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The first trimester is coming to an end. organism future mother underwent internal and external changes. And they will continue with a double intensity. But the third month of pregnancy is very important - during this period the body and internal organs of the fetus are formed.

What happens to the body?

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the placenta (the organ that connects the mother and the unborn child) is completely ready for work. It gradually replaces the yolk sac, which provides nutrition and respiration of the embryo from the very first day of existence.

Painful condition - "toxicosis" - ceases to be topical issue. By the end of the first trimester, the amount of estrogen reaches its maximum, thereby facilitating the well-being of a pregnant woman. Unpleasant symptoms: weakness, drowsiness and nausea - in most cases pass without a trace.

What do you feel?

Three months of pregnancy is a kind of milestone, a transition when the fetus ceases to be an embryo. If a few weeks ago, strangers could not visually see your interesting position, then after 12 weeks, the tummy began to increase rapidly in size. The phenomenon is indicative of rapid growth future baby. Especially if the pregnancy is not the first.

Many pregnant women experience sudden mood swings, which leads spouses into confusion. Male nature is unable to perceive such behavior: joy and laughter, and a minute later tears for no apparent reason.

At 3 months of gestation, the doctor may allow sex. Required condition - good health and safe postures. Some women experience an increase in libido, while others, on the contrary, notice a decrease in libido. The phenomenon is not constant, jumps are sometimes observed. The explanation lies in the instability of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, which is responsible for the emotional state.

Old clothes and shoes still fit, after a while the situation will change. A great time to take care of your wardrobe. An increase in the volume of the waist and possible swelling on the legs will make wearing familiar clothes uncomfortable. Updates are great to lift your spirits.

Doctor's account

In our country, it is customary to get medical records at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence. Early registration provides constant supervision and, in case of any threat, the opportunity to eliminate it. For each pregnant patient, the gynecologist creates a separate exchange card, where all visits, tests and ultrasound results are recorded.

It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic on strictly allotted days, appointed by the doctor, with a frequency of two weeks. Starting at 30 weeks, a pregnant woman needs to go to an appointment every week.

A woman is obliged to pass the following tests and examinations as soon as possible after a doctor's appointment:

  1. Weighing. The doctor fixes the initial body weight of the patient for constant monitoring. All subsequent visits will begin with scales.
  2. Measurement of blood pressure. All data is recorded in the exchange card, the document is constantly with the expectant mother.
  3. Urine tests for sugar and protein content. The analysis is given before each visit to the gynecologist.
  4. Test for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, and hepatitis.
  5. Mandatory ultrasound examination and screening. It detects chromosomal abnormalities, in case of pathologies they are eliminated without serious harm to the woman. They are carried out in the interval of 11–14 weeks, since many developmental disorders can be diagnosed in given period, including Down syndrome.
  6. Checking the legs for swelling.
  7. Fetal heart rate control.
  8. Measuring the circumference of the abdomen. Based on these results, the doctor determines the size of the uterus by this period bearing a fetus.

What does the belly look like in the third month?

Rounding of the abdomen is normal at the end of the first trimester. Its value largely depends on the complexion of the body of a pregnant woman. In girls with a normal or thin figure, the tummy appears earlier than in the beautiful owners of magnificent forms. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the waist disappears somewhat faster, as the muscles abdominal cavity By that time, they are already stretched and do not have increased elasticity.

The body gradually begins to prepare for feeding the future baby and the woman gains weight. This happens due to the growing uterus, the engorged breast, not to mention the developing fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. Any diet is contraindicated, but you do not need to be zealous. Extra pounds will disappear almost immediately after childbirth. Only the subcutaneous fat accumulated during pregnancy will remain. Therefore, you should not get carried away with sweets and you need to lead a moderately active lifestyle.

embryo development

In the first trimester, the formation of the future person takes place: eyes, face, ossification, all internal organs and even lymph nodes. The process ends and the internal organs gradually begin to function. From the age of 3 months, the main task of the child is to increase body weight.

At the beginning of the 3rd month, the fetal heart can be heard with an ultrasonic stethoscope. The number of beats per minute is up to 150 times. The baby moves independently in the womb for the first time, but the expectant mother cannot yet feel his movements due to the tiny size.

