How to find out your insurance experience according to SNILS. How can I find out my snls online

AT Russian Federation there is a system of pension insurance, the budget of which is formed at the expense of savings (mandatory contributions) of citizens. Most people use such an important document as SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account), which is a pension insurance policy. To date, it is issued for young children, pensioners and citizens who receive certain deductions from employers on their personal account.

What is SNILS and why is it needed?

As you know, future pension payments are formed on the basis of mandatory insurance payments and contributions that are transferred by employers for their employees or citizens on a voluntary basis. Exists single base PF in Russia, where the deposited funds of registered individuals are kept, in whose name a personal account is opened with a mandatory individual number.

SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) is necessary for every citizen, since it contains information about his seniority, determines the amount of upcoming pension payments, and also stores data on the amount of insurance premiums transferred. The unique personal account number allows you to accurately identify a particular citizen of the Russian Federation. Samo insurance certificate confirms registration individual in the pension fund. The document is a green plastic card, which displays an individual personal account number, full initials of the insured person, his gender and birth data. The date of registration (registration) is also written on the document. The ease of use and the need for an insurance policy include the following possibilities:

  • maintaining the work experience of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • accumulation of the necessary data on the payment of insurance premiums and pension contributions;
  • identification of personal data of a registered person;
  • view mandatory contributions from employers;
  • receiving services in medical institutions;
  • appeals of a person to social services for registration of benefits and benefits;
  • access to public services.

SNILS allows you to check all the listed pension and insurance contributions. On the basis of the stored data on the length of service, the amount of pension payments is made or changed.

In the near future, the SNILS plastic card will become a tool that provides access to a number of services in the social sphere. The plastic itself will provide not only the storage of data on the state of the pension account, but will also be able to replace the TIN, health insurance policy, travel card, student ID, and will also become a universal pass.

Important: since 2015, in the territory of the Russian Federation, all transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate by individuals can be made only if they have an insurance pension policy (SNILS). The individual insurance number must be indicated in the sales contract, since Rosreestr, which makes such requirements, is an integral part of public services, which means that they can be obtained on the corresponding information portal.

How to get an insurance certificate?

There are several ways to obtain a plastic insurance certificate card. A citizen of the Russian Federation can independently apply at the place of registration to the branch of the Pension Fund, where you will need to fill out a special questionnaire, as well as transfer copies of documents to the specialist. If necessary, in the same way you can issue SNILS for minor children. At the PF branch, you can find out when the insurance policy card will be ready, as well as the date it was received.

If a Russian citizen for the first time comes to get a job official work, he can apply to an authorized person of the enterprise with a request to receive SNILS. The responsible officer will accept the completed questionnaire with copies of the documents, after which he is obliged to transfer them to the Pension Fund within 14 days. The insurance certificate will be transferred to the enterprise within 21 days, after which the applicant will receive it from the employer against signature.

To issue an insurance certificate, all adult citizens of the Russian Federation are required to provide a copy of their passport or other document confirming their identity to the Pension Fund branch. To apply for a SNILS card for children, parents or guardians must submit a child's birth certificate, as well as their passport.

Advice: if it is not possible to personally visit the PF branch to obtain an insurance certificate on the appointed day, this must be done through an authorized person. The representative has the right to receive SNILS only according to an official power of attorney. For all citizens who have applied to the PF unit with a request to issue a policy, the period for its issuance is set, not exceeding 30 days.

Do children need an individual personal account?

SNILS is an important document not only for the working population and pensioners, but also for children (as younger age, and schoolchildren). Parents are required to take out an insurance policy for the child upon admission to Kindergarten. This is due to the fact that preschool will not be able to support a child on public funds without SNILS, as well as receive payments for compulsory medical insurance. To date, some parents draw up an insurance policy immediately after the birth of the baby, which allows him to continue to use medical services without difficulty.

SNILS also needs to be issued to schoolchildren, since in the near future electronic diaries and universal individual cards. This is necessary so that the student can get the necessary textbooks and attendance marks from the library. The number will also allow students to sign up for upcoming exams, pay for classes in sections and circles, as well as travel to public transport and much more.

