Aurora salvo drawing competition results awarding. Regulations on holding the All-Russian Art Competition for Young Artists "Volley" Aurora




State Duma

Federation Council

(as amended by the Federal Laws of December 27, 2005 N 195-FZ,

dated 06/30/2007 N 121-FZ, dated 06/10/2008 N 78-FZ,

dated 25.12.2008 N 283-FZ, dated 23.07.2010 N 177-FZ,

dated 03.05.2011 N 89-FZ, dated 06.12.2011 N 411-FZ)

Article 1. General provisions

1. Public chamber Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Public Chamber) ensures the interaction of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in order to take into account the needs and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation and the rights of public associations in the formation and implementation public policy in order to exercise public control over the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as to promote the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring human rights in places of detention.

2. The Public Chamber is formed on the basis of voluntary participation in its activities of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations and associations of non-profit organizations.

3. The name "Public Chamber of the Russian Federation" may not be used in the names of federal state authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, as well as in the names of associations, organizations, institutions and enterprises. The name "Public Chamber of the Russian Federation" is not subject to state registration.

4. Location Public Chamber- Moscow city.

Article 2. Goals and tasks of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber is called upon to ensure the coordination of the socially significant interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations, state authorities and local governments in order to resolve the most important issues of economic and social development, ensure national security, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, the constitutional order of the Russian Federation and the democratic principles of the development of civil society in the Russian Federation by:

1) involvement of citizens and public associations in the implementation of state policy;

2) promotion and support of civil initiatives of national importance and aimed at the implementation of the constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and public associations;

3) conducting a public examination (examination) of draft federal laws and draft laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as draft regulatory legal acts of executive authorities of the Russian Federation and draft legal acts of local governments;

4) implementation in accordance with this federal law public control (control) over the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as over the observance of freedom of speech in the media;

(clause 4 as amended by the Federal Law of December 27, 2005 N 195-FZ)

5) development of recommendations to the state authorities of the Russian Federation in determining priorities in the field of state support for public associations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society in the Russian Federation;

6) providing information, methodological and other support to public chambers established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and public associations whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society in the Russian Federation;

(Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

7) involvement of citizens, public associations and representatives of the media in the discussion of issues related to the observance of freedom of speech in the media, the exercise of the right of citizens to disseminate information in a legal way, ensuring guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom of the mass media, and developing recommendations on these issues;

(Clause 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 195-FZ of December 27, 2005)

8) implementation international cooperation in accordance with the goals and objectives defined by this article, and participation in the work of international organizations, as well as in the work of international conferences, meetings and other events.

Article 3. Legal basis for the activities of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 4

1. The Public Chamber approves the Regulations of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

2. The regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation establish:

1) the procedure for the participation of members of the Public Chamber in its activities;

2) the timing and procedure for holding plenary meetings of the Public Chamber;

3) the composition, powers and procedure for the activities of the council of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the council of the Civic Chamber);

4) the powers and procedures for the activities of the Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary of the Civic Chamber) and the Deputy Secretaries of the Civic Chamber;

5) the procedure for the formation and activities of commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber, as well as the procedure for electing and powers of their leaders;

6) the procedure for terminating and suspending the powers of members of the Public Chamber in accordance with this Federal Law;

7) the procedure for the activities of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the apparatus of the Civic Chamber);

8) forms and procedure for making decisions of the Public Chamber;

9) the procedure for involving in the work of the Civic Chamber of public associations whose representatives are not included in its composition, and the forms of their interaction with the Civic Chamber;

10) procedures for selecting members of the Public Chamber of representatives of all-Russian, interregional and regional public associations, provided for in parts 5 and 6 of Article 8 of this Federal Law;

11) the procedure for preparing and holding events in the Public Chamber;

12) the procedure for preparing and publishing the annual report of the Civic Chamber on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation;

12.1) the procedure for the participation of the bodies of the Civic Chamber in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the formation of public monitoring commissions formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to facilitate the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring human rights in places of detention (hereinafter referred to as the public monitoring commission), suspension and termination activities of the composition of the public monitoring commission, empowerment and termination of powers of members of the public monitoring commission;

(Clause 12.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 78-FZ of June 10, 2008)

13) other issues of the internal organization and procedure for the activities of the Civic Chamber in accordance with this Federal Law.

The Council of the Civic Chamber develops and submits for approval by the Civic Chamber the Code of Ethics for members of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Ethics). Compliance with the requirements stipulated by the Code of Ethics is mandatory for members of the Civic Chamber.

Article 6. Composition of the Public Chamber

1. The Public Chamber is formed in accordance with this Federal Law from forty-two citizens of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, forty-two representatives of all-Russian public associations and forty-two representatives of interregional and regional public associations.

2. The following public associations are not allowed to nominate candidates for members of the Public Chamber:

1) associations registered less than one year before the expiration of the term of office of members of the Civic Chamber of the current composition;

2) political parties;

3) associations that, in accordance with Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002 "On Counteracting Extremist Activity" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity"), have been issued a written warning about the inadmissibility of carrying out extremist activity, - within one year from the date of issuance of the warning, unless it was recognized by the court as illegal;

(Clause 3 was introduced by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

4) associations whose activities have been suspended in accordance with the Federal Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activities", unless the decision to suspend was declared illegal by a court.

(Clause 4 was introduced by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

Article 7. Member of the Public Chamber

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of eighteen may be a member of the Civic Chamber.

2. Members of the Public Chamber cannot be:

1) The President of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members of the Government of the Russian Federation, judges, other persons holding state positions of the Russian Federation, persons holding positions of the federal public service, public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of the municipal service, as well as persons holding elected positions in local governments;

2) persons recognized as legally incompetent on the basis of a court decision;

3) persons who have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction;

4) persons whose membership in the Civic Chamber was previously terminated on the basis of clause 6 of part 1 of Article 15 of this Federal Law. In this case, the ban on membership in the Civic Chamber applies only to the work of the Civic Chamber of the next composition.

Article 8

1. The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Part 14 of this article, based on the results of consultations with public associations, associations of non-profit organizations, Russian academies sciences and creative unions determines the candidacies of forty-two citizens of the Russian Federation who have special merits to the state and society, and invites these citizens to join the Public Chamber.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received an offer to join the Civic Chamber shall, within thirty days, notify the President of the Russian Federation in writing of their consent or refusal to join the Civic Chamber.

3. The President of the Russian Federation, within thirty days from the date of receipt by him of the written consent of the citizens of the Russian Federation to join the Public Chamber or after the expiration of the period established by part 2 of this article, approves by decree the members of the Public Chamber determined by him and invites them to proceed with the formation of the full composition of the Public Chamber chambers.

