Increase in maternity capital c. Where and how to apply for maternity capital? To improve living conditions.

In 2016, the program for the payment of maternity family capital will continue. Now the allowance for the family will be 453 thousand 26 rubles.

In 2016, the program for the payment of maternity family capital will continue. . The amount has been increased to reflect inflation. In case of applying for family capital to the Pension Fund by the parents of the second (or subsequent) child from January 1, 2016 maternal capital will be the same amount.

However, after the last proposed budget, the State Duma decided not to index maternity capital in 2016 and its size will remain the same -.

What is the amount of maternity capital in 2016?

In 2015, the amount of maternity capital is 453 thousand 26 rubles. It is issued to families in which a second and subsequent children have appeared, as well as to Russians who have adopted more than one child.

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets spoke about the size of the maternity capital payment since 2016 in the amount of 475 thousand rubles.

"It is important to say that from January 1, maternity capital is 475 thousand rubles, this is in our draft budget for 2016," the Deputy Prime Minister said. However, after the approval of the country's budget for 2016, the figure turned out to be the same, that is, there was no indexation of maternity capital in 2016 - the size of family capital in 2016 is 453 thousand 26 rubles.

Expanding the use of maternity capital will cost the budget 6.4 billion rubles, she noted.

Recall that this year citizens of the Russian Federation were allowed to spend from maternity capital. To decide on the desire to receive money, given almost a year. The application for the issuance of funds must be submitted by March 31, 2016.

How can maternity capital be used for children with disabilities

Earlier it became known that the government approved use of maternity capital funds for the purchase of goods and services. The rule will come into effect from January 1, 2016.

The government approved the use of maternity capital funds to purchase goods and pay for services for disabled children, Golodets also said.

"The use of maternity capital funds is expanding, this allows families to equip their housing, for education purposes, to buy special means rehabilitation, allows the child to adapt faster," she explained the essence of the proposed measure.

According to her, the prepared bill allows even before the child reaches 3 years of age use maternity capital. "The law applies to both natural and adopted children," she added.

Golodets also said that "this norm is estimated at 6.4 billion rubles" and directly affects 10,795 families in which children with disabilities are brought up today.

The bill establishes the right of families with children with disabilities to use their mother's capital to purchase goods and services that will help children quickly adapt to environment, with the exception of payment for medical services, rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services that are provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget, the Ministry of Labor explained to TASS. Such goods and services may include ramps, special handrails in the apartment, functional beds, massage tables, bicycles for children with cerebral palsy, lifting devices, displays, and a Braille keyboard.

Exception provided for payment for medical services, rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services that are provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget.

The Government of the Russian Federation will establish rules for channeling maternity capital funds to compensate for the purchase of goods and services for the social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society, and will also determine the list of such goods and services.

It is important to know about maternity capital

  • the right to receive maternity (family) capital is granted only once;
  • maternity (family) capital is annually indexed by the state, a change in its size does not entail a replacement of the certificate;
  • the term for applying to the FIU with an application for issuing a state certificate for maternity (family) capital after the birth (adoption) of a second (third or subsequent child) is not limited;
  • an application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the maternity capital can be submitted at any time after three years from the date of birth (adoption) of the second (third or subsequent) child. If it is necessary to use maternity capital funds to pay the down payment on a housing loan or loan, as well as to pay the principal and interest on a loan (loan) for the purchase or construction of housing, the capital can be used at any time after the birth or adoption of a child, with birth ( adoption) of which the right to receive a certificate arose;
  • maternity (family) capital is exempt from income tax individuals;
  • The certificate is valid only upon presentation of an identity document.
  • the validity of the certificate is terminated in the event of the death of the owner, deprivation of his parental rights in relation to the child, in connection with the birth or adoption of which the right to receive maternity capital arose, he commits an intentional crime against his child (children) related to crimes against the person, as well as in case of cancellation of the adoption of a child, in connection with the adoption of which the right to maternity capital arose, or in connection with the use of maternity (family) capital in full;
  • in case of loss of the certificate, you can get its duplicate;
  • maternity capital funds can only be received by bank transfer. Any cashing schemes for these funds are illegal. At the same time, the owner of the certificate for maternity capital, who agrees to take part in cash-out schemes, commits an unlawful act and can be recognized as an accomplice in a crime on the fact of misuse of public funds.
The program has been operating since 2007, active payments began to be made in 2009. Families in which a second or subsequent child was born have the right to maternity capital.

