

The next scenario is not so rare. We are talking about state types of material support. As a rule, this kind of compensation is due to wives and dependent relatives if the deceased held some high-ranking position. To be more precise, then:

  • the pension for the loss of the breadwinner to the wife of a serviceman is paid precisely by the state;
  • payments are made to citizens who have become victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  • wives of astronauts who died in the line of duty or in preparation for flights.

It is also worth noting that spouses whose breadwinner served during his lifetime in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to these payments. This is not all the features of state pensions. Regardless of their ability to work, the wives of servicemen are entitled to material support if their husbands died as a result of military service by invitation. But only when the widows did not remarry. In such circumstances, the right to payments is preserved until the woman reaches the age of 55 years. Or until the widow enters into a new marriage.

By the way, the survivor's pension is also due to the wife of a deceased serviceman when she takes care of the child, brother, sister of the deceased, if the listed family members are under 14 years old. It does not matter whether the woman is able to work or not.

Social support

The next type of pension for the loss of the sole breadwinner is social benefits. They are the least common in Russia. Paid when the deceased has no insurance experience.

Also, a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner to the wife of a deceased policeman or any other working citizen is due if the woman was recognized as disabled. This rule applies to all disabled family members of the deceased.

Please note: state and insurance pensions are only due when we are talking about relatives (in our case, wives) who do not have a criminal record.

Preparation of documents

Are you interested in the survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased? The conditions for assigning the relevant payments are clear. Now you should pay attention to what documents a woman must bring in order for her to be assigned state support of one type or another. Paperwork is going to be serious. But, as practice shows, usually there are no problems with the collection of documents. Among the required papers are:

  • application for the appointment of a pension (indicating the type of payment);
  • applicant's identity card (passport);
  • documents confirming citizenship (in the case of a passport, additional papers are not needed);
  • husband's death certificate;
  • documents confirming the work experience of the deceased spouse (insurance pension);
  • certificates indicating the age of the deceased (it is better to bring his passport);
  • marriage certificate;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • details of the account to which the funds are to be transferred;
  • work book of the deceased;
  • power of attorney (if the wife does not apply to the relevant authorities herself).

This is a mandatory list that is required for processing our today's payments. True, in some cases, you will have to additionally present certain papers. They are attached to the application along with copies.

Military and Interior Ministry

A survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased (Ministry of Internal Affairs - the place of work of the employee, the rules also apply to military personnel) with the above list is not assigned. After all, all this is not enough. Such widows must bring without fail:

  • spouse's military ID;
  • any certificates that are able to confirm the location of the deceased on duty (in the status of a police officer, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a military man).
  • documents confirming and establishing the fact and cause of death;
  • conclusions with a causal relationship of death related directly due to injuries or incidents that the spouse suffered during the execution.
  • certificates that the widow has no new formal relationship.

Additional Help

The pension for the loss of a breadwinner to the wife of a deceased pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and not only) will be granted a state pension. In addition to the previously listed documents, the widow must bring, depending on the specific situation, a certain list of certificates and extracts. This should include:

  • (her and her husband, if we are talking about pensioners);
  • certificates of being dependent on a disabled spouse;
  • any documents indicating the loss of the only source of income.


How is a survivor's pension issued to the wife of the deceased? The documents listed earlier should be collected, made copies and attached to the application for the appointment of state support. But these are all cases in which a citizen died, and the fact of his death was established.

It just happens that people disappear. Or they die either in the line of duty, but the bodies of the dead are never found. In this case, pension payments for wives and other dependents are not canceled. You just have to wait a bit and attach certain documents to the application for the appropriate payment.

What is this about? If the only breadwinner in the family is missing, then the wife should recognize her husband as either missing or dead in court. Once this is done, the corresponding judicial opinion. The widow must present a copy of it and the original when applying for pension payments.

Where to go

The survivor's pension for the wife and children of the deceased, as well as other dependents, is accrued in certain bodies. Where should a person in need apply? Now there are several options for the development of events. Citizens with the above list of documents should contact:

  • The pension fund of the district in which the dependent lives.
  • Russian Pension Fund.

Where exactly to turn, there is not much difference. Nevertheless, it is customary to come to the FIU with an application and documents. This is where you will be paid the fastest. Also calling in is the fastest method of getting and

Calculation rules

These are not all the features you should be aware of. What is the size of the survivor's pension for the wife of the deceased? It is very difficult to give an exact amount. After all, much depends on the length of service of the deceased "getter". There is a special formula for calculating the due payments. It has the following form: S = K / (M * H) / KN + BR, where:

As you can see, self-imposed cash payments are difficult to calculate. Therefore, exact information should be obtained from the Pension Fund. A lot depends on where you live. The thing is that the size of the due payments cannot be less than the subsistence minimum in a particular area. This is another factor that causes difficulties in the calculations.