4. Not later than thirty days from the date of approval by the President of the Russian Federation of the members of the Public Chamber determined by him, all-Russian, interregional and regional public associations shall send to the Public Chamber applications on the desire to include their representatives in the composition of the Public Chamber, formalized by decisions of the governing collegiate bodies of the relevant associations. These applications must contain information about the activities of the public association, as well as information about the representative who may be sent to the Public Chamber.

5. Members of the Civic Chamber, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, within sixty days from the date of their approval in accordance with the procedure for competitive selection established by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, make a decision on admission to the members of the Civic Chamber of forty-two representatives of all-Russian public associations - one representative from public association.

6. Members of the Civic Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Civic Chamber, within thirty days after the expiration of the period specified in Part 5 of this article, in the manner established by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, accept the decision to admit as members of the Public Chamber forty-two representatives of inter-regional and regional public associations - one representative from a public association.

7. The composition of representatives from interregional and regional public associations is formed at conferences of delegates from interregional and regional public associations registered in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of one federal district. These conferences are held in the federal districts within thirty days after the expiration of the period established by part 8 of this article. The norm of representation at the conference is set at the rate of twenty delegates elected at each meeting of representatives of interregional and regional public associations held in each subject of the Russian Federation that is part of one federal district.

8. The meetings referred to in Part 7 of this Article shall be held within thirty days from the date of approval by the President of the Russian Federation of the members of the Public Chamber determined by him.

9. Meetings in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and conferences in federal districts are held on the initiative and with the assistance of members of the Public Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation and representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Public Chamber in accordance with Part 5 of this article.

10. The choice of representatives of interregional and regional public associations is carried out by members of the Public Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Public Chamber in accordance with part 5 of this article, by voting from among the candidates identified at conferences held in the federal districts. The number of representatives of interregional and regional public associations from each federal district is determined by the decision of the council of the Civic Chamber no later than six months before the expiration of the term of office of members of the Civic Chamber. At the same time, approximate equality should be observed in the number of representatives of interregional and regional public associations from each federal district. The number of candidates identified at the conference must be at least ten people.

(Part 10 as amended by Federal Law No. 89-FZ of May 3, 2011)

11. The Conference is entitled to nominate candidates for members of the Public Chamber if at least half of the delegates elected at meetings of representatives of interregional and regional public associations held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of one federal district took part in the conference. At the same time, these candidates must represent inter-regional and regional public associations registered in at least half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of this federal district.

12. The first plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber must be held no later than thirty days from the date of formation of the competent composition of the Civic Chamber. The Public Chamber is competent if it includes more than three-fourths of the number of members of the Public Chamber established by this Federal Law.

13. The term of office of members of the Public Chamber expires three years from the date of the first plenary session Public Chamber.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 89-FZ of May 3, 2011)

14. Six months before the expiration of the term of office of members of the Civic Chamber, the President of the Russian Federation initiates the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Civic Chamber, established by parts 1-11 of this article.

15. In case full squad The Public Chamber will not be formed in the manner prescribed by this article, or in the event of early termination of the powers of at least one member of the Public Chamber in accordance with paragraphs 2-10 of Part 1 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, new members of the Public Chamber are introduced into its composition in the following order:

1) The President of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the members of the Civic Chamber in the manner prescribed by parts 1-3 of this article, while the time for the implementation of these procedures is reduced by half;

2) members of the Civic Chamber, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, decide on the admission of members of the Civic Chamber of representatives of all-Russian public associations in the manner prescribed by part 5 of this article, from among the representatives sent by all-Russian public associations when forming the current composition of the Public Chamber in accordance with part 4 of this article;

3) members of the Public Chamber, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Public Chamber, decide on admission to the members of the Public Chamber of representatives of interregional and regional public associations from among the candidates identified at conferences held in federal districts when forming the current composition of the Civic Chamber in the manner prescribed by parts 6 - 11 of this article.

16. The procedures specified in clauses 2 and 3 of part 15 of this article shall be carried out within thirty days from the date of occurrence of the circumstances provided for in paragraph one of part 15 of this article.

17. Expenses for the formation of the Public Chamber, provided for by this article, are financed from the funds provided in the federal budget for ensuring the activities of the Public Chamber. Participating in conferences held in federal districts, representatives of interregional and regional public associations and newly elected members of the Public Chamber are reimbursed for travel expenses to and from the venues, accommodation and additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (per diem), if available relevant documents confirming the expenses incurred, in the amount and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

Article 9

1. Members of the Public Chamber at the first plenary session elect the council of the Public Chamber, the secretary of the Public Chamber and the deputy secretaries of the Public Chamber. The Council of the Public Chamber is a permanent body of the Public Chamber.

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

2. The Civic Chamber has the right to form commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

3. Members of the Public Chamber are members of the commissions of the Public Chamber. The working groups of the Civic Chamber may include members of the Civic Chamber, representatives of public associations and other citizens involved in the work of the Civic Chamber.

Article 10

The Public Chamber may involve in its work public associations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose representatives are not included in its composition. The decision to participate in the work of the Public Chamber of public associations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose representatives are not included in its composition, is taken by the Council of the Public Chamber.

Article 11. Restrictions related to membership in the Public Chamber

1. A member of the Public Chamber shall suspend his membership in a political party for the period of exercising his powers.

2. Association of members of the Public Chamber on the basis of national, religious, regional or party affiliation is not allowed.

Article 12. Participation of members of the Public Chamber in its work

1. Members of the Civic Chamber take a personal part in the work of the plenary sessions of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

2. Members of the Civic Chamber have the right to freely express their opinion on any issue of the activities of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

3. Members of the Public Chamber in the exercise of their powers are not bound by the decisions of public associations.

Article 13. Guarantees for the activities of members of the Public Chamber

1. A member of the Civic Chamber for the period of participation in the work of the plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber, as well as for the period of exercising the powers established by Article 20 of this Federal Law, is released by the employer from performing labor duties at the main place of work with the preservation of his place of work (position).

2. A member of the Civic Chamber shall be reimbursed for expenses related to the exercise of the powers of a member of the Civic Chamber, as well as compensation in the amount determined by law, other regulatory legal act at the expense of the federal budget.

3. The recall of a member of the Public Chamber is not allowed.

Article 14

1. A member of the Civic Chamber has a certificate of a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the certificate), which is a document confirming his authority. A member of the Public Chamber shall use the certificate during his term of office.

