Where to get a pension certificate. What is the time frame for issuing SNILS

Today we have to find out where they get SNILS in Moscow. Every citizen should know the answer to this question. After all, the insurance certificate plays an important role for the population. It is almost impossible to live in Russia without it. Therefore, we will not only find out where this document can be issued, but also get acquainted with the procedure for ordering paper.


What is SNILS? This is what is called the insurance certificate of a citizen. It looks like a green and white card. It contains information about the owner and the insurance number of an individual personal account.

That is why the insurance certificate is called SNILS. The mentioned number indicates that the citizen has insurance in the pension system of the Russian Federation. This combination is necessary for the FIU to organize information about citizens and deductions in Pension Fund.

Who needs?

Where do they get SNILS in Moscow? The answer to this question will be given later. First you have to understand who needs to receive the mentioned paper.

In general, all citizens permanently residing in Russia. So, recipients can be:

  • newborns;
  • minors;
  • adult citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Foreigners.

All individuals must have SNILS. Otherwise, living in Russia will be problematic.

What for?

What is the purpose of the insurance certificate? It, as we have already said, is required by the Pension Fund to control the contributions of the population. But this is not the only function of SNILS.

This document is used for the following purposes:

  • grant processing;
  • admission to some institutions;
  • participation in courts;
  • registration of pensions;
  • receiving medical services.

We can say that the paper under study is quite actively used to receive public services.

Step by step how to get

Where do they get SNILS in Moscow? The answer to this question will be presented to our attention later. Before that, you have to figure out how to properly submit a request to the appropriate organization.

For clearance insurance certificate would need:

  1. Prepare the documents requested by the issuing authority.
  2. Write an application for the issuance / exchange of a certificate.
  3. Submit a request to the registration authority.
  4. Wait about 14 days. After that, you can pick up the finished SNILS.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. The list of documents requested for SNILS will change depending on the situation.

For adults

What can be useful for the implementation of the task? To think about where to issue SNILS in Moscow, you must first generate a package of documents. Without them, the service will simply be denied.

Let's start with paperwork for adults. They must bring with them:

  • statement;
  • the passport.

It is also necessary to present a certificate indicating registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. If a person brought a passport, then there is no need for additional proof of registration.

Foreigners also apply:

  • migration cards;
  • proof of residency is mandatory.

It is advisable to bring not only originals, but also copies of the listed papers.


Documents for registration of SNILS are different. Much depends on the situation in which a citizen applies to the registration authority for the mentioned paper.

What will be required for registration of SNILS for children? Typically, parents are required to:

  • statement;
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • birth certificate;
  • insert with citizenship (if any).

If we are talking about a minor child who has reached the age of 14, it is worth noting that parental participation in the operation is not required. In this case, you need to bring the same papers that adults prepare for obtaining SNILS.

As you might guess, foreign children additionally need to submit a residence permit and a migration card. You can't do without these papers.


Despite such a simple list of documents required for the preparation of an insurance certificate, sometimes such a process causes a lot of trouble for citizens. The thing is that under certain circumstances, SNILS needs to be changed. And then the listed lists of documents are supplemented by some papers.

For example, you may need:

  • a certificate from the registry office about changing your data;
  • court decisions and rulings;
  • marriage/divorce certificates.

Also, when exchanging an insurance certificate, they are asked to bring the old SNILS. This is a normal requirement, the satisfaction of which is not always possible. Nevertheless, they cannot refuse the service for the exchange of an insurance certificate under certain circumstances without SNILS.

Reasons for replacement

And in what cases is it necessary to replace the studied paper? How often do you think about where they get SNILS in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation?

The period of validity of the insurance certificate in Russia is not limited. It needs to be replaced:

  • after marriage / divorce with a change of surname;
  • if personal data has changed (full name, last name, gender);
  • upon detection of typos and inaccuracies in the document;
  • when changing the name of a child after a divorce;
  • after theft / loss and damage to paper.

But where can you order SNILS? Addresses in Moscow where you can get this service will be presented below.

Issuing authorities

But first, it’s worth figuring out where insurance certificates are issued in general. There are registration authorities in every region of the Russian Federation.

You can issue SNILS:

  • through the Pension Funds of Russia;
  • in multifunctional centers.

It is also possible to obtain a document in educational institutions and through employers. And what are the coordinates to apply for the service in Moscow?

FIU in Moscow

It all depends on the place of residence of the citizen. Most often, SNILS is issued directly at the Pension Funds. Here the service is provided much faster than when contacting the MFC. For newborns, for example, an insurance certificate can be issued in a few minutes.

Where exactly to go? Here are some FIU addresses in Moscow:

  • Bakhrushina, 13;
  • Malaya Ordynka, house 35;
  • Bolshaya Yakimanka, house 38;
  • Krasnoprudnaya street, 28/1, building 2;
  • Aviamotornaya, 49/1;
  • Plekhanov, house 15A.

