5 and a half months baby development. Mental and mental skills

Toddlers grow rapidly and in the first year of life from small helpless babies become fidgets with a large set of skills. But how can the parents of a 5-month-old baby determine how developed he is and in what cases should he turn to a specialist for help? What should a child be able to do at 5 months? This issue should be considered from different perspectives.

By the age of 5 months, the baby is growing noticeably.

  • Weighs twice as much as at birth.
  • Adds about 14 cm in height.
  • The circumference of the head is increased by 1 cm.
  • The circumference of the chest increases by 1 - 2 cm.

These are average data, because each child is individual and grows in his own way. Pediatricians check the growth table, but if there are slight deviations from the norm, this is not a problem. For example, premature babies without severe developmental pathologies will be slightly smaller than their counterparts.

Physical development

By five months, a baby is learning something new every day.

  • The baby is already beginning to roll over from the tummy to the back and back. More active kids by this age famously somersault, while others are just starting to try. In any case, such development will be within the normal range.

Tip: from now on, the child should not be left alone on a large bed or other platform, like a newborn, because he may be on the edge and fall.

  • Lying on his tummy, the baby, leaning on his palms, raises the upper part of the body. From this position, it is convenient for him to follow what is happening around him. In addition, this exercise prepares the child for crawling.
  • In the position on the tummy, the baby looks at things lying in front of him, focusing his eyes on both near and distant objects. The baby is trying to reach the toys or things they like.
  • Many babies by this time already know how to confidently hold their back in a sitting position for several minutes. In this case, for convenience and safety, the child can be surrounded by pillows so that he plays while sitting. But if the baby is premature or has not yet mastered the skills of sitting, do not rush things.

Tip: in no case should you put a baby in the pillows who has not yet learned to confidently hold his back. Early disembarkation can lead to curvature of the spine. And for girls, this is fraught with a bend in the uterus and problems with childbearing in the future!

Mental and mental skills

At five months, the child gets to know the world better and shows his character.

  • He knows how to confidently hold a rattle in his hands, rattle it and look at it. Having dropped the toy, he tries to find it with his eyes and take it again. Also, the child is already shifting small toys from one handle to another. Toddlers who are confident in holding objects can already be given bottles for self-feeding. Babies become demanding. When they see an object they like, they will show with all their appearance that they need it.
  • Toddlers begin to pull everything that comes to hand into their mouths. Thus they come to know the world. The crumbs pull their toes into their mouths, feel their body, including the genitals. You should not scold the child for this, but it is also unacceptable to constantly play with them. If the child constantly pulls the handles to the genitals, then this may be a signal of irritation in this area due to insufficient hygiene or serve as a sign of a lack of parental affection.

Items that may be dangerous to his health should be removed from the field of view of the baby.

  • By five months, children already recognize their own and others. They willingly go to the hands of loved ones. But they can throw a tantrum when meeting a stranger or in a new place. At the same time, the baby will even react to the fact that the mother will change her hair, do makeup or put on a new dress. During this period, the baby really needs a mother, with her he feels safe.
  • The baby likes to listen to various sounds, conversations and music. He actively tries to reproduce what he heard. So far, only simple syllables come out of him: agu, ma, kh and others. He makes a lot of sounds: hums, squeals loudly, cooing. His vocal cords are actively developing, preparing the baby for spoken language.

Activities with baby

Even at such a young age, you need to deal with a little one so that he grows up as a harmonious personality.

