How to draw a fabulous bus of the future. How to draw a bus: a description of a simple method with pictures

Passion for technology is manifested in growing kids from the very early years. And as soon as your boy learns to hold a pencil in his hands, all kinds of cars, tanks and airplanes will immediately appear from under his pen. That's how man's nature works. Passionate about this topic young artist, starting from the oldest preschool age, more complex models of transport become interesting. Therefore, presented below detailed instructions about how to draw a bus in stages, it will be very interesting and useful to him. In addition, the description of the work is accompanied by step-by-step sketches, which clearly show the entire procedure.


Consider how to draw a bus in the form of a double-decker modern express train:

1. On a piece of paper using simple pencil draw a figure that looks like a rectangular bar. At the same time, position it somewhat obliquely, visually receding and slightly tapering back. The proportions of the front (smaller) face are approximately 2:1.

2. Mark several parallel lines along the entire length of the wide side. Form from them a kind of two large oblong windows (1 and 2 floors).

3. Place the same cells on the front side facing forward. In this case, the lower cell will be somewhat wider in relation to the side one, since this area is the windshield of the driver's window.

4. In two places on the bottom line of the body, draw two wheels in the form of simple circles.

How to draw a bus more realistic? Refine the details

Following the instructions on how to draw a bus and the accompanying sketches, apply all the finishing touches:

Divide the long areas of the windows with transverse lines, and then draw each of them with a double outline;

Decorate the windshield of the driver with “wipers”;

Decorate the wheels by slightly “immersing” them inside the body;

Make the bus "alive" by drawing advertising inscriptions and emblems on free places.

How to simplify the image? Draw an ordinary bus

Children are very impulsive and unpredictable by nature. What if the kid decides to simplify the indicated modern technology when will he start painting? How can I help him to neatly transform the Super Express? To draw a bus with a pencil in the form of ordinary transport (that is, without a second floor), you can choose one of the work options:

1. At the first stage, make some adjustments to the original layout. To do this, you simply do not need to depict an additional floor. As a result, the bottom line of the top windows will be the uppermost limiting feature of the case. To roughly imagine what a simple drawing would look like, attach a piece of paper to the photo, covering the top of the bus with it.

2. In the event that it is already practically ready, the principle of action will be the same. Just erase the extra lines with an eraser in the required places (the area of ​​​​the upper glasses and the case) and touch up the work.

Bring your drawing to life with colorful hues

Even with all the finishing details this image turned out a little boring, right? Of course, a black-and-white layout is nothing compared to a bright photograph. Try to revive it, for example, by decorating it with pencils or paints. Do you want to be surprised? Entrust this work to the kid, and there will be a chance of turning the sketch into a completely fantastic express train from another planet. Tell him how to draw a bus the way it is in reality - uniform in color, with a moderate number of advertising signs and with symmetrically arranged finishing details (signal lights, identification marks).

A step-by-step method for drawing cars, trucks, trains, construction vehicles, steamships, ships, boats, submarines, sailboats, dump trucks, locomotives and more.

Remember! Any mistake made at the very beginning of the drawing process can hopelessly spoil final result. At first, you may find it difficult to draw curvilinear contours (round, egg-shaped or similar to a sausage) or even stick a pencil across the paper to the intended point. Do not despair! Stay enthusiastic, keep drawing with perseverance and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If you wish, you can use a compass - professional artists do not consider it shameful for themselves.

Items needed for work: clean White list paper good quality, a pencil with a lead of medium hardness or soft, an eraser. Compasses, ink, feather, brush, ball pen, marker - optional.

Cars are different: taxi, bus, trolley bus, truck.

Let's take a closer look at what parts it consists of. truck. What does he have more: a cabin or a body? How best to place it on the sheet: horizontally or vertically?

Trucks are classified as freight transport. Among them there are trucks with a covered body. They're called vans. These vehicles are used for the transport of goods.

AT fuel trucks deliver gasoline to petrol stations.

Trolleybuses and buses are related to passenger transport. Passenger transport is so named because it carries passengers. How is a bus different from a trolleybus?

Cars transport people.

There are special machines tractor. Tractors work in the fields. In the spring, they dig up the ground, and in the fall they help harvest. Let's pay attention to the wheels: which are large, which are smaller - rear or front?

Cranes work on construction sites. They help builders build high-rise buildings.

There are other cars like this. Behind, instead of the body, they have a special ladder that can be extended to different heights. With the help of this ladder, workers hang flags and garlands on the streets for the holidays.

Aircraft related to air transport. Every year they transport millions of people to different corners our country. Let's pay attention to the shape of the plane. What vegetable does it look like? You need to draw an airplane from several parts (body, wings, tail, porthole).

Helicopters they also transport people, but they also help in agriculture: they put out fires and spray fertilizers.

Steamboats and ships related to maritime transport. They sail the seas, carrying people and various cargoes.

All of us more than once watched with admiration the military parades that were shown on TV. They include powerful military equipment, armored personnel carriers.

