Birthday in nature. Birthday of a child in nature: ideas, design, quests, games and contests How to arrange a birthday for a child in nature

The warm season always contributes to holding holidays not indoors, but outdoors. Ideally, this could be a recreation center or someone's cottage. But the most economical option is always going to the forest or to the water.

Nature is especially relevant for urban residents and children who suffer from a lack of space for running and screaming loudly.

So we decided to celebrate the important day of our son in a large area and organized a children's holiday in nature, which took place at the end of May. We systematized all the actions for preparing and holding the holiday in a detailed birthday script for kids.

1. Preparation for the holiday.

a) Discuss in advance with the birthday person the number of guests and invite them to the celebration. Separately, with the parents of the children, discuss the time, clothes, food (if there are allergies or diseases).
b) Think of a scenario.
c) Pick a location. Go or drive in advance and find an open meadow that is both in the sun and in the shade. Bumps, holes, water are not desirable. Remove trash beforehand. Determine the location of the fire, table, play area and rain cover.
d) Organize transportation.
e) Think about the option of replacing or postponing the holiday in case of heavy rain.

e) Take with you:
First aid kit!
Awning and ropes in case of rain
Means from mosquitoes and midges.
Korematy, bedspreads, oilcloth, chairs, table.
Camera, video camera.
Disposable dishes, napkins, towels, soap, water.
Non-perishable food.
All for competitions, prizes.
Tripod, cauldron, matches, newspapers.

g) Take with you children-guests:
Replaceable socks, t-shirts.
From mosquitoes.
From shoes - sneakers.
Raincoats, if any.

2. Scenario birthday in nature.

a) Arrival at the place.

b) Acquaintance. Introduce adults, introduce children.

c) Safety precautions. This is the most important point in the organization of any children's holiday. It is especially important for nature or if the action will take place near a reservoir.
At the signal of the leader (a whistle was specially bought for such purposes), everyone should be near him.
Do not climb into the bushes!
Determine a place for the toilet.
Be in sight. Don't go anywhere without permission. If you want to walk - only with adults.

d) Familiarization with the schedule of the holiday.

e) Children are playing in the meadow, and adults are preparing for competitions. To organize a festive table, older guests can also be involved.

e) Preparation for competitions.
All competitions are held in 2 stages. First, relay races for two teams and their arrangement in 2 rows. At a certain distance, sufficient for running, put a bucket for the team. They will run around them. Then one team stands opposite the other and holds a series of competitions. You can finish with a sword fight from balloons.
Split into 2 teams.
Captain's choice.
name the teams.
One adult is assigned to each team.
Rules for everyone: do not shout at the same time, speak to the point, raise your hand and the commander has the last word.
Line up and start.

and) Competitions for children in nature.
1. Relay. Run with a stick and pass to the next player. Prepare: 2 sticks.

2. Collect fires according to the schemes. From ready-made logs, add up different schemes of fires. Prepare: logs.

3. Jump on one leg.

4. Throwing comets-metals on baubles. Prepare: 5 bastards per team with a little water so that they do not fall from the wind; metal comets.

5. Pass the "train". First, the first child goes by himself, returns and picks up the second player. Then they walk around the bucket together, then three of them, and so on.

6. Running in shorts. Run in pairs in shorts. Then take it off and give it to another pair. It is advisable to run the relay twice. Adrenaline will jump out.

7. Jump rope. Prepare: 2 jump ropes.

8. Carry the egg in a spoon. Say it's raw, but cook it in advance. Prepare: 2 spoons and 2 eggs.

9. Walking in oversized shoes. Prepare: 2 pairs of boots.

11. Tug of war. Prepare: rope, red ribbon.

12. Cheerful confusion. It is necessary to arrange the team in a circle, give out a ball of thread. Put one long thread into each player's hand. Then the host confuses the players themselves and the rope, accordingly, also gets tangled. The task is to unravel the rope without letting go of the rope. Prepare: 2 skeins of thread.

13. Throwing paper snowballs. Children stand opposite each other at a certain distance. Draw a long line between teams. Children are given a newspaper in their hands. It must be crumpled up and thrown at opponents on command. Then pick up and drop again.

