Legal ways to spend maternity capital

State social program maternity capital is still one of the most discussed topics in Russia. It is a financial assistance to Russian families who have more than one child, thanks to which many get the opportunity to solve their problems, including housing. Citizens, first of all, are concerned about the issue of extending the program after 2018.

To date, the validity period of mother capital in Russia is established by law until December 31, 2018. It is not known what decisions the country's authorities will make on this issue. Earlier, back in 2015, there was a similar situation, since the social program adopted in the country in 2007 was designed strictly for a ten-year period. As a result, already in 2015, talks began about the upcoming abolition of this material support mechanism from January 1, 2017. In the same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his address to the Federal Assembly, pointed out the need to continue the implementation of the program, since thanks to it, a significant population loss was avoided. As a result, Parliament extended the term by two years.

Through annual indexation, the amount of assistance under the certificate of maternity (family) capital was brought to 453 thousand rubles in 2015. After that, this amount did not change, since in December 2016 a law was passed to abolish indexation until 2020. This was done in order not to aggravate the situation with the state budget deficit.

Many parents ask a lot of questions regarding the validity of mother capital, as well as the timing when certificates can be issued and used. It should be noted here that the program covers those families in which a second or subsequent child was born (became adopted) before the end of 2018. Terms of use and issuance of certificates by the legislation of the Russian Federation are not limited, and this can be done later.

At present, the authorities state power innovations in the program are discussed. This is a proposal to replace mother capital with monthly allowance payments and the allocation of additional funds to such families. Draft laws are still in development, and it is premature to discuss anything yet. Also, the Russian Ministry of Labor initiated a bill extending this assistance mechanism until 2023.

Recall that state assistance under the maternity capital social program is allocated to families that have two or more children. The purposes for which this money can be spent remain unchanged. This is an improvement living conditions(purchase, housing, land for the construction of residential real estate, repairs, repayment of loans under mortgage agreements), education of children, mother's pension. Separately, it is worth highlighting the opportunity to spend funds on the current needs of children with disabilities. You can pay for services and goods for them according to the approved list (published on the PF website).

Many families do not dare to spend maternity capital only because they are not aware of the possibilities of its use. Despite the restrictions, there are quite a few ways to spend legitimate family money. Consider which of them can be used in 2015.

The amount of MSC indexed for inflation in 2015 is 453 thousand rubles. Thinking about what maternity capital can be spent on in 2015, certificate holders should take into account that it can only be used by bank transfer. An exception to the rule is a one-time payment from maternity capital, which is made on the basis of a special Government Decree.

One-time payment of 20,000 rubles (new method)

In 2015, maternity capital can be partially cashed out and receive 20,000 rubles in cash. To do this, you need to apply to the FIU with an application, attaching copies of your passport, certificate and bank account details to it. The money will be transferred after a month from the date of application. Deadline: Applications must be submitted by December 31st. It is extended only for those who have a second child in the last quarter - they have the right to apply until March 31 of the next year.

Spending directions

The main limitation in the disposal of MSC funds is that this opportunity is provided no earlier than three years have passed since the birth of the child. At the request of the mother or her authorized representative, the family's obligations related to:

  • with the improvement of living conditions;
  • children's education;
  • mother's pension.

Spending money on housing is the most demanded direction from those allowed by law. The statistics clearly show this.

Distribution of MSC funds in areas for 2007-2013 by regions of the Russian Federation, in % of the total number

Its popularity is explained not only by the real need to improve living conditions, but also by a wide range of use cases.

Acquisition and construction of housing

With the help of family money, you can buy, build an apartment or house, increase living space. The only condition: the child must be at least three years old if housing is purchased without borrowing. You can repay a loan or loan taken for housing purposes, regardless of the age of the child.

Payment for paid educational services

The law has been in force for almost ten years, so in many families children have grown up, for the education of which maternity capital can be spent. It is allowed to transfer funds to the account of a preschool, general secondary and higher professional educational institution:

  • for paid educational services;
  • for living in a hostel.

