You need to stay up all night. How not to fall asleep: Traditional medicine tips, special tools, expert advice and music.

This article is dedicated to all "larks", dormouse, couch potatoes, as well as those who have work in the night theme, and this article will be very useful. It will be about the fight against sleep in the dark. If you are used to living according to your own regime, but due to some circumstances you need to stay awake at night and look like a “cucumber” in the morning, then you will definitely take note of some tips.

Sometimes you can envy people suffering from insomnia - not the body, but the pump! This is how much efficiency in a person, you can move mountains! But no, they are not very sweet - just the body itself is languishing from fatigue, the body is sluggish, the efficiency is zero, but there is still no sleep. So the poor fellow lies until dawn, peering into the corner of a dark room, and if he manages to sleep at least three hours a day, he is already lucky.

normal sleep person must be at least 8 hours. Better than 10! In principle, this is what happens to most people who have a day job. Closer to the night, the eyes stick together, and there at least shoot with a gun - you won’t push them until the alarm goes off. Yes, and the alarm clock is sometimes “not an authority” - it is usually sent to exile under the pillow. “Five more minutes!” its owner naively believes.

But, do not forget about those who have shift work - what is the regime here ?! And if a person is also tearing his veins at several jobs, and from daytime "plowing" he needs to run to night duty, then at least put matches in his eyes, but he must survive!

How to stay up all night and stay awake. Psychotype options

To accurately answer this question, you need to know exactly what kind of psychotype a person has, and what kind of representative system he has. Or rather, who is he (let's start with the psychotype):
  • restless choleric
  • sociable sanguine
  • calm phlegmatic
  • gloomy melancholic
In the first case ( choleric) do not tolerate the silence of inactivity. They can easily survive a sleepless night if they do manual labor or dance all night in a nightclub. The adrenaline rush and physical shake-up have a cheerful effect on them. But if such a person is isolated for the night in a quiet room for a dull duty (for example, as a guard in a parking lot), then it becomes a difficult task for them to stay up all night.

A choleric person will exercise a hundred times during the night of such work, jump as many times, do push-ups, box the back of the chair and wash himself several times. And he will also “cut” the room with a huge mug of coffee with steps and listen to loud music. Therefore, such a person needs a constant “separation” all night long so as not to fall asleep.

sanguine, although he is also energetic and mobile, he cannot bear the constant buildup of the body. In a nightclub on the dance floor, he will not “tear his veins” compared to a choleric person in order to cheer up, otherwise he will quickly get exhausted and want to lie down. But for him, constant communication is very important. An interesting conversation for him is the best contrast shower. But if the interlocutors are not of his circle, and communication with them does not give pleasure, then such a company acts on a sanguine person like sleeping pills.

For night shifts, a sanguine person does not need physical labor. Ideally, he should choose a job related to the contact of other people - for example, answer the phone, communicate with people on the Internet. For cheerfulness, if there is no opportunity to contact someone, such a psychotype of people needs creative work where attention should be focused on a particular case.

For example, if a person has some kind of talent (as an option, he is great at writing poetry), then in addition to writing, he can combine business with pleasure all night, and he will not want to sleep at all. Useful: this is a nightly income, pleasant: creativity "with a twist." For example, some holiday is approaching, and the sanguine decided to make a wall newspaper for his friends while he was on night duty. He takes a large sheet, draws cartoons on it, writes quatrains, congratulations. If he is really interested in such an occupation, then try to tear him away from this work when another shift comes! Phlegmatic. They generally amazing people with a special organism. It seems that they have some kind of internal switch. It is necessary to sleep "off", it is impossible - "on". To fight sleep, they do not need to squeeze themselves physically and engage in discussions. Surprisingly, calmly and almost silently spending the night in the company, they will be able to see off the guests who have stayed up until the morning, wash the dishes, and only then, calmly, with a sense of accomplishment, go to bed.

Their perseverance is to be envied. If they need to spend the night without sleep, then alone and without much effort, they can easily cope with this task. But they still need to occupy themselves with such a thing that it does not interfere with their thinking. All night long they can easily knit or sit over a fishing rod without taking any energy drinks and various drugs for cheerfulness.

FROM melancholy quite difficult in this respect. They get used to the daily routine and it is difficult for them to adjust their body to change. Reading a book or watching an interesting movie will not save a melancholic from craving for sleep. Noisy companies and dancing until you drop, people of this psychotype can not stand it. Therefore, such people, so that they do not sleep all night, need a powerful psychological shake-up.