How to find out the SNILS number online?

Data such as SNILS number, is almost impossible to find in the public domain, since they are not subject to advertising and placement on sites on the Internet. This fact can be easily explained by the fact that the insurance number of an individual personal account is confidential information, because transfers (mandatory insurance premiums) are made to it by employers, and information about seniority is stored on it.

Information on the numbering of insurance policies is available only to PFR employees and is not subject to public disclosure. Information about the number can be obtained from the Pension Fund branch only in the form of an extract to the owner who has an identity card with him. To a non-owner pension certificate the requested information could not be provided.

How to find out SNILS by TIN of an individual?

Information about SNILS can be issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation if he provides passport data to the Pension Fund branch, and the number can only be found out in relation to himself. The TIN is an individual taxpayer number, and this information is not the basis for obtaining data on the pension policy. PFR employees are strictly prohibited from providing any information to citizens if they cannot, for any reason, confirm their identity. In this regard, it is not possible to find out the number of the insurance certificate by TIN.

How to find out SNILS by passport?

The number of the insurance policy can be found on the passport when you personally contact the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. If an individual is a payer of mandatory insurance premiums, he has the right to receive the necessary information upon presentation of his identity card. It will not be possible to find out your number over the phone, so a citizen must personally appear at the Pension Fund with a passport. If the applicant decides to find out the insurance policy number of another person, having his passport with him, such information will not be provided.

How to find out your SNILS through the State Services?

The portal is a single state service created to provide the population of the Russian Federation with high-quality social services. Each person can visit the site in order to obtain advice and official data upon request. After registering on the portal, you can access the requested information, including information about SNILS:

  • To get a number on the website of the State Service, you must log in and enter your personal account.
  • Then we go to the section "Pensions, benefits and benefits", after which you should select the item "Notice of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund".
  • After that, information about the savings on your account and, in fact, the number itself will become available.

The State Service website allows registered citizens to track the status and movement of funds on their personal account, change SNILS (when changing their last name), and also fill out various applications to the FIU.

Is it possible to recognize SNILS by last name?

The number of the mandatory insurance certificate can be found out by last name online by contacting the public services service or the Pension Fund. It should be understood that this information will be available only to verified users, so you need to register and confirm your data.

In order to find out your SNILS by last name, you can also come to the FIU at the place of residence (required with a passport) or contact the personnel department at the place of work, where all data on employees is available.

Is it possible to replace (restore) SNILS?

For insured citizens, the certificate number is provided for life. If there has been a change in passport data, a person is obliged to contact the PF department with an appropriate application, after which adjustments are made to the personal account data.

If the plastic card has been lost for any reason, you must come to Pension Fund with a passport, write a statement and hand it over to the service officer. After 21 days, it will be possible to obtain a duplicate pension policy from the Pension Fund with the same number as before.

How to check the validity of a certificate?

The SNILS number contains a control number represented by the last two digits. They must be multiplied individually by their position number, which is determined by a countdown (from right to left), after which the results must be added. If the summed digits are less than 100, the checksum must match the result. If the result matches the number 100 or 101, the default control number is 00. If the result is higher than the number 101, then the sum must be divided by 101, and the control number will be equal to the remainder. Unfortunately, not all SNILS numbers can be checked using the described algorithm. More information can be found on the website of the Pension Fund.

You can also check the number using the State Services portal, for which you need to register, as well as provide accurate passport data and a number mobile phone(email) to confirm the request. Next, you need to enter the SNILS number and get the result of the check. If network errors occur or the authenticity is not confirmed, you must contact the FIU representative office.

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Summing up, we note that the most reliable information about the SNILS number can be obtained by contacting the Pension Fund branch. If the insurance certificate is not lost, the number can always be seen directly on it. Also, registered users on the State Services portal can obtain data by requesting an extended notification of the status of their personal account. With official employment, each citizen has the right to contact the personnel department at the place of work and obtain information about the number of the insurance certificate.