Calculations for insurance pension

A huge role in all payments is played by the so-called insurance pension. Therefore, it must be able to calculate. It is very difficult to do this on your own. Especially if you do not follow the latest legislative changes. What is the survivor's pension for the wife of a deceased military pensioner? The formula for calculating the required insurance payment is as follows: PS = PC * SC, where:

  • PS - the amount of insurance material support.
  • PC - pension coefficient of the breadwinner.
  • SC - the cost of one coefficient.

This monetary compensation is established for each disabled family member of a citizen. The main problem is the constant change in the cost of the work coefficients. You should find out information about this indicator in your city immediately before applying for state support. Otherwise, you can easily make mistakes in the calculations.

For military wives

The survivor's pension for the wife of a deceased serviceman requires special attention. The thing is that the amount of payments in this case will depend on the reason for which the widow's husband died.

If we are talking about cases in which there was a military injury, then monetary compensation will be 200% of the social payment. If death occurred due to an illness received during the performance of military obligations, then the wife is entitled to 150% of the money.

It is also worth noting that a certain allowance is due to the insurance pension for wives. It is in 2016 from February 1 only 2,279 rubles and 47 kopecks. This payment is due to each disabled family member of the deceased. It is assigned to all applicants for payments on the occasion of the death of the only "earner".

The amount of social pensions

The last point is what kind of social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is due to the wife of the deceased. It is expressed in a fixed amount and is charged monthly. This monetary compensation cannot be less than the subsistence minimum for pensioners.

In 2016, on average, the regions installed social payment for the loss of a breadwinner in the range of 8,500-8,600 rubles. Exact information you must find out in your region at the time of accrual of funds. Now it is clear what kind of pension for the loss of a breadwinner is due to the wife of the deceased. How to make this payment? It's no longer a mystery either. You can bring the idea to life very quickly, just collect a certain list of documents.


A child under the age of 18, or a full-time student under the age of 23, whose one or both parents have died or been declared missing, is entitled to a survivor's pension. This may be an insurance, social or military pension, depending on whether the breadwinner had insurance (work) experience and whether he was a contract serviceman. These types of pensions can also be received by other disabled members of the family of the missing or deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him.

The conditions and procedure for providing these compensations are established in the articles of federal laws:

  • "About insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • "On state pension provision in Russian Federation» dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  • on pension provision for military personnel and members of their families dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

The following categories of citizens can count on pensions:

  • insurance pension- children of workers (who had official work experience);
  • military pension- members of the families of military personnel;
  • social pension- children of disabled citizens who did not have insurance (labor) experience;
  • state pension- children of citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters.
Children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age in full-time education) mean monthly compensation payments for pension rights formed by the deceased breadwinner until the appropriate pension provision was assigned to him. citizens are charged in the format of the state social. security. Both of these types of pensions are paid by the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). family members of the deceased breadwinner are paid through the Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense) of the Russian Federation. Photo

Survivor's insurance pension

In the general case, the law provides for the appointment of insurance pensions to citizens who paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance and dependent members of their families. In doing so, the pension authorities take into account the following circumstances:

  • when calculating a pension, the concept is used insurance experience- the period of performance by the breadwinner of certain works for which deductions were made to the FIU;
  • length of service, the amount of contributions paid to the FIU, temporary refusal to receive an insurance pension (optional) affect individual pension coefficient(an indicator reflecting the pension rights of accrual recipients);
  • other concepts relating to the provision of pensions for children and other dependents in case of loss of a breadwinner are reflected in Art. 3 federal law No. 400-FZ;
  • minor children who already received a pension (for example, a social disability pension for a disabled child), for whom the income of the breadwinner was the main means of subsistence, are given the right to switch to his insurance pension payments.


  • RUB 5283.84- lost one of the parents;
  • RUB 10567.73- those who have lost both parents or both of whose parents are unknown, as well as the children of a deceased single mother.

Survivor's pension for children of military personnel

For children and other dependents dead soldiers pension payments are also provided:

These categories of persons are also paid a monthly benefit for the loss of a breadwinner in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1219 dated October 29, 2009

On call - state pension provision

On the basis of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, the right to a survivor's pension is granted to disabled children of the victims military conscripts(as well as those serving in the ranks of the flight test personnel and astronauts).