14. Throwing snowballs into buckets. Collect snowballs and throw them at the target. Can be substituted for pine cones.

15. Balloon sword fight.

h) After the competition.
Presentation of medals.
Issuance of a map showing the location of the hidden treasure. An extra hint for the winners of the contests.
Search for prizes.

And) Festive table.
Toasts from each guest.
Break to fill out a group postcard. On separate sheets, sign congratulations for the birthday man. Seal in a large envelope and keep in the family archive.

TO) Free time.
Walking on stilts.
Setting up a tent.
Ball games.
Hoop twist.

3. Developments for organizing a holiday.

Medals. We made them in Photoshop and printed them out on a printer. Sprayed with hairspray to set the color and attached the braid to the edge. Medals were designed for girls and boys. You can download the text of the competitions and medals in one document.

Homemade inventory will be described in detail in the next article. Now we will only list it: large underpants made of fabric for relay races, throwing comets, swords from balloons, balls with a ball and stilts.

4. Report on holding a children's birthday in nature.

There were a lot of impressions and so words cannot convey the whole storm of feelings. All the children were delighted, and even now, after three weeks, when they meet, they remember how interesting it was for them at Lyoshin's birthday.

The holiday was held for 10 children. From transport there were one car and one minibus. Of the adults, Yura's father and two mothers. Since the main organizer, mother Lena, was at home with a temperature, the entire load fell on the shoulders of the father. He coped and proudly tells that he spent children's birthday in nature.

Of the products, the children ate mainly cold cuts and sandwiches with sausage. Homemade boiled pork, freshly fried whites, boiled eggs and potatoes with ribs from the fire did not impress them. Fruit, biscuits and a birthday cake were eaten with pleasure. Yes, and juice with water also dispersed.

Of the prizes, there was a notebook, a rubber jumper, a large candy, a small bag and a slimy slime (this is a mass that rushes to a smooth surface, then it lags behind it without leaving a trace). All of them were packed in a bag, newspapers and hidden in a large box with the inscription treasure. The kids found her after earning clues in the trunk of a car. Opened, dismantled and divided like real pirates. This division was reminiscent of a pirate birthday. This is another confirmation that people at the most gambling moment behave unpredictably. From experience, we can say that in such situations it is dangerous to give a shovel to search for a treasure.

Almost all the planned competitions were held and the children were always busy with something. The departure time was at 13.00, and the arrival was at 17.30. Later, after analyzing, we thought that we need to add another 2 hours next time for a more free and not fussy pastime.

Our dad said that for children it is possible to simply take them out into the countryside with sports equipment. For a friendly company, a hoop, jump ropes, balls, badminton, a kite and much more are a great help for a fun pastime. But still, one should not forget that children who are organized and “loaded” with tasks are more obedient and collected. Free walking can lead to conflicts. True, this does not apply to everyone.

I also plan to use this birthday scenario in nature for my son's classmates. That is, to bring the whole class out and conduct relay races with them and their parents.

After all of the above, it is worth saying that you should not be afraid of organizing such holidays. You just need to start doing and attract as many people as possible. It can be the parents of the guests, and the children themselves. Give out tasks and part of the job will be done. Even mosquitoes and midges will be afraid of such a professional organization and will not interfere with the holiday.

So, dear readers, we wish you more determination and good company! And then the holiday is guaranteed.

To arrange an unforgettable and fun birthday for your child, hold this event in nature. Such a holiday will definitely be remembered by the kid and he will remember it with a smile even years later.

All loving parents want to organize a bright and interesting birthday party for their child. In order for the celebration to be remembered and bring a lot of pleasure to the baby, it is most reasonable to organize a child’s birthday in nature.

Preparation for the holiday

The decision to have a birthday party outside the home is equally suitable for parents of boys and girls, but caring moms and dads will have to thoroughly prepare for this. Decide in advance exactly where the celebration will take place, make a menu, an entertainment program, and also call the parents of the invited children. The list of guests, of course, will need to be discussed directly with the birthday person.