Draw "Truck"

Draw "Fuel truck"

Draw "Trolleybus"

Draw "Trolleybus"

Draw "Bus"

Draw "Van"

Draw "Car"

Draw "Tractor"

Draw "Tractor"

Draw "Tractor"

Draw "Crane"

Draw a "Cargo Crane"

Draw a "Fire Truck"

Draw "Airship"

Draw "Airplane"

Draw "Airplane"

Draw "Helicopter"

Draw "Helicopter"

Draw "Helicopter"

Draw "Balloon"

Draw "Steamboat"

Draw "Steamboat"

Draw "Yacht"

Draw "Sailboat"

Draw "Submarine"

Draw "Armored personnel carrier"

We draw "Steam locomotive"

Today we will learn to draw public transport. You probably use it regularly, well, or rode it at least once in your life. It can transport you around the city or between cities. Today we will learn how to draw a bus.

The article is intended for children, but the last example is so complex that it is suitable for experienced artists.


So, the first drawing method will tell us how to draw a bus for kids. The vehicle will be depicted from the side, it follows that this is not too difficult to do and a child of any age can repeat such a drawing.

Draw a rectangle with rounded top corners, the lower ones should turn out normal. Also, let's draw two wheels inside which there will be disks.

Now we need to detail our rectangle to make a real bus. Let's draw two horizontal stripes throughout the body, then draw another vertical one and get the door from which the driver exits.

Also, at this stage we need to draw the handle, wheel arches, bumper, headlight and mirror.

Let's add a few more vertical lines and thus get windows. Next, paint on the rear bumper with headlights and a sunroof.

We take the favorite colors of your pencils or felt-tip pens and paint the resulting drawing!

Half turn view

Let's consider a more difficult example that will show us how to draw a bus step by step, which is half a turn towards us. Due to the fact that the drawing will turn out to be voluminous, it will be a little more difficult to depict it than the previous one. Well, let's not waste time, rather, take an empty sheet and felt-tip pens, let's get started!

Let's start with the cockpit and draw its contours as in the picture below. As you can see, this is not a regular rectangle, because the edges expand approximately in the middle. In the lower part we will draw a line of the front bumper.

We detail the figure that we drew in the previous step. Let's draw a windshield, round headlights, a radiator grill and a decorative oval on top. Please note that according to the laws of perspective, all lines and objects should be slightly at an angle. Of course, you can ignore this point if you are not chasing realism.

We depict two wheels and the contours of the entire body of our bus. This step is quite simple. In the lower right corner, draw a piece of the bumper.

The last step is to draw a mirror near the driver's window and draw some passenger windows, under which there will be a long strip.

Also, you can watch a step-by-step video tutorial that demonstrates the process of drawing this drawing.

The difficult way to draw

It's time to figure out how to draw a bus with a pencil for experienced artists. This example is the most complex in this article. It has a huge amount of small details, volume and chiaroscuro, which is what makes it so difficult.

First we need to make a simple sketch, which we will turn into a full-fledged bus. Do not press hard on the pencil, we will not need some lines and will be erased in the future.

We draw horizontal stripes denoting the contours of the hood and windows.

We are working on windows. In addition to them, we need to outline the contours of the grille and front bumper.

At this step we have work in progress over the arches, discs and hood.

We depict a variety of decorative stripes as in the pictures below.

Draw a rectangle in the center of the sheet. We use a line for this.

Let's add one horizontal line at the top of the rectangle. We draw three vertical lines down from it. Between them we draw elongated rectangles with rounded corners.

Add two circles at the bottom of the rectangle. Then, in the middle of each figure, draw another such circle. We also draw an arc over each wheel.

On the left side we create the front of the car. Therefore, we remove the upper corner and draw an arc. We will also do with right side, where you want to draw a short arc at the top.

Finishing the windows for the bus driver and passengers. They should have smooth contour lines.

Add headlights and side mirrors.

We remove the auxiliary lines around the picture and work out the general outline.

The bus will be bright in color, and for this effect we take a yellow pencil. We paint over the main part of the transport with them.

Then we use orange. To give an extra tone to the yellow sections of the bus. We paint the roof, the middle of the bus, the doors, the headlight and the mirror in red.

We paint over the windows of the transport with blue and blue pencil to show the glare from the clear sky.

Dark brown paint over the wheels and bumpers. Create black volume.

Finally, let's work with a liner to define the boundaries of the contour and details of the picture. Fine shading can show volume or texture.

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a bus from london. But first, as expected, I will give you a few facts for a snack:

How to draw a bus with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw the base. She will serve us a huge parallelepiped, located in the very center of the sheet. That is, you need to remember a little geometry. By the way, if you remember the “vanishing point” from the pro lesson, then this is very cool. Because this trick works with the top and bottom lines of our bus. And somewhere far, far away they intersect.
Step two. We got a 3D drawing and move on. We draw wheels. Remember, an important rule: those objects that are close seem large, further away - small. And if you look at an angle, then the visual effect is such that you see the circle as an oval. Next are the windows. To draw them correctly, all new lines must be:

  • either parallel to the base of the bus,
  • or parallel to the vertical lines of the bus itself

Step Three Let's divide the resulting windows into sections. Perhaps there are already passengers sitting inside. Let's add rectangular headlights to our drawing.
Step Four Let's make our drawing more voluminous and lively. For each line of the window, we will make a parallel. Inside the wheels we will show the disks. Let's remember the details: these are the wipers, the rear-view mirrors, the door, and the turn signals. Ready:
See also lessons about other vehicles.