  • The pension is assigned upon the death of active military personnel (soldiers, sailors, foremen, sergeants) in the course of service or within 3 months after leaving. In the latter case, pension maintenance is assigned only due to the death of the breadwinner due to injury, injury or illness received during the years of service.
  • The right to such a pension is minor children(full-time students up to age 23) or adults disabled from childhood, i.e. recognized as disabled before they turned 18 years old.
  • The amount of pension provision for children in case of loss of a breadwinner is based on the established amounts of social pension - 5283.84 rubles. from April 1, 2019 in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 18 of Law No. 166-FZ.
  • If the recipient of the pension lives in regions and localities where wages are calculated increasing district coefficient, it is also taken into account when calculating the amount of the pension;
  • The pension payment to children in case of loss of a breadwinner is assigned until they become able to work or indefinitely (incapacitated).


Disabled children of a soldier who died due to a military injury or illness received in the service may qualify for a monthly payment in the amount of 200% and 150% of base size(5283.84 rubles).

Under the contract - in the pension bodies of the Ministry of Defense

In the event of the death of a military man carrying out contract service, his dependents are granted a pension on the basis of Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993. "On pensions for military personnel and members of their families in Russia ...".

It should be noted that in addition to the children of contract servicemen in the ranks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, children who served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, government agencies for drug control, the penitentiary system, the National Guard can also count on similar payments for the loss of a breadwinner.

Retirement payments to dependents are due if:

  1. The employee died on duty or in captivity, went missing during hostilities, died within 3 months after dismissal or later, but due to injuries and injuries received in the service.
  2. The right to a pension for children also arises as a result of the death of a military pensioner (after retirement).

In the first case, each of the children can claim payments in the amount of 40% of the allowance assigned to the breadwinner. In the second - on 30% of the allowance(but not less than 200% and 150% of the amount of 5283.84 rubles per month, established from April 1, 2019 in accordance with clause 1, part 1, article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ).

The child of a deceased military pensioner with a disability, as well as one who has lost both parents, will receive a payment in the amount of 40%. A child adopted by a soldier, as well as a stepson and stepdaughter, are entitled to a pension after the death of the breadwinner on a par with native children. Unlike the norms of other laws, when children of a deceased soldier are adopted by other people, the first don't lose the right to receive a pension.


According to the articles of the law, the children of the victims can receive pension payments if they are under 18 years old (if they study full-time - until they reach the age of 23) or are adults disabled since childhood.


The possibility of receiving and the amount of a survivor's pension for a child depend on many factors - parental insurance experience, the child's ability to work and age, the circumstances of the death of the breadwinner, and many other criteria. In this regard, such a variety of types of pension provision is also provided - this is, and pension provision.

The loss of a breadwinner brings not only moral damage to his relatives, but also material losses. But the state takes upon itself the solution of the monetary issue and compensates the material loss to the relatives of the deceased.

Survivor's pension in 2018 was slightly changed. Changes have been made to the amount of the payment that is made to the children of a deceased parent or guardian.

A survivor's pension is a sum of money paid to relatives and family members who are left in a difficult financial situation or without any source of livelihood after the death of the head of the family. The state establishes this payment, and it depends on the type of activity that a person was engaged in during his lifetime. On the this moment There are several types of survivors' pensions:

  1. Insurance pension. Dependents and pensioners who were on the provision of the deceased, if he had a minimum length of service, are entitled to this type of pension. Except for those citizens who committed illegal acts that led to his death. But these actions must be confirmed by the police, and provide evidence to the court.
  2. State pension. It is assigned to disabled citizens, family members of a serviceman, a deceased cosmonaut, participants in hostilities, both local and global. As well as citizens who died in man-made or radiation disasters, or became disabled.
  3. Social pensions. This type pensions are assigned to family members if the deceased had no insurance experience. It can be appointed if illegal actions of third parties led to death, and in the conditions of death the presence of criminal acts was proved, but only if this fact is proved by the investigation and the court decision.

Under what conditions do pensions start to be paid?

A survivor's pension is granted only if there are two important conditions- characterizes the deceased breadwinner and the candidate who will receive a pension.

The first relates to the nature of the death of the breadwinner, which is required to be confirmed by a document - this may be a death certificate or a court decision that he is missing.

The second refers to a person who claims to receive a pension. That is, he needs to prove his disability, as well as the fact that he was dependent on the victim and permanently resides in the country. Only after confirming these facts, a person will be entitled to receive this payment, which is guaranteed by the state.

Until what age is the pension paid?

In accordance with the law, the purpose of the payment is made to certain categories of people who are included in the list of persons to receive benefits. This right is not affected by the place of residence, and it does not have a local character. Therefore, it can be given both in Moscow and in another region of the country.

