How to go to America on a tourist visa. I want to go to America. Dream or reality.


List the assets you have this moment. Understand that getting a job abroad, and even more so in the US, is not so easy without some skills or knowledge. The better your skills in a certain area, the faster American employers will show interest in you. Knowledge is also an important aspect. in English. Sign up for courses or learn it yourself before writing a resume. The higher your language level, the higher paying jobs you will be able to find.

All are employed by state-owned companies that receive from a foreign contractor and pay wages to workers, with little discrepancy as to what those who work for Cuban companies or organizations receive. Doctors working abroad are paid more than those working in Cuba. But something like not so much that is an obstacle for those who stay, and not so much that does not encourage those who leave.

The United States government has a special program to attract Cuban doctors working abroad. They are sought out by US officials and offered numerous benefits to the "defect" such as an entry visa, a free pass, a work permit, and exemption from formalities to carry out these activities. Those who work in Latin America are the most wanted and the condition that must be accepted in the program is that they criticize the Cuban political system and they say that doctors abroad are oppressed and kept almost like slaves.

Apply for a visa and international passport. It is worth recalling that without these documents you will not be able to cross the American border. Therefore, take care of this issue a few months before departure. Currently, passports are issued within 30 days. Visa - from several months to 1 year. You can do it either on your own or through an employment agency abroad. The second option is much easier. Just find the sites of such institutions in your city and say what you need. Next, fill out all the necessary applications and wait for a call to the embassy.

Those who accept offers from the United States, those who emigrate to other countries or stay in the country that receives them after the end of the contract, make up about 3% of the workforce. In Brazil, maintaining this average, one would expect up to 120 out of 4,000 Cuban doctors to be a "desert".

The following quote is from the New England Journal of Medicine: The Cuban health care system seems unrealistic. Everyone has a family doctor. Everything is free, absolutely free. Compliments for the Cuban health care system and its professionals are often found in specialized publications and are spoken by medical authorities and international organizations such as the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization and UNICEF.

Create an extended resume in English. It is very important for an American employer to immediately see where you studied and worked. Experience in a particular activity will be a big priority. Write absolutely everything that you know how and know: what courses you took, where you worked under a contract and for hire, what interests you have, etc. Also make a short working letter in English, in which you clearly state the goals from getting a job and what you can offer specifically for this working organization. Have your resume and letter checked by an experienced translator or linguist.

To begin with, Cuba's health record is the best in Latin America and outperforms many developed countries. For example, infant mortality is lower than in the United States. The life expectancy of Cubans is also high: 78.8 years.

Today it has 78,000 doctors, one for every 150 inhabitants, one of the best in the world. This allows Cuba to support more than 30,000 doctors abroad. Elam hosts students from 116 countries, including the United States, and has trained 24,000 foreigners. Cuban doctors graduate after six years of graduation, including boarding school, and another three to four years of specialization. Generators who attend the Family Medical System are prepared to work in general practice, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and minor surgeries.

Search for employers through the Internet. After compiling a portfolio, start looking for websites of companies and firms in which you would like to implement your skills. Collect at least 200 organizations. The more there are, the more chances you will have for employment. Next, collect all the email addresses and send a scanned portfolio to each of them: a resume and a work letter. In no case do not do mass mailing, otherwise the letters simply will not reach the addressee. They will be marked as spam. Of this number of employers, several will definitely respond to your offer and contact you.

Of the 4,000 doctors who come to Brazil, all have a specialization in family medicine, 42% have worked in at least two countries, and 84% have more than 16 years of practice. Most of them are already active in Portuguese-speaking countries, Africa and Timor-Leste. By the way, the following fact happened in Timor: the American ambassador demanded the then President Hanana Gusmao to expel the Cuban doctors. Xanana asked how many doctors in the United States were in East Timor and how many the country would send to replace the over 200 Cubans who were there.

Answer the questions that you will be asked during a telephone conversation. Try to be clear and consistent. If the employer is satisfied with the answers, you will be invited for an interview at the company's office. After its completion, wait for the decision of the managers of the organization.

