Program on the Palace Square on May 27. Day of the city

Christmas is celebrated in the Orthodox world on January 7th. At all times, Christmas was celebrated especially solemnly, in compliance with all traditions and customs. An obligatory attribute of the holiday is congratulations, which will express your warmest and most tender wishes to friends, relatives and just good friends.

Christmas, celebrated in the Orthodox world on January 7, is celebrated solemnly and in compliance with all traditions.

Christmas customs and rituals

Christmas Eve is considered the strictest day of Advent. Throughout the day, up to the first star announcing the birth of Christ, it is necessary to refrain from eating any food.

Of course, as with any fast, an exception is made for sick people, children, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Kutya (sweet porridge) and vzvar (dried fruit compote) are considered an obligatory dish of the festive Christmas table. Before Vespers, the flask and kutia were placed under the icon, after which the people solemnly sat down at the table, observing a certain hierarchy. The father sat first, then the mother, and then, by seniority, the children.

A mandatory attribute of the holiday is the Christmas tree. True, after the end of the reign of Peter 1, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree practically disappeared, reviving only at the end of the second half of the 19th century.

It was then that Christmas tree markets began to appear in the capitals.

Christmas is celebrated especially solemnly. Christmas decorations were usually carefully hidden from younger children, because most often they were sweets wrapped in colored shiny paper.

The Christmas tree, as a rule, was decorated with sweets and toys, which were distributed to children and mummers during carols.

Gifts for kids under the Christmas tree was an obligatory tradition on Christmas Eve, after receiving gifts for the kids, costume parties were held.

Christmas days were considered fertile, so adults, regardless of social status, tried to help the poor, the sick and the poor. They went with gifts to prisons, hospitals, flophouses and shelters. Visits with congratulations from friends and neighbors were also obligatory these days.

Of course, the traditions and customs of celebrating that Christmas are practically no longer observed. The only exception is the Christmas fast and festive services, which are attended by thousands of believers on the night before Christmas.

But the traditions to congratulate each other on Christmas are still relevant. After all, warm words of the most tender and kind wishes will give a piece of your love and care to all those to whom they will be addressed on this bright day.

Merry Christmas greetings in verse

May a good Christmas holiday
Brings peace to the heart
And the appearance of Christ
Saves from evil and grief.

May the great holiday of Christmas
You will be given a lot of magic,
Illuminate the right path with a candle,
And sadness will disappear somewhere.

Wonderful night of Christmas
Love warms everyone with light,
And the sun, barely waking up,
All sorrows instantly drives away!
Feel the magic too
All the fabulousness of these moments,
Celebrate Christmas
And congratulations to everyone without a doubt!

Merry Christmas wishes in verse

Merry Christmas greetings with the most good wishes will be a wonderful gift for friends, relatives and acquaintances. May peace and goodness come to your home on this bright day, and peace and happiness will surround you throughout the year.

A bright holiday comes again -
Birthday of Christ
And suddenly goes somewhere
Everyday bustle.
Let it warm every day
Light of love, your home is good,
The joy of life fills
Your soul! Merry Christmas!

Christmas is one of the most important holidays for all Christians (after Easter), because on this day the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the so-called Lord's Twelve Feasts.

What date is Christmas

Many signs and customs are associated with Christmas - they were given Special attention. It was believed that as Christmas passed, so the year would be.

As you know, the date differs among Catholics and Orthodox due to the peculiarities of maintaining a calendar (which is why we also have an old holiday New Year, which is not celebrated anywhere else in the world). Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. Greek Catholics also celebrate Christmas together with the Orthodox.

Note that initially, from the end of the 2nd to the 4th centuries, Christmas was celebrated on January 6 - after the Baptism of the Savior, but later it was postponed to December 25 due to the fact that it was on this day that the pagans in the Roman Empire celebrated the Birth of the Invincible Sun, that is, the day of winter solstice.

History of Christmas

According to the Old Testament prophets, Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem in 5508 from the creation of the world.

