Find out your insurance certificate number. How to find out your snls number

SNILS - a document (account number) assigned to each citizen of the country, opened in the Pension Fund. This account accumulates insurance contributions, which are included in the total amount of your pension accruals. We receive a rectangular laminated green card in our hands - an insurance certificate. It contains - your account number in the PF, as well as the SNILS number itself (11 digits). This certificate also contains personal information about the citizen: full name, date of birth, gender.

SNILS is a supporting document. You cannot use it as an identity card, but it is required when applying to almost any area of ​​human life: when applying for medical care, employment, when checking pension account replenishment, providing social services, etc. If you make a small summary - an extremely necessary and important document, without which nowhere.

You can check SNIL yourself in several ways:

1. Contact Pension Fund at the place of residence with an identity document.
2. Contact the personnel department of the enterprise where you are officially employed.
3. Go to the website of the State Services and check the necessary data.
4. Check the insurance certificate by looking at your pension certificate.

But there are situations when it is necessary to check the SNILS of another person, for example, an employee or counterparty. What to do in such cases, because the above methods cannot be done.

You can check SNILS online by the number on our website. We are a company registered in accordance with the established procedure, the operator of personal data. With our help, you can not only check SNILS in the database, but any other information about a citizen. Use any of our services: basic query or advanced query, and soon you will all receive a complete package of data about the requested person. Since our company successfully solves personnel issues for organizations, you can be sure that the candidates proposed by us are professionals in their field with a clean life and work reputation.

We work with the most non-standard and specific requests. Therefore, if your situation is beyond the scope of a regular check, feel free to contact us in any convenient way. We will provide you with the necessary information within the agreed time frame.

The green card for pension insurance has long been binding document Russians, and not only working, but also minors. What if she stayed at home or - even worse - got lost, and her details need to be specified immediately? Is it possible, having only one document in hand, to find out SNILS by passport, online?

Many of us, in case of any difficulties, habitually turn to the World Wide Web. We pay bills and fines, order airline tickets and passports, find out almost any information without leaving your computer desk. It would be logical to assume that such a trifle as a SNILS number can be found online using a passport.

But there are no special services for this on the PFR website. The fact is that the personal account number is classified information, and cannot be issued in absentia, even to those who own passport data. Therefore, in case of loss of the certificate or in order to clarify its details, you need to go to the branch of the Pension Fund closest to your place of residence.

If you find such offers online, be aware that they have nothing to do with public services and do not deserve trust.

There is one option

There is still one way to find out SNILS by passport via the Internet. To do this, you need to be registered (have your personal account) on the public service website. Log in to your page using your login and password, open the "Pension Savings" tab. There is an option with which you can get all the information about the status of the account, including its number.

But if you do not yet have your account, you will not be able to create it without SNILS - you need to enter its number during registration. Such is the vicious circle.

It is impossible to find out the personal account of another person, even a close relative, without access to his personal account on the portal.

So, checking the SNILS number on the passport is possible only with a face-to-face application to the Pension Fund or if you have an account on the website. Alternatively, if you work officially, you can contact the personnel officer of your enterprise - let them look for a copy of the certificate in your personal file.

Insurance card replacement

Do I need to change SNILS when changing my passport? The SNILS number is assigned to each citizen once and for all, it is unique and unchanged throughout life. If you received a new passport due to changes in personal data (last name, first name, gender), you must apply for a new SNILS. However, in the new copy of the document you will see the same number.

With a planned replacement of a passport or obtaining a new one to replace a lost one, it is not necessary to issue a new SNILS.

If you are officially working, then the employer must contact the FIU to replace the green card. The production of a new document takes approximately one month.

SNILS for children: Video

If you decipher this abbreviation, then it means - the insurance number of an individual personal account. In fact, this is data according to which you can be identified in the pension and social insurance systems. It can be safely put on a par with such important documentation as a passport, TIN or insurance policy. After all, its absence will not allow you:

  • get a job;
  • use the services of public clinics;
  • apply for a pension, etc.

To get it, you need to personally contact the pension fund at your place of registration and write an application about it. An employee authorized by the fund will give you a special questionnaire to fill out.

After filling out, you transfer it to the fund, which is obliged, according to the norms of the law, to make you a certificate within 14 days. If this period is exceeded, you can safely complain, but at the moment such violations have not been registered and everything is done on time.

Now the public services portal is gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to which, many services have become faster and more accessible, from paying utility bills to paperwork.

And if earlier, registration on it did not require the introduction of a SNILS number, now it is a mandatory condition. Some citizens are starting to get nervous and think what kind of innovation this is from statesmen. But to find out these cherished 11 numbers is very simple.

