Vessels of the umbilical cord and EAP syndrome: the structure is normal, what are the dangers of deviations in dopplerometry

The umbilical cord is a special organ that is responsible for the connection between the mother and her baby from the very first day, that is, even at the embryonic stage. Worth paying Special attention its structure and formation, because this is an important aspect of any pregnancy.

Formation of vessels of the umbilical cord of the fetus

The main components of the umbilical cord are its vessels. This thin thread connects the abdominal wall of the fetus and the fetal surface of the placenta.

She has an almost feminine Viagra australia, completely compressed legs, and her arms are decorated with a chest. Fetal failure - it does not cover the entire body, it remains only on the back, back and shoulders. It enters the period of personality formation. His genetically determined temperament was revealed.

Very rapid accumulation of fat reserves. Eighth month The interior of the mother's body becomes more and more compact. The bust of a child is what we see at birth - expressive, plump cheeks. A child's nails grow so fast that they often protrude above the tip of the finger. The mobility and tightness of the baby in the uterus is not difficult to scratch, which often appears on the baby's face after birth. The hair on the head gets thicker and darker. The almost fertile fetus has disappeared, and now the whole body is covered only with a protective fetal deformity.

The average thickness of the umbilical cord is one and a half centimeters, while the length is about seventy. This length is necessary so that your baby can move freely, but if the umbilical cord exceeds this size, then this is already considered a pathology, just like too short (less than 50).

The correct umbilical cord consists of:
two arteries;
One vein.
These two components are equally important. The vein is necessary in order to carry oxygenated blood to the tissues of the fetal formation. Arteries, on the other hand, carry venous blood away from the baby. The umbilical cord and all its components is a temporary organ that is needed only for a period prenatal development. Immediately after childbirth, literally ten minutes later, this organ ceases to function and dies.

The amount of amniotic fluid in which the baby flies is the largest this month. If an adult drank with such intensity, he took 20 liters of drinks per day. Since the child drinks so much and with such pleasure, this activity should have special meaning for its development. The ingredients of the amniotic fluid passing through the stomach and intestines accelerate the development digestive system and improve digestive function. The fluid flow causes the surfactant to settle on the surface of the vesicles.

How many vessels are in the umbilical cord

So, as we said above, it is normal when the umbilical cord has three vessels: 2 arteries and one vein. This is necessary to properly supply the developing fetus with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. Two arterial vessels are necessary to cleanse the blood of carbon dioxide and harmful substances, being cleansed at the placenta, they are sent back to the baby through the vein. Thus, the constant circulation and work of these three vessels of the umbilical cord is necessary for proper development your baby.

This causes the lungs to mature to perform their function after birth. Along with swallowed amniotic fluid, he receives many valuable and high-calorie nutrients - mainly proteins and sugars. It's another month rapid increase weight and fat deposits. Within four weeks, his stock will quadruple! It's no wonder he has less space. With his gymnastic exercises, he only stretched, moving sideways and adjusting his arms and legs. The movements are already so vigorous and strong that the mother can feel them violently.

Two vessels in the umbilical cord. Is it dangerous?

It’s probably clear that with our ecology, pathologies in pregnancy have increased. Sometimes a doctor makes a pregnant woman such a diagnosis as EAP.

This means that the umbilical cord has not three, but two vessels. It is difficult to say exactly why this is happening, because it can occur both at the stage of conception and the formation of umbilical cord vessels, and it will be revealed already during pregnancy. Many doctors cite a number of factors that make the diagnosis of EAP more common:
Multiple pregnancy;
Maternal diabetes;
Age mothers (late pregnancy).
This is considered a pathology of pregnancy, and yes, very serious. But before confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will send you for repeated examinations, and also most likely will force an amniocentesis. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to identify the absence of chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

At the end of the eighth month, some children turned away. This is another stage of great preparation for the birth. The baby's movements are no longer as strong and forceful as the uterus has less space. To be more comfortable, she assumes a characteristic fetal position: she crouched, crossed her arms and legs. Most babies head down and remain in this position until the day of delivery. 31 weeks.