What is this chapter about? The fact that there is no universal remedy for every person to cheer him up until the morning. What works on one, the other, the same remedy will be useless. But there is another option by which you can help the body not to sleep. This is a representative system. For each person, it is also individual.

How to help invigorate the body with the representational system

Each person experiences the world in their own way. Some through touch (kinesthetics), others through visual images (visuals), and still others through sound channels (audials).

kinesthetics in order not to fall asleep, they must occupy their hands: for example, knit, twist the rosary, squeeze the expander. It will be difficult for them to fall asleep if they are wearing clothes that are uncomfortable for them (small in size, or made of material that is unpleasant to the touch). Subconsciously, they can stimulate cheerfulness by irritating themselves physically (biting their lips, tickling the palate with the tip of the tongue).

visuals visual images will not let you fall asleep, for example interesting film. Sometimes at enterprises where there are night shifts, employers forbid putting on a TV for those on duty. But in vain. After all, visuals have zero concentration of attention if they have nothing to focus their eyes on. As an option - you need a lot interesting book that will really captivate until the last page. There are also various crossword puzzles. But, unfortunately, this is still not enough for the visual - there are no changing pictures that are so important to him.

Audials. They need music to keep them busy all night. She invigorates them. But, also, her loudness and personal musical preferences are very important for them. For example, a phlegmatic person will not listen to rock to the fullest, as a choleric person would do.

What additional means help cheer up from sleep

If a person has a sleepless night (for example, duty, a night party, or, for example, a holiday such as New Year), then you should take into account 10 useful tips:
  1. Try, if possible, to get as much sleep as possible during the day;
  2. Do not overload your stomach with food before a sleepless night - satiety makes you sleepy. The same happens with a large amount of alcohol drunk;
  3. Chewing gum helps to invigorate the body literally from the inside: the chewing process gives a “signal” to the stomach that food will now enter it and it needs to be digested, but since this does not happen, the body is not able to completely relax;
  4. Air temperature is just as important. Coolness invigorates, but excessive heat "lulls". AT new year's eve in order not to fall asleep longer, even with an abundance of food and alcohol, you need to go out into the cold more often, and if it’s also fun to frolic in the company there, then in general it will take off the dream;
  5. A light warm-up is also a good option for shaking the body;
  6. Massage of fingers and face, coupled with washing cold water also helps to relieve drowsiness;
  7. The lighting of the room should be bright. And the light of "daylight" lamps is the real enemy of sleep;
  8. Coffee, energy drinks, plain water with ice and lemon also invigorate the body.

In general, given all the advice and recommendations, no sleepless night should be scary. A slight deviation from the usual daily routine will not harm a person in any way. But anyway, if the night passed without a single minute of rest, then, subsequently, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to rest as much as possible.

How not to fall asleep at night? Indeed, often it is simply necessary. Let's look at 14 simple factors that will help our body stay awake at night and stay alert.

1. Pranayama

Pranayama is a yoga breathing system that rejuvenates the body, energizes it, and also does not allow you to fall asleep. To use this type of breathing, you just need to inhale slowly, and then exhale intensely, while repeating this exercise about 10 times.

2. Chewing gum

Who would have thought that chewing gum would help you stay awake, however, this is actually the case. When a person chews gum, he deceives his brain that supposedly food will have to be digested now, but this does not happen, moreover, insulin is still produced and does not allow us to fall asleep. For reference: insulin is a substance that allows our body to digest food.

3. Coolness

If you want to stay up for a long time, then one of the surest solutions to this problem is to simply open the windows and let in cold air. This state of affairs will keep our brain in tension. It is worth adding that a warm space, on the contrary, in every possible way relaxes and pulls you to sleep.

4. Physical activity

Physical activity on our body gives a charge of vivacity and energy, while we can not sleep additional time. If you are tired and want to return to your working capacity, then the most best method to do this would be to simply take a walk. As it has been proven, a short walk allows you to return the strength to work for another two hours, and this is worth noting for a long time.

5. Washing

If you want to cheer up, then one more effective method will rinse your wrists and hands, so you additionally cool your body. By the way, an effective method to get rid of a headache in the heat is to dip your face in water.

6. Hunger

A slight hunger invigorates a person, so if you want to be in an allergic state, you can skip a meal or reschedule it. The thing is that our body expends additional energy on the digestion of the food taken.

