Visa regime for citizens. Which countries need a visa

The holiday season is approaching, and many citizens of Russia are thinking about where to go on vacation. There is a prejudice that travel requires significant financial investments. Most people are worried about the paperwork process.

According to the Russian passport abroad in 2018.

  • - Abkhazia;
  • - Belarus;
  • - Kazakhstan;
  • - Kyrgyzstan;
  • — Tajikistan;
  • - South Ossetia.

We travel with a passport, but without a visa.

Followed by a list of countries that do not require a prior visa to enter, but you need a valid passport. Many countries provide visas on the spot, with certain period stay. Do not forget that for a successful trip to the countries of this category, the validity of the passport must expire no earlier than 90 or 180 days after arrival in the country.
  • – Azerbaijan (stay up to 90 days);
  • — Antigua and Barbuda ($135 for 30 days);
  • — Argentina (up to 90 days);
  • — Armenia;
  • – Aruba, Netherlands Antilles (up to 14 days);
  • – Bahamas (up to 90 days);
  • - Barbados (28 days);
  • — Bosnia and Herzegovina (up to 30 days);
  • – Botswana (up to 90 days);
  • — Brazil (up to 90 days);
  • — Vanuatu (30 days);
  • - Venezuela (90 out of 180 days);
  • – Vietnam (up to 15 days, more – visaapprovalletter is required);
  • - Guyana (90 days);
  • — Guatemala (90 days);
  • — Honduras (up to 90 days);
  • – Hong Kong (14 days);
  • — Grenada (up to 90 days);
  • – Georgia (up to 90 days);
  • — Guam (45 days);
  • – Dominican Republic (up to 30 days, mandatory receipt of a tourist card at the airport, costing 10 USD);
  • — Israel (90 days);
  • - China (most cities dictate mandatory conditions);
  • — Colombia (up to 90 days);
  • – Costa Rica (up to 30 days);
  • — Cuba (up to 30 days);
  • – Laos (up to 15 days);
  • — Mauritius (up to 60 days);
  • — Macau (up to 30 days);
  • — Macedonia (up to 90 days);
  • — Malaysia (up to 30 days);
  • – Maldives (up to 30 days);
  • — Morocco (up to 90 days);
  • – Micronesia (30 days);
  • - The Republic of Moldova;
  • — Namibia (up to 90 days);
  • - Republic of Nauru, Pacific Islands (A$25 entry fee required)
  • — Nicaragua (up to 90 days);
  • — Niue, South Pacific Islands (up to 30 days);
  • — Cook Islands (up to 30 days);
  • — Panama (up to 90 days);
  • – Paraguay (up to 90 days);
  • — Peru (up to 90 days);
  • – El Salvador (up to 90 days);
  • — Swaziland (up to 30 days);
  • — Northern Mariana Islands (up to 45 days);
  • - Northern Cyprus;
  • — Seychelles;
  • - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;
  • - Saint Kitt and Nevis (with a travel voucher - 90 days);
  • – Saint Lucia (up to 60 days);
  • – Serbia (up to 30 days);
  • — Thailand (up to 30 days);
  • — Trinidad and Tobago (up to 90 days);
  • – Tunisia (up to 14 days);
  • – Turkey (up to 60 days);
  • — Uzbekistan;
  • - Ukraine;
  • – Uruguay (up to 90 out of 180 days);
  • — Fiji (up to 120 days);
  • — Philippines (up to 30 days);
  • — Montenegro (up to 30 days);
  • — Chile (up to 90 days);
  • — Ecuador (up to 90 days);
  • South Korea(up to 60 days);
  • – Jamaica (up to 30 days).

All countries from the list will gladly accept tourists from Russia. However, having decided on exactly where you want to go, you must definitely clarify all the formalities on the official website of the consulate of the selected state. Although, first of all, you can find out about the visa regime of any of the countries in the official documentation of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Such caution is needed so that unforeseen situations do not arise upon entry, and a person, out of ignorance, would not have to spend additional funds or even fly in the opposite direction.