  • You need to talk to your little one more often. When he is awake, parents need to stay with him longer. Mom can do some of her own business, singing simple songs or commenting on her actions. The baby's brain now absorbs information at lightning speed. Therefore, one should name the objects surrounding him, clearly pronouncing each sound.
  • The baby begins to respond to his name. At this time, children recognize themselves and their loved ones in the photographs. You can start a small album with photographs of family members and look at them with the baby, showing and naming each one depicted in the photo.
  • It was once considered a bad omen to bring a small child up to a year to a mirror. But life is changing, and now pediatricians recommend showing the child a mirror from the age of 5 months. If the baby develops correctly, he will touch his and his mother's reflection in the mirror. If the child does not respond to the reflection, then this is an alarming signal, and it is worth contacting a specialist to identify shortcomings in development in the early stages.
  • The baby's vision by this period of life is already developed so much that it distinguishes almost all primary colors and even some shades. But still his favorites are red, yellow and blue. He will look longer bright object than monochromatic. It is recommended to hang bright pictures and figures in the child's field of vision, he will look at them with pleasure.
  • The child's hearing is also developing. He reacts to loud, sharp sounds and may startle and get frightened at them. But calm speech or pleasant music will soothe. Parents can tell him simple tales, sing songs and nursery rhymes so that the child learns the vast world of sounds.

By five months, babies become more active, conscious and sociable. Every day the number of their skills and abilities increases.

The first months of a baby's life fly by so quickly and swiftly that parents do not have time to notice how it grows. It would seem that he was born quite recently, and now the child is 5 months old! What should he be able to do? This question is asked by many mothers. And in fact, especially rapidly. Every day for him is a new discovery and skill. Of course, all babies develop individually, but there are general indicators by which young parents can navigate.

and physical activity

So baby is 5 months old! What should he be able to do at this age? Perhaps we should start with physical development. Usually, by the end of the fifth month of life, the growth of the baby increases by about 10-15 centimeters (from the moment of birth). Many mothers worry that their child is not eating enough and is too thin compared to their peers. How much does a 5 month old baby weigh? On average, by this age, body weight doubles - it becomes increasingly difficult to carry a baby in your arms. While a little weight gain shouldn't be too frustrating for parents, once again, every child develops differently. Of course, this is provided that all other indicators are normal.

The baby is becoming more and more active. He can already hold his head for a long time, lie on his tummy, rising on outstretched arms. Many children are already learning to roll over, so parents should be especially vigilant and not leave the baby alone on the couch. Around this age, a child can please his parents by learning to crawl. If you put the baby on his feet, holding him, he is already able to stand for several minutes.

The child may even try to sit up on his own, but he should not be seated prematurely. This is especially important for girls: an early load on the spine can lead to serious problems in the future. The child will sit down only when he is ready for it. In general, it is very important for parents to adhere to the golden mean - on the one hand, do not limit the child, but, on the other, do not rush him.

emotional development

A child of 5 months - what else should he be able to do? At this age, the baby already recognizes his relatives and joyfully meets them. But strangers, the baby can be scared. The child is sensitive to the mood of the mother, even to the tone of voice. Therefore, you do not need to scare the baby and show negative emotions with him. By the way, at this age the child is already interested in other children and his reflection in the mirror.

What child at 5 months does not like bright toys? It will be a great pleasure for the kid to sort them out and shift them from one handle to another. Of course, mom should not hope that they will keep him busy for a long time - 10-15 minutes, no more. And the baby is very happy to play with his parents.

First babble

At the age of five months, the baby begins to sing its first syllables: "ma", "ba", "pa". Of course, this is not yet conscious speech, just cooing is gradually replaced by babble. It gives great pleasure not only to parents, but also to the baby himself. To encourage mom, you need to communicate with him as much as possible now, and not lisp, but speak in an ordinary calm voice, clearly pronounce all the words. Let the baby get used to correct speech. From the early age you need to tell the child poems and nursery rhymes, sing lullabies.

baby day routine

5 months does not change significantly. The number of feedings remains the same - the baby eats six times a day during the day. The rest time also does not change much - the baby sleeps once in the morning and twice more - at lunch and in the evening. At night infant 5 months can wake up once for feeding. Soon the need for this will disappear, and he will sleep soundly until morning.

The child needs to walk twice a day. By the way, at five months, the baby may no longer sleep on a walk, but is actively interested in the world around him. As before, for the baby are required hygiene procedures morning and evening, as well as gymnastics after waking up and a light massage before going to bed.