2. The sample and description of the certificate are approved by the Public Chamber.

Article 15. Termination and suspension of powers of a member of the Public Chamber

1. The powers of a member of the Civic Chamber shall be terminated in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in the event of:

1) expiration of the term of his powers;

2) submission by him of an application for withdrawal from the composition of the Public Chamber;

3) his inability, for health reasons, to participate in the work of the Public Chamber;

4) the entry into force of the court judgment passed against him;

5) recognition of him as incapable, missing or dead on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force;

6) gross violation of the Code of Ethics by him - by decision of at least half of the members of the Civic Chamber, adopted at the plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber;

7) his election to the position of the President of the Russian Federation, his election as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, his election (appointment) as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, his election as a deputy of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to an elective position in body of local self-government;

8) his appointment to a public position of the Russian Federation, a position of a federal public service, a public position of a subject of the Russian Federation, a position of a state civil service of a subject of the Russian Federation or a position of a municipal service;

9) if, after thirty days from the date of the first plenary meeting of the Public Chamber, a member of the Public Chamber has not complied with the requirement of Part 1 of Article 11 of this Federal Law;

10) death of a member of the Public Chamber.

2. The powers of a member of the Civic Chamber shall be suspended in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in the event of:

1) accusation of committing a crime in accordance with the procedure established by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation has been brought against him;

2) imposition of administrative punishment on him in the form of administrative arrest;

3) registration as a candidate for the position of the President of the Russian Federation, a candidate for deputies of a legislative (representative) body of state power, a candidate for an elective position in a local self-government body, an authorized representative or an authorized representative of a candidate (political party), and also in the event of his entry as part of the initiative group for holding a referendum in the Russian Federation.

Article 16. Main forms of work of the Public Chamber

1. The main forms of work of the Civic Chamber are plenary meetings of the Civic Chamber, meetings of the council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

2. Plenary meetings of the Public Chamber are held at least twice a year. By decision of the Council of the Public Chamber, an extraordinary plenary session may be held.

3. In order to implement the functions assigned to the Civic Chamber by this Federal Law, the Civic Chamber may:

1) hold civil forums, hearings and other events on socially important issues in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation;

(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

2) issue opinions on violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as violations of freedom of speech in the media and send these conclusions to the competent state bodies or officials;

(Clause 2 as amended by the Federal Law of December 27, 2005 N 195-FZ)

3) conduct an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, draft legal acts of local governments;

4) invite heads of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to plenary meetings of the Public Chamber;

5) send members of the Civic Chamber authorized by the council of the Civic Chamber to participate in the work of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as in meetings of collegiums of federal executive bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

6) send requests to the Public Chamber in accordance with Article 24 of this Federal Law. In the period between plenary sessions of the Civic Chamber, requests on behalf of the Civic Chamber are sent by decision of the Council of the Civic Chamber;

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

7) join international organizations, conclude cooperation agreements with them, send members of the Civic Chamber to participate in international conferences, meetings and other events in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

(Clause 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

8) participate in the work of the public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as send members of the Public Chamber to participate in events held by all-Russian, interregional and regional public associations;

(Clause 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

9) participate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the formation of public monitoring commissions, suspension and termination of the activities of the members of the public monitoring commission, empowerment and termination of powers of members of the public monitoring commission, assist public monitoring commissions in ensuring their teaching materials, documents and materials related to the activities of public monitoring commissions, as well as to conduct training seminars in order to improve the activities of public monitoring commissions;

(Clause 9 was introduced by Federal Law No. 78-FZ of 10.06.2008, as amended by Federal Law No. 411-FZ of 06.12.2011)

10) provide assistance to public chambers established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and public associations whose activities are aimed at developing civil society in the Russian Federation in providing them with methodological materials, provide documents and materials at the disposal of the Public Chamber, and also conduct seminars in in order to improve the activities of these public chambers and public associations.

(Clause 10 was introduced by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

4. The Public Chamber, upon the recommendation of the Council of the Public Chamber, approves the Code of Ethics for members of public monitoring commissions.

(Part 4 was introduced by Federal Law No. 411-FZ of December 6, 2011)

Article 17. Decisions of the Public Chamber and bodies of the Public Chamber

(as amended by Federal Law No. 78-FZ of 10.06.2008)

1. Decisions of the Public Chamber, taken in the form of conclusions, proposals and appeals, are advisory in nature.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

2. Bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government or officials, to whom the appeals of the Public Chamber are sent, are obliged to inform the Public Chamber of the results of consideration of the relevant appeal within thirty days from the date of its registration. In exceptional cases, the head of a public authority, the head of a local self-government body, an official or an authorized person has the right to extend the period for consideration of the said appeal by no more than thirty days, notifying the Public Chamber about it.

(Part two was introduced by Federal Law No. 121-FZ of June 30, 2007)

3. The Council of the Civic Chamber and the secretary of the Civic Chamber make decisions on issues within their jurisdiction by this Federal Law, other federal laws, in the manner established by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

(Part three was introduced by Federal Law No. 78-FZ of June 10, 2008)

Article 18. Public expertise

1. The Civic Chamber has the right, by decision of the Council of the Civic Chamber, to conduct an examination of draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local governments or in connection with with the appeal of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation to conduct an examination of draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local authorities much self-government.

2. By decision of the council of the Civic Chamber, the Civic Chamber conducts an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws affecting the following issues:

1) state social policy and constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of social security;

2) ensuring public safety and law and order.

3. To conduct an examination, the Civic Chamber creates a working group that has the right to:

1) involve experts;

2) recommend that the Civic Chamber send to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments a request for the provision of documents and materials necessary for conducting expertise;

3) propose to the Civic Chamber to send members of the Civic Chamber to participate in the work of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation when considering draft laws that are the object of expertise;

4) propose to the Civic Chamber to send members of the Civic Chamber to meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, collegiums of federal executive bodies, at which draft regulatory legal acts that are the object of expertise are considered.

4. Draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, after they are submitted to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, together with all documents and materials attached to them, shall be sent to the Public Chamber in the manner established by the Regulations of the State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Draft other acts specified in Clause 3 of Part 3 of Article 16 of this Federal Law, together with the documents and materials necessary for the examination, are transferred to the Civic Chamber by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities at the request of the Public chambers.

(Part four as amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

5. When conducting an examination of draft laws referred to in paragraph 2 of this article and relating to the application by the state of restriction or deprivation of liberty of citizens, arrest, seizure or confiscation of property in connection with the commission of crimes or administrative offenses, the Civic Chamber has the right to send to state bodies, state and other organization and (or) their officials, in accordance with their competence, a request to provide it with an opinion on the relevant draft law based on the results of inspections, studies and other data available to these bodies, organizations and (or) their officials. The said conclusion shall be sent to the Public Chamber no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the request. Expenses associated with the preparation of these opinions government bodies and organizations are borne by these bodies and organizations. Expenses associated with the preparation of these opinions by other organizations shall be reimbursed from the federal budget allocated to ensure the activities of the Civic Chamber.