The following categories of citizens are entitled to the survivor's insurance benefit:

  • Children are a minor child, brother, sister or grandchild who is under the age of 18.
  • Adult children - if they are studying in higher educational institutions on the intramural program. The payment is made until the child reaches 23 years of age. Payment after the age of 18 is made if a person has received a disability before reaching this age.
  • adult generation. Mother and father, if they have reached the age of 55 and 60 years, or have a disability. Grandparents are also entitled to it if there are no other persons who can provide care and maintenance for them.
  • Guardians and official representatives, as well as adopted children, on a par with relatives.

The following categories of citizens are entitled to state and social pensions:

  • Children under conditions that are the same as when receiving insurance benefits.
  • Widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty due to conscription due to injuries.
  • One senior family member who cared for persons under the age of 14 years, the length of service is not taken into account.
  • Mother and father when they reach the age of 50 and 55 years, if their son died after being called up for service or died from injuries that were received in the unit.

The family of a person who died or suffered in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, these include:

  • Parents, in this case regardless of whether they were dependents or not.
  • A spouse who takes care of a child under 14 years of age, regardless of the length of service and employment. A spouse may also be eligible until the age of 50 for women and 55 for men, regardless of how much time has passed since the death of the breadwinner.

As you can see, everything is simple and at the legislative level it is established for how many years the survivor's pension will be paid.

Under what conditions do pension payments stop?

By law, survivor benefits will be terminated in the following cases:

  1. The child, sister, brother or grandchild will reach the age of 18, or 23 if they are a full-time student.
  2. Renewal of the status of disability, which was obtained before the age of 18, is not performed.
  3. A brother, sister or grandchild turns 14 who was cared for by the recipient.
  4. The widow of a soldier is getting married.
  5. The recipient of the pension will official work. The exception is the relatives of military personnel, they are entitled to receive a pension and a salary at the same time.

How is a particular type of pension benefit calculated?

Each type of benefit, that is, state, social or insurance, which is paid to the population, has its own characteristics and terms of accrual.

The accrual of the insurance pension is made monthly, and it is aimed at supporting citizens who are considered disabled and have lost their only source of livelihood. It is paid according to certain indicators, these include:

  • By old age. It is paid to both men and women upon reaching the established retirement age of 60 and 55 years. For her, the individual coefficient and the total work experience matter.
  • By disability. Accrual will be carried out only after passing the medical and social examination. Appointment allowance is carried out for all groups of disability.

To calculate this pension for minors, the amount of insurance premiums that have been made and the amount of pension points are taken into account. If there was a loss of both parents, then these data are summed up, and the size of the pension for the loss of the breadwinner is doubled. Orphans or sent to Orphanage or under the guardianship of representatives, while the allowance is retained.

Insurance-type payments from the state have some distinctive features, These include:

  • They are part of the social state policy.
  • They have the minimum size required to provide everything you need.
  • They are extended if, after the death of the wife or husband, the spouse re-married.
  • Accrual for children until they reach the age of majority occurs automatically.

The payment of the social pension is also made every month on the basis of need. Its accrual occurs only at the time of official disability. After employment, payments stop. For this pension:

  • Formation and determination is carried out strictly within the budget.
  • Does not depend on deductions from pension fund.

Social pension in case of loss of the breadwinner

By law, a survivor's social pension is accrued to children who have permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation in the following cases:

  • The breadwinner had no official employment.
  • The breadwinner died because of the criminal acts that were committed by his child.
  • Children under 18 unless they are employed.
  • Children under 23 years old if studying full-time.
  • Children after the death of the mother, if only she was engaged in upbringing.

The assignment of a pension occurs from the first day of application, but not earlier than the date of death of the breadwinner.

Registration of a pension is carried out personally or with the help of a legal representative in the following organizations:

  1. Through the Pension Fund.
  2. Through the branches of the MFC.
  3. You can submit your application by mail.
  4. You can apply through the official website of the Pension Fund (

In addition to the application, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Passport or birth certificate of the child on whom the pension is issued.
  • Documents that confirm other circumstances - this may be a certificate of education, or a certificate confirming that the mother raised the child alone.

insurance pension

The survivor's insurance pension is paid to the family members of the deceased, if they are unable to work and were dependent on him for the following reasons:

  1. They have a disability.
  2. Have not reached the age of 18.
  3. They have not reached the age of 23 and are studying full-time.
  4. Take care of the child if he has not reached the age of 18 years.
  5. Have reached the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

An optional condition is the presence of dependent relatives who care for a child under 14 years of age.