As before, mother's milk remains the best food for a child. At the same time, babies up to six months do not need complementary foods at all. Milk fully satisfies all his needs, of course, provided that the nursing mother eats fully. The same can be said about artificial children - a high-quality adapted mixture provides the baby with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. However, you can solder the baby clean, especially in summer. And it is best to immediately teach the child to drink from a cup.

When do the first teeth appear?

For many children, the first teeth are already erupting by this age. The lower, and then the upper central incisors - this is what a 5-month-old child can please parents with. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich on this occasion claims that, on average, they appear in children at the age of six months. But advancing or lagging behind in this even by 5-6 months is not at all pathological. Be that as it may, it must be remembered that the eruption of the first teeth in babies is often accompanied by bad mood and well-being. It is worth taking care of how to help the baby at this time. You can offer your child a teething toy or discuss with the pediatrician the need for special cooling ointments for the gums.

Baby health

Proper daily routine and nutrition, enough sleep and walks, fresh and clean air in the room - these are the foundations of health that a loving mother must provide so that the child grows up active and happy. But there are some questions that parents especially often worry about. One of the problems is an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason.

Pediatricians say that 37-37.2 is still a normal mark for young children. By the way, you need to remember that in a child of 5 months, the temperature can rise if the baby is dressed too warmly or the room is very hot. Some babies react this way to teething, and it can also be the first sign of a viral infection. In any case, if parents are concerned about any problems with the health of the child, it is better to contact the pediatrician in time. At this age, the following should be especially alert:

  • the baby is not interested in new toys and is indifferent to relatives;
  • the child reacts badly to sounds or does not hear them at all;
  • the baby has systematic sleep disorders;
  • the child does not hold his head.

Any of these symptoms is a clear reason to see a specialist.

Games and activities with the baby

All mothers want their children to grow up active and keep up with their peers in development. The best way helping a baby is, of course, a game. At this age, children love to play hide and seek. It is very good to show the child bright pictures and objects and at the same time name them, draw the baby's attention to the shape and size of the toys, to the sounds they make. In general, for the development of hearing, it is useful for all children to listen good music, and it can be both lullabies and children's songs, and classical works. While bathing, you can give your child bright floating toys - this will amuse the baby and make water procedures even nicer.

So, your baby is 5 months old. What he should be able to do, we have already listed above, but we emphasize once again that all these norms are averaged. In any case, each child grows and develops individually. Some things happen sooner and some things come later. Parents need to compare the baby not with graphs and tables, not with other children, but first of all with him. After all, every day opens up something new for the crumbs.

And the most important thing here is love and patience. because Small child is a vessel that parents generously and carefully fill. And those emotions and feelings that they will invest in the baby in the first year will accompany him all his life.

It seemed that only yesterday mommy and baby were discharged from the hospital, and this little one will soon be six months old! A baby at 5 months already outgrows the territory of his cribs and strollers: he wants to get out of their limits and learn as much as possible about the world around him and people. He grew up, became quite weighty, so you can’t hold him in your arms for too long. And most importantly, every day something new appears in its development and behavior. This pleases the parents, and at the same time, they will no-no and will wonder if the development of their baby corresponds to the age norms and what a child should be able to do at 5 months. Knowledge of the main features characteristic of this age will help parents to identify even the slightest deviations in time.

Five-month-old babies actively grab toys, consciously examine them

Basic Skills

At 5 months, the baby acquires the two most important skills for his entire life. later life. First, he learns to pronounce sounds and add syllables from them. Secondly, he gets joy from communicating with loved ones, and in no case should you deprive him of this.

Physical development

Baby at 5 months:

  • enjoys looking at the faces of people in pictures and on TV;
  • humming melodically, melodiously, occasionally turning to pleasant babble;
  • actively and consciously grabs objects, holds them, feels them with fingers, attracts them to itself and even throws them;
  • rolls over from a supine position on his stomach, can pull himself up on the handles, trying to sit down;
  • in the prone position on the stomach, it firmly rests on the palms of hands that are no longer bent, but tense, but straightened;
  • plays onomatopoeic games such as "coo-coo";
  • babbles to the beat of songs, nursery rhymes and poems.