The blood vessels are surrounded by mucus, which is found only in the umbilical cord. The lungs can expand and have enough surface area to allow oxygen to enter the bloodstream at birth. There is no pulmonary circulation yet, it will be turned on only after childbirth. The child is cramped, there is almost no room for hitting and dancing.

This is probably the biggest danger in the umbilical cord, which consists of two vessels. But, do not worry if the studies did not reveal other complications. The baby can develop perfectly and if there are two vessels in the umbilical cord, nutrients and oxygen will also be delivered to him.

In this situation, baby movements can be a little painful for the mother. This unconditioned reflex is also a very important element of body language - when we empathize with each other, students expand. Fear and aggression make them narrow. The baby is already pink, smooth baby, fat is 8% of body weight. A toddler is no different from a newborn, although he still has a few weeks to develop.

He is still collecting live supplies under his skin - he will use them in the first days of his life. Ninth month. The child is ready to leave the mother's body and can safely come into the world. Inside the uterus, the child no longer feels comfortable - it is so tight that all the time he squeezes his legs, and his arms are bent at the elbows. A few weeks before birth, the head slides deep into the mother's pelvis and remains until birth - that's what it's called. fixed position. It is easiest to come into the world if it is placed in a position called the longitudinal head of the occiput.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the umbilical cord

Diagnosis of umbilical cord vessels is a rather young research method. Correctly, this method is called ultrasound with color Doppler mapping. The number here is estimated from the longitudinal image, here you will see one large vessel - a vein and two thinner ones, these are just arteries. Such an examination can already be obtained after the first screening, as a rule, this is the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. But not always ultrasound can show the number of vessels, this is influenced not only by the qualifications of the specialist, but even by the overweight of the expectant mother or a small amount of amniotic fluid.

It then returns to the mother's abdominal wall. The baby looks like a newborn baby. His skin is smoother and more pink. The fetus was only in the folds of the body - on the neck, in the elbows of the elbows and knees, in the groin, under the armpits. He has dark blue eyes and this color will remain for several weeks after birth. Then they will gradually change color to the one that the parents passed along with all the genetic baggage. Baby nails grow very quickly and may need to be cut off on the first day after birth.

The nipples and external genitalia may be swollen and remain so for several days after birth. This is the effect of high hormone levels that keep mom and baby going through the last trimester. Before a baby is born, his mother passes on an antibody to the placenta that will give him immunity for the first six months of his life. Without them, the baby would be defenseless against the millions of pathogenic bacteria that come into contact with it after birth. This temporary protection provided by the mother to the child refers to diseases that were previously treated by the mother.

Thrombosis of the vessels of the umbilical cord

We will immediately reassure expectant mothers and note that thrombosis of the umbilical cord vessels is extremely rare, approximately in the ratio of one case in a thousand. However, this problem still exists. And even here, venous is more common than the more dangerous arterial, so do not panic ahead of time. Thrombosis is a small nodes that greatly interfere with the nutrition of the baby.

After six months, the baby's body is already producing its own antibodies. In addition, his defensive forces will be supported by long-term sites of maternal antibodies, which will be systematically received with his milk. Development in the last weeks of pregnancy slows down.

Now the baby is just growing and training needs another side of his belly skills, like 80% of the time he is holding his breath and exhaling fetal water. Completely fills the mother's stomach: sometimes there may be difficulty breathing, because the child tightens the diaphragm more and more, heartburn may appear again, urination more often, difficulty falling asleep. Brown fat has accumulated around the major organs, and there is already a thick layer of white fat under the skin. The child swallows abandoned sleep and dead cells.

With a normal pregnancy, the risk of thrombosis is minimal, usually it is characteristic of pregnancies with complications.

But such a pathology can be not only spontaneously arisen or genetically predisposed at the very beginning of the formation of the embryo, it can occur due to trauma to the mother or past illnesses.

