How to go to bed if you don't want to. How to fall asleep if you don't feel like sleeping at all. Herbal tea or warm milk.

Can't fall asleep quickly while replaying the events of the day in your mind, the issues that excite you? Sitting at the computer, spending the night hours on the Internet? So carried away by the plot of your favorite book that you forgot about everything in the world? Remember that frequent lack of sleep leads to exhaustion of the body, to its accelerated aging. Your nervous system needs to rest so that when you wake up in the morning you can start working with renewed vigor.

23: Write in a journal before bed

Writing in a journal before bed can help you get some closure for the day and help you leave it. If you don't write it down somewhere, it's easy to just think about it as you put it in there, which of course wakes you up. You could take this time to learn how to keep a dream journal.

24: Stop napping during the day

After napping during the day, you can keep you up at night if they become too regular. No more than 2 hours otherwise you will really stop yourself to sleep at night.

25: Limit Your Caffeine Intake

The coffee is great and everyone loves a cup in the morning. The problem is when you drink it 6 times a day and the last cup with dinner at night!

What do you need for healthy sleep?

How much sleep does a person need? There can be no exact answer to this question, the duration of sleep for each individual. It is believed that on average people sleep 7-8 hours a day. At the same time, there are people who sleep for 4 hours. Others sleep 10-11 hours. Both of them can feel comfortable. Listen to your body, over time you will feel your norm.

27: Get plenty of sunshine per day

Having a routine that you follow is great for getting to sleep on time. Try to come up with a good "wake up" time, and then work out from that when you need to fall asleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep based on when you need to wake up in the morning. The time you go to bed will naturally follow, when you wake up you will be tired at the right time as long as you always get up at the same time!

  • Stick to the same awakening every day, even on weekends!
  • Do not lie!
Sunlight during the day increases the body's production of serotonin, which is your wake-up hormone.

How to fall asleep quickly? Now this question is being asked more and more often. The alternation of physical and mental stress, outdoor recreation, proper healthy nutrition will make your sleep healthy and of high quality. So here are our tips:

Tip one - alarm clock

Set an alarm for exactly the time you think is long enough to get ready for work slowly. But jumping up on an alarm clock, however, as well as lying in bed, is harmful! We woke up, smiled, stretched every muscle and every cell of our body, threw off a warm blanket and got up! At first it will be difficult, but over time you will get used to it, and such a regimen will become part of the lifestyle.

When this maxes out and reaches optimal levels, it starts to actually help you get tired and you start producing melatonin! If you can, try to wake up with the sunrise and sleep soon after. For those of us who use computers every day, it's important to reduce our exposure to the harmful "blue light" that our screens give off. Blue light mimics sunlight and our eyes can't tell apart, so it allows us to produce serotonin and keeps us awake!

Tip two - bedroom and bed

Use the bedroom and bed only for their intended purpose - for sleeping. If, for example, you work a lot or play in the bedroom, then it is no longer associated with relaxation for you. Choose a quality bed with a good mattress to sleep in, such as MaterLux. It is advisable to choose a small pillow, which will help you normalize intracranial pressure.

29: Have sex before you try to sleep

Download this program that reduces blue screen light. Sexual sex almost always makes you tired right after. Use this to your advantage and have sex with your partner before bed. For even better results, have sex, then dip your face in cold water, then meditate, then fall asleep!

31: Prepare Your Mind With Relaxation

In addition, practicing good methods breath, you can stop or reduce your snoring! Try listening before bed. They prepare your mind for sleep and help you wind down. It's good to do this before bed as they help your mind get into the right state for sleep.

cozy bedroom

Tip #3 - Walking outdoors

About an hour before bedtime, go for a walk in the fresh air, thereby getting the necessary oxygen, sufficient for normal sleep. Avoid significant physical exertion on walks, otherwise your body will get overexcited and you will not get a good rest.

32: Drink enough water throughout the day

Hydration is very important for energy, health and many other things. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day and don't cheat! Don't develop bad habits how to forget to drink for hours at a time. Remember, when you feel thirsty, it's too late and you're already dehydrated! Don't wait to drink, just drink from time to time as a habit!

33: Inhale only through the left nostril

This has not been proven, but some people report that if you only breathe through the left nostril while keeping the other closed, you will feel more relaxed. It is said to only work before bed, in fact, while you are laying down your bed while trying to sleep.

Tip four - active lifestyle

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole and on the quality of sleep. Go in for physical education, sports, or, for example, yoga, an active lifestyle leads nervous system back to normal and it will be easier to fall asleep. Remember that physical activity should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.