The basis for payment are contracts for the provision of paid services, rental of housing, concluded with educational institution. A prerequisite is the presence of a license and a certificate of state accreditation, the details of which must be indicated in the documents. When a student is expelled educational institution is obliged to notify the Pension Fund and return the unused funds.

Mother's funded pension

A funded pension is a deferred payment. If, for example, maternity capital is spent on a funded pension, then this will amount to about 2,000 rubles in its amount. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the amount of capital is annually indexed taking into account price increases, and the increase in funds in the savings account will depend on the investment income of the management company. For a state-owned company, for example, it is lower on average over the past ten years.

New offers

Last session, the State Duma discussed 35 proposals to expand the ways of using family capital. Most often discussed is the possibility of spending on starting your own business. So far, there has been no positive decision on this issue, and this option does not enjoy much support among the population, judging by the data of the fund's survey. Public opinion» (data of 2013). Many respondents believe that starting their own business should use other sources of raising initial capital.

In conclusion, we recall that the law is valid for the period until December 31, 2016. An extension is currently being discussed, but most likely it will be substantially changed. Those who already have a certificate can exercise their right later.

Years can change significantly. What can maternity capital be spent on, if positive decisions are made in favor of expanding the use of family funds. We will talk about what can be done with the funds received and what payments to expect for families with.

Maternity capital for disabled children

Today, mother's capital can be spent exclusively on improving housing conditions, a pension for the mother or the education of children. It is supposed to be allowed to be used to buy goods for children with disabilities. This also includes the equipment of the apartment with rehabilitation facilities.

This measure will improve the social and domestic adaptation of a disabled child, assures Maksim Topilin, Minister of Labor and Social Protection. As you know, the parents of a child may experience certain difficulties with rehabilitation, because they cannot afford expensive means for this.

It is proposed to spend on FM systems for the hearing impaired, computers for children with poor eyesight and hearing, bicycles for children with disabilities, equipment and necessary equipment for adaptive sports.

Recall that in 2014 the maternity capital is. And in 2015, the size of family capital will be already. In 2016, the maternity capital will amount to 475 thousand rubles.

Also, the Ministry of Labor of Russia reported an increase in the birth rate in the country, which increased by 2.4% compared to 2013. It's about about third and subsequent children, of which 110,306 were born in the regions during the reporting period. In some regions of Russia, this growth even exceeded 10% (Krasnodar and Perm region, Magadan, Tula and Samara region, Republic of Karelia and Chuvashia)

Maternity capital for buying a car

It is also possible that maternity capital can be used to buy a car. Such a bill was submitted to the State Duma by the deputies of the Rostov region. Note that from time to time other similar proposals are submitted to the State Duma. For example, to allow maternity capital to be spent on children's holidays in Crimea, for family needs, and so on. Today, 95% of citizens spend the money they receive on improving their living conditions.

Maternity capital for residents of Crimea

Starting from 2015, it is planned to extend the rules on the provision of maternity capital to residents of Crimea. The funds will be available to families in which the second and subsequent children were born or adopted in the period from January 1, 2007. Until the end of the year, programs stipulated by Ukrainian legislation will be implemented in Crimea.

As noted by Olga Kovitidi, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, today the pension in Crimea is at least twice as high as that received by citizens before the region became part of Russia. In addition, Sevastopol and Crimea will be able to apply for funds for the employment of people with disabilities. And at the beginning of 2015, the Russian system of subsidies will be introduced in the region, which will also affect maternity capital.

Maternity capital 2015 for mortgage repayment

The procedure for the use of maternity capital is determined to pay off a mortgage. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2014 No. 401 "On Amendments to the Rules for Allocation of Funds (Part of Funds) of Maternity (Family) Capital for the Improvement of Housing Conditions" was published.

What institutions can issue loans so that they can be repaid with maternity capital?

According to the document, clause 3.1 is introduced into Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 862 "On the Rules for Allocation of Funds (Part of Funds) of Maternity (Family) Capital to Improve Housing Conditions", which refers to the use of maternity capital (or part thereof) to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans for the purchase or construction of housing. Loan can be issued bank, microfinance organization, consumer cooperative or other institution. In order for the maternity capital funds to be transferred to the lender's account, the beneficiaries will have to show documents confirming the receipt of the loan.