How to find out the SNILS number

There are 4 main and legal ways to do this:

  1. Look into your pension certificate, which is often available to every working citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Apply to the pension fund at your place of residence, be sure to have personal identification documents in hand.
  3. In the personnel department of your enterprise, because without a copy of this document you would not have been accepted there.
  4. On the State Services portal, by requesting the data of an extended notification of the status of your individual account.

How to find out SNILS by TIN

The TIN refers to identifier documents, which means that you will be able to get information on it regarding your SNILS. So, by entering it into a special field on the State Services portal, such information will become available to you in just a couple of minutes.

Important! Official authorities noted the importance of the SNILS number on the website of the pension fund. Where it is clearly stated that this information is personal, because it contains all the information about where the person worked, what kind of wage what deductions were made from it.

If you decide to obtain information by TIN directly at the PF department, then you will also need to provide any document identifying you - a passport, driver's license, etc. In addition to these two options, it is impossible to obtain SNILS data using TIN in other ways.

How to find out SNILS by passport

The easiest, of course, is to visit the PF branch at your place of residence, where, after your identification, you will be given the necessary information.

Moreover, if earlier it was difficult due to long queues, now with the introduction of multifunctional centers, the State Services portal, etc., it is absolutely easy to do this. An employee of the fund branch will identify you according to the documents you provided and after that will issue a paper or a duplicate of the pension certificate. It depends what you need.

If you do this online, then again, the portal for the provision of public services will help you. Other services cannot provide this information even in a paid version, since the entire SNILS database is directly administered by the Pension Fund and is not publicly available. Therefore, it is impossible to get the data you need according to the passport data online.

How to recognize SNILS by last name

If you have an emergency and need this data urgently, you can cheat a little and get the SNILS number by last name online. To do this, we do the following:

  • enter the State Services portal by entering your username and password;
  • we find the tab on pension savings, since there is no direct opportunity on the portal to find out exactly the SNILS data;
  • in the specified tab, click on the order "Extended notification of the status of your individual personal account";
  • a letter will be sent to your mailbox in which the requested information will be displayed, as well as the SNILS number, also identified based on your last name.

Important! The above method is available only for those who have already been previously registered on this portal.

Find out the number of the pension certificate at work

When the need arises to obtain such information, it will be relevant to request it from your human resources department. The fact is that without a copy of the pension certificate, you simply would not be accepted there, because this paper is mandatory. After all, subsequently, the accounting department of the organization will make pension contributions to this account.

That is why such information will definitely be in your personal file in the personnel department, both in direct copy form and in the employment contract.

Typically, such a request does not require the completion of special forms or other statements, and is issued upon oral request with the permission of the immediate supervisor.

However, it may be that you will have to issue such an internal request, but, most likely, this is not noticed for a long time and is needed in order to control the work of the personnel department.

Is it possible to find out the insurance certificate number via the Internet

According to the letter of the law, citizens do not have such an opportunity. After all, this is the data that should not be provided via the Internet. It is precisely because of this that in our state there is no specialized Internet portal that provides such information after entering the data of the surname or other identification data on it.

In this matter, the authorities are principled and unequivocal - the data of the SNILS database of citizens of our country cannot be accessed via the Internet. But it is possible to obtain this data in an indirect way, since direct ones are not provided, and without violating the current legislation and its norms.

Find out with the help of the State Services portal

This method has already been mentioned above, but it is available only to those who have previously registered on the official website for the provision of public services - State Services. If you try to do this now, the system will require you to enter the SNILS number, which, in fact, is what you want to find.

For those who wish to undergo this procedure, there are also many options. But without SNILS data, he is only one. After all, for the same pre-registration, this number is essential. By the way, with it you will have a very limited list of possibilities. Therefore, let's expand them and at the same time find the data we need.

To do this, you still have to visit a specialized center, for example, the post office of the Russian Federation or the Rostelecom office. There you will provide a passport or other personal identification document and after a short wait you will receive full registration and login details to your personal account.

It is desirable, after changing them to others. Now, regarding SNILS, during this procedure it will become available and will be displayed in the form with a login and password.

So, if, for example, you have lost your pension certificate, and you really need its number and you have previously registered on the above site, do the following:

  • enter data to enter the portal - login and password;
  • in personal account click on the "Retirement Savings" tab;
  • after that, you will be able to request the status of your individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, click on receiving a notification about it;
  • the number you need will be written in the notification you receive.

It would seem that there are a lot of ways to get information about your SNILS number, but at the same time they are all tricky. On the other hand, if such information is urgently needed, then there is nothing to do, you have to look. But it is better to keep your ID carefully so that you have it at hand at any time to receive such information.

All the subtleties of the procedure for determining the number of SNILS. How to know what to fear and much more you will learn in this article.

What is SNILS?

SNILS is a unique personal account number of an individual who at some point was insured in the pension insurance system. The personal account itself contains information about all transfers received from the employer and exact date insurance experience.