It is they who will settle in the intestines and will be expelled in the form of a tick. The child is preparing for birth. The adrenal glands begin to produce a hormone that affects Levitra in the function of the mexid lung. Now they are fully prepared to breathe. The head interceded behind the mother's pelvis. If the baby still hasn't lowered its head, you can help by gently massaging the abdomen. Another weight gain and height - we are already tired and looking forward to the birth.

But, unfortunately, they do not decide. The body takes care of the balance between competing hormones: estrogen, which causes muscle contraction, and progesterone, which relaxes. Progesterone should have been a little more. Currently dominated by estrogen: softens the cervix and facilitates reopening. In just a few hours the world will be the most beautiful under the sun - your baby. The child is mature enough that he can already come into the world and cope with it in a new environment.

Cord prolapse

If, after the rupture of the fetal bladder, part of the umbilical cord is in front of the presenting part of the fetus, then we are talking about prolapse of the umbilical cord. This happens quite rarely, but here you will have to face serious problems. In this situation, the umbilical cord is pressed against the wall of the pelvis by the head of the child, thereby causing disturbances in blood supply and nutrition. Doctors identify a risk group for expectant mothers who are most affected by prolapse of the umbilical cord.

He seems less busy because he has his head down and there is little room in his belly. He uses the last weeks to collect as much fat as possible - he gains about 1% of his weight every day. This umbilical cord is extremely rare, with 1% of single pregnancies and 5% of multiple pregnancies, although an umbilical cord defect is the most common. The most common problem is Caucasian women, other factors are over 40 years old, multiple pregnancy and diabetes. Most often, the umbilical cord occurs when the child is a little girl.

Twisted umbilical cord: danger

Mom comes in, maybe not aware of the umbilical construct, because the condition is asymptomatic. If your doctor recognizes an umbilical cord with double swelling, your pregnancy is more closely monitored, but the pregnancy does not make any specific recommendations. Usually, the fact that the umbilical cord has two blood vessels does not pose a threat to pregnancy.

These include pregnant women with:
Transverse or pelvic presentation;
Multiple pregnancy.
Most often this is characteristic late dates pregnancy, usually in such situations, if the expectant mother is already in the clinic, an urgent caesarean section is performed. If the prolapse of the umbilical cord occurred at home, then you immediately need to lie down and not allow any movements. Call an ambulance and wait for hospitalization without movement, preferably lying on your back. Most often, such cases end precisely because of the quick response not only to the ambulance, but also to the mother herself.

Sometimes this condition causes problems with the growth of the fetus and can affect the baby. Occasionally, umbilical dysfunction can affect cardiovascular, cardiac, urinary, and nervous systems at the fetus. Very important point during childbirth is the contraction of the umbilical cord. This is the time when Small child starts to be independent. Of course, you still need it to live, but it is a symbol of the separation of mother and newborn.

The umbilical cord looks like a cord that connects the placenta to the fetus. This is the only direct route between you and your child. Through it, your child receives oxygen and food. Initially, the umbilical cord consists of four blood vessels. Around one week of pregnancy, one vein disappears. Since then, there are only three veins and two arteries that wrap around each other.

Entanglement of the umbilical cord vessels around the fetal neck

Around the end of the first trimester, the umbilical cord is already fully formed and you can undergo an ultrasound scan that will help identify possible pathologies. Wrapping the umbilical cord around the baby's neck can hardly be called a pathology, but this problem occurs in about twenty percent of cases and we will immediately make a reservation that it does not always require an emergency caesarean section.

Due to this, the umbilical cord is tense. Thus, the blood flows freely, even with a sudden violation developing fetus. The jellyfish also protects the vessels in the umbilical bladder from the effects of intrauterine pressure. Typically, one end of the umbilical cord is connected to your baby's belly. Sometimes it is more on the side or even from the shore. Then we talk about the marginal cord trailer. Its other end is located in the center of the bearing. At this point, the umbilical cord connects with microscopic capillaries, thickening the placenta into a dense network.

When should you cut the umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord should be cut when it stops beating. This is the moment when the placenta begins to slough off. It lasts from several to tens of minutes after the birth of the child. You should know that this is a very important time for a newborn baby. The flow of blood from mother to baby is a supply of essential nutrients and minerals in the first months of life and, in particular, much-needed iron.