Exists list of countries that provide visas upon arrival at the airport or when crossing the border . As a rule, a visa fee is charged upon receipt, so you need to know its cost in advance.
  • — Bangladesh (up to 15 days);
  • - Bahrain (at the airport - up to 14 days, with the possibility of extending up to 30 days. Mandatory availability of a return ticket and hotel reservation);
  • – Belize (up to 30 days);
  • — Burkina Faso;
  • – East Timor (up to 30 days);
  • — Haiti (up to 90 days);
  • – Gambia (up to 90 days accompanied by a tourist group);
  • – Ghana (up to 90 days, there are certain requirements);
  • — Djibouti (up to 30 days);
  • – Egypt (up to 30 days, Sinai stamp – up to 15 days);
  • — Zambia;
  • — Zimbabwe (up to 90 days);
  • — Indonesia;
  • — Jordan (up to 30 days);
  • – Iran (visa for 7 days, about $50);
  • – Cape Verde (up to 30 days);
  • — Cambodia (up to 30 days);
  • – Kenya (up to 90 days);
  • – Comoros (up to 14 days);
  • – Kuwait (up to 30 days, there are certain requirements);
  • — Lebanon (up to 30 days);
  • – Libya (mandatory presence of an invitation or a tourist voucher);
  • — Madagascar (up to 90 days);
  • — Mali;
  • — Myanmar (up to 28 days subject to compliance);
  • – Nepal
  • – Senegal (required to notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal in advance 2 weeks before arrival);
  • – Tunisia (up to 30 days with the obligatory presence of a tourist voucher);
  • — Uganda.

Countries with a pre-application visa.

Also have countries where a visa is issued immediately upon arrival, however, this requires an online application and then permission. The procedure does not require personal presence, everything happens online.

  • — Bahrain;
  • — India;
  • — Cyprus;
  • — Mexico (up to 180 days);
  • — Myanmar;
  • - Rwanda (fee 60 USD);
  • – Sao Tome and Princil;
  • — Singapore;
  • - Sri Lanka.

Countries with mandatory Schengen visas in 2018.

And now, oh Schengen visas which are often difficult to obtain. Of course, we're talking about tourist visas. Having determined the country of the desired stay, you need to contact its embassy. The next step is to collect the required documentation. In the case of each particular state, the package of documents has its own list, but there is also a main list that will need to be supplemented with those papers that the consulate will require:
  • 1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, copies of pages with stamps and signatures;
  • 2. Passport, copies of the first pages, copies of previously issued Schengen visas;
  • 3. Photo 3.5x4.5 on a white background, where 80% is occupied by the face. The photo must be no more than 6 months old.
  • 4.Certificate of a bank account, the required amount on the account should be 40-70 euros per day of stay in the Schengen area.
  • 5.Certificate of income for the last 6 months, and an indication that the place of work or study is retained by you during the trip.
  • 6. Hotel booking (in each specific case, certain supporting documents are required).
  • 7.Air tickets, railway, bus, their copies, for car travelers - full insurance and route.
  • 8. Insurance for the entire period of the trip (usually provided by the tour operator).
  • 9. Completed visa application form.

About required additional documents can be found at the country's embassy in Russia.

List of Schengen countries:

  • — Austria;
  • – Andorra (visiting only Andorra requires a Spanish visa);
  • — Belgium;
  • – Bulgaria (not included in Schengen, entry with a Schengen multiple visa; entry with a visa of this country to the countries of the Schengen zone is prohibited);
  • – Vatican (visiting only the Vatican, requires an Italian visa);
  • — Hungary;
  • — Guyana;
  • — Germany;
  • — Greece;
  • – Denmark (Greenland and the Faroe Islands only upon obtaining a Danish visa);
  • — Iceland;
  • — Spain;
  • — Italy;
  • - Cyprus (not included in the Schengen area, entry with a Schengen multiple visa; entry with a visa of this country to the countries of the Schengen zone is prohibited);
  • – Kosovo (not included in Schengen, entry with a Schengen multiple visa; entry with a visa of this country to the countries of the Schengen zone is prohibited);
  • — Latvia;
  • — Lithuania;
  • — Liechtenstein;
  • — Luxembourg;
  • — Malta;
  • — the Netherlands;
  • — Norway;
  • — Poland;
  • — Portugal;
  • – Romania (not included in Schengen, entry with a Schengen multiple visa; entry with a visa of this country to the countries of the Schengen zone is prohibited)
  • – San Marino (visiting only San Marino requires an Italian visa);
  • — Slovakia;
  • — Slovenia;
  • — Finland;
  • — France;
  • — Croatia;
  • - Czech;
  • - Switzerland;
  • — Sweden;
  • — Estonia.

Traveling is an opportunity to broaden your horizons and get new impressions. According to Mark Twain, on his deathbed, a person regrets only two things: that he loved little and traveled little. It is worth listening to the greats!