The main and initial purpose of the establishment of the holiday is the remembrance and glorification of the event of the appearance in the flesh of the Son of God. Orthodox Church established in itself the solemn feast of the Baptism of the Lord and called it Theophany, instilling the idea that on this day Christ did not become God for the first time, but only revealed Himself to be God, presenting Himself as the One from the Trinity, the Son of God.

The holiday became an opposition to the rites of the pagans. They also adopted the pagan custom of decorating trees. And also this holiday is accompanied by services and solemn hymns. In the IV century Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena built a temple on the site of the Bethlehem cave, glorified by the birth of Christ.

Christmas Eve

The evening before Christmas or Christmas Eve (Holy evening) has its sacred meaning. On this day, a strict fast should be observed with complete abstinence from food until the first star, which symbolizes the Christmas star that announced to the magi about the birth of the baby Christ. On this day, first of all, it is customary for everyone to eat kutya, at least a small spoon is required.

Traditions and rituals for Christmas

Since, like most holidays, Christmas adopted the traditions of paganism, we also find elements of the pre-Christian era among the traditions. In the old days, it was customary to sprinkle hay on the table and keep it there until the Generous Evening - this symbolized a good harvest. Later it began to symbolize that Jesus was born in a stable.

Lay a tablecloth on top, and put a dish with kutia and other dishes in the center of the table, which should be 12 according to the number of apostles. The food was plentiful, with meat dishes: pancakes, pies, pickles and dried berries, fried sausage, etc.

At midnight, everyone exchanged gifts, congratulated each other and made wishes. Christmas divination was common among girls. It was believed that at Christmas the sky opens up to the earth, and the powers of heaven fulfill all their plans. All wishes made for Christmas must be good.

At Christmas, it is customary to light more candles, fires, a fireplace - if there is one. Candles bring warmth and wealth to your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them plentifully - then the whole year will be satisfying and financially successful.

One, special candle must be lit for the deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

From Christmas until the very Epiphany, during all the days of Christmas time, certain prohibitions apply, which are due to the ideas that go back centuries about the holiday as a stop of time, a kind of temporary pause during which one cannot engage in productive labor and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, weaving, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

On Christmas you can not do cleaning and all sorts of household chores. This day was created for peace and joy. It's even better if you don't clean up until January 14th (the next day of the old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken out into the street and dispelled by the wind, or burned. According to signs, after that no evil spirits won't bother you for a whole year.

You can't swear on a holy day. Whoever swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If you are inviting guests for Christmas, see who enters your house first. If a woman enters first, then the whole year the women of your family will be ill.

Christmas rules also applied to clothing: on Christmas, one more tradition has long been adhered to: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And do not sit at the Christmas table in black. Our ancestors believed that in the new year such people would face failure in business.

It is not recommended to guess at Christmas - in order to ask the higher powers what awaits you in the future, there will still be a lot of time: it is best to do this in the so-called Christmas time - from January 8 to Epiphany, it is not for nothing that the fortune-telling of this time is called - saints.

You can't drink water at Christmas, so clear all the mineral water off the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a bit strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer all year for no reason.

On January 7, they visit relatives, as well as caroling. On the morning of January 7, the whole family or several representatives go to church for a festive prayer, and returning from church, people joyfully greet: “Christ is born!” They are answered - "Praise him!" Starting from the evening of January 6, there were christoslavs (carolers) with the "Star of Bethlehem". Attached to a stick big star from gilded paper, decorated with a lantern, paper garlands, sometimes with an icon of the Nativity, the Savior or the Mother of God, then with this star singing Christmas carols go around the surrounding houses.

In some places, figurines of animals from wheat dough were baked for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and hens and shepherd men.

In some regions, the table is decorated with a didukh, a sheaf of wheat or oats of a special shape: with four legs and a large number of knots, symbolizing prosperity for the next year.