Also, the fact of dependent minor children is not subject to confirmation. But other relatives are required to bring a certificate that confirms the fact of their dependence, or this fact is proved in court.

It is necessary to apply for this pension as soon as the breadwinner is gone, it will be accrued from the date of submission of documents.

If the application was made after the person died:

  • Less than 12 months have passed since the date of death, then the pension will be paid for all months from the date of death.
  • If more than 12 months have passed, then the payment will be made only for the last 12 months.

If a person got a job or he is 18 years old, then the pension payment will be terminated.

If the appointment was made to relatives who have reached retirement age, or have the status of a disabled person indefinitely, then the payments do not stop and are paid for life.

The insurance pension is not assigned if the recipient has committed a crime against the breadwinner, after which he died. Such citizens are assigned a social pension.

The pension will be paid to the child, sister, grandson or brother of the deceased in the following cases:

  • Until they reach the age of 18.
  • Until they reach the age of 23, full-time.
  • All life if they are disabled and received this status before the age of 18.
  • Until the age of those being cared for is 14 years old, the recipient must be over 18 years of age.

Also, at the legislative level, it is established who is entitled to a survivor's pension after 18 years - these are parents and a spouse, under the following conditions:

  • As long as they have the status of a disabled person.
  • Until the person they care for turns 14.
  • Upon reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

The grandparents of the deceased are entitled to this pension if they have the status of a disabled person or have reached the established retirement age.

For a grandparent to receive a pension, they must have no able-bodied children. And grandchildren, brothers and sisters should not have able-bodied parents who are obliged to support them.

  • Stepfather or stepmother, if the child is over 5 years old.
  • Stepson and stepdaughter as their own children.

Even if a child who receives this pension is adopted, he will still continue to receive it.

If the spouse decides to remarry, then if a pension was paid, it will not stop.

To apply, you must write an application for its receipt and select one of the following options for submitting documents:

  1. To the Pension Fund (personal appeal).
  2. Registered letter to the Pension Fund.
  3. through the MFC.
  4. Using the official website of the pension fund (pre-registration is required on the state portal (

In addition to the application, the following package of documents must be submitted:

  • The passport.
  • SNILS.
  • Survivor's death certificate.
  • A document confirming the relationship with the breadwinner.
  • A document confirming the insurance experience of the breadwinner.
  • A document confirming another circumstance for the appointment of a pension, for example, a certificate of disability.

Pension allowance for the loss of a breadwinner who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This pension provision is assigned to the families of breadwinners of the following categories:

  • When serving in the internal affairs bodies.
  • Those who served on conscription in the ranks of officers, ensigns, midshipmen or under contract in these ranks.
  • Served in the state fire services.
  • Served in the bodies for the control of narcotic and psychotropic substances.
  • Served in the criminal and executive system.
  • Served in the ranks of the National Guard.

The payment of this pension in the internal affairs bodies is made in the following cases:

  • If he died at the time of service.
  • If he died within 3 months after the end of the service.
  • If he died at any time from wounds received in the service.
  • If he died during the period of receiving a pension or within 5 years after its termination.

Disabled members of the family of the breadwinner who were dependent on him are entitled to receive this pension. A child, brother, sister and grandson are disabled under the following conditions:

  • Until the age of 18.
  • Until the age of 23 in full-time study.
  • All life if they are disabled, and the acquisition of the status occurred before the age of 18.

A brother, sister or grandson will also receive a pension, but on the condition that they do not have able-bodied parents who provide for them.

  • Reaching the age of 50 for a woman and 55 for a man, and the breadwinner died while receiving a war injury.
  • Have reached retirement age.
  • They have disabled status.

Grandparents can also count on receiving this pension, but on the condition that they do not have able-bodied children who provide them.

As a result, it turns out that this pension will be assigned to parents, spouses, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters and brothers, if they do not have official employment, and they are caring for a child who has not reached the age of 14 years. In this case, the payment of a pension will be made even without the presence of the fact of dependence.

It is also not required to be dependent on the following categories of citizens:

  • Disabled children.
  • Disabled parents and spouse, if they do not have a source of livelihood.
  • Disabled parents and spouses, if the cause of death was a military injury.

If the deceased, due to a military injury, has a child who has not reached the age of 8, then a pension will be assigned regardless of how old the spouse is and whether he has official employment.

Also, the payment of the pension will be made:

  • Adoptive parents, as parents.
  • Adopted children, as relatives.
  • Stepfather and stepmother, if the child is brought up for more than 5 years.
  • To the stepson or stepdaughter on the rights of native children.