Benefits of organizing a holiday away from home

If you don’t know how to celebrate a child’s birthday in nature, then you should know that organizing such an event is much easier and more convenient than it seems at first glance. The main advantages include:

  • Financial savings
  • Parents will not have to pay for restaurant / cafe reservations, as well as for the services of animators. In addition, dishes prepared at home will cost several times cheaper than similar items on the restaurant menu.
  • In nature, there is absolutely no risk of breaking dishes / breaking furniture, which is quite possible in a cafe. This is also a significant plus to the budget of parents.
  • A celebration away from the noisy city will undoubtedly benefit children: it guarantees them new emotions, good mood and a healthy appetite.
  • On the street, you will not have to restrict the children in their movements during the games: they will have enough free space and they can have fun from the heart, and you, in turn, will not waste your nerves worrying about the mess that the children will make.

What problems can arise when organizing a birthday party?

Of course, parents should remember that a holiday in nature should take place only in the warm season, when the kids will not be cold and they can sit on the ground. In addition, you need to know the weather forecast in advance and make sure that rain / thunderstorms and other adverse weather conditions are not predicted on the appointed day. In case of such unforeseen situations, parents need to be ready to host the holiday in their home.

We make a menu for a festive feast

Sometimes, celebrating a child’s birthday in nature, the question of what to cook puts parents in a stupor. This problem is solvable, one has only to take into account the fact that many children are very picky about food. Some babies refuse to eat meat, eggs, tomatoes or mayonnaise, and therefore there must be an alternative on the table.

It is desirable that the dishes prepared by you are simple, do not require heating and do not spoil without a refrigerator. A special bias should be done on all kinds of sandwiches, vegetable and fruit cuts. Parents can also cook shish kebab for kids on the fire, as well as bake potatoes on the coals.

In the case of children, it is better to serve in portions, since there is a high probability that the kids will not take from the common table.

This kind of food is sure to go with a bang. The holiday menu should contain a lot of sweets. We are talking about cakes, pastries and sweets. You can seek the help of an experienced pastry chef who will create a sweet masterpiece for the birthday boy. The cake can be decorated with images of cartoon characters and beautiful abstractions.

What should not be forgotten?

When going out into nature, parents should think about a lot of little things. For example, when choosing dishes, it is better to give preference to disposable plates and plastic bowls. The tablecloth should be chosen in color - it will add color to the celebration.

Get straws for drinks, skewers for canapés - kids will love it for sure. We must not forget about the bedspreads so that the children can frolic enough. Be sure to take warm clothes in case one of the guys freezes in the evening. Parents will also need insect repellents (preferably sprays), and a first aid kit - all of a sudden one of the kids will break their knees.


Naturally, when celebrating a child's birthday in nature, special attention must be paid to the choice of venue. There are various options, each of which is good in its own way:

  • Park/square within your locality. This will greatly simplify the organization process, because parents themselves will be able to bring their children to the holiday.
  • Recreation center outside the city

In the open air and fresh air, it will be better for children to play, but in this case, all the invited children must be picked up and brought home. In advance, ask two or three adults to be present - they will help keep the guys safe.

Safety first

By inviting other children, you place the responsibility for them during the celebration on your own shoulders. It is better to think about it in advance and choose a safe place for children to relax. The site must not have:

  • Broken glass, nails, debris and pits
  • When cooking treats on an open fire, extra care should be taken. Only adults can do this, while leaving little guests unattended.

The beginning of the celebration

If the child’s birthday is in nature, the scenario is a significant and important aspect. Having thought in advance and made a plan for the celebration, you will not allow children to suffer from boredom and frankly indulge. It is most reasonable to give preference to sports competitions, entertaining games and competitions with prizes.

What should be the scenario?

When all the children are in place, adults should immediately explain to them that it is necessary to behave especially carefully in nature. Children need to be shown where the toilet is located so that all sorts of incidental situations do not arise later. In addition, little guests need to be told that the event will go according to plan: they will play, eat, and then the time for fun competitions will begin.