(Part five was introduced by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

Article 19

1. Conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of bodies of the state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local self-government bodies are advisory in nature and are sent accordingly to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation, local governments.

2. The opinions of the Public Chamber based on the results of an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws are subject to mandatory consideration at plenary sessions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

3. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies are subject to mandatory consideration, respectively, at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, collegiums of the relevant federal executive bodies.

4. When considering the conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of drafts of relevant regulatory legal acts, members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

5. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory consideration by the relevant state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft legal acts of local governments are subject to mandatory consideration by the relevant local governments.

Article 20

1. The Council of the Public Chamber has the right to apply to the head of the federal executive body with a proposal to create a public council under this body.

2. The procedure for the formation of public councils under federal executive bodies is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the formation of public councils under federal executive bodies, which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation, is determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

3. The heads of the federal executive bodies ensure the participation of members of the Public Chamber in the work of public councils under the federal executive bodies.

Article 21

1. The Civic Chamber collects and processes information on the initiatives of citizens of the Russian Federation and public associations.

2. The Civic Chamber holds civil forums, hearings and other events on socially important issues in the manner prescribed by the Rules of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

(Part two as amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

3. The Civic Chamber shall bring to the attention of the citizens of the Russian Federation information on the initiatives referred to in Part 1 of this Article.

Article 22. Annual report of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber annually prepares and publishes a report on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation in the periodical of the Public Chamber.

Article 23

1. The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ensure the presence at plenary sessions and meetings of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation ensures the presence at its meetings of the members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

3. The federal executive authorities ensure the presence at the meetings of the collegiums of the members of the Civic Chamber, authorized by the Council of the Civic Chamber.

4. The procedure for the participation of members of the Civic Chamber in meetings of collegiums of federal executive bodies, which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation, is determined by the President of the Russian Federation. The number of representatives of the Public Chamber participating in the work of a committee or commission of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or a committee or commission of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as in a meeting of the board of the federal executive body, may not exceed five people.

Article 24. Providing information to the Public Chamber

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

1. The Civic Chamber shall have the right to send requests to federal state authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, state and municipal organizations, and in the case provided for by Part 5 of Article 18 of this Federal Law, to other organizations on issues included in the competence of these bodies and organizations. The requests of the Public Chamber must comply with its goals and objectives specified in Article 2 of this Federal Law.

2. Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, state and municipal organizations, and in the case provided for by Part 5 of Article 18 of this Federal Law, other organizations are obliged to provide, at the request of the Public Chamber, the necessary information, including in the form of documents and materials, with the exception of information that constitutes state and other secrets protected by federal law.

3. An official to whom a request of the Civic Chamber is sent is obliged to give an answer to it no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the request, and in exceptional cases determined by the Civic Chamber, no later than fourteen days. The response must be signed by the official to whom the request is sent, or by the person acting in his capacity.

Article 25

Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government, their officials, other state and municipal employees are obliged to assist members of the Public Chamber in the exercise of their powers established by this Federal Law.

Article 26

1. Organizational, legal, analytical, informational, documentation, financial and logistical support for the activities of the Public Chamber, the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child is carried out by the Office of the Public Chamber.

(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 177-FZ of July 23, 2010)

2. The Office of the Public Chamber is government agency, has a print with the image State Emblem Russian Federation and with its own name.

3. The head of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber is appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Council of the Civic Chamber.

4. On behalf of the council of the Civic Chamber, the secretary of the Civic Chamber exercises general management of the activities of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber.

Article 27 Informing the public about the activities of the Public Chamber

(As amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

1. In order to provide information support for the activities of the Civic Chamber, as well as to provide citizens and organizations with access to information about its activities, the apparatus of the Civic Chamber creates and maintains the site of the Civic Chamber in the international computer network "Internet", as well as other information resources available to the Public Chamber. chambers.

(part one as amended by Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 25, 2008)

2. All-Russian state organizations TV and radio broadcasters must broadcast on one of the all-Russian TV channels and on one of the all-Russian radio channels weekly overview information and educational programs according to a plan approved by the Public Chamber. The amount of air time on each of the specified TV and radio channels cannot be less than 60 minutes per month.

3. The Public Chamber, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, establishes a periodical.

Article 28. Financial support for the activities of the Public Chamber

1. Expenses related to the activities of the Civic Chamber are provided for in a separate line in the federal budget for the corresponding year.

2. Financial support for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber is carried out within the limits of the expenses provided for in the federal budget for ensuring the activities of the Civic Chamber and the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 177-FZ of July 23, 2010)

Article 29. Entry into force of this Federal Law

Article 30. Transitional provisions

1. The President of the Russian Federation, within thirty days from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, based on the results of consultations with public associations, associations of non-profit organizations, Russian academies of sciences and creative unions, nominates forty-two citizens of the Russian Federation who have special merits to the state and society , and invites these citizens to join the Public Chamber of the first composition. The further procedure for forming the composition of the Civic Chamber is carried out in accordance with Article 8 of this Federal Law with the specifics established by Parts 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. The members of the Public Chamber of the first composition, approved in accordance with this Federal Law by the President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure established by them, decide on the admission of forty-two representatives of all-Russian public associations as members of the Public Chamber. The competitive selection procedure is communicated to the public through the mass media no later than ten days before the start of its implementation.

3. Members of the first composition of the Public Chamber, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Public Chamber, in accordance with the procedure established by them, decide on the admission of forty-two representatives of interregional and regional public associations to the Public Chamber. This procedure is communicated to the public through the media no later than ten days before the start of its implementation.

4. Public associations registered less than one year before the entry into force of this Federal Law may not be allowed to nominate candidates for members of the Civic Chamber of the first composition.

5. Within two months from the date of the first plenary meeting of the first composition of the Civic Chamber, the staff of the Civic Chamber shall create a website of the Civic Chamber in the international computer network "Internet".

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin




Article 1. General provisions

1. The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civic Chamber) ensures the interaction of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations, trade unions, creative unions, associations of employers and their associations, professional associations, as well as other non-profit organizations created to represent and protect the interests of professional and social groups (hereinafter also referred to as public associations and other non-profit organizations), with federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in order to take into account the needs and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation and the rights of public associations and other non-profit organizations in the formation and implementation of state policy in order to exercise public control over the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the projects of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as to promote the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring human rights in places of detention.

2. The Public Chamber is formed on the basis of voluntary participation in its activities of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations and other non-profit organizations.

3. The name "Public Chamber of the Russian Federation" may not be used in the names of federal state authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, as well as in the names of associations, organizations, institutions and enterprises. The name "Public Chamber of the Russian Federation" is not subject to state registration.