Even if the child receives this pension but is adopted, the payment will not be terminated. And the spouse has the right to remarry without losing this pension.

It is worth knowing that if the death was during the commission of illegal actions, then only a social pension will be assigned.

Survivor's pension - serviceman

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in the form of a pension are state-owned and are assigned to families:

  • Military citizens serving on conscription.
  • Families whose breadwinner died as a result of a radiation or man-made disaster.
  • Astronaut families.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2019 is different for each category of recipients.

The payment of the state pension is made to the dependents of the deceased only if he died:

  • At the time of conscription.
  • Within three months after the end of the service.
  • At any time after the end of the service, if the cause of death was an injury or illness received in the service.

This type of pension is assigned and paid to citizens who are unable to work. But with the official employment of the recipient, the pension will not be canceled, nor is this a reason for refusing to assign it.

  • Until they reach the age of 18.
  • Until the age of 23, in full-time study.
  • Throughout life, if there is a status of a disabled person obtained before the age of 18.

The payment of a pension to a brother, sister or grandson will be made only if they do not have legal parents who are obliged to provide for them.

The parents of a deceased soldier are disabled in the following cases:

  • They reached the age of 50 for women and 55 for men, and the death of their son occurred during his service.
  • They reached retirement age, and the son died within 3 months after the end of the service due to an injury or illness received in the service.
  • They have disabled status.

Spouses are disabled in the following cases:

  • Women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 60.
  • They are disabled.

Pension payments will be made only if they do not have children who are able to work and can provide for them.

Also, the pension will be assigned to grandparents, brothers, sisters and grandchildren, if they are caring for a child, brother or sister of the deceased, who has the right to receive this type of pension and is under 14 years old. In this case, it does not matter whether they are dependent on the serviceman or not, the pension will be paid in any case.

Also, the fact of being dependent is not important if the serviceman died while serving on conscription or at the end of the service, but from an injury.

In other cases, the fact of dependence is obligatory, otherwise the pension will not be assigned.

It is worth knowing that if illegal actions became the cause of death, then only a social pension will be assigned and only to his children.

To date, the size of the pension for the loss of the breadwinner of a serviceman who died as a result of a military injury is 200% of social benefits.

The size of the pension for the loss of the breadwinner of a serviceman who died due to an illness received during the service is 150% of the amount of social benefits.

If the family of the deceased breadwinner lives in areas of the Far North, or in areas that are equated to it, or in areas where the climate is severe, then the amount of the loss of the breadwinner payment will increase by the district coefficient, which is established in this region.

It is worth knowing that this pension is subject to annual indexation along with other types of social benefits.

How is this pension calculated?

Many recipients are interested in the question of what kind and how the survivor's pension is calculated. In 2019, the accrual takes place at the post office at the place of residence of the recipient, or at the organization that delivers pensions to the house. For postal delivery, payment is made on the basis of a schedule, according to which an individual date of receipt is set. The transfer of payments is made within the delivery period.

Also, the pension can be transferred to a bank account or a card that is issued to the recipient, for more convenient withdrawal. Delivery of the pension is carried out on the day the funds are transferred by the pension fund. Money can be withdrawn every day, but only after they have been credited to the account. All receipts that go to the account of a pensioner in a credit institution are not subject to commission fees.

The method of calculating the pension and its change is made in the pension fund, it must be notified in one of several ways:

  1. A written notification to the PF that appointed the payment, you must fill out a special form to select the method of calculating cash payments.
  2. An electronic notification that can be sent on the website of the official portal of the pension fund.

If the pension was assigned to a minor child, then until he reaches the age of 18, the transfer will be made to his personal account, which was issued by his legal representative or guardian, or to the current account of the guardian himself. After the child turns 14, he has every right to choose how to receive a pension on his own.

An additional payment up to the subsistence minimum is made to pensioners who are unable to work and whose financial situation is below the subsistence level. There are currently two types of supplements available:

  1. Federal. The accrual is made from the local pension fund with the amount of the total subsistence minimum, which was established in the region and does not reach the minimum throughout the country.
  2. Regional. The accrual is made through the social committee of the region. Produces an increase in the survivor's pension in comparison with the same indicator in the country, where its amount is below the regional minimum.

Recipients who work receive adjustments according to their wages.

Pension contributions in 2019

The amount of survivor's benefit depends on the type of benefit, and payment is made in accordance with time intervals. During such periods, changes in the amount of material assistance may occur. The amounts can go down or up by a certain percentage, it depends on the economic situation that occurs in the country and on other factors.

