Passport accelerated production time. Fast issuance of a passport

Fast registration of a passport in our company is carried out:

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • guests of the capital;
  • without a residence permit;
  • registration takes minimal time (check by phone with the manager);
  • for residents of Moscow, production is possible from 1 day;

Expedited obtaining of a passport

In accordance with government regulations, the time for which a citizen of Russia can receive new passport for trips abroad, is a period of 3 to 6 weeks.

These standards apply to both old and old models. At first glance, there is nothing easier:

  • collect the necessary package of documents,
  • fill in the required forms,
  • get the necessary information.

After that, you need to give the papers to the department of the Federal Migration Service. It remains to wait for registration and go on a trip, however ...

Not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Most often, problems for citizens who want to issue a passport quickly arise even at the first stage - the collection of the package of documents and norms required by law.

And even if you carefully checked everything dozens of times, correctly filled out the questionnaire and presented all the papers to the FMS officer, you cannot be 100% sure that the accelerated receipt of a passport will go smoothly and it will be in your hands at the appointed time.

As elsewhere, in this structure, delays, confusions and errors are possible. Quite often, residents of Moscow are faced with refusal and return of documents.

Especially such risks are not desirable when you urgently need to issue a passport quickly - for example, to go on a business trip or for other reasons. In this case, it is better not to rely on the Russian "maybe".

It also happens that the document is needed within , and here there can be no talk of weeks, especially when the trip has already been paid for. Be that as it may, the quick issuance of a passport is an absolutely official service provided by a company specializing in working with public services.

To find out more - just dial the phone number, our specialists will answer all your questions.

The prices provided on the site refer to standard situations, in other cases the cost varies and primarily depends on the timing and availability of ready-made documents.

Our employees are ready to help. We guarantee high quality service and your peace of mind!

Shortest time - it's easy!

- do not count. But even without haste, it can be problematic to get it: either you fill out the questionnaire incorrectly, or you forget some document, or there are long queues or non-reception days at the FMS department. Also, don't forget about difficult cases which exacerbate an already difficult situation.

Here it is just right to be confused even by a sophisticated person who had experience in obtaining a passport. Knowing this, we have prepared information in a question-and-answer format that will be useful to you.

Which international passport is faster to issue: old or biometric?

Regardless of what kind of passport you want to get, a new or an old one, the period for issuing it will be almost the same. The difference is that the forms of biometric passports are printed in Gosznak, a microchip is embedded in them, in general, they use more labor-intensive modern technologies. Therefore, their production may take a little longer.

Cases in which the Federal Migration Service is obliged to expedite the issuance of a passport?

According to the law, you are required to issue a passport within 3 days from the date of application in the following cases requiring emergency travel to another country

  • Due to the death of a close relative abroad.
  • If you have a severe illness and require urgent medical treatment abroad.
  • It is necessary to transport the remains of a relative outside the country.

But no matter what happens, your words alone will not be enough. You must submit supporting documents to the FMS.

How to quickly get a passport if you do not fall into one of the above categories?

You will have to turn to specialized companies. They work according to a proven scheme, they know how to fill out the documents correctly (if necessary, you can download a sample of filling out a questionnaire for a new passport from us) in order to pass them on the first try, and many other nuances.

So, the standard period for obtaining a passport when submitting documents at the place of residence is 1 month (if employees of the passport and visa department delay the deadlines, complain). If you receive a passport at the place of stay, then the Federal Migration Service has every right to issue it no earlier than 4 months later.

Also, the period for issuing a passport is increased to 3 months for those citizens who have (or had previously) access to information that is regarded as a state secret.

However, with the mediation of a law firm, you can get a biometric passport within 5-6 business days, and a regular one after 4 days.

How much does it cost to get a passport?

Unfortunately, the law Russian Federation there is no provision for expediting the issuance of foreign passports at the request of citizens, even if they are ready to pay a double fee. The exception is the above listed emergency cases, but then there is no additional charge.

The rates of law firms that issue foreign passports urgently vary. The cost of services depends on the type of identity card and the timing of its production (naturally, the sooner you need a document, the higher the price will be).

Is it true that passports are issued to children faster?

Children under the age of 14, as a rule, are issued passports more quickly, because they are not checked for access to secret information, they do not have official employment, they do not have overdue loans, etc.

We will help you change the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the end of the validity period, get (restore) a lost passport, change it when changing your surname.

The change of the passport is carried out at the GUVM.MVD.RF at the place of stay in Moscow, the receipt of the passport is carried out after 5-21 working days. A temporary identity card is issued at the time of issuing a passport. Documents are submitted out of turn.

Price from 16000r

If there is a need to carry out short time replacement of a passport in Moscow, the best solution would be to use the services of our service. Having an impressive experience in solving such formalities, we are ready to provide support to various categories of clients, including those who need assistance in replacing a Russian passport upon reaching the legal age, as well as in restoring it if it is lost or stolen.

The usual way to obtain a document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation is associated with significant inconvenience and a long wait, so it makes sense to contact us and solve the problem without additional time.