Bleeding at 3 months pregnant

Pregnancy itself is a huge burden on a woman's body. Sometimes menstrual flow continues until three months gestation. But such situations are observed only in 10 percent of women. If the first signs of bleeding appear, contact your doctor immediately. There is a high risk of miscarriage.

Possible causes of bleeding:

  1. Allocations are permissible during the period of attachment of the embryo inside the uterus.
  2. The highest percentage of miscarriages occurs in the first trimester. Leakage of blood out of the uterus may indicate a spontaneous abortion. At this time, a woman often feels cramps and pain in the abdomen. Timely medical care in a large number of cases helps to avoid fetal death.
  3. Sex. Bloody issues may well appear due to sexual intercourse. The reason is not particularly dangerous, but the partner's posture and activity should be reduced.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. (more info)
  5. Problems with the placenta.

Time for an ultrasound

At week 12, an ultrasound examination of the fetus is mandatory. Ultrasound allows you to timely identify possible pathologies, and in case of deviations, prevent them. One such disorder is FGR, or fetal growth retardation syndrome. Ultrasound is able to determine the date of conception and childbirth with an accuracy of several days.

The doctor shows the first image of the baby on the screen. If desired, you can invite the future father or close relatives to the office.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the third month

  1. Nausea. The sensations preceding vomiting weaken from the 12th week, and may disappear altogether. All pregnant women have an individual phenomenon.
  2. A burning sensation in the esophagus accompanies the expectant mother throughout the entire gestation period. But heartburn is a personal symptom.
  3. Depending on the physical characteristics of the body, the first signs of varicose veins may appear.
  4. Possible increased drowsiness. The desire to fall asleep most often occurs in the afternoon. But many pregnant women note: they want to sleep almost constantly.
  5. The breast increases in size. The mammary gland also undergoes a series of changes in preparation for breastfeeding.
  6. Work disruptions digestive system. During this period, constipation or diarrhea is observed. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.
  7. Frequent calls for little need. They are associated with an enlarging fetus pressing on the bladder.
  8. Bloating and gas formation cause many inconveniences.

Sports and fitness

A woman expecting the birth of a baby usually has to undergo various examinations and take tests. Very often, in the diagnosis, to determine the timing and monitor how the fetus develops, ultrasound is prescribed during pregnancy. This type of examination, carried out at various times, will allow you to accurately determine the gestational age and determine the presence of problems and anomalies in the development of the embryo.

Planned ultrasound for the first time

If a woman's pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the gynecologist does not consider it necessary to prescribe an ultrasound examination at the very early term, then it is recommended to carry out an ultrasound scan at the 3rd month of pregnancy. The examination falls on the 12th - 13th week of pregnancy. It allows not only to consider all the anatomical features in developing fetus and to determine such an important feature as the thickness of the collar region, which can be used to judge the presence of Down's disease in the fetus.

Of course, if a woman complains of nagging unpleasant pains or cramps in the lower abdomen, discharge with signs of blood, or she is worried about others discomfort, then ultrasound is performed earlier, because the woman herself may have serious problems.

What can the study show?

Already at 10-11 weeks, the embryo reaches such a size that it is possible to reliably assess its main anatomical organs and systems that are already functioning. An ultrasound scan performed at the 3rd month of pregnancy will allow the doctor to timely diagnose such developmental abnormalities, the incompatibility of which with life and can cause the death of the fetus. Within 12 weeks, you can already view such organs in the future baby as the liver, kidneys, stomach. According to the norms, by this time the nasal bone should already be formed. After all, if this happens later, then more late deadline ossification is a reason to assume that the fetus has various chromosomal abnormalities.

If the diagnostician detects the presence of an edematous zone located in the region of the neck of the embryo, and its size is more than 3 mm, then this may indicate chromosomal abnormalities, and in this case, the woman needs to repeat the ultrasound at 14 weeks of pregnancy in order to re-measure the collar zone in embryo. In addition, ultrasound at this time will show whether there is enough amniotic fluid in the uterus, their composition and quality. The doctor will also determine where the placenta is attached, whether there are any such dangerous deviations like uterine hypertonicity or placental abruption.

fetus in the third month of pregnancy

Childbirth is still far away, and it is this ultrasound that will be the first acquaintance of the expectant mother with the baby. And at her request, the doctor can record the procedure on video. Graphic image the baby is placed on the screen entirely and you can see the little man. The baby already knows how to move arms and legs, open his mouth and respond to the emotional state of his mother. If a woman leads an active lifestyle, then the baby moves more actively. If the expectant mother is nervous, very tired or leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then this can affect the formation of the baby's nervous system.