4. Location of the Public Chamber - the city of Moscow.

Article 2. Goals and tasks of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber is designed to ensure the coordination of the socially significant interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations, other non-profit organizations, state authorities and local governments to resolve the most important issues of economic and social development, ensuring national security, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, the constitutional order Russian Federation and democratic principles for the development of civil society in the Russian Federation through:

1) involvement of citizens, public associations and other non-profit organizations;

2) promotion and support of civil initiatives of national importance and aimed at the implementation of constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, the rights and interests of public associations and other non-profit organizations;

3) conducting a public examination (examination) of draft federal laws and draft laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as draft regulatory legal acts of executive authorities of the Russian Federation and draft legal acts of local governments;

4) exercising, in accordance with this Federal Law, public control (control) over the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as over observance of freedom of speech in the media;

5) development of recommendations to the state authorities of the Russian Federation in determining priorities in the field of state support for public associations, other non-profit organizations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society in the Russian Federation;

6) providing information, methodological and other support to public chambers established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public associations and other non-profit organizations whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society in the Russian Federation;

7) involvement of citizens, public associations, other non-profit organizations and representatives of the media in the discussion of issues related to the observance of freedom of speech in the media, the exercise of the right of citizens to disseminate information in a legal way, ensuring guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom of the media, and developing these issues recommendations;

8) implementation of international cooperation in accordance with the goals and objectives defined by this article, and participation in the work of international organizations, as well as in the work of international conferences, meetings and other events.

Article 3. Legal basis for the activities of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 4

1. The Public Chamber approves the Regulations of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

2. The regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation establish:

1) the procedure for the participation of members of the Public Chamber in its activities;

2) the timing and procedure for holding plenary meetings of the Public Chamber;

3) the composition, powers and procedure for the activities of the council of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the council of the Civic Chamber);

4) the powers and procedures for the activities of the Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary of the Civic Chamber) and the Deputy Secretaries of the Civic Chamber;

5) the procedure for the formation and activities of commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber, as well as the procedure for electing and powers of their leaders;

6) the procedure for terminating and suspending the powers of members of the Public Chamber in accordance with this Federal Law;

7) the procedure for the activities of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the apparatus of the Civic Chamber);

8) forms and procedure for making decisions of the Public Chamber;

9) the procedure for involving public associations and other non-profit organizations, whose representatives are not included in its composition, into the work of the Civic Chamber, and the forms of their interaction with the Civic Chamber;

10) procedures for selecting members of the Public Chamber of representatives of all-Russian public associations, other non-profit organizations, provided for in parts 8, 9 and 12 of Article 8 of this Federal Law;

11) the procedure for preparing and holding events in the Public Chamber;

12) the procedure for preparing and publishing the annual report of the Civic Chamber on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation;

12.1) the procedure for the participation of the bodies of the Civic Chamber in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the formation of public monitoring commissions formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to facilitate the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring human rights in places of detention (hereinafter referred to as the public monitoring commission), suspension and termination activities of the composition of the public monitoring commission, empowerment and termination of powers of members of the public monitoring commission;

13) other issues of the internal organization and procedure for the activities of the Civic Chamber in accordance with this Federal Law.

Article 5

The Council of the Civic Chamber develops and submits for approval by the Civic Chamber the Code of Ethics for members of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Ethics). Compliance with the requirements stipulated by the Code of Ethics is mandatory for members of the Civic Chamber.

Article 6. Composition of the Public Chamber

1. The Public Chamber is formed in accordance with this Federal Law from forty citizens of the Russian Federation approved by the President of the Russian Federation, eighty-five representatives of the public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation and forty-three representatives of all-Russian public associations, other non-profit organizations.

2. The following public associations and other non-profit organizations are not allowed to nominate candidates for members of the Civic Chamber:

1) non-profit organizations registered less than one year before the date of expiration of the term of office of members of the Civic Chamber of the current composition;

2) political parties;

3) non-profit organizations that, in accordance with Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002, "On Counteracting Extremist Activity" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity") issued a written warning about the inadmissibility of carrying out extremist activity, - within one year from the date of issuance of the warning, unless it was recognized by the court as illegal;

4) non-profit organizations whose activities have been suspended in accordance with the Federal Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activities", unless the decision to suspend was declared illegal by a court.

Article 7. Member of the Public Chamber

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of eighteen may be a member of the Civic Chamber.

2. Members of the Public Chamber cannot be:

1) The President of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, members of the Government of the Russian Federation, judges, other persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, persons holding positions of the federal public service, public positions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, positions of the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of the municipal service, as well as persons holding elective positions in local governments;

2) persons recognized as legally incompetent on the basis of a court decision;

3) persons who have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction;

4) persons whose membership in the Civic Chamber was previously terminated on the basis of clause 6 of part 1 of Article 15 of this Federal Law. In this case, the ban on membership in the Public Chamber applies only to the work of the Public Chamber of the following composition;

5) persons with dual citizenship.

Article 8

1. The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with part 16 of this article, based on the results of consultations with public associations, other non-profit organizations, Russian academies of sciences, determines the candidacies of forty citizens of the Russian Federation who have special services to the state and society, and invites these citizens to join the Public chambers. At least half of the indicated candidates must represent trade unions, creative unions, associations of employers and their associations, professional associations, as well as other non-profit organizations created to represent and protect the interests of professional and social groups.

2. The posting on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation of information on the submission of proposals referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall be considered the day the President of the Russian Federation initiates the procedure for forming a new composition of the Civic Chamber.

3. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received an offer to join the Public Chamber shall, within thirty days, notify the President of the Russian Federation in writing of their consent or refusal to join the Public Chamber.

4. The President of the Russian Federation, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the written consent of the citizens of the Russian Federation by him to join the Civic Chamber, or after the expiration of the period established by part 3 of this article, by his decree approves the members of the Civic Chamber determined by him and invites them, together with the members of the Civic Chamber , delegated from the public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, to proceed with the formation of the full composition of the Public Chamber.

5. Not later than thirty days from the date of initiation by the President of the Russian Federation of the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Civic Chamber, the public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall elect from their composition by secret alternative voting one impeccable reputation representative to the Public Chamber at its meetings by a majority vote of the total number of members of the relevant Public Chambers.

6. A member of the Public Chamber cannot simultaneously be the head of the Public Chamber of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If the head of the public chamber of a subject of the Russian Federation is elected to the Civic Chamber, he is obliged to resign his powers of the head of the public chamber of the subject of the Russian Federation.

7. The inclusion of representatives of the public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into the composition of the Public Chamber is carried out on the basis of extracts from the minutes of the meetings of the relevant public chambers.

