How to get rid of oily sheen. How to get rid of excessive sweating of the face: effective methods.

If the face sweats, what should I do? Indeed, in almost every person in various situations, numerous droplets of sweat sometimes appear on the forehead. It is necessary and natural process. However, increased localized sweating of the front of the head significantly complicates life, causing great inconvenience, causing a lot of complexes in a person, since interlocutors and people around them first of all pay attention to the face. It is very difficult to hide this problem, since this part of the body is always in sight.

Causes of craniofacial hyperhidrosis

Localized increased sweating often develops in people of any age. Excess sweat on the face is produced as a result of the intensive functioning of the nervous system, which regulates sweating. Each person sweats individually. Causes of primary excessive sweating persons are:

  1. Most often it is an unexplained etiology. The person is absolutely healthy, but the problem of excessive sweating persists.
  2. congenital feature of the body.
  3. Elevated temperature environment.
  4. Eating hot food.
  5. Inappropriate diet. A number of foods increase sweating: strong coffee, tea, Coca-Cola, hot spices, spices and other nutrients.
  6. Increased physical activity.

Secondary hyperhidrosis of the face develops against the background of previous ailments and painful conditions:

  1. Various chronic diseases of systems and internal organs (hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma).
  2. Menopause in women.
  3. Disruptions in the hormonal system.
  4. The sweat glands of the face respond to emotional outbursts and neurotic disorders.
  5. Intoxication as a result of colds, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, oncological diseases.
  6. Taking drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors.
  7. Allergic skin reaction to cosmetics.

Treatment for excessive sweating

What to do with the development of hyperhidrosis of the face:

  1. The cause of craniofacial hyperhidrosis needs to be determined.
  2. Primary facial sweating is a natural condition. You don't need to fight him.
  3. It is important to strictly observe all the requirements of personal hygiene.
  4. To blot sweat from the neck, face, you need to have paper, sanitary napkins or a cotton handkerchief with you.
  5. It is helpful to wash your face frequently with cool water to remove perspiration from the surface of the skin.
  6. The room must be well ventilated.

How to deal with secondary facial hyperhidrosis? The doctor should choose ways that will help eliminate the cause of craniofacial hyperhidrosis or allow you to somewhat reduce, smooth out the symptoms. copious excretion moisture by the sweat glands of the skin of the face.

  1. In secondary hyperhidrosis, you need to treat the disease that causes increased sweating.
  2. Deodorants do not help with profuse sweating on the face. They only temporarily block the unpleasant smell of sweat, mask it, as they contain flavors: extracts of fruits, herbs, menthol.
  3. help medical antiperspirants that block sweating. They are sold in pharmacies and are intended for application to certain areas of the body. Most often, these preparations contain aluminum salts. You need to pay attention to the concentration of these substances in antiperspirants. It should not be lower than 15%. Such preparations do not need to be applied every day. Their action is enough for 4-5 days.
  4. Medical face antiperspirants are creams that contain glycopyrrolate. The product should be applied in the evening before going to bed on dry, clean skin. The substance enters the pores of the sweat glands and forms plugs there, which have the necessary effect.
  5. You can use laser correction of facial hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis.
  6. The doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs.
  7. Usually, in the treatment of facial hyperhidrosis, a special technology of intradermal injection of botulinum neurotoxin is successfully used. The drug botulinum toxin prevents the release of acetylcholine by nerve endings. It blocks the transmission of excitation from the nerve fiber to the sweat gland. For 3-5 days, sweating on the face will stop. There are many drugs that contain this drug in microdoses.
  8. The most commonly used injections are Botox or Dysport. These preparations contain highly purified botulinum neurotoxins combined with hemagglutinin. Getting intradermally, this drug binds to the nerve endings of the sweat glands and blocks the release of acetylcholine. The secretion of sweat on the face decreases and stops. The effect of these drugs begins on the second day after the procedure. The maximum effect lasts up to two years. After the first injection, the result is usually observed within 6-9 months. This procedure is completely safe and painless. It is performed within 30-40 minutes. Usually such an injection is done in the spring once a year. It significantly improves the quality of life and attitude of a person. He stops constantly thinking about this problem. It stops smelling. This method has received the greatest popularity all over the world.