If you want your pregnancy to be monitored by the most competent and highly qualified doctors, contact our medical center!

Pregnancy is a very exciting and important period in the life of the fair sex and her loved ones. Significant changes not only externally, but also inside the body of a woman during pregnancy occur at an active speed. The formation of the placenta, which will soon be the source of communication between the baby and mother, was almost over by the end of the second month. The placenta will provide the baby with the nutrition and oxygen it needs. During pregnancy, the expectant mother experiences frequent urination, the reason for which is the functioning of the already formed kidneys of the child. Toxicosis, which does not give a pregnant woman rest, can often be observed only in the first trimester, after which it disappears altogether.

There is no need to be afraid if during these periods you observe drowsiness, increased fatigue, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness. All these signs are the norm for a woman who is expecting a baby, because they will disappear immediately after the baby is born. Also, very often constipation can be observed during this period. To avoid them drink more water, any other liquid and eat vegetables and fruits more often. Do not forget about the complex of vitamins, which is designed specifically for pregnant women. Vitamins saturate not only your body with useful substances, but also deliver all the necessary substances that are necessary for the development of the child.

Doctor's account

At this time, it is necessary to register in order for your pregnancy to be under constant supervision. You will keep an exchange card, which will record your condition, your examination by doctors and all tests until the very birth. This card will be in your hands for the entire period of pregnancy. Your obstetrician will schedule visits, usually once every two to three weeks. Under no circumstances should attendance be missed without a good reason. It is necessary to responsibly treat pregnancy and the doctor's instructions. Already at the end of the first trimester, in some women, the tummy became significantly visible.

Studies to be completed at this time:

  • dimension blood pressure, weighing, body weight control;
  • urinalysis for protein and sugar. Appointed and surrendered two to three days before going to your doctor;
  • examination of the extremities for the possibility of swelling. Inspection of the legs to identify varicose diseases;
  • at each turnout, the observing doctor listens with a special device to the stomach to control the heartbeat of your baby;
  • co standard sizes, characteristic for each period of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is compared to determine the correct growth of the fetus inside;
  • the doctor measures the height of the fundus of the uterus.


At a period of 13-14 weeks, it is very dangerous, especially if you are expecting to give birth to a boy, gestation becomes if the pregnant woman has dysfunction of the adrenal cortex. It is at these times that the release of large amounts of testosterone, the male hormone, occurs. There is a real threat of miscarriage.

If you often experience pain in the lower abdomen or back pain, tell the doctor who is supervising your pregnancy without delay. Since usually a normal pregnancy should not be accompanied by any pain. Also, let us know if you are worried about suspicious discharge. In no case do not put off going to the doctor, because now is the time when the health of your baby depends entirely on your condition. During this period, you just need to pay more attention to yourself, sleep more and not worry about trifles, enjoy every little thing, keep yourself away from any negativity.

The first trimester is very important for the formation of the organs of the fetus, and depends on it further development. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, learning about your situation. Closer to the second trimester, the baby already knows how to do a lot of things. He moves his arms, can clench his fists, moves his legs, opens his mouth, sucks his thumb, which can be easily seen during an ultrasound examination. The liver and intestinal tract are fully working, the first feces are formed, which consist mainly of bile. Red bone marrow is responsible for circulatory function. Your baby has grown up to 9 centimeters in this period.

Reasons for concern

Causes of concern for pregnant women last month first trimester. With the onset of pregnancy, certain sensations appear that are not entirely pleasant and do not cause much discomfort. They stretch throughout pregnancy, and new sensations also appear. This applies not only to physical changes, but also psychological ones.