Pension savings of Russian citizens are kept in special accounts opened individually for each contributor. To account for such a huge array of data, it was decided to introduce the concept of SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account. This identifier is assigned to each citizen registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (making payments, officially employed, etc.) It consists of 11 digits grouped in the following way: XXX-XXX-XXX-XX, where the last two digits are a check number that allows you to check the validity (correctness) of the 9-digit identifier.

The formation of SNILS takes place automatically, according to the algorithms developed by the PFR specialists. The Federal Law No. 27 “On Individual Personalized Accounting” acts as a regulatory act regulating the use of the insurance number of an individual personal account.

What is SNILS? When is a SNILS number needed?

Such a number is individual, i.e. unique and belonging to only one citizen. Thanks to SNILS, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation gets the opportunity to streamline individual information about payers of contributions and clearly organize the work of transferring funds from their employers. Why would an ordinary person need this identifier? When does it become necessary to find out the SNILS number?

First of all, you will need to remember or learn SNILS when filling out certain documents, questionnaires or resumes. The number will also be needed when registering on the Internet portal of State Services or when issuing a universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Finally, you will also have to find out SNILS if you send a written or electronic request to the FIU with a request to issue a certificate of the state of your personal account (checking the amount of pension savings). Where can I find out the SNILS number? Which institutions or online services are ready to promptly provide information on the number you are looking for?

How to find out SNILS if you have a TIN number?

The taxpayer identification number will in no way help in determining your own or someone else's insurance number of an individual personal account. You won’t be able to find out SNILS only by TIN, even if you decide to visit the PFR office for this: its employees are forbidden to give information to persons who do not have a passport with them and make a request for other persons. At the same time, having a document confirming the identity of the applicant, it will be possible to find out SNILS without information about the taxpayer identification number.

How to find out SNILS by passport: step by step instructions

If you have a passport, the procedure for obtaining the desired number comes down to a visit to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Remember that such information is not disclosed over the phone, moreover, the applicant will be able to find out the SNILS number only in relation to himself, as a payer of pension contributions. Thus, if you have a passport, your actions can be as follows:

  1. Find out the address and opening hours of the nearest FIU branch.
  2. Come to the office with a personal passport.
  3. Present it to the responsible officer with a request to provide a personal account number.
  4. Get the necessary information (if necessary, a fund specialist will help you find out about the status of the account).

Note that this procedure is free and does not require any application.

Important: each employee of the Pension Fund signs a non-disclosure document outside the regulated procedures. This means that when you turn to a friend or relative working in the FIU with a request to help you find out SNILS, you must provide him with a passport. Remember that by taking advantage of close relationships and receiving such information without following established rules, you expose him to the risk of being punished for not following internal instructions.

How to find out the number via the Internet: State Services website

Being active users of the global network, any Russian citizen can find out SNILS using one of the many Internet services offering similar services. The most reliable and proven option is the State Services website. On the state portal you are guaranteed to be able to get accurate information, moreover, they are not limited to information exclusively from the Pension Fund. However, only a registered user can fully use the features of this site. However, in order to register on the State Services website, you will have to enter a lot of personal details, including your SNILS number. Thus, having registered on this portal, you can always quickly find out your SNILS if you go to the user's personal account.

Another fast way number search is associated with the implementation of a request for an "Extended notification of the status of an individual personal account". For this:

1.Go to the main page of the portal.

3. Find the item "Notice of the status of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation."

5. Get the number you are looking for, as well as information about your own pension savings.

Do not forget that the State Services website is ready to offer a number of other opportunities, for example, changing the insurance number of an individual personal account when changing a surname.

About other Internet services

You can use the Internet to find out SNILS not only for registered users of the Public Services website. There are a number of other services that are ready to provide the necessary information for free. Unfortunately, the choice in their favor can often be erroneous. Those who wish to find out the SNILS number must remember that this information is, in principle, confidential, because even on the State Services website, such data can be obtained by the user who himself entered them during registration. And this means that any attempts to find out SNILS from sources not directly related to the Pension Fund will be illegal. As well as the activity of any Internet services that help to find out SNILS will be illegal.

