The EU cancels visas for Russians. Fight for a Russian tourist. Which countries are ready to cancel visas for Russians

The State of Qatar is the precious pearl of the Persian Gulf. Although a small, but magnificent country, it managed to captivate the hearts of travelers from all over the world. Tours to Qatar beckon with exoticism, conquer with oriental charm. You can get acquainted with the unique history and plunge into the culture of the Arab world, see enough of the masterpieces of Islamic civilization and get carried away by the modern rhythms of nightlife, dissolve in the aromas of spices in numerous bazaars, conquer the hot desert and snow-white beaches, plunging into a cascade of incredible adventures. Today we learned great news about what happened in Qatar - in 2017.

Visa to Qatar for Russians canceled

From June 23, Russians no longer need a visa to travel to Qatar. From this day on, citizens Russian Federation will be able to obtain a visa to visit Qatar directly upon arrival in the country. The visa will be issued for one month and will cost 100 Qatari rials, approximately $27.

What you need to have for guaranteed passage of the Qatar border

  1. Passport valid for at least six months from the date of arrival
  2. Hotel reservation
  3. Back
  4. From 1500$ on the card

Due to the fact that Qatar – canceled the visa requirement for Russians in 2017 – we are now transferring this country to the “Visa on Arrival” category.

Holidays in Qatar promise a lot of fantastic emotions

Beach tours in Qatar are worthy of praise. Doha, Al Ruweis, Cor Al Udeid, Al Wakra, Al Zubara are attractive resorts to visit. Qatar is fabulously rich, so the luxury of hotels, well-trained staff and developed infrastructure are admirable. The hospitality and courtesy of the locals is a special treat for guests. Beach tanning enthusiasts find ideal conditions here.

Fans of active leisure are given great opportunities to demonstrate dexterity and strength. Among the procession of water sports, windsurfing, fishing and diving lead, giving indescribable delight. The trendsetters of tourist fashion do not lag behind in popularity - catamarans, jet skis, bananas, yachts. Romantic rides on an Arab dhow boat to one of the fabulous islands will replenish the retinue of entertainment.

You can add brightness to the sensations at falconry or at the hippodrome, where championships are held with the participation of thoroughbred stallions. A very fascinating spectacle - camel, ostrich and donkey races. But what really intrigues is the jeep safari, which is more extreme than all the others. After racing through the dunes shining in the sun, tourists are offered a traditional barbecue in the Bedouin camp under the canopy of a colorful tent.

Little vacationers in Qatar have a lot of fun. It is worth visiting Aladdin's Kingdom, which hosts a beautiful theatre, an artificial lagoon and a cafeteria that surprises with a selection of delicacies. An interesting collection of wild animals is collected in the zoo. Connoisseurs of natural beauties will be pleased with the Shahaniyya Reserve, the Mangrove Island, the Botanical Garden and the Palm Island, similar to the Garden of Eden. This is where you can admire the abundance of exotic plants, as well as participate in fun games from the heart.

Those who love to go shopping will feel even happier from the variety of goods in malls and markets. All fashionistas will be enchanted by the selection of stylish clothes, souvenirs and sweet incense for every taste. Bazaar Gold Souq - the best place to explore fashion jewelry trends and purchase beautiful jewelry - exclusive.
Sightseeing tours to Qatar will stir up a sea of ​​feelings.

Among the dazzling skyscrapers, truly unsurpassed, you will see palaces, fortresses, castles, forts, mosques, architectural monuments, make fascinating excursions to museums, of which there are incredibly many. Each treasury gives an idea of ​​the authority of the country and the values ​​of the Qatari people, marks the great events that took place in a long historical period.

Search for Flights and Hotels in Qatar - Doha

Cultural and nightlife in Qatar

Stands Out Museum islamic art- a symbol of the state, fascinating interior and a selection of artistic relics that convey the spirit and diversity of Islamic creativity. The bright object is National Museum Qatar. It is impossible to get enough of looking at the largest religious building - the Al Ahmed Mosque. It is interesting to look at the Al-Kut fortress, the Aspire Tower, the Center for Traditional Folk Crafts. The Sheikh Faisal Museum appears to the guests as a huge collection of antiquities, hundreds of paintings and sculptures of the Museum of Arab Modern Art amaze the imagination.