Signs that cause great concern to pregnant women:

  • tiredness creeping down. Constant desire to sleep;
  • very frequent trips to the toilet. urination;
  • strong salivation, nausea and even vomiting are possible;
  • the stool worries, especially for a long time. Often it is constipation;
  • digestive problems, terrible heartburn, gas and bloating;
  • disgust, which may even be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, to certain foods, to their smells;
  • chest has changed a lot. It became harder, heavier and larger in volume, the nipples darkened, and a blue mesh appeared under the skin;
  • a significant increase in veins, which became very clearly visible on the abdomen and legs;
  • the stomach begins to grow;
  • frequent headaches;
  • mood swings, sentimentality, nervousness, the desire to cry over any little thing;
  • inner peace is a new feeling for a pregnant woman that appears in the third month.

In no case do not miss the moment when the doctor sends you to undergo the first ultrasound at 12-13 weeks. It is this period that will be able to show any problems in the development of the fetus. Also, Down syndrome and other diseases are determined only at this time. This is a very important study, when the doctor can clearly detect all the defects in the formation of the child, if, of course, they exist. The exact date of conception of the baby, plus or minus two or three days, can be found out by going to the ultrasound at this time.

During the course of 3 months, the embryonic period ends. At this time, the woman is confident in her new position, therefore, it is necessary to come to the obstetrician-gynecologist for up to 12 weeks for a “pregnancy and childbirth” appointment.

What happens in a woman's body

The female body undergoes many changes. The hormonal background is changing, often for this reason toxicosis develops.

There are no external signs, but sometimes a slight rounding of the abdomen is possible (more often in thin women).

The production of hormones occurs at an accelerated pace, for the prolongation of pregnancy and normal intrauterine development fetus.

At the end of 3 months, a mandatory prenatal screening is carried out to detect possible pathologies in the development of the baby.


3 months of gestation is accompanied by various clinical signs, which together indicate the new position of the woman.

These include:

  • Increase in body weight. Normally, by the beginning of the 9th week of gestation, it should be increased by 1500 g, and by the end of the 12th week - from 2 to 3 kg.
  • in the morning or after sleep. The symptom is associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, often stuffy nose due to mucosal edema, and again, the cause is.
  • Enlargement of superficial veins in the lower extremities and their swelling in the abdomen. The phenomena are short-term and are associated with an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Over time, the symptom disappears, or vice versa acquires a chronic course.
  • Enlargement of the breast and darkening of the areola. Sometimes a clear, viscous discharge may appear from the nipple.
  • Mood swings are one of the main symptoms of pregnancy before 12 weeks. The clinical picture is close to premenstrual syndrome. A pregnant woman may be overcome by drowsiness or nervousness, irritability or a tendency to cry.
  • A sharp perception of odors that are not associated with toxicosis, that is, the sense of smell is enhanced. In addition, taste preferences change, and a desire develops to combine incompatible foods (for example, mustard with blueberry jam, etc.).
  • Frequent urge to urinate. This symptom must be treated with caution, because the urge to go to the toilet “in a small way”, accompanied by pulling pains, is an indication of the development of a miscarriage. Increased urination is normally associated with an increase in BCC.
  • gradually fades away, and by the end of the first trimester disappears, but sometimes it does not go away, but acquires an aggravation of the signs of the pathological process.
  • Appears or reflux esophagitis of pregnant women. The symptom is not a threatening condition for the pregnant woman or the fetus, but causes significant discomfort.
  • Constipation is another unpleasant symptom of an “interesting position”. To prevent difficulty in the act of defecation, it is necessary to include foods high in fiber in the daily diet.

Symptoms and signs of a three-month gestation may be absent. In this case we are talking about the asymptomatic course of childbearing.

This is not a pathology and is expressed individually.

Despite a significant list of possible symptoms, frequent mood swings play a major role. Now the pregnant woman is laughing, and after 2 minutes she considers herself “abandoned” and sobs excitedly.

How does the fetus develop in the third month of pregnancy

The development of the fetus occurs up to the 38th week of gestation, however, at this stage, all vital organs and systems are laid down.

What does a 3 month old fetus look like?

9 weeks

The formed bodies at this time do not function at full capacity. There is an improvement in the auricles, palms, fingers.

The weight of the baby is small and is no more than 4 g with a height of 3 cm (on average).

The formation of the lymphatic system and eyelids begins.

10 weeks

The fetus acquires the skill of "swallowing", but this happens reflexively and unconsciously. The endocrine system works.

The fetus is able to move the formed limb buds, open its mouth and blink.