If your face sweats a lot, this may be an alarm signal from the body that you need to listen to. This syndrome negatively affects the social, personal, social life person.

Today you can choose various options solve the problem and get effective treatment.

Everyone, without exception, is familiar with the situation when droplets of sweat appear on the forehead and temples. This happens after playing sports, in the heat, during heavy physical exertion, or just in moments of excitement. But some people suffer from such a nuisance all the time, that is, the skin can become wet at any time for no apparent reason. This is a real misfortune that causes a lot of inconvenience: an unpleasant smell of sweat, makeup instability, shyness with the subsequent development of internal complexes, endless treatment, spending on various means, etc. In medicine, this disease is called differently: facial hyperhidrosis, sweaty face syndrome, graniofacial hyperhidrosis. To get rid of its symptoms once and for all, you first have to find out its causes.

Causes of facial hyperhidrosis

Because causes facial hyperhidrosis can be very different, they formed the basis for the classification of this disease.

Primary facial hyperhidrosis

It is a consequence of the following factors that provoke improper functioning of the sweat glands on the face:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • heredity;
  • minor disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Primary facial hyperhidrosis is much more difficult to treat. If the problem is in the nervous system, specialists will be able to solve it. Another thing is genetics and heredity, the consequences of which are most often irreversible.

Secondary facial hyperhidrosis

The causes of secondary facial hyperhidrosis usually lie on the surface and are easily determined by the carriers themselves. It can be:

  • unsatisfactory state of health (various diseases);
  • taking certain powerful medications;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system, dictated by pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • thyroid disease;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overweight;
  • heart diseases;
  • excessive use of food additives;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • negative skin reaction to cosmetics.

The very first cause of secondary facial hyperhidrosis (poor health) should be described in more detail. Then you will know for sure which diseases lead to the pathology of the sweat glands. They can become:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma (hormonal tumor of the adrenal glands);
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly (dysfunction of the pituitary gland);
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis (infection of the body with microbes);
  • malaria;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • focal brain lesions;
  • syringomyelia (a chronic disease of the nervous system, when cavities appear in the spinal cord);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • neurosyphilis;
  • stroke;
  • peripheral neuropathies;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

So doctors quite accurately determine the causes, why hyperhidrosis occurs faces. They can be both internal factors lying inside the body (diseases of internal organs) and external (living conditions, climate, habits). If you had to face this misfortune, even before visiting a doctor, try to understand for yourself what is happening with your body: review all your possible illnesses, analyze the habits and lifestyle of the last two weeks. Surely there are factors that led to disruption of the subcutaneous glands and excessive sweating. But how can you be sure that you have hyperhidrosis?

Origin of name. The term "hyperhidrosis" is related to the ancient Greek words "ὑπερ" (excessively, strongly) and "ἱδρώς" (sweat).

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture of facial hyperhidrosis is difficult to confuse with the symptoms of any other disease. Depending on the severity of the signs and the level of neglect of the pathology, several stages are distinguished.

  1. I (light) degree: the face does not sweat too much, it is almost imperceptible from the side, although the carrier of the disease experiences a lot of discomfort.
  2. II (medium) degree: drops of sweat on the face are felt more often, at the most unexpected and inopportune moments; those around you may already notice a forehead that is wet for no reason at all; this causes shyness and the beginning of the development of internal complexes.
  3. III (severe) degree: facial hyperhidrosis is accompanied by an unpleasant sour smell characteristic of sweat; occurs for no reason many times a day; drops flow down the collar, do not allow to apply cosmetics and make-up; cause anxiety and irritation.

The main symptom of facial hyperhidrosis (sweating at different times of the day) may be accompanied by additional symptoms, which, in turn, may indicate some serious illness. So listen to your body if you are faced with this scourge. Here's what can happen to him:

  • the slightest stress leads to a powerful increase in hyperhidrosis: a run from light perspiration to sweat in a hail - no more than a minute;
  • night sweats can be a signal of tuberculosis;
  • sourish, rather unpleasant smell;
  • if fever, swollen lymph nodes, cough are observed in parallel, it is worth checking for infection;
  • severe redness of the face;
  • skin infectious or fungal diseases manifest themselves not only as hyperhidrosis, but also with itching, pain, and scaling;
  • the skin is most often moist, cold and unpleasant to the touch;
  • with the development of the disease, the skin of the face acquires a bluish, very painful shade.

