Child with one parent abroad. Traveling with a child abroad - important points

Traveling is a wonderful pastime with your family, new adventures, interesting events and happy moments. Many parents are afraid to take their kids with them, they don’t know how to properly organize traveling with a child where and when is the best time to go. I want to assure you that traveling with a child is very interesting and fun if you prepare in advance. I'm not saying that it will be simple and easy, but it's worth it!

These changes arise from the need to frequently adapt photographs of children whose appearance changes very rapidly as they grow. The passport can be requested online through this portal, a new government police service that allows you to book now, date and location to apply, eliminating long waits at police stations. For a child's passport, an online application must be assigned on behalf of one of the parents.

To travel to all countries European Union who have acceded to the Schengen Agreement, the minor must have an identity card. If the minor's identity document does not contain the names of the parents, the state police advise parents to bring a birth certificate or marital status so they can be sure of paternity or motherhood. This is because, while this requirement is not explicitly mandated by law, there may be doubt that the caretaker is actually the parent.

In May, my family and I were vacationing in Turkey. My sister with her husband and one and a half year old daughter and I with my husband and son, who is 2 years without three months. The children were delighted with the sea, the beach, the pool, the slides. They flirted so much that during the day they could sleep for three hours.

When planning a trip with a child abroad, it is necessary to solve several rather important issues in advance.

Cost: €5.42 Issuing authority: common residence Time of issue: upon sight. Removal leave for minors at the age of 15 is a document issued by the municipality of the child's residence, which must be seen by the Quester of the place to be used as a valid document for emigration. When applying, the presence of the child is required.

The passport is valid for one year. Cost: 0.26 euros. Release time: on sight. Thousands of young Bulgarians were born or live outside our country. Their numbers are already so significant that we can safely talk about in general terms between them, although they are scattered all over the world. They are the children of this wave of Bulgarians who started their campaign outside of Bulgaria 15 years ago and dragged their feet to the younger ones.

Question 1. Which country do you want to go to and what means of transportation are you going to use?

Small children are not very interested in mountains (although we also managed to go to the mountains, more details), nature, architecture and excursions. They are much more interested in water, sand, slides. If you want to really relax, then it is better to go with the kids to the sea. Choose such countries so that the adaptation of the child's body goes quickly. For family beach holiday the most suitable countries are Turkey, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. Try to avoid a sharp temperature drop, it is better to go on a trip in May or September, then acclimatization will be faster.

In general, according to immigrants, adaptation to life in a foreign country to the level where a person begins to feel at home takes about 3-5 years. This is the time when the language is learned, the education is acquired, along with looking for a job or several consecutive shifts, the time of learning about local habits and habits, orienting in the middle and creating a circle of friends. Sometimes this period is shorter and sometimes one goes along with his whole family and then "learns by step" without having time to watch and tune in.

The children of these families are born abroad, or people ideally choose the period of their departure in order to begin their studies. In England, for example, this is at the age of 4, which means at least a year in advance to teach children basic language skills in English kindergarten. If the child was born there and both parents are Bulgarian, the transition to a foreign language environment is smoother as it does not add to the stress of changing place of life, alienation from relatives and friends, and encountering a new environment.

Find out in advance about the country where you decide to go on vacation. About the climate, national cuisine, cultural features.

Concerning means of transport, so there are several options:

  • FROM aircraft . For me it was a great choice. Plane tickets can be booked in advance (the price is much lower). Three hours of flight - and you're already there. You can walk on the plane, there is a toilet and a place for changing clothes for babies.

A child under two years of age is transported without providing a separate seat with mom or dad in their arms. During takeoff and landing, he is fastened with a special seat belt to the belt of the parent, who sits on his hands. The baggage allowance for a child under two years old is up to 10 kg. You can take it with you, which is taken before entering the plane and given immediately upon arrival, which is very convenient.

As a rule, children learn a language very quickly. For this reason, some families even choose the option of "temporary emigration" to give their children a good language base that only the original language environment can provide. They do not intend to permanently settle abroad, and their goal is primarily the education of offspring.

