After the registry office when to change the passport. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Almost everyone thought about changing their last name. And the reason for this may be marriage or adoption.

Many citizens wish to acquire the name of an idol or change it according to astrological forecasts. So is it possible?


It is this document that changes within 30 days after the change.

Name change procedure

The procedure for changing the surname is the order of actions that are necessary to perform.

The procedure has a certain character, prescribed in the rules of the registry office:

  1. Initially, the client comes to the state body for consultation.
  2. There he receives a complete list of documents required for submission, as well as details for which payment must be made.
  3. Then the citizen goes to collect documents.
  4. Then he turns to Sberbank and pays the state fee through the terminal. It must be remembered that this type of payment will require an additional commission.
  5. Together with the receipt, the person is sent to the territorial registry office and writes a statement of the established form. At the stands in the presented company, a sample is attached.
  6. Together with the application, all necessary documents are transferred, a receipt for payment is attached.

Within 30 days, the registry office notifies the client of the readiness of the documents and the decision.

If this is a positive decision, then the citizen is issued a certificate-confirmation of the change of surname. If denied, all submitted documents will be returned. The reason for the refusal is argued.

To any other

It is possible to change the surname to any other. But it must be the name of a relative or the person who raised him. To do this, you need to act in a similar way.

The state fee will be 1600 rubles.

Also, a person must provide all documents confirming the relationship and the possibility of acquiring this surname.

The application shall indicate the old data, the reason for the change and the new surname.

The procedure for changing a surname to any other is not always accompanied by positive emotions. The representative of the registry office can dissuade from the decision or put pressure. But if a person has firmly decided, then this will not push him away from action.

After marriage

After marriage, a marriage registration certificate is issued, where the woman is already registered with a new surname. This document is fundamental when changing a passport and other documents. This means that you do not need to pay an additional state fee to process the change.

It will be enough to pay a wedding payment in the amount of 300 rubles.

An application for a change of surname is written before choosing the date of marriage. A woman has the right to make her own choice - whether she needs it or not.

After the marriage, the woman is issued a certificate and a passport, where a note is made about the replacement of the document within a 30-day period.

child with father's consent

It often happens that people get divorced and they have a child. Most of the time, he stays with his mother. And it happens that she gets married again.

In this case, the mother can determine for herself whether it is necessary or not. If you want to become one family, the child is adopted by a new father. Even if for some reason he is denied this, he can give his last name to the child.

To do this, you must obtain the consent of the child himself, if his age has reached 10 years. The consent of the biological father is also required.

If the parents parted on good terms, then problems should not arise. But if the action, then nothing can be done.

To register a new surname, you must submit to the registry office:

  • birth certificate;
  • passports;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • written consent of the biological father, certified by a notary.

A note about the change is made in the registry office database, the birth certificate is changed and a confirmation certificate is issued.

In passport

The passport is the document that must be changed first. Regardless of the reason for changing the surname, within a 30-day period, a person must apply to the passport office with an application for entering new data.

He pays the state fee in the amount of 300 rubles and gives the receipt, passport and application. For the period of production, he is issued a temporary identity card.

It must be remembered that the last document is issued only at a personal request and a free format application.

If you do not contact the passport office, then the document will be considered invalid after the 30-day period. You will have to pay a fine.

The citizen writes a statement of the established form and attaches additional documents:

  • old passport and two color photographs 35*45;
  • birth/marriage certificate for stamping;
  • the document on which the change was made.

If a passport is being replaced for a minor, then parents or legal representatives must apply.

To change data after marriage, you only need to provide a marriage certificate.


In order not to make a mistake when applying, you need to know the main features. Each citizen must familiarize himself with the list of necessary documents and an application for a change of surname.

Required documents

To obtain new data, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • application for a change of surname;
  • photograph of the applicant;
  • passport and its copy;
  • birth certificate of the person wishing to change their surname;
  • autobiography, where to describe the registration and the need to change the surname;
  • marriage/divorce certificate according to the event;
  • birth certificate of children, adoption;
  • receipt of payment of the mandatory payment - the state fee;
  • other documents confirming the desire to obtain a new surname.

Consideration of the application takes no more than a month. During this period, they must notify the client of their decision. Recently, the application review process has accelerated, and therefore it is already possible to receive a confirming certificate in a week.