Almost all symptoms facial hyperhidrosis are unpleasant. This pathology spoils the appearance, makes women forget about their attractiveness. That is why I so want to get rid of it by any means as much as possible. short time. Is it possible? After contacting a specialist - yes, after he diagnoses the disease.

Stubborn statistics . According to surveys, about 65% of people suffering from facial hyperhidrosis live with this disease all their lives, without going to doctors, as they are sure that this is an incurable feature of the body.

Diagnostic measures

Professional diagnostics facial hyperhidrosis includes the following activities:

  1. Visual examination of the skin of the face.
  2. Questioning about hereditary predisposition. If available, a genetic analysis is ordered.
  3. Evapometry - assessment of the rate of transepidermal moisture loss (indicated in the analyzes as TEWL) using special devices. However, this diagnostic method is very expensive.
  4. The Minor test is an invasive starch iodide test.
  5. The ninhydrin test is rarely used to diagnose facial hyperhidrosis, usually for the palmar or plantar.
  6. Blood tests: general, biochemistry, for sugar, for hormonal composition.
  7. Biopsy of the skin of the face from the area most susceptible to hyperhidrosis.

It remains only to find out which doctor to contact in facial hyperhidrosis, to pass all these tests and make sure the diagnosis is correct. This problem can be solved by a therapist, neurologist, dermatologist or endocrinologist. So make an appointment with them first. If comorbidities are identified during the initial diagnostics, you will be referred to other specialists.

Analysis, numbers... Normally, TEWL should be 12 g/m. If the indicator reaches 40g / m, this is a symptom of serious disorders inside the body.

Treatment of facial hyperhidrosis

Comprehensive facial hyperhidrosis treatment allows you to achieve a complete recovery after a few months. The main thing is to obey the doctors in everything, follow their advice and not self-medicate.


  • Formidron - antiseptic solution;
  • Formagel - disinfectant and antiseptic gel;
  • facial hyperhidrosis treatment laser;
  • anticholinergics: atropine, scopolamine, tubocurarine, ipratropium bromide, pentamine, pirenzepine, platifillin;
  • injections of botulinum toxin, dysport (you will have to pay from $80 to $350 for them);
  • surgery is also not always effective, since hyperhidrosis can then manifest itself in any other place on the body (armpits, on the palms, feet, etc.);
  • drugs that reduce sweating: Oxybutin, Benzotropin, Beta-blockers - but after their use there are a lot of side effects;
  • medicines with belladonna (belladonna) extract: Belloid, Bellaspon, Bellataminal;
  • soothing herbs: motherwort, valerian.


  • Hypnosis;
  • yoga;
  • meditation;
  • training for a positive attitude;
  • affirmations for every day.


  • Coniferous-salt baths;
  • iontophoresis does not guarantee a complete recovery: the effect lasts about a month;
  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrotherapy;
  • climatotherapy;
  • hydroprocedures.

Folk remedies

  • Fitovanny. Add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath, which have soothing properties and are beneficial for the skin: oak bark, chamomile, thyme, string.
  • Herbal tincture. Mix 10 grams of dry chopped mint, sage, oak bark. Pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour. Strain, add 100 g of vodka. Wipe the face with tincture twice a day. Keep refrigerated.
  • Birch mask. 50 g of young birch leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Squeeze, apply the green mass on the face for half an hour. Do it in a day.
  • cosmetic ice. 50 g of young birch leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Strain. Pour the infusion into ice molds, leave in the freezer. Wipe your face with birch cubes every morning.
  • Protein mask. Whipped raw protein is mixed with 20 grams of starch, 5 ml of lemon juice. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  • Cucumber Rubs. Wipe the face with slices of fresh cucumber 2-3 times a day.
  • silver water. In the evening put in a glass liter jar water in a small silver spoon. Wash your face with this water in the morning.

Self-treatment of facial hyperhidrosis folk remedies does not guarantee a complete recovery. Be sure to connect medications and professional therapies. Only in this case positive results are possible. In the absence of complex timely treatment, complications are not excluded.

Medical educational program. Osmidrosis - this is the name of the unpleasant smell of human sweat.