List of countries by Russian passport.
Countries for traveling on a passport without visas in 2018.
Countries with mandatory visas for Russians in 2018.

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There is a crisis in the country, but according to statistics, it is for last years Russians most often requested visas from other countries for holidays. And the number of Russians who vacationed in countries with a visa-free regime with our country exceeded five million! So now very actual question, and which countries do not need a visa for Russians in 2017 to relax and spend time in the sun at sea. We have compiled a list of all countries and found out which visa is not needed, and which countries can only be entered if you have a Russian passport.

All countries that sign an agreement with Russia on visa-free regime, dream that our tourists would come to them to rest. But not all countries manage to offer a budget vacation with quality service. Therefore, many countries remain not the last place among Russians when choosing a place to stay. let's look at the whole list.

Countries where you can travel with a Russian passport.
There are not many such countries. And two of them are not recognized by the world community:
- Abkhazia
- Belarus
- Kazakhstan
- South Ossetia

At the same time, Russians can stay in Abkhazia and South Ossetia for up to 90 days. But extending your stay is very simple, and sometimes it is not required. Such a restriction was made to show the whole world that these independent countries are themselves, and their territories do not belong to Russia.

List of countries where Russians do not need a visa.

Next, we will provide you with a list of countries where you can travel without a visa. But this does not mean that anyone can enter these countries. There are still some rules, and in front of each country we will explain how to get into it without a visa. We will not write about a passport, since it is needed in any case for a stamp.
1. Azerbaijan - you can stay in the country for up to 90 days.
2. Albania - if you have a Schengen, you can enter the country. The rest will have to apply for a simplified visa.
3. Antigua and Barbuda - pay $140, verify your income and stay in the country for up to 30 days.
4. Argentina - you can stay in the country for up to 90 days. You must also have a return ticket.
5. Armenia - you only need a passport.
6. Aruba - up to 15 days.
7. Bahamas - you only need to confirm your finances and have a return ticket in your hands. Then you can rest on the islands for 90 days.
8. Barbados - up to 29 days. Entry by invitation or voucher only. They can be obtained from the travel agency when buying a tour.
9. Bolivia - 30 days, the cost of a simplified visa is $ 60.
10. Bosnia and Herzegovina (different states!) - also need a voucher or invitation. you can stay in the country for 30 days.
11. Botswana - three months without a visa. At the same time, for each week of rest, you must have at least $ 300 or $ 50 per day.
12. Brazil - before three months. We need hotel confirmation, return tickets.
13. Venezuela - from 90 to 180 days.
14. Vietnam - up to 30 days without a visa. Extending is simple - you leave the country, and then re-enter and again rest for 30 days.
15. Guatemala - no more than 90 days without a visa
16. Gambia - up to 56 days. A voucher or invitation is required.
17. Honduras - up to 90 days within 180 days. That is, you can leave the country, and then return again. But more than 90 days of stay in six months!
18. Hong Kong - 14 days without a visa. During these days you can not do what can bring you benefits! Don't even play in the casino.
19. Georgia - visa is not needed all year. If you want to apply for a visa, you can get it online on the website.
20. Dominican Republic - 30 days without a visa. However, you must buy a card at the local airport for $10.
21. Israel - up to three months. But you still have to submit documents: a passport, certificates from work, medical insurance, a return ticket, and so on.
22. Indonesia - up to 30 days. Can't be extended.
23. Kyrgyzstan - you only need a passport.
24. Colombia - up to 90 days of stay in the country. Usually you only need a passport.
25. Costa Rica - you can get here without a visa and spend exactly 30 days in the country.
26. Cuba - you need a passport and a return ticket. The period of stay without a visa is not more than a month. It is easy to extend - just leave the country, and then re-enter it.
27. Laos - only 15 days without a visa. In this case, you must have a return ticket in your hands.
28. Mauritius - no more than 60 days. And for the last 180 days, no more than 90 days of stay on the island.
29. Macau - a month.
30. Macedonia - up to 90 days without a visa.
31. Malaysia - exactly one month without a visa. Further, either obtaining a visa, or leaving the country.
32. Maldives - no more than one month without a visa.
33. Morocco - three months without a visa. If you need a visa, then it is issued easily and not for a long time.
34. Moldova - no visa required. But due to recent political events, Russians are often not allowed into the country.
35. Mongolia - Only 30 days at a time. At the same time, for a year no more than 90 days in the country.
36. Namibia - you can rest without a visa for three months.
37. Cook Island - up to 30 days. Availability of financial guarantee, hotel reservation and return ticket.
38. Panama - 90 days.
39. Paraguay - 90 days.
40. Peru - also 90 days.
41. El Salvador - the same 90 days without a visa.
42. Seychelles - a month without a visa. But one condition - at least $ 200 per day per person! This is a lot.
43. Serbia - exactly one month without a visa.
44. Thailand - 1 month visa is not needed. The rest of the visas are obtained easily, you have to pay only 143 dollars.
45. Tajikistan - you need a passport and that's it.
46. ​​Tunisia - 14 days to rest. More - apply for visas.
47. Turkey - up to 30 days without a visa.
48. Uzbekistan is a passport and you can at least live in the country.
49. Uruguay - exactly 90 days.
50. Fiji - 120 days. You can enjoy the islands for 4 months, this is quite enough.
51. Philippines - exactly one month.
52. Montenegro - no more than 1 month. You will have enough to rest.
53. Chile - three months without a visa on vacation.
54. Ecuador - you can also rest in the country for three months.
55. South Korea - up to 60 days.
56. Jamaica - exactly one month. During this time, inspect the entire wound and all its beauty.