How to get and spend maternity (family) capital

The following have the right to receive maternity (family) capital:
  • woman holding citizenship Russian Federation who gave birth (adopted) a second, third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007;
  • a man with citizenship of the Russian Federation, who is the sole adopter of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into force starting from January 1, 2007;
  • the father (adoptive parent) of the child, regardless of the citizenship of the Russian Federation, in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a woman who has given birth (adopted) children, due, for example, to death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to the child, in connection with the birth (adoption) of which arose the right to receive maternity capital, to commit an intentional crime against a child (children) related to crimes against a person;
  • a minor child (children in equal shares) or a child (children) studying full-time until he (they) reaches the age of 23, upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father (adoptive parent) or the woman who is the only parent (adoptive parent) in the cases established by the Federal Law*.

In confirmation of the right to receive funds from maternity (family) capital, a state certificate is issued.

How to get a certificate for maternity (family) capital

Families in which a second, third or subsequent child was born or adopted after January 1, 2007 are entitled to receive a certificate for maternity (family) capital.

Who is given a certificate for maternity (family) capital

Mom, having Russian citizenship who has a second, third or subsequent child born or adopted from 2007 to 2016 inclusive.

Papa if he is the sole adopter of the second, third or subsequent child, the court decision on the adoption of which entered into force after January 1, 2007.

dad regardless of whether he has citizenship of the Russian Federation in the event that the mother's right to receive maternity (family) capital ceases.

A minor child (children in equal shares), as well as an adult child studying full-time in an educational organization (with the exception of the organization additional education) before graduation, but no longer than until he reaches the age of 23, if the parents or the only parent (adoptive parents or the only adopter) have ceased the right to additional measures of state support.

It is important to know that registration of guardianship does not give the right to maternity (family) capital. To obtain a certificate, a mother and a child whose birth gives rise to the right to receive a certificate must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

What documents to submit

In addition to the application, the following documents must be submitted:
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificates of all children (for adopted children - adoption certificates);
  • documents confirming the Russian citizenship of a child (children) born or adopted after January 1, 2007: a birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of his parents or there is a stamp of the passport and visa service on the citizenship of the child, an insert in the child's birth certificate, if received until February 7, 2007;
  • documents proving the identity, place of residence and powers of the legal representative or authorized person.

In some cases, documents are submitted confirming:

  • the death of a woman who gave birth or adopted children, the announcement of her death or the deprivation of her parental rights;
  • commission by a woman in relation to her child (children) of an intentional crime related to crimes against the person;
  • death of parents, declaration of their death or deprivation of their parental rights;
  • commission by parents or adoptive parents in relation to a child of an intentional crime related to crimes against the person cancellation of the adoption of a child, in connection with the adoption of which the right to additional measures of state support arose.

Can they refuse to issue a certificate?

To refuse to issue a certificate for maternity (family) capital, there must be good reasons that are provided for by law. Upon receipt of a refusal, you can appeal this decision to a higher body of the Pension Fund of Russia or a court.

How can family capital be spent?

1. Direct maternity (family) capital to improve housing conditions

You can dispose of maternal (family) capital for improving housing conditions when the second, third or subsequent children turn three years old. An exception is the payment of a down payment on a housing loan or loan, as well as the allocation of maternity (family) capital funds to repay housing loans and borrowings. In this case, you can use maternity capital immediately after the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child.

What kind of improvements in living conditions can funds from maternity (family) capital be used for?

  • purchase of a dwelling;
  • construction or reconstruction of an object of individual housing construction (IZHS) with the involvement of a construction organization;
  • construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction facility without the involvement of a construction organization;
  • compensation of expenses for the constructed or reconstructed object of individual housing construction;
  • payment of a down payment upon receipt of a credit (loan), including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans or loans for the purchase or construction of housing, including mortgages;
  • payment of the price under the agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • payment on account of payment of the entrance fee and (or) share fee, if the owner of the certificate or his spouse (wife) is a member of a housing, housing construction, housing savings cooperative.

It is important to note that the acquired residential premises must be located on the territory of Russia. Repair of a dwelling, in relation to the disposal of maternity capital, is not an improvement in living conditions.

In all cases of using maternity capital to improve the living conditions of the family, when the living quarters are not registered in the common ownership of parents and children, it is necessary to submit a notarized written obligation to register the living quarters in the common shared ownership of all family members.

Copies of documents are submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia with the original documents. The originals are returned to the owner of the certificate.