How to fall asleep quickly: folk ways and methods

When we walk during the day, our muscles become tense and tense. Apart from getting a massage or a bath, just stretching is very effective method relaxing your muscles and helping yourself to sleep! Bonus points if you use the foam roller and do yoga!

35: Tighten all your muscles and then relax them

Part is to gradually tighten all your muscles and relax them. Try this when you are trying to sleep. Often we are busy during the day and we forget to think. It's a good habit to think about your day and think about what you can do differently.

Tip five - TV

TV - to watch or not to watch? Decide for yourself. He brings some people into a semi-drowsy state, while others, on the contrary, excites.

Tip six - books

Tip seven - music

Tip eight - airing

Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. Let the temperature be only a few degrees lower than in other rooms, this will only contribute to falling asleep quickly.

37: Take melatonin before bed

Either remember your day before bed, or write it down in a journal. Melatonin is produced naturally body, but it is slowed down by us watching screens or artificial lights in our rooms. Especially if you do the night shift, consider taking a melatonin supplement to help you fall asleep naturally. You could also include natural melatonin from bird cherry extract!

39: Don't drink before bed

Some people just can't fall asleep silently. This is completely normal, and if that's you, consider getting it, which can cause white noise when you fall asleep. The scariest feeling in the world is when you drink before bed and then when you start to fall asleep you feel like you need to use the toilet! Avoid this by not drinking within 2-3 hours before bed.

Tip nine - food and drink

Can you eat and drink before bed? In no case. Food should not be rich and heavily seasoned, and drink should not contain alcohol or caffeine. But low-fat cookies with green or fruit tea are exactly what you need. After all, falling asleep on an empty stomach, just like overeating, is not recommended! Think about it: you are sleeping, but the stomach continues to work. Even a small meal should be an hour before meals.

If light enters your room that you just can't avoid, consider getting a light blocking sleep mask. This will help you relax and simulate a natural sleeping environment where there is no light entering your eyes. Even better than a normal sleep mask. They can be used to help you fall asleep faster and induce lucid dreams. There are so many new sleep technologies on the market that it's hard to keep up!

43: Don't use your bed for anything else

For those who just want a quick fix, this is a very effective sleep supplement containing only natural ingredients. This works very well for those who have trouble falling asleep. Many people use their beds for playing, reading or just sitting at work. It doesn't work if you use your bed for everything!

Tip ten - head to the north

Try to go to bed with your head to the north. Our ancestors also proved in practice that if your body is located between different magnetic belts of the earth, then this contributes to good sleep.

Council eleventh - in clothes or without it?

It is best to sleep without clothes. In addition to looking sexy, in this state your skin breathes fully, and not in separate areas, which has an excellent effect on health and longevity.

44: Spend Yourself Through The Day

A great way to fall asleep on time is to just completely spend yourself throughout the day. Absolutely everything and do not hold back. Give all you can of yourself, but then when the days are over, relax and let go.

45: Get up early instead of going to bed

This is because you are most effective during the early hours of the morning, when your body naturally produces serotonin and other hormones to help wake you up. If you need to get extra hours in a day, do it in the morning!

47: Visualize yourself walking up the stairs

But they can be bad for getting to sleep on time. Try cutting or downsizing them so that you only play them during the day and early evening. Here is a very simple way to relax and get ready for bed. With each step, imagine yourself becoming more relaxed and closer to sleep. As you descend each step, say to yourself, "I am becoming more and more relaxed." Imagine that you are walking up a long staircase. . If many of these don't work for you, try resetting your body clock.

Tip twelfth - going to bed at 22-23 hours.

And the last tip. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Try to get at least a few hours of sleep before midnight. The human body is so arranged that it is at this time that sleep is the deepest, most useful and productive.

Kingdom of Morpheus

The Torah, an Italian scholar of antiquity, teaches that when a person goes to sleep, he not only enjoys or simply rests, but also intends to achieve bodily health and spiritual purification. After reading our tips, do not rush to implement them immediately. There are more than enough of them - something will be deposited in memory, something will be forgotten. When the questions “How to fall asleep quickly?”, “How to sleep?” will become a milestone for you, healthy sleep will become a habit, and the embrace of Morpheus fast and passionate, then our common goals will be achieved.

It won't be easy, it won't actually happen. Rest assured, however, that if you do this, you will have a healthy sleeping routine and wake up at the same time naturally. This will help reduce blue light and help you start going to bed.

What is the benefit of sleep?