The Schengen Union has existed for much longer than we used to think. The agreement that gave rise to Schengen visas was signed in Luxembourg back in 1985. It was then that an association of European states arose that developed uniform requirements for their visa regime.

We will talk in detail about these requirements, list the countries that comply with them, and find out where Russians can enter without a visa. We also have to understand the difference between single and multiple "Schengen". Let's get started.

What unites the Schengen countries

Belonging to the Schengen area means complying with the general standardized visa regime. The initiators of such standardization were five states:

  • Belgium;
  • Germany;
  • France;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Netherlands.

How many countries have signed the Schengen agreement? Already in 2001, there were fifteen "Schengen" countries, and after another 10 years - 25. That is how many countries participating in the Schengen Agreement are today. However, there is reason to believe that this list will expand.

When we talk about Schengen visas, we mean uniform conditions for issuance. 126 states are not parties to the agreement, including Russian Federation. The Schengen countries do not include the CIS countries, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.

We have described the types of Schengen visas more than once, so we will not focus on this issue. We only note that the procedure for obtaining a visa and the list of documents may vary depending on the requirements of the embassy where you issue the stamp.

As we have already mentioned, the list of documents in different countries Schengen may vary. Standardized list (excluding national characteristics) looks like that:

  • color photographs;
  • international passport;
  • work reference;
  • questionnaire;
  • certificate confirming the fact of purchase of currency;
  • a bunch of photocopies (internal and international passports, medical insurance, all kinds of certificates).

Russians need a visa to travel to the Schengen countries.

Schengen area - list of countries

What does the list of countries that have decided to join the single Schengen area look like? Let's arrange them in order of decreasing importance for a tourist-resort:

Country reference Information








Russians who decide to get into one of the listed countries will definitely need a Schengen visa. What do uniform requirements look like for an applicant?

  1. Possession of a valid passport.
  2. Availability of documents confirming the nature of your trip (tourist voucher, private or business invitation).
  3. Availability of funds, sufficient to live in the selected country (on average, this is about 100 dollars / day).
  4. Registration of medical insurance.
  5. Not listed on international black lists.
  6. Don't threaten public order or national security selected country to visit.
  7. Competently fill out the form.

Group travel is always cheaper, but to apply for a visa through a travel agency, you will need to collect a bunch of documents. This pack is not as voluminous as when obtaining a Schengen visa on your own, but you still have to run.

"Schengen" countries on the map

We have marked on the map of Europe the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement. Applying for the "Schengen". especially for the first time, it is better to think over your route in advance.

Exceptions to general rules

Some European states are only going to join the Schengen agreement. Appropriate applications have already been submitted, but formally these states are outside the Schengen legal framework.

Country reference Information

When planning to enter one of these states, please note: at the border you will be stamped indicating that you are leaving the Schengen area. A similar picture has been observed in the Baltic countries for a long time.

In dwarf states, things are easier. These territories have either signed the Schengen Agreement (Liechtenstein, for example) or abandoned border controls. Having received the coveted stamp, feel free to go to San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican.

Meanwhile, a funny situation is developing in Andorra - partial control is maintained on the borders with Spain and France. To relax in Andorran ski resorts, you will have to work on getting a multivisa. Andorra is formally considered visa-free country, but by moving to its territory, you will leave the Schengen area.