Complications and consequences

serious complications after hyperhidrosis Faces arise at incorrectly appointed treatment or at all its absence. This behavior can lead to:

  • psychological discomfort, which later turns into a restriction of communication with others and depression;
  • neuroses;
  • fungal lesions of the epidermis;
  • skin irritation;
  • multi-colored deprive.

So sad consequences hyperhidrosis of the face turn into serious health problems. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of this disease appear, you should immediately go to the hospital for help and undergo a course of treatment. And always remember about prevention.

About complications. Hyperhidrosis creates excessive moisture on the skin, which in turn activates the yeast-like fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor.

Regular prevention hyperhidrosis of the face can reduce the risk of the disease several times. It involves the following rules:

  1. cure any disease to the end;
  2. actively engage in sports;
  3. do not abuse smoking and alcohol;
  4. be outdoors every day;
  5. Healthy food;
  6. regularly strengthen the immune system;
  7. drink vitamins;
  8. avoid experiences, nervous breakdowns, stressful situations.

Only a specialist can tell you for sure how to get rid of facial hyperhidrosis in your particular case. After all, the appointment of the same medicines largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the state of health of the patient. It is strictly forbidden to take any drugs on your own. Remember that the skin of the face is your calling card, with which you are greeted by others. You can not treat it lightly, as well as live with pathology for many years, refusing professional treatment.

Fighting sweating is not only possible, but necessary. Firstly, this is a rather serious cosmetic defect. Secondly, hyperhidrosis can be a signal of a serious disease starting in the body. Often the main cause of excessive sweating is stress and anxiety. They negatively affect the functioning of the human nervous system, as a result of which breathing is accelerated, the heartbeat increases, and appetite is disturbed. The nervous system is also responsible for the thermoregulation of the body, therefore it is also responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In a state of stress, the work of the glands is noticeably accelerated, and sweating increases.

Why sweating makes you mad

Quite often, those who complain of excessive sweating note not so much excessive sweating as the fact that it is accompanied by a sharp and unpleasant odor. One has only to have a not very pleasant conversation or perform an energetic dance, as the body begins to smell sharply.

The appearance of smell is connected with the fact that during stress, the sebaceous glands secrete not only sweat, but also a lipid secretion. It is he who is a favorable area for the reproduction of bacteria. They, in turn, become a source of an unpleasant odor.

You can fight the smell with the help of special antiperspirants. And be sure to do this so that people do not run away from you. In addition, do not neglect the frequent showering.

To combat excessive sweating, which can occur with too much stress or excitement, it is worth using the entire available arsenal of means - from cosmetics to medicines. First of all, you need to take care of the normalization of the nervous system. To do this, start taking sedatives, you can plant-based. Remember that their effect is cumulative, so use the whole course. In this case, if you start to worry, sweating will no longer be so pronounced.

Also very helpful are various herbal teas. Sage occupies a special place in the ranking of useful herbal preparations. They are nervous system soothes and promotes the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Synthetic materials should be abandoned, because. the skin in them does not breathe, and the sebaceous glands begin to work even more actively.

Be sure to watch your weight and avoid obesity. After all, this is a metabolic disorder, which additionally leads to disorders in the body, including increased sweating.

And, of course, it is worth limiting stressful situations. After all, if you analyze most of them, it turns out that they were not worth it to be nervous.

What to consider when dealing with excessive sweating

First of all, try not to complex. Remember that no one is immune from this problem. Just start fighting with her, and everything will be back to normal.

If folk remedies do not help, you can try to resort to official medicine. So, for example, if your hands are sweating, use hand baths with the addition of potassium permanganate.

Alternatively, you can use the services of a physiotherapy room. Various methods that help reduce sweating need to be taken in whole courses. Doctors, depending on your condition, will determine the number of procedures. However, on average, it will take 10 sessions to get rid of the problem.

Have tissues ready to help you clean your hands before an important handshake or clean your underarms a bit before an exciting meeting.

You can also try modern achievements in medicine, such as laser correction or other innovative methods. They are quite reliable and help a lot. Their only drawback is their rather high cost. There are other options that you can use, but they cost a little less.

Do not try to completely get rid of sweating - after all, this is the same natural action as breathing. Just try to minimize the consequences.

Let's start by saying that sweating is normal. No matter how clean a person is, and no matter how stingy he is on expensive deodorants, the human body is inherent in sweating by nature.