Every person, no doubt, wants to buy beautiful house, find a family, do not deny yourself anything. But for a good dream you need a good foundation, in this case, capital. Many overcome this problem in a competent way and decide to go to America for money. There are several options for earning money in the USA: the AU PAIR program, employment contracts, exchange of experience, advanced training courses and other types, such as working as a “truck driver”. It is about these types of earnings in America and will be discussed further.

Faced with the answer, there was only one who attended the American diplomats, and that there would be no more, Xanana simply said that the Cubans would stay. By definition, they are corporate. This is a difficult question: who has the right to determine the national interest is the population, which is consulted only when it elects its rulers and representatives.

And these rulers and representatives often have their own legitimacy. Thus, the contradiction between corporate interests and national interests and society can only be resolved by those who have the legitimacy to express these national interests and society as a whole.


Experts advise starting your first working experience with a fairly reliable AU PAIR program. To do this, contact the AU PAIR center in your city (you can also find it on the Internet), and in a matter of days they will help you prepare all the documents and find a family in which you will work. Under the terms of the program, you will need to act as a babysitter for several hours a week and help with the housework. Benefits: Income up to $1,000 per month; short working hours (no more than 4 hours a day); the family undertakes to pay for an intensive English course; studying culture and looking at it "from the inside". Disadvantages: many families often confuse an AU PAIR student with a maid, cook, etc., and therefore sometimes exceed the obligations prescribed in the contract by several times (in this case, do not hesitate to contact your curator); the contract is urgent, and therefore is not subject to extension, i.e. after the expiration of the specified period, you are obliged to return to your homeland. In general, AU PAIR is an attractive, profitable job in America.

AT last days we had three good examples of how corporate interests collide with public interests. There are three reasons that may be of interest to professional categories, but they violate the law and violate the rights of the individual and society.

The servants' union in the legislature defended that house and the Senate officials receive salaries that exceed the ceiling. wages, which should apply to everyone. The Syndicate Alliance defended a crew that placed absurd and unnecessary restrictions on a three-year-old child and his family due to a non-communicable disease.

Other interesting option is urgent labor contract, for example, as a seller in a fast food restaurant or in a supermarket. To do this, study the offers on the Internet, apply and pack your suitcase. The work is not easy, but it will help to bring a lot of income in the future, to move forward. career ladder(for example, become a store manager). Advantages: high earnings - up to 2500 US dollars; the possibility of obtaining long term residence (and if you want to stay in the US forever), in most cases, the employer provides housing and insurance. Disadvantages: the work is not easy, requiring great effort; free time practically absent.

Medical unions oppose the work of foreign doctors in Brazil, although Brazilian doctors are not interested in the work they are going to do. Corporateism is inevitable, and corporate interests must be discussed and considered. They cannot prevail when they are against the interests and rights of the society: the salary cap of employees must be respected, no one can be bound by restrictions due to illness, and people have the right to receive medical care either from a Brazilian or from a foreigner.

The following sentences are taken from a Cuban doctor who lives in Brazil after Insuspito since he left Cuba. He graduated there and specialized in epidemiology and public health management. He worked in Angola for two years and arrived in Santa Catarina in agreement with the prefecture of Irati with the government of Cuba. Two years later, he decided to stay in Brazil, where he lives with his wife and four children. He criticizes the system of paying doctors, saying that it was with 50% of what was paid at the mayor's office. Despite the fact that he "left", he is not part of the wave of Brazilian doctors and right-wing opponents who are attacking the arrival of the Cubans.

If you're a break-and-build master, apply your skills in the US, a builder here earns up to $5,000. Housekeepers, orderlies and receptionists earn on average $1,500-2,000. If you have a driver's license with category "C", then work in America as a driver of long-distance routes (or in a simple way a trucker) can enrich you up to $ 10,000 a month. To do this, collect all Required documents and apply either through a special (but proven and reliable) company in your city, or independently through vacancies on Internet sites.