For example, the change in the amount of payment in 2018 was made as follows:

  • Survivor's benefit - the amount is affected by the length of service of the deceased and other factors, but a fixed additional payment of 2,279.41 rubles was made to the amount. On February 1, 2018, the amount of the additional payment increased to 2498.66 rubles.
  • Social benefit for the loss of the breadwinner - until April 1, 2018, the amount of the benefit was 5034.25 rubles. For a single mother or for the death of both parents, the pension was twice the amount, that is, 10,068.50 rubles. After the increase on April 1, 2018, the pension amounted to 7,586.36 rubles, and for dead single mothers or the death of both parents, the amount doubled and amounted to 10,472.38 rubles.
  • State benefit for the loss of a breadwinner - if the father dies while serving from injuries, then the amount of the benefit until April 1 was 200% of the social pension, that is, 10,068.50 rubles, after an increase on April 1, 2018, the amount increased to 10,440.10 rubles. If the father dies in the army due to illness, then the amount of the benefit was 150% of the social pension, that is, 7551.38 rubles, after the increase on April 1, 2018, the pension became 7830.78 rubles.
  • Singing on the occasion of the breadwinner through the Ministry of Internal Affairs - this allowance is accrued in the same way as accrual for the loss of the breadwinner of a serviceman and amounts to 10,068.50 rubles and 7,551.38 rubles, after an increase on April 1, 2018, it amounted to 10,440.53 rubles and 7830.78 rubles.

Pension indexation in 2019

People often ask how much they pay for the loss of a breadwinner. In 2019, it is planned to increase insurance payments from February 1, and state and social payments from April 1.

The amount of indexation depends on the level of inflation.

How is a pension issued and when do you need to apply?

At the legislative level, it is established where and how to apply for a survivor's pension. To do this, you need to contact the territorial branch of the pension fund. Instead of children who are left without both parents, their legal representatives from the guardianship and guardianship authorities can apply for registration. Together with the appeal, it is required to write a statement of the established form. Documents are submitted in one of three ways:

  1. Personal appeal to the pension fund or the MFC.
  2. By registered mail or through a legal representative.
  3. Through the portal of public services or the official website of the pension fund.

The pension will be assigned only after the documents are submitted and the application is considered. That is, within 10 days from the date of application, or three months, if you need to bring the missing documents.

The insurance pension is assigned from the date of death of the breadwinner, but no later than 12 months from the date of death.

The appointment of a state and social pension occurs from the 1st day of this month after the submission of documents, but not earlier than the right to a pension arose. Social benefits are assigned indefinitely, and state payments may also be assigned.

Features of pension payments for students

The assignment of a pension to a student is made if he is a child, brother, sister or grandson of the deceased breadwinner. But at the same time, he has not reached the age of 23 and is studying at a higher institution on a full-time basis.

It is worth knowing that when assigning a pension, a student should not have an official place of work. If, after the appointment of a pension, the student goes to official work, then the payments will be stopped. That is, either a pension or a salary will be paid.

The exception in this case is the relatives of military personnel. They have the right to combine receiving a pension and formal employment. That is, they have the right to receive both a pension and a salary.

Features of pension contributions if parents divorced

According to modern legislation, all children who have not reached the age of 18 or 23 if they study full-time at a higher educational institution are entitled to receive a survivor's pension, regardless of whether the parents were legally married or filed for divorce. process.

By law, a parent is required to provide for their child, even if the parents are legally divorced. Therefore, the fact of confirmation of the dependents of children in this case is not required. In addition, the divorce of parents does not affect the size of the survivor's pension.

How is the survivor's pension paid if you are married

If you are a child, sibling, or grandchild and are under 18 years of age, or 23 years of age if you are in full-time higher education. And also you are the recipient of a survivor's pension, then even after you got married or got married, the payment of the pension will not stop.

If a person is the spouse of the deceased breadwinner, and he decided to enter into a legal marriage again, then after registering the marriage, the payment of the survivor's pension does not stop, but will continue to be paid.

But in this case, there is an exception - these are the widows of military personnel who served in the ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, whose death was caused by a military injury received during service. After the widow remarries, the state survivor's pension will not be paid.

That's all. It is worth knowing that about all changes in a person’s life, he is obliged to independently notify the pension fund about this, submitting documents on the loss of a breadwinner, which will confirm the change in status.

The 2019 Survivor Benefit is the main government assistance paid to families in which a person has died (or disappeared) while exercising labor activity for its content. The presented social payment is called a survivor's pension (benefits) and is paid out of the pension savings of the lost breadwinner.

Who is eligible for Child Benefit?

A survivor's pension is paid if the rest of the family members are unable to work for various reasons. The following persons fall into this category.