Fast replacement Russian passport may be required in various situations:

  • accidental or intentional damage to the passport, as well as its deterioration;
  • change of surname as a result of marriage or for other reasons;
  • replacement of a civil passport by age;
  • initial registration of the document upon reaching the age of 14;
  • identifying any other errors (incorrect date of birth, typos in initials, etc.);
  • with serious changes in the visual appearance, for example, after getting into an accident or plastic surgery;
  • re-acquisition in case of theft or loss.

Despite the fact that all Russians face the need to reissue a document at least several times in their lives, in practice, many have difficulties. Firstly, not everyone knows where you can change your passport and how to replace it if there is no Moscow residence permit. In addition, conflict situations may arise with representatives of authorities, and long terms the issuance of the document turns out to be an additional unpleasant surprise. The only way to avoid the problems described above is to contact us to go through the procedure for obtaining / replacing a passport in an expedited mode.

How and where to change the passport?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to change internal passport upon reaching certain age limits. Depending on age, changing a passport in the Russian Federation is regulated at the legislative level - the procedure takes place at twenty and forty-five years. No one will remind you of the need to resolve this issue, so the responsibility for the replacement falls entirely on your shoulders. At the same time, there is a certain period - 30 days from the date of birth, during which it is necessary to contact the competent authorities for replacement. Not knowing how long it takes to change a passport, a citizen risks getting a fine for untimely replacement, which in the capital can vary up to 5 thousand rubles.

You can apply with an application and a package of documents not only to the FMS department at the place of residence, but also to a multifunctional center specializing in the provision of certain types of public services, including for exchanging passports. Another option is to use the Unified Portal of Public Services, which will be somewhat faster. A prerequisite is the payment of the state duty for the replacement of a passport, which is 300 rubles - the receipt will need to be provided along with the rest of the documents.

Passport renewal dates by age

The duration of issuing a new passport when applying in the general manner depends solely on the place where the documents are submitted, that is, you submit them remotely or in person, it does not matter. The fastest way to solve all the formalities with a replacement is to apply at the place of residence. In this case, you will need to wait from 10 days to 2 weeks, and the terms will be the same both when replacing by age, and if you need to restore after theft or loss. If the appeal does not take place in the city where the citizen is registered, then the waiting time for obtaining a passport can take up to 4 months, which is very inconvenient. Moreover, in addition, you will have to spend quite a few nerves to collect the installed package of documents, which includes:

  • a properly written application in form 1P;
  • current civil passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • two photos;
  • additional documents (birth certificates for children under 14 years of age, conclusion and termination of marriage, military registration documents);
  • information specified in the receipt of payment of tax to the budget.

Expedited replacement of a passport by age and in other cases

Obtaining and exchanging a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the usual manner is a complex, lengthy and time-consuming process, especially for those who need to go through the procedure in the absence of a residence permit in Moscow. By no means always representatives of the Federal migration service go towards such applicants, insisting that they deal with all issues in the locality where they are registered.

However, this option is suitable for a few, since the majority come to the capital from distant regions and for a long time (for study, work, internship, etc.). It is impossible to do without a document identifying a person, but few people want to completely change their plans in order to obtain it. Even if the territorial office accepts an application from a citizen without a Moscow residence permit, he will have about four months of waiting, during which the inspector gives a request for the old place of residence and awaits a response.

With our help, accelerated obtaining of a Russian passport at a reasonable price allows you to minimize the waiting time and eliminate bureaucratic delays. You can find out how much it costs to change your passport, and how quickly in your case, by contacting us at the specified contacts. The total amount will depend on the region of issue and the degree of urgency of registration.

Passport replacement procedure in an expedited manner

We know how to expedite the receipt of a Russian passport, and we help our clients obtain / exchange and restore documents of an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of the reason for their reissuance. The replacement process takes place in several stages:

  • payment of the state duty for obtaining a passport and collection of documents - two photographs and a birth certificate will be required (in addition, a copy of the old passport will be needed if it is lost, and a special certificate from the police if it is stolen);
  • arrival at the GUVM.MVD.RF with documents (we will inform you of the address in advance);
  • meeting with our representative and skipping the line to the inspector;
  • submission of documents - in case of exchange, old passport you are confiscated and given, just as in case of loss or theft, a temporary identity card;
  • obtaining a ready-made passport within the agreed time.

Hello. I submitted papers for the production of a passport 2 weeks ago, but it is not ready yet. At work, they said that it was urgent to go on a business trip abroad. The trip is coming soon, so I'm worried about my passport. Can you please tell me if it is possible to speed up the process of obtaining it?

If you argue from the point of view of the law, then it is impossible to speed up the receipt of a passport after submitting documents. The law allows you to receive documents urgently only if a relative has died abroad or an invitation for treatment has been sent to you from there.

If the passport is delayed, then finding out the reasons for the hitch can get it on time. If this is not some kind of system error, which often happens when receiving biometric documents, then you can try to contact the authorities of your FMS body. It should at least indicate the date when the passport will be ready.

Note! Methods are effective only if you draw up international passport old sample. The fact is that biometric passport is manufactured in the state mark, and the Federal Migration Service cannot influence the timing of its production in any way.

If you cannot use the previous option, contact the passport manufacturing company. Their services are expensive (from 10 to 60 thousand rubles), however, you will receive your document in a few working days.