Who is issuing passports? Documents required to obtain a passport. Documents required for affixing mandatory marks in the passport.

It's no secret that upon reaching a certain age, citizens of the Russian Federation undertake to receive or renew their own. There is nothing surprising in this order, because a passport is a document proving the identity of a person, as a result of which he must always have up-to-date information.

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The procedure for issuing this document is not complicated, therefore, it often does not raise questions from citizens of the Russian Federation. However, in some cases, questions regarding the period for issuing a passport are quite relevant. In the article below, we will consider them in detail, supplementing the material with the procedure for processing the document and the intricacies of this procedure.

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the most important document

Obtain if necessary new passport or extend the validity of the old citizen is personally obliged to visit the nearest body of the Federal Migration Service(FMS) and initiate the procedure for issuing a new document in his name. Ignoring such a measure is also punishable in accordance with the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for issuing a document

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued by the FMS

Repeat, get a new one or renew old passport a citizen of the Russian Federation is possible only in the bodies of the Federal Migration Service. More precisely, to carry out this operation, a resident of Russia needs to contact the Passport Office either, or at the place of actual residence.

Previously, any citizen must collect a certain list of documents:

  1. a document confirming the identity of the applicant for a new document;
  2. paper confirming Russian citizenship the applicant;
  3. 2-4 passport-type photographs;
  4. application form "1P" for obtaining or renewing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  5. receipt of payment of the state fee ();
  6. in the presence of - individual number taxpayer, extract from the place of registration, marriage and divorce certificates, .

Note that in order to confirm the identity, the employees of the Passport Office have the right to request some other papers from the applicant. Refusal to provide them may jeopardize the receipt of a passport.

Do not forget that, having lost or damaged your passport, before collecting and submitting the documentation described above, you must:

  • in case of ordinary loss or damage - at the time of detection of the absence or poor condition of the passport, write a corresponding application to the Passport Office;
  • in case of theft - at the time of detection of the loss of the document, go to the police station and write an appropriate statement about the theft of the passport.

Having carried out the procedures described above, the citizen can only submit the collected documentation to the Passport Office against the receipt of his employees and wait for the document to be issued. You can also send documentation to the FMS through the State Services portal or by courier, by registered mail, but in this type of paper it is important to issue it in a legally established manner.

An unreasonable refusal to accept documents or other illegal actions on the part of FMS employees are not legal, therefore, if there are any, it is necessary to write a complaint either to the prosecutor's office or to the court, and seek justice.

Dates for issuing a passport

The issuance of passports for citizens of the Russian Federation is carried out by the FMS within the time limits established by law. To date, their duration is:

  • no more than 10 days when submitting documents and applying for a passport to the Passport Office at the place of registration;
  • no more than 30 days when submitting documents and applying for a passport to the Passport Office at the place of actual location (that is, not at the place of registration).

Violations of these deadlines are unacceptable, therefore, in the presence of this fact, it is completely legal to complain about FMS employees to higher authorities.

Nuances of the procedure for obtaining a document

Applying for a passport is an easy process

Issuing a passport is accompanied by a number of nuances, knowing and in some cases observing which is quite important. The list below highlights the most important features of this procedure:

  • Firstly, it is important to understand that the absence of a document and the untimely application to the FMS for its receipt are punishable. Today, such violations will be followed by:
  1. for a 14-year-old person who did not apply for a passport within 30 days after his birthday at the Passport Office - a fine of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles;
  2. for persons who did not renew the document upon reaching the required age in the next 30 days after its onset - a fine of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles;
  3. for persons who have lost or damaged their passport - a fine of 100-300 rubles. Delay in the payment of these fines also entails punishment: from doubling the size of the sanction to a ban on leaving the country.
  • Secondly, we note that issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is not a free procedure. If a document is drawn up for the first time, restored due to theft, or changes upon reaching the required age, then the amount of the state duty required to be paid is 300 rubles, and when restoring a document due to damage or loss - 1.5 thousand rubles (for residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow region - 3-5 thousand rubles). If there is a delay in the execution of the document, fines and state duties are summed up.
  • Thirdly, keep in mind that the Passport Office provides services for photography and the production of copies of documents, so if there is no time to prepare them, you can go to get a new passport without them, and do everything already at the place of delivery of documents.
  • Fourthly, do not forget that the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to obtain a temporary passport of a citizen of our country for the time of registration of a new document. To do this, it is enough to attach to the above list of papers submitted to the FMS, an application for obtaining a temporary passport. This will be valid for 10 or 30 days, which depends on how much a permanent passport will be issued.
  • And fifthly, never violate the laws of the Russian Federation when applying for a passport.