During this initial period, children's language skills are very interesting. They often start a sentence in their native language and end it in foreign language. They mix words and expressions, and if they are born into bilingual families and their conversation comes quite late, they catch up with strange polyglot mixtures. Bulgarians who have contacts with other Bulgarian families, especially with children with children, benefit because their children do not have the impression that they native language is a strange home code for understanding family.

  • A car. We had to drive 3 hours to the airport, as we bought tickets through Warsaw, Poland. Of the pluses - you can stop, take a break, of the minuses - the child will not want to sit in a car seat for a long time. Find out how to choose the right car seat based on your child's age and weight.
  • Bus . I do not recommend. There are usually a lot of people on the bus, you cannot walk, and the bus will not stop at your first request.
  • Train . Of the pluses - you can walk while driving, minus - you won’t go far.

You can compare prices for trips to different countries, choose your mode of transportation, see hotels, as well as rent a car or order a taxi online through great service, which helped many travelers in organizing their holidays.

Most emigrant groups are based in the world's major metropolitan areas, where the population tends to be multi-ethnic and multinational, so there is no sense of a minority at all. On the contrary, children feel enriched with knowledge of things that are not available to most of their classmates, and they also learn a lot from them. Schools, even the elite in London, do not tolerate nationalistic views, so the traditions and customs that children from other nations bring in are of interest, not irony.

For example, wearing martenitsa is a very interesting thing for the small English and other communities represented there. On March 1, in the metro you can meet many children with red and white bracelets and not necessarily Bulgarian ones. The English education system is different from the Bulgarian one, which causes some concern for children who attend English and Bulgarian schools in parallel. If English schools encourage logical thinking, creativity and lack of testing in their own way as an assessment, incentive and punishment for the work done, the Bulgarians are still responsible for assessment, disciplinary methods and the amount of required knowledge in relation to the quality of skills.

If you have decided where and how you will fly / go, then you can go to question 2.

Question 2 . Documents required on the road.

You should think about the documents in advance so that there are no controversial issues and unnecessary worries on the road.

Another comparison is the attitude towards children, which is perceived as the extremely important attitude of teachers towards young English people. This is considered a way to "cultivate" self-esteem, so necessary as a healthy internal environment for the growth and development of one person. This is not yet a fact in the Bulgarian school.

Such pronounced contrasts, children inevitably notice and do not support the Bulgarian education system. This often puts mom and dad in the face of having to call Saturday and Sunday in Bulgarian slang instead of bringing their child to school.

The following documents are required in Belarus for a child traveling abroad:

  • RB passport. In the Republic of Belarus, a passport is required to leave the country, regardless of the age of the traveler. The passport of the Republic of Belarus for a child under 14 years old is made free of charge within a month or with payment for acceleration within 2 weeks. Don't forget to take a picture of your child. The child's passport is valid for 5 years.
  • visa . If you are flying to a country where visa regime, a visa is required in the child's passport. This must be taken care of in advance.
  • personal health insurance. Be sure to make insurance, both for the child and for yourself. Choose an insurance company that you have heard positive reviews about. Be sure to discuss all points with the insurer. Tell us where you are flying, how you are flying, specify what expenses the insurance will cover in the event of an insured event, specify what documents you need to collect in the event of an insured event, who will cover your expenses, and so on. I advise you to take full insurance. Better to pay $5 more and not worry.

During our trip to Turkey, my husband got a toothache. For a week he drank painkillers and did not agree to go to the doctor. But the pain kept getting worse. He treated a tooth, which by that time had already become inflamed. The doctor said another day or two and I would have had to vomit. We paid 250 dollars for the treatment, now we have written an application to the insurance company, we have given all the receipts and we are waiting for the results. And before the trip, they thought whether to insure or not!

Children of migrants visit Bulgaria at least once a year - during the summer holidays. A country that trims its gardens so neatly and doesn't maintain huge picturesque parks anywhere in its cities, and the lack of a lot of great entertainment that a big metropolis offers for the little ones. It's more impressive with dirt on the streets and old sites than with warm climates and friendly relatives. For their part, they also differ from the environment abroad by purely Bulgarian features in both directions of the acceptability scale - louder or more expressive, more cordial or darker, more generous, but sometimes less tolerant and not very accustomed to variety.