Sweating, the body protects itself from overheating - this is considered the only physiological process. By the way, it is useful to sweat, for example, a large amount of harmful substances contained in our body comes out with sweat.

It is known that sweat glands are located throughout the body; a person cannot physically sweat less. Another thing is the unpleasant odor generated by this physiological process. But here it is not the body that is to blame, but the bacteria that contribute to the breakdown of substances that cause the same aroma.

Thus, if you have one of the above diseases, you need to cure it. If profuse sweating is associated with stress or bad habits You need to rethink your lifestyle.

Sweating may be associated with a psychological anxiety response. Anxious people are known to sweat quite a lot. If you notice an unreasonable and frequent excitement behind you, try to overcome it. For certain will disappear also the raised or increased sweating.

When sweat is released, a large amount of harmful substances that negatively affect human life comes out of the body. Remember that the body's response to stress and exercise must be accompanied by sweating. Try not to worry too much and not focus on your problem.

Some people suffer from excessive sweating of the palms. Often such a physiological problem develops into a psychological one. As a rule, it is expressed in nervousness and various nervous breakdowns. As a result, people begin to avoid communication, because they experience complexes associated with this.

Hyperhidrosis is an unpleasant phenomenon, but you can get rid of excessive sweating of the hands. To do this, you need to find out why it occurs. There can be many reasons, so you need to contact a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis.

natural factors

First of all, you should know that sweating is an important function of the body. Due to it, cooling occurs, and for each person this process is purely individual. That is why, if your hands sweat a lot, you should not sound the alarm. When this phenomenon has just begun to bother, it is recommended to think about the fact that maybe it is caused by natural factors. These include: too spicy food, heat, severe stress, intense mental activity, heavy physical exertion.


most common cause hyperhidrosis is considered stress. You need to observe yourself, then you will be able to understand under what circumstances your palms sweat. If this happens in a state of stress, when a person is worried, then such situations should be avoided. IN this case hyperhidrosis is a peculiar feature of the body, from which there is no escape. Of course, there are ways to control this process. A person will need to worry less and be in harmony with himself and others. Also here you need to understand why this or that event causes stress, after that it will be possible to find a solution.


Often the cause of excessive sweating of the hands lies in the failure of the body. So, improper functioning of endocrine components can give such an unpleasant problem. For this reason, it is necessary to contact a specialist for help and take tests. The doctor will prescribe treatment, thanks to which it will be possible to get rid of this problem. It is important to remember that you will have to be treated for at least six months, you need to follow all the instructions, only in this way only a memory will remain from sweating hands.

Alternative methods of treatment of hyperhidrosis

If there is no time to visit a doctor, you can try to reduce the sweating of the palms on your own. This will help folk remedies. So, you should do baths daily with a decoction of oak bark. 5 g of bark should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. After this, the broth should be filtered, slightly diluted and lowered into the container of the hand. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes. You should also try using special creams and deodorants that are sold in pharmacies. They will help reduce sweating.

Self-doubt prevents a person from achieving success and achieving their life goals and plans. People suffering from this complex are often prone to depressed depressive mood. Increasingly, psychologists in the office can meet a person who is unsure of himself, and every year their number increases. Therefore, awareness on this issue will not hurt anyone.

Sources of uncertainty

A person begins to realize himself as a person in childhood, so the reasons for self-doubt should first be sought there.

If in childhood the child had frequent troubles and even losses in various competitions, and the parents emphasized this, then in the adult period of life, only the minuses of their personality are noticed among all positive qualities. There is envy of others, as they seem much more successful and confident. To avoid this, parents from an early age of life should teach the baby courage and confidence, and show various failures from the best side and not pay close attention to them. Overcome the slightest timidity and indecision together with the child at the very beginning of manifestation.

It is necessary that the child understands as early as possible how it is to love himself and appreciate his abilities, and understand how important this is.

How to get rid of uncertainty?

Away with resentment

The best solution, of course, would be to have a specialist psychologist accompany the path to combat insecurity. But if you decide to go to this on your own, you should rather try your hand and as decisively as possible, without a doubt.

There is no need to blame anyone for your timidity and shyness, the accusations must be thrown aside.