While the children are having fun, adults should set the table and make all the preparations for the competitions.. Caring parents should ensure that all babies are comfortable and cozy. If one of the guys is not familiar, introduce them to each other.

After the feast, the children should be divided into two teams to perform all kinds of tasks. The spirit of competition will certainly prevail and the children will follow the rules of the game.


It is worth remembering that the trip to nature for the children is already, in fact, entertainment. But so that the celebration is not boring and monotonous, choose some interesting games for guests.

Competitions and games for children in nature can be really diverse. All sorts of team relay races are suitable when teams must cope with a certain task for a while. The good old run in bags is also good, as well as a competition where participants carry a spoon with a chicken egg in their mouths.

Birthday games in nature for children can be arranged and themed. For example, the Treasure Hunt quest will allow each guest to feel like a real pirate, a sea wolf. For this game, an adult should bury the treasure in advance (it can be a small souvenir or a box of chocolates) and give the kids a map.

This game can be diversified, for example, by arranging contests, only after passing which, the children will receive the missing part of the map. If you decide to include such a competition in your child's holiday program, prepare the appropriate props: pirate hats, spyglasses, toy guns and swords. Every child will surely remember such fun and tell their parents at home.

Leave a pleasant impression

In order for the celebration to be remembered as a pleasant moment, make sure that all the guests took part in the games and had fun to the fullest. Also, watch carefully so that none of the children are offended by their peers. During competitions, give the kids small gifts, but make sure that no one is left without a small gift.

If funds allow, call a photographer who can capture this beautiful and fun day on film. But if the budget does not allow for this, then take photos yourself - and the children will have something to remember, and parents will surely like it.

Birthday in nature: video

What could be better than outdoor recreation? Unless you celebrate your birthday with the whole family. In the videos prepared by us, you can see tips on how to make a birthday in nature bright and unforgettable.

Many parents dream that their children will be born in the summer. It is believed that celebrating birthdays at this time of the year is very simple and fun. And here the whole point is that the party can be held in the country, on the beach, in the forest or at the grandmother's in the village. Yes, in general, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is nature, which itself helps to create unique scenery so that the participants in the process can immerse themselves in their journey completely.

the site presents you its boring ideas, how bright, memorable and, most importantly, very fun to celebrate a children's birthday in nature.

Neptune Day or the wettest holiday

A cardboard ship and life buoys, squids and seahorses, pirates and ship captains, a map of a lost island and a treasure chest. A sea party in nature will not leave anyone indifferent. The legend of the holiday can be the rescue of marine inhabitants from a monster, the search for a lost island and a treasure hidden there, a scientific expedition across the ocean and acquaintance with its inhabitants. Whatever the story, but such a fest in nature cannot do without water bombs and pistols, sprinklers from plastic bottles, foam, rope, paper boats and life buoys. Encourage children to string pearls, find treasure chests, water races, build sand castles, solve sea animal quizzes, untangle knots, collect shells or pebbles, drive poachers away, and free fish from the net.

We play in the zoo or a holiday for the little ones

This theme is suitable for celebrating the birthday of even the smallest child, as it is understandable and interesting for kids. In addition, fresh air, beautiful greenery around, blue clouds that, like a wave of a magic wand, can turn into an unprecedented beast, the absence of distracting toys create a unique atmosphere for games and fun. For decor, you will need caps in the form of different animals, toppers to decorate the table, napkins, pictures, garlands with the image of our smaller brothers. The tablecloth can be made from a large sheet of paper with prints of footprints of different animals. A congratulatory poster - in the form of a huge python, on the body of which children will attach postcards, congratulations or just photographs. How can children be entertained at the holiday? Simple games about animals will be relevant. Each of them can be adapted according to the age of the children's company: "At the bear in the forest", "Crocodile", "Fight with water bombs", "Zoo", Animal karaoke, "Pick up the animal's tail" and others. Add a master class to the game program: even kids can make animals from a balloon, cup or plastic plate.