Seven blessings of Christmas

The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that he who has done seven blessings in an Orthodox xmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are 7 identical coins, which you need to give to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, giving which, the giver necessarily uttered the words: “I give towels, it’s fine to die, I’ll correct evil with good, fortunately I’ll send my family (my family).”


Many different rituals have long been performed at Christmas, but so that you are not completely accused of obscurantism, make the prettiest and not tied to magic. For example, starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called the world - our ancestors believed that at this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, waking up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

Prosperity note. If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full swing!

A sign of good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

On Christmas Eve (January 7-19) look at nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, profitable. If it snows on Christmas Day itself, it is a very good omen and promises a good year.

If on Christmas a young month flaunts in the sky, the year will be extremely unsuccessful financially.

The most monetary sign of Christmas is a tradition. A coin is baked into the pie - and whoever gets a piece with a coin will have great monetary luck in the New Year.

Let the coin be in your piece of Christmas cake!

Prayers for Christmas

Celebration of Christmas

We glorify you
Life-giving Christ,
us for the sake of now the flesh of the Rozhdshagosya
from Bezvestnaya
and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion to the Nativity of Christ

Your Christmas, Christ our God,
ascension of the world and the light of reason:
serving the stars in it,
learning from a star
To you bow to the Sun of truth,
and lead you from the height of the East:
Lord, glory to You.

Kontakion, voice 3

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,
and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable;
Angels with shepherds glorify
the wolves travel with the star;
for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

Troparion to the pre-feast

Get ready Bethlehem
open to all, Eden,
show off, Euphrapho,
like the tree of the belly in the den prospered from the Virgin:
heaven, bo Onoya's womb appeared mental,
in it the Divine Garden,
from worthless poison, we will live,
not like Adam will die.
Christ is born before the fallen, to restore the image.

Prefeast (Evening), tone 4:

Sometimes writing with Elder Joseph,
like from the seed of David, in Bethlehem Miriam,
womb-bearing seedless Birth.
Now it's time for Christmas
and a place without a dwelling,
but, like a red chamber, the nativity scene appeared to the Queen.
Christ is born before the fallen to resurrect the image.

Joyful mood, sparkling snow, the smell of pine needles and incense - what could be kinder than the atmosphere happy holiday Christmas? It is not surprising that magical folk omens for marriage, pregnancy, health, luck, money always come true on this magical day, and young girls can find out on January 6-7 whether they are destined to meet their betrothed.

Folk signs for Christmas for marriage

Since ancient times, young girls have believed in magical power Christmas holiday, carefully watching the signs and signs of marriage.

What Christmas signs on January 6-7 for marriage exist?

  • Losing a comb - to a stormy romance and marriage.
  • Young women should dress nicely before it gets dark outside. It is believed that those girls who did not have time to dress up will not marry successfully, and those who are already married will lose their spouse's disposition.
  • Before the holiday, they bring home a rooster. If the bird runs to the table - the girl will soon get married, if to the door - she will be unmarried.

Rituals and signs for Christmas for pregnancy

An important place is occupied by customs at Christmas and Christmas Eve associated with the conception of a child. Many people believe in magic power holiday, observing rituals and signs for Christmas for pregnancy.

Christmas signs and rituals for getting pregnant

  • If you ask the Virgin Mary for a child, then conception will definitely come. It is advisable to put a candle that will burn all night. After prayer, you should feed the dog with bread.
  • In order for pregnancy to occur, it is required to eat eggs or grains, in an amount that is a multiple of the woman's age. You can use an egg.
  • It is necessary to endure the entire service. Then, if you sincerely pray, pregnancy will come.
  • An already pregnant woman should wash herself with holy water and wash her stomach with it. Then the holy forces will protect the fetus from the evil eye and bad energy.
  • It is impossible to knit on this day - in a pregnant woman, the child will be wrapped with an umbilical cord.
  • A pregnant woman should not cut her hair - the child will be born mentally retarded.
  • If the year is a leap year, you can’t talk about your plans for the birth of a baby - dark forces can overhear.
  • In order for the desired news to visit the family as soon as possible, you need to feed stray animals on the street on Christmas Day. If any of them follow you, feed him constantly or shelter him. So you can attract pregnancy.