Five month old baby:

  • can distinguish between familiar people and strangers;
  • shows a very wary attitude towards the latter;
  • It is quite possible to independently engage in toys for 5-10 minutes.

Starting from 5 months, the development of the baby increases its pace. Almost every day, parents will notice something new in the behavior of the little one. It will delight and scare at the same time. Is everything going as it should? Does the child lag behind their peers? If any deviations from the standard norms are present, they need to pay closer attention.

If your baby still does not know how, do not despair, but be on the lookout: with alarming symptoms, it is worth showing the child to the pediatrician


If the child does not meet the above stated age standards for a 5-month-old baby in some way, this is not the time to sound the alarm. This may be due to its individual characteristics. However, if deviations from these norms are significant, there are many of them and they are striking not only to parents, but also to other people, then it is recommended to show the child to the doctors as soon as possible and consult with them. Deviations are obvious if the baby does not pass the most elementary test to test the basic skills that a child should develop by the end of the 5th month of his life.

  1. Give him a colorless object first, and then a bright one. He must consider the latter much longer than the former.
  2. Give him the ball. Fine developing child will be able to clasp him, spreading his fingers. If there are deviations, the ball will fall out of the hands of the crumbs.
  3. Cover the baby lying on the back with a diaper: he should be able to pull it off.
  4. While supporting your baby's upper body, push him up from the supine position. If there is no desire to sit down, the head drops lifelessly, the body is relaxed, there is reason to think about physical development child.
  5. Take it in your arms and walk around the rooms. If a well-rested, fed, healthy-looking child does not turn his head around, this is not normal.
  6. Put him on the bed (sofa) and walk in front of him several times: a normally developing baby will follow you with his eyes, turning his head in the direction you are heading.
  7. Try to take the rattle away from him. If he resists and doesn't give it to you, that's very good.

There are cases when parents, ignoring deviations from the age norms of development and referring to the bright personality of their crumbs, missed the right moment when it was still possible to change. Timely adjustment of development little man helps him straighten out on this path and still catch up with his peers.

It is often quite realistic to make a cheerful researcher out of an apathetic child, you just need to spare no effort and attention to it.

Development Adjustment

Correction of the development of young children is carried out according to the recommendations of doctors, if they are significant, after identifying the causes. If deviations from the norm are insignificant, parents themselves can direct the development of their crumbs in the right direction through daily activities, games and active communication.

  1. Talk more with the baby, and not lisping, but pronouncing the words clearly, in an adult way, correctly, albeit in an affectionate voice.
  2. Read him books with poems and nursery rhymes.
  3. Play good music for him.
  4. At 5 months, your baby loves to throw things on the floor: turn it into a motor-friendly game. Pick up toys thrown on the floor with him: make him grab them from the floor.
  5. Holding out this or that toy (or any object) to the child, name it, pronouncing it clearly and in syllables.
  6. It is already time to look at bright pictures in books with the image of animals with the baby, while pronouncing the sounds characteristic of these animals. Showing the face and body of a person in the illustrations, name their components: ears, mouth, nose, legs, arms, etc. You can simultaneously show them first on yourself, and then on the baby itself. The kids love it.
  7. Describe aloud everything that you do: how you wash him, feed him, dress him, etc. This will enrich and form his correct, competent speech and a full-fledged vocabulary in the future.
  8. Continue to delight your child with bright and varied toys, but pay special attention to soft, fabric, multi-colored cubes.
  9. Pillows of different shapes and bright colors with different fillers will also help even out deviations in the development of a five-month-old baby.