This is not a complete list of registration authorities in Moscow. Nevertheless, according to the listed coordinates, SNILS is indeed issued to everyone. It is enough to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

MFC in the capital

But you can contact the MFC for help. In this case, listing addresses in Moscow is very long. Indeed, in the capital of Russia there are more than 170 branches of multifunctional centers. And everywhere they help in obtaining insurance certificates.

Where exactly can you apply for a service? The addresses of the MFC Moscow will be as follows:

  • Khavskaya, 26;
  • lane Krutitsky 3rd, house 11;
  • Entuziastov boulevard, 2;
  • lane Voznesensky, house 22;
  • Sivtsev Vrazhek, 20;
  • Smolensky boulevard, house 24, building 1.

As already mentioned, these are only a few addresses of the MFC in Moscow. Branches of multifunctional centers can be found on almost every street.

SNILS is obtained in two ways: in one case, it is issued independently in the Pension Fund, in the other case, it is drawn up by the employer. As for children, SNILS is issued at a preschool or school institution, or at a branch of the Pension Fund. We will tell you more about the procedure for issuing SNILS for adults and children below.

What is SNILS?

General information

Let's first understand what SNILS is. To compile a database for each employee Pension Fund Russian Federation assigns an insurance number. On the basis of this number, data on the amounts of the employer's transfers to the employee's personal account are entered into the database, and the future pension is based on these data.

SNILS is personal, the assigned number is unique, that is, each citizen has his own. Wherein given number assigned once, it does not change even when changing the name.

This number (account) contains all data related to the accrual and payment of insurance premiums by employers for the entire period labor activity person. Based on all these data, the future pension is calculated: when it is assigned and when it is recalculated. The video will tell you more about SNILS.

Now let's talk about the evidence itself.

SNILS certificate

After assigning an insurance number to a citizen, an appropriate certificate is issued.

As a rule, for most people, SNILS is just a certificate that they are given in their hands. This certificate is a laminated card green color, which specifies:
  • Individual number;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Date of registration.
You can see a sample of SNILS in the picture below.

They receive SNILS at the first place of work, the registration procedure is carried out by the employer. If a citizen does not work, then he can issue SNILS independently, both for himself and for his minor child.

SNILS is an identifier on the state portal. services. The received certificate is kept by the citizen. In addition, this number is applied to reverse side universal electronic card (UEC).

Now consider the process of registration and receipt of SNILS.

Obtaining SNILS

For clarity, we have displayed the procedure for issuing SNILS in the diagram.

Well, now let's talk in more detail about the design.


If a citizen does not work, then he can apply for SNILS on his own by contacting the nearest Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence.

To apply for SNILS, you will only need a passport or another identity document.

Next, you will need to fill out an ADV-1 form. You can fill it out in advance at home or directly at the PFR office.

If the citizen is an employee, then SNILS is issued by his employer. This happens at his first place of work (at the first official employment). Registration of SNILS by the employer is mandatory and is fully assigned to him. This issue is handled by the Human Resources Department.

As a rule, the production of a certificate takes from 3 weeks.

After the citizen fills out the questionnaire and submits it to the FIU, or when the personnel department transfers the employee's data to the FIU, this information is entered into the database, then a personal certificate with an individual number is made for the citizen.

An employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will inform a non-working citizen about the readiness of the certificate, specifying when it can be obtained. Employed citizens will be issued a certificate at the place of work.

Minor children

SNILS is also necessary for children, since this number is an identifier of personal data in all state and municipal bodies, to obtain various kinds of state. services.

If the child does not attend a preschool and school institution, then SNILS must be issued to the PFR authorities. If the child attends Kindergarten or school, then the issuance of SNILS is carried out in these institutions.

To obtain SNILS in the first case, you need to contact the nearest branch of the PFR, at the place of residence. One of the parents must have an identity document with them, as well as a birth certificate of the child. The parent fills out the form and puts his signature. After that, the insurance certificate of the child is issued within three weeks.

In the second case, parents fill out a questionnaire at the institution that the child visits, after which the questionnaires are sent to the Pension Fund, and he then transfers insurance certificates to this institution.

Replacing SNILS when changing a surname

In the event of a change of surname, the insurance number does not change, but only changes are made to the passport data in the database, and a new certificate is issued with the changed personal data. You can change the SNILS data at the PFR department - if you are not working, or at the place of work - if you are working.

In the first case, you need to contact the PFR department at the place of residence, in the second case, to the personnel department at the place of work. The following documents are required:

  • Passport with a new surname;
  • A document that confirms the change of data (certificate of marriage or divorce);
  • Old insurance certificate.