Also rotate it so that the screen is facing the floor. This stops the backlight of the screen and wakes you up. There are relaxation methods to help people fall asleep, you can try one of them. Wake up completely through your mouth again within eight seconds. Specify seconds so you focus on it and your mind doesn't wander. Repeat until you fall asleep. Repeat a few words to yourself, over and over. "Sleep deeply, sleep deeply" should be enough.

  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your two front teeth.
  • Exit completely.
  • Shut your mouth.
  • Insert through the nose for four seconds.
  • Hold your breath for seven seconds.
  • Imagine yourself in a warm, safe place.
  • Imagine yourself walking down the stairs, relaxing more with each step.
Challenge yourself to stay awake - your mind is rebelling!

Surely many of you have experienced the phenomenon of insomnia. There can be many reasons for its occurrence, but we will focus on ways to help you fall asleep quickly.

Preset Mode

Make sure that the daily mandatory procedures (waking up, showering, breakfast, lunch, dinner, going to bed) occur at approximately the same time. The body must get used to the given regimen. It is believed that the most useful sleep is before 0:00 o'clock, so try to go to bed early (from 21:00 to 23:00) and sleep at least 8 hours.

Getting rid of unnecessary thoughts

It's called the sleep paradox, says psychotherapist Julie Hurst. The brain doesn't process negatives well, so it interprets this as a sleep instruction, and the eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps in. Take some natural sleep supplements: chamomile or valerian tea are great! Grab a snack: bananas, dairy, avocados, lean proteins like poultry or fish, and nuts. They make you sleepy. All you have to do is write your agenda for the next day on paper so you don't have to think about it before bed. Walk or do some light exercise before running in bed. You can stretch gently. Take a warm, long bath. Write your agenda for the next day on paper so you don't have to think about it before bed. Do not think about work, collage, school and other problems 2 hours before bedtime. It's yours free time to get ready for bed. Try mental relaxation exercises. Don't eat too much. Do not eat low fat or dry food. Do not drink at night and before dinner. You will then get up frequently and your sleep quality will deteriorate. Do not use your computer or TV at least 1.5 hours before bedtime. Blue light reduces melatonin secretion. Don't take away mobile phone to bed. Also, the lighting in the bedroom should be dim.

  • Open windows and make your bedroom cooler.
  • However, the temperature should be comfortable for you.
  • Feel relaxing music or white noise while falling asleep.
Our brain associates darkness with night and light with day.

Choice of bedding

If you feel that your neck is numb, or you toss and turn for a long time, unable to find the optimal position for sleeping, then it may be time to think about a new pillow or mattress. Make your bed comfortable. You need to purchase a pillow with a filler that will help you relax. For some, solid pillows with buckwheat are suitable, for others - downy, woolen, from various fibers or traditional feather pillows. No less popular are "hard" orthopedic pillows and rollers. Mattresses also come in various firmness, spring, springless, coconut and others. As for the blanket, it should not be too hot or too thin. You should not sleep under the same blanket in winter and summer, it is better to choose your own option for each season.


If the room is cool, then it will be much easier to fall asleep. Before going to bed, it is useful to ventilate the room well. You can also take a short walk in the fresh air or take a contrast shower. With the help of these simple manipulations, it will be much easier for you to relax and immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus.

Do you feel leaden fatigue after a working day at the office, but you can’t fall asleep? Perhaps your body just hasn't had time to get tired. After all, while the brain was working, it was resting, sitting in a comfortable office chair. If you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, this can cause frequent insomnia. Try to give a load to the body: walk more, do not use the elevator, do exercises, spend more time on the street. You will see that it will be much easier to fall asleep. However, do not exercise later than two to three hours before bedtime, otherwise the level of adrenaline in the blood will increase, and sleep will recede again.

daytime sleep

If you feel sleepy after dinner, allow yourself to take a nap, but no more than an hour. Also, do not fall asleep if the clock is already 16:00 or later. Such "daytime" sleep will entail a feeling of fatigue for the rest of the day and insomnia at night.

Try not to eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, but you should not go to bed hungry either. If you overeat, you will be tormented by heaviness in the stomach, and if you are malnourished, you will feel hungry. If it's late and you feel like eating, allow yourself to snack on fruit or dairy products.

Getting rid of irritants

Ask household members to watch TV with headphones, read a book in another room with closed door, turn off all light sources that may interfere with your sleep. Create a comfortable environment without unnecessary sounds, lights or movements.