Do not live with past grievances, all unpleasant memories from childhood or youth must be forgotten. The past is the past, it has passed, and quite a lot of mental strength is spent on it, which allows you to erect walls and various barriers around the personality.

The past cannot be changed, but the future is completely dependent on the actions and thoughts that are committed here and now.

Do not pay attention to someone else's opinion and do not attach importance to it. Learn to praise yourself and not expect praise from others. Most importantly, love for yourself and the correct assessment of your capabilities. To make this step more understandable and accessible, you can make a list of your talents and abilities, this will clearly show what you should value yourself for. And besides that, it will allow you to figure out what else you need to work on.

Many people have experienced a situation where their palms sweat. This not too pleasant feature is a completely normal reaction of the human body to a stressful situation or strong excitement. But what if excessive sweating is a constant phenomenon that seems to occur without any apparent reason?

You will need

  • - water;
  • - salt or vinegar;
  • - Oak bark.

Sweat allows you to naturally cool the body and remove toxins. Many readers of the women's club "Who is over 30" know this very well, but they certainly cannot come to terms with the situation when their face sweats a lot, almost the entire head becomes wet! Why this happens, we find out with you today.

Excessive sweating for no apparent reason - for example, high ambient temperature, strenuous exercise - may indicate that there is a health problem. Namely: problems with the endocrine, autonomic systems.

Autonomic nervous system disorders

If there are failures at this level, increased activity of the sweat glands is possible, including on the head, as well as on the arms and legs. Also disturbed, dizziness. There is severe fatigue.

What is characteristic, despite the increased sweating, the skin remains cold.

Problems with the endocrine system

Endocrine pathologies, such as hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, are associated with profuse sweating.

  • In the first case we are talking that a person's metabolism is slowed down, which provokes fluid retention in the body.
  • In the second, on the contrary, the processes are due to the increased rhythm of the functioning of all systems.

Along with constant sweating, you may experience extreme thirst.

Other reasons why the face and head sweat

If the face sweats, then the reasons for women may also be as follows:

  • pregnancy,
  • structural features of the sweat glands - in such cases, hyperhidrosis is usually hereditary,
  • infectious diseases - in chronic forms,
  • allergy,
  • diabetes,
  • local hyperhidrosis,
  • obesity,
  • high blood pressure,
  • previous traumatic brain injury,
  • oncology.

When asked why the face sweats, it is worth thinking about the condition mental health. Because among the predisposing factors in those who sweat a lot:

  • mental disorders and disorders,
  • stress,
  • obsessive states,
  • depression.

Often, all this is accompanied by other signs: baldness, memory gaps, dizziness and hallucinations. Also, both the head and the face sweat heavily in people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction.

Sweating while sleeping

It happens that in the morning you wake up, and your face and head are wet, and very much. What can make you sweat so much?

The reasons why the head and face sweat in women are the same as in men.

  1. Non-compliance with the hygiene of the bed and the whole room. So, it can be very hot in the bedroom, the site knows, someone does not like even the slightest draft, so they do not ventilate during the day or at least before going to bed. Or you sleep on synthetic underwear, which provokes not only the fact that everything sweats: from the palms to the face, but also various sleep disorders. Anxiety and discomfort lead to the fact that you can’t get enough sleep at all, and then the whole day passes “somersault”, crumpled. Also pay attention to the material of the pillow, namely its filler. Sweating happens if it contains silicone, feather. It is worth giving preference to natural fillers: coconut fiber, buckwheat.
  2. Certain medicines you are taking. For example, antidepressants, tamoxifen, etc.
  3. Syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea. At the same time, in addition to the fact that the face sweats, loud snoring is heard, in a dream - breath holding.
  4. Infectious diseases, including serious ones. From SARS to pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and AIDS.

How do you eat?

The reasons why a woman’s head and face sweat should also be looked for in the diet. Most modern men and women simply cannot imagine a perfect day without a perfect morning. And it usually can not do without a cup of coffee. And not one!

If you too often try to “cheer up” by treating yourself to a fragrant drink, not only in the morning, but at any time of the day, evening and even night, then do not be surprised by sweating.

The face sweats a lot, becomes greasy and shiny, also in those who abuse smoked meats, fried and too peppery dishes.