Customs and signs for Christmas for health

In ancient times, there were no such effective medicines as they are now. Therefore, people believed in predictions and beliefs that often came true, followed customs and signs for Christmas for health.

What signs of January 6-7 portend health?

  • Much attention should be paid to the set clean water. Well, if it is from healing sources. Everyone in the house should wash their faces with this water, and you can also use the water to prepare Christmas dishes. It can bring health to all who drink it.
  • If a sick person sneezes on Christmas Eve, this is a sign of recovery and a long life.
  • In order for the whole year to bring only health, it is necessary that all family members dance around the Christmas tree on Christmas.
  • If a wild animal has become attached to you, be sure to feed it. This is a sign that you will be healthy all year round.
  • On Christmas you can’t sew, knit or darn things - this is for blindness in you or someone from the family.
  • It is desirable that the first person to enter your house is a man. If a woman comes in, this is a disease during the year at the mistress of the house.
  • If you stumble on the way to church, you need to say: "Not to the Devil, but to God, he will save me." This ritual will protect you from diseases in twelve years.
  • A kid who started walking on a holiday will be healthy and lucky.
  • If a seriously ill person talks about pancakes and horses at Christmas, this is a bad sign, it portends death.
  • If guests came to you three days after Christmas, you can’t open it right away - you can attract diseases to the house. You have to wait until they call again.

Folk omens at Christmas for good luck

Luck and luck in life are the most desired phenomena for any Russian person. People have long believed in the observance of Christmas rites to attract success and listen to folk omens for Christmas for good luck.

Rituals and signs for good luck on Christmas and Christmas Eve

  • A bunch of straw brought into the house at Christmas is sure to attract good luck.
  • Candles, wreaths, bells and other decorations are sure to bring success to the house.
  • If you spilled tea or coffee - you will find success in business and new projects.
  • If you saw a hunchback - you are very lucky. It will be especially lucky to touch his hump, then the whole year you will be successful.
  • Good luck also brings a meeting with a large dog.
  • If you find ice in the well water, you will be successful.
  • If you light a candle on a festive evening in honor of the deceased relatives, they will help bring good luck and prosperity to the family.
  • For good luck, the following ritual is performed: a well-washed coin is placed in a Christmas cake. Nuts, raisins, dried fruits are also suitable. The member of the family who is lucky enough to get a piece with a surprise at the table will be happy all year.
  • To see a man in a dream on the night before Christmas means to be successful and happy all year.

Signs on Christmas Eve and Christmas on January 6-7 for money

Listening to signs and beliefs, many people are able to attract wealth and abundance to their home by creating the right energy for Christmas. It is enough to know some signs of Christmas Eve and Christmas to attract money.

What Christmas omens will bring money?

  • In order for the whole year to be abundant, you need to invite your closest and dearest people home on Christmas and generously treat them.
  • For financial well-being in the year, you need to congratulate yourself and make a gift.
  • If you have entered into manure - rejoice, this is to prosperity.
  • Pets should be generously fed - the whole year will be financially generous to you.
  • On a holiday, you need to run out into the street undressed in the cold and say: “There are a lot of pimples on my skin, so that I also have so much money.”
  • Losing or stealing money on Christmas - to hopelessness, and finding money, on the contrary, - to profit.
  • If you saw a mouse on a festive evening, this is a financial loss.
  • On Christmas you can not take a loan, lend money, and do not lend anything from your home. In this way you give everything from your hands.
  • To find jewel- to financial success.
  • You can’t wear old things on a holiday, as this leads to financial losses and poverty.
  • At Christmas, you need to light as many fires as possible - candles, fireplaces, lamps. This will bring wealth to the house.
  • Snow on the morning of January 7th - in financial well-being and abundance.