Ireland and the UK joined the agreement, but passport control not cancelled. Denmark also has a special status, the customs corridors of which are partly regulated by the Treaty of Amsterdam. But citizens of Macedonia and Serbia since 2010 can safely travel across the Schengen expanses.

Where a Russian citizen does not need a visa

Many states have introduced a visa-free regime for Russians. Among them there are quite exotic (Vanuatu, Guyana), native (Armenia) and revolutionary (Cuba).

As part of the topic, we are primarily interested in the European powers, which allow us to do without extra stamps in our passports. Here is their list:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Georgia;
  • Armenia;
  • Moldova;
  • Northern Cyprus;
  • Serbia;

To enter these countries, it is enough to have an expired passport. "Non-expired" is measured six months from the moment you leave the state in which you are resting. About that, we already wrote in one of the previous articles.

The border guards will put a stamp on you, but this will be done completely free of charge when crossing the border. You will also have to apply for an immigration card and get health insurance.

An unmarried girl may be denied a visa.

Dangerous combinations

There are visas with which it is better not to meddle in "civilized" countries. For example, Americans do not like Middle Eastern clichés (Syria, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Algeria, North Korea, Cuba and Afghanistan), and they are wary of Arab ones.

The position of South Ossetia and Abkhazia can be called shaky. Intending to rest in Georgia and passing through Abkhazia at the same time, get ready for problems. Georgians (and some other Europeans) consider these territories occupied and do not recognize their sovereignty. There are cases when Belarusians flying through Sochi ended up in a Georgian prison due to a misunderstanding - the reason for this was the Abkhaz stamps.

Some embassies may, without apparent motivation, refuse to obtain a visa for certain categories of citizens. For example, similar things get up in the consulates of France and Italy. The chances of getting a visa are reduced if you are an unmarried girl.

Let's consider another case. The same girl who goes on a group tour, and not a solo trip, gets a visa without any problems. The reasons for such "strangeness" are obvious - the authorities of European states suppress immigration from the countries of the "third world", based on marriages with local citizens.

Travelers are interested, ? In search of an answer, it is worth reading our article.
The answer to the question: do Russians need a visa to the Dominican Republic. Vacation will be great!

Single and multiple entry visas

Formally, a single-entry visa allows you to enter the Schengen area exclusively through the territory of the state that issued your visa. This means that if you are going to rest, say, in France, you must fly / go through France. These are the recommendations.

Practice shows that within the Schengen area you can move freely, forgetting about borders. For travelers who have a coveted stamp in their passport, a special “customs corridor” is being created.

Having received a multiple-entry visa, you can travel around the Schengen area for 90 days during one half year.

Quotas are provided for a multiple-entry visa: if you have lived for three months, the next multiple-entry visa can be issued only after six months.

Summarize. Not all European states are members of the European Union, and even more so - in the Schengen area. The generally accepted norms for obtaining a "Schengen" can vary significantly depending on the whims of the legislation of those countries whose consulates you apply to. Some countries even adhere to a visa-free policy for Russian tourists.

Having gathered in one of the European countries, carefully read our article and make sure that there are no “contraindications” (unwanted visas, marital status, validity of the passport). Bon Voyage!

The agreement, which united a number of European powers into one community, was signed back in 1985 in the village of Schengen, located in Luxembourg. Then only five countries put their signatures on the document, while agreeing on uniform requirements for the visa regime. Today the list of participants looks more impressive. What countries were left without Schengen for Russians in 2017, it will be useful to know for those who are on their way to Europe.

Belonging to a designated territory is, first of all, compliance with standard visa requirements, which all parties to the agreement must adhere to. This policy was initiated by:

  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • Germany;
  • Netherlands;
  • Luxembourg.

To date, countries that do not need Schengen in 2017 are represented by a very small list. But before moving on to it, let's first denote the features inherent in the Schengen zone:

  • abolition of internal passport control and visas for crossing the borders of participating countries;
  • significant elimination of bureaucratic formalities within the participating States;
  • strengthening the external borders of the zone with countries that are not part of the union.

Basic Rules

Thus, a person who has received a Schengen visa must remember:

  1. must be made through the country that issued the visa sticker.
  2. Most of the time of the stamp must also be spent in this state.
  3. If you have to visit several powers at once, you need to apply for a visa at the consulate of the state in which the stay will be longer.
  4. The duration of stay in the zone cannot exceed 90 days during each half of the year.
  5. To obtain a stamp, you must provide your biometric data - a digital photo and fingerprints.