Shooting games, hostage rescue or special forces initiation

If everything is more or less clear with kids, then here's how to organize a birthday for a teenager who is only interested in computer games? We hasten to offer you our version of the development of events. As a legend for the holiday, choose the topic of hostage rescue, initiation of guests into special forces fighters, or simply remember the conditions of the old war game. A maximum of safe items, a minimum of parental attention and control - and the holiday will turn out to be memorable and very interesting. For the event, it is better to choose a clearing in a forest or park. The boundaries of the playing area can be marked with special tapes, and participants should be warned that leaving the allowed area is punishable by disqualification. If you have a suitable place in mind, it's up to preparation. Make a plan of the area, and then draw a map of it. First, offer the guys a preparatory stage: an obstacle course, shooting from water balloons or darts at drawn targets, a disguise master class (war paint, camouflage suit) or letter coding.

After that, offer the guys the mission itself: the release of the hostages, the escape from captivity, or the rescue of a classified item. This is where a drawn map can come in handy. At this stage, we advise you to take team building games that will help not only solve the main problem, but also rally the team, teach you how to make decisions and calculate moves. Examples of such games: move from point A to point B on 5 legs (if there are 3 participants, then one of them will have to jump on one leg), explaining some concept without words, placing chairs on a boat (the leader reduces the number of chairs), orienteering and others. In the end, be sure to arrange a shootout. Choose the safest "weapon": water pistols, soft pillows or paper swords. After that, invite the guys to the table, where the main treat on the table will be soldier's porridge.

Alice in Wonderland or how to save time

This is one of the most wonderful themed party themes to offer to kids over 6 years old. The birthday boy invites guests to a crazy tea party, organized right under the spreading branches of an old tree, from where their adventures will begin. Tasks for such a holiday will be very interesting and fun: solve puzzles and charades, set the correct time on the clock, solve riddles, go through the maze blindfolded, collect Humpty Dumpty in pieces, practice the art of card tricks, create funny figures from refined sugar and other. And when the guests get a little tired and decide to drink tea, arrange a little entertainment, where the invitees should change to the place of a neighbor every three minutes. It will be fun!

Call of the Jungle or Battle of Predators and Herbivores

Call of the Jungle is a children's program that was shown on television in the mid-90s of the last century. Her idea can be easily implemented in the nearest forest, park or lakeside. For the game, divide the participants into two teams: predators and herbivores. The plot of the holiday will be based on the confrontation of two teams: tug of war, games for speed and accuracy, sports relay races, orienteering and picket search, impromptu fishing or hunting. You can dilute the activity with creative contests: drawing with closed eyes, "crocodile", creating a creative design from found natural material or paper and then testing it for strength. To make it even more fun, add intellectual tasks: puzzles, riddles, quizzes, making words from the proposed letters for speed.

Soap bubbles, Chinese lanterns or a balloon with a surprise

And in conclusion, a small top 5 entertainment, without which a child’s summer birthday is unlikely to do:
- Bubble. Big ones, small ones, long ones and short ones. Arrange a competition or just noisy pampering for guests. Neither adults nor children will be able to pass by such entertainment. Everyone decides to try to create the biggest or strongest bubble in the world. There are plenty of materials for this now. Stock up on soapy water, sticks, tubes, frames, ropes and create. And if you add food coloring to the solution, the bubbles will turn out to be colored.

Piñata. This famous hollow toy comes from Mexico. It is easy to make it from cardboard, colored paper, glue, and various decorations. The type of toy will depend on the theme of the holiday: a star, a beehive, a figure, a horse, ice cream, a bomb ... Inside the toy is filled with sweets, confetti, serpentine. The task of the players is to break the piñata. For laughter and complication of the task, the participants are blindfolded.

Surprise ball. It is a worthy alternative to piñata. To create this surprise, you will need a large inflatable balloon, where parents can place serpentine, confetti, small gifts for guests, small balloons, lotteries, sweets in advance. The surprise ball differs from the Mexican toy in that its contents are visible to guests. It is enough just to pierce it with a sharp object: and a waterfall of gifts will pour out on the guests.
- Balloons. This is another entertainment that helps even the most serious adults return to their childhood. What can we say about the love of kids for bright balls. They can decorate the territory where the birthday will take place, you can play with them and arrange contests, you can draw on them or turn them into various freaks with the help of an application.
- Chinese lanterns, cold fountain, crackers. All these items will help make the finale of the holiday magical and very beautiful. By the way, launching lanterns into the sky can be made a tradition.