  • I also recently heard that at the border they might ask documents confirming your relationship with the child! Such documents are:
  1. child's birth certificate (if you and your child have the same last name)
  2. certificate of your new marriage (if you and your child have different surnames)
  3. document of guardianship, adoption.

Personally, I did not require such documents.

During these holidays, children realize that they are not quite at home here, as in some cases "there" they do not feel too well received. Sure, they sometimes face xenophobia and extreme sentiments, but they seem to take it as part of the landscape.

However, this connection between the cultural circles in which they grow up also determines their way of thinking - much more flexible, tolerant and open to differences. But above all - COSMOPOLITAN. They are part of the children of the world, for whom "here", "there" and everywhere can be "at home" and who manage to adapt no matter what they meet, develop and succeed, because the world has long been a big village, and this is finally our time to become part of his future elite.

Question 3. What do you need to take with you on the road?

Our suitcase will consist of several important elements:

  1. first aid kit
  2. Care products
  3. Practical clothes and shoes
  4. Bag on the plane (on the road) or hand luggage

    1. first aid kit

As for the medications that you need to take with you, it is better to consult a pediatrician in advance. After all, it is easier to have what you need at hand than to look for the right medicine in an unfamiliar country. What should be in the first aid kit? You can learn more about how to properly assemble a first aid kit on the road.

This article focuses on the Bulgarian community in England. What we need to know if we travel or travel abroad for the activities and services available to us by the Consulates of the Republic of Bulgaria. What can be useful and what is important to know in order to use these services quickly, accurately and without problems. We will try to divide the topic into several parts. The rights and obligations of citizens abroad and the services provided, which can be used by both the Bulgarian side and the respective country.

To determine our rights, it is most important to determine our status and the purpose that we are in a particular country, such as tourism, work, or simply family members of citizens of another country. Length of stay matters. It is important to know that the term "habitual residence" refers to where you live more than 185 days in a calendar year due to personal and professional ties, it is important to issue a driver's license, pay taxes and declare your income. We will consider two cases that affect most citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria, namely trips and travel abroad.

  • - thermometer
  • - analgesic antipyretic (ibufen D, nurofen)
  • - for problems with the intestines - linex, activated charcoal
  • - cough syrup (flavomed), nose drops (nazivin), iodinol
  • - if the child is teething - kalgel
  • - from allergies - fenistil
  • - anti-burn agent - panthenol, bepanthen
  • - bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, plaster
  • - children's antibiotics

2. Care products.

These are your daily products, as well as mosquito and midge repellent and sunscreen. Sunscreen should be with the maximum degree of protection.

Here is a list of links to the EU and MFA website to learn more about your status. Also very important is the question of MOVEMENT OF CHILDREN IN another country. Therefore, it is important to know what documents are required to travel abroad. In many cases, the wrongful removal or non-return of a child is partly the result of ignorance of the so-called “Parent Abduction”. Usually, parents do not know the conditions under which they can move across the border with their children, or the steps they must take when they legally travel abroad.


Additional information can be read - HERE. To find out where your Diplomatic Representative is closest to you, select from the list on the MFA website - HERE. If you provide basic information about your rights and conditions of stay, work, study, social and health insurance in the relevant foreign country. Read the Bulgarian Citizens' Requests for New Bulgarian Identity Documents to be issued in due course: identity card, passport, driver's license, as well as the issuance of a temporary passport, if you do not have a valid travel document due to damage, theft or loss of your regular passport, issue a temporary one travel document EU citizens. Issue certificate of return foreign citizens with acquired humanitarian status of residence in Bulgaria, who for some reason lost their travel document abroad. To verify and validate the signature, the content of the document and a copy of the document. Write out a notarial will. Perform the functions of a person in civil status by drawing up acts of civil status. Send the civil status documents already issued by the local authorities to the municipality at your permanent address in Bulgaria. Accept documents related to issues of Bulgarian citizenship by forwarding them to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. Provide assistance to Bulgarian citizens in matters related to proving their inheritance rights in the host country by establishing contact with the relevant administrative authorities and requiring official information. To provide assistance to Bulgarian citizens who have become victims of criminal offenses abroad, informing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and their relatives in a timely manner. In the event of an accident, serious illness or death - inform your relatives and also help you. If arrested, notify your relatives and help them visit you in prison; with your obvious desire to visit you in prison; urge local authorities to appoint your lawyer and interpreter and respect your basic human rights and the same treatment you receive as citizens of the host country. To contact local police authorities and request information when Bulgarian citizens abroad are abducted or missing. Provide assistance in finding inheritance through the authorities of the relevant state. Provide assistance in case of unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, terrorist act or military conflict. Provide you with the latest travel information. . You can see the prices for consular services - HERE.