In general, obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to parse all the legislative subtleties of obtaining this document. In today's article, our resource has tried to cover in as much detail as possible the most important features of the procedure for obtaining a Russian passport, so we hope our readers will not have any problems with this.

By the way, avoiding the latter is quite simple, the main thing - in the process of obtaining a passport - is to adhere to the above procedure. On this, perhaps, the most important information on today's topic has come to an end. Good luck with your paperwork!

Passport of the Russian Federation of a new generation in 30 days! How? Answer video:

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The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is considered the main and most important document that certifies the identity of a person in the country. An internal passport is issued to all Russian citizens who have reached the legal age of 14 years. To travel to a foreign country, it is often necessary to issue a foreign passport.

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

The most important information about a person can be found on the first pages of his internal passport. It is mandatory to enter the full name, gender, date and place of birth of a citizen in the document.

Citizen's passport Russian Federation

Other pages of the passport may contain the following notes:

  • on the decision and deregistration;
  • about military duties;
  • on registration or dissolution of marriage;
  • about children under 14 years of age;
  • on the main identity documents in the Russian Federation;
  • on the main documents confirming citizenship and identity outside the Russian Federation.

Also, with the consent and desire of a citizen, the relevant authorities can put a mark in his passport containing information about the blood group and its Rh factor. Additionally, the taxpayer identification number is entered. Marks of a different kind, which are not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, make the passport invalid.

Checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

On the territory of the Russian Federation, upon reaching the age of 20 and 45, a citizen is obliged to replace his passport with a new one. If the replacement has not been made, then such a document is considered invalid, as well as with unnecessary notes, damage, wear.

Military personnel who are serving at the time of replacement or issuance will be issued passports at the end of their service life at their place of residence.

After the replacement of the passport at the age of 45, it is valid indefinitely.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has created a service that allows you to check whether internal passport by series and number. AT this case information is run through a special list of stolen passports issued on stolen blanks, as well as those documents that were issued in the wrong order.

The series, as well as the number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, are registered in the following order YYYYXXXXXX. The first four digits make up a series of documents, linked to the region and year of issue. The remaining combination of 6 digits is the document number.

Series and number

These number combinations applied to the pages of the passport in a typographical way, as well as using laser perforation.

As you know, on April 5, 2016, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the abolition of the FMS of Russia came into force. The issuance and replacement of passports is now handled by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. However, if there are appropriate agreements, these operations with documents can be carried out by the Multifunctional Center.

To get a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, you should collect a small package of documents:

  • an application for extradition;
  • copies of the birth certificate;
  • 4 photos 35*45 mm.

If everything is relatively simple with the issuance of a passport, then the replacement of this important document occurs only for good reasons. In total, there are 5 reasons that will allow you to apply for a replacement passport:

  1. Achievement of 20 and 45 years of age.
  2. Changes to basic information on first pages.
  3. Sex-change operation.
  4. Disqualification due to wear, damage, etc.
  5. Inaccuracy of previously entered data.

Only in consequence of the above reasons, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to a replacement passport. To do this, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • replacement request;
  • passport to be replaced;
  • 2 photos 35*45 mm;
  • a document with the grounds for replacing the passport.

In case of loss or theft of a passport, you must immediately report to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly spells out the rules for using an internal passport:

  1. Store carefully.
  2. Don't make any notes.
  3. Report the loss or theft immediately.
  4. After the termination of citizenship, hand over the passport to the authorized bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the consulate (if the person is abroad).
  5. Found passports to hand over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Persons in custody do not receive their passports until the end of their term of detention. During this period, the document is withdrawn and attached to the personal file.
  7. The passport of the deceased citizen is also handed over to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the diplomatic mission.

Electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Electronic passport

The FMS planned to start issuing new plastic e-passports as early as 2015. However, later the start of the program was postponed to 01/01/2017. Residents of the Crimea, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don were to be the first to be honored to receive passports of the new format. But once again, the government ordered the transfer of mass production to 03/15/2018.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reports that the new plastic passports will have an embedded chip, which will allow them to be used over the Internet. To do this, you just need to purchase a special reader that works from a USB port. The cost of the device fluctuates around 200 rubles.

In addition to the most important information about a citizen of the Russian Federation in e-passport it is possible that TIN and SNILS will be entered. A complete transfer of the population of the Russian Federation from paper to plastic media should take place before 2019-2020.