Qatar's nightlife is marked by shimmering illuminations, noisy raptures and unchanging oriental flavor. When the evening comes, pay tribute to the delights of national cuisine in a chic restaurant, or enjoy the fruity aroma of a hookah with intoxicating Arabic music, or just sitting by the embankment, captivated by a fiery evening sunset. Come to Qatar! Spend an unforgettable vacation!

Video Qatar is the richest country in the world

Many countries, due to the difficult financial situation, are ready to take any steps in order to attract money to the treasury. So, starting next week for the Russians comes into force without visa regime when entering Brazil. Albania followed the same path, which Russian citizens will be able to visit without visas from June 1 to October 31 of this year.

According to a message posted on the official website of the Brazilian Embassy in the Russian Federation, a visa-free regime for Russians entering this country comes into force on June 7. Thus, Russian citizens will be able to enter, exit, transit and stay in Brazil for 90 days for each period of 180 days, counting from the date of the first entry, without obtaining a visa. If the planned trip involves voluntary work or work for remuneration, as well as if its purpose is to study, internship or conduct scientific research, then an entry visa will have to be obtained, as before.

It is possible that such a policy of the country will help change the situation with the tourist flow from Russia. So far, Brazil is not even included in the top twenty countries popular in the Russian tourist market. And the problem is not even so much in visas, but in remoteness and the lack of direct air communication with this country. Participants of the tourist market are confident that the presence of a direct flight to Brazil could significantly increase the flow of Russian tourists, as, in fact, happened at the time with the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Albania also made similar concessions, the authorities of which also abolished the visa regime for Russian citizens. Entry into the country without a visa is possible for tourist and private trips for up to 90 days from June 1 to October 31. The purpose of such a step, as in the case of Brazil, is to attract as many Russian tourists as possible, who can get to Albania not only directly, but also through the neighboring favorite resorts of Russians - Montenegro and Greece. Obviously, this is a completely justified step, given that, as noted by the Albanian government, the number of people wishing to visit this state is growing every year. For example, in 2009, 37% more tourists went there than in 2008, and Russian citizens, interested in this country, has become 30 thousand more. "Russia does not pose a migration risk in this case nor for Albania, nor for Brazil, and the introduction of a visa-free regime can stimulate the development of tourism in these countries. It would be strange if they didn't do this," says Vladimir Kantorovich, First Vice President of ATOR.

"Many people today consider the Russian tourism market as one of the most promising and fastest growing. The world's largest tour operators are already opening representative offices with us, profitably evaluating investments in the Russian tourism industry. Many countries note the great potential of the Russian tourism market. And the cancellation tourist visas with Russia undoubtedly affects the increase in the tourist flow from Russia," says CEO Star Travel Boris Samaryanov.

Recall that once again from April 1 to October 31 introduced a visa-free regime and Croatia. Also in early May, Russia and Turkey agreed to abolish the visa regime. In fact, it existed up to this point - for several years now, when entering the country, it is enough to pay $20, and a short-term visa is immediately pasted into the passport. The agreement on the abolition of the visa regime implies visa-free entry citizens of Russia to the territory of Turkey for up to 30 days and, accordingly, no need to pay. However, the agreement will come into effect only after both countries approve an agreement on readmission - the return of illegal immigrants from third countries at their own expense. Which, however, has not yet happened.

Thailand, in turn, until March 31, 2011 extended free insurance for foreign tourists and free visas. In addition, the government of the country has introduced additional measures to insure foreign tourists visiting the country in case of injury or flight delays from Thailand.