The heart beats intensely and reaches 150 beats per minute, but you can hear it through a special device.

The rudiments of teeth appear, the nail plate and lips are formed.

The face acquires features, but it is still difficult to see them.

11 weeks

The activity of the baby is not felt matter in view small size fetus. On average, height is 5-6 cm, weight is about 9 g.

Heartbeat is active. The formation of lung tissue, trachea, stomach and intestines continues.

The fetus may wrinkle and swallow amniotic fluid.

The reproductive system is being formed and the child being born is not asexual. It is possible to identify gender only on ultrasound in the case of a rotated intrauterine location.

12 weeks

The first trimester is coming to an end - an important period for the baby. Organogenesis continues, the formed organs are improved and begin to perform their assigned functions.

The child acquires facial features, he can frown and blink. Growth reaches 6.5 cm, weight - about 13 g.

Changes in a woman's body

In the body of a pregnant woman, estrogen and increases. It is these hormones that are responsible for the condition of a woman and affect proper development fetus.

The abdomen is slightly rounded, there is a change appearance. Pimples disappear, the skin of the face is evened out and becomes velvety. Feelings of a pregnant woman become euphoric.

Vaginal discharge is copious, colorless (sometimes whitish) and clear. There is no smell. Mucus should not be yellow, green, and even more so brown.

A change in the consistency of vaginal discharge indicates the development of pathology.

Hormones affect the mood of the patient and her nervous system. Often the mind of a pregnant woman is "blunted", absent-mindedness and forgetfulness appear.

Analyzes and research

At this time, registration takes place, so the range of analyzes, instrumental studies and examinations is increased.

So, the tests and examinations carried out:

  • History taking and physical examination:
  1. measurement of weight and height parameters;
  2. collection of gynecological anamnesis;
  3. examination on a gynecological chair using mirrors.
  • Laboratory blood tests:
  1. with obligatory counting of the leukocyte formula and platelets;
  2. biochemical blood test: glucose, urea, protein and transaminases;
  3. convolution system with definition ;
  4. enzyme immunoassay for the level of female hormones;
  5. research and analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko;
  6. vaginal and atypical cells.
  • Consultations of narrow specialists: endocrinologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, nephrologist, cardiologist.
  • ECG, and ultrasound of the fetus.

It is especially important to conduct prenatal screening, which allows diagnosing fetal abnormalities and terminating the pregnancy if necessary.

The causes of early abortion are disruptions in the work of hormones and kidney pathologies. The main symptom of an incipient miscarriage is aching in the lower back, pulling pains in the abdomen and red or brown vaginal mucus.

Detachment can be prevented by seeking emergency hospital care.

Video: what happens at 3 months pregnant

Changes during pregnancy begin to occur from 3 months. This is a transitional period. If before you just knew what was born in the tummy new life, now it can be determined visually. A baby from an embryo turns into a fetus. It is important to control your well-being and monitor weight jumps. If you continue to go monthly, you should definitely consult a doctor. We will consider all recommendations.

weight gain calculator

By the middle of the third month, toxicosis disappears, the level of hormones reaches its limit, the body adjusts to the mode of bearing a child, respectively, weakness, nausea disappear, and the girl begins to feel the baby inside.

By this time, the placenta is fully formed, which is the link between the body of the mother and the child. little man receives nutrients and oxygen through the placenta, and waste products are excreted through it.

Changes also occur in the emotional state: causeless laughter or tears, resentment, taste preferences change hourly. And there is also a feeling of motherhood: the girl takes more care of herself and the unborn baby.

By the end of the third month, the doctor may allow you to resume sexual activity. In some women, libido rises by this time, in others it decreases. Do not worry, everything will return to normal, perhaps the body has not yet completely rebuilt.

When having sex, it is better to forget about experiments and use safe positions.

3 month pregnant

Embryo in the third month of pregnancy

Pregnancy | 3 month


When to See a Doctor

By the third month of pregnancy, you need to register to visit a gynecologist once every 2 weeks. When registering in a antenatal clinic, it is necessary to pass urine and blood tests, including a test for HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, and an ultrasound scan.

For any deviations from the norm - bleeding, pain, especially pulling - consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

During each visit to the gynecologist, you will be weighed, your blood pressure taken, and your baby's heartbeat will be heard.