In certain situations, droplets of sweat appear on a person’s forehead: when he is worried, goes in for sports, experiences heavy physical exertion, if he is hot. But medicine knows other cases when sweat often pours from the face for no apparent reason - for no apparent reason.

There are several medical terms for this phenomenon: facial hyperhidrosis, graniofacial hyperhidrosis, sweaty face syndrome. Pathology gives its wearer a lot of uncomfortable sensations, ranging from the inability to apply beautiful makeup for the whole day and ending with internal inferiority complexes. Therefore, it is so important to stop this unusual disease in time and put your sweat glands in order. First you need to find out its causes.


Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary (general) facial hyperhidrosis. Each of them has its own causes.

Primary is a consequence:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • minor disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Secondary is caused by other factors:

  • unsatisfactory state of health;
  • taking certain medications;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system dictated by menopause, pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overweight;
  • heart disease;
  • excessive use of food additives;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • negative reaction of the skin to cosmetics.

Very often, facial hyperhidrosis is a symptom of the following diseases (that is, they provoke its appearance):

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • focal brain lesions;
  • syringomyelia;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • neurosyphilis;
  • stroke
  • peripheral neuropathies;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

So facial hyperhidrosis can be due to a variety of reasons that lie both inside the human body (diseases and pathologies of internal organs) and outside it (living conditions, habits, climate). Once again, delve into the history of your illnesses, analyze the lifestyle that you lead: for sure, among them there will be those factors that provoke excessive sweating. After establishing the causes, make sure the diagnosis is correct.

Origin of name. The medical term "hyperhidrosis" comes from the ancient Greek words "ὑπερ" (excessive) and "ἱδρώς" (sweat).


The clinical picture of facial hyperhidrosis is manifested by three degrees of severity of this disease.

  • I degree (light)

The face sweats, but within the normal range, which is not particularly noticeable from the outside.

  • II degree (medium)

A person suffering from facial hyperhidrosis begins to feel drops of sweat very often, even in a relaxed atmosphere, which becomes his internal problem- he starts to feel embarrassed about it.

  • III degree (severe)

Sweating is accompanied by a sharp, sour smell, occurs several times a day without provoking factors, there is sweat running down the collar, nervousness.

In addition to the symptoms of the disease can be attributed the following signs, which may indicate various failures within the body:

  • the slightest stress provokes a powerful increase in hyperhidrosis from light perspiration on the face to hail of sweat;
  • night sweats indicate tuberculosis;
  • bad smell;
  • fever, cough, swollen lymph nodes - symptoms of an infectious disease;
  • excessive redness of the face ();
  • manifestations of skin infectious or fungal diseases: itching, pain, scaling;
  • facial skin is constantly wet and cold, most often unpleasant to the touch;
  • gradually it acquires a bluish tint.

Symptoms of facial hyperhidrosis are extremely unpleasant. Considering that this affects the problem of appearance and attractiveness of the image, it becomes clear why women are so eager to get rid of this pathology as soon as possible. Well, this is quite possible, but only after the diagnosis is clarified, which may not be confirmed in the course of laboratory tests.

Interesting statistics. According to medical indicators, 65% of people suffering from facial hyperhidrosis consider it an incurable feature of their body, with which nothing can be done. They live with this pathology all their lives, without even seeking medical help.


First, let's find out which doctor to contact if facial hyperhidrosis is suspected. It can be:

  • therapist;
  • dermatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

There are various methods for diagnosing the disease.

  1. visual inspection.
  2. Questioning the patient about hereditary predisposition to the disease. If there is one, a study of the genetic background is carried out.
  3. Evapometry is a quantitative diagnostic method. With the help of special devices, the rate of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) is assessed. The disadvantage of such research is its high cost.
  4. The Minor test is an iodine-starch test.
  5. Ninhydrin test.
  6. To identify internal diseases that provoke facial hyperhidrosis, the doctor may prescribe: a complete blood count, blood for biochemistry and sugar, hormonal composition, biopsy, x-ray and cardiogram.

It turns out that making an accurate diagnosis of facial hyperhidrosis is not so simple. External manifestations in the form of excessive sweating alone are not enough. But the tools of modern medicine make it possible to do this qualitatively, although sometimes not so quickly. After the disease is confirmed, treatment is prescribed.