Visas for study and work are issued only by the state in which the applicant will work or study.

Countries without Schengen are not subject to these rules. And therefore, with a visa sticker pasted by one of the countries participating in the agreement, Russian tourist will be able to cross the border of a neighboring power that did not enter the zone. But with a visa of this country, he will no longer be able to enter Schengen.

It should also be noted that in the event of emergencies, all signatories agreed that they have the right to introduce border control at their borders within the zone to ensure the safety of their citizens and territories. The rule was last used after the terrorist attack in Nice, which occurred in July 2016. Then Italy and Germany announced the introduction of control on their borders.

Schengen area - list of countries

It is important to note that membership in the European Union does not guarantee that the state has signed the Schengen Agreement. But before you figure out which countries without a Schengen visa for Russians remained available in 2017, it would be more logical to designate a list of those who entered the zone. Today it looks like this:


The Schengen Agreement today covers 22 EU countries and 4 states that are not included in it - Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Connoisseurs of European attractions will be useful to know that the abolition of the Schengen for Russians in 2017 is not expected, and therefore, to enter here, you will have to apply for a visa of the appropriate category.

Exceptions to general rules

The list of destinations where Russians can go without the specified visa, although it looks rather meager, does exist.

To begin with, we note that de facto such mini-powers as the Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Andorra are also included in the zone. When visiting the latter, for example, difficulties may arise. Since the country did not sign the Schengen agreement, entry into its territory can be regarded as leaving the Schengen, and therefore it will be quite problematic to return.

But the list of European countries that do not need a Schengen visa for Russians looks like this:

  • Great Britain;
  • Ireland;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Romania;
  • Croatia;
  • Cyprus.

Despite the fact that Ireland and the UK signed an agreement on a single Schengen zone, they still left passport control at their borders. Therefore, we can say with confidence that they are not included in this zone. To cross their borders, you will need a visa issued exclusively by the consulates of these countries.

But the entry into the zone of Bulgaria and Romania is blocked by Germany, France and the Netherlands. And even though the EU announced its readiness to grant membership to Bulgaria and Romania in April of this year, no exact dates have been given. The signing of the agreement by Cyprus has generally been postponed indefinitely until the issue with the northern part of the country is settled.

The situation with Croatia, which was supposed to join the list of participants by July last year, remains unclear, but this issue has not yet been resolved.

In addition, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania have created their own mini-Schengen, allowing visits to their territories using each other's visa stamps and a Cypriot sticker. But it is unlikely that you will be able to enter Schengen on them. To do this, you need to issue a real Schengen visa stamp.

We must also not forget that the effect of this agreement does not apply to territories that belong to the participating countries, but are located far from Europe. These include Danish Greenland, the Spanish city of Ceuta or French Martinique.

There are also a number of countries that are not members of either the Schengen area or the European Union. These are Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

How to get a Schengen visa: Video

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In 1985, five European states - Belgium, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg and France - agreed among themselves to open borders and abolish passport and visa control. And it was in the Schengen area in Luxembourg. The treaty of the same name entered into force ten years later, on March 26, 1995. And twenty years later, the Schengen list has grown, and in 2016 it already includes 26 countries.

In a single passport and visa space, they can move freely:

  • residents of states parties to the treaty;
  • citizens of states that have international agreements on a visa-free regime with the Schengen states;
  • other citizens,

We say the European Union, we mean ...

Most EU members, as we see, are included in the list of Schengen countries by 2016. But these are two different associations.

not included in the zoneSchengen zonenot included in the EU
European Union
Great BritainGermanyGreeceDenmarkNorway

It is customary to name the countries of the Schengen area alphabetically, because there are no first and last among them, and the governing right is transferred in turn.

Ireland and the UK have signed an agreement but have not abolished passport control, so they issue their own visas.

Where else can you go

Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Croatia are just about to sign the treaty, but for various reasons they are all unable to do so. With a Schengen visa, entry there is possible, but with the national permits of these powers, it will not be possible to leave the Schengen territory.

Andorra, the Vatican, Monaco and San Marino are small states surrounded by neighbors who are parties to the agreement and do not have border control with them, have not signed agreements, but are also accessible to tourists.

Andorra borders on Spain and France, Monaco on France, the Vatican and San Marino on Italy.

But tourists entering such countries on a Schengen visa should remember that they are actually leaving the area of ​​the agreement, and in order to return they need a multivisa - a visa that allows them to cross the borders of the Schengen area many times.