The practice of abolishing the visa regime with Russia, if not permanent, then at least seasonal, has become widespread. More and more countries are taking this step, and at present, about 90 states have already canceled the visa regime for Russian citizens. Among them, in particular, Colombia, Hong Kong, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Dominican Republic. Such a policy of states, of course, pays off. Thus, the abolition of the visa regime between Russia and Israel at the end of 2008 led to a record increase in the number of tourists from both sides. "It is quite possible that some countries of Latin America will also be inclined to the decision on a visa-free regime, already now one can travel from Russia without a visa to Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala," Boris Samaryanov reflects.

The most anticipated and desired event among Russian tourists is the abolition of the visa regime with European Union. This issue has been discussed for several years, but no concrete action has been taken so far, and European diplomats speak very carefully about the prospects for introducing a visa-free regime. "Many EU countries are interested in the abolition of the visa regime with Russia. For example, Spain, Greece - for these countries, whose economies are directly related to tourism, the abolition of visas with Russia means additional income in the millions of dollars. However, there are countries in the EU that, on the contrary, , for political reasons, do not want to simplify entry for Russians. Therefore, it is still difficult to talk about the timing of the introduction of a complete abolition of the visa regime with the EU," the head of Star Travel notes.

As Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the other day, in order for the work to go more actively, the Russian Federation handed over to its partners a draft agreement on the abolition of visa requirements for citizens of Russia and the European Union. Despite a lot of difficulties accompanying the solution of this issue, the participants of the tourist market are confident that it will be possible to achieve a visa-free regime with the European Union. "This will definitely happen, the only question is when. It is clear that not quickly, since everyone should more or less agree with this. Since the political principle prevails over the pragmatic one in the European Union, the negotiations will continue for a long time," he said. Vladimir Kantorovich.

List of visa-free countries for Russian citizens

CountryLength of stay
Azerbaijan up to 90 days
Antigua and Barbuda up to 28 days
Armenia up to 90 days
Bahamas up to 3 months
Barbados up to 28 days
Belarus up to 90 days
Bosnia and Herzegovina up to 90 days
Botswana up to 90 days
Brazil up to 90 days
Vanuatu up to 30 days
Venezuela up to 90 days
Vietnam up to 15 days
Haiti up to 3 months
Guatemala up to 90 days
Honduras up to 90 days
Grenada up to 3 months
Dominica up to 21 days
Dominican Republic up to 90 days
Israel up to 90 days
Kazakhstan up to 90 days
Kyrgyzstan up to 90 days
China (Hong Kong only) up to 14 days
Colombia up to 90 days
Costa Rica up to 90 days
Cuba up to 30 days
Macedonia up to 30 days
Malaysia up to 1 month
Maldives up to 30 days
Morocco up to 3 months
micronesia up to 30 days
Moldova up to 90 days
Namibia up to 3 months
Nicaragua up to 90 days
Niue up to 30 days
Cook Islands up to 31 days
Peru up to 90 days
Salvador up to 90 days
Samoa up to 30 days
Swaziland up to 1 month
Seychelles up to 1 month
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines up to 14 days
Saint Lucia up to 28 days
Serbia -
Tajikistan up to 90 days
Thailand up to 30 days
Turks and Caicos up to 30 days
Uzbekistan up to 90 days
Ukraine up to 90 days
Fiji up to 30 days
Philippines up to 21 days
Croatia up to 90 days
Montenegro tourists - up to 30 days, businessmen - up to 90 days
Ecuador up to 90 days
South Ossetia up to 90 days

"Travel Safely, Travel Widely, Travel Often"

More and more often I hear that this or that country intends to cancel visas for Russian tourists. Just a real fight for us. And someone said that everyone turned their backs on Russia. Something doesn't look like it. Good afternoon, friends, Sofia Morozova is with you. I propose to figure out where our tourist can go this year without resorting to visa problems.

long-awaited vacation

I close my eyes and hear the sound of the surf. Yes, it looks like it's time to make plans for the summer and apply for a vacation. How many magical places can be visited, how many beautiful landscapes see: seas, mountains, oceans, lakes, forests, fields... How beautiful our world is.