7. Music

Music can be used effectively to cheer up. To do this, you need to include an annoying song at a fast pace, however, the song must be such that you can make out the words in it. We will not sleep due to the fact that our brain will begin to listen, and therefore the whole body will wake up.

8. Lighting

When there is little light in the house, our brain begins to think that it is time to sleep, however, we can deceive it simply by turning on all the lights in the house. Moreover, the most the best option just go outside during the day.

9. Massage

Start massaging your body, and it is advisable to do this in those places where the blood flow is the largest.

10. Aromatherapy

You can use various scents effectively. To do this, you need, in fact, something smelly and your nose. Breathe in slowly, sniffing each scent. Mint and Rosemary are very good for stimulating our nervous system, and therefore wake up.

11. Sleep and coffee

The meaning of this advice is that you need to drink a cup of coffee and fall asleep for twenty minutes. The most important thing is not to wake up in half an hour, because in this case, your brain will go into a deep sleep stage, while you will feel overwhelmed.

12. Protein diet

Try to eat foods that are high in protein. This includes eggs, nuts, various vegetables and fruits, and do not forget that you need to drink plenty of water, this will save you from dehydration and give you an extra boost of energy.

13. ticklish

Scratch your upper palate - also one of the effective ways cheer up.

14. Trolling

Social activity has been proven to cause a sharp mobilization of forces and awakening of the brain.

Let's say you have a sleepless night, after which you need to be alert and active all day. If you are 20 years old, then there is no problem, you are able to stay awake for more than a day, and at the same time look like a morning rose, and even work fruitfully. And if not? Then you go online for advice and read: "If possible, try to get some sleep." Well, thank you! Tip for the "Mice Become Hedgehogs" series so we've put together methods for you that really work. Tested on myself!
Just don't abuse it!

Be mindful of biorhythms

Your body works according to biorhythms, whether you sleep or not. Late in the evening, in the middle of the night, at dawn and in the middle of the day, inhuman fatigue will roll over you. It will seem to you that if you do not lie down right now, you will simply fall asleep sitting up. This state will last for about 20 minutes, and then there will be a surge of vigor. But few people like to sit for 20 minutes in a state of suspended animation, so the body will have to be deceived. Coffee will not help here, but physical activity will. Stand up, stretch, jump and do some exercises. The more active the movements, the better. Over millions of years, our bodies have not changed much, so physical activity after school hours means one thing - danger is somewhere nearby. You seem to be getting rid of the saber-toothed tiger, otherwise why would you be jumping in the middle of the night? This means that the body mobilizes forces and drowsiness will be removed as if by hand. It also works during the day.

Don't drink too much coffee

Only the first cup invigorates, and all subsequent ones only worsen the situation and make you more and more sleepy. The point here is this: caffeine is absorbed very quickly and increases arterial pressure, so you will feel much more energized in just 15 minutes. But after an hour you will be even more drawn to sleep, and with each next cup it will be more and more difficult to fight sleep. The fact is that coffee contains not only caffeine, but also theophylline theobromine vitamin R.R. These substances, on the contrary, reduce pressure, which makes you want to sleep. Therefore, with each cup of a fragrant drink, you seem to swing the swing more strongly: you are more and more cheerful every half an hour, and then you are more and more drawn to a horizontal position. And the more coffee you drink, the harder it will be for you to fight sleepiness.

Drink green tea

A cup of green tea has as much caffeine as a cup of espresso. But its effect on your body will be much milder, and you will stay alert longer. The combination of caffeine and tannin found in tea works a little differently than pure caffeine.

Turn on the light

If you need to spend a sleepless night at home, don't skimp and turn on bright lights everywhere, not just in the room where you are. The same goes for a gloomy day after a sleepless night. This is just a way to deceive the brain: when it is light around, it is more difficult for it to go to sleep. If you have not slept at night, and you need to spend the day at the computer, tweak the monitor settings: the brighter the colors are, the easier it will be to fight drowsiness.

Take a shower

Everyone knows that a contrast shower helps to cheer up. Certainly this the best remedy come to your senses after a sleepless night, but on one condition: if that night you did not drink anything stronger than coffee. If you came in the morning from a party, a contrast shower is contraindicated for you. Your vessels have already suffered, they do not need an extra load now. You will cheer up for 5 minutes, and then your head will hurt and pull you to sleep. It is better to take a warm bath, and gradually change the temperature of the water to cold.

