Department of registration of foreign passports. Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya

Since many residents are concentrated in the Russian capital who wish to receive the selected sample of a foreign passport, there are many special departments in Moscow for issuing this document. In some Moscow divisions, the issuance schedule international passports hangs in a conspicuous place, often published on the official website of the department. Sometimes in such institutions there are up to a thousand visitors on a working day.

Complete issuance process foreign passports can be made both at the immediate place of registration of a Russian citizen, and at his actual residence. You need to study the opening hours of the FMS office and its exact schedule for receiving clients in advance. To obtain a passport in each of these cases, it is important to take into account some of the nuances. So, for example, in the first variant, the time for issuing a document is about 30 full days, and in the second - to four months. If you decide to take care of obtaining a passport for yourself, then during the hot hours (during the peak of the holiday season), registration will take longer, sometimes even significantly.

In the official branches of the Federal Migration Service, which issue a foreign passport, the exact working hours may vary. Detailed information on how this schedule works for Russians is posted either on the main website of the FMS, or directly in the FMS departments themselves. A full-fledged issuance of a passport in the Russian capital is carried out at the exact place of delivery of all required documents. To work with citizens of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain this document, you need to check them internal passport. It must be in good condition and not run down. You can find out the specific schedule for issuing foreign passports in Moscow at any time. Do not be late for the conclusion of this transaction, so as not to delay the receipt of this document.

Day of the week

Opening hours



from 09:00 to 18:00

from 13:00 to 13:45

from 10:00 to 20:00

from 13:00 to 13:45

from 09:00 to 16:00

from 13:00 to 13:45

from 10:00 to 20:00

from 13:00 to 13:45

from 10:00 to 16:45

from 13:00 to 13:45

from 09:00 to 16:00

from 13:00 to 13:45


Day off

District office hours FMS.

Day of the week

Opening hours



from 09:00 to 18:00

from 14:00 to 14:45

from 11:00 to 20:00

from 14:00 to 14:45

from 09:00 to 13:00

from 11:00 to 20:00

from 14:00 to 14:45

from 09:00 to 16:45

from 14:00 to 14:45

Reception of citizens on the issues of registration and issuance of foreign passports; registration and issuance of invitations to enter the Russian Federation; registration, issuance, extension of validity, restoration and cancellation of visas; implementation of migration registration foreign citizens and stateless persons. from 09:00 to 16:00

Reception of citizens on issues of issuance, replacement of citizen's passports Russian Federation, as well as for registration at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation, is also carried out on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month (with the exception of public holidays). On Monday after working Saturday, these types of public services are not provided.


In May 2012, the capital center of the Federal Migration Service- Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya. The main task of this branch of the FMS is to relieve the regional passport offices, as well as to increase the level of service in the field of issuing foreign passports.

Since 2014, the city service "Document-Service" has been an accredited partner of the Passport and Visa Center.

Many of our clients prefer to be served there. Our organizations are within walking distance of each other. And the range of services provided by Document-Service is successfully complemented by the services of the Passport Center on Novoslobodskaya. The city service "Document-Service" will help to prepare a complete package of documents for obtaining a passport, and then you can submit them for production at the Center on Novoslobodskaya 45.

Also, only for our clients, the Passport and Visa Center offers special rates for urgent registration of foreign passports.

At the Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya, you can apply for a foreign passport, regardless of the place of residence or registration. Citizens can be served in this organization without any registration - i.e. just in fact Russian citizenship. The opportunity to obtain a passport for actual residence has become a real gift for many thousands of guests of the capital. Now, those who study or work in Moscow do not have to go to their “small homeland” for a passport.

Muscovites have also become more convenient! If earlier you were required to be served only in your district branch of the FMS, now you have a choice - apply at the place of registration or come to the FMS Novoslobodskaya 45. This is very convenient for those who are registered on the outskirts of the city, but in fact live or work in the center Moscow.

The procedure for issuing a passport and the set of documents provided are standard. Therefore, the requirements for filling out forms at the Passport and Visa Center are the same as everywhere else. "Document-Service" on Novoslobodskaya will help you prepare for a visit to the Federal Migration Service - regardless of your registration and place of submission of documents. Our main services are filling out an application for a passport and assistance in urgent processing of a passport at special rates!

The passport processing center on Novoslobodskaya allows you to get both an old-style passport and biometric passport.
For Muscovites, the production time is 1 month, for visitors - from a month to 4. For those who are not ready to wait for a passport in standard terms, Visa Center offers special rates for an expedited checkout process. Let us remind you that only for our clients the prices will be lower than when you apply to the Passport and Visa Center on your own.

For more information about prices and the procedure for issuing passports through our organization, read in the sections:

  • Registration of a passport for residents of the Moscow region

In addition to international passports, they help to issue Russian passports and visas to any country.

The capacity of the Passport and Visa Center is more than 3,000 people per day. The queue is electronic, coupons are issued from early morning. As a rule, by noon all coupons are sorted out.

ATTENTION! Only those who apply for a passport through our company do not have to worry about getting coupons and queues. Our clients are served without a queue and by appointment - at a convenient time for you!

Those who go to submit documents on their own should take into account that only the visitor who presents a fully prepared package of necessary documents, including a correctly completed application form for a passport, can receive a coupon for submitting documents. We think that this is a well-founded restriction - in this way you are relieved of "dealers in queues". And since the ticket is issued by an employee of the passport and visa center, you can be sure that the principle of "one ticket - in one hand" works.

Therefore, we remind you that before visiting the Center on Novoslobodskaya, be sure to prepare all the documents for a passport. For the service, we recommend contacting the employees of the City Service "Document-Service" at the address: st. Sushchevskaya 19, building 5. Here you will quickly, correctly and at affordable prices be helped to fill out a questionnaire for a passport, make copies of documents and provide a receipt for paying the state duty. In addition, we provide assistance in obtaining a turnkey passport.