8. Not later than fifty days from the date of initiation by the President of the Russian Federation of the procedure for forming a new composition of the Civic Chamber, members of the Civic Chamber of the current composition, as well as members of the Civic Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with members of the Civic Chamber from the Civic Chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, form a new composition in accordance with Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, a working group to organize and conduct a competition for the selection of forty-three members of the Civic Chamber from all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations. The specified working group includes seven members of the Civic Chamber of the current composition, seven members of the Civic Chamber from among those approved by the President of the Russian Federation and seven members of the Civic Chamber from the Civic Chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the new composition.

9. Not later than fifty-five days from the date of initiation by the President of the Russian Federation of the procedure for forming a new composition of the Civic Chamber on the website of the Civic Chamber in the international computer network "Internet", the working group announces a competition for the selection of forty-three members of the Civic Chamber from all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations for fourteen directions social activities defined by the specified working group. At least half of these areas should be determined taking into account the representation of trade unions, creative unions, associations of employers and their associations, professional associations, as well as other non-profit organizations created to represent and protect the interests of professional and social groups.

10. Not later than thirty days from the date of the announcement of the competition specified in part 9 of this article, all-Russian public associations, other non-profit organizations send to the working group applications for the nomination of their representatives to the Public Chamber, drawn up by decisions of the governing collegiate bodies of the relevant all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations, indicating the direction of public activity in which representatives are nominated. Each all-Russian public association, each other non-profit organization shall indicate in their application one representative who is nominated by them to the composition of the Public Chamber. All-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations with experience in the relevant area of ​​public activity can nominate their representative to the Public Chamber. Representatives nominated to the Civic Chamber from an all-Russian public association or other non-profit organization must have an impeccable reputation and at least three years of experience in the relevant area of ​​public activity. These applications must contain information about the activities of a public association and other non-profit organization, as well as information about representatives that may be sent to the Civic Chamber, including information confirming the existence of the necessary work experience of an all-Russian public association, other non-profit organization and representatives nominated by them in the relevant direction of social activity.

11. Not later than ten days from the date of expiration of the period established by part 10 of this article, the working group specified in part 8 of this article, on the basis of applications submitted by all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations and in the presence of submitted information about all-Russian public associations, other non-profit organizations and about the representatives nominated by them to the Civic Chamber includes the nominated representatives in the list of participants in the competitive selection.

12. Not later than the day following the day of the formation of the list compiled in accordance with part 11 of this article, members of the Civic Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation and members of the Civic Chamber from the public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the new composition shall vote within fifteen days in the manner established by the Regulations of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, on the issue of admission to the members of the Public Chamber of forty-three representatives of all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations.

13. Based on the voting results of members of the Public Chamber approved by the President of the Russian Federation and members of the Public Chamber from the public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of a new composition, the working group specified in part 8 of this article, no later than five days from the date of expiration of the voting period provided for in part 12 of this article, appoints to the Civic Chamber three representatives of all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations in thirteen areas of public activity who received the majority of votes (in descending order of the number of votes), as well as four representatives of all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations in one area of ​​public activity who received the most votes (in descending order of the number of votes). The direction of activity, in which four representatives of all-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations are determined, is established by the working group.

14. The first plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber in the new composition must be held no later than July 1 of the year in which the term of office of the members of the Civic Chamber of the current composition expires. The Public Chamber is competent if it includes more than three-fourths of the number of members of the Public Chamber established by this Federal Law.

15. The term of office of members of the Public Chamber expires three years after the first plenary meeting of the Public Chamber.

16. Not later than one hundred and fifteen days before the expiration of the term of office of members of the Civic Chamber, the President of the Russian Federation initiates the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Civic Chamber, established by parts 1-13 of this article.

17. In the event that the full composition of the Civic Chamber is not formed in the manner prescribed by this article, or in the event of early termination of the powers of at least one member of the Civic Chamber in accordance with paragraphs 2-10 of Part 1 of Article 15 of this Federal Law, new members of the Civic Chamber are included in the following order:

1) The President of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the members of the Civic Chamber in the manner prescribed by parts 1, 3 and 4 of this article, while the time for the implementation of these procedures is reduced by half;

2) the public chamber of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision to elect its representative to the public chamber in the manner prescribed by parts 5-7 of this article, while the time for the implementation of these procedures is reduced by half;

3) To fill a vacant seat of a member of the Public Chamber - a representative of an all-Russian public association or other non-profit organization, the Civic Chamber introduces to the Civic Chamber a representative of an all-Russian public association or other non-profit organization who, following the results of voting, has won the majority of votes from among the candidates in the relevant area of ​​public activity, not previously included in the Public Chamber. If there are no such candidates, new competition in the manner prescribed by parts 9 - 12 of this article. All-Russian public associations and other non-profit organizations whose representatives are members of the Public Chamber do not participate in the nomination of representatives to the Civic Chamber for participation in the competition.

18. The procedures established by paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 17 of this article shall be carried out within thirty days from the date of occurrence of the circumstances provided for in paragraph one of part 17 of this article.

19. Expenses for the formation of the Public Chamber, provided for by this article, are financed from the funds provided in the federal budget for ensuring the activities of the Public Chamber.

Article 9

1. Members of the Public Chamber at the first plenary session elect the council of the Public Chamber, the secretary of the Public Chamber and the deputy secretaries of the Public Chamber. The Council of the Public Chamber is a permanent body of the Public Chamber.

2. The Civic Chamber has the right to form commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

3. Members of the Public Chamber are members of the commissions of the Public Chamber. The working groups of the Civic Chamber may include members of the Civic Chamber, representatives of public associations, other non-profit organizations and other citizens involved in the work of the Civic Chamber.

Article 10

The Public Chamber may involve in its work public associations, other non-profit organizations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose representatives are not included in its composition. The decision on the participation in the work of the Public Chamber of public associations, other non-profit organizations and other associations of citizens of the Russian Federation, whose representatives are not included in its composition, is taken by the Council of the Public Chamber.

Article 11. Restrictions related to membership in the Public Chamber

1. A member of the Public Chamber shall suspend his membership in a political party for the period of exercising his powers.

2. Association of members of the Public Chamber on the basis of national, religious, regional or party affiliation is not allowed.

Article 12. Participation of members of the Public Chamber in its work

1. Members of the Civic Chamber take a personal part in the work of the plenary sessions of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

2. Members of the Civic Chamber have the right to freely express their opinion on any issue of the activities of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

3. Members of the Public Chamber in the exercise of their powers are not bound by the decisions of public associations and other non-profit organizations.