The main reason that the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, doctors call the umbilical cord too long (more than 70 centimeters), as a rule, the length of the umbilical cord is already genetically predetermined. The second most common reason is fetal hypoxia, that is, the baby does not have enough oxygen and he begins to actively move to take more comfortable position and without knowing it, he falls into the loop. And of course, high water, with it the umbilical cord floats freely and twists itself into loops.

Until recently, the umbilical cord was the midwife. Today, the child's father is increasingly doing this more often. However, this is not required. The future father needs to make sure he wants to do it himself. When in doubt, don't force it. In this case, the umbilical cord will be cut by qualified personnel from the hospital staff.

According to experts, cutting the umbilical cord too early can lead to irreversible damage to the structure of the brain. This is due to short-term cerebral ischemia, which occurs as a result of insufficient blood flow during bleeding. Some experts believe that cutting the umbilical cord too early may be the cause.

But remember that the fetus can not only create loops, but also unravel them on its own.

Therefore, do not worry in advance if the entanglement of the umbilical cord is revealed to you at the second planned ultrasound, perhaps the baby will soon get out of it. And most importantly, only five percent of the entanglement of the umbilical cord carries a danger; in all the rest, it ends favorably and does not affect childbirth in any way.

What is the best moment?

Delays in mental development. Hypovolemia or a significant decrease in the filling level of blood vessels, which affects the dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. In fact, every hospital is different. It all depends on what kind you choose. As a rule, the retreat occurs when the placenta has not yet been cleared, and best moment to cut the umbilical cord is to stop the pulsation. If the baby was born in poor condition, the swelling is immediate. Sometimes the baby is tucked in at the very head when the umbilical cord is wrapped tightly around his neck.

Approximately at 21-22 weeks of pregnancy, a woman must undergo a mandatory analysis: doplerometry of the umbilical cord vessels. This study It is designed to identify the number of vessels and indicators of the movement of blood through them. Thanks to this doplerometry, the doctor can conclude that there is a pathology of this pregnancy or fetal development. Future mom usually she is very worried before any tests and, having received the results, she immediately rushes to the gynecologist for a transcript. What if you don't see a doctor the same day? We will help you figure out the indicators and tell you how many vessels should normally be in the umbilical cord.

The number of vessels in the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord is the umbilical cord that connects the fetal navel and the placenta. Normally, it has 3 vessels: 2 arteries and 1 vein. The umbilical cord provides fetoplacental blood circulation, thanks to which the child receives all the nutrients necessary for development. Through two umbilical arteries, the baby's blood is sent to the placenta, where it is cleared of metabolic products and carbon dioxide, enriched with oxygen and returned to the fetus through a vein.

In very rare cases, a gynecologist can make a diagnosis of EAP, which means a single artery in the umbilical cord. It turns out that with such a diagnosis, not 3 vessels, but 2. EAP occurs initially or may develop during the development of pregnancy. The likelihood that the umbilical cord will contain 2 vessels increases with multiple pregnancies and diabetes in the expectant mother.

Is it dangerous to have 2 vessels in the umbilical cord

Experts believe that 2 vessels in the umbilical cord are a sign of a pathological pregnancy. In most cases, the doctor will advise the woman to undergo a series of tests that can confirm whether the child has chromosomal abnormalities. For example, an amniocentesis may be recommended.

In the case of EAP, the woman will be forced to repeatedly conduct a Doppler study of the vessels of the umbilical cord. In almost 90% of cases, pregnancy, in which the umbilical cord has two vessels, is no longer accompanied by any other abnormalities, and childbirth takes place in the standard mode. Despite the fact that the artery is one, it fully copes with all its functions. The main thing is to warn the specialists who will take delivery of this feature.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should know is that nerves affect the child's condition very strongly. If you have been diagnosed with EAP, and the baby does not have malformations and chromosomal abnormalities, do not worry. It is enough to control your condition, find a competent gynecologist and hope for the best.

This article contains information only general and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.