However, I decided a long time ago how to spend this summer. I will take sunbaths in the Crimea, climb mountains and enjoy horseback riding. Cheap, but enough impressions for the whole year. However, not all Russians who are accustomed to relaxing in Egyptian and Turkish resorts are in a hurry to book hotels in the Crimea - they need to go abroad.

In connection with the current world situation, I would advise you to enjoy Russian sights, be it Baikal, Karelia, the volcanoes of Kamchatka, St. Petersburg or the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau. But, for those who like to take a look at the world's expanses, vacation will not be in vain.

Birthplace of bullfighting and flamenco

Perhaps I'll start with "fresh". Representatives of Spain advocated the abolition of visas for Russians. Let me remind you that visas to the country of bullfighting and flamenco have already been canceled for Russian tourists coming with children aged six to twelve, now we are talking about other travelers.

So you can slowly explore the sights of the sunny country and do not forget to include the old town of Marbella, Cape Peñon de Ifach, the sea alley of Guardamar and look into a couple of Spanish restaurants serving paella valenciana in the itinerary.

"Russian tourism is of great benefit to Spain, and there should be no visas for Russians," said Acting Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism Jose Manuel Soria.

By the way, did you know that tourism in Spain brings up to twelve percent of GDP and is the most profitable sector of the economy?

I looked at a couple of tourist sites, a week in colorful Spain: a three-star hotel with breakfast, will cost about thirty thousand, by the summer, of course, prices will rise.

Palm trees, ocean, heavenly delight - Mauritius

Well, from the tenth of April, lovers to soak up the sun will be able to go to the warm African Republic of Mauritius.

If you decide to visit the republic, do not limit yourself beach holiday be sure to admire the aquarium, which is inhabited by about two hundred species of local fish, visit the Pamplemosse botanical garden, famous throughout the world, where there is a giant lily that blooms once every sixty years. Don't forget the Colored Lands of Mauritius, Deer Island, Tamarin Falls and other stunning locations.

Let me remind you that the governments of our countries signed an agreement on December 23, according to which tourists from Russia will not need to apply for a visa to travel to Mauritius.

Cherry Charm – Japan

At the beginning of the year, the Russian ambassador to Japan announced that the country would soon rising sun may cancel visas for Russian tourists.

However, this was already discussed in 2014, however, relations between Russia and Japan became more complicated. Last year, Japan, following the US and EU countries, imposed sanctions against Russia, to which Moscow also responded with restrictive measures. However, now relations between the countries are improving: Moscow and Tokyo are negotiating the abolition of the visa regime.

Now, the consular fee for applying for a visa to Japan is not charged, however, paperwork still makes you nervous. Well, let's hope that soon we will be able to freely inhale the enchanting aroma of sakura.

Morocco - relaxation for body and soul

In addition to luxurious beaches. The lush oases and majestic mountains of Morocco attract lovers of architecture, in this case early Islamic architecture.

You will be able to see the almost untouched medieval city, the dunes of Erg Chebbi located in the Sahara desert, the most important Roman city of Volubilis and much more.

Let me remind you that the authorities of the country, interested in Russian tourists, provided us with a visa-free regime back in 2005. Now you can stay in the country without a visa for up to three months.

Korea - the land of morning freshness

South Korea has long been an attractive place for tourists: an interesting historical heritage, amazing nature, indescribable beauty of architectural buildings.

And from January 1, 2014, Russians who are going to visit the republic for less than sixty days do not need a visa.

And many, many more...

However, talking about countries that have abolished the visa regime or are about to do so is endless. Here are Uruguay, and the Seychelles, and the Chinese city of Harbin (here the stay should be limited to 72 hours), and Israel, and Cuba, and Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic, and Peru, and Ecuador, and Thailand.

Wow, I'm tired of listing. I am attaching a complete list.

Simplify visas for Russians France and Great Britain.

That's such a variety.

“In 20 years, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did. So break the ropes, get caught favourable wind sail away from a safe haven, explore, dream, discover,” said Mark Twain.

However, do not forget that often what we are looking for is very close. Following the fashion, we fly for impressions, forgetting that literally at our side, there are stunningly beautiful places.