Article 13. Guarantees for the activities of members of the Public Chamber

1. A member of the Civic Chamber for the period of participation in the work of the plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber, the Council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber, as well as for the period of exercising the powers established by Article 20 of this Federal Law, is released by the employer from performing labor duties at the main place of work with the preservation of his place of work (position).

2. A member of the Civic Chamber shall be reimbursed for expenses related to the exercise of the powers of a member of the Civic Chamber, and shall also be paid compensation in the amount determined by law, other regulatory legal act, at the expense of the federal budget.

3. The recall of a member of the Public Chamber is not allowed.

Article 14

1. A member of the Civic Chamber has a certificate of a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the certificate), which is a document confirming his authority. A member of the Public Chamber shall use the certificate during his term of office.

2. The sample and description of the certificate are approved by the Public Chamber.

Article 15. Termination and suspension of powers of a member of the Public Chamber

1. The powers of a member of the Civic Chamber shall be terminated in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in the event of:

1) expiration of the term of his powers;

2) submission by him of an application for withdrawal from the composition of the Public Chamber;

3) his inability, for health reasons, to participate in the work of the Public Chamber;

4) the entry into force of the court judgment passed against him;

5) recognition of him as incapable, missing or dead on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force;

6) gross violation of the Code of Ethics by him - by decision of at least half of the members of the Civic Chamber, adopted at the plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber;

7) his election to the position of the President of the Russian Federation, his election as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, his election (appointment) as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, his election as a deputy of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to an elective position in body of local self-government;

8) his appointment to a public position of the Russian Federation, a position of a federal public service, a public position of a subject of the Russian Federation, a position of a state civil service of a subject of the Russian Federation or a position of a municipal service;

9) if, after thirty days from the date of the first plenary meeting of the Public Chamber, a member of the Public Chamber has not complied with the requirement of Part 1 of Article 11 of this Federal Law;

10) death of a member of the Public Chamber.

2. The powers of a member of the Civic Chamber shall be suspended in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in the event of:

1) accusation of committing a crime in accordance with the procedure established by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation has been brought against him;

2) imposition of administrative punishment on him in the form of administrative arrest;

3) registration as a candidate for the position of the President of the Russian Federation, a candidate for deputies of a legislative (representative) body of state power, a candidate for an elective position in a local self-government body, an authorized representative or an authorized representative of a candidate (political party), and also in the event of his entry as part of the initiative group for holding a referendum in the Russian Federation.

Article 16. Main forms of work of the Public Chamber

1. The main forms of work of the Civic Chamber are plenary meetings of the Civic Chamber, meetings of the council of the Civic Chamber, commissions and working groups of the Civic Chamber.

2. Plenary meetings of the Public Chamber are held at least twice a year. By decision of the Council of the Public Chamber, an extraordinary plenary session may be held.

3. In order to implement the functions assigned to the Civic Chamber by this Federal Law, the Civic Chamber may:

1) hold civil forums, hearings and other events on socially important issues in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation;

2) issue opinions on violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as violations of freedom of speech in the media and send these conclusions to the competent state bodies or officials;

3) conduct an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, draft legal acts of local governments;

4) invite heads of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to plenary meetings of the Public Chamber;

5) send members of the Civic Chamber authorized by the council of the Civic Chamber to participate in the work of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as in meetings of collegiums of federal executive bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

6) send requests to the Public Chamber in accordance with Article 24 of this Federal Law. In the period between plenary sessions of the Civic Chamber, requests on behalf of the Civic Chamber are sent by decision of the Council of the Civic Chamber;

7) join international organizations, conclude cooperation agreements with them, send members of the Civic Chamber to participate in international conferences, meetings and other events in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8) participate in the work of the public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as send members of the Public Chamber to participate in events held by all-Russian, interregional and regional public associations, other non-profit organizations;

9) participate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the formation of public monitoring commissions, suspension and termination of the activities of the members of the public monitoring commission, empowerment and termination of powers of members of the public monitoring commission, assist public monitoring commissions in providing them with methodological materials, documents and materials related to to the activities of public monitoring commissions, as well as to conduct training seminars in order to improve the activities of public monitoring commissions;

10) to provide Public Chambers established in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public associations and other non-profit organizations whose activities are aimed at the development of civil society in the Russian Federation, assistance in providing them with methodological materials, provide documents and materials at the disposal of the Public Chamber, as well as to conduct seminars in order to improve the activities of these public chambers, public associations and other non-profit organizations.

4. The Public Chamber, upon the recommendation of the Council of the Public Chamber, approves the Code of Ethics for members of public monitoring commissions.

Article 17. Decisions of the Public Chamber and bodies of the Public Chamber

1. Decisions of the Public Chamber, taken in the form of conclusions, proposals and appeals, are advisory in nature.

2. State authorities, local governments or officials to whom the appeals of the Civic Chamber are sent are obliged to inform the Civic Chamber of the results of consideration of the relevant appeal within thirty days from the date of its registration. In exceptional cases, the head of a public authority, the head of a local self-government body, an official or an authorized person has the right to extend the period for consideration of the said appeal by no more than thirty days, notifying the Public Chamber about it.

3. The Council of the Civic Chamber and the secretary of the Civic Chamber make decisions on issues within their jurisdiction by this Federal Law, other federal laws, in the manner established by the Regulations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Article 18. Public expertise

1. The Civic Chamber has the right, by decision of the Council of the Civic Chamber, to conduct an examination of draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local governments or in connection with with the appeal of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation to conduct an examination of draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local authorities much self-government.

2. By decision of the council of the Civic Chamber, the Civic Chamber conducts an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws affecting the following issues:

1) state social policy and constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of social security;

2) ensuring public safety and law and order.

3. To conduct an examination, the Civic Chamber creates a working group that has the right to:

1) involve experts;

2) recommend that the Civic Chamber send to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments a request for the provision of documents and materials necessary for conducting expertise;

3) propose to the Civic Chamber to send members of the Civic Chamber to participate in the work of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation when considering draft laws that are the object of expertise;

4) propose to the Civic Chamber to send members of the Civic Chamber to meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, collegiums of federal executive bodies, at which draft regulatory legal acts that are the object of expertise are considered.

4. Draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, after they are submitted to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, together with all documents and materials attached to them, shall be sent to the Public Chamber in the manner established by the Regulations of the State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Draft other acts specified in Clause 3 of Part 3 of Article 16 of this Federal Law, together with the documents and materials necessary for the examination, are transferred to the Civic Chamber by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities at the request of the Public chambers.