Anyway, medicine is everywhere, just change the address. I'm not against them, no. Cuban doctors are very good, our medicine is the best in the world. There are Cuban doctors who do a great job in the north and northeast. The Federal Council of Medicine insulted us from the very beginning, calling us healers, sorcerers. He is bad and good doctor both in Brazil and Cuba.

We are not to blame for what is happening in Brazil and that doctors from outside will come. In Cuba, this exam is held on the same day or the same week. This delay makes medical diagnosis wait. Our experience is very good, so much so that Cuba exports doctors to more than 70 countries.

Finally, if you are only interested in skilled work in America, then you need to start with Russia. Get a job in an international company, learn the language to a fluent level and apply for advanced training (internship, skills exchange program). For students, there is an easier way: find a university in the USA with your specialization and, having collected all the documents, transfer. For Russian students in America, as a rule, a high scholarship is intended, in addition, you can work up to twenty hours a week, and after receiving a diploma, get a job in your specialty (often students in their last year have a long practice in one of the partner firms, and, having particularly distinguished themselves, receive an invitation to job).

London is one of the cities in the world that attracts Brazilians the most. It is impossible to know exactly how many of our compatriots have chosen to live in London, but it is estimated that around 350,000 people. So many people like that can't be wrong, can they? The capital of England is great in every way, and it might seem a bit complicated at first to the uninitiated in London affairs. It is likely that in the early days you feel like a fish out of water and must resist the urge to catch the first plane home.

Getting to know Londoners and their way of life: how to live in London

Some initial awkwardness is normal, don't worry. But falling in love with London is almost inevitable! Everything will be much easier if you are well aware of what awaits you. Here's what you need to know. To start with, it's good to know some London habits so you don't feel lost and avoid the benefits.

Recently, my friend and I remembered our common good friend who went to America for three weeks. Knowing that he was paid for airfare and accommodation, we began to wonder how much of his money he would end up spending on this trip. Laughing, they suggested that it would be 100-200 dollars. True, they did not guess. Later, Alexei, thoughtful, said that he spent his money only on buying a laptop. The travel allowance was enough for everything else.

Londoners move fast, think, decide and act fast because they don't have time to waste. In the metro stations and on the streets you will see many people who do not know where to go, but they are tourists or have recently moved to the city. As this will be your case in the early days, get used to planning your scenario ahead of time, calmly study the tube map and ask the police for information, because hasty Londoners on the street don't always have time to direct the lost ones. It is true that they love tea. To make cooking easier, every household in London has an electric kettle called a kettle to boil water. Every English hotel also has a kettle and a tray of different types of tea that guests prepare in the room. They start drinking early because the pubs close at 11 o'clock. There is no Brazilian way that will make you serve another pint the day after tomorrow because the penalty for them is very salty. If necessary, they will push you out of the door so that you do not close.

  • First, the city is operating at a fast pace.
  • They are also very "polished" and rely on education.
  • Unbelievable as it may seem, there are people who forget!
  • On sunny days, the whole crowd goes to the parks for a picnic on the lawns.
  • And they usually accept sunlight easily, sometimes even in their underwear.
London is an expensive city but the value for money is fair.

So, how is it possible to live in America for 22 days for free, not as a volunteer, without touching on religious topics and without working in the standard sense of the word?
Meet Alexey Avgustinovich - a man who loves educational programs and thanks to them gets a fantastic opportunity for many to visit various countries of the world for free and at the same time benefit and get acquainted with interesting people(For skeptics I will add - I have not been a student for a long time).

If you paid, you will receive the world's first product or service. And if you work here, you will get in pounds, so your salary will offset the high cost of living and more! Cooking at home is always a good alternative to not spending too much on food. There are large supermarkets in every area. Good advice: They usually lower perishable prices close to closing time. Depending on your food preferences, you can expect to spend between £20 and £50 per week shopping for groceries for a person, including toiletries and laundry.

— Alexey, tell us, what is this wonderful program that allows you to get to America for free?