Relaxation and dreams

At work, you have an unfinished project waiting for you, have you quarreled with a colleague, or tomorrow is a difficult day? Let it stay outside the bedroom. Get out of your head all thoughts that require attention, upset and annoy you. Focus on something good. After all, do you have a dream? Think about it and you yourself will not notice how you fall asleep. If anxiety does not let you go, try drinking a sedative half an hour before bedtime: herbal teas, valerian tincture.

Comfortable posture

Turn around to determine which position is most comfortable for you, in which of them your muscles are most relaxed. Repeat the exercise for several nights in a row until you figure out the most comfortable position. Remember it and use it when you need to fall asleep urgently.


Some aromas contribute to early sleep: sandalwood, rose, chamomile, hops, lavender, juniper, valerian, mint. You can buy oil with this aroma or sew a bag and fill it with the right herbs. Oil can be dripped onto a handkerchief and placed at the head of the bed, and the bag can be hidden under the pillow. Dried petals and leaves of the same herbs can be sewn into bags. In addition, a pharmacy or a cosmetic store sells ready-made aromatic mixtures and pillows for falling asleep as soon as possible. It is also believed that indoor flowers, especially fragrant geraniums, and the smells of fresh fruits placed at the head of the bed contribute to falling asleep. And if you decorate a bedside table with crafts made from juniper, cedar or pine, then they may well replace aromatic sachets.


Massage is a versatile relaxing treatment and can be successfully performed using aroma oils to promote sleep. Relaxation massage also includes combing your hair with a massage brush and rubbing your scalp with your fingertips. If you decide to do self-massage, gently massage your face, neck, neck, back, shoulders and arms. Foot massage with the use of special moisturizing and anti-fatigue foot creams is also very effective. Massage your feet in circular motions, gently rubbing in the soothing ointment.

Sleepy drinks

It has long been known that various drinks are often used to combat insomnia. Universal "hypnotics" are considered: a glass of warm milk or kefir, a glass of warm tea or warm water with a diluted tablespoon of honey half an hour or an hour before bedtime. Contribute to falling asleep: infusions of lemon balm, oregano, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, peony, valerian, motherwort or hops. Special herbal teas for sleep are sold at any pharmacy.

Sleep exercises

- The first and most famous exercise is “counting sheep”, but it does not have to be sheep. Count anyone, the main thing is that the imaginary moves before your inner eye.

- Tired eyes. Close your eyelids and move your eyes actively to the right and left for a few seconds. You can also imagine a burning troika and describe it with your eyes.

- Close your eyelids and roll your eyes up. It is believed that a sleeping person's eyes are in this position, so it contributes to falling asleep as soon as possible.

Imagine an object or a drawing. Mentally increase it, then decrease it, twist it in the air.

- Tighten the muscles of the whole body, then relax, repeat several times.

- Come up with a “key” sleep phrase for yourself and repeat it to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. For example, "I'm falling asleep", "I'm sleeping", "I'll fall asleep soon", etc.

- Connect the fingertips of two hands. Press them against each other for 15 seconds, then rest. Repeat several times.

- Grab a big and index finger for the carrier. Press a few times, release. Repeat several times.

- Listen to your breathing. Try not to think about anything, but only follow the inhalations and exhalations.

- Take an air bath. If you can’t get to sleep, get up, carefully covering the warm bed with a blanket, and walk naked around the room. Then get under the covers.

Folk recipes for insomnia

- Mix the juice and decoction of seeds (a tablespoon of seeds without a slide in a glass of water) of cabbage in a one-to-one ratio, drink before going to bed.

- Steep 2 teaspoons of hops in a glass of water for four hours. Drink before bed.

- A little (to taste) mashed garlic pour a glass of warm milk, drink before bedtime.

- Pour two tablespoons of grated turnip into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, then strain and drink.

- Drink half a glass of pumpkin juice with a teaspoon of honey.

- Insist a tablespoon of hawthorn in a thermos with two glasses of water. Before going to bed, drink a glass of infusion.

- Eat some green onions before bed.

- Boil 50 grams of dill seeds in 0.5 liter of cahors or port wine for 15 minutes. Insist for an hour, strain. Take 50 grams before bed.

- Grate an apple (200 grams), add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Eat before bed.

- It is believed that improve sleep contribute to: radish, melon, asparagus, sorrel, lettuce and borage.

If all these tips do not help you fall asleep, and the state of insomnia torments you for two weeks or more, be sure to consult a doctor. Prolonged insomnia can lead to nervous disorders, so it needs to be treated in a timely manner.