Applications are considered very quickly at the place of registration of the applicant.


The application in 2017 has the form No. 15. An application is drawn up independently by the applicant, which reflects the reason for the change.

It also contains the following details:

  • Full name of the applicant, additionally - place of birth, place of residence, citizenship and current marital status;
  • Name of all minor children;
  • details of the registration of acts of civil status;
  • new and old surnames;
  • grounds for change;
  • list of attached documents;
  • date, signature and transcript.

State duty

The state duty is a mandatory payment. It is paid before the registration and submission of the application.

The value depends on the specific factor:

  • if this is a child, then the cost is 400 rubles;
  • if this is a marriage, then 300 rubles;
  • if this is a replacement of one's own free will or of a foreign type, then 1000–16000 rubles.

You can pay for it at the Sberbank terminal.


The change of surname occurs in a month. But the state body can extend this period up to two months.

If a person does not agree with the decision of the representatives of the registry office, then the decision can be challenged in court.

The term for payment of the state fee is not regulated by the current legislation.

Reasons for rejection

The registry office practically does not refuse the procedure if the application is correctly filled out and the basis complies with current legislation.

Cancellation is possible when:

  • changing the surname to the data of the biological father, if another person is indicated in the birth certificate, here it is necessary to prove the relationship documentarily;
  • you can not take the name of an actor, writer, politician, city name, product or product.

Sometimes representatives of the registry office make concessions and, individually, for a certain fee, register new data.

What documents need to be changed?

After changing the surname, it is mandatory to replace the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • international passport;
  • individual taxpayer number;
  • pension certificate;
  • medical policy;
  • make changes to the work book;
  • driver's license;
  • diploma and certificate;
  • title documents for real estate and property;
  • passbook and bank card;
  • library card.

Changing a surname is a fairly easy procedure, but it will require a lot of time and money.

On the video about the design

Most often, girls change their surname after marriage, although there are other circumstances that change the surname. As you know, after changing the surname, you can change not only the passport, but also other documents. What documents need to be changed when changing the surname we will tell in this article.

What is the difficulty? In the number of documents that need to be replaced, in the constant change in legislation and, first of all, in the tariffs for which changes are made.

The documents:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

The passport must be changed within a month after the wedding, so you can safely leave on a short honeymoon trip (up to a month).

If the passport is not changed, then you will need to pay a fine of 1500 - 2000 rubles.

The list of documents that are needed to replace the passport after the wedding:

  • Questionnaire on the replacement of a passport due to a change in surname, the new surname (husband) is already indicated in the questionnaire
  • The fee for replacing a passport is 300 rubles. The duty is paid at Sberbank. Very often the question arises as to whose name the duty is paid: for the maiden (old) or new (husband). Important! The duty is paid on the old (maiden) surname, and not on the new (husband).
  • old passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • 2 photographs (3.5 x 4.5 color or black and white)
  • Passport (if you have one, you may not need it)

You can change your passport in one of the following ways:

  • through the State Services portal, by signing up via the Internet (the questionnaire is filled out electronically);
  • through the branch of the MFC (Multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services) at the place of registration

SNILS - pension certificate (green card)

The SNILS number will not be changed, it is permanently assigned to one person, only the Surname will change.

SNILS is changing at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Requires personal presence.

List of documents for replacing SNILS after changing a surname after a wedding:

  • Application for the replacement of SNILS
  • Passport (already new!) of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Marriage certificate + 1 copy

Data changes approximately every 2 weeks.

CHI policy (Compulsory Medical Insurance)

The policy can be changed at any insurance company, you can at your old one.

List of documents for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surname after the wedding:

  • Passport (new) of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Old CHI policy
  • SNILS (or its number on the replacement receipt)

To replace the CHI, personal presence is required. Without replacing the CHI policy, you will not be able to visit all public medical institutions.

TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number

The TIN number does not change depending on the change in surname, just like SNILS, only the changed data changes in it.

You can change the TIN at the tax office at the place of registration, now you can make an appointment through the tax website.

To replace the TIN after changing the surname after the wedding, the following documents will be required:

Application for changing the TIN (it is better to fill out in advance at home and print it out).

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation


Marriage certificate

The TIN changes immediately and a new copy will be given to you. The TIN must be changed due to appeals to the tax office, for example, to provide a tax deduction.