When contacting the FIU, you can receive a new certificate in 10 days, when contacting the personnel department - approximately in three weeks.

Each working individual in our country must have a document - a plastic card, which indicates a special number of a personal insurance account. However, not many are able to answer exactly why the card is needed, how its name is deciphered, and what information it contains. Find out what these numbers represent.

What is the insurance number of an individual personal account

Almost every person has a green card today. However, not everyone has an idea how SNILS stands for. The abbreviation means - the insurance number of an individual personal account. For each person, the set of numbers is unique, there are no two people with the same combination of numbers in this document. In many cases, a person needs to know what it looks like SNILS number, since this account determines all information related to pension and length of service.

What does SNILS look like?

The abbreviation means not only the number of an individual personal account of a citizen, but also a certificate on which these numbers are indicated. The document is a card with a personal account, covered with a laminated layer that protects against damage. A sample photo of what SNILS is and how it looks can be viewed on websites. In addition to the number dial, the green card has information about the owner:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the insured;
  • date of his birth;
  • the place where the person was born;
  • date of registration in the Pension Fund;
  • on the reverse side are the rules for operating the certificate.

How many digits contains the insurance certificate number

Many potential recipients of the document are interested in how many digits are in SNILS. An individual account contains a set of 11 numbers that have their own meanings. There is a formula for how to correctly decipher SNILS:

  • the first 9 of them make up the license plate of the document;
  • the last 2 digits are a check number, which is calculated according to a certain algorithm.

Why do we need SNILS

Having figured out what a SNILS document is and how it looks, many are asking another question. People want to know why get their insurance license plate. A map can come in handy in several situations:

  • Registration of preferential benefits and other cash payments in the social security authorities. Information about such actions will be assigned to your personal account.
  • Create an account on the portal of public services. This Internet resource has become very popular, it allows you to solve some issues (making an appointment with officials, filing applications) online. The number on the certificate is used to identify you. Based on it, you will be given the necessary information.
  • Employment. All information about your experience, size wages and pension contributions that the employer must make will be attached to the number that appears on the insurance certificate.

For foreigners

Citizens of other countries living in Russia also need to know what SNILS is and what it looks like. The document is important condition in the official employment of a foreigner. The Pension Fund speaks about the expediency of establishing a pension insurance card for persons with other citizenship. Foreigners working in the Russian Federation who have this paper transmit information about their work experience to government agencies and may apply for a pension in the future.

If to an individual benefits or allowances are laid - he cannot do without SNILS. Registration on the portal of public services, on which foreign citizen will be able to receive the necessary information, involves the introduction of the insurance number of an individual personal account. Obtaining a document by a foreigner is not a mandatory condition, but living in Russia with a card is much more convenient and profitable.

Getting a green card for a child

The child may also need proof of pension insurance, as some government agencies require it. Reasons why you need to draw up a plastic document in the Pension Fund for children:

  • Registration in educational establishments. The procedure is faster if your child has an insurance number.
  • Receiving benefits and benefits from the state, inheriting a parent's pension.
  • The provision of services by state bodies on a green card is carried out promptly.

If necessary, his parents should contact the PF. When children are issued a passport, along with the document they get the opportunity to independently issue a certificate in the same organization. To do this, you need to personally appear at the Pension Fund, submit an application and an identity document. If the child is a newborn, the registry office submits the necessary information to insure the baby to the organization. The function of parents is only to directly receive.

Where to get a SNILS number

The formation of the document takes place within 3 weeks from the date of submission of information. You can get a certificate where the SNILS number is indicated, you can different ways:

  • in the PF department. An employee of the organization will issue a universal number after presenting your passport and an application of the established form.
  • When applying for a first job. Employees of the personnel department will submit information about you to the system. When changing employers, you will need to present a ready-made plastic card.
  • If for some reason you yourself cannot obtain a certificate, they have the right to issue plastic to your legal representative. In this case, the fund employee must check the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

What documents are needed for registration of SNILS

To get your own personal account, you must submit the following papers:

  • a special questionnaire in the prescribed form;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • inventory of transferred papers (if the request is sent by the organization).

Is it possible to recover a lost insurance certificate card

In addition to the question of what a SNILS document is and how it looks, many people are worried about what to do if the "plastic" is lost. According to the rules indicated on the back of the certificate, the card has no expiration date and is issued for life. Replacement should be carried out if the plastic is unusable, the personal data of the carrier has changed, or an error is found that needs to be corrected on the card.

Since the personal account itself, which contains all the data, is maintained in the PF, it will not be difficult to restore the card. Contact the officer with your passport and loss statement. Then workers will be able to check the numbers and restore the certificate. The HR department of the company where you currently work can also carry out the procedure. After all the manipulations, your green card will be restored in a month. You will need to get "plastic", check your details well.

Video: what is SNILS and why is it needed