To get rid of this cosmetic defect forever, you need to undergo an appropriate course of therapy. Moreover, the treatment of facial hyperhidrosis can be both medications and folk remedies. Both that, and another need to be used competently - only with the permission of the doctor.

Health care

Medical treatment for facial hyperhidrosis may include:

  • external use of ointments and gels: Formidron, Formagel;
  • one of the most expensive, but safe and effective ways- cosmetic treatment of facial hyperhidrosis with a laser (hardware technique): without violating the integrity of the skin, the laser beam destroys the sweat glands;
  • anticholinergic drugs;
  • botulinum toxin injections (rather expensive);
  • surgical intervention;
  • drugs that reduce sweating: beta-blockers, Oxybutin, Benzotropin (their minus is an abundance of side effects);
  • drugs based on belladonna (Bellataminal, Belloid, Bellaspon);
  • sedatives: motherwort, belladonna, valerian, Persen.

Psychotherapy also helps to reduce the level of anxiety that leads to facial hyperhidrosis and take control of your own emotions:

  • hypnosis sessions;
  • yoga;
  • meditation;
  • positive positive attitudes;
  • daily affirmations.

Physiotherapy comes to the rescue in the treatment of facial hyperhidrosis:

  • coniferous salt baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • iontophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • climatotherapy;
  • hydroprocedures;
  • electrotherapy.

Depending on the neglect of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism, the doctor selects the treatment that will allow the patient to get rid of facial hyperhidrosis in the shortest possible time. That's quite possible. To help all of the above methods, folk remedies can be adopted, but they must be used with the utmost care. After all side effects and complications will be on the face - it will be impossible to hide them.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you have facial hyperhidrosis and you are undergoing therapy, with the permission of the doctor, you can simultaneously carry out treatment with folk remedies that have proven themselves well. Their big plus is their availability, low cost and the ability to use at home, on their own.

  • Fitovanny

Add decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that are good for the skin to the bath: oak bark, chamomile, thyme, string.

  • Herbal tincture

Grind 1 tablespoon of mint, sage, oak bark. Pour the mixture with 2 cups boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain, pour 100 g of vodka. Wipe the skin with a solution 2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

  • Birch mask

Pour a handful of fresh birch leaves (preferably young) with a glass of boiling water. Squeeze them out, apply to the skin as a mask for half an hour. Frequency of application - every other day.

  • cosmetic ice

Do not discard the water from the previous recipe after squeezing the leaves. Pour it into ice cube trays and leave it in the freezer. Start each morning by rubbing your skin with these cubes.

  • Protein starch mask

Mix the beaten protein with 1 tablespoon of starch and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.

  • Cucumber Rubs

Slices of cut fresh cucumber several times a day to wipe the skin. You can make cosmetic ice from cucumber juice.

  • silver water

In the evening put in glass jar plain water a silver spoon. Wash your face with this water in the morning.

Now you know how to treat facial hyperhidrosis and will not put up with this disease. It is best to immediately seek professional help, i.e. doctors. And already drug treatment can be supported by the use of folk remedies. The main thing is not to grab everything at once. First you need to wait for the effectiveness of one drug, and not use several at once. This can lead to various kinds of complications.

Did you know that? The unpleasant smell of sweat in medicine is called osmidrosis.


Hyperhidrosis of the face - dangerous disease, which can end very badly in the absence of proper treatment. Undesirable consequences include:

  1. Psychological discomfort with further restriction of contacts with others and depression as a result.
  2. neuroses.
  3. Fungal lesions of the epidermis.

It turns out that one disease (hyperhidrosis of the face) entails a lot of others in the absence of professional treatment. So you need to take care of yourself and be sure to get rid of this unpleasant defect. And even better - to warn him by observing a number of preventive measures.


Prevention of facial hyperhidrosis comes down to the following simple rules:

  • take care of your health;
  • do sport;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • daily walk in the fresh air;
  • properly, rationally eat;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • philosophical attitude to life, avoiding unnecessary experiences and stressful situations.

Do you still suffer from facial hyperhidrosis and have complexes about it? Your suffering is not unlimited. Stop the disease with modern medicine. These can be medications sold in a regular pharmacy. If you want - use the services of aesthetic cosmetology. You can help the skin and folk remedies, if the doctor allows. The main thing is not to put up with the problem, but to solve it effectively.