Replacing documents on a car. Documents for the replacement of a driver's license (right), OSAGO and PTS policy (vehicle passport).

To replace a driver's license (right), you must have a valid medical card (medical driver's commission). Driving a car with an old license (with an old surname) - a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Driver's Medical Board

To replace a driver's license, you must first pass a medical examination. However, if there is a valid medical card, but for the old name, then you need to use it, but you can not get a new one.

Moreover, since 2015, it has become more difficult to get a medical card due to the fact that you need to get 2 seals in dispensaries: neuropsychiatric and narcological. Moreover, this rule cannot be bypassed even for money. The traffic police do not accept certificates if they are stamped by non-specified clinics.

Fortunately, the card itself is quite easy to get and there are enough medical centers now.

So, in general, the rule is simple:

  1. we come to the medical examination,
  2. then to dispensaries,
  3. then again and get the finished certificate.

Driver's license replacement

Documents for replacing a driver's license after changing a surname:

  • Application for the replacement of rights (written directly to the MREO, or can be downloaded in advance on the website)
  • The duty is 2000 rubles (for the replacement of a national driving license on a plastic basis). Pay at Sberbank according to the details of the required MREO (automatic machines are usually found in the MREO itself, but it’s better in advance)
  • Passport (already new) of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Medical certificate + copy (both sides of the medical certificate on 1 page)
  • Driver's card from a driving school
  • Driver's license
  • Marriage certificate + copy

OSAGO policy

To replace the OSAGO policy after changing the surname, you must contact your insurance company and provide the following documents:

  • RF passport
  • New driver's license
  • Marriage certificate

If there is CASCO, then the list of documents is the same.

PTS replacement

Within 10 days after changing the surname (passport!) You must contact the MREO to replace the title. If you do not do this, then the fine is as much as 2500 rubles.

PTS replacement consists of two parts:

Making changes to the TCP - state duty 350 rubles

Issuance of a certificate of registration - state duty 500 rubles

Documents for replacing the TCP when changing the surname after the wedding:

  • Application form (can be filled in MREO), the application is not suitable for public services.
  • RF passport
  • PTS (plastic and paper)
  • State fees for 350 and 500 rubles
  • Marriage certificate + copy
  • Driver's license
  • OSAGO policy

Formally, an OSAGO policy, like a driver's license, is not needed, because. the owner of the car may not have a driver's license and, as a result, not be included in the OSAGO. Poet! You can change the TCP immediately after receiving your passport, then you definitely won’t have to pay a fine.

When the moment comes to realize the wise words “never say never”, you are already thinking whether to take the name of your future husband or not. What does changing your last name mean to you? A vain formality, an inevitable tradition, or something symbolic?

Someone, without hesitation, changes his surname, considering the procedure quite natural. Some are fighting for their independence. And there are those who believe that by changing their surname, they can change their fate.

Judging by the statistics, the choice of the weaker sex cannot be called unanimous, only 73% of women in Russia choose to bear the same surname with their husband.

Experts have found that the bride’s age is no longer young, high education, career success, a managerial position or her own business reduce the likelihood of changing her last name.

Where did the tradition come from, changing the surname after marriage

The tradition of taking the husband's surname comes from early Christianity, but it was not mandatory for everyone. It was believed that the wife, taking the surname of her husband, showed special respect for the family of her betrothed and joined another clan.

During the period of the establishment of serfdom, in Rus', the landowners used their position and assigned surnames to serfs, and also married serf girls with a change of surname. So it was more convenient to control and account for their peasants.

As for free people and artisans, their surnames reflected the essence of the profession, place of residence, father's name, possible imperfections, deformities, features, nicknames, nicknames and other signs.

With the establishment of Soviet power, a real boom began, with the change of surnames. This was partly due to the significant increase in the role of women in public life.

How long does it take to change a last name after marriage?

In Russia, the deadline for changing a passport, after marriage, comes on the 30th day. If you did not meet the deadline, you will have to pay a fine, the amount of which is from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

Photo memo of the very first documents that must be provided for the procedure for changing the surname and passport

You can change your passport at any convenient time, some limited period for this procedures not determined.