Signs on Christmas night January 6-7 for unmarried girls

Unmarried girls have long believed in the power of Christmas Eve from January 6 to 7, predicting fate. There are many rituals and signs for young women who are able to predict a meeting with a betrothed.

Rites for young girls to get married

  • Unmarried girls and young women should pay attention to a passing man. They go outside at dusk. If a man comes from the north, then the girl will get married within a year. If from the south, then it will remain in the girls.
  • If you ask a passerby the name of the betrothed, then the husband will have the same name.
  • When everyone sits down to supper, a girl dreaming of marriage or an unmarried man, taking the first quick piece in her mouth from the table, should go out into the street without swallowing it. The name that he or she accidentally hears from passers-by will be the name of the bride or groom.

Signs January 6-7 for Christmas Eve and Christmas

From ancient times, Christmas signs and predictions on Christmas Eve and on the night of January 6-7 about productivity, happiness and good news have come down to us.

Signs of Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve

  • It is believed that summer will be extraordinarily fruitful if Christmas falls on a Sunday.
  • At Christmas snowstorm and frost - spring will come early.
  • Hoarfrost on the ground and trees - to a rich harvest of wheat.
  • A large number of stars in the sky - to the harvest of buckwheat and peas.
  • Thaw at Christmas - to the cold spring. But if it is frosty and snowy on Holy Evening, then spring will come early and will be warm.
  • If a large object falls in the house - a picture, a clock or a shelf - this portends good news.
  • If a clock that has been standing for a long time suddenly went to Christmas, this is a sign of travel and pleasant entertainment.
  • If during the preparation of the Christmas table at the hostess food falls, then this is a good yield.
  • It is believed that the year will be happy if a man enters the house first on Christmas.
  • When baking Christmas bread, the hostess should not talk. She needs to touch the icons, trees and plants in the garden with her hands smeared in dough. Then there will be a harvest in the year.
  • Dreams from the sixth to the seventh of January are prophetic. Therefore, they must be memorized and deciphered. To do this, you can put a dream book at the head of the bed and put a candle. The next morning, while the dream is fresh in the memory, it can be unraveled.
  • Children born on Christmas bring only happiness to the house.
  • At midnight, be sure to open the window to let Christmas into the house. It is desirable that this is done by the head of the family.
  • For well-being and happiness during the year, prepare twelve Lenten dishes on Christmas Eve, and the next morning, January 7, there should be twelve fast dishes on the table.
  • In no case should you go hunting on Holy Evening and up to Epiphany, as this is a great sin that brings grief.

We wish you that the frosty holy holiday of Christmas brings health, luck, money and prosperity. Let the flame of candles envelop your home with its magical warmth, and Christmas signs will fulfill the most desired dreams of unmarried girls about marriage and pregnancy.

Petersburg will soon celebrate its 314th birthday. On the eve of the celebration of the City Day, the preparation of an entertainment program is in full swing. We have selected the brightest events that will take place on May 26, 27 and 28.

Waiting for the holiday

The day before the start of the main holiday events 5 Korean stone statues "Tolharuban" will appear in the 300th Anniversary Park. Sculptures will begin to install at 11:00.

Pea in the palm of your hand. On the evening of May 26, St. Petersburg residents and guests of the Northern capital will be able to participate in the literary quest "Through three centuries along Gorokhovaya". Guests will learn what happened on this street in the 18-20 centuries, who lived here, wrote, created.

After an active literary quest or a hard day's work, residents of St. Petersburg will be able to visit musical evening and to look documentary about Leningrad, events will be held at the Voskhod cinema. Start - at 19:00.

"Legends of the Norwegian Vikings" - a festival dedicated to the era early medieval. Traditionally, it will take place on the territory Peter and Paul Fortress. Spectators and participants are waiting for large-scale reconstruction of battles, theatrical performance based on the ancient customs of the Vikings, a historical costume competition and performances by folklore groups of ancient Scandinavian music. The festival will last from 26 to 28 May. Free admission.