I prepared this scenario for the fifth birthday of my daughter Sashenka. The script is quite long. For the convenience of readers, I will first give an annotation to the script, and then I will describe in detail the preparation of all the details and the text of the characters' roles.


Kikimora marsh, having learned about Sasha's birthday, prepares a chest with gifts for Sasha and her guests. He locks the chest with a key, and imperceptibly drops the key into the lake.

Kikimora asks the frogs to write a letter to the old Lesovichk to help Kikimora drag the chest from the lake. Since the frogs do not have paper, they write a letter on 4 sheets of a water lily. A letter with the following content: "Sasha has a birthday today. We are waiting for you at Kikimora." Old Lesovichok receives a letter, but confuses the sheets and reads "Kikimora has a birthday today. We are waiting for you at Sasha." Lesovichok is going to Kikimora's birthday and prepares his self-portrait as a gift, on which he forgets to draw a nose. Lesovik comes to Sasha for a holiday and is waiting for Kikimora. While Kikimora is away, he makes riddles for the children, arranges a competition for the exact hit of the cones in the bucket, and then turns these cones into vegetables. Shows his self-portrait, asks to attach his nose to the portrait with his eyes closed. Time passes, but Kikimora still does not appear. Lesovik remembers the letter and shows it to the children. Children read the letter correctly. Lesovik is going to go to Kikimora and wants to take the guys with him. But since the road to Kikimore is very difficult and dangerous, Lesovik calls the forest Fairy, who turns children into forest men. After the transformation, the children are tested, they learn to walk on swampy bumps. Then the forest men eat and go on their way. They have to go through a bumpy swamp guarded by green frogs.

Meanwhile, Kikimora marsh discovers the missing key and asks the frogs to help her. The frogs learn that a fish has swallowed the key. Kikimora begins to fish in the lake. At this moment, children appear by the lake. They help Kikimore to fish. It turns out that there are a lot of fish in the lake that swallowed the keys! When the right key is found, Kikimora opens the chest and distributes gifts to the children.

Children take Kikimora to their place for a holiday.

It is clear from the abstract that the script can be used either for holding a holiday in nature, for example, in a country house, or in a spacious apartment. I knew in advance that we would celebrate our birthday at the Zelyony Bor camp, which is located in the Meshchera forest near Ryazan, so I selected material on the appropriate topic. The script required a lot of props to be prepared. The props were prepared right in the camp together with the children, not at the expense of rest. Children with pleasure helped to collect moss, bark, cones, draw a portrait of Lesovik, carve fish, paint them. I used to think that if the children see some elements of the holiday in advance, then the surprise effect will completely disappear and the plot will suffer. But this time there was no other way out, since it was almost impossible to make or draw something in secret. And I, to my surprise, came to the conclusion that preparing for the holiday gives children almost as much joy as the holiday itself. Still, some of the props - the costumes of the characters and the caps of the forest men - I prepared in secret. I chose the actors in advance and handed out the words to whom I could. This scenario assumes that the actors will know their roles. True, our "Kikimora" saw her role literally 5 minutes before the start of the holiday, but she had time to learn the words when she was already in the image waiting for her "exit". This scenario will require a person to follow the action and synchronize the appearance of the characters. Since I myself played the role of the Fairy, it was difficult for me to synchronize the script. It is better that these responsibilities are separated.

General props:

bucket for cones;
fabric that will cover the bucket;
vegetables and fruits (apple, carrot, tomato, cucumber, onion, potato) into which cones will turn;
a spoon in which to carry cones.

Lesovik's props:

self-portrait (see appendix);
flat nose made of birch bark with a piece of plasticine on the wrong side;
bag with cones;
a letter written on 4 green sheets of paper or cardboard;
sheet with riddles;
cardboard bumps - two for each child (see appendix).