2. Direct maternal capital to the education of children

It is possible to direct maternity capital for the education of any of the children when the second, third child or subsequent children are three years old. On the date of commencement of training, the child must be no older than 25 years. An educational organization must be located on the territory of Russia and have the right to provide appropriate educational services.

What kind of services can maternity capital be directed to?

  • payment for paid educational services for educational programs having state accreditation;
  • payment for the maintenance of the child (children) and (or) supervision and care of the child (children) in an educational organization;
  • payment for the use of residential premises and utilities in the hostel provided educational organization for the period of study.

3. Allocate funds from maternity (family) capital to the mother's funded pension

Funds (part of funds) of maternity (family) capital, at the request of a woman who has received a certificate, can be included in pension savings and transferred to trust management of a management company or to a non-state Pension Fund- at the choice of mother.

In what form can I receive these funds after retirement

The legislation approved three options for obtaining these funds:
  • in the form of an urgent pension payment. The duration of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years. Assigned and paid, including at the expense of maternity capital funds aimed at the formation of a funded pension, and income from their investment;
  • in the form of a funded pension. Paid monthly and for life. The amount of the monthly payment is determined taking into account the expected period of payment of the pension. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the owner of the certificate accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia are taken into account;
  • as a lump sum payment if the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the sum of the size of the insurance old-age pension, including taking into account the fixed payment, and the amount of the funded pension, calculated as of the date of granting the funded pension. Also, such a payment is established for citizens receiving an insurance pension for disability or on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner, or receiving a pension for state pension provision, who, upon reaching the generally established retirement age, did not acquire the right to establish an insurance old-age pension due to the lack of the necessary insurance experience and (or) the amount of pension points of at least 30 (subject to transitional provisions).

Since the maternity capital program is due to expire in 2016, many families who are planning to give birth or adopt a second or subsequent child in the next few years are interested in the question of whether the this program and what changes can be made to it already at the current stage.

As for the mother capital in 2016, this program will continue, however, issues of changing the conditions for its operation are being actively discussed. On the this moment formed by the Russian authorities special advice, which is engaged in resolving issues about the future fate of the project.

Program changes

As was published in the Izvestia newspaper, the maternity capital program will continue to operate after 2015, but the ways in which it can be used may become much smaller. According to the statements of representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the intended use of the allocated funds can be limited only to the acquisition of real estate.

Today, mother capital can be invested in the education of children and in the formation of a funded pension for the mother of the child, but such use may be banned from 2016. This was recently announced by Alexei Levchenko, who holds the position of press secretary of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets. The exclusion of education from the areas of use of maternity capital is due to two reasons:

  • this method is used extremely rarely;
  • education in Russia is considered free.

He also claims that at the moment about 97% of families improve their living conditions with mother capital. But contributions to the funded pension system are practically not in demand. Therefore, they are likely to be excluded from the list of directions for implementation.

The main task today is to find such mechanisms for the use of funds that will be most in demand in the conditions modern life. In addition to the housing direction of the use of mother's capital, there were proposals to allow its spending on the treatment of children and business activities. But such proposals did not find support either from the Ministry of Health (after all, treatment in the Russian Federation is considered free), or from the Ministry of Economic Development (there is a huge risk).

Possible changes in regions

As reported " Russian newspaper”, The State Duma plans to introduce a double indexation of maternity capital. AT this case it will increase both taking into account inflation and taking into account regional coefficients for wages, depending on the climatic features of the area. In particular, when calculating wages for residents of Siberia, the North, Far East and Siberia, multiplying coefficients have long been used, taking into account which it is proposed to accrue maternity capital.

Program duration

The maternity capital program in its current form will continue to operate until December 31, 2016. From now on, payments will be made only on previously issued certificates for maternity capital, and the issuance of new certificates for those born in 2017 and subsequent years will cease. The issue of extending the program continues to be unresolved.

The amount of maternity capital in 2016 reached 453,026 rubles - the same as a year earlier. Despite the fact that the program was extended until December 31, 2018, maternity capital is not indexed in 2016: such a decision was made by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. Nevertheless, as an anti-crisis measure in 2016, all families eligible to receive maternity capital were offered to receive 20,000 rubles in cash: parents of children can spend this amount for any purpose (it is not possible to control the spending of 20,000 rubles in the Pension Fund in 2015-2016 will be). In more detail about what changes have occurred in the maternity capital program in 2016 and how to get 20,000 rubles, we will tell in this article.