- It is called Community Connection, for many years it has been organizing various cultural exchange programs and professional internships. The theme of the program, which I got (by the way, the second time) was called "Corporate Social Responsibility". And what can be especially valuable for the Slavs - knowledge of English is not necessary to participate in this and some other programs! In fact, all the 22 days that I was in America, we were taken to various organizations, banks, universities, etc., where we met with the management and looked at how everything was arranged with them. And most of the time we lived in host families, that is, we also watched how Americans really live, what problems they have, how life works, whether they are happy, what inspires them. See American family from the inside, as far as possible - it was very interesting. In general, everything I like is not a tourist trip to standard places, but the opportunity to see real life culture, way of life.

first class public transport has its price and is small. The good news is that the metro, buses, some trains, and even boats have a valid card. Travel is more expensive during peak times and to more remote areas of the city, but it's always a lot more than buying travel tickets.

Buy your oyster already at the airport if you are taking the underground to central London. Another thing in London's favor: the city offers fantastic free attractions. Best museums and galleries in the city are free. Not to mention the magnificent parks and gardens and picturesque street markets, such as in the exotic Camden Town area and street shows, such as on the banks of the River Thames. Among the attractions, but not to be missed, are the Tower of London and the London Eye, a ferris wheel that lives up to its name, giving you a great view of the city.

— Where exactly have you been?
- We traveled a lot in Vermont, and also were in Boston and New York.

— Do you know how big the competition was and what do you think helped you to pass the selection?

- As I said, I got into the program only the second time. I know people who managed to fly only from the 4th. We must be aware that writing a motivation letter, interviews, and collecting documents takes a lot of time, but it seems to me worth it.
The competition is very dependent on the theme of the set. Every year, 5-6 topics are announced for which you can apply. And for some topics, initially many people want to get involved, and for some, few people, and an additional set is announced. So everyone has a chance to get in. I know that over a thousand people have already traveled to America from Belarus over the years that the program has existed.

- Did they tell you how business is done in America?
- The main idea that I got is that the business there is built on 3 main principles - these are Profit, People, Planet - that is, Profit, People, Planet. That is, first of all, you should take care of profit, then people and the planet - this is the main message. And yet - a very big emphasis is placed not just on the sale of goods, but on the constant improvement of quality, exclusivity, zest. And of course, they love to ask themselves and answer the question: “How does my business change the world?”.

— I know that you were in American schools too. Tell me what you saw, what impressed you.

- Although it was not included in the program, but the first family in which I lived worked as teachers, and they suggested that I go on a tour. I liked that there is a very free layout - some of the walls between the rooms can be removed and thus conduct classes for several classes at the same time. It is very convenient for various practical work. And in general, technically everything is very well equipped, there is also a good library. Although this school is the most ordinary, in a very small town, one might say, “rural”. Children with disabilities and children with Down syndrome study in regular classes. As teachers say, this helps other children to be more attentive, tolerant, and the people with disabilities themselves to withdraw into themselves and feel like a full member of society. It is also interesting that labor lessons for girls and boys are the same. They learn to cook and wash. And make robots. And you can't finish school if you don't dedicate a certain number of hours to volunteering.

- One of the most difficult issues in the Slavic countries is the standard of living of pensioners. How is America solving this problem?

— The system there seemed very interesting to me. If a person has worked all his life at a regular job and earned a standard pension, it is not quite enough for life (the pension is about $ 700 per month). Therefore, many companies for their employees make a separate Pension Fund. If the company does not have this, people themselves invest in one or another pension fund, often even several. That is, they themselves take care of their old age. And they retire at the age of 60 to 70 years - both men and women. About when exactly to leave work - they decide for themselves, based on their desires, finances and opportunities.

The parents of the family I lived with live in a special home for the elderly. I was there. This is a big good house, there are a lot of apartments and only elderly people live there. Living there costs $7,000 a month for two. As a rule, either the insurance company, or children, or pensioners themselves pay this amount. The apartment in this house, which I saw, was three-roomed, with two bathrooms and toilets. Everywhere there are special handrails. The house has a restaurant where they eat, there is a hairdresser, gym, library. We had dinner at this restaurant once. The food there was quite tasty, there was a choice of several dishes, desserts. There are other houses - people who are lonely and unable to take care of themselves move there - all the conditions are created there, there are nurses, etc. Of course, it was a very interesting experience to see how pensioners live.