In addition, until May 28, the Mikhailovsky Manege, Manezhnaya Square, Malaya Sadovaya and Klenovaya streets will become the book center of the city. Within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Book Salon, not only book Fair but also cultural and business exchange between publishers. For young participants, a playground, a carnival will be organized literary heroes, various games and competitions.

Day of the city

A string of events on the birthday of the city will be opened by a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Peter the Great. It will be attended by the first persons of the city. The laying will end with the passage of the guard of honor along the embankment and a small pneumatic fireworks display. The start of the celebration Bronze Horseman - 10:00.

At 12:00, the traditional solemn ceremony of shooting from the Naryshkin bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress will take place. The midday shot has become an integral part of any celebration in St. Petersburg.

Founded on the banks of the Neva 314 years ago, St. Petersburg became the center of attraction for many nations. Therefore, for the third time, the St. Petersburg Ball of Nationalities will be held on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The program of the ball includes a solemn procession along Birzhevaya Square, salutes, sounds of music, a bright concert with the participation of more than 20 outstanding national creative teams and performers. The celebration will begin at 13:00 and will last until 17:00.

In addition, from 11:00 to 21:00 on Ostrovsky Square will be held annual festival ice cream. Almost the whole day, residents and guests of the city will try various varieties of cold dessert. Among them are popsicles on a stick, waffle cups, crispy tubes, bright sorbets and refreshing popsicles. The weather is predicted to be quite warm, so many will enjoy the delicacy.

Trezzini, Rastrelli, Rossi, Quarenghi, Stackenschneider, Stasov - these names are familiar to every Petersburger from childhood. Everyone will be able to get to know the famous architects better thanks to the excursion "Creators of St. Petersburg". Workers will lead the places associated with the great creators State Museum urban sculpture. Tours will run throughout the day.

Sphinxes are considered the most mysterious creatures, and their images are shrouded in many legends and myths. The lecture "Petersburg Sphinxes" will help you learn more about these amazing creatures. It will be held at 15:00 in the library named after N.V. Gogol, Krasnogvardeisky district.

In the Vyborgsky district, the ceremonies will be replaced by the street folk festival "Vivat St. Petersburg" and the street holiday-concert "The city is a fairy tale, the city is a dream." Guests are expected in the recreation center "Suzdalsky" at 16:00 and in the recreation center "Pargolovsky" at 13:00.

The bright end of the day will be the concert "Classics on the Palace". When the city plunges into light twilight, the lights of the big stage will light up on the square and the best artists of the Russian opera will perform before the audience. The music of Mozart, Rossini, Verdi, Puccini, Strauss will be performed by Symphony Orchestra Mikhailovsky Theater directed by Mikhail Tatarnikov. The concert starts at 21:00. Entrance to Palace Square will be free.

The holiday goes on

The project "I'm painting St. Petersburg" has already become a good tradition and entered the history of St. Petersburg as the brightest declaration of love to his native city. May 28 from 11:00 to 18:00 on the central alley summer garden 300 easels will be installed, where everyone will be able to prove themselves as artists. The creative process will be supervised professional artists, which will help the plein air participants in creating paintings, as well as show various techniques drawing.

For those who like to actively spend weekends and holidays, the Great Bike Parade - 2017 will be held in St. Petersburg. The formation of the columns will begin at 11:00 am at the intersection of Liteiny Prospekt and Zhukovsky Street. Members of the government of St. Petersburg and famous athletes will greet the participants of the event near the building of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. Finishes "Big Bicycle Parade" in the Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. At the same time, the Yacht Bridge will be opened for the participants.

AT 18:00 Mariinsky Theatre will open the doors for guests of the charity evening of the composer E. N. Artemyev. Stars of the classical, opera scene and Russian rock performers will take part in the concert.

For those who are bored with ceremonial halls and stages, there is a variant of an unusual concert program. One of the most solemn events will be a festive parade-concert of the military brass bands of St. Petersburg. It will take place in sports complex"Jubilee" 18:00.