How to get maternity capital in 2016

A family receives a certificate for family capital at the birth or adoption of the 2nd (or subsequent) child. Parents whose children were born after January 1, 2007 can apply for this type of government subsidy. The main condition: for registration of maternity capital, the child must have Russian citizenship, and parents must provide all Required documents.

In more detail, the algorithm for obtaining maternity capital in 2016 is presented in the diagram:

The Pension Fund (PFR) considers the parents' application for a certificate within 30 days. After that, the family receives documents confirming their right to register maternity capital. Whether you can spend the funds in 2016 or have to wait depends on several factors:

  • If the means of maternal cap. you want to use for repayment / registration of a mortgage loan, you can use the certificate issued by the PFR immediately.
  • If you have chosen a different path, how to use the funds, you will have to wait until the child, whose birth gave the right to receive maternity capital, is 3 years old.

Maternal capital 2016: indexation and directions of use

Now the amount of maternity capital has reached 453,026 rubles (as before 2016). In 2016, indexation of MK in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was not carried out, the conditions for obtaining and using maternity capital funds also remained unchanged.

Having collected all the necessary documents, in 2016 parents can spend their MK for the following purposes:

  1. Improving the living conditions of a family with 2 or more children. In particular, it is possible:
    • Compensate for the costs (which were or are just coming to the family) for the construction of a private residential building on their own or with the involvement of third-party organizations or individuals.
    • To carry out the reconstruction of a private residential building (it is permissible only if the living space is increased as a result of these manipulations).
    • Make partial or full repayment of a previously issued mortgage loan or contribute funds towards the down payment on a new mortgage.
    • Become a shareholder.
  2. Getting children education (after the second child reaches 3 years). Direct MK funds to:
    • Payment for private or public services. educational institution.
    • Payment for the accommodation of one of your children (student) in a hostel.
    • Payment for the maintenance of one or both children in preschool institutions.
  3. Formation of pension savings for the mother of the 2nd child.
  4. Receipt in 2015 - 2016 in cash of 20,000 rubles.

Receiving 20,000 rubles from maternity capital in 2016

As part of the implementation of the Government's anti-crisis plan, approved by Decree No. 98-r dated January 27, 2015, persons who have received a certificate for family maternity capital will be able to receive cash payments in the amount of 20,000 rubles for everyday needs. In accordance with the norms of the Federal Law "On a one-time payment at the expense of MC funds", approved by the State Duma on April 20, 2015, in order to receive a cash payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles. adopted certain period filing an application with the FIU or the Multifunctional Center for the provision of state. and municipal services (MFC). So, persons who have received the right to state assistance in the period from January 01, 2007 to December 31, 2015 inclusive, must submit documents and an application of the established form to the FIU or the MFC no later than March 31, 2016. Then they can get 20,000 rubles.

Now you can submit an application and all the necessary documents in order to receive 20,000 rubles in 2016 in the following way:

  • personally, by applying with documents to the MFC or FIU at the place of residence;
  • through the use of the website "Gosuslugi";
  • by mail (in this case, documents should be prepared - notarized copies).

To receive a payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles in 2016, you must collect the following documents:

  • Passport of the child's mother or certificate holder;
  • certificate for MK (original);
  • SNILS;
  • details of the current account in the credit institution, to which the funds will be subsequently transferred.

on receipt of 20,000 rubles. considered by the FIU within 30 days (the countdown is from the date of its registration). If a positive decision is made to pay a large family 20,000 rubles. in cash, the PFR transfers funds to the bank account of the certificate holder within 30 days from the date of this decision. That is, 20,000 rubles in cash can be received after 60 days from the date of application.

Maternal family capital in 2016: latest news

All parents who have the right to use the certificate are interested in news: has the maternity capital changed in 2016 (size, exact amount) and have there been new directions for investing funds? Recall that since 2013 there have been rumors that soon the mother's capital can be received in cash, at the expense of state assistance it will be possible to purchase a car (by transferring funds by bank transfer to the account of a car dealership or seller), or parents will be able to pay for treatment child in medical institutions. Unfortunately, in 2016 there were no fundamental changes - no new areas for the use of materiel capital appeared, the list of persons who are entitled to state assistance did not expand.

However, there are still positive developments. So, back in March 2013, the Ministry of Health and social development corrected the rules for applying for paperwork for maternity capital. As in the previous year, in 2016 you have the opportunity to send the application itself and the documents attached to it to in electronic format. The documents must be certified with the applicant's electronic signature and submitted to the Pension Fund either via the Internet or on a removable electronic medium.