There will also be a screening. This is a simple blood test that will detect fetal chromosomal abnormalities, if any. The study is carried out at 11-14 weeks.

When to do an ultrasound

By the 12th week, you can see your baby on the screen of the ultrasound machine. This standard procedure helps to identify possible fetal pathologies, determine the number of embryos, and make sure that the baby is developing normally.

Also, at the time of the study, the time of conception is determined, according to these data, the doctor will calculate the estimated date of birth.

Be sure to take your spouse with you so that he can also look at the unborn child. You will keep these unforgettable impressions for the rest of your life.

What symptoms appear during this period

During this period, the breast increases, and the nipple halos darken. Approaching the mirror, you will see how dozens of thin wreaths stretch to the mammary glands.

The following characteristic symptoms appear:

  • frequent urination due to the growing fetus inside.
  • heartburn, which will drag on for the entire second trimester.
  • stool problems: constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • veins are clearly visible - under the knees, on the arms, from the neck to the chest and on the tummy.
  • there is gas formation, bloating.
  • in recent weeks, rare bouts of nausea are possible, which end in vomiting.
  • the emotional state is unstable, you go from tears to laughter, any offense seems like a catastrophe, you can be annoyed specific color, smell and even a person.
  • fatigue increases, constantly tends to sleep.

What does the belly look like

The tummy takes on a slightly rounded shape, but these changes depend on the physique of the mother herself. In thin people at 3 months of pregnancy, the tummy stands out clearly, and if you have already managed to gain excess weight or naturally have magnificent forms, then the roundness will remain invisible.

By this time, the weight begins to actively increase, the body thus accumulates useful substances for subsequent breastfeeding.

You should not resort to diets, keep in mind that the volume of blood in the body increases by 40-50%, the chest is poured and the uterus is enlarged.

Features of the development of the fetus

By the end of the third month of pregnancy, your baby will already reach a length of 9 cm, and his weight is approaching 30 g.

The third month of pregnancy is very important, during this period the baby's skeleton begins to form, the cerebral cortex is outlined.

It is important for mom to eat a lot of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. Do not neglect special complexes for pregnant women. Be sure to check with your doctor about your diet.

By the end of the first trimester, some girls begin to swell their legs, so the old ankle boots or ballet flats will be small. We recommend that you spend your time usefully - stock up on spacious dresses and stylish comfortable shoes.

Many begin to go to fitness for pregnant women. Such classes are not prohibited, but it is better to consult with a specialist first.

About nutrition

The future mother needs good food, during development, the child takes useful substances from your body that need to be replenished.

Everyone wants sweet, salty and even everything at once in one plate. But try to control your impulses: swelling can occur from some products.

It is better to include in the diet as many fruits and vegetables as possible - fresh, steamed and boiled. Fruit is best eaten with the skin on. These foods contain a lot of fiber, and it is essential.

Do not forget about meat and fish, natural juices. Occasionally you can please yourself with a bun or delicious cookies.

Are there any bleeding

In 10-15% of women, menstruation continues for 3 or even 5 months of pregnancy.

Safe bleeding - implantation, it indicates the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

But bleeding on can be caused by various reasons. Therefore, you should not let the situation take its course, and at the first drops of blood, immediately go to the doctor.

Danger signs

Miscarriages often occur in the first trimester. First, blood is released, cramping pain occurs, as during menstruation, but the embryo remains in the uterus. The reason is a group of illegal drugs, excessive physical activity or active sex life prohibited by the doctor, and viral diseases: measles, rubella, rarely chickenpox.

With a complete miscarriage, the above symptoms first occur, but when the embryo leaves the uterus, the pain subsides, the cervix closes and the bleeding stops.

Missed pregnancy can occur when the fetus has genetic abnormalities. It is characterized by scanty blood secretions, breast reduction, inhibition of weight gain.

If the sensations match, pick up the phone and call an ambulance. While waiting for the doctors, lie down on the couch and raise your legs.

Every woman's pregnancy is different. Take care of yourself and remember that your feelings, fears and joys are transmitted to the baby.

Stock up on strength and patience, devote free time pleasant shopping and communication with loved ones. Some are listening classical music and even read fairy tales aloud.