  • Disabled, officially registered disabled;
  • Pensioners (even if they have lost a younger family member who supported them);
  • Minors (survivor's allowance per child is provided to the eldest child under 18);
  • Adults (persons from 18 to 23 years old, full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions until the very end of their studies);
  • Other relatives of the deceased (who took custody of a child under the age of 8 years).

If family members meet the above requirements, they may be eligible for benefits. It will cease to be paid until someone from the family becomes able-bodied.

When does Child Benefit stop being paid?

Child support benefit may be terminated as a result of:

  • the child comes of age;
  • after graduation by a student or upon his expulsion;
  • a relative of the deceased, who had a dependent child under 8 years of age upon reaching this age.

Interestingly, the breadwinner does not necessarily have to live with the person who is under his care. It is also not necessary to have a blood person with a dependent. It is enough to regularly make cash deductions to him at least to a cash account in a bank ().

In some cases, the legislation allows the payment of benefits to widows who, after the loss of the main breadwinner, remarried, as well as persons who have gained working capacity, but have not reached the age of majority.

The amount of the survivor's benefit in 2019 is one of the most discussed issues. The amount of the social pension for the loss of a breadwinner for a child in 2019 is:

  • 5034 rubles in case of loss of one parent, which is about 75 dollars according to the current one;
  • 10068 ruble in the event of the loss of both parents, which is approximately $151.

Payments begin from the time of submission of the relevant application to the authorized bodies, as well as receipt of its approval. The money comes at the end of each month to the account of the family representative.

The amount of payments may be much less than the equivalent, for example, if the deceased breadwinner had only one relative in need of support. In this case, it will be 50% of the above amounts. If there are two or more people left who are unable to feed themselves, the pension is paid in full.

The pension itself consists of two parts:

  • Basic - fixed;
  • Insurance - depends on the number of dependents, as well as the insurance savings of the breadwinner.

When calculating payments, the main rule should be taken into account - they should not be less than a certain living wage in the region where the dependents live.

How do I apply for bereavement benefits?

To receive the provided benefit for the loss of a breadwinner, you will need to collect a package of the following documents:

  1. Documents proving the identity of each of the members of the family that has lost the breadwinner;
  2. Official certificate of the loss of the deceased;
  3. The work book of the breadwinner;
  4. Certificate from the place of employment on the amount of income of the breadwinner for the last 2 months.

These documents are provided to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation together as an annex to the relevant application.

Back in August 2015, the employees of Stavropolenergo, in the process of receiving wages, noticed that it had increased. For example, in the collective agreement for power engineers of the branch it is said that from July of this year the minimum wage should be increased by 11 percent. But the most interesting thing is that this is not the first and not the last change in tariffs for each employee of the Stavropol branch.

Wages for power engineers were raised last year. For 2016, it is planned to increase in summer and winter period, that is the minimum bid will increase, starting from the collective agreement. In the month of July last year, the minimum monthly tariff rate for each worker of the first category, this amount was 5,000 rubles. This amount is 13.5 percent more than the rate that was adopted for January 2012. In July last year, the rate was also increased by 11 percent, so the salary was about 6,000 rubles. But everything did not end there, they plan to continue to increase the minimum monthly rate, and every six months, but this will depend on how large the growth in consumer value will be.

Undoubtedly, it was difficult to achieve each of the above results, said Fisenko, Chairman of Stavropolenergo. He was interviewed, and he said that the first negotiations with the employer took place back in 2012, and the topic was, of course, about raising the wages of each worker in the electric power industry. But at that time, the energy industry was experiencing a crisis, and it was connected with the low income of the main population, so it was not possible to fully pay for the cost of electricity transmission and production.

In connection with this problem, the head of state decided to save money and cut wages for energy workers responsible for complex equipment, or rather, for its operation. Due to the fact that wages were cut in the electric power industry, there was a shortage of personnel. Employees without experience began to apply to the enterprise in greater numbers. That is, these are people who have studied for two or three years and nowhere, without working, they immediately came to get a job at Stavropolenergo. But more knowledgeable and experienced employees began to quit and go to those enterprises in which their work was paid at its true worth.

Judging by the situation described above, the trade union could not remain inactive, therefore they strengthened their positions and influence. For example, last year the trade union organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation in Moscow held many rallies in order to make their demands heard by all employers. After difficult negotiations between trade union organizations and their employers, everyone came to the conclusion that it was necessary to conclude a collective agreement, and this happened in the summer season last year. This agreement will be valid until the end of 2016. There are clauses in this contract that indicate that wages should increase by 25 percent before the end of the year.