Is it possible to find out the SNILS number solely by last name?

Now it has become popular to pay utility bills without leaving home, to queue at the hospital, why not find out the SNILS number online? Most Internet users will think ... However, everything is not so simple. Given that information about the number can be useful for fraudsters, the Pension Fund had to take appropriate measures, but about them a little later.

  • To get started, you just need to log in to the website of the Unified Portal of Public Services using your username and password.
  • Then follow the link "Retirement Savings". This is where disappointment will await you, the treasured link, like the site as a whole, does not provide such information about SNILS ... Don't worry, there is still a small loophole!
  • It is enough to use the "Extended notification of the status of an individual personal account" function. Then you can find out not only the SNILS number, but also the state of the personal account. The downside is that this option is available exclusively for previously registered users by their SNILS number.

We recognize SNILS by passport

The method is useful to that part of the population that does not particularly trust computers or simply cannot use the Internet. It will be enough to walk to the branch of the Pension Fund, according to your place of residence. As soon as you present them with a document certifying that you are you, employees will be required to provide you with all the necessary information about the SNILS number.

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to perform such an operation via the Internet, at least officially (you act unofficially only at your own peril and risk, there are a lot of scammers in this field) ... Because the data about this document is in the Pension Fund, which does not provide access to internet storage.

How can you really find out the SNILS number?

Ways that really allow you to find out the coveted number without performing dubious operations. Only by adhering to them, you can find out the SNILS number without the risk of becoming a victim of scammers.

  • The easiest way, you don't even need to leave the house. The pension certificate, as a rule, indicates the SNILS number, take it and look.
  • Look into the personnel department of the company where you are officially (!) Employed. Remember when you were employed, you provided the company with a copy pension certificate, it also contains the insurance number of the personal account.
  • As mentioned earlier, visit the Pension Fund. It is enough to take with you a passport or any other document confirming that you are the owner.
  • Be pre-registered on the public services website, otherwise nothing. By entering the number, you will have to send the following request "Extended notification of the status of an individual l / s", after a certain amount of time the site will provide all the required information.

Beware of scammers! Or checking SNILS online ...

Citizens who are inexperienced, naive, or temporarily let their guard down can fall prey to well-thought-out scammers! The bottom line is that many Internet services in several simple steps offer users to check their SNILS simply by entering the number ... The Pension Fund urges you to exercise maximum caution when performing this kind of procedure and, if you want to know anything about SNILS, by all means contact your local unit.

A short video that clearly shows the whole essence of the procedure for determining the SNILS number online.

After issuing an insurance certificate, each citizen is assigned SNILS. In case of loss of the certificate, the question arises of how to find out SNILS by last name, TIN or passport (passport data). The second question is how to do it online online. Note that the information included in the RF PF insurance database is confidential and therefore cannot be made available to third parties.

What is the SNILS number for?

SNILS is a numerical code that is assigned to a citizen for life. Even if the insurance certificate, on which this number appears, was lost, then after its restoration, the numbers remain the same. SNILS allows you to get information about the pension savings of a person and his insurance experience. All information about this is contained only in the databases of the RF Pension Fund; no one other than his employees has access to this information.

Let's see why we may need SNILS:

How to find out the SNILS number from passport data?

If the document is lost or it is not possible to view the data on the SNILS number on the insurance certificate, the person who owns the SNILS has the right to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a passport. There are several options:

  • obtaining a duplicate of the certificate, if the citizen is sure that the document is lost;
  • obtaining information about the SNILS number.

Important! Fund employees provide information only to those applicants who are interested in the SNILS issued to them. Such information will not be available to third parties.

Accordingly, it is also impossible to receive a notification about the number of the insurance certificate via the Internet. These data can only be viewed by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How to find out the SNILS number by last name?

A citizen who needs to obtain data on SNILS must use his biographical data, in particular, his last name, as one of the details for the search. If there is no desire to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for information, then you can use the public services portal.

For reference! The portal does not provide information about the SNILS number, or rather, it cannot be requested as a separate document. Information about the number will be contained in the extended statement you receive.

We remind you that such actions are not available to citizens who are not registered on the portal, since registration in the system will require the introduction of a SNILS number,

How to find out the SNILS number by TIN?

In order to clarify information about the SNILS number, a citizen needs only passport data; A TIN is not required for this. However, on the Internet you can find offers to search for the SNILS number in the TIN database. We remind you: the Pension Fund does not allow access to a common database where information about insurance certificates is stored. Therefore, you have no guarantee that the information from the databases on the Internet will be true. But scammers may well use the data that you entered for the search. Be careful!

How else can I find out the SNILS number?

Thus, you can find out SNILS only by contacting the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to do this in any other way (with the exception of the public services portal). We warn against using databases that are offered on the Internet, as scammers can use the data you entered that you wrote for the search.

Request for SNILS: video