It is better for parents to prepare in advance for such a crucial stage in the life and development of the baby: find out what he should be able to five month old baby and how to direct his development path in the right direction, appropriate for his age. This will help in the future to avoid dangerous consequences and serious health problems for the baby. If parents understand that the deviations are significant enough, and they themselves are unable to cope with them with any educational games and activities, they need to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Timely measures taken and problems identified can often rectify the situation and make sure that the baby is no different from his peers, fully develops and grows up healthy.

By the time the baby is five months old, his weight doubles compared to the day of birth. The growth of a child, compared to growth at birth, increases by 14-15 cm. The parameters are as follows: the child gains up to 700 grams, and grows to about 67 cm. True, this growth and weight gain at this age is spasmodic. For 21 days, a child can hardly add in height and weight, and then in a week he can gain quite a lot - as much as 2 cm. The child's skin is still prone to allergic reactions and irritation. Therefore, you need to use baby oils and powders, do not forget to bathe the child.

Speech development at 5 months

A child at this age expands the range of his syllables. He can pronounce the simplest syllables several times in a row. For example, "ma" or "pa". And then it seems to adults that the baby says “mom” or “dad”. It’s good if adults praise the baby for the “conversation”, they are actively included in it. So you will bring up in him a coherent speech and interest in it.

If the parents have not yet visited an otolaryngologist with their child, it is imperative to do this in order to recognize the current state of hearing or vision, as well as the development of speech, in time.

Motor skills of a child at 5 months

A five month old baby can sit up straight for a long period of time. The baby probably still needs to be propped up with a pillow, but he can sit up on his own without support for a few seconds.

Some babies as young as 5 months old can already roll over from their back to their stomach on their own. As soon as the child rolls over, you may notice how he works his legs and sways. He is preparing to crawl and will do so in just a couple of months! But remember that if your child can roll over, do not leave him on the bed or other high surfaces from which he could accidentally fall and get hurt.

At five months, the child already understands much more. He can pull objects closer to him and take them in his palm, then skillfully shift from one hand to another. The child can even hold the bottle or cup on their own.

A child at 5 months old can already entertain herself with bright toys for 15 minutes. Now he himself understands and chooses which subjects he likes and which he does not. The coordination of the hands of the child is developing better and better, so he knows how to grab and hold toys well.

At this age, the child already almost passes muscle hypertonicity. Movements become more coordinated, from this the child can be more independent. To qualitatively improve this process, you need to periodically give the baby a light wellness massage.

Baby sleep at 5 months

Most babies sleep through the night at 5 months, but not all. Encourage your child to get into the rhythm of a regular night's sleep. Start with a warm bath followed by a few minutes of gentle rocking with songs and stories, and your child's eyes will slowly close.

Get in the habit of putting your baby to bed drowsy rather than fully asleep. In this way, your child will learn to soothe himself to fall asleep on his own, and not rely on you.

During the daytime, a 5-month-old baby still needs two naps - once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Put your baby to bed at the first sign of drowsiness, do not delay the moment of sleep.

Feeding at 5 months

At the fifth month of life, most babies have already received the necessary supply of iron, which was still in the mother's belly. If the baby is already on artificial milk mixtures, it is necessary that they contain the necessary minerals and vitamins.

If the baby continues to breastfeed, he needs cereals with sufficient iron levels. In the fifth month of life, the baby can eat more milk because his stomach has increased in volume. As a rule, for such babies, eating 4-5 times a day is optimal, and at night the child no longer eats. But if the baby is still breastfeeding, he can still feed up to 8 times a day.

The vision of a child at 5 months

By this age, the child's vision is getting sharper. Even strabismus disappears, which was clearly visible up to 5 months. At this stage, children can see well at different distances, and their eyes can focus on the subject. At five months, your baby's color perception sharpens to the point where he can distinguish between two shades of the same color. But children at this age still prefer primary colors like red, blue and yellow.

Sound perception at 5 months

At five months, babies begin to understand the meaning of sounds they hear, such as a dog barking or a car engine starting. Although children at this age cannot yet understand words, they may turn their head to the sound of their name or respond to a simple "no" command.

A child at five months is a special world that requires careful attitude and attention to it.