What documents need to be prepared

1. To exchange a civil passport, you need to prepare:

  • application for a replacement passport;
  • marriage certificate;
  • 4 photos 3.5 x 4.5;
  • former general passport;

2. To exchange a foreign passport, you need:

  • an application for a replacement passport - 2 copies, which must be certified at the place of study or work;
  • a general passport and a photocopy of all its pages with information;
  • certificate of citizenship, if it was acquired after 01.09.1992;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • 4 photos 3.5 x 4.5;
  • previous foreign passport;

Useful: what to consider when changing a surname after marriage

Think about what a change of surname will give you?

Without a doubt, in addition to a civil passport, you will have to change:

  • international passport;
  • driver's license;
  • insurance;
  • credit cards and savings books;
  • pension certificate;
  • medical policy;
  • property documents;
  • personal account and renegotiate a contract for utilities;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • make changes to the work book or accounting documents;
  • certificate of the entrepreneur;
  • student card and grade book;

If you believe the science of esotericism, then with a change of surname, life will definitely change. An important stage of “reconnection” to another kind of energy will take place, and this will undoubtedly affect fate.

Although, if a woman wants to take her husband's surname, regardless of place of residence and religion, who or what can stop her?

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video about the hidden pros and cons of changing a surname after marriage. Natalya Tolstaya talks about unexpected changes both in real life and in a metaphysical perspective. Happy viewing!

Such a procedure as changing a surname has a special procedure for execution. In our article, we will talk about how to change a surname: the procedure, what grounds and documents are needed, what personal documents should be changed, and also cover other important points in this process. The surname is an integral part in the life of every person, it is given to him from birth and accompanies him throughout his life, if there is no need or desire to change it. The reason for changing the surname can be either a good reason, for example, the adoption or adoption of a child, marriage, etc., or the personal desire of a citizen.

The right to change a surname is established by Article 58 of Federal Law No. 143-FZ “On Civil Status Acts”, and this right is also regulated by Articles 32 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for changing the surname

The legislation provides for the possibility for every citizen of the Russian Federation to change their surname. Citizens who have reached the age of majority can act independently, the process is carried out by their parents, adoptive parents or trustees, which we will discuss in more detail in our next article.
Important! The change of surname provides for the applicant an obligation in the form of payment of the state fee, which, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, amounts to 1,600 rubles.

The process of changing the surname begins with the submission of an application of the established form to the registry office, which, in turn, are required to accept documents, enter new data in the registration journal and provide the applicant with a certificate of change of surname.

Important! The registry office is not entitled to refuse citizens to accept documents if the reason for changing the surname is present in the list of justified reasons for the implementation of this process, otherwise the application for a surname change is considered on an individual basis.

Based on statistics, we can determine the following main reasons for changing the surname that citizens of the Russian Federation use:

  1. the desire of one of the spouses to have a common surname or return their premarital one;
  2. the desire to bear the surname of the stepfather or stepmother, if official adoption is not possible;
  3. the desire to take the surname of one of the parents, if the second did not take part in the upbringing of the child;
  4. the desire of parents to bear a common surname with their children, if for some reason their surnames differ;
  5. the desire to bear the surname of a relative or other person who carried out the upbringing of a person without formalizing the adoption;
  6. the desire to bear a surname corresponding to the chosen nationality;
  7. the desire to change the surname, if the former belonged to the category of difficult to pronounce;
  8. the desire to change the surname, if the former belonged to the category of dissonant;
  9. desire to change the surname for religious reasons.

After receiving a certificate of change of surname, the applicant must independently apply to the registry office, where they will exchange the old birth certificate for a new one and notify all necessary organizations about the change of surname.

Documents for changing surname

When drawing up the procedure for changing the surname, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the application, the initiator, depending on the reason, must provide the following documents:

  • photograph of the applicant;
  • an identity document of the applicant;
  • the applicant's birth certificate;
  • autobiography, where it is indicated when and where the registration of acts of civil status was carried out (this can also be written in the application);
  • change of surname upon marriage implies the provision of a marriage certificate;
  • involves the provision of a certificate of divorce;
  • birth certificate of minor children;
  • adoption or paternity certificate;
  • other documents that may confirm the reason indicated by the applicant as the basis for changing the surname.