Make a coffee scrub

Don't skimp and use grounds from a cup - you need ground coffee. Apply shower gel to your body, then take a handful of coffee and rub yourself all over. The skin will become fabulously smooth, and the charge of vivacity will definitely last for three hours.

Eat something tasty

And finally - the most pleasant advice: try all day to eat only what you love. On the net you can find a list of products that supposedly energize, but in this case they won't help you. But your favorite food is a guaranteed pleasure, that is, a guaranteed increase in the level of endorphins. And this cunning hormone makes us feel not only happy, but also cheerful, full of strength and ready to move mountains.

Sleep is necessary for a person, as it allows the brain to recover due to a decrease in its activity. Also, sleep is necessary for the individual to restore metabolism and to process and sort information in the subconscious. So, sleep is a cyclic, genetically determined state of the human body with reduced brain activity and response to external world.


In this case, to control sleep, we propose to use the method of breathing regulation - a special ancient yogic breathing practice. By the way, such breathing not only affects the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, but also perfectly energizes and warms the body. In addition, this action is mediated by the effect on the pineal gland. Such breathing (kapalabhati) consists in rapid breathing with the stomach with an emphasis on a sharp exhalation, while the inhalation is normal. To cheer up, it is enough to breathe ten times.

And what about chewing gum? - you say. By itself, the gum may not have anything to do with it. This is a cunning trick to trick the brain, which, by receiving signals from receptors in the mouth, as well as chewing movements, is activated in preparation for the processing of food. In parallel, the release of insulin begins, causing a feeling of cheerfulness. In this case, it is better to use chewing gum with menthol flavor.


What is the secret of the effect of cool air? In fact, everything is simple - cold air tones up blood vessels and, by giving appropriate signals to the brain, leads to the activation of metabolism to maintain the normal functioning of internal organs. Heat, in contrast, causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. So, create a cool atmosphere with a fan or air conditioner. If not, then at least open the windows. Another option is to wash yourself with water with pieces of ice floating in it - a charge of vivacity is provided.

What will help to better disperse the blood through the veins and gain good spirits? Yes, you guessed it – fitness! Do any physical exercise, preferably at intervals of up to half an hour. Light physical activity will give a sufficient charge of vivacity. But if you need to work productively for two hours, then a fifteen-minute walk will be the best. Can be replaced with a run.


Wrists cooled with cold water will invigorate no worse than charging. Action cold water invigorates along with cool air. By the way, very good reception cooling during heat or against caused elevated temperature headache.

Don't pounce on the food in the refrigerator in the hope that the brain will be distracted from sleep. The effect can also be the opposite - on digestion large volume eating takes a lot of energy, and you may start to feel lethargic and sleepy. Give dinner to the enemy!


Make your brain work - turn on rhythmic, preferably unfamiliar music. You can rhythmically sway or shake your head - the main thing is not to overdo it. Here, a few more conditions must be met: the music must be such as to evoke maximum emotions. Another component is volume. It should be quiet so that it is difficult to make out the words - the brain will work, including attention. Sing along if you can.


It is known that sleep-wake rhythms are also interconnected with illumination. The following advice is based on this: turn on as bright a light as possible in the room at night, and go out into the yard during the day.


There are miraculous points on our body - acupuncture points. By acting on these points, you will cheer up, as their massage, among other things, improves blood circulation. Their location: 1-crown; 2-neck (back part); 3-ear lobe; 4-point between fingers: thumb and forefinger; 5-section under the knees.


Signals from olfactory receptors can also activate the brain, whether we like this smell or not. To enhance nervous activity, aromatherapy recommends the following essential oils: mint, eucalyptus, rosemary. If these oils are not around, open a can of coffee and inhale a little of its aroma.

Try to take the most uncomfortable position or just sit on a hard chair. This trick will give you the opportunity to last the necessary time without sleep.

Here is another technique that is interesting because it combines sleep and alertness. It is known that caffeine, getting into the body, does not begin to act immediately, but after fifteen minutes. In order for this time not to be wasted ... go to bed. How? Here are the freaks! I have so much more to do! Wonderful. You will be in time if you wake up in 15 minutes, exactly 15! This is an effective microsleep technique (power nap). The time of a quarter of an hour was chosen because after half an hour of sleep, a person plunges into a phase of deep sleep and, waking up later, you will feel tired and overwhelmed. So set your alarm!

