How long is an old-style passport being prepared. How long does it take to get a passport

If it is necessary to issue a foreign passport, all applicants are interested in the question - how much is a passport made for? The terms are determined by the administrative regulations and are not subject to change, except in those cases that are stipulated by the document itself. The applicant has the opportunity to apply to different options for submitting documents: directly to the branch migration service, multifunctional center, State Services portal. But in any case, the terms will be identical.

Time to issue a passport of the old and new sample

Despite the fact that the international passports of the old and new samples differ from each other in the complexity of the registration procedure, the time for obtaining is the same. For example, for the old model, there is no need to take fingerprints, install an electronic chip.


The whole procedure comes down to filling out the document, printing it on a special printer in the department of the Federal Migration Service and laminating the pages. But for the issuance of a new type of passport, the participation of the Goznak factory in the capital, which operates in accordance with the electronic request of the FMS employees, will be required. Here, all the information is applied with a laser on a plastic page. The procedure is not easy and takes time. Now we will find out in more detail how much a passport is made.

On the website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, you can check the readiness of the passport.

Readiness check foreign passport

Verification of the applicant

But the time of production of a foreign passport is not decisive when issuing a document. It is important to understand that this is a serious verification of the applicant. For example, it is determined how much he is involved in state secret and this will take at least two weeks. In addition, it turns out how reliable the registration information is. Important information about the presence of fines that have not been paid, as well as the offenses of the applicant and their nature. And one more thing - whether the bailiff service has claims against the applicant. In addition, the employees of the migration service determine whether a foreign passport was previously issued to a citizen by other divisions of the migration service.

So that the applicant does not expect an unpleasant surprise when drawing up a document in the form of a refusal, care should be taken in advance that all fines and debts are paid off. Moreover, this applies not only to administrative offenses, but also to claims from housing management companies and credit institutions.

Terms of registration of a passport depending on the place of residence

Returning to the question of how much a passport is made, it should be noted that this is determined by the place in which the citizen applied for the document. If he turned to the department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of his residence, this the best option, since the production time is limited to 30 days. When the place of registration does not match the place of residence where the application was submitted, the citizen will have to wait up to four months. Those who are connected with state secrets, usually employees of law enforcement agencies, the military, then the time for issuing a passport increases to 3 months. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the indicated terms are maximum, in fact, the issue is resolved quite quickly.

What can change the passport expiration date?

After collecting the documents and submitting them for consideration, usually the citizen is immediately told how much time it will take for the procedure. At the same time, they are guided by their own experience, the workload of specialists. But in any case, the applicant has the opportunity to track the readiness of the document on the website of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To do this, you will need to fill in the appropriate columns, the answer will be received instantly. The database is updated every day, so with full right one should speak about the reliability of the information provided. It remains only to go to the department of the Federal Migration Service and receive the coveted document.

Only those citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation can count on issuing a passport within three days. life situation. It's about about death loved one which requires urgent travel outside the country. As well as a serious illness, for the treatment of which it is important to quickly travel to another country. There are intermediary firms that offer their services in the urgent processing of a passport, however, experts do not advise contacting them, since the activities of many are based on fraudulent schemes. In addition, they demand serious sums for their work.

Application date

The term for issuing a passport is calculated based on the date of submission of documents. However, it is important to understand that this is not the day when the applicant brought the documents and an error was found in them and the citizen went to correct it. The date of filing the application is the moment when the specialist accepted the documents, about which he issued the appropriate receipt. If the application was submitted through the State Services portal, then the date of application submission is the day when the citizen received a written notification that his documents were accepted.

Only after that, you should calculate the days allotted for paperwork, specified by the administrative regulations. This is important in cases where the deadline has expired and the document has not been received. Usually, the reasons for the delay are a large volume of applications, technical interruptions, and so on. In this case, you can contact the regulatory authorities and the problem will be solved.

How much is done abroad? The answer to this question is very important for anyone planning a trip abroad. Without a foreign passport, one cannot open a visa and enter the territory of the vast majority of visa-free countries for Russians. The processing time for a passport depends on a number of factors. Let's find out how much a passport is made, how you can get a document in an expedited manner, and much more.

Everyone who has planned a trip abroad will have to make a passport. The red crust is included in the mandatory package of papers required for issuing any visa.

As for visiting the states with which Russia has visa-free regime, a foreigner is always presented when crossing the border. The only exceptions are some republics of the Near Abroad - South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Citizens of the Russian Federation can enter their territory with a Russian passport.

Need to know! It is "foreign" that certifies the identity of Russians abroad. Along with a visa, it is the most important document during a foreign tour. Therefore, obtaining a passport is such an important procedure.

Follow the deadlines!

Every person requesting a passport needs to know how much is done abroad. If you receive an identity card for traveling to a visa-free country and do not meet the deadlines, without a foreign passport you will simply be turned away at the border control. You can not even try to put pressure on the pity of the border guard or give a bribe. No passport means entry is closed.

Well, if a trip is planned to a state with a visa border crossing procedure, the international passport will become one of the main documents for opening a visa. If you do not include it in the set of submitted papers, you can not wait for the issuance of a visa. Your request will be denied without any hesitation.

Thus, in order for the trip to take place safely, it is important to monitor and control the timing of the issuance of a passport. This will be the key to the timely receipt of the finished crust and calm preparation for a foreign tour. It is worth considering that the terms for issuing a passport are changed downward only in emergency cases.