However, the main problem here is connected not so much with the ability to find out the desired identifier, but with the need to get really real number. In most cases, Internet assistants in the form of online services are created for the purpose of unauthorized data collection. When filling out the search form, you will enter your passport data and, possibly, other personal information, which can later be used without your knowledge. And in response to such a request, you will receive a number, which is a random set of numbers. Of course, there are other services on the Web that have some access to the database of the Pension Fund, but none of them will guarantee the provision of accurate data. All this suggests that you need to choose more reliable ways to find out SNILS.

Where else can I find out the SNILS number?

For an officially employed citizen, the simplest and most in an efficient way to find out the insurance number of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund will be an appeal to the accounting department of the employer. Recall that the duties of the latter include the transfer of insurance premiums from all employees, while the main “tool” for the transfer is SNILS: thanks to this number, the accountant determines which accounts in the FIU need to transfer funds. Turning to the accountant, you can always ask him to raise required documents to learn SNILS.

Another way is to study the documents available: look at the papers that have ever been issued by the employer, employees of the insurance company, the Pension Fund or that you filled out on your own - with a high degree of probability you will find the treasured 11 digits in them.

What can the SNILS number tell about?

Many mistakenly believe that if this identifier is classified as confidential information, then, knowing someone else's SNILS, you can access the personal data of its owner. This is not true. Specialists of the Pension Fund protect the personal data of citizens much more strongly than the numbers of their identifiers. That is why if you contact any branch of the FIU and demand to provide information on any number, while claiming that it belongs to you, you will be refused. Do not forget that in order to receive data, an identity document is required. Thus, knowing someone else's SNILS, you are guaranteed not to get access to information such as the name of its owner, address of residence, phone number, or the amount of pension savings.

All that can be done with such a number is to check its validity. There are several ways to find out if such SNILS is registered in the Pension Fund database without obtaining any other data. One of them is the site

Russian labor legislation provides for norms obliging to make pension contributions. Today they are usually called pension insurance payments, which are accumulated on individual accounts of payers specially opened for these purposes. To facilitate the accounting of the movement and collection of these funds, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of an insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) - a unique 11-digit identifier that is issued to each citizen registered with the FIU, i.e. officially working on the territory of the Russian Federation citizen. Main normative act regulating the use of this number is Federal Law No. 27 "On Individual Personalized Accounting".

What is SNILS for?

Memorize 11 digits of your own account hard, but it's not required. The SNILS code is operated by specialists from the Pension Fund and others government agencies, displaying it on certain documents. By the way, one of the most simple ways find out SNILS - carefully study the certificates, notices or other documents issued by the PFR department. On these papers given number displayed with reference to full name. addressee.

What do you need this code for? The most common situations in which it is necessary to indicate SNILS relate to:

  • registration on the portal of public services,
  • obtaining a universal electronic card of a citizen,
  • checking the amount of their pension savings (when making a request to the FIU),
  • processing applications for certain benefits, social services, etc.

The need to remember your identification number can be encountered when filling out a variety of documents. How to find out SNILS quickly? What methods exist?

Find out SNILS by passport

In addition to the above method to find out SNILS, related to the study of available documents, including a pension insurance card, on which the desired 11-digit number is indicated at the top in the middle in the format XXX-XXX-XXX-XX, there is another one that requires contacting the Pension Fund. Any payer of pension contributions has the right to contact the nearest branch of the PFR and find out SNILS.

Important: internal instructions for fund employees prohibit them from giving information to applicants regarding third parties. In addition, the rules require the identification of the applicant. Thus, in order to find out the SNILS number, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you and appear in person at the fund’s branch (you won’t be able to get the necessary information by phone).