How to apply for a name change

An application for a change of surname is drawn up by the initiator independently on a special form of form No. 15. The following information must be reflected in the document:

  1. last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant, date and place of his birth, citizenship, place of residence and marital status;
  2. details of civil status records that were drawn up in relation to the applicant earlier;
  3. Full name, as well as dates of birth of all minor children of the applicant (each child is registered separately);
  4. the surname chosen by the applicant to change the previous one is indicated;
  5. the grounds for changing the surname are listed;
  6. the list of documents that are attached to the application is indicated;
  7. the date of the document and the signature of the applicant must be put.

Dates for changing surname

The law clearly establishes the period for consideration of a citizen's petition for a change of surname - it is equal to one month, after which the registry office must issue the appropriate document to the applicant. However, in some cases, the term for consideration of the application may be extended, but not more than up to two months.

Attention! When making a decision to refuse to change the surname, the registry office must provide a reasoned and legally confirmed explanation of their decision, which, moreover, can be appealed by the applicant in accordance with civil procedural legislation, i.e. in a court.

What documents should be changed when changing a surname

Making changes related to the change of surname is a mandatory procedure for a citizen who has carried out the procedure for changing a surname. So, the initiator must independently apply to the appropriate authorities and exchange the documents he has for new ones, these are:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation- the document must be replaced in the first place, in order to avoid a fine, it must be changed within a month from the date of the change of surname. You should contact the branch of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay with a statement of the established form, attach an old passport, photographs, a document confirming the fact of the change of surname and a receipt for payment of the state fee.
  • TIN certificate- the taxpayer identification number itself does not change when changing the surname, however, the document must be reissued for a new surname, for this you should contact the tax office at the place of residence with the appropriate application, which is accompanied by a copy of the passport with a new surname and a document confirming the change of surname.
  • Medical policy- the document is subject to mandatory replacement when changing the surname. For working citizens, the exchange of an insurance medical policy should be carried out through the employer, if a citizen does not work, he should contact the policy issuing point on his own, providing an appropriate application and copies of documents confirming the change of surname.
  • pension certificate- is subject to mandatory replacement when changing the surname, any changes must be reflected in the individual personal account of the insured person. A working citizen can replace the SNILS with the employer through the personnel department, a non-working citizen must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence independently, apply for the exchange of an insurance certificate, attaching copies of the relevant documents and an old insurance certificate to it.
  • Employment history- this document is not subject to complete replacement, however, a note is made in it about the change of the owner's surname. The initiator should contact the personnel department of the organization where he works and provide a document confirming the fact of the change of surname, after which the specialists of the department will make the necessary mark.
  • Driver's license- this document is required to be replaced when changing the surname. Starting from November 5, 2014, when amendments were made to the Federal Law "On Road Safety", the rights are considered invalid from the moment the surname is changed.
  • International passport- the legislator does not regulate the period for replacing a foreign passport when changing a surname, therefore, it can be used before the expiration date and after that it can be replaced with a passport with a new surname. However, it should be borne in mind that if there are different surnames in the foreign passport and the passport of the Russian Federation of one owner, it is impossible to obtain visas to other countries.
  • Certificates of ownership- the replacement of documents confirming the owner's right to use or dispose is not a mandatory factor when changing the surname; when making a transaction, one should only present a document confirming the fact of the surname change. However, lawyers still recommend that you worry about replacing documents in advance of the transaction, for example, buying and selling an apartment or car, in order to avoid unnecessary complications and red tape. In addition, different surnames, for example, in the driver's license and vehicle passport can also cause a lot of problems for the owner.
  • Certificates and diplomas- documents are subject to replacement after the change of surname, however, it is possible that together with them the citizen will need to present a document confirming the fact of the change of surname.
  • Student and library card, gradebook, work pass- documents change without fail, for this it is necessary to provide a document confirming the fact of changing the surname to the educational unit or to the personnel department.
  • Credit cards and savings books- are subject to replacement after changing the surname and obtaining a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, all operations take place in the relevant banks, where you need to apply with an application and an identity document.
  • Also, documents such as a military ID are subject to replacement when changing a surname, it may be necessary to make changes to contracts that were concluded earlier and other securities.
Attention! Notification of the change of name of all necessary structures and organizations is the direct responsibility of the citizen - the initiator of the procedure. In order to avoid possible misunderstandings and conflicts, lawyers recommend informing the maximum possible number of organizations about the change of name, including credit institutions and medical centers.