Also in 2016, the procedure for paying the expenses for the education of children with the help of mother capital was significantly optimized. In 2016, the number of documents required for the transfer of family capital funds to pay for the contract form of education of children at the university was significantly reduced (in 2016, only an application and a copy of the contract for the provision of services certified by representatives of the university on a paid basis are submitted). Also, parents have the opportunity to use maternity capital to pay for the child's education in 2016 in a private preschool educational institution(you just need to collect the documents).

In addition, it has become easier to use maternity capital to form the funded part of the pension.

Note! In 2016, as in 2014-2015, the transfer of funds to the funded part of the pension was frozen: funds are directed to the insurance part.

When the mother-owner of the certificate, who sent the MK for the formation of the funded part of the pension, draws up this part of the cash state benefit in urgent payment for 10 years, the funds will be inherited. If a misfortune happens to a woman before the expiration of the 10-year period, then the investment income and the balance of maternity capital must be paid to her spouse - the father of the children, or to the children themselves.

a woman will not make an urgent payment, then the maternity capital will be added to the funded part of her pension, and then it will be paid indefinitely. Please note that if the mother dies, her children and spouse will not be able to claim the unpaid balance.

Important: from 01/01/2015 (and in 2016 inclusive) all citizens of the Crimean Federal District and the city of Sevastopol who have given birth or adopted a 2nd or subsequent child, starting from January 01, 2007 and until December 31, receive the right to maternity capital 2016.

Maternal capital 2016: indexation, problems, prospects

Despite the fact that even families who are just planning the birth of a second child think about maternity capital, in practice no more than 1/3 of all parents receive maternity capital. Why do the desires of young dads and moms diverge from their capabilities? It turned out that the reasons lie in the imperfection legislative framework and a very short list of opportunities to legally use the received capital, in particular, the impossibility of cashing out funds (we are not talking about a small amount of 20,000 rubles).

In particular, in the article “Mortgage for maternity capital”, we examined in detail all the difficulties associated with directing part of the funds to pay off a mortgage loan or pay a down payment. Note that the maternity capital of 2016, the indexation of which was never carried out, does not cover even 5% of the cost of an apartment of 50 sq. m. in Moscow (the calculation used data on the cost of a square meter of living space for February 2016). If we talk about the regions, then, for example, in Rostov-on-Don in February 2016, 1 sq. m. living space cost 58,995 rubles, i.e., buying an apartment with an area of ​​50 sq. m. at the expense of mother capital, the family could cover only 15% of its value. Thus, government assistance does not particularly lighten the financial burden that families take on when they decide to take out a mortgage. This is probably why this way of using the state subsidy is not very popular in our time.

Another problem of mother capital in 2016 is the uncertainty that officials are in no hurry to dispel. On December 10, 2015, at a meeting of the Government, a bill was approved to extend the MC program until December 31, 2018 (we recall that earlier Vladimir Putin came up with such an initiative during his annual message to the Legislative Assembly). However, the issue of subsequent indexation of MC funds remained unresolved. It is preliminary known that the Government is still intentionally increasing the amount of state aid, starting from 2017. So, in 2017, families will be able to count on about 480 thousand rubles, in 2018 - on 505 thousand rubles.

note: while these are only projects, the final decision on indexation issues has not been made.

News regarding possible changes in the distribution of funds of the federal MK is also disappointing. Officials seriously thought about how to make both regional and federal assistance to large families targeted: in other words, it will be the pension fund who will decide who to draw up and where to spend the MC. However, so far, even in relation to federal payments, “targeting” remains only an idea that has not been formalized on paper.

Given the small size of the federal MK by today's standards and the limited options for its use, parents should think about the possibility of obtaining regional capital- we talked about it in detail in this article. Now the regional MC programs, on the contrary, are expanding, opening up more and more new opportunities for parents. In particular, through the use of regional capital, the family can pay for the purchase of personal vehicles, treatment of children, etc. In addition, in most regions, you do not have to wait until the child is 3 years old: you can dispose of the funds of the local MC immediately after receiving the certificate. Residents of some subjects of the federation receive local MC funds in the form of cash: we are talking not about 20,000, but about 100,000 or more, and such programs operate on an ongoing basis (recall, the opportunity to receive 20,000 is provided only for 2 years).