Find out SNILS by TIN

It must be understood that SNILS can only be recognized if you have passport data and only in relation to yourself, that is, the applicant. Having information solely about the TIN (taxpayer identification number), it will also not be possible to obtain the desired number. The reason is a categorical ban on providing any data from the FIU to unidentified persons - those whose identity has not been established and not confirmed. Consequently, neither in Internet services, nor in the Pension Fund, nor in other government services, it will be possible to find out SNILS by TIN. Any service of this kind will be treated as illegal.

How to find out the SNILS number via the Internet: step-by-step instructions for users of the State Services website

The state portal was created specifically to provide citizens with a large list of services, mostly related to consultations and the issuance of official information upon request. Registration on the State Services website means access to a large amount of data, among which you can find the insurance number of an individual personal account that interests us. Note that the registration of a citizen on this portal involves specifying your details, including entering the SNILS number, and therefore, once a registered user, it will not be difficult to log in, enter your personal account and find the cherished numbers.

The best way to obtain information will be the service of obtaining the "Extended notification of the status of an individual personal account". Step by step it will look like this:

1. We go to the portal of public services:

3. Select the item "Notice of the status of the personal account in the PFR"

5. We receive data on our pension savings, and also fix our personal identification number.

It should be noted that registration on opens up a lot of opportunities for users, including constant monitoring of the state of their personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a quick change of SNILS when changing passport data (last name), assistance in preparing and submitting various applications to specialists of the Pension Fund, and many others. others

Alternative ways

If it is not possible to find out SNILS through the Pension Fund, without registering on the State Services portal or without having any documents that could help in finding the information you are looking for, one of the following two ways can help you:

  • If you have official employment, then you can find out SNILS from the accountant of your enterprise (firm, company). Payment of insurance pension payments with the transfer of money to the employee's accounts in the Pension Fund is the responsibility of the employer, which means that he is obliged to know and use the insurance numbers of individual personal accounts in his work. By referring to the relevant official and, if necessary, by providing him with a document proving your identity, you will easily receive the necessary data. In general, this is the easiest and fastest way to learn SNILS for any official employed citizen.
  • The required number can be obtained from the person who has access to the database. Obviously, this must be an employee of the Pension Fund, who is contrary to the requirements job description and at the risk of disclosing information to a person who does not apply in accordance with the established procedure (a visit to the PFR office and the provision of a passport). Perhaps, having relatives or good acquaintances among the employees of the fund, you will be able to recognize SNILS, but you should always remember that there are other, more civilized and not related to violating the established rules.

What can the SNILS number tell?

Do not think that this identifier reveals any confidential data. Yes, SNILS belongs to the category of undisclosed information when requested by third parties. However, knowing someone else's number, you will not be able to check the amount of pension savings of this citizen, get data on his tax debts or work experience. Such information can be provided only in two cases:

  1. Only personally to the applicant in relation to himself, who appeared at the Pension Fund office and provided a personal passport
  2. If you have registered on the website of the State Services. Accordingly, here it is necessary to know not only SNILS, but also a login with a password from the user's personal account.

The only way to use someone else's insurance number of an individual personal account is to check its validity, that is, to obtain proof that it is registered in the Pension Fund database. Note that this does not allow you to get any other information, be it the name of the person, his place of work, etc. At the same time, the SNILS validity check service is in demand: Internet services that offer all possible assistance in this direction confirm this. An example of such a site:

Be careful!

Many sites on the Internet, calling themselves "reference services", among their other services, offer assistance in determining SNILS. Most often, the search form on such resources contains several fields to fill in, including full name, residential address and passport number. After entering the necessary details, the system displays some numbers, or does not respond to the request at all. This is because such sites are created solely for the unauthorized collection of personal data. At the same time, they can give out a number, but with a high degree of probability it will be a regular set of random numbers.

There are also paid reference services, the owners of which, with a high degree of probability, have access to the database of the Pension Fund. For a fixed fee and after some time, they promise to find out SNILS and provide the necessary numbers. But can anyone guarantee that the number provided will be correct?

Do not use dubious services and do not break the law, because you can find out the SNILS number for free and relatively quickly using any of the above methods.