- Yes, what you said and showed - of course, is very different from our realities. But where to find $ 7,000 for such housing? ..
Okay, rhetorical question. Let's talk about food. Unfortunately, I haven't been to America yet. And I have a stereotype in my head that there are quite a lot of really fat people there and that there is a lot of standardized, tasteless food. How really?

- As far as I understand, the level of health and quality of food strongly depends on the level of education. The more educated a person is, the more he earns and the more opportunities and desire he has to take care of himself. Yes, education is expensive there, but it's kind of entrance ticket- the more expensive the university, the more well-mannered, educated and influential people you can meet there.

In general, it was funny to realize that the people there turned out to be completely different from my stereotypical idea of ​​Americans. It turns out that they are not fat at all, they take care of themselves, they are actively engaged in different types sports. One of the families I lived in got up every morning at 4 in the morning and went to the gym or played basketball before work. Of course, it probably depends on the state. I know that the Vermont I've been to is considered one of the "healthiest" states.
As for the taste of food - during this time that I was in America, I ate in a completely different places- and in cheap eateries, and in expensive restaurants. Firstly, I did not get better at all during these three weeks. Secondly, the families where I lived followed very closely proper nutrition. Thirdly, the food was very tasty. Like this!

- Can you tell me something interesting about people? How are their moods, thoughts, lifestyle?

I was impressed that people there do a lot for various volunteer communities, for local projects. Another illustrative example: a woman wanted to get into one store, because it was quite cheap there, and she specified how to get there. To which the Americans answered her, they say, we do not recommend you buy something there, since there is not much good conditions for staff.
Also, for example, we were told about one ski resort (!), which, among other things, organized a special program for people with disabilities, both mental and physical. They use a variety of devices to make people with disabilities comfortable.

Or about the homeless - yes, they are here. But we can say that they do not pay off the problem, but help to solve it. The homeless receive money in exchange for a development plan, resume writing, training in a profession, and so on. The ultimate goal of all this is to get a job, which in many cases eventually turns out.

— By the way, did you smile more after your arrival?))
— Yes, of course!)) I knew about these stereotypes that smiles are not sincere. It seemed to me that they were really interested in our country, and sincerely smiled at me. Now, when I look at people at home, it seems to me that they are now fighting for survival. And they, in my opinion, have already passed this stage one way or another. Although, of course, there are different people there.

- In general, if you remember everything that happened during these three weeks - what is the most vivid impression?
— Hmm, I need to think about it… I really liked New York, I liked the people I met there… But the most vivid impression was the farewell and return)). For the first time in for many, many years I even shed a tear at the airport - I was so touched by the way we all said goodbye. That feeling when you spent so much time with good people and you realize that you may never be here again. And people - if you meet again, everything will be different.

“It seems to me that every journey changes a person a little and expands the boundaries of his consciousness. What do you think?

Yes, of course it changes. I was very impressed with a society where the level of education so strongly and so directly affects your income. And I thought that in any case it is very important not to stop in your development. I have seen people who are active even at the age of 70, they have their own companies, at this age they fly to Africa and so on.
We were warned that the first trip to America could be a culture shock. But I didn't have it. The shock came when I came back)) I still can’t understand why many of our people have such a lack of politeness and culture? With different eyes I looked at the shops, streets, houses and porches. Although it's not that important people are more important in these stores and on these streets. And everyone is floundering, pushing each other with their elbows... Although, as one American rightly said: "It's hard to think about volunteer projects and social responsibility when you have nothing to eat."

Of course, this trip was free for me, but money was paid for me, my ticket, accommodation - all this was sponsored by different companies. And in such trips, it is important to remember that experience, everything seen and heard should not be wasted, everything needs to be applied, try to transfer the experience to our realities and - who knows - maybe the world will become a little better?

And on his personal page, Alexey painted