Fairy Props:

caps for each child (see attachment); a large paper chamomile with riddles about mushrooms (riddles in the application);
coloring pages (see appendix);
pencils: brown (2-3), red (2), yellow (2), green (1), pink (1), orange (1);
Magic wand.

Props Kikimora:

paper lake (see appendix);
a fishing rod with Velcro instead of a hook (see attachment);
cardboard fish with Velcro on the lips (see attachment);
lock with key;
other keys (keys must be flat);
a chest that can be locked;

Lesovik costume:

hat made of birch bark and moss;
birch nose;
camouflage clothing hung with moss, branches, leaves, and so on.

Fairy Costume:

green paper hat (see appendix);
cape for the hairdresser, decorated with paper circles.

Kikimora costume:

tie a green scarf like in a bath on your head
paint the face with green shadows;
long dark skirt in plants;
green T-shirt or turtleneck.


Decorate the place of the holiday. We inflated about 50 balloons early in the morning, when Sasha was still sleeping, and decorated the porch with them. Until the holiday, which began at 16.00, "survived" 30-40 balls.

Determine the place where Lesovik will put the children and put a bench or chairs there. It is desirable that there is a place for competitions in front of the bench.

Prepare a table where the children will color the pictures.

Set a table where the forest men can eat and prepare for a long journey. We had fruit skewers (chopped fruit strung on skewers), sandwiches (with stuck flags, umbrellas), juice from glasses with elegant tubes. For children, the attributes of the holiday at the table are very important - flags, cocktail umbrellas, tubules. Such things are now sold in almost any "Children's World".

Determine the place where the conditional swamp will be. It is desirable that it be a flat area, cleared of cones and large sticks, located at a decent distance from the venue of the holiday. The site should have some swamp attributes - moss, reeds, water lilies and the like. We had two large inflatable frogs.

Decide where the lake will be. It is desirable that the lake be near a swamp, but the lake should not be visible from the swamp itself. We had bushes between the swamp and the lake. Stick the keys with tape on some of the fish. We had 12 fish and 6 keys. Spread the paper lake itself. Spread in the lake of fish. It is important that the fish with the right key is one of the last to be caught. My husband managed to guess the psychology of children. He put the fish with the right key on the edge, closer to the "shore" where the "fishermen" stood. Children chose their "victim", as a rule, from the center of the lake, and the fish with the desired key was caught as a result of the penultimate one.

So the holiday begins.

The birthday party was attended by 6 children (3-7 years old). They were very busy sorting out Sasha's gifts and did not notice the appearance of old Lesovik at all. And we then racked our brains on how to make Lesovik appear directly from the forest.

Lesovichok appears. He has a cap on his head and a nose made of birch bark, he is dressed in camouflage clothes hung with moss, branches, leaves, and so on. Lesovich has a portrait with him, a nose made of birch bark, a bag of cones, a letter written on 4 green sheets of paper or cardboard, a sheet with riddles (riddles can be read, the rest of the words need to be learned).


Hello, how beautiful it is here, I came for my birthday. Is Kikira Kirillovna's birthday celebrated here?

No! It's Sasha's birthday!


Well, it means that Sasha and Kikira Kirillovna have the same birthday, but she hasn't come yet?

All: No!


Well, I'll wait. Let's get to know each other.
(She asks all the children what their names are, how old they are, whether they go to kindergarten, etc.)

Our Lesovichok turned out to be very similar to Leshy, but none of the children were afraid of him.


Yes, something Kikira Kirillovna is delayed. Let's play with you.

Everyone sit down on the bench.
We will open the holiday now,
We will arrange miracle games here.
Turn to each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands all up
And move at the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"
It's time to start the games!
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "no" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.
We eat weed for lunch.
Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock with their feet).
For goat grass food?
Answer together ... (Yes - clap your hands).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children ... (Yes).
Rain - frozen water?
We answer together ... (No).
Are you okay with humor? .. (Yes)
Am I squatting now?.. (No)
Birthday - a fun day? .. (Yes)
Do you all like injections? .. (No)
How old is Sasha today? (Five)
We stomp our feet 5 times! Have fun!
We will clap our hands 5 times! More friendly!
Come on, Sasha, get up!
Come on, Sasha, spin around!
Come on, Sasha, turn around!
Come on, Sasha, take a bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And clap your hands again!