3. Clothing and footwear.

Don't forget to bring your swimwear. Do not take a lot of clothes, practice shows that half will be in a suitcase. Take pants and a blouse in case of cool weather. Do not worry, if you forget something, then buy it on the spot.

4.Hand luggage.

Hand luggage should be approached with all responsibility.

  • documents and money.
  • - a few clothes for the child to change (suddenly shed, tear).
  • - diapers (pieces 5-6) and wet wipes.
  • - a few small toys (can be new or very favorite), pencils, books. Anything to keep a child entertained.
  • - food for the child on the road (food, drink, depending on the age of the child). Since we were still on, we had no problems with this. We took a banana, cookies, a boiled egg and water with us. You can also take children food in jars.

Question 4. Arrived

Think in advance what you will feed the child upon arrival on vacation. Perhaps it is better to take cereals and purees with you. I took a package of buckwheat porridge with me, since in the morning we eat buckwheat. In Turkey, I did not find buckwheat. Take at least a minimum supply of food familiar to the child with you.

Inflatable armlets, vests and circles can be bought both at home and at the place of rest. You don't need to take diapers with you either, there are children everywhere, and therefore diapers.

It seems to be everything!

So, let's sum up. From the article “Traveling Abroad with a Child” we learned about what issues need to be resolved so that your trip with a child is pleasant and memorable!

Your baby may not remember this trip, but the acquired experience of independence and patience is extremely important for a growing child. More optimism for you and let your trip strengthen your family relationships, and many wonderful family photos with sparkling eyes and cheerful smiles will remain as a keepsake!

Don't miss it, subscribe to site updates, in the next article I will tell you about our trip with a detailed photo report (read)!

Sincerely, Irina


Identification. In this capacity, one of several documents can be used: your own international passport child, birth certificate and foreign passport of one of the parents. The preferred option in any situation is the child's own passport. Some countries do not consider visa applications for children inscribed on their parents' passports, requiring that each child, even an infant, have their own passport. There are no problems with obtaining it: you can issue this document for a child of absolutely any age, there is no minimum threshold. If you plan to travel frequently with a child, then be sure to make sure that he makes his own passport.

A valid option as proof of identity is a birth certificate, complete with the passport of one of the parents, where the minor is entered. In this case, sometimes a translation of the certificate into the language of the country of the world where you are going is required. It may be necessary to notarize the accuracy of the translation of the document. The birth certificate must contain an insert about the child's citizenship if it was issued before 2007. If a child travels without parents, then according to the birth certificate, he will not be able to leave.

Notarized consent to leave from the parents. If the child is traveling without parents, consent from both parents must be provided. If he is traveling with one of them, then the consent of the second parent left at home will be required. Some countries require consent to leave from both parents, even if the family travels to in full force, since in the event that people later separated, from a legal point of view, the child's travel would be approved by the parents. This method is called cross matching.

Visa to the country of destination. A visa can be obtained by a child in their own foreign passport or in a birth certificate. Sometimes, if the child is entered in the parents' passport, he does not need his own visa, he travels on the parent's visa.

Parents' marriage certificate. This document may be required to prove that both parents are married and that the child is their legitimate child. If the mother or father is single or a widow/widower, then this must also be documented. In this case, the document, as a rule, needs a notarized translation.

Useful advice

According to law Russian Federation to travel, the child needs to have his own passport or be inscribed in the passport of his parents. When a child reaches the age of five, a photo of him should be taken and pasted into the passport of one of the parents. To leave Russia, the consent of one of the parents is sufficient if the child is traveling with the second, and from both if he is traveling without parents. In this case, a power of attorney is issued for the adult with whom the child travels. A child traveling without parents must have their own passport. But other countries may have additional requirements for the child's documents, so be sure to clarify this before traveling.