Note! The deadlines for obtaining a passport are official. The processing time is set by law. If a citizen incorrectly compared the time period for which a foreigner is preparing with the planned date of his departure abroad, he should only blame himself for the disrupted trip.

What do deadlines depend on?

The term for obtaining a passport depends only on 2 factors:

  1. Where is an identity card issued for foreign trips. That is, whether the application is submitted at the place of registration or at the place of real residence, which is different from registration. Russians are allowed to request "abroad" both at the place of registration and at the place of actual residence. But the processing time for a passport will vary.
  2. The applicant's access to secret information or state secrets in the past or present. If a citizen had / has such access, the passport is made longer.

The processing time for a passport depends in part on the following factors:

  1. The type of the requested document (new or old type). Everyone knows that fingerprints are taken to make a new generation crust. Despite this, the terms for obtaining a passport do not increase compared to the old type of "foreign passport". However, for a new sample passport, express processing is not possible.
  2. Reasons why a foreigner is requested. For example, you need to change your old passport due to its expiration date or get new document to replace what was lost. How long the certification will take is officially a constant. However, in practice, applicants who request a new passport and submit the previous one for cancellation receive a crust in 2-3 weeks. True, provided that the information about the previous "abroad" is indicated in the Russian passport.

The terms for issuing a passport do not depend on the method by which the passport application was made - at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public services on the Internet or "My Documents" (former multifunctional centers). The term of readiness of the passport when applying by any of these methods does not increase or decrease.

All this must be remembered when figuring out how much to make a passport. It is also worth considering the following. In order to obtain a passport, the applicant will still have to appear at the Main Department of Internal Affairs, no matter which option of filing an application he chooses (directly at the Main Department of Internal Affairs, public services or the former MFC).

Firms-intermediaries: to believe or not?

There are a lot of offers on the Internet fast track issuance of a passport. How much you can trust them is up to you. But remember: how long a passport is made is established by law.

No matter how tempting prospects open up for those who take advantage of such offers (up to the production of a passport in 1 day), intermediaries should be treated with great caution. There is a risk of spending a large sum and eventually get the coveted crust within the time set by legislators. And in the worst case, you can run into scammers and lose money.

On the other hand, it cannot be ruled out that some firms may have connections with the GUVM, and they have a real possibility of urgent registration of foreigners.

How long to wait for a new passport

So, in how many days will the applicant be able to get the coveted red crust? The deadlines are:

  • 1 month if the application is submitted at the place of registration;
  • 4 months if the application is submitted at the place of actual residence, which is different from the registration;
  • 3 months if the applicant has/had access to classified information or state secrets.

In fact, often a passport is issued within 3 weeks. But this applies to the option of filing at the place of registration and under the condition of a low workload of the Main Department of Internal Affairs. In addition, a correctly completed application and the provision of all necessary documentation are required. However, it is not recommended to count on such a quick decision. It is better to focus on the fact that the process will take 1 month.

Expedited checkout

For some applicants, an urgent hearing may be possible. The accelerated procedure applies to persons requiring urgent treatment abroad. Also, citizens whose close relatives are seriously ill or have died abroad can count on express clearance.

How long does it take to get a passport in such cases? Everything takes 3 days. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the need for urgent consideration is documented. Suitable for confirmation:

  • a letter from a Russian clinic;
  • a letter from a foreign hospital, supplemented by the conclusion of the attending Russian doctor;
  • a telegram about a serious illness or death of a close relative.

It's important to know! Expedited processing is possible only when requesting an old-style passport (for 5 years). Biometric documents new generation (for 10 years) are not issued urgently.

Children's passport

Separately, it is worth talking about how much to make a passport for a child. We are talking about children whose parents decided to order personal passports, and not enter them into their foreigners.

In terms of production time, a passport for a child is no different from the crust of an adult citizen. Of course, the child is unlikely to have to postpone the processing of the document for 3 months due to access to state secrets. Otherwise, everything is identical to adult "foreigners". The same applies to the possibility of expedited provision of a passport for a child.

So we found out how long it takes to make identity cards for foreign trips. It remains to apply the acquired knowledge in practice - to issue a passport and go on an unforgettable journey.

The term for issuing a passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation depends on the type of document, the place of application and other important circumstances. A foreign passport is made by the relevant body of the Federal Migration Service during the period provided for in Art. ten federal law dated August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering Russian Federation».

Production time for a new passport

In general, the term for its receipt should not exceed one month from the date of submission of the relevant documents at the place of permanent registration and four months when they are submitted at the place of temporary registration.

There is also an accelerated way to issue a new passport. Some commercial services can complete this document in a few days for a higher fee.

Deadline for issuing an old-style passport

In general, the term for its production is the same as for a new passport: no more than one month from the date of application at the place of residence (propiska) and no more than four months when submitting documents at the place of stay.

More than possible through commercial agencies fast way receipt of this document - within a few days.

It should be noted that although the law establishes the same time frame for the production of a passport for both a new and an old sample, in practice a passport with an electronic storage medium is made a little longer.

How long does it take to get a passport in special cases

When issuing a foreign passport to a citizen of the Russian Federation who had access to secret information or information of particular importance classified as state secrets, the period of issue should not exceed three months from the date of submission of documents for its issue.

In the event of the occurrence of the following circumstances: a serious illness, emergency treatment, death of a close relative, requiring travel outside the Russian Federation, the period for issuing a passport should not exceed three working days from the date of submission of the questionnaire.