Naturally, there are exceptions to any rule. Therefore, we change the recommendation not to eat, but with one condition! We choose a protein diet, i.e. rich in proteins and carbohydrates: eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables and small portions. The frequency of such a diet is once every two or three hours. In addition to sugar, it will just give the opposite effect. And yet, drink plenty of water so as not to feel weak and tired.


funny and simplest way quickly shake off a dream - tickle the upper sky with the tip of the tongue. The main thing is that everything is always with you!

Are you falling asleep? Take a break and watch some funny video or start actively fasting on social networks, which will cause the necessary excitement in the brain.

And remember healthy sleep- guarantee of health. So try to resort to such methods only as a last resort!

Staying in a warm stuffy room causes a feeling of fatigue, the head becomes heavy, you want to lie down and fall asleep. So you will not be able to work productively at night. In order to stay awake, ventilate the room, turn on the fan or air conditioner, make sure that the temperature in the room is a little lower than you are comfortable with. Also turn on a bright overhead light that illuminates the entire space. It is impossible to work for a long time under the cozy light of a floor lamp - you will begin to fall asleep. Get up from your chair or sofa and move to a hard chair. In such conditions, you will want to sleep less.

Hungry student

Avoid extra snacks while you work. The body spends resources on digestion, and after a hearty dinner you will want to lie down. Working when a little hungry is more productive. Of course, if you start experiencing strong feeling hunger, it does not need to endure. Drink a glass of yogurt, eat a cookie or a piece of bread and get back to work. Here is the usage chewing gum help you get through the night. By making chewing movements, you will thereby prevent your body from falling asleep.


Aromatherapy contains oils that stimulate the nervous system. These include rosemary, mint, eucalyptus. Put a few drops into the aroma lamp and turn it on so that fatigue goes away. If you don't have these at home, place a few coffee beans next to you, or just place an open jar next to it.


Feel that sleep begins to overcome you - turn on the music. Quick and annoying songs in an unfamiliar language played at a low volume will help you wake up. In an attempt to parse incomprehensible words, the brain will come into working mode, and an unpleasant style for you will cause emotions that will also contribute to awakening. Jump to the music for a few minutes, then turn it off and get back to work.

brief dream

Have a cup of coffee and go to bed. But not for the whole night, but only for 15 minutes. Caffeine begins to take effect 20 minutes after consumption, so you have time to relax and wake up with renewed vigor. Don't forget to set an alarm so you don't get too long.

Internet disputes

Take a short break and engage in an argument about a topic that worries you. Fight over disagreements political views, explain to the interlocutor who, in your opinion, should have been given an Oscar, be indignant that people on the forum do not know how to properly feed their fish. After 10-15 minutes, close the browser and return to work. Experienced emotions will help you not want to sleep for some more time.

Insomnia is a real scourge of our time. More and more people are awake a fair part of the night due to fatigue, overwork, improper preparation for sleep. As a result, during the day they are overcome by drowsiness, irritation and inability to concentrate.

A book or a program disinhibits the brain, which simply cannot calm down for some time, preventing it from falling asleep. You should not watch or read the news at night, they raise the level of stress in the body, which does not contribute to good sleep.

Don't go to bed if you don't want to. Even if you have to get up early, and you go to bed at nine on this occasion, without special means you are unlikely to fall asleep before midnightif this time is more familiar to you. Do something relaxing and soothing instead.
In the evening (from about eight to nine o'clock) do not do anything active. No need to plan the next day or solve problems in the evening, better do it in the morning.

Comfort is the key to good sleep

Try before going to bed, already in bed, to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in the following rhythm: inhale for four counts, hold your breath for two, and exhale for six to eight counts. It is very useful to concentrate on your breathing, it reduces the stress of the body, and it is also much more convenient than counting sheep. While counting sheep, the brain is activated, keeping you awake.

If you are still awake half an hour after going to bed, take a warm, relaxing bath. Use essential oils.

Always ventilate your bedroom well: lack of oxygen causes sleep to become jittery, heavy and unsatisfactory.

You should not eat at night. Ideally, you should eat two to three hours before bedtime. So you will not feel any heaviness in the stomach, nor feelings of hunger, so that nothing will distract you from sleep.

Even if you really want to, do not sleep during the day. daytime sleep will prevent your body from adjusting to a normal mode, so that in the evening you will again have problems falling asleep.

If these tips don't help, consider seeing a specialist. You should not buy sleeping pills on your own, as this is only a temporary solution to the problem.