The calculation of seniority begins immediately after registration of employment or the start of activity public character. It shows the total duration labor activity person throughout life, and is the basis for calculating a pension. After registering with the Pension Fund of Russia, citizens of our country receive an individual SNILS, which is indicated in the insurance certificate.

SNILS is the personal account number of an individual who is insured in the compulsory pension insurance system. It contains all information related to the work experience of a person, as well as data on transfers to the account from employers.

With this number, you can not only receive pensions, but also use social and medical services to the fullest. In certain situations (getting a job, applying for a loan), when it is necessary to indicate the insurance number and length of service, it is important to enter the data correctly. In this article, we will give detailed information on how to find out your work experience on SNILS.


The length of service is calculated according to federal law RF. In fact, this is the term or duration of a person's work throughout his life.

The experience is divided into several types:

  • Special. The length of service that is the basis for receiving an early pension.
  • Insurance and labor. Duration of employment during which pension contributions were regularly made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • State. Total time work at state enterprises and institutions.

In order to officially receive pension provision, it is enough to have an experience of 5 years.


The insurance number of an individual personal account, or SNILS, is indicated in the insurance certificate of each citizen of the Russian Federation. These figures are needed not only for calculating pensions, but also, with the advent of new technologies, for the convenience of obtaining assistance on the public services website. The main advantage of the insurance number is the benefits that will be available to its owner.

An insurance number can be obtained after issuing an insurance certificate in one of the following ways:

  • By contacting the Pension Fund. After that, a standard form is filled out, so you need to have a passport with you.
  • When applying for a job for the first time, an insurance number is issued.
  • Parents can register their child for obtaining SNILS. To do this, with a passport and birth certificate, they turn to the Pension Fund.

An insurance number, like a certificate, is issued for life. Changes to this document are made only when personal data is corrected.

Checking the length of service according to SNILS by personal appeal

Some facts

To check SNILS by number at the pension fund branch, you need to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the document itself. It is important that the list of documents that is intended to check the insurance period includes information about the date and issue number, as well as the full name of the insured person, date of birth, place of permanent employment and grounds for extradition.

There are two right way how to find out work experience according to SNILS: personal appeal and online. If such a need arose, then first of all it is worth contacting the Pension Fund. Experience information is not confidential. Therefore, all that needs to be done is to contact the PNF. You need to have your passport and insurance certificate with you. Employees will help you understand the principle of accruing seniority. Additionally, if necessary, you can clarify the data on the personal account and on the individual pension coefficient.

This verification method is the most convenient, since qualified specialists will explain all the nuances of calculating pensions and seniority. The length of service is taken into account when calculating the individual pension coefficient, and is indicated in the information on the state of the personal account.

Online experience check

There are situations when it is necessary to check the experience, but in working time The pension fund does not have the opportunity to seek help from specialists. Therefore, there is a convenient way to find out the length of service according to SNILS without leaving home. Thanks to modern technologies and the availability of information on the Internet, everyone can find out information in their own way. insurance number online. To do this, you need to go to the website of public services. Next, you have to register on this resource (enter your full name, phone number).

After passing a quick registration, you can turn to the section "Catalogue of services", then you need to turn to the item "Pension, allowances, benefits". By ordering a notice on the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund, you can also get information about work experience. When the system processes the information, it will provide an extract that will contain all the necessary data. This document can be printed, saved in your personal account, or downloaded to your computer.

The specialist in the video below tells about the personal account of the pension fund

SNILS number check

The information contained in the insurance certificate is confidential. That is why it is impossible to check the insurance number online. This precautionary measure has been taken to protect the personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation. You can get all the necessary information by personally contacting the Pension Fund, or by making a request on the public services portal. But a personal appeal to the Pension Fund is the best solution, because in case of disputes related to data changes, loss of a number, or verification of information, employees will be able to give an exhaustive answer to any question.

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments to the article

The compulsory pension insurance certificate (green plastic card) is a document confirming your registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.