Well done. I see you guys are smart. Come on, I'll see if you can solve my forest riddles. For the correct answer, I will give you cones.

Who is standing on a white leg?
In a red hat on the path.
Against the mushrooms.
Guess? ...

Who has a swamp - a house?
Who doesn't make friends with mosquitoes?
Only the sun will set
Does he sing loud songs?
Pisces' faithful friend

Everyone in the forest is talking about her -
This is the best acrobat.
She is a good hostess
A hedgehog and a hare are friends with her.
Shares with them in winter
Delicious wild berry.
The tail is fluffy, the ears are arrow-shaped.
This is a redhead...

Who's stomping under the tree there?
With a hill of apples on needles.
Can't you see the legs under the mountain?
Who is this? Barbed...


Now guess the riddles more difficult.

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! -
Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird!
Made a noise...

From red fox
Into the bush
Wrapped up in leaves

tall, long-legged,
He is not too lazy to fly -
On a straw roof

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course the redhead...

Who is not friends with the bright light,
Underground in winter and summer?
His nose dug up the entire slope.
It's just grey...


Well, you have earned all the bumps. Now you will throw these cones into the bucket. Let each step back from the bucket as many steps as he is old. Who doesn't know how old he is? Who can't count?

Some guys were cunning and picked up cones right from the ground, as honestly earned cones ended. Then we played with this fact.

(Children throw cones into a bucket)

Throwing cones in turn was overshadowed by the fact that not all children wanted to wait for their turn. There were even tears about it.


Well done! Yes, I completely forgot. I prepared a gift for Kikira Kirillovna - my portrait.

(Shows a portrait without a nose. Everyone asks why there is no nose.)


And my nose is attached separately. Let's see if you can reattach the nose while blindfolded.

(Children blindfolded in turn glue their nose to the portrait).

Our children refused to be blindfolded, they covered their eyes with their hands. They probably looked. Still, almost no one was able to reattach the nose in place.


Yes, something doesn’t go well with Kikira Kirillovna?

Adult agreed in advance: So who is she, this Kikira Kirillovna? We don't know this.


Kikira Kirillovna? So this is our forest kikimora swamp. You know, she used to be a mermaid. In every swamp, if you don't know, different female spirits of the waters live - waterwomen, berehynia, mermaids and mavkas. They swim to the surface only in the evening, and sleep during the day. Leaves and onions live around the swamps. Leaves rule with quiet breezes and woods, rustle in the hollow foliage. Bows - call out, mimic those who scream in the forest. In the forest forest, in the mosses, on the lawns, in the fields, there live Pushchevik, Mossovik, meadow and field. Fruits in the forest are watched by Plodich, flowers by Cvetich, mushrooms by Gribich, bees by Pchelich, berries by Yagodinich. Goblin lives near the swamp in the forest thicket itself. So, when Kikira Kirillovna was still a mermaid Kira, the local Goblin got into the habit of going to her, he really liked her. Then the owner of the waters, the water grandfather, got angry, and forbade her to meet Leshy. Then there was a big holiday at the mermaids - Kupala. On the night of Kupala, mermaids dance, have fun, dance in circles. Leshy also came to the feast. Mermaid Kira danced with him all night. The waterman, when he found out about this, got angry, shook his green beard and turned the mermaid Kira into a kikimora.

(While Lesovik is talking, someone changes the cones in the bucket for all sorts of vegetables and fruits: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, so that the children do not notice)

We left a few cones in the bucket along with the vegetables. These were allegedly "non-magical" cones that the children picked up from the ground.


Yes, I completely forgot. We threw the cones into the bucket. Now I will show you the trick.

(He covers the bucket with a cloth, which is supposedly with cones)


Transform, bumps,
spruce, pine,
into something edible
The guys are all familiar.


And now come up in turn, feel through the handkerchief what is in the bucket and guess.

Feeling the contents of the bucket in turn did not work. The children rushed to the bucket all together.