5. When conducting an examination of draft laws referred to in paragraph 2 of this article and relating to the application by the state of restriction or deprivation of liberty of citizens, arrest, seizure or confiscation of property in connection with the commission of crimes or administrative offenses, the Civic Chamber has the right to send to state bodies, state and other organization and (or) their officials, in accordance with their competence, a request to provide it with an opinion on the relevant draft law based on the results of inspections, studies and other data available to these bodies, organizations and (or) their officials. The said conclusion shall be sent to the Public Chamber no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the request. The costs associated with the preparation of these conclusions by state bodies and organizations shall be borne by these bodies and organizations. Expenses associated with the preparation of these opinions by other organizations shall be reimbursed from the federal budget allocated to ensure the activities of the Civic Chamber.

Article 19

1. Conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of bodies of the state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft legal acts of local self-government bodies are advisory in nature and are sent accordingly to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation, local governments.

2. The opinions of the Public Chamber based on the results of an examination of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws are subject to mandatory consideration at plenary sessions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

3. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies are subject to mandatory consideration, respectively, at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, collegiums of the relevant federal executive bodies.

4. When considering the conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of drafts of relevant regulatory legal acts, members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

5. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory consideration by the relevant state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. The conclusions of the Public Chamber based on the results of the examination of draft legal acts of local governments are subject to mandatory consideration by the relevant local governments.

Article 20

1. The Civic Chamber, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, takes part in the formation of public councils under the federal executive authorities, and also forms public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by organizations in the field of culture, health care, education, social services and federal institutions medical and social expertise.

2. The procedure for the formation of public councils under federal executive bodies is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the formation of public councils under federal executive bodies, which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation, is determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

3. The heads of the federal executive bodies ensure the participation of members of the Public Chamber in the work of public councils under the federal executive bodies.

Article 21

1. The Civic Chamber collects and processes information on the initiatives of citizens of the Russian Federation, public associations and other non-profit organizations.

2. The Civic Chamber holds civil forums, hearings and other events on socially important issues in the manner prescribed by the Rules of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

3. The Civic Chamber shall bring to the attention of the citizens of the Russian Federation information on the initiatives referred to in Part 1 of this Article.

Article 22. Annual report of the Public Chamber

The Public Chamber annually prepares and publishes a report on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation in the periodical of the Public Chamber.

Article 23

1. The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ensure the presence at plenary sessions and meetings of committees and commissions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation ensures the presence at its meetings of the members of the Public Chamber authorized by the Council of the Public Chamber.

3. The federal executive authorities ensure the presence at the meetings of the collegiums of the members of the Civic Chamber, authorized by the Council of the Civic Chamber.

4. The procedure for the participation of members of the Civic Chamber in meetings of collegiums of federal executive bodies, which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation, is determined by the President of the Russian Federation. The number of representatives of the Public Chamber participating in the work of a committee or commission of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or a committee or commission of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as in a meeting of the board of the federal executive body, may not exceed five people.

Article 24. Providing information to the Public Chamber

1. The Civic Chamber shall have the right to send requests to federal state authorities, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, state and municipal organizations, and in the case provided for by Part 5 of Article 18 of this Federal Law, to other organizations on issues included in the competence of these bodies and organizations. The requests of the Public Chamber must comply with its goals and objectives specified in Article 2 of this Federal Law.

2. Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government, state and municipal organizations, and in the case provided for by Part 5 of Article 18 of this Federal Law, other organizations are obliged to provide, at the request of the Public Chamber, the necessary information, including in the form of documents and materials, with the exception of information that constitutes state and other secrets protected by federal law.

3. An official to whom a request of the Civic Chamber is sent is obliged to give an answer to it no later than thirty days from the date of receipt of the request, and in exceptional cases determined by the Civic Chamber, no later than fourteen days. The response must be signed by the official to whom the request is sent, or by the person acting in his capacity.

Article 25

Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government, their officials, other state and municipal employees are obliged to assist members of the Public Chamber in the exercise of their powers established by this Federal Law.

Article 26

1. Organizational, legal, analytical, informational, documentation, financial and logistical support for the activities of the Public Chamber, the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child is carried out by the Office of the Public Chamber.

1.1. Organizational, legal, analytical, informational, documentation support for the activities of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs is carried out by the apparatus of the Public Chamber.

2. The Office of the Public Chamber is a federal state institution, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.

3. The head of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber is appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Council of the Civic Chamber.

4. On behalf of the council of the Civic Chamber, the secretary of the Civic Chamber exercises general management of the activities of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber.

Article 27 Informing the public about the activities of the Public Chamber

1. In order to provide information support for the activities of the Civic Chamber, as well as to provide citizens and organizations with access to information about its activities, the apparatus of the Civic Chamber creates and maintains the site of the Civic Chamber in the international computer network "Internet", as well as other information resources available to the Public Chamber. chambers.

2. The all-Russian state television and radio broadcasting organizations must weekly broadcast on one of the all-Russian television channels and on one of the all-Russian radio channels review information and educational programs according to a plan approved by the Public Chamber. The amount of air time on each of the specified TV and radio channels cannot be less than 60 minutes per month.

3. The Public Chamber, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, establishes a periodical.

Article 28. Financial support for the activities of the Public Chamber

1. Expenses related to the activities of the Civic Chamber are provided for in a separate line in the federal budget for the corresponding year.

2. Financial support for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Civic Chamber is carried out within the limits of the expenses provided for in the federal budget for ensuring the activities of the Civic Chamber, the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation.

Article 29. Entry into force of this Federal Law

Article 30. Transitional provisions

1. The President of the Russian Federation, within thirty days from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, based on the results of consultations with public associations, associations of non-profit organizations, Russian academies of sciences and creative unions, nominates forty-two citizens of the Russian Federation who have special merits to the state and society , and invites these citizens to join the Public Chamber of the first composition. The further procedure for forming the composition of the Civic Chamber is carried out in accordance with Article 8 of this Federal Law with the specifics established by Parts 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. The members of the Public Chamber of the first composition, approved in accordance with this Federal Law by the President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the competitive selection procedure established by them, decide on the admission of forty-two representatives of all-Russian public associations as members of the Public Chamber. The competitive selection procedure is communicated to the public through the mass media no later than ten days before the start of its implementation.

3. Members of the first composition of the Public Chamber, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, together with representatives of all-Russian public associations accepted as members of the Public Chamber, in accordance with the procedure established by them, decide on the admission of forty-two representatives of interregional and regional public associations to the Public Chamber. This procedure is communicated to the public through the media no later than ten days before the start of its implementation.

4. Public associations registered less than one year before the entry into force of this Federal Law may not be allowed to nominate candidates for members of the Civic Chamber of the first composition.

5. Within two months from the date of the first plenary meeting of the first composition of the Civic Chamber, the staff of the Civic Chamber shall create a website of the Civic Chamber in the international computer network "Internet".

The president
Russian Federation