From 2007 to the present time, the federal program "Maternal (family) capital" has been operating in the Russian Federation, which is an effective support for families with children at the state level.

Citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a certificate - parents with two or more children, if at least one of them was born after the start of state support.

Possession of a certificate allows families to improve their living conditions, pay for the child's education, and increase the mother's pension. Rosstat studies show that during the period of the program, birth rates in the country have increased.

In the current 2016, the program continues to operate, however, a number of changes have been made to it at the government level.

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State support for young mothers

it special shape support that allows young families to improve their well-being in difficult economic conditions. This type assistance is intended for parents or adoptive parents who have two or more children, if the second or subsequent child was born after 01/01/2007.

This is a one-time certificate with a legally approved amount that recipients can spend for certain purposes after the birth of a child reaches the age of 3 years or in cases of obtaining a home loan or mortgage or repaying them immediately after birth.

Use maternity capital may:

Main purpose of application family capital (strictly in non-cash form):

  • improvement of family living conditions: acquisition of housing (through a direct purchase or taking housing on credit or mortgage), individual housing construction (repayment of a target loan, making a contribution to a housing cooperative, participation in shared construction), reconstruction of existing housing (an increase in living space is mandatory );
  • repayment of a mortgage issued in a bank or other credit institution by the mother or father of children;
  • payment for the education of any child in the family (including services kindergarten, payment for accommodation in a hostel with educational institution etc.);
  • replenishment of the mother's pension (its funded part);
  • various measures aimed at the adaptation and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities (since January 1, 2016).

Prospects for the development of this program

The program, according to which families receive support in the form of maternity capital, has been operating for almost ten years, according to federal law No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" (December 29, 2006).

Since the beginning of this legislative act, the state has made the necessary payments to millions of Russian families, the size of family capital itself increased from 250,000 to 453,000 rubles.

Despite the fact that, according to the current legislation, the program was supposed to be completed by the end of this year, the Government of the Russian Federation extended it until December 31, 2018. This decision is not surprising, since the measures taken have brought tangible results, and its goals aimed at improving demographic situation in the country and maintaining the well-being and standard of living of families with children are still relevant.

The total amount or balance of the certificate for each family is subject to annual indexation by law, however, due to the budget deficit in 2016, the size of the mother's capital remained the same - 453,026 rubles. Amount of aid for 2017-2018 has not yet been determined, but indexation of payments is expected.

In the future there is multiple development options of this program:

  • abolishment if the program fulfills its main objectives or shows its inefficiency;
  • extension for 2, 5 or 10 years to maintain a favorable demographic situation in the country;
  • renewal in a substantially modified form (change of directions of use, categories of recipients, etc.).

Given the enormous social importance of the maternity capital program, one can hope for its further action and implementation.

Latest and latest news on the subject

In 2016 there are 4 main areas of use certificate funds:

At the same time, the latter direction has not yet been fully developed, and in practice it is difficult to implement due to insufficient financial justification, and also due to the fact that those goods or services for which funds can be used have not yet been fully approved.

In addition, in the future it is planned engage in several more areas of implementation state support funds to improve the well-being of families with children:

  • lump-sum payments for various needs in a fixed amount;
  • monthly payments that could help low-income families;
  • the possibility of buying a car of domestic production;
  • purchase opportunity land plot;
  • implementation of housing repairs or communications to the house.

Existing changes in 2016

This year, in the implementation of the federal program that provides families with maternity capital, there have been important changes:

  • the program was officially extended until December 31, 2018;
  • open new opportunity application of funds - social rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children, which needs to be finalized (definition of the list of goods and services for the use of funds and the rules for using the certificate themselves). It is supposed to compensate the parents or the adoptive parent in the form of expenses incurred;
  • a one-time payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles was approved (from 06/24/2016) to families whose balance of funds under the certificate allows this to be done. Previously, until April 31, 2016, 20,000 rubles were issued under a certificate as an anti-crisis measure.

Possible innovations in 2017

In 2017, this program will continue to operate in all approved areas, and the state, in conditions of economic instability, will continue to support families with children.

In addition, it is planned to index the amount indicated in the certificate due to inflation to 480,000 rubles.

In 2018, it is planned to increase the amount of payments to 505,000 rubles. It is possible that the certificate itself will begin to be issued in electronic form to simplify its issuance, as well as to avoid its damage or loss, so as not to issue a duplicate.

About the innovations of 2016 for this program, see the following video: