When your palms sweat. Which doctor is better to contact? How is hyperhidrosis treated?

Background on why palms sweat

A fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon, especially for the beautiful half of humanity. It happens that you get nervous, get upset, and your hands immediately become wet and sticky. It's disgusting. Okay, if this is a one-time phenomenon that can be explained (although it’s not a sin to ask a question here too:?), But what to do when this happens all the time? What if the napkins do not help, you feel uncomfortable, but there is no way to cope with this on your own?

To begin with, we will determine what is the norm in this state. Why do the palms of the hands sweat normally? As a rule, they do not participate in the process of regulating body temperature, the whole body sweats, but not the legs and palms. Stress, fear, excitement, other emotions can also make your palms sweat for a while. In ordinary life, this can still be avoided somehow, but what if your work is directly related to hands (stenographers, for example, or drivers), and this greatly interferes? According to statistics, about 1-2% of people around the world suffer from hyperhidrosis, and women are more likely to suffer from this, it is understandable. In the normal state, sweating increases during exertion, in hot and stuffy weather (especially in guys), when spicy foods, hot, alcohol are taken orally, strong emotions affect, with fever, fever, and other similar diseases, uncomfortable or tight, breathable clothes and shoes (change to natural fabrics), unhealthy eating and drinking.

And although the causes of occurrence are thoroughly unknown, there are some guesses. But we know exactly how it is formed.

By the way, huh? Have you thought about it? The most accurate answer in our latest publication.

Why do palms sweat?

You may have impaired some of the functions of the body:

  • the pituitary gland, which is the main engine of all processes in the endocrine system, and affects the functioning of the glands, including sweat glands,
  • the endocrine system as a whole,
  • thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolism, iodine storage, and almost all functions in the body,
  • the adrenal gland, which regulates the body in stressful situations (if there is a failure, the body will not be able to defend itself and respond adequately, too much or little adrenaline is produced, and all functions work to the limit, so a lot of sweat is released, and palms sweat a lot),
  • autonomic nervous system (which is responsible for meaningful actions and movements, growth, internal organs).

Therefore it is necessary urgently to the endocrinologist. As you know, all systems are connected in such a way that if one comes out of a standing position, then the rest echo it, each one echoes some functions of the other.

If you sweat not only your palms, but also your feet, the reason may also be reduced or impaired blood circulation, and general impaired blood circulation in the body, or vegetative-vascular dystonia. If the feet sweat and emit a specific smell, then there is either a fungal disease of the feet, or lack of hygiene, or advanced hyperhidrosis. By the way, it can also be an infectious disease.

To determine how advanced the form of the disease you have (if it is hyperhidrosis), you can do a small test. Spread a small area of ​​skin with iodine, and hang a little starch on top, when sweat is released, these substances are stained, and judging by the spot, you can determine: if the spot is up to 10 cm in diameter, then your form of hyperhidrosis is weak, if more than 20 cm - severe degree.

In men, excessive sweating (especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms) can be a signal for tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, endocrine and nervous diseases. The kidneys can be sick because they are responsible for filtering and making urine, and due to dysfunction, the body has to get rid of excess water in the body through sweat. If you are not 150 kg in weight, and you are not obese, then there may still be increased nervousness, which helps produce adrenaline, and it starts all the disturbing processes. It is possible that sweating side effect from the drugs taken, or their overdose (for example, anti-inflammatory tablets, painkillers, painkillers, antipyretics). It is recommended to use body scrubs, tar and antibacterial soaps, and shower twice a day.

How and what to treat?

The fact is that you need to treat half of the body at once, this is almost the only snag. If you want - by the forces of official medicine, if you want - by grandmother's conspiracies. Medicine is not without flaws, but it treats the root cause of what is happening, while non-traditional medicine prefers to relieve symptoms and eliminate the consequences. But to be treated comprehensively and thoroughly will take time, and will borrow your money, because without health we are nothing. Doctors will prescribe you a bunch of tests and pills, which, most likely, your liver will fail, but your palms will not sweat;). Grandmothers will treat you with herbs and spring water, and look, without knowing it yourself, they will treat you with something else at the same time. Doctors most often use (in general cases) a solution of formalin, tannin, potassium permanganate, glutaraldehyde, but this is temporary, you need to know and weigh how much to drink, and after a while everything returns to normal. This only temporarily removes the effects of a painful condition, if your hands are constantly sweating, this will not help. They came up with the idea of ​​injecting Botox into the skin (the same one that the stars inject into their lips and chest), which paralyzes nerve endings and blocks the production of sweat, but this lasts for a couple of months. A completely radical method is surgical, however, it is not clear what to cut, because the problem is in the glands, and the fine tuning of the body, there is nothing to cut there.

The drug Drydry, the IonStreamer iontophoresis device is also often advised (before use, consult your doctor, it may not help in your case, or it is harmful!). In fact, the reasons can be very different different people, it all depends on the rest of the body and internal organs.

Traditional medicine advises using two in one - the sun and sea salt, in other words, hints at going on vacation to the sea. But! Do not use artificial tans, this is not the case when the dose of radiation must be received at any cost. And what if the sun is contraindicated?

You can make solutions at home and lubricate problem areas of the skin: lemon juice, ammonia, oak bark, table vinegar, infusion of black tea, sage are mixed per liter of water. After processing, wipe your hands dry and sleep with talcum powder. You can additionally make baths with birch infusion, leave your hands to dry on their own. You can try making a homemade cream with herbs that are brewed, mixed with oils, or other ingredients, and used as directed. The only negative is that such creams are not stored for a long time, and they must be made one serving at a time, and not with a margin. Or better yet, leave it to the professionals.

Make a mask of blue Cambrian clay, as for the face, only for problem areas.

Steam your hands and feet in a decoction of nettle and calendula.

As a preventive measure, it is advised: wash your hands with mild soap, use special wipes, powder, which athletes use when working.

An interesting method is called drion-maishna, that is, a procedure where a person is placed in a bath with water and a current passed through it at a very low intensity, but sufficient to stimulate important organs and systems of the body.

Note: we solve the question "" in our next article!

Video: How to deal with excessive sweating

Hyperhidrosis of the palms is the name of the condition in which the palms of the hands begin to sweat. According to scientists, this condition can be observed for several reasons. And this is stress or an attempt by the body to normalize its own body temperature.

You have probably observed such a paradox - when you start to get nervous, worry before some important event or are afraid of something, your hands sweat. This phenomenon is completely natural, due to its appearance by a strong excitation of the central nervous system, which activates the production of special sweat glands. Why it happens? And is it possible to get rid of this disease once and for all, which always “gives us away” to others? Let's try to figure this out.

The human body is a complex mechanism, the work of which is not given to everyone to understand. Each of its organs is responsible for a specific function. However, everything is interconnected. This also applies to the sweat glands.

In humans, they are of three types:

  • eccrine;
  • apocrine;
  • apoeccrine.

Even though all these types perform the same function (produce sweat), there is a difference between them, and this should be understood. After all, only a certain group affects the fact that palms sweat during emotional stress.

The main part of the sweat glands in the human body are the eccrine glands. They perform their specific role - they control the internal temperature of the body.

They are mainly located on the palms, forehead and soles. It is this group of sweat glands that leads to the fact that your hands begin to sweat when you are excited. When their activity is activated, we can observe a transparent liquid on the surface of the skin, which does not have the smell characteristic of sweat. It quickly evaporates in the air, thereby cooling the body from the inside and maintaining the optimum temperature in it.

Apocrine glands are located in the armpits and genitals. They also produce a colorless liquid, but only of a thicker consistency. It is odorless and comes out from the inside of the body through the hair follicles.

But how then does the smell appear in this area? Everything is very simple. It is not formed by the sweat glands themselves, but by the bacteria that are on the skin at that moment and contribute to the decomposition of this very fluid. This results in an unpleasant odor.

Apocrine glands are located next to the apocrine glands. Their peculiarity is that they can produce sweat in very large quantities. What function these glands perform, scientists have not yet fully established. But they were able to identify a link between the work of the apoeccrine glands and a disease such as axillary hyperhidrosis.

The work of all types of sweat glands directly depends on the state of the central nervous system. Nerve tissue is located next to them. When it is excited, the work of the sweat glands is activated and we begin to sweat.

And the palms begin to sweat as a result of the sweat glands receiving a signal from the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated as a result of the flow of information from the hypothalamus brain that it is time to work.

When a person experiences stress (no matter what, whether it be excitement or fear), the sympathetic system is immediately activated in the body. This also leads to the fact that the eccrine glands begin to actively produce sweat.

It should be noted that sweating resulting from elevated temperature organism and its emotional state are interconnected. However, there is a difference between them.
Sweating that occurs against the background of emotional excitability does not depend on the temperature regime of the body. When stressed, you experience excitement, but in order to overcome it, you do not need to cool your body at all. As a result, sweat appears on the palms and soles.

Such a complex mechanism of the sweat glands greatly helped people who previously obtained their food by hunting animals. The sweat on their palms helped them reduce friction on their weapons, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury of various kinds. Therefore, we can say that the sweating of the palms simply rescued our ancestors.

And besides, through our sweat glands, the accumulation of which can lead to severe intoxication of internal organs. So if you notice that your palms are sweating from time to time, remember, this means only one thing - your body is working properly.

It is very difficult to determine the cause of the development of this disease, because the human nervous system is complex. Therefore, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is better to invent remedies that give temporary results than to try to find a "needle in a haystack."

Most often, the development of hyperhidrosis is associated with a violation of the functionality of the autonomic system. And they can be caused by a variety of factors. For example:

  • acute and chronic pathologies;
  • frequent nervous strain;
  • hormonal disorders caused by puberty and menopause;
  • misalignment of certain groups of neurons.

The development of all these conditions occurs due to frequent stress, poor ecology, malnutrition, and the presence of bad habits.

In addition, increased sweating can be observed with the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood and taking certain medications. And it will be good if you manage to still establish the cause of the appearance of this ailment. After all, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to eliminate not the symptoms themselves, but the cause that led to their appearance.

How to get rid of sweaty palms?

Sweating of the palms today is treated with the most different ways. And for this, drugs are often used.

The most common of these are solutions for external use such as aluminum hexachloride and glutaraldehyde. You can also use solutions containing tannin and formalin, which are known for their toxicity and can quickly get rid of sweating, but, unfortunately, only for a short time.

It is worth using such funds very carefully, because they can lead to the destruction of the upper layers of the epidermis, as well as cause itching, burning and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.

According to doctors, at the moment there is not a single drug that could once and for all save a person from sweating hands. And this is quite justified, since in order to eliminate the effect, you must first get rid of the root cause. And unfortunately, it is not possible to determine it.

If your hands sweat a lot, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants and anticholinergics, which have a blocking effect on the nerve endings, as a result of which this ailment disappears. Do not forget that all these drugs have side effects. And you will be very lucky if in your case only drowsiness or dry mouth will appear.

Botox is not only a means to combat wrinkles. It is quite often used by dermatologists to block the sweat glands. If this drug is injected into the palms of the hands, they will stop sweating as long as it works.

At the same time, the effect of the use of Botox can last up to six months, and its cost is only a few thousand rubles. But do not forget that any intervention in the human body can lead to various complications. At least with the introduction of Botox, this is observed in 5% of cases.

Using the drone

Another modern way to get rid of excessive sweating. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, into which a special solution is poured and hands are immersed in it. The effect is achieved due to the impact on the body of an electric current.

As a result of this, the charged ions weaken the work of the sweat glands and sweat stops.

Surgical treatment for excessive sweating

Yes Yes. This method of getting rid of sweaty palms also exists. This operation is called sympathectomy. It is done on the chest area, where the nerve endings are located, activating the work of the sebaceous glands.

During the operation, elements of the sympathetic nervous system, which belongs to the autonomic system, are removed. Naturally, there are many consequences of such an intervention, and it is up to you to decide whether to resort to such a cardinal method.

If you have excessive sweating of the palms, then you can get rid of this ailment with the help of traditional medicine.

IN this case hand baths with the addition of sea salt help well. At the same time, you need to take them in such a way that direct sunlight falls on your hands. So do them better in summer on the street.

Baths with lemon juice are also considered effective. They are getting ready in the following way- for 1 liter of warm water you need to add 1 tbsp. lemon juice. You can dip your hands in this solution and hold them in it for about 10 minutes, or you can simply soak a towel in it and wipe your palms with it. After passing this procedure, hands should be treated with camphor alcohol.

It is worth noting that instead of lemon juice, you can also use infusions of oak bark, birch buds or sage leaves.

From excessive sweating of the hands, contrast baths help well. Prepare two containers. Pour hot water into one and cold water into the other. Then lower your hands first into one bath, then into another, holding them in each for 1-2 minutes.

If your skin is not too sensitive, then you can try the salt water rinse on yourself. In one glass hot water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. salt, and then rinse your hands with this solution 2 times a day. After the procedure, do not dry your hands with a towel. They should dry naturally.

In addition, at home, you can use creams and ointments that you will need to prepare yourself. To prepare the ointment, you will need to mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice and medical alcohol with 2 tbsp. glycerin. Mix the resulting mixture well and use it every time after washing your hands.

You can also prepare a cream that will not only save you from excessive sweating, but will also have a beneficial effect on your skin. To prepare it, you will need to make an infusion of any herbs in advance.

Take 2 tbsp. herbal infusion and mix it with lard twisted in a meat grinder (50 g will be enough). You will also need 2 tsp. castor oil and 1 tbsp. natural honey.

Mix all these ingredients thoroughly, put them in a clean container with a tight lid, and place it in the refrigerator. After the cream has acquired the desired consistency, use it every night before bed.

It is worth noting that the use of folk remedies for getting rid of excessive sweating is slow, and therefore you should not expect a miracle from them after the first use. They should be used regularly for 4-6 weeks. You can evaluate the first results after a week of applying creams or ointments.

Excessive sweating of the hands is not a pathology, but may indicate various disorders in the body, in particular the autonomic system. Therefore, do not leave this symptom unattended.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to identify the cause of palm sweating, it is still worth getting tested and making sure that you have no pathologies. If they are still found, immediately begin their treatment. And soon you will notice that the sweat on the palms has stopped.

Video on how to treat hyperhidrosis

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When asked why palms sweat, no one can give you a definite answer. To identify the true cause, a comprehensive examination and delivery of some tests will be required. Only after that, the patient can be prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which, of course, will bring the expected effect.

If the patient goes to the hospital, wanting to find out the reason why the palms are sweating, or too much, the doctor is more likely to assume hyperhidrosis. It is for this disease that these symptoms are characteristic. It is worth noting that hyperhidrosis can be of two types:

  • general;
  • localized.

The diagnosis of "general hyperhidrosis" can be made if the patient's palms sweat, at a time when he is very upset, tense, or in a state of nervous stress. Also, his palms sweat a lot, with excessive physical exertion, high air temperatures, during illness and general malaise.

Localized hyperhidrosis manifests itself somewhat differently. If in the first case, a person’s palms sweat a lot, then here, legs also join them, the patient also complains that his feet are sweating. Patients are often interested in: why does this disease occur? The causes of localized hyperhidrosis can be both physiological, most often associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased work of the adrenal glands, or disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland, and justified by an increase in the hormone adrenaline in the blood. The reasons for this are frequent or chronic stress, nervous strain, overwork, etc.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

The main causes of exacerbation of hyperhidrosis:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • genetic disorders;
  • chronic stress, or nervous strain;
  • mental stress.

Which doctor is better to contact?

If your palms and feet sweat, then the best solution would be to seek advice from a therapist or a neurologist. It is these specialists who should be involved in the appointment required examination, as well as in deciding on further treatment of the disease.

It is possible that a genetic predisposition to the appearance of this disease will be established. To find out why you suffer from hyperhidrosis, you need to take into account also hereditary factor. For example, if your parents complained that their feet or palms sweat from the slightest excitement, or for no apparent reason at all, then most likely you inherited this unpleasant symptom from them.

Treating Excessive Sweating

If you notice that your palms and feet are sweating and this causes you significant discomfort, then the first thing to do is seek help from a specialist. After all, such an unpleasant symptom can bring a lot of inconvenience. For example, constantly wet palms often become the reason that a person avoids an elementary handshake. At the same time, when the feet sweat, this very unpleasant phenomenon can cause even more inconvenience. After all excessive sweating spreading to the feet can cause an unpleasant odor and other undesirable manifestations.

Despite the fact that in our time, in any pharmacy you can find a whole arsenal of means to reduce sweating: antiperspirants, sprays, lotions, deodorants, special medicinal formulations containing hydrocortisone, etc., you need to treat the causes of the disease, not their symptom. This is exactly what experienced neurologists and psychotherapists think. Why? Everything is very simple: the true reason that the patient's palms sweat heavily, often lies precisely in the imbalance of the human psyche.

Treating hyperhidrosis can take a long time. It requires an integrated approach and accuracy in compliance with all regulations and recommendations. It is necessary to do regular treatment and preventive procedures, use special means, lotions and sprays that need to be applied to the palms, medicines, etc.

Medical methods

Sweating can be treated with Botox injections. This should be done by a specialist in a medical institution. This drug is widely used to make the skin of the face smoother and younger. appearance. This is achieved by blocking the work of nearby muscles. However, not many people know that with the help of Botox you can get rid of hyperhidrosis.

Why Botox? Everything is very simple: the introduction of this drug contributes to the disruption of the full transmission of the nerve impulse to the sweat gland. Consequently, the signal to produce sweat does not reach its final goal, which means that sweat will not flow through the glands to the surface of the skin.

In some cases, the problem can be solved by using special medicines. For example, a doctor may recommend make lotions or compresses on the feet, or wipe the palms with a solution of theanine, glutaraldehyde, aluminum hexachloride, etc. However, these drugs are very strong allergens and help to cope with the problem only on certain period. This explains why this way of solving the problem is often not considered at all. Especially if hyperhidrosis is very pronounced, or has a hereditary character. Doing lotions every 4-5 hours, if your legs, or rather, feet, sweat a lot, it will simply not be convenient for the patient, and the more rare use of drugs may become completely inappropriate. Sweaty feet can be, among other things, the cause of the development of foot fungus.

IN last years, more and more radical methods of treating hyperhidrosis began to be used, especially when not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms, but also the legs are highly susceptible to it. It is worth noting that surgical methods of getting rid of this scourge can be considered the most effective. According to statistics, more than 95% of patients who resorted to this method of treatment completely got rid of the problem.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the legs and palms requires the indispensable intervention of specialists - general practitioners, endocrinologists and neurologists. It is worth noting that it is not possible to solve the problem with the help of traditional medicine. Of course, you can try to relieve the symptoms, but if you do not identify and eliminate true reason diseases, they will return again, in a few days or hours.

Indeed, excessive sweating is not a pleasant phenomenon. Some people even shy away from handshakes and romantic encounters because of this. If your palms are sweating, what should you do? Should I see a doctor or decide on my own? In fact, in most cases, doctors have answers to the question: “What should I do in order not to sweat?” In particular, sweating is not necessarily a pathology, but may be a specific property of the human nervous system.

Also, you should probably be aware that sweating is a normal function of the human body, due to which it cools down. I recall one article in which the signs of representatives were listed. One of the signs, in addition to blond hair and blue color eye, there was increased sweating. This is to the fact that someone considers such a manifestation of the body almost a virtue.

And yet, if you still have what to do? You may not need to do anything, but just wash your hands more often. This phenomenon may be due to the characteristics of the organism. However, there is such a pathology as hyperhidrosis.


Translated from Greek, hyperhidrosis literally means "excessive sweat" or excessive sweating. This pathology is divided into general and localized.

  • General hyperhidrosis is manifested under the influence of physical and emotional stress, high temperature and certain diseases, including tuberculosis and lesions of the nervous system. It is easy to guess that in this case, if the hands are sweating, only the doctor knows what to do. You need to be treated, right?
  • Localized hyperhidrosis in its most common forms - it can be provoked by wearing rubber or tight shoes, neglect of hygiene, wearing synthetic clothing.

Hyperhidrosis can contribute to the occurrence of fungal skin lesions.

Specialists will try to choose a complex treatment for each case.

And in some cases, if a person has sweaty palms, he knows very well what to do. For example, I know a guy who simply systematically abuses low-alcohol drinks. Sweat literally pours down his face, and his palms are constantly wet. But he himself says that as soon as he stops drinking a lot of beer, the sweating returns to normal.

Causes increased sweating

  • Strong anxiety, fear, stress.
  • Intense mental work.
  • Unusual climatic conditions. Heat.
  • Too spicy or hot food.
  • Overweight.

Question: If the palms are systematically sweating, what should I do? The weight is normal, I do not abuse alcohol.

Answer: If you think that this is a pathology and you do not know the cause, then make an appointment with the appropriate specialist for a diagnosis. The fact is that such a disease as hyperhidrosis is detected only in medical institutions.

Ways to eliminate the problem of excessive sweating

  • The use of special deodorants.
  • Various solutions.
  • Appropriate procedures.

Traditional medicine methods from my grandmother. If your palms sweat a lot

  • Prepare this solution: 0.5 tbsp. table vinegar per 2 liters cold water. Twice a day, keep your hands in the prepared solution.
  • Keep your hands systematically in a decoction of sage or oak bark.
  • Ointment: glycerin - ½ part, lemon juice - ¼, medical alcohol - ¼ part. Mix all. After each hand wash, wipe the palms.

Grandmother claimed that in this way she personally, having shown due patience and perseverance, completely got rid of such problems with her hands.


Still, probably, it should be remembered that in some cases the problem of increased sweating can only be solved by a specialist. You definitely won't be ashamed of doctors. Also keep in mind regular hygiene procedures. I wish you great health!

In almost all countries, among civilized people, it is customary to shake hands when meeting. If a person's palms sweat a lot, this gives self-doubt, discomfort when shaking hands and other inconveniences. If a person began to feel the frequently occurring wetness of the hands, especially the palms, one should not ignore the problem and endure the uncomfortable sensation. Modern medicine is developed at the proper level, and the use of folk methods to eliminate sweaty palms has not been canceled. If you treat the problem immediately, the disease quickly recedes, and the person again becomes self-confident.

What does it mean if your palms sweat? This question interests everyone who has ever felt a similar problem, and according to statistics, this is one percent of the world's population in the age range of 15-55 years. Sweating - natural process maintaining the functionality of the entire human body. Sweating takes an active role in ensuring the water-salt balance, maintains body temperature.

The release of sweat in a healthy person is moderate, increased work of the sweat glands indicates the presence of a pathological phenomenon in the body. With heavily sweating palms, it is appropriate to talk about the occurrence of local hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). What causes excessive sweating of the palms? The causes of excessive sweating of the palms should be considered separately for men and women.

Causes of sweaty palms in men

Wet palms can be a manifestation of household and medical hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating of the household type occurs if:

  • The man is overweight. Completeness can be caused by a metabolic failure and the psychological pressure of people around;
  • Wearing synthetic clothing. In the body there is a violation of air exchange and thermoregulation;
  • Unbalanced nutrition. The palms sweat a lot after eating spicy or salty foods, as well as coffee.

Medical hyperhidrosis of the palms can be a symptom of:

A man's palms may also sweat after antibiotic treatment. This is due to the fact that antibiotics kill not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora in the body. The intestines are the first to feel it, the immune forces weaken and the sweat glands begin to work actively, provoking hyperhidrosis in different places, including on the palms.

Genetic inheritance cannot be ruled out heavy sweating palms. The disease manifests itself in early age, and is maximally expressed during the period of hormonal changes in the body. The course of hereditary hyperhidrosis cannot be influenced by external factors.

Causes of sweaty palms in women

Due to the characteristics of the body, women face the problem much more often than men. The causes of hyperhidrosis of the palms can be exactly the same, household and medical factors, the description of which was given above (for men). In addition to the factors already listed, a woman's palms sweat if:

If an increase in sweating on the palms is observed during physical exertion, sports activities or in hot weather, this is considered a normal reaction of the body.

What to do if the palms of the hands sweat?

If there is a suspicion of the development of a disease in the body (medical factor of hyperhidrosis) and sweating of the palms acts as a symptom of another pathology, you should consult a doctor. For consultation and examination, you need to contact a therapist, endocrinologist or neuropathologist. The doctor will make the main diagnosis, determine the degree of development of the disease and prescribe a complex medical measures to eliminate the disease.

If the doctor suspects the development of hyperhidrosis, then the degree of the disease can be determined by a simple diagnostic method - Minor's test. To do this, cover a dry hand with iodine, wait until it dries completely and cover with starch on top. A chemical reaction will take place, as a result of which the hand will become purple. The size of the painted surface indicates the degree of the disease: initial (less than 10 cm), moderate (within 20 cm), severe (more than 20 cm).

If hyperhidrosis of the palms is not a symptom of another disease, personal hygiene measures should first be reviewed. You can also apply medication and try to eliminate sweating. folk remedies. Recently, doctors have begun to use innovative methods in the treatment of profuse sweating. Further details about each.

Hand hygiene with profuse sweating

Personal hygiene measures include cleanliness of the body and hands. Shower daily and wash your hands as often as possible. During the hot season water procedures exercise more often than usual. The best way to wash your hands is to use natural-based products, or laundry soap. The latter dries the skin and kills almost all harmful bacteria that can settle on the palms. To reduce sweating of the hands, you can use special deodorants, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To reduce sweating, the water in the shower should not be hot, as such water expands the pores through which sweat is released. After taking a shower or washing your hands separately, sprinkle your palms with baby talc or boric acid in granules. Salt baths are effective for hyperhidrosis at the rate of 3 tablespoons of sea salt per liter of water. You can do salt baths only for hands. Water should be at room temperature, the procedure itself lasts 15-20 minutes.

Medications and physiotherapy

Now let's look at how you can get rid of sweating palms with the help of medications and physiotherapy:

  • If stress or psycho-emotional stress was the cause of hyperhidrosis of the palms, a course of treatment with sedative drugs (antidepressants, anticholinergics) will be effective against sweating. Such drugs block the work of nerve endings, thereby nullifying sweating in the palms and not only;
  • Blocking sweating with a solution of aluminum hexochloride, glutaraldehyde. Substances have a temporary effect, with excessive dosage they can cause itching and an allergic reaction on the skin;
  • Physiotherapeutic method iontophoresis - cleans the pores of the epidermis, normalizes the functionality of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • Replacement therapy with hormonal drugs can stabilize the condition and eliminate the pathology;
  • Gymnastics for hands. Circular movements of the hands different sides, clenching and unclenching the fingers into a fist, warming up the palms by rubbing them against each other, tensing the hands when squeezing the hands into a fist - all exercises will not only reduce sweating, but also make the hands graceful.

Folk remedies for sweating palms

If your palms are constantly sweating, you can choose the best folk way to eliminate such a problem:

Innovative Methods

American dermatologists have introduced into practice an original way to combat hyperhidrosis of the palms - Botox injections. Domestic specialists have successfully adopted foreign experience. The procedure for blocking sweating consists in injecting the drug into the palms of the hands or another part of the body. Botox is valid for 6-9 months, it is during this period of time that you can forget what sweating of the palms is. The disadvantage of the procedure can only be attributed to its high cost.

Drion apparatus. A person suffering from the disease hyperhidrosis is immersed in water three times a week, where the body is subjected to a weak effect of an electric current. After the procedure, sweat production stops for a while. The procedure can be performed separately on the hands.