Insurance number
personal account
in the Pension Fund of Russia - SNILS

Date when pension
fund of Russia
registered you,
forming your
individual facial
account with SNILS

For work and retirement

When you get a job, your employer needs your SNILS to make contributions to your future pension fund. Since 2015, these deductions are reflected in the form of points on your individual personal account in the Pension Fund. The same account reflects data on the length of service and salary, as well as your voluntary contributions. All of this information will be required in the future to assign you a pension. The higher the white salary and the longer the period during which the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia, the more pension points and pension savings you have. The more points reflected in the pension account, the higher the pension will be. Accounting for pension rights in points since 2015 will allow you to more effectively protect your pension capital.

For public services in in electronic format

Today, many government services can be obtained via the Internet. So, using the service of the portal of public services, you can apply for receiving or exchanging a foreign or Russian passport without waiting in line, find out the status of your individual personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia, make an appointment with a doctor and much more. Registration on the public services portal and receiving services is possible only if you have SNILS.

For identification in the Personal Account of the insured person on the PFR website

With the help of a special service PFR Personal account of the insured person, you can find out about the number of pension points and the duration of the insurance period recorded on your personal account, get detailed information about the periods of employment, places of work and the amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers. Also, within the framework of the service, you can use an individual pension calculator and find out what affects the formation of your future insurance pension.

To receive government benefits

SNILS is used to form registers of citizens entitled to state social services and benefits. For example, to receive free medicines and vouchers.

To reduce the number of documents when receiving various public services

SNILS serves as an identifier of information about you in the system of interdepartmental interaction. With his help state structures independently request Required documents for the provision of various public services and the provision of social benefits. Thus, you spend less time on obtaining certificates and documents that must be submitted to various departments: for example, when obtaining a certificate for maternity (family) capital.

How to get SNILS for adults

At the conclusion employment contract or a civil law contract, the employer within two weeks sends the completed questionnaire with the employee's data to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. An insurance certificate with SNILS is issued within three weeks, transferred to the employer, who issues it to the employee.

You must show your passport and fill out a form. In this case, issuing an insurance certificate from SNILS takes three weeks. Those who voluntarily make contributions to their future pension to the Pension Fund of Russia for themselves or for another person go through the same procedure.

How to get SNILS for children

To obtain an insurance certificate from SNILS for a child under 14, a mother or father with their own passport and birth certificate can apply to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or actual residence. You need to fill out a questionnaire at the FIU, and no later than three weeks later you will receive an insurance certificate for your child from SNILS. Children over 14 years old can apply on their own with their passport.

The Pension Fund of Russia recommends obtaining SNILS to all citizens who, for various reasons, do not yet have it. These are, as a rule, military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies without seniority in the "civilian" who will receive or are already receiving a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance experience. For example, housewives, children.

To obtain SNILS, you must contact the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence with a passport. Military personnel who serve in garrisons remote from the locations of the Pension Fund bodies can receive SNILS through their military unit.

Foreign citizens or stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation"), permanently or temporarily residing in Russia, receive a certificate from SNILS personally in the territorial PFR body at the place of residence (stay) or through your employer.

How to recover

SNILS is provided to every citizen once and for all and is assigned only to him. But the “green card” itself can be lost. If such a nuisance happened, it is easy to restore the certificate.

If you are working, please contact the Human Resources Department with an application for a duplicate certificate of compulsory pension insurance. If you belong to the category of the self-employed population (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of your registration as an insurer with an application for a duplicate. Non-working citizens must apply for the restoration of the "green card" to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.

Within a month from the day the citizen or employer applied, a duplicate of the insurance certificate will be issued based on the data of the individual personal account.

How to replace

The personal data indicated on the "green card" must correspond to the passport data, therefore, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, it is necessary to change the insurance certificate to a new one. To do this, an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate is submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence (through the employer or in person). The previous insurance certificate is attached to the application. All changes are reflected in the individual personal account of the citizen, and he is issued an insurance certificate with the same SNILS, but with changed personal data.