Allowed to use for mortgage repayment in the summer of 2013 (Federal Law of June 7, 2013 No. 128-FZ "On Amendments to Articles 8 and 10 federal law"On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children"). By-laws have now been brought into line with the new rules.

In most cases, you can apply for maternity capital only three years after the birth of your second child. To pay off a mortgage an exception is made: in this case, you can dispose of the allowance immediately. In the winter of 2014, a draft law was submitted to the State Duma, which proposed to allow immediate use for the purchase of housing. However, the document was rejected.

We will remind you how to get a certificate for receiving maternity family capital and what documents you need to submit to the local pension fund.

How to get a certificate

Use package of documents (download) in order to find the addresses and telephone numbers of local branches in the regions of the Russian Federation, a sample application for issuing a certificate for mother capital.

In order to obtain a certificate for the issuance of maternity capital, you must:

  • in the territorial body of the Pension Fund Russian Federation at the place of residence, fill out an application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital, provide the necessary documents;
  • the term for consideration of the application is no more than one month from the date of its submission. After that, within five days, a notification is sent to the applicant, which indicates information about decision(on issuing or refusing to issue a certificate);
  • receive in the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence (stay, actual residence) a state certificate for maternity (family) capital.

What documents are required to issue a certificate?

In necessary cases, documents are submitted confirming the death of a woman who gave birth (adopted) children, declared her dead, depriving her of parental rights, committing an intentional crime related to crimes against the person in relation to her child (children), death of parents (adoptive parents) and others

When applying for a state certificate for the maternity (family) capital of a representative of a person entitled to additional measures of state support, the following documents are additionally submitted: identity, place of residence (stay) or actual residence and powers of a legal representative (trustee) ( passport, power of attorney).

As part of the government anti-crisis plan to ensure social stability and sustainable development of the economy May 5, 2015 Pension Fund Russia announced the start of accepting in all regions and branches of the PFR applications for a lump sum payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles under a certificate for maternity capital. So maternity capital began to be paid in 2015 on the basis of submitted applications.

What is the amount of maternity capital in 2015?

The Maternity Capital program in the Russian Federation was launched in 2007. When implementing this program, the main task is to stimulate the birth rate and demographic growth, the level of which in the past few decades has been unsatisfactory. The maternity capital in 2015 also continues to be paid, which cannot but rejoice those who are just preparing for replenishment in the family.

This state subsidy has become the most effective government support measure for parents with two or more children. The intolerance of the state to the fact that the birth of children brings individual families to the brink of poverty encourages the government of the Russian Federation to annually index maternity capital, thus increasing the amount of the benefit in proportion to the rate of inflation.

Note that initially this program was intended to help families with the appearance of a second and subsequent children. However, in 2015, at the birth of the third, fourth and subsequent children, payments will be made only if they have not been made before. At the same time, the deputies of the State Duma at meetings repeatedly raised the issue of the possibility of providing such an allowance at the birth of the first child.

The amount of maternity capital

For recent years the provision of maternity (family) capital is one of the main types of financial assistance to young families. The amount of the subsidy gradually increases from year to year. So in 2007, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation set the starting allowance for the birth of a second and subsequent children in the amount of 250,000 rubles. A significant achievement in the implementation this project there was a regular indexation of payments.

In accordance with the inflation forecast in 2014 and 2015, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has planned to index maternity capital. For 8 years, the amount of maternity capital has grown by 80%, and according to the results of inflation in 2014, in 2015 its amount is 453,026 rubles, that is, the size of the subsidy increased by 5.5% compared to last year.

According to experts' forecasts, in the future, the growth rate of payments will slow down, and in 2016 this amount will be increased by the state by only 4.5%, which will be equal to 473,412 rubles. So, in the federal budget for the next 3 years, payments under the Maternity Capital program provide for the following amounts:

  • 2015 - 344.5 billion rubles
  • 2016 - 317.4 billion rubles
  • 2017 - 249.2 billion rubles.

Therefore, the concerns of many parents about the significant depreciation of this subsidy are, at the very least, groundless. In addition, if the family has already disposed of part of the money, then the rest of the amount will also be increased taking into account the coefficient provided for each year. At the same time, if the amount of the benefit changes, there is no need to replace the certificate.

Since 2007, more than 5 million families in Russia have received a certificate entitling them to receive a subsidy. And the appearance of a second, third or fourth child in the family gives parents an excellent opportunity to think about the purposes for which they can use the money received in three years, provided by the state as a means of supporting the family.

How can the benefit be used?

Since 2007, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has issued more than 5.6 million state certificates for maternity capital. During 2014 alone, more than 730,000 Russian families. Until now, more than 52% of families have used maternity capital funds.

Directions for the use of the parent certificate 2015

The most demanded direction of spending the funds received as a result of the implementation of this project is still the purchase of housing. 99% of families directed the received funds to improve housing conditions. Directions for the use of maternity capital in the current year remain the same:

  • Buying an apartment or improving an existing home
  • Accumulation of labor pension for mother
  • The content and education of the child.

In 2015, changes in the use of these funds are possible. There are several options for the development of the situation regarding the implementation of the subsidy in the current year. According to some reports, the government plans to expand the list of the allocated funds. So in this list there may be opportunities such as moving, equipping apartments for disabled children, organizing children's recreation in the Crimea.

However, on the other hand, in 2015 it is also possible to reduce the number of destinations. The possibility of canceling the investment of allocated funds for the funded part of the pension for the mother and for the education of the child is not ruled out. Refusal of these directions is planned due to their non-use in practice, since the purchase of housing is a priority direction for using the received certificate.

At the same time, in 2015 the FIU will continue to develop measures against the misuse of benefits. Thus, proposals have already been prepared to strengthen control over the use of maternity capital funds for improving housing conditions: to issue money only to repay loans issued by credit institutions; ensure the suitability of the purchased premises for permanent residence with children.

Thus, families who are eligible for maternal certificate, you should not rush with his order, given that the amount of the allowance is indexed and increased annually.

Is it possible to send a subsidy to buy a car?

Today, many families, especially those with many children, are wondering if it is possible to use the allowance received from the state to purchase a car. This direction of using maternity capital has been the subject of active discussions and disputes from the very beginning of the project to provide additional measures of state support for families at the birth or adoption of a second child or more children.

The discussion of the possibility of buying a car using maternity capital flared up with renewed vigor at the end of 2014, when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to work on this issue by February 12, 2015. During the discussion of the issue of purchasing a car at the expense of a state subsidy, many arguments were expressed FOR, among which:

  • Support for the Russian car industry
  • Significantly facilitate the movement of parents with children in urban and rural settings
  • Improving the quality of life of large families.

But many officials spoke out against the initiative to purchase a car at the expense of state benefits, citing the following arguments:

  • Buying a car in its importance is incomparable with the acquisition of housing, nor education
  • It is more difficult to control the intended use of the vehicle
  • The possibility of subsequent resale of the car opens a legal way to cash out public funds
  • Buying a car with maternity capital does not solve the problem of forming pension savings.

As a result of lengthy disputes, the officials did not propose any radical innovations. To date, the purchase of a car does not appear in the list of approved areas for spending maternity capital.

Program duration

Parents who have a second or subsequent children after 01.01.2007 can count on receiving a family certificate. The completion date for this state project is 12/31/2016. It is during the period from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2016 that the second and subsequent children should be born or adopted. But you can get a certificate and dispose of it at any time, which is an additional convenience.

On this moment extension of payments under this program after the period specified by law is considered inappropriate. Although, in the presence of favorable conditions, the time limits can be shifted until 12/31/2026. This can happen upon adoption or the birth of a third child in the family after 01/01/2017

However, according to experts, the termination of the program after December 31, 2016 will have a negative impact on the birth rate. Everyone who is thinking about expanding their family in the coming years hopes to extend the project. Thus